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Re: Valruzia

Postby myungggg » Sun Sep 17, 2023 7:41 am

You have no enemies, you say?
Alas! my friend, the boast is poor;
If you have none,
Small is the work that you have done.
You’ve never turned the wrong to right,
You’ve been a coward in the fight.
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Re: Valruzia

Postby Elena1012 » Sun Sep 17, 2023 2:22 pm

Valruzia comments on bans on Ordosocialism

As Seleya recovers from the latest chaos of the Baltusian Terror Attack, many nations, most notably Likatonia, Beiteynu, Kundrati and most recently Baltusia have affirmed a strong anti-ordosocialist stance and have recently banned any and all political movements and parties relating to Ordosocialism. Outside of Valruzia and the Ordosocialist world, this has seen massive support and endorsements as many have come to view Ordosocialism as an ideology of terrorism and barbarism. In Valruzia, the response has been drastically different. The nation has vehemently opposed and denounced any nation that has participated in banning Ordosocialist parties, dubbing them "hereditary reactionary efforts to hinder liberation". This has also seen some internal confidence in Lukasz Konicki become shaky due to the recent diplomatic errors. While Konicki remains absolute in ruling Valruzia and the OPR, there have been minor circulations of rumours on a possible successor should Konicki ever die or have a vote of no confidence in the National Parliament. Whatever the case, Konicki took the bull by the horns and spoke regarding the bannings.

These are simply efforts by revisionists and reactionaries to prevent the Ordosocialist Dream from spreading. They prevent change by sticking to their decrepit broken system and ban those who look to change it for the people. There's no hope for these hereditary reactionaries, they refuse to acknowledge electoralism as a viable method and they force the Proletariat to look to violence. This is all they're doing. And Valruzia will support these efforts of the Proletariat to throw off their revisionist reactionary yoke.

While many view this as Konicki reaffirming the nations commitment to spreading Ordosocialism with terrorism, others have noticed the lack of acknowledgement regarding the embargoes, which will certainly hurt the regime. Even with the five year planning, it is expected that the embargoes will drastically hurt Valruzia, and support for the regime should it mismanage the looming crisis.
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Re: Valruzia

Postby Elena1012 » Mon Sep 18, 2023 7:09 pm

Conflict within the OPR; A New President?
An OPR Politician, Leszek Kluz calling for the removal of Lukasz Konicki from the Office of Presidency

Today, the Ordosocialist Worker's Party has come to face its biggest issue yet. The status of whether the vote of no confidence against Lukasz Konicki should be enacted or shot down. This has seen the party become divided into roughly 3 camps. The Pragmatists, wanting to denounce extremism and disavow spreading Ordosocialism, focusing on Ordosocialism in One Country, the Hardliners, wanting to keep Konicki in power and maintain the hostile status quo and the Reformists, wanting to renovation Ordosocialism. Konicki has made efforts to try to prevent factionalism within the party and keep his position of power however with the World Congress coming down on Valruzia, and many believe Konicki won't back down, many have called for his removal from the party and position of power.

Should Konicki be removed from power, the Pragmatists have put forward Radosław Koza as their nominee for President. Koza has preached that the Ordosocialist Revolution cannot survive when it is constantly endangered by the reckless nature of Konicki and believes that Ordosocialism can survive if the nation simply removes Konicki from power. Being the de facto "centre" of the party, he enjoys considerable support from most OPR members and appears to be the best choice for the world as he is less fanatical than Konicki is.

Konicki has however, defended his rhetoric and actions by citing that without him, the OPR would be nowhere and it was his rhetoric that got the OPR to where it is today. To him, he is doing what's needed to spread Ordosocialism across Terra or at the very least Seleya. But with the embargoes looming and the World Congress looking upon Valruzia, Konicki may have a short term or be barred from the party for his fanaticism. Many can expect a Vote of No Confidence to be held in the coming months depending on how Konicki handles the situation regarding the World Congress.

While the party is nowhere near splitting, this issue has caused significant concern amongst the party as Konicki threatens the Ordosocialist state in many ways then his rhetoric saves it.
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Re: Valruzia

Postby Elena1012 » Wed Sep 20, 2023 6:14 pm

Mass Protests occur in Valruzia; Could this be the Beginning of the End?

Millions have taken to the streets of Valruzia to protest against the OPR government, whether it be for the fascism, the anti-democratic sentiment or just economic conditions. All across Valruzia, protests have erupted and the OPR has been split on how to resolve the issue. The protests range from student led to worker led, ranging from sit-ins to strikes. With mass protests sweeping the country, the nation has effectively been frozen with all of the protests sharing one shared desire: Democracy.

Many in the party have feared that Konicki will respond to the protests in a radical harsh manner, and encourage even more violence. Moderates within the party have encouraged negotiations and compromises to prevent more violence and prevent the OPRs collapse. Konicki however, has made no comment yet whilst hardliners have urged the government to use the military to put down the protests. One of the biggest protests has emerged in Nowogard, being led by students first and foremost, demanding an end to the National Sovereignty Act, and the reinstatement of democracy. With local police overwhelmed or even joining the protests, Nowogard has essentially been taken over, with the National Parliament being surrounded, the urge for something to be done has been raised repeatedly and many are calling for compromises or purging the protests.

Whatever the case, the Torch of Democracy has sparked in Valruzia, and depending on how the government responds to it, it can blaze into a Wildfire of Freedom, or the Torch can forever be extinguished.
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Re: Valruzia

Postby Elena1012 » Thu Sep 21, 2023 12:50 am

Konicki orders the military to curb protests; Military defiant

In the light of the protests, Konicki, in his infinite fanaticism has ordered the Valruzian Military to be deployed to put an end to the nation wide protests. Particularly focusing on Nowogard and dissolving the protests there. With various military units being stopped outside of the city by protesters, many have expected the military to respond with force however the military has turned its guns on the government, with many units joining the protests, refusing to gun down their own people.

This has seen the OPR threatened as the military has turned on the government, and the National Parliament remains surrounded. With many leaving the party, seeing it as a sinking boat, what few moderates remain have been urging the government to consider negotiations with the protests. Give in to whatever demands they have, and try to maintain peace.

With the protests only escalating, with the chant "Smierc Faszystom" (Death to the Fascists!") becoming the slogan of the protests, the push for democracy has been gaining mass momentum as the government seemingly has no other alternative than to give in. However many doubt Konicki would give in or moderates would prevail. But with a broken economy, the military defiant, protests escalating and a rapidly splitting party, many expect the OPR, and subsequently, the sole Ordosocialist state in the world to come to an end soon.

Whatever the case, the Torch of Liberty has set Valruzia ablaze with the dreams of freedom.
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Re: Valruzia

Postby Elena1012 » Thu Sep 21, 2023 2:50 am

The Military Marches on National Parliament; Konicki is found dead; Free elections promised

In the midst of the chaos of the protests, many have expected something from the OPR aligned military to do something, however those expectations have been dashed as protesters and anti-OPR military forces stormed the National Parliament, breaking through empty barricades. There, they found perhaps the most hated man in Valruzia, and perhaps even Seleya, Lukasz Konicki. There, he was found dead in the National Parliament, having been riddled with bullet holes. Alongside several key members of the Ordosocialist Worker's Party. While there are those that are upset Konicki is dead and couldn't be put on trial, many have rejoiced in Nowogard, as the tyrant is dead, and the Ordosocialist Vision, or Nightmare as many would agree, has come crashing down.

A provisional military government has been proclaimed, distinctly refusing to occupy the National Parliament for this provisional duration. The Provisional Transitional Parliament has promised elections within the coming months, as the OPR has in all essence been destroyed and dissolved. Opposition parties are expected to form, with one of the earliest being the National Conservative Party, looking to reform the country away from Ordosocialism and return the nation to sanity and normalcy.

As the military looks to transfer authority back into civilian authority, whatever remnants of the Ordosocialist Aligned Military have crumbled into infighting, or have outright surrendered, hoping to receive a lesser punishment. With little other Ordosocialist remnants left, many have breathed a sigh of relief, both in Valruzia and Seleya as Ordosocialism has died. This time, perhaps for good. Many can already expect any Ordosocialist movement in Seleya to start crumbling into infighting or dissolving outright, leading to peace and allowing rebuilding from the terror inflicted by Ordosocialism to occur.

Despite the horrours, despite the terror, the nightmare has ended, and as many expect the free elections victor to repeal the National Sovereignty Act and set the nation on track to normalcy and international acceptance, many can expect some refugees to return to Valruzia, their home. However some doubt that any will take the risk again.

As for Ordosocialism itself, being the first and hopefully last Ordosocialist state to exist, many are hoping the movement will die out, as infighting between Ordosocialist groups and dissolution due to lack of morale is anticipated all across Seleya and beyond. The devastation to the Ordosocialist Movement is expected to be heavy and major and many believe Ordosocialism will be yet another footnote in history. A dark time for Valruzia, and Seleya that was overcame.

Whatever the case, the Torch of Freedom is expected to shine in the new Valruzia that is coming, with the Blood-Soaked Eagle flying for the last time in Valruzia.
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Re: Valruzia

Postby BananaZebra » Tue May 21, 2024 12:32 am

Hizb al-Ishtiraki al-Dimuqrati (Badara)
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