
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Baofluzék Akji Hafrtakai (Baofluz Daily Herald)

Postby landslide » Sat Mar 06, 2010 3:30 pm

Benjamin Kirkson Elected President

Benjamin Kirkson, leader of the Social Democratic Party since its foundation in 2854, has been elected President of the Federal Republic of Jelbania in the special election of March 2903, coinciding with the legislative elections. He replaced Jan Přmyslov as the new elected head of state. Kirkson was elected with a total of 66,232,319 votes, and 100% of the votes. No other candidates ran in the election.

He has promised to improve Jelbania's reputation at home and abroad. He pledged to ensure all Jelbanians have civil liberties, and draft a Bill of Rights to add to the constitution.
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Re: Baofluzék Akji Hafrtakai (Baofluz Daily Herald)

Postby landslide » Sat Mar 06, 2010 7:17 pm

Jelbanians Gain Religious Freedom

The Social Democratic Party passed a law to have "No government policy concerning a state religion." This was considered to be a major change in policy, since the former government persecuted certain religious groups, and maintained an official state religion, and by law, all Jelbanians had to belong to the Terran Catholic Church.

Benjamin Kirkson, former leader of the SDP, and currently President of Jelbania, took office two months after the law was passed. "This is a significant change, and I am glad that all Jelbanians can practice their own faiths legally, as long as others are not harmed. This is a new page in Jelbanian history, where no religious groups are persecuted, and everyone can practice their own religion," he said of the law.

There are currently more proposals in the House of Representatives voted upon concerning religious freedom.
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Re: The Baofluz Daily Herald

Postby landslide » Fri Mar 19, 2010 7:26 pm

Benjamin Kirkson Wins Third and Final Term

Benjamin Kirkson, the incumbent President of Jelbania, won his third and final term as President. He was unopposed, winning 100% of the vote. Henry McLanders, current head of the Social Democratic Party, served as Acting President for a month after Kirkson recovered from an injury, but has since fully recovered to perform his duties.

Kirkson has stated that he will not run for re-election after completing his term; a new law prevents an individual from serving more than two terms, but Kirkson was permitted to serve a third term because he was still president when the law was passed.
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Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe)

Postby PresMusharraf » Mon May 17, 2010 11:37 pm

Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn
(The Jelbanian Purple Stripe)
Re-Serving Jelbania for the First Time Since the Era of Jelbék Since 2940

Hung Government Very Likely for First Time in 192 Years

For the first time since Tony Brak of the Lib-Gov Party-part of W.A-S.U won his last term as head of state, there is going to be a legislature without one party having over a 50% majority if current trends hold says the leading pollster for Jelbania, Arton Jlekai of the Jelbanian Purple Stripe Polling Agency (JPLPA). The last time there was no party with a 50% majority, the Jelbek League had to join in a temporary coalition with Tony Brak's party to form a governing coalition. Since August 2755, when Irwin Washington and the Jelbanian Conservative Party overcame 50% and grabbed hold of the government from Tony Brak, no government has ever been formed in Jelbania with more than one party.

That will soon change.

Given the last election's dismal turnout (most staying home after the disbanding of the Social Democratic Party), there are hopes that this round's contest (which is expected to have a heavy turnout) will be greatly exciting. And there's a lot to back that up too.

For one, the LibCon Party under Nathan C. Britt will face the Social Democrats (their old political rivals) as the Social Democrats have reformed. While this is expected to give the Social Democrats a large advantage, an unexpected twist has recently been thrown in. The Rilmosék Kaiwrntumo Prta (Rilmos Autonomy Party), one of the long-gone parties of the Jelbek era, has returned with large visibility. Currently, there are no indications over which parties are likely to ally in order to form a coalition as all three parties are still jockying to try and overcome the 50% hurdle so that the streak of no hung legislatures remains. Currently, all seats in the House of Representatives are held by the LibCon Pary (there is no doubt that the party will lose at least 40% of those seats).

While Jelbania has not necessarily had a great history of political stability, the last 192 years have actually shown one of the most stable legislatures in the history of Terra. While it is common for parties to come in and out of power, it is very unusual for a legislature to always have one party in power. Only time will tell if this will change and even the Purple Stripe's best pollster says events could change the circumstances. "Parties could disband, a war could errupt, or new coalitions could be forged between parties that ensures that one coalition will keep political stability in Jelbania."
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Re: Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe)

Postby landslide » Fri May 21, 2010 4:53 pm

Polling for 2942 Presidential and Legislative Elections, November 2941

With the November, 2942 elections a year away, there is no clear indication of what would happen.
The current political parties in Jelbania are the ruling LibCon Party (conservative/libertarian), the Rilmosék Kaiwrntumo Prta (Rilmos Nationalism, conservative), and the Social Democratic Party (liberal, social democracy). None of them hold a clear advantage over the other.

House of Representatives Polls:
These figures are the percentages voting for each party:
Rilmosék Kaiwrntumo Prta 31%
LibCon Party 29%
Social Democratic Party 30%
Undecided 10%

No party has any clear advantage, and because 10% of the sample size taken are not sure which party to vote for, it is even more unclear if any party will hold an advantage. The unusual results may be due to the similar amount of visibility that all parties have, and the fact that there was very low turnout in the previous election, which swept the LibCon Party and President Nathan C. Britt into power.

The likely presidential candidates of the 2942 election polls:

LibCon Party – Nathan C. Britt (incumbent) 31%
Rilmosék Kaiwrntumo Prta – Ernest Jlekai 28%
Social Democratic Party – Olivia Turnman 29%
Undecided 12%

While the polling shows that incumbent President, Nathan C. Britt, has a slight lead over other potential candidates, he only has a 3% lead over Ernest Jlekai, and only a 2% lead over Olivia Turnman. In addition, 12% of those participating in the poll do not know who to vote for.

Based on these two polls, the November, 2942 election seems to be in dead heat for the Presidency and control of the House of Representatives. It seems to be likely that there will be a hung government, where no party has an absolute majority.
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Re: Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe)

Postby landslide » Sat May 22, 2010 12:56 pm

Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn House of Representatives Seat Predictions of April 2942

Rilmosék Kaiwrntumo Prta – 165 seats
Social Democratic Party – 161 seats
LibCon Party – 159 seats
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Re: Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe)

Postby PresMusharraf » Sat May 22, 2010 2:51 pm

"No Backroom Deals Being Made" Says Leader of RKP
RKP Leader Ernest Jlekai speaking before reporters today.

The Rilmos Autonomy Party is "not making any deals yet" says Ernest Jlekai, leader of the the party. "We know that the possibility of a hung government is very likely, but we are not giving up yet."

Rumors have abounded that talks betwen the party and the Social Democrats were being held in secret so that both parties could form a coalition and control the government if the elections did not provide a clear winner.

Leading up to the debates, recent polling has shown that the three parties are almost guaranteed to evenly split the vote when November comes around.
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Re: Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe)

Postby landslide » Sat May 22, 2010 7:44 pm

"We have not ruled out the possibility of a coalition," according to Olivia Turnman, Leader of the SDP

In a press conference, Olivia Turnman, the Leader of the Social Democratic Party, mentioned that she hopes a hung government will be avoid if possible, and that "The SDP hopes to improve the Nation's economy, environment, and social policy." However, she acknowledged that if there is a hung government, "We have not ruled out the possibility of a coalition."

Recent polling suggest that the SDP, along with the RPK and the LibCon Party, face a competitive election in the House of Representatives, and it is not clear who will win a plurality, let alone a majority, of seats.

The victor of the presidential election is also unclear, since Nathan C. Britt, the incumbent President, has an approval rating which hovers around 38%, which is rather low for a President seeking a consecutive reelection, compared to late SDP President Benjamin Kirkson, whose approval rating was around 62% when winning a second term. Like the House Polling, polling for presidential candidates are almost evenly split. This is the first time in many years that Jelbania has three major parties and three major presidential candidates running in an election; recent elections have been when the country had a two-party or single-party system, when one presidential candidate has either run unopposed or no major competitor.

The upcoming debates in August between presidential candidates may change the current polling for their campaign and their party's seat gains/losses.

Only time will tell who will become the next President, or which party will hold the most seats.
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Re: Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe)

Postby landslide » Sat May 22, 2010 7:52 pm

Polling for November 2942 Election, June 2942

House of Representatives Polls:
These figures are the percentages voting for each party:
Rilmosék Kaiwrntumo Prta 29%
LibCon Party 28%
Social Democratic Party 32%
Undecided 11%

House of Representatives Seat Predictions:
Rilmosék Kaiwrntumo Prta – 163 seats
LibCon Party – 156 seats
Social Democratic Party – 166 seats

Likely Presidential Candidates of 2942 Election Polls:

LibCon Party – Nathan C. Britt (incumbent) 27%
Rilmosék Kaiwrntumo Prta – Ernest Jlekai 30%
Social Democratic Party – Olivia Turnman 30%
Undecided 13%
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Re: Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn (The Jelbanian Purple Stripe)

Postby PresMusharraf » Sat May 22, 2010 10:41 pm

The Rilmosék Kaiwrntumo Prta Reacts to the Rutanian Situation
Ernest Jlekai addressing reporters about the Rutanian terrorist attack.
Before an audience of party loyalists and reporters, RKP leader, Ernest Jlekai publicly condemned the attacks that rocked Winthrop, Rutania. His famous cowboy hat was upon his head, and it would have almost appeared that he was preparing for a campaign rally. However, something was very different about this speech. There were no banners or slogans. It was all business.

"What has happened in Rutania is a despicable use of violence in order to have your voice heard," said the party leader today in his prepared remarks. "To have these terrorists attack the people of East Dovani, who are not only loyal Rutanians but active participants in their government, is a declaration of war upon Rutania and upon all states, like Jelbania, who are involved in the Axis."

The leader went on to praise the Axis for its involvement in maintaining peace between Hulstria and Rutania as the two nations have constantly pointed fingers at each other over who is responsible. "I personally applaud the leadership of the Axis, whom this party has great ties to, for their efforts in bringing a situation that threatens to worsen under control. However, we know that all word leaders must continue to do their part, and we call upon the leaders of Hulstria and Rutania to stick to the conference planned ahead of time to deal with these issues."

Mr. Jlekai then opened the floor to questions from reporters, one of whom asked if he believed that Rutania would leave the Axis. "I do not believe it would be in their best interest," said Jlelkai. "Rutanians need the Axis far more than the Axis needs Rutania. If Rutania does leave the Axis, rest asured, I will personally lobby in the House of Representatives for an embargo against Rutania and do everything that I, as a House member, can do to make sure Rutania feels the full wrath of abandoning the Axis."

Today's meeting resembled something very similar to the type of media conference that a head of state or head of government would have. Already, political opponents are calling Mr. Jlekai "too presumptive" that he or a coalition that supports him will win the November elections.
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