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Re: Istalia

Postby TRA » Thu Jun 22, 2023 6:04 pm

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Re: Istalia

Postby Aethan » Fri Jun 30, 2023 9:11 am

Ultra sector takes the reins of Forza G
The most conservative faction of the populist party wins the elections to the general secretariat after the resignation of Tomasso Tramonte following the last electoral debacle.

Axel Molinario, leader of the Prestorian faction of Forza G and new General Secretary of the party

The elections held two months ago in Italy produced a clear result: the current government formed by Forza G and the PCI lost its parliamentary majority, obtaining only 184 seats in a parliament of 450, with Forza G obtaining 20% of the votes and becoming the least voted political force in the elections. Although it is a considerable result - its fifth best result ever - its Secretary General and current Prime Minister of Italy, Tomasso Tramonte, had already announced that, regardless of the result, he would resign as Secretary General and would not continue as Prime Minister.

Perhaps it was precisely these statements that could have led to a general demobilization of Forza G's supporters, which lost 3 million votes compared to the previous elections and in an election in which the turnout increased by a total of 7 million voters, the highest turnout since the beginning of the century.

It was the resignation of Tomasso Tramonte as general secretary of the party that opened the door to a new leadership, which finally fell on Axel Molinaro, the new leader of Forza G as of today. However, the election of Molinaro marks a before and after in the short but intense history of the party, which began as a populist force that did not want to place itself "neither on the left nor on the right" to end up electing as its secretary general a declared defender of the monarchic system and one of the most critical voices with the leadership exercised by Mr. Tramonte.

Who is Axel Molinaro? A mechanic by profession, Axel Molinaro joined Forza G in 5316, at the age of just 24, and has ended up taking the reins of the party just 8 years later. This meteoric rise is explained by the great support and mobilization he has achieved within the faction he was in charge of building and leading within Forza G, the so-called "Prestorian faction".

The name "Prestorian faction" comes from the ancient military guard that protected the former heads of state and government, both in Istalia and Selucia, in their golden age. This military guard, called the "Prestorian Guard", exercised considerable influence over their leader, and were also known to be necessary to ensure their leadership. Considered to be the most loyal and fierce protectors, if your Prestorian Guard turned against you, they had better give up power immediately or risk, among other things, being assassinated and the Prestorian Guard electing a new leader for the people.

With this premise, Mr. Molinaro is the leader of this faction, considered the most conservative within Forza G, although it is also plagued by populist overtones. The formation, which does not deny the pacts with the PCI, nevertheless advocates the return of the monarchy, but not without applying certain changes: from the Prestorian Faction they promulgate an elective monarchy, where there is a Head of State belonging to a Royal House - that is, founded by and for holding the Head of State of the country, and not coming from any previous nobility - who shares the Head of State with a leader elected by the people in each general election, having a sort of two-headed Head of State.

Moreover, from the Prestorian Faction they are on the more protectionist side in the economic sphere, going so far as to ask that jobs in Istalia only be for Istalian citizens.

There are even rumors that, after the arrival of Mr. Molinario to the general secretariat of the party, he is preparing to extinguish the Forza G brand and refound the party in the image and likeness of his faction, which would be a radical turn for the young party and which would have unknown consequences for the moment.

Our militants have asked for a change, and that is what we will give to them!
shouted Mr. Molinaro after hearing about his victory, with over 69% of support among Forza G militants
"Our nation deserves more, our nation deserves best, and our nation has asked us to change. I can promise you that it will happen, rather soon, and that we will once again ertain the reins of our nation"
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Re: Istalia

Postby Aethan » Sun Jul 02, 2023 1:47 pm

Prestoriani is born!
The new party replaces Forza G and aims for a total change in the politics defended by its predecessor


A tide of Italian flags mixed with lgbt flags and an enraged crowd welcomed Axel Molinaro in the central square of Romula amid shouts of "President, President". While his predecessor at the head of the Forza G general secretariat, Tomasso Tramonte, is still head of the government of Italy, Mr. Molinaro appeared radiant in front of a crowd that chanted his name. The reason for this meeting in the capital of the country, where more than half a million citizens gathered? The launching of a new political project by Mr. Molinario, as had been rumored for months after his victory in the elections for the general secretariat of Forza G. From the podium, Axel Molinaro thanked the crowd gathered before him for their presence, as well as for their shouts of encouragement.

"Today begins a new stage in our nation"
began Mr. Molinaro as the shouts and salvos gradually died down.
"Today I announce to you that Forza G, as Istalia has known it in recent times, ceases to exist."
Shouts from the crowd, who had long been waiting for this announcement from the one who was the leader of the most reactionary faction within the party. "Today is born, here and now, Prestoriani!". More shouts from the crowd, knowing the name held by that same faction within Forza G.

The party, which takes its name from the "Prestorian Guard" existing in the ancient Selucian and Istalian eras for its rulers, promises a radical turn in many of the policies advocated by Forza G.

"Our nation has known much better times, and we want to get back to letting society know what it is like to live like this. We need a strong state, strong public services, to provide everything our citizens, the Istalians, need."

Among the proposals defended and promoted by the new party, presented during the rally, a strong defense of the Istalian identity - understood as the union of its two constituent entities - stands out, as well as the maxim of "Istalia for the Istalians", in what is expected to be an aggressively anti-immigration policy. In addition, the party also promises a "counter-crusade" against the current religiosity in Istalia, claiming that both as immigration and the current religion are two of "the great cancers that attack our country and prevent it from prospering", as well as blaming them for the speeches "that target women or the lgbt collective in our country".

Another point that the party defends is, contrary to what was achieved by Forza G, the return of a form of State headed by an "Emperor", but that from the party they defend that he should not belong to a royal family but that, the elected person, should be the one to start an "ad hoc" imperial dynasty for the new nation. In addition, they intend that this Head of State share his responsibilities with another Head of State democratically elected by the people every new general election, so as to have a sort of "presidential bicephalia".

For the moment, it is not known how the new Prestoriani will fare in the general elections, but members of the old guard of Forza G, who have been forced to resign from their posts as they do not share the new party's point of view, are not very satisfied.

Prime Minister Tommaso Tramonte, asked about this situation, the dissolution of his new party and the formation of Prestoriani, has stated that he will, for now, remain an independent, waiting to see how Mr. Molinaro's approach to the new party develops.
In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
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Re: Istalia

Postby Aethan » Tue Jul 04, 2023 7:29 am

Prestoriani presents its first proposals in Parliament
Immigration, religion and social rights are the first issues the new political party brings to the House

Speaker of Prestoriani Veronica Longini defending the proposal on immigration before Parliament

Not much time has passed since the schism in the parliamentary group of the now defunct Forza G party, where more than half of its members decided to join Prestoriani's ranks and the rest of the members became independents or resigned their seats. Now, with a new parliamentary group in his image and likeness, Axel Molinaro has set Prestoriani's machinery in motion to present his first parliamentary initiatives before the Chamber. The newly elected spokeswoman of the party, Veronica Longini, has been in charge of defending the first three proposals that the party has put to the vote, dealing with the issues of immigration, social rights and religion in Italy.

Of the three proposals, the only one that for the moment seems to have a chance of success is the one on social rights in the health system, which aims on the one hand to provide economic coverage to those who need sex reassignment surgery and who are in economic difficulties, and on the other hand to make organ donation compulsory by default unless clearly stipulated otherwise.

Speaking before Parliament, Mrs. Longini argued that trans people who depend on State health services to become themselves fully and completely should be able to do so and the State should be able to assist them in the same way that the State itself contributes to the full development of the other members of society. In addition, he defended that this is the step prior to proposing the ratification of the international treaty for the protection of LGBT rights, which in Prestoriani's opinion "should not depend on the whims of the leaders of a country, but should be fully respected".

With regard to organ donation, Prestoriani has defended that in a self-respecting society in which everyone works side by side to build a better future, it is necessary to put aside selfishness and think of the future as a common good, so that in the event that the organs of a deceased person can serve to save the life of another citizen or contribute to significantly improve their quality of life, it should be possible to do so by default, since it is the symptom of a better society.

This proposal already has the support of the PDI and the PCI in Parliament, so it is expected to be approved without major problems in the next plenary session. However, another more controversial proposal has met with the outright rejection of both the PDI and the PCI: the one that aims to attack immigration at its roots.

The legislative proposal aims on the one hand to tighten the requirements for the hiring of immigrants, allowing it only in cases where there are no nationals to fill those vacancies, as well as to prevent foreign investors from taking over most of the national companies; and on the other hand, to restrict access to Italian nationality to those who were born on national soil or have at least one parent with Italian nationality, as well as to tighten the reception of refugees.

