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Re: The Mordus Daily

Postby Luxis » Thu Feb 11, 2010 2:49 am

Viceroy, Minister of Foreign Affairs Introduce Resolution, Side-Step Treaty of Recognition

The Imperial Diet of Mordusia ASSEMBLED decrees the following:

I. The Commonwealth of Yishelem and Beiteynu shall be granted full diplomatic access to the Imperial Dominion equal to that of any sovereign nation.

II. The Imperial Dominion of Mordusia recognizes the sovereignty of the elected representatives of the Commonwealth of Yishelem and Beiteynu to govern within their nation's recognized borders.

III. The Imperial Dominion welcomes any ambassador of the the Commonwealth of Yishelem and Beiteynu that is duly appointed by the elected authorities therein.

Those are the words of the resolution introduced before the Imperial Diet earlier today for debate. Viceroy Streitem and Minister Inos both have signed their names to the document, with both leaders pledging to personally go to the Diet should the Resolution need further clarification. The Resolution of Recognition of the Commonwealth of Yishelem and Beiteynu appears to be a diplomatic slap at Luthori's war against the former Republic.

At a time when the ARP has shifted towards a more populist tone in message, this appears to be a more formal distancing of themselves from the Imperial Dynasty led by Emperor Henry II. Archbishop Streitem defended the resolution by saying that "in the minds of the Mordusian Government, nothing has changed in Beiteynu in terms of their political representation. The regime that has competitive, free, frequent, and fair elections will be welcome with open arms to their old friends in Mordusia - as they always have been."

Foreign Minister Pram Inos also released a separate statement declaring that "Mordusia is united by noble bloodline to the His Majesty, the Emperor. However, the people of Mordusia must protect themselves. Imperial expansionism that is done in this manner is unacceptable to the Mordusian people for it has the potential to implicate our nation in numerous battles on behalf of the greed of others."

Neither office would comment further on the matter; however, debate within the Imperial Diet seems to have met initial approval of the Resolution, with all four major parties pledging at least interest in supporting the Bill.
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Re: The Mordus Daily

Postby Luxis » Fri Feb 12, 2010 7:01 pm

ARP Party President Blasts Luthori, Calls for an End to Monarchical Imperialism

ARP President and Former Noble Madeline Furstein

Madeline Furstein, the newly elected President of Alliance Res Publica, criticized the Luthori Foreign Ministry today for "refusing to respect the boundaries of Mordusia's sovereignty." The Mordus Daily has obtained information about communications sent by the Luthori Government demanding Mordusia withdraws the recently passed Resolution Recognizing the Commonwealth of Yishelem and Beiteynu in favor of ratifying the treaty.

The Resolution, which passed with unanimous support by the Imperial Diet, recognizes the elected authorities of the Commonwealth, but it does leave out recognition of the Emperor, Henry II, as Monarch and official Head of State over the Commonwealth. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Office of Pram Inos were not available for comment at this time.

Furstein, who has caused controversy since her taking the Presidency of ARP, has continued to decry the imperial regime as "immoral, inefficient, and blatantly unjust." Though she currently holds no seat in the Cabinet, rumors continue to swirl as to if she will be the ARP's candidate for Viceroy in the coming elections. Being less than three years off, the unfolding and increasing tensions between Luthori and Mordusia remain to be seen.

Furstein ended her speech by saying that "Mordusia must make those changes which are the best for its people and its own sovereignty. We cannot afford to be associated with those who would undertake unjust wars for their own greed and gain. The good people of Beiteynu have lost something sacred - the right to self determination. Treated not as equals in Personal Union, but, by the immoral claims of Empire, treated as second-class citizens of a conquered land. We ask our brothers and sisters to join us in prayer to the Almighty. For it is through Him that mercy and hope shall spread! May God guide and turn the ways of the leaders of Luthori to mercy. As for Mordusia and her people, we shall continue to do what we know is right, what we know to be justice! May God Bless the Commonwealth!"
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Re: The Mordus Daily

Postby Luxis » Fri Feb 12, 2010 8:02 pm

Imperial Diet Set to Approve Aid Package to the Commonwealth

The Imperial Diet today was set to pass by a wide margin an aid package to the Commonwealth of Yishelem and Beiteynu from the Foreign Affairs Budget. The Package consists of 1.2 Billion MRD in Direct Aid given over the Parliament and specifically to elected authorities in the Commonwealth. The opening statements of the Bill continue to decry the recent conflict between Luthori and Beiteynu as an "unjust war."

In addition to the Direct Aid, the Government and the Finance Ministry will make available 500 Million MRD in low interest loans that will have the option of two years deferment and 15 years in which to pay back the loan - at 1.5% Interest. The Foreign Ministry of Mordusia stated that they had "worked to ensure that Beiteynu would have access to numerous resources during this trying time of rebuilding a nation ravaged by war."
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Re: The Mordus Daily

Postby Luxis » Sat Feb 13, 2010 3:55 am

William Tvarivich to Host 'Just War Conference' Later This Year

Finance Minister and Former PM William Tvarivich, 50, at a Worship Service for the Christian Alliance of Alliance Res Publica

Following a meeting of the Christian Alliance branch of Alliance Res Publica, Finance Minister and Former Prime Minister William Tvarivich announced that later this year he will be leading the "Just War Conference" in Icythe Harbor, Adubura. Mr. Tvarivich said he hopes to "spread the tenets of a truly just war, as laid down by past Christian leaders. It has practical application and is needed in a world where war is conducted in such a vulgar manner for questionable gains."

An avid proponent of the theory of just war, Mr. Tvarivich has long had many articles on the subject and mentioned it frequently in his time as Head of Government. Sources tell the Mordus Daily that Foreign Affairs Minister Pram Inos will be a key figure at the conference. One of the workshops will focus specifically on proportional response. The example for study? You guessed it, the Luthori-Beiteynu war, which continues to cause controversy a decade later among the Union Partners of Luthori, Alduria, and Mordusia.

When questioned about the subject, Mr. Tvarivich simply responded that "I only want to use modern examples to apply the principles to." While dodging most questions about Luthori, Mr. Tvarivich was eager to mention that the aid to the Commonwealth from the recent package set to be approved by the Imperial Diet will be dispersed "immediately, without hint of pause."
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Re: The Mordus Daily

Postby Luxis » Mon Feb 15, 2010 6:35 am

Madeline Furstein to Seek Viceroyship of Imperial Dominion

In a public announcement today, current Viceroy and Archbishop of the Mordusian Coptic Church Martin Streitem declared he would not seek another term. Recalling the past events of his term, he pointedly mentioned the controversy that continues between Luthori and Mordusia, Union Partners, following the war over Yishelem and Beiteynu. The Viceroy, along with Alliance Res Publica, has taken a very strong stance opposing the Holy Luthori Empire's actions, on a number of levels.

Viceroy Streitem kept his statement brief, closing by saying "I'm well past the mark where I should conclude my time in public service to return full time to my first calling and love, the Mordusian Church." Streitem, now 83, is Mordusia's first elected Viceroy and has served in 2885. Having been endorsed by the Ceasarion League, Streitem regularly gained over 90% of the voters' support in three elections.

As the Viceroy stepped aside, ARP President Madeline Furstein took the podium. Wearing her usual trend-setting attire, Furstein began a press conference announcing she would be the ARP Candidate for Viceroy in the elections now two years off. Below is the transcript. This statement is sure to send a clear message to the Personal Union Partners of Alduria and Luthori that, should Madeline Furstein be elected, Mordusia will have a Viceroy who despises the monarchy. Furstein has never been quoted as supporting a Republic, however, and many observers are wondering what political moves she will make next.


