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Re: Dorvik

Postby Auditorii » Mon Nov 27, 2023 9:23 pm

Dorvische Allgemeine Zeitung
State Chancellor monitoring Kafuristan, new TPS satellites and the KF51 Panther enters testing.
February 5400

Haldor, Greater Kordusia - State Chancellor Ulrich von Motha-Geyr and the State Chancellery informed the press that they were actively monitoring the developing situation in Kafuristan and urged for peace and calm in the nation in the wake of the assassination of President al-Saad. The State Chancellor also voiced concern over the recent development of piracy located in the Sea of Lost Souls, something that the State Chancellor noted would prompt Dorvish intervention should the situation continued to deteriorate. "We're not strangers to dealing with modern day pirates, while they might not don eye patches and funny hats, they remain a serious threat to international economics and peaceful, free navigation of the sea." The State Chancellor was informed earlier that the Beiteynu Navy had engaged with pirate forces as a means to control the outbreak of piracy, and the State Chancellor welcomed the intervention of the Beiteynuese into the situation. Dorvish military watchers have reported that there have been rumors that one of the Dorvish High Seas Monitoring Squadron's have been dispatched to the area to monitor the situation. "We're going to be keeping an eye on this and should it grow into a problem, we're going to intervene as necessary."

The Supreme General Staff confirmed that they had been working with keyhole orbital reconnaissance satellites that were monitoring the Sea of Lost Souls. The Dorvish typically remain tight lipped regarding their space activities, the Dorvish Aerospace Service remains a well funded but largely hidden component of the Dorvish technology sector. The Dorvish Aerospace Service, which is responsible for the launching but not management of all Dorvish satellites, recently announced several new satellites would be added to the Terran Positioning System (TPS) which launched in January, 4335 and has been maintained by the Dorvish as a world-wide global positioning system for over a thousand years. This is in addition to several orbital reconnaissance satellites that are currently operated by the Dorvish intelligence community, one of them being dedicated to "Cyclops" operations.

Chief of the Supreme General Staff and Minister of Defense Generaloberst Konrad zu Mohr announced plans to replacing the vast Leopard 2 main battle tank fleet of the Dorvish Army with the new, state of the art KF51 Panther main battle tank. The KF51 Panther project began in January, 5139 and has steadily progressed forward with Theil-Hassel Technologies GmbH providing steady updates to the Supreme General Staff regarding its development. While the KF51 will not see widespread service the Dorvish Army has taken several deliveries that will be tested over the coming years and feedback provided to Theil-Hassel, a typical feature of Dorvish arms procurement. Theil-Hassel also unveiled the Leopard 2A8 upgrade for Leopard 2 models that will likely be marketed to close allies, this includes Hutori, and potentially Dolgava who now operates a large Leopard main battle tank fleet. The Dorvish intend to upgrade a number of their Leopard 2A7/2A7+ MBTs with the 2A8 upgrade, providing them with much greater battlefield connectivity and protection for their crews.
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Re: Dorvik

Postby Auditorii » Wed Nov 29, 2023 2:01 am

Der Globus
International affairs, politics and economics.
Dorvik welcomes first CSCO Defense Council meeting.
September 5400

Haldor, Greater Kordusia - Dorvik hosted the first official meeting of the Defense Council of the Collective Security and Cooperation Organization (CSCO), the meeting which was chaired by Dorvish Defense Minister and Chief of the Supreme General Staff Generaloberst Konrad zu Mohr included a number of Dorvish defense representatives. Hutori's delegation was lead by Hutorian Defense Minister Addison MacDonald and Dolgava's Minister of Defense Elisabeth Spitz among other defense and security officials from the respective nations. The meeting lasted several days and focused on the development of better multinational integration and cooperation, and the path forward for the CSCO in terms of defense cooperation. The Defense Council, a subordinate body of the Permanent Council, is responsible for the implementation of Article 2 which is the "collective security" component of the CSCO. The first component addressed was the signing of the Joint Agreement on Logistical Support and Assistance, an agreement by the Defense Council that each nation shall lend logistical support and assistance to one another and that Hutorian, Dolgavan and Dorvish military vessels are welcomed in each others respective ports as long as the nation that will be hosting the vessels is informed of such efforts; it also provides that each nation will provide assistance in the field of supporting logistical operations of the others and mandates that members of the CSCO engaged in "...frequent, routine and emergency logistical exercises..." as a means to develop friendly relations and interoperability with each others armed forces.

The second component addressed was the formal establishment of the CSCO Standing Maritime Readiness Group (CSCO-SMRG) which will be a joint naval task force aimed at multinational efforts, providing assistance to both allied and non-allied nations as well as routine training. A component of that SMRG is already providing anti-piracy operations in the Sea of Lost Souls where Hutