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Re: Dalibor

Postby Luis1p » Sat Jun 17, 2023 7:31 pm

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Re: Dalibor

Postby jamescfm » Mon Jul 03, 2023 11:36 pm


Dalibor City mayor Deng Jingyi says Yingdala relationship “strained”
8 September 5326

Dalibor City, Dalibor: Mayor of Dalibor City Deng Jingyi has told journalists that Dalibor’s relationship with Yingdala has become “strained” in recent years. Deng made the admission after being asked about the impact of reduced Yingdalan investment in Dalibor City over the past century. Nonetheless, he suggested there were reasons to be optimistic about the future given the changing domestic political situation in Yingdala.

Deng was elected as mayor of Dalibor City earlier this year to succeed retiring independent Liao Chen. Prior to his election, he had worked for several years in the Daliborian foreign ministry. A key part of Deng’s election campaign was pledging to develop new international relationships to reduce Dalibor City’s dependence on Yingdala.

Leader of the Yingdalan opposition Luo Ehuang has taken a forward-thinking approach to diplomacy. In the past few years, she has visited Lourenne and Kundrati to facilitate stronger relations between the countries. In the coming months, it is expected that she will continue in this role with visits to Beiteynu and Luthori. Deng welcomed the move and urged her to reaffirm the strength of the Daliborian-Yingdalan relationship.

     Dalibor Daily News is a news media organisation and subsidiary of the Dalibor Company.
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Re: Dalibor

Postby Svetlana2 » Tue Jul 04, 2023 6:13 pm

Don't mind me just spreading som good old chaos and insanity and sometimes democracy and freedom depends on my mood
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Re: Dalibor

Postby beifengxiaoxiao » Wed Jul 05, 2023 3:30 pm


Dalibor to Join West Dovanian Union as an Observer
5 March 5323

Dalibor City, Dalibor - President of the Republic, Tian Zemin, today announced on behalf of the national government that Dalibor will officially become an Observer state of the West Dovanian Union (WDU). The terms, which were mainly discussed during the 5322 summit between Dalibor and Dankuk, will grant Daliborian citizens beneficial trade, work, and residence relations with the member states of the Union. Presently, these are the State of Seko and the Kingdom of Baeguk (Dankuk).

Starting the first of next March, the provisions will come into complete effect in Seko, Dankuk, and Dalibor. Daliborian citizens will initially be allowed to travel without a VISA to WDU nations for a maximum period of 100 days. Basic VISA holders will be eligible for 190 days of residence, and upon a 5-month evaluation, may upgrade their VISA to 380 days, renewable annually. In addition, Daliborian citizens currently residing in WDU member states with a valid VISA will receive 80-day extensions. Besides VISA terms, WDU members and Dalibor have mutually agreed to lower tariffs to a mutual 10% cap maximum (specifically, all 3 parties have agreed to a 0% tarrif on the import of Dankukian ginseng, which is coveted throughout the Gao-Showan world). These developments are hoped to further elevate the struggling Daliborian economy, connecting it with the world and cooperating with local partners for a better tomorrow.

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Re: Dalibor

Postby jamescfm » Fri Aug 11, 2023 4:04 pm



Outlander leaders warn potential humanitarian crisis in Gangzhou is being ignored
24 January 5346

Political leaders from the Outlands have warned that the national government is failing to act to prevent a large-scale humanitarian disaster in Gangzhou. Located a short distance across the water from Dalibor City, Gangzhou is among the world’s largest slums. For decades, it has been completely neglected by the Daliborian national government.

Earlier this month, fire caused massive damage in the eastern region of the city. Displaced residents have placed additional strain on the limited infrastructure that exists in the city. Combined with poor sanitation, this has led to a major outbreak of disease. With no national government involvement in the city, the responsibility has fallen on non-profit organisations to deal with the problems.

Among the most prominent Outlander politicians to warn about the potential for a crisis in Gangzhou is the Mayor of Yingu Jin Li. Yingu is the only large, industrialised city on the island outside of Dalibor City. Like most of the Outlands, the national government has limited control over Yingu. In a press conference earlier today, Jin called upon the Daliborian government to take urgent action to deal with the damage wreaked by the fire and the associated outbreak of disease.

Yingu Daily is an independent broadsheet newspaper widely circulated in the city of Yingu and the Outlands region.
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Re: Dalibor

Postby jamescfm » Fri Aug 11, 2023 8:11 pm


     Daliborian government begins slum clearance in Gangzhou

12 February 5346 - The government of Dalibor has begun a process of slum clearance in the city of Gangzhou. The policy was announced earlier this month in response to concerns about disease and poverty in the city. Despite strong support from the governing National Solidarity Party, the policy has been criticised by Outlander leaders and human rights groups.

In recent weeks, the Daliborian government has faced increased pressure to deal with the problems in Gangzhou. Over the past two centuries, it has grown to become one of the world’s largest slums. Fire damage to the city’s eastern regions exacerbated existing problems of bad sanitation and poor infrastructure. Outlander politicians had called for immediate action to deal with the issues.

The response of the national government has raised concerns though. Slum clearance is a highly controversial policy and critics have argued that it will worsen the conditions for Gangzhou residents. An additional concern is the potential for violence. As the first government personnel arrived in the city yesterday, they were met with opposition from local residents.

Action Vert pour Terra and the Human Rights Foundation are among the organisations who have warned the demolition of slum housing will create a refugee crisis. Gangzhou’s population is difficult to measure accurately. Estimates suggest at least 500,000 people live in the city, approximately eight per cent of the population of Dalibor. Even a small proportion of these residents being displaced could have dangerous and deadly consequences.
          The Dalibor Business Times is a daily newspaper based in Dalibor City that focuses on business and current affairs.
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Re: Dalibor

Postby jamescfm » Fri Aug 11, 2023 10:35 pm


Tens of thousands displaced as a result of slum clearance in Gangzhou
3 March 5346

Tens of thousands of residents of Gangzhou have been forced to leave the city as the Daliborian government proceeds with planned slum clearance. In the past three weeks, the government has deployed private security contractors to support the demolition of thousands of homes. Although the stated aim of the project is to improve conditions in the city, it has been widely criticised in the Outlands and in the international media.

At least fourteen people are believed to have been killed by security personnel since the demolition began last month. In the early weeks of the clearance, protests by Gangzhou residents delayed the process. President Gao Lin responded by authorising the use of “all measures required” to ensure the demolition proceeded. As a result, an estimated 60,000 people have been forced to leave the city.

The majority of the refugees have camped outside the city walls of Dalibor City. In many ways, the situation mirrors the 4492 refugee crisis which precipitated the growth of Gangzhou’s slums to begin with. The arrival of Outlander refugees along the borders of Dalibor City has attracted the attention of residents of the capital too. While there is sympathy from some residents, there is hostility from those who fear the spread of crime and disease.

Outlander leaders have made efforts to deal with the refugee crisis. Mayor of Yingu Jin Li has facilitated the settlement of small numbers of Gangzhou refugees in the city. Poor transportation connections have impeded the efforts though. On top of that, there are concerns that Yingu residents might harbour similar resentment towards the refugees. Aid workers from various countries, especially Hanzen and Lourenne, are also seeking to remedy the problems of malnutrition and disease.

The Dalibor Free Press is a freelance media organization dedicated to truth and transparency.
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Re: Dalibor

Postby jamescfm » Fri Aug 11, 2023 11:18 pm



Daliborian government withdraws from Gangzhou after thirty-seven killed
18 March 5346

President Gao Lin has announced that the national government of Dalibor will halt its slum clearance project in the city of Gangzhou. The decision follows the deaths of thirty-seven people in the city yesterday. In a bloody battle, armed residents fought back against private security personnel overseeing the demolition. The firearms are believed to have been supplied by low-level criminal gangs operating in the city.

Since the project began, it has been widely criticised by Outlander politicians and international observers. Over the past month, it has displaced tens of thousands of residents while providing no alternative housing or temporary accommodation. Dalibor City residents have complained about the cost of the project too. The majority of displaced residents have moved to regions outside the capital’s large city walls.

Humanitarian organisations have warned that the end of the project will not ameliorate conditions for Gangzhou residents. After a large portion of the city was damaged by fire earlier this year, disease has spread throughout the city. With no government involvement, non-profit organisations have provided most of the treatment for residents. Outlander politicians have offered a degree of support too.

Mayor of Yingu Jin Li said earlier this week that the Outlander leaders must organise better to deal with the crisis. Although the national government has limited control outside of the capital, the Outlands region is ruled by numerous authorities. Yingu and a handful of large towns are governed by mayors and councils, whereas traditional chieftains rule much of the island’s rural regions.

Yingu Daily is an independent broadsheet newspaper widely circulated in the city of Yingu and the Outlands region.
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Re: Dalibor

Postby jamescfm » Mon Aug 14, 2023 5:07 pm


Outlander leaders prepare for a series of meetings in Yingu
18 July 5347

Political leaders from across the Outlands have arrived in Yingu ahead of a scheduled series of meetings. Yingu’s mayor Jin Li organised the meetings to discuss the political future of the region. The central objective for the meetings is to develop an improved political settlement. In addition to the mayors and council leaders of several large towns, over twenty chieftains and other traditional leaders are expected to attend.

For centuries, the Daliborian government has exercised limited control over the Outlands. Governance of the region is fractured though. In organising the talks, Jin hopes to create a formalised structure for managing the affairs of the Outlands. Gangzhou’s refugee crisis provided the impetus for the meetings. Although various Outlander leaders sought to provide support, the response was poorly coordinated.

Outlander leaders have mixed opinions on the potential for a new political arrangement in the region. Jin is among the most prominent Outlander politicians advocating for a formal, constitutional settlement that rejects the rule of the Dalibor City government. Although her position is shared by many urban leaders, there is scepticism from rural populations.

In response to the development, the President of Dalibor Gao Lin issued a short statement reaffirming the Dalibor City government’s formal claim to rule the entire island. At present, it is not thought there is any serious risk of violence between the Daliborian government and Outlander leaders. Triad leaders are wary that any potential conflict would disrupt their operations. Limited government control of the Outlands provides them with opportunities in the region too.

The Dalibor Free Press is a freelance media organization dedicated to truth and transparency.
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Re: Dalibor

Postby jamescfm » Wed Aug 16, 2023 8:58 pm



Outlander political leaders declare independence from Dalibor
18 August 5348

After over twelve months of negotiation, a coalition of Outlander political leaders have declared independence from the Republic of Dalibor. Led by Yingu mayor Jin Li, they announced the creation of a decentralised state named the Confederation of the Outlands. Under the constitution of the new state, a popularly-elected President will be the country’s official political leader. The central government will possess limited powers though.

Speaking on behalf of the coalition, Jin said the new government would not claim authority over the entire territory of the Outlands. In doing so, she extended an invitation to those Outlanders not involved in the meetings to unify with the new state in future, if they wished to do so. The politics of the region is highly fractured. Hundreds of traditional leaders retain control of small areas of land across the island.

Later in her announcement, Jin appealed to the international community to recognise the independence of the Confederation. “For years, we have been abandoned by a regime that claims authority over our lives,” she said, “now we have the opportunity to control our own destiny. Please help us to do so.”

The Dalibor City government has not yet acknowledged the declaration. In the past, they have responded to questions about the meetings between Outlander leaders only by reaffirming their authority of the entire island of Dalibor. President Gao Lin has not been seen publicly for several months, amid reports that he is suffering from a long-term health condition.

Yingu Daily is an independent broadsheet newspaper widely circulated in the city of Yingu and the Outlands region.
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