This proposal, which will fall as planned because it does not have the necessary support, has sparked criticism from the PDI and the PCI, which have announced their vote against it; however, Mrs. Longini considers that the current good intentions "cannot lead our country to anything good".

"How can we ask our citizens to feel proud of belonging to the country they belong to if we let foreign influences take over the economic capital of our national companies? How can we ask them for patriotic pride if they are not able to find jobs?"

Regarding nationality, Mrs. Longini believes that it is a "logical and sensible" proposal

"Those who come from another country to Istalia are more than welcome to contribute to build our society. Of course they are. But they are not Istalians. That does not mean that their children, if born here, are not, since they will automatically become Istalian nationals."

The third legislative proposal, which deals with religious matters, is still being drafted, but an aggressive turn of anticlericalism is expected, as announced by the parliamentary spokeswoman.
In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
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Re: Istalia

Postby Aethan » Thu Jul 06, 2023 9:29 am

Controversial religious reform approved
With the votes in favor of Prestoriani, the PCI and the independents - former Forza G - the Italian parliament ratifies the law that ties the hands and feet of religious groups in the country; religious groups take to the streets in protest.

Religious protesters have taken the streets in many Istalian citizens against the new Istalian Religious Law

As of today, numerous religious centers throughout the length and breadth of Italy will have to seriously consider closing down, after the parliament gave the green light to the controversial Law on Religious Affairs proposed by Prestoriani and which has obtained the votes in favor of the PCI and the independents who were previously part of the Forza G parliamentary group.

The new law, which gives a drastic turn to the religious policy of the last decades in Italy, has stirred up the various religious groups and associations of the nation, which have called for protests in many parts of the country.

According to the norm approved by the parliament, from now on no foreign missionary is allowed to enter the nation. Likewise, the State reserves the right to veto the election of any religious leader, prohibiting them from receiving remuneration, ceding to the regions the power to levy taxes on them, closing all religious schools, prohibiting public representatives from wearing religious symbols and preventing religions from actively promoting themselves, although evangelism by individuals remains permitted.

The leader of Prestoriani and promoter of the law, Axel Molinaro, believes that today is a "good and new day for our nation", since, in his own words "we put an end to a foreign imposition that has lasted too many centuries in our nation and to which everything has been consented". For Mr. Molinaro, religion - any religion, he specified - is nothing more than a way of deceiving the citizenry with false promises and empty words, and as such, it must be shamelessly extirpated. Asked by journalists, Mr. Molinaro said that, in any case, he is in favor of establishing an "animism" in Italy in the case of reintroducing religion in some form, but that for the time being, he believes that these approved measures go "in the best possible direction".

The measure adopted directly affects one of the four Patriarchates of the Aurorian Patriarchal Church, since the Patriarchate of Istalia, Solentia, and Quanzar has its general headquarters in the Istalian capital, in the Archbasilica of St. Matthias the Baptist to the Walls, seat of the Biship of Romula, Primate of Istalia, and of the ordinary of the Patriarchate, known as bishop of Istalia, Solentia and Quanzar.

It was precisely in front of this basilica that numerous faithful gathered in protest against the new measures adopted, which they believe "are an attack on the fundamental rights and freedoms of every citizen" to live their beliefs as they see fit.

From the government, the current Prime Minister Tomasso Tramonte - who is not a member of Prestoriani but acts as an independent since the dissolution of Forza G - has rejected the norm approved by parliament, recalling that he voted against its approval because he considers it a frontal attack on centuries of Istalian history, but has reminded citizens that parliament is the seat of national sovereignty and as such, its decrees must be complied with. However, he has also spared no criticism towards his former colleague and successor in the post of secretary general in Forza G, Axel Molinaro, whom he has criticized for having defended tooth and nail the need to transform Italy into a participatory democracy, "not having dared to promote a referendum on this matter of such importance for the citizenship". However, Mr. Molinaro has replied by arguing that Istalia does not have at the moment a law regulating popular consultations, which should have been approved under the mandate of Mr. Tramonte, and that if he so wishes, he will be happy to submit a new law to the parliament to submit it to the "will of the people".
In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
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Re: Istalia

Postby Aethan » Mon Jul 10, 2023 11:08 am

Molinaro elected Prime Minister!
The Leader of Prestoriani becomes the Istalian head of government after a coalition agreement with the PCI; market drops after the choice

Prime Minister Molinaro takes pictures with sympathisers after election result

Although Prestoriani did not finish in first place, its result of 30% of the vote was enough to arrange a coalition agreement with former coalition partners of Forza G, therefore making its leader Axel Molinaro the new Prime Minister of Istalia, succeeding Tomasso Tramonte.

"Today, a new day shines in Istalia" announced Mr. Molinaro before parliament right after being elected Prime Minister with the votes of Prestoriani and the PCI. "We will rebuild our nation into a proud land of citizens ready to stand up for our values and beliefs, and we will do so with everything we have".

Polls failed to predict such a result for Prestoriani, with many of them giving the party around 15% or as much as 20% of the vote. With almost 30%, and a turnout of more than 70%, the electoral night was a sweet dream for its leader. Winning the government of 3 regions, the party feels now legitimized to take action in its own way.

The immediate aftermath after the election of Mr. Molinaro as Prime Minister was seen in the stock markets, with some of them suffering deeply crashes, as Mr. Molinaro and Prestoriani are known for a deeply and controversial nationalistic and isolationist economic policy, which they will now try to implement. The extent of this, however, will depend on its coalition government, since Prestoriani does not command a majority on its own.
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Re: Istalia

Postby Aethan » Fri Jul 28, 2023 11:30 am

"May this country never again be built without its youth."
Prestoriani submits to Parliament a law that will force political parties to establish age quotas on electoral lists

Oreste Nauta, national deputy, speaking in a rally

Prestoriani continues on his path of reforming the Istalian democracy to make it "more participatory". Now, it has been the youngest deputy of the Chamber and member of its ranks, Oreste Nauta, the one in charge of presenting the last legislative initiative that intends to modify the electoral system of Istalia.

This new rule contemplates that at the time of drawing up the electoral lists - in Istalia the deputies are elected at provincial level - each party has to include at least in the first three starting positions members of different age groups; according to this legislation, the age groups would be 18-35 years old, 36 to 55 years old and 56 years old and older. In this way, they say from the party, they want to ensure that no one feels abandoned by the political class, or that "no one is able to defend their interests". After these starting positions, the new rule will require that at least 10% of each provincial list be made up of each of these three age groups, so that, given that each Istalian province elects 90 deputies, there must be at least 9 deputies belonging to each age group.

"If a party is not able to find 9 people from each age group in provinces where more than 10 million citizens live, maybe they should rethink the policies they want to carry out"
said Mr. Nauta when defending his party's proposal. In addition, he clarified that this rule will not apply to parties that do not have representation in the Chamber, since Prestoriani understands that getting parliamentary representation "is already a difficult task in itself".

"This legislation will only apply to those parties that have already had parliamentary members during the previous legislature, so it is understood that they have the necessary support in all sectors of the population to comply with this electoral law".

Furthermore, Mr. Nauta has defended the need for this law, since he considers that, all over the world, "the youth is systematically cornered".

"It is not surprising that young people are the population group with the greatest disaffection towards politics. As a general rule, politics around the world is usually made by and for older people, who do not usually take into account or care about the future of the generations that come after them; this must come to and end. May this country never again be built without its youth, and that is why it is necessary that their voices are also represented and heard in the seat of popular sovereignty, which is supposed to be the place where all citizens are represented, and not only people over a certain age".

This new rule has not yet been officially proposed for ratification, but it is expected that the rest of the parliamentary groups will not oppose it.

"What message would the rest of the parties be sending to our youth if they vote against a law that aims to make them participants in the future of their country? I can't conceive that anyone could oppose something like this,
" acknowledged Mr. Nauta.
In Marea - Civis Sinistram - Selucia Former
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Re: Istalia

Postby TRA » Tue Aug 08, 2023 8:00 pm

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Re: Istalia

Postby TRA » Tue Sep 12, 2023 5:01 pm

Navy to inaugurate the MSCO's patrols in the Migrant's Pass and Majatran Sea
January 5362 - As Majatra takes 2 important steps towards continental security and stability - active defence operations and heightened organisational structure - the Beiteynuese Naval Command prepares to lead the charge under the direction of Beiteynu's Secretary-General of the MSCO
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Re: Istalia

Postby GreekIdiot » Mon Sep 25, 2023 5:33 am

The Terran Times
Also being that guy who's pretending to be this guy.
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