"Thank you, Viceroy Streitem. Martin has served this country valiantly in his time. Responding effectively to the needs of the Mordusian people, to bring the government that was elected by the citizens closer to them. He has brought stability and democracy to our citizens. We shall forever be in his debt, and we pray that God continues to use this man.

As Mordusians, we have seen a great many changes in our country. Revolution after usurpation to invasion - it is a bloody cycle. Now we have stability and peace throughout our land. We are prospering as never before. Under the governance of Alliance Res Publica, we have seen nearly 17 years of uninterrupted economic growth! And not just growth that goes into the coffers of the titled nobility, no, we have entirely revamped the taxation structure within this country.

Before the Luthori Loyalist League had the people of this great nation bonded as peasants, taxing the poorest at an alarming rate of 95%. Within the first six months of ARP majority, we took sweeping measures to make sure that no Mordusian pays more than 15% income tax. It was then Finance Minister Streitem who engineered these great and moral reforms - we are blessed to have him.

Just as we are blessed to be free of the Luthori Loyalist League. Their years of tyrannical, manipulative governance thankfully are behind us. Mordusia is continuing a new chapter of liberty and independence. It is in this time of great revival that I wish to join with you and announce my intentions to seek the Office of Viceroy of our great country.

To bring pride back to Mordusia is key. Alliance Res Publica has worked tirelessly to stand for a free people, in every aspect of the word. We have provided a new justice that will ring true for all. And those who will follow us here will look back at the foundations of the work laid here in these past few years. The generations that are yet to come have the promise of a brighter tomorrow. And intend to secure it, at home and abroad.

Let me begin by making one important statement that every country, friend and foe alike, must realize. Mordusia is a sovereign nation. No country has the right to intervene in our affairs. In Mordusia, the voice of the people is supreme. There can be no altering of this course! Those who oppose the duly enlightened voice of the citizens of this country do so at their own peril - let it be known now and for all time!

Alliance Res Publica has, for the past decade, worked with reasonable governance and deference to our coalition partners of the Ceasarion League. Though maintaining and sometimes out of necessity exerting the benefits of our partisan dominance, we have made great strides through compromise with the CL on a wide variety of issues, including civil rights, education, and religion. We believe this partnership is strong and should continue.

I am running to be Viceroy of this great nation, to nail the coffin in the evil work begun by the Luthori Loyalist League, to continue reasonable governance, reasonably attained at, to continue to innovate and spread the prosperity of the past, and to free the people of Mordusia from the chains that have binded them for far too long! Let us work together for a freer, more prosperour tomorrow!
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Re: The Mordus Daily

Postby Luxis » Wed Feb 17, 2010 7:24 am

Elections Results Rock Mordusia, Viceroy Madeline Furstein to Speak to the Nation

In elections that have shifted the political climate sharply, the ANLO rocketed to largest party status, largely at the expense to ARP and the CL. The Conservative Party also experienced decent gains in the polling. With no party maintaining singular dominance, a new coalition will be necessary. Following a decade of CL-ARP rule, a proposal has been put forth to have the CL, ARP, and CP rule jointly against the ANLO, which has over 40% of the seats in the Imperial Diet.

Madeline Furstein, however, was still elected Viceroy with a decent margin of victory. She plans to address the nation in short time with "sweeping changes for the nation."

On a side note, the Conservative Party and the ANLO have both put into their platforms a strong desire for Mordusia to return to a state of republicanism and the removal of the Constitutional Monarchy system currently in place. Together, they are three votes shy of passing the Constitutional Threshold to achieve their desires.
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Re: The Mordus Daily

Postby Luxis » Wed Feb 17, 2010 7:09 pm

Alliance Res Publica introduces "Republican Reformation Act"

In a stunning move, the leadership of Alliance Res Publica in the Imperial Diet announced today that they were prepared to introduce the "Republican Reformation Act, which would take away the claims of Emperor Henry II as Head of State for Mordusia. The country, which has been shifting away from Union Partner Luthori, is set for an intense debate as the international ramifications are yet to be seen.

