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Re: Dankuk

Postby iltamzumra » Tue Sep 26, 2023 9:43 pm

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Baeguk Faces a Demographic Crisis
5366.5.9 (WED)

Controversy has emerged in Baeguk following the defeat of a Senate bill that would derail the Baegukese government's recently implemented population control and family planning policy. This all is over the backdrop of the nation's most daunting societal challenge faced today - the inevitable overpopulation of Baeguk. Official government figures based off of the 5365 Census now predict that, by the year 5400, the Baegukese population will have ballooned to ~59,520,000 - more than a 37% increase from the current 43,256,450 figure. This spells socioeconomic disaster for the peninsular nation, whose ten-million strong capital of Gongmangdo is still facing a housing problem.

For years, scientists and medical experts have been in awe of the nation's absurdly high birthrate. Most agree that it was due to the nation's rapid industrialization and the legal benefits of childbirth (child benefit welfare and tax cuts) that caused the rate to continue to stay high. The birthrate was unable to accordingly adjust in time to meet the demands of developed society, and it is only beginning to fall in earnest now, thanks to state intervention.

Generally, developing nations will have a birthrate more or less equal to that of our current one,

says Dr. Kim Taehyŏng, a medical and population scientist, senior analyst at the Royal Ministry of Public Health and Safety, co-author of the definitive New History of Baeguk, and a Mugunghwa-Order awarded scholar.

Baeguk has only been considered a developed country for less than a generation, maybe one generation tops. Economic development began in earnest in the early 5300s. That work was built off of a society that had, until relatively recently, known only to reproduce and to have many children - under fascism of course. You can actually go back to documents and statistics from the fascist era to compare, and the rate, if calculated now, is in some parts as high as almost 5 children per Kyo mother. Infant mortality was high, healthcare quality was low, and there was no real sense of any developed service sector or high-level education - you were born, and if you didn't die, you would take up a brainless job farming or manufacturing, raise a large family as an organ of the state, and then die. That was life - simple, short, and brutal. The state wanted more military manpower and more Kyo people to erase ethnic minorities, so of course such a society rewarded high rates, it became the norm.

That all changed when the regime fell. There was a temporary decade-long, maybe two-decade long freeze when the provisional government had to address the refugee and orphan crisis, but after that life mainly went on as usual. People were slow to adapt, those traditional childbirth values were carried on - it was just what you did back then. Now, this would've been fine if Baeguk remained poor, malnourished, and without healthcare - weak, sickly babies aren't favored by natural selection. However, with the rapid economic development and the eventual transition to becoming an upper-middle income service economy; these babies are now being brought up in a society that can bring them all to adulthood, but that suffers economically for it. There's an increasing lack of straightforward first or second class jobs, and an increasing need for more third-class services - or, to use a more profane term, "bullshit jobs". Couple that with the relative lack of new building space on our frigid peninsula and the difficulty of cultivating enough food to feed the nation domestically, and you can see that it's going to take a lot of work to continue our upwards trajectory.

Our political system has been slow to adjust to the reality, and frankly a democracy such as this is ill-equipped to do so. Career politicians rely on the support of the aging establishment, and the old still support those antiquated, large family values. Until recently it was practically political suicide to suggest birth control, despite the fact that research demanded it as early as the 5320s! Currently the lowest regional average we've got is Eolssu, at 2.9 births per woman. Our highest, in Nambyeon, is 4.2. That's mind-boggling! What we're facing here is a unique crisis that has never been seen before in Terran history - a developed country that doesn't suffer from underpopulation, but overpopulation. I predict that, in the next couple of decades, there's going to be struggles. Without a push for construction now, housing will be scarce. As a nation we might be forced to rely on foreign food sources more. The domestic energy industry will need to reinvigorate, or we might have to go back on coal or foreign oil and gas. Big cities, Gongmangdo essentially, will need to revamp their infrastructure and public transport systems to support upwards of 40% more than their current capacity.

Nonetheless, Dr. Kim says that it isn't all doom and gloom.

If we have competent leaders and a family planning strategy, and if we have a resilient enough populace to withstand the initial hurdles, I see a bright new market to build on. This boost could be a great equalizer in Baeguk's place in the world, which has historically seen it as a smaller power with a smaller population. We will see the rise of a youthful generation more than capable of taking the torch from older generations, and expanding the national industry to a third more of its current potential. Pensioners can relax easy, young people will have a bright future ahead of them, and hopefully their children will grow up in a constructive environment that has learned and mastered the art of stable population growth.
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Re: Dankuk

Postby iltamzumra » Tue Sep 26, 2023 10:49 pm

Her Majesty's Foreign Ministry - Kingdom of Great Bae

5366.9.18 - Statement on Recent International Developments in Cildania (Luthorian Version)
Also available in:
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Serious and profound events of notice to the world have taken place in Cildania. The Kingdom of Great Bae reiterates its clear position that Cildanian sovereignty, just like that of any other justly governed nation under the principles of the peaceable world order, is inviolable and self-evidently characterized by uncompromizable dignity. Baeguk stands whole heartedly with the affected at this time. This being said, it is too early and with too little evidence that the accusations emerging from these alleged revelations that some nations seek to tear the nations of Terra apart. Beiteynu in particular is being targeted harshly when we have not yet fully discovered the facts of the case; this is unfair to Yishelem.

Gongmangdo does not take sides, nor does she turn a blind eye to serious and concerning accusations. The Kingdom of Great Bae is confident that, with time, the truth will inevitably surface, and that, if individuals are indeed either guilty of illegal breaches of sovereignty or the malicious spread of false information, that they will be brought to justice. The conduct of both Beiteynu and Vanuku on the Terran stage thus far have both been excellent and praiseworthy. The sudden deterioration and breakdown of relations between the two honorable parties we fear to be a net loss for Terran peace as a whole. We support an international environment of cool-headed diplomacy characterized not by baseless personal attacks, but the triumph of reason, negotiation, and common interest for the ultimate realization of win-win arrangements. The Kingdom of Great Bae will continue to monitor the regional situation, cautioning against callous action and advocating for genuine and cooperation-minded rapproachment and dialogue.
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Re: Dankuk

Postby iltamzumra » Fri Sep 29, 2023 1:26 am


Yesterday in the city of Gunghang (Yingdalan: Jugang), Federal Republic of Yingdala, Her Majesty the Changan Geoseogan met with His Excellency Meng Zhou, President of Yingdala, at a state summit to promote regional ties and the resumption of trade between the two nations. Recent Baegukese-Yingdalan diplomatic and economic relations have been murky since the beginning of the 54th century. Whilst Baeguk kept foward on a largely linear path of rapid regional integration and sociotechnological development, emerging in the present day as a medium-sized upper-income developed economy; Yingdala has been in what many economists have described as "stagnation limbo". In the meanwhile Yingdala has seen uncertainty and instability over the monarchist question; this, combined with general market volatility, has scared off foreign capital, leaving Yingdala somewhat stagnant and slow to adapt to the ebbs and flows of Terran commerce.

The two heads of state discussed much between themselves during the talks and banquets, which were hosted near the historic Green Palace of Jugang. President Meng commented on the significance of the site as a historic symbol of Kyo-Indralan cooperation and innovation; his federalist government hopes to give regional and political autonomy to the Pyŏnghaezok (ethnic Kyo-Indralans) in a move that Her Majesty expressed great admiration for. Whilst the talks ended with no formal treaties being signed, it is hoped that they usher in stronger, more comprehensive ties for the years to come.

(OOC: This post was composed with the consent of Elena1012)

See More:

Bank of Dovani Announces Circus Symbol Change
The Bank of Dovani has announced that the Dovanian Circus will begin to use a new currency symbol. Since the creation of the circus, it has been associated with the characteristic “two circles” that have long represented it - ◉. However, beginning January 1, 5368, the Circus will use a new “square and circle” symbol (㉤) in place of the old one. The given rationale was that the new design was supposed to better represent regional integration, being reminiscent of the old metal coins that used to be circulated all throughout the eastern world in classical and medieval times.

The Bank confirmed that these changes were purely cosmetic, and that their basic fiscal policies had not been altered. The circus is considered one of the eastern hemisphere’s most prominent currencies, being circulated officially in the WDU and Mikuni, as well as remaining an important foreign reserve currency in other regional states. As of March 1 of the present year, the circus’ exchange rate with the Lodamun Dollar (LOD) is 1:1.4. This is to say that 1 circus is currently valued at 1.4 LOD, or 1,890 Baegukese Bu.
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Re: Dankuk

Postby Zongxian » Fri Sep 29, 2023 6:56 pm

Upset: Civica Tops Polls, Tan to Become Next Prime Minister
1 March 5370
A. Kai Tan, leader of Civica and former head of the Seongtaek Renewal Project

GONGMANGDO: Founded two years ago and only just officially opening its national headquarters late last year, Civic Drania rocketed in popularity ahead of the 3570 election. Civic Drania, often referred to simply as Civica, has largely spent the last two years focused on its presence in local and regional governments. Led by A. Kai Tan, the former head of the Seongtaek Renewal Project (SRP), Civica campaigned to raise awareness in major municipalities in the hopes of building concentrated strongholds of political power in order to propel the party towards broader national relevancy. Tan, a longtime advocate for the importance of local governments, has emphasized the need for a grassroots party that is devoted to restoring pride in the Dranian state and revitalizing communities all across the nation. Successful efforts to woo potential supporters ultimately culminated in the opening of Civica’s official national headquarters in Gongmangdo during the summer of 5369.

Civica then shifted its attention more nationally, preparing itself for full-fledged participation in the upcoming senate election. Not rooted deeply in any left or right ideology, Civica centers its platform heavily on civic nationalism and the revival of “a common Dranian identity" that is prioritized over "cultural tribalism." On socio-economic matters, Civica has emphasized pragmatism and “common sense ideas” to improve the livelihoods of all citizens.

Despite only recently entering the national political arena, Civica’s ideas have clearly struck a chord with voters. Final results of the senate election show losses for all incumbent parties and Civica has become the second largest national political party. Unsurprisingly, Civica had its strongest performance in Tan’s native city of Seongtaek and the surrounding regions. However, it is quite the upset for Civica to have performed so well beyond just its founding region.

To top off an already major political upset, there is breaking news that the leading Conservative Party is dissolving, positioning Civica with a majority in the senate. It is expected that Civica will put forward a bill this week to form the next government led by A. Kai Tan as prime minister.
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Re: Dankuk

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Oct 07, 2023 9:28 am

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Re: Dankuk

Postby iltamzumra » Sat Oct 14, 2023 6:51 pm


August 10, 5371

Demographics released by the KGB Immigration Services revealed that, in the 5370, more than 64% of the total Baegukese emigree population has been seeking opportunities in the steadying Mikuni market. This reflects the trends of the past decade, which has seen the formation of an expat society of ‘Bodenherren’ (Mikuni-Husltrian: ボデンヘル, Bodenheru) in that nation. Mikuni was followed by emigration to Lourenne (13%) and Seko (5%) in national emigration rankings, trends showed continued dominance of the western Dovanian region.

Mass emigration comes on the heels of public awareness and family planning/birth control measures that the government has announced to combat the unsustainably large birthrate projected in the KGB. The programs have found some success as of now, but Baeguk is still projected to have a population of approximately 50 million by 5400. Emigration to nations like Mikuni could be a useful 'release valve' through which to combat the population growth problem.

The Baegukese expat community in Mikuni are largely seen as real estate developers and investors in the various Baegukese interests that participate in the developing economy there. Whereas the past decade was seen as unstable, Mikuni society has gradually pacified as the last militant groups surrendered their arms peacefully by 5370. This newfound security combined with the relatively underdeveloped and cheap state that labor and resources in Mikuni are in have made the nation very attractive for Baegukese entrepreneurs. This is amplified by the strong, special bilateral diplomatic, human movement, and trade relations between the nations as codified in the Treaty of Mutual Recognition, Assistance, and Respect between Mikuni and Baeguk. The use of the Dovanian Circus and the availability of many Kyomal-speakers in Mikuni have made it a tantalizing market. The KGB itself has a 50% share of the Mikuni Energy Company, the Mikuni Transport Company, and 15% in the Mikuni Port Authority. These conditions have brought great development and material comfort to the once-wartorn nation, as Baegukese goods have flooded the Mikuni market. For instance, the new revitalization project for the Mikuni rail infrastructure network was largely funded with Baegukese grants and loans; the trains themselves were produced under contract in the Baegukese city of Taedo. It is likely that these emigration trends will continue, creating a reliable vent for the rapidly increasing Baegukese population whilst strengthening the economic ties between Kien and Gongmangdo.

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Re: Dankuk

Postby iltamzumra » Sat Oct 14, 2023 7:52 pm

Baeguk's 'Skincare Diplomacy' - an Expert Weighs in

Author: Prof. Namgun Pedro

When a 5373 WDU Public Perception Poll was conducted across the six affiliated West Dovanian Union nations by a coalition of media companies, our very own Dankyore included, the most widespread stereotype of Baegukese people as perceived by their immediate neighbors was that they were "beautiful" (51%). It is no secret that one of the most potent cultural institutions of has been the Baegukese beauty industry. Baeguk is a hierarchical society that - for better or worse - places significant emphasis on one's physical appearance. This has spawned the domestic rise of a multi ㉤billion industry that has evolved with the nation's industrial trasition into the era of the service economy. But the beauty industry hasn't just become an integral part of the internal market - beauty may in fact be the strongest instrument in the nation's arsenal of power projection and Terran exchange. As a lecturer at Gongmangdo University's prestigious Emilio Namgung School of International Studies, my team and I have been watching and conducting studies of this cultural phenomenon for three decades. I've decided to weigh in on the Baegukese 'Skincare Diplomacy' trend in an effort to address some main characteristics we have observed over time.

The Monarchy has Suprising Influence over Skincare Popularity

Our most recent statistics coming from the KGB Ministry of Finance reveal that the royal family directly brought in approximately ㉤1.9 Billion in the tourism, art, and media revenue departments for the fiscal year of 5372. Whilst this is already a respectable sum, we found that the monarchy also contributed heavily to the marketing appeal of Baegukese skincare. Whenever the queen goes abroad, she has been known to advertise the methods of Baegukese beauty and skincare- her predecessor, King Father Baek Taejoon, the Misaeng Sovereign, started this trend. Diplomatically, this influence has raised Baegukese beauty to prominence among both the diplomatic community and the Terran public as a whole - for instance, Royal Minister Patissere of Lourenne cited Baegukese beauty products as a commodity of importance when discussing the trade lines of western Dovani. Diplomats and ambassadors in Gongmangdo have also reported that beauty products from Baeguk remain one of the most coveted products from their spouses and relations.

Constitutionally, the monarchy is required to remain free of advertisement - nothing is more illegal than exploiting the monarchy to individually promote a product. Yet, the general idea of the monarchy's great skincare being maintained. The mystique of the royals has stirred foreign interest in the market, lending companies a hand in advertising. In general, Orientalism is a huge boon for the industry's marketing department in western countries such as Beiteynu, which find themselves allured by the concept.

Male Skincare is a Mixed Bag Financially - but Great PR

The concept of male skincare, whilst essential in Baegukese society, remains controversial at large among Terrans. This has presented some drawbacks in the success of Baegukese skincare abroad - for instance, for that same 5373 poll I mentioned earlier, negative perceptions of Baegukese men described them as 'effeminate' and 'vain'. Our team, by tracking the sales and marketing departments of the top 5 beauty companies in Baeguk (Gobaeui Minyeo, Iljeonmae, Lavender House, Amorita, NeoDerma) in nine different territories (Lourenne, Seko, Mikuni, Beiteynu, Kalistan, Egelion, Kundrati, Dalibor, and Kazulia), found profound differences in the marketing strategies.

Among Gao-Showan nations, we found that Male skincare was much more prominent of a market, and was exploited greatly by Baegukese advertisement. Seko, Mikuni, and Dalibor both had robust markets for Baegukese male skincare products; we calculated that, of the average Kien population, 44%, or a little under half the city, would see a Baegukese male skincare ad per week. Of the residents of Ishinawa, Seko, approximately 34%, about one in every three people, would bear witness. In Dalibor City, it would be about 22%, or two in every ten people. Comparatively, emphasis on male skincare is sparse in western nations and Lourenne, with near exclusive focus on female products beyond 'essential' male products such as shaving cream, razors, and deodorant. (Deodorant comprises a negligible amount of the domestic Baegukese market given the overwhelming presence of the ABCC11 gene in Kyo and Draniano populations.) We chalked this up to cultural differences; it is less culturally acceptable to market male beauty in these nations in the style of Baeguk; companies thus tend to avoid investing into related PR as it would give them sustaining net losses.

The Phenomenon has Caused Significant Improvement in the Treatment of Baegukese Citizens Abroad

Despite assertions earlier that emphasis on beauty has led to the resentment or ridicule of male Baegukese citizens abroad, this is far from the truth of recent observable trends. The industry has instead adapted a unique branding strategy through the cultivation of the 'soft' and 'sensitive' male image. The result has been a net gain for Baegukese perception abroad as a whole. Draniano and Kyo citizens of Baeguk alike have traditionally experienced racial and cultural prejudice and injustice abroad. In the 53rd century, the main international events associated with the nation were famine, militarism, and the hordes of refugees that escaped the fascist DNWA regime. Since the industrialization of Baeguk and the subsequent beauty revolution, the approval rating of Baegukese influence abroad has become more positive without exception. We found media and cultural trends heavily indicating positive outlooks on the Baegukese people for the first time since a century of ridicule. For instance, on international social media sites, the beauty phenomenon has led to the image rehabilitation and even fetishization of both male and female nationals. Foreign travelers have reported back to Baeguk much more positively, correlating to nations in which Baegukese skincare has sold well. This in turn contributes greatly to the export of Baegukese culture, products, human capital, and ultimately influence.


The success, flexible properties, and malleability of the Skincare Diplomacy strategy as observed in these studies is heavily indicative of a highly-sustainable soft power cultivation strategy. Perhaps no other nation makes as much of a fuss out of the industry, and it shows abroad. Just as Lourenne has become synonymous with high-society fashion and design, Baeguk is beginning to rise to become the same with the beauty and skincare industry. It appears that the peninsular nation will tap into this hitherto obscure and uncultivated market for increased Terran economic, cultural, and diplomatic influence.
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Re: Dankuk

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun Oct 22, 2023 9:22 am

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Re: Dankuk

Postby iltamzumra » Wed Nov 01, 2023 12:58 am

Baeguk reverts Official Name to Dankuk following Constitutional Reform

The Foreign Ministry requests that all nations follow suit when addressing the Federal Kingdom of Dankuk.
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