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Re: Vorona

Postby ChitinKal » Wed Nov 17, 2021 3:53 am

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Re: Vorona

Postby Rogue » Wed Nov 17, 2021 2:10 pm

January 5030

Gatford: In a stunning turn of events the Voronan National Army, under direction of President of the State Kombara, launched a series of chemical attacks against villages in the north controlled by the Voronan Front for Freedom and Democracy, killing a estimated 200 civilians and injuring thousands. Humanitarian aid groups are sounding the alarm, petitioning the World Congress and wider international community to intervene. The attack, performed around a week ago, saw chemical ordenance being shot from artillery positions manned by National Army units north of Gatford. They specifically targetted civilian centers and VFFD outposts. Hours after the attack, soldiers from the National Army entered the area in hazmat suits supported by columns of armoured vehicles. They swiftly retook some of the villages, leaving most of the injured, burned or dead civilians in their houses without providing medical aid. Within days almost all territory taken by the VFFD in recent months was retaken by the National Army, which now controls all major cities and towns, having forced both the People's Militia and VFFD into the interior rural part of the country.

While there seems to be no evidence of Deltarian knowledge of the chemical attack prior to it occuring, internal documents show that its advisors and military support present in the country to aid the National Army were ordered to stand down and not intervene for or against the atrocities committed. Deltarian forces did not participate in the offensive, but were not withdrawn either. When the chemical attacks stopped Deltarian air units and advisors resumed their supportive duties, making Deltaria partially responsible for the committed atrocities if it was up to the Voronan Times.

The People's Militia and VFFD are now severaly weakened. But while most of the important territory is military controlled, behind the lines terror attacks are getting more common place with hit and run attacks on military installations and civilian centers reported in greater numbers. A new terror group, called the Voronan Salvation Army, has used the chaos for a series of assaults against both People's Militia and National Army positions. This group seems to be seeking the creation of a ultra-nationalist regime based on strict religious code. Not much is known about them, but the Deltarian SRPZ did issue a report to Deltarian personel on the ground to be aware of underground/terrorist threats on the island nation.

The situation continues to worsen and war atrocities now seem to be common place.

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Re: Vorona

Postby Rogue » Wed Nov 17, 2021 2:40 pm

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Re: Vorona

Postby Auditorii » Wed Nov 17, 2021 11:54 pm

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Re: Vorona

Postby Luis1p » Thu Nov 18, 2021 3:29 am

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Re: Vorona

Postby Rogue » Sun Nov 21, 2021 8:42 am

December 5031

Gatford: The Voronan National Coast Guard has seized several freighters that are registered under the Lourennaise flag. The ships, which simply passed by Vorona, were seized by gunboats from the VNCG early last week, prompting condemnation from several countries in the region. President Kombara stated that the seizure of the ships is a "logical reaction to provocation" citing that the ships were meant to supply "terrorist elements in Vorona". The ships included large amounts of food and medical supplies, as well as a range of different tools that are now confiscated by the VNCG. Meanwhile Gatford is getting continiously shocked by terror attacks, committed largely by religious extremists. These attacks, which have become more frequent in recent weeks, has put the military authorities on edge and unsure how to counter them as the front in the civil war has stagnated. The attacks have started to be a bad show for the government which is trying to improve the economy during the civil war in a effort to increase public support. The continious attacks are scaring away investors however, with foreign bussinesses mostly being targetted. President Kombara has stated that he will launch a new counter terrorism unit to "annihalate the subversive and demonic terrorists within our borders and beyond."
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Re: Vorona

Postby Drax » Tue Nov 30, 2021 8:11 pm

Deltaria sending huminarian aid flotilla to Vorona with Kanjor escort

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Re: Vorona

Postby Rogue » Tue Nov 30, 2021 9:50 pm

September 5036

Gatford: The Voronan National Army has launched a major military offensive attacking both VFFD and VPM territory. The offensive, which is estimated to include over 50.000 Voronan soldiers, armoured columns and artillery support, started two days ago after 5 years of relative calm in the conflict, with all sides dug in and administering their own territories. The WC peacekeeping mission also showed promise, keeping most if not all hostile actions at bay. Representatives from the military junta and the different sides even came together twice to discuss a end to the conflict. But in a turn of events the military has launches a major offensive that has already seen a additional 5.000 Voronans displaced and hundreds killed or injured. Border towns, those on the line between the different sides, have been conquered by the military which is installing their authority there while VFFD and VPM forces, caught of guard by the spontaneous attacks, are trying to regroup.

The military has so far only conquered little territory against heavy losses, showing how well entrenched all sides actually are. Still the potential for more death and destruction looms as people are trapped between the different sides. President Kombara has issued a statement calling for the WC peacekeeping mission to leave Vorona and for the VFFD and VPM to surrender to "unite our beloved country." While the peacekeeping force is large, it would not be able to stop the large force heading towards their HQ. The HQ is situated in VFFD territory, considered to be the weakest faction in the conflict. Fighting on the frontline is only 20 kilometers from the WC HQ, prompting fears that the HQ might be threatened and eventually overrun. It is unclear how the situation may develop, but more refugees and displaced people have already been reported, with thousands in need of additional humanitarian aid.

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A burned out T-72 from the Voronan National Army, destroyed by VPM forces during the offensive
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Re: Vorona

Postby imperialpearl » Sun Dec 26, 2021 10:21 am

    Whilst the peace agreements were being signed between Lourenne and warring factions of Vorona’s decades-long civil war, the Voronan people - the most affected by the devastating conflict - were left to wonder what will become of their nation and how will they fare in a post-war environment. With more than 50,000 dead and 1,000,000 displaced/homeless, the devastation of the civil war and its impact on the national economy and the socio-economic fabric of the nation cannot be understated. One would believe that having played roles in the conflict’s progression, the warring parties and their extra-regional supporters would work to bring about reconstruction and growth within the nation. However, all that has been rendered onto the Voronan people have been hushed apologies and promises of future cooperation. For the major actors within the conflict, namely Deltaria and Lourenne, Vorona’s economic collapse may not be anywhere within the range of concern for their respective peoples and governments, the Voronan people must now carry the burden of economic, political and social collapse on their own and carve a new path forward, seemingly without much foreign assistance. The collapse of core institutions has left numerous obstacles should the Voronan people seek to mount their recovery. Very little is known as it relates to the true state of the Voronan economy, however preliminary estimates from external sources point to rising unemployment, hyperinflation and the outright collapse of the nation’s financial system as a clear indication of complete economic ruin. Although the peace agreement negotiated jointly by Lourenne and World Congress between the VFFD, VNA and VPM, brings necessary stability to what can only be described as the most unstable economic, social and political environment, it offers no real assistance to a possible Voronan recovery outside of forcing “progressive” Lourennais-style political and economic reforms through the process. As a part of the agreement, however, peacekeepers from Lourenne will remain on the islands to guarantee stability whilst a provisional government, appointed by Lourenne prepares the nation for its treaty-bound transition towards multi-party representative democracy, thus bringing to an end, the provisional military junta governance structures which existed underneath the previous regime.

    Apart from the economic crisis, the Voronan people jostle with a worsening humanitarian crisis. With hundreds of thousands of persons displaced/homeless due to the devastation of the conflict, any future plans for recovery must consider the human toll of the crisis. Believing that their future in Vorona could mean untold pain and suffering both from themselves and their children, Voronans are leaving the island in droves, seeking to make the dangerous journey across roughs sees to Lourenne, Talmoria, Gaduridos and Yingdala. Whilst in the interim it cannot be estimated how many Voronans are fleeing the island, numerous human rights organisations including the International Center for Refugees and Humanitarianism (ICRH) estimate that around 60,000 have fled the island in the past few months following the signing of the peace agreement, with around 2-3 million having fled the island at the height of the conflict. The ICRH estimates that the exodus of around 3 million from the island into surrounding nations could potentially decrease micro-crisis within the receiving nations, especially those with precarious economic situations such as Gaduridos, Talmoria and Yingdala. Lourennais human rights lawyer, Marie-Hélène Castex explained in an interview that an influx of refugees could place the economies and social welfare systems of receiving nations under considerable stress. “The economic situations in nations such as Gaduridos, Talmoria and Yingdala creates scenarios wherein their already strained social welfare systems can be placed under added stress via the influx of undocumented migrants.” Apart from the migrant crisis, the health crisis arising out of the collapse of most institutions is evolving in its own crisis. As the nation’s professionals (i.e.) doctors, academics, teachers, technocrats etc, flee the nation, healthcare within the country for the interim remains questionable. With both children and the elderly being unable to undergo life-saving surgeries many have either died or attempted to make the dangerous trek to green pasters capable of performing the surgeries, often having to make dehumanising favours to human traffickers and potentially selling much of their belongings to pay for said surgeries. A lack of foreign exchange has ground the supply of life-saving medication to a halt, sending many into confusion and disarray.

    Whoever is to reign over the reconstruction/recovery of Vorona is clearly up for one of the most difficult and stressful situations by any government and it is with that view that this newspaper does not envy the politician, technocrat or patriot (for that matter) who may be appointed to govern over these numerous crises. It is hoped that the provisional government will do well to weather the storms of critique/criticism and bring about the recovery and transformation the Voronan people desperately need.
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Re: Vorona

Postby Luis1p » Tue Dec 28, 2021 2:22 am

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