Viceroy Madeline Furstein held a press conference announcing the Bill and responded to Luthori criticism.

"Fellow Mordusians, today is the start of a great golden age in Mordusia! Ever since we have seen the disappearance of the Luthori Loyalist League, we have been safer, more prosperous, and more free. As your duly elected leader, I feel it is now time to throw off the shackles of Imperial oppression in our land. There can be only one source of legitimacy in our governance - and that must be the Mordusian people. Those who work in our fields and toil in our factories. Those who live here, dwell here, and truly put the concerns of this country first.

We will separate ourselves from being under the influence of a Monarchs whose chief concern is maintaining their expansionist claims. Today, we look forward to the dawn of a new civilization, a new union of man across our nation. We must let Mordusians govern by their own consent. The right to true and full self-determination has been voided and blocked for far too long.

To those who are part of this Personal Union, we wish you no ill will. We understand that the heart of Monarchy is Imperialism, but we urge to remind you that, as a Republic, Mordusia will be a peace-loving state that will seek to better itself in cooperation with the nations of the world - not in domination over them. We prefer to have healthy, capable rulers who must achieve election and approval by free, frequent, fair, and just elections.

If this Bill passes, my office, once it is properly renamed, will advocate the proper method forward of slowly removing the vestiges of the Monarchy in our country. We will over due compensation under current eminent domain laws for all property belonging to Emperor Henry II. I would urge strongly for other nations to allow Mordusia to go through this process peacefully, as its people desire."

Following the Press Conference, the Defence Ministry released a statement detailing the closing of borders in New Mordusia and the deployment of additional naval units to bolster the defence there.
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Re: The Mordus Daily

Postby Luxis » Thu Feb 18, 2010 1:42 am

Viceroy Madeline Furstein Responds to the IML

"Leaders from the International Monarchist League, specifically those of Alduria, have chosen today to attempt to bully Mordusia into submission with threats of violence and war. It is precisely this behavior that has strained the Personal Union Mordusia has been a part of far quite some time. Indeed, not a single vote has been cast on it in the lifetime of anyone still living. Emperor Henry I can hardly be declared the "People's Monarch," for when have the people ever had a say in the matter?

Mordusia wants the right to do as she pleases, without regard to submission, in any way, shape, or form, to an unelected, unaccountable leader. Emperor Henry I was never elected by Mordusia, nor has our nation ever had a say in the matter. In fact, it would appear that Luthori and Alduria control the strings of who will by Emperor and simply give token assurances to Mordusia.

This is why we have felt the need to search for a new way for our people. We do hope that peace may still be sought, but it seems that the Empire will not allow for the people's voice to decide this matter. Even when the people's duly elected representatives may agree wholeheartedly on the matter, in fact unanimously, the International Monarchist League claims to represent the people - but they are not Mordusians themselves.

If the International Monarchist League wishes to talk, let us talk as equals and in a civilized fashion. Mordusia was under the impression that its affairs were its own. If you have some claim to make, then the way and place to do it is not by shouting in the Imperial Diet.
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Re: The Mordus Daily

Postby Duke Matthus » Thu Feb 18, 2010 3:00 am

Emperor Henry gives Ultimatum


Incoming transmission………………………………

"My fellow citizens, today marks the beginning of the end it seems for the peace that Morduisa has enjoyed for the countless past decades. I am sure that as I speak now your "Liberators" are running around trying with all their might to cut this signal off, to shut down my very first public broadcast in Terra. Why you may ask have we come to this? What in God's Haven is going on that is causing these turn of events that is causing our government to spiral out of control and be consumed by greed and ambition?

I can tell you, that it was not I that has started this. It was not I that put Morduisa in the eye site of well over 3 million Imperial soldiers. It was not I that declared that the nobles of the land had mistreated you and caused you to suffer, when the issue being that all but a handful of nobles exists and all live on property own by myself with none holding power. Your elected leaders, such as the ARP who supposedly stood for the balance our system had, have changed their minds. They have decided that they want all the power, that the history, the culture, the people of this nation do not matter!!!

They have decided to betray your trust, even though you trusted them to run your nation, you trusted them to be my voice, my eyes, and my ears, so that I may do my job in not just living up to your expectations, but to guard you against the evils in this world. They say I abused my power, that I along with the other nobles punished you and used you as slaves, that we did not consult you before acting. I say when? When have we ever acted? In fact when have we ever said a word that did not protect Morduisa from foreigners? Does the ARP forget who stood up for them in the IML and in Terra when their ships were taken? Do they forget who stood by them when they were threatened in War?

Do you the people of Mordusia honestly believe that I, someone who as I stated earlier have not even come out on a public broadcast, have dictated your polices in any manner? How I ask, how could I? I believe and still do in the Viceroy systems that hold the Personal Union together, that hold us in a bond that is tighter than any alliance. They call me foreign and yet I am more Mordusian than I am Alduria or Luthorian. I have supported self rule in the hope that I would show how much I believe in each of us ruling ourselves for the better managing and better understanding of us all.

However, your leaders have lied. They claim that I am corrupt, that I have done wrong and that I have bullied Mordusia to do things it would never do. The issue is that I never have, but I will protect my people, I will protect our lands, and I will protect the "Empire" the Personal Union at all cost. So I give this ultimatum to the government that is posed to take down this peace that has lasted for over 200 years.

If any bill that destroys the current government is passed, the only thing that will change, the only thing that will be different tomorrow morning, is that instead of reading the morning times, I will be reading the declaration of war to the Imperial Assemblies across the "Empire". I will then have your nation embargoed and sanctioned, and then we will bring these traitors to justice and free Mordusia from their greed and ambition.

I am not my father and I for one do not want a war, but if you leave me no choice I will not stand in the way of any of my domains governments declaring war. This is my ultimatum. The Yishelem Rebellion took many lives, and in the end resulted in nothing but the same thing with a different face.

I beg the nation of Alduria to hold back a little longer and same for the other nations ready to charge in, and give you the chance to tell your leaders that peace and tradition of truth and freedom are more important than their personal glory.

Mordusia I am not your Emperor, I am one of you. I am a citizen, a father, and a good man. Please let us not have to do this, let us not have to see our sons and our fathers die on our green fields. Let us come together and find a solution to the issue without violence. Let us be true gentlemen and let us build a better tomorrow, as our ancestors and our forefathers did for over a century.

I thank you for your time and I hope that soon I will once again be able to greet a Mordusian as my brother.

-Emperor Henry I of Mordusia & II of Alduria and Luthori"

……………….transmission terminated…………………..
Long Live the Empire!!!!
And while we are at it, "Hail the Holy Britannian Empire!!!!!"
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Re: The Mordus Daily

Postby Luxis » Thu Feb 18, 2010 4:51 am

Viceroy Furstein Welcomes Message, Responds

"Fellow Mordusians, as an actual native of this country, I would like to respond, using my freedom of speech granted to all free citizens within our great country, to the claims of the Emperor.

Let me begin by thanking the Emperor for actually sending a public message for the first time during his reign to the Mordusian people. It is sad that he has cared so little about the subjects he claims to be working for, but we are glad that at least someone is listening from the high, distant realms of royal politics.

The royals play this game of trying to keep their grasp on powers and titles. If the Emperor doesn't have any power, if the Monarch is truly just a symbolic figurehead, then why do they fear us removing something that is powerless and purely figurative? Rather than giving Mordusians the right to self-determinance they deserve, rather than even letting us debate this proposal, fire is raining down as those who wish to maintain the Imperial rule that has governed without the consent of the Mordusian people continue their onslaught.

We will not be threatened in this manner. We will either sit at a table of equals or this will be the fight for freedom. We ask the Emperor, Luthori, Alduria, and all others to come to the negotiating table with us, or we will not be afraid to fight as Mordusians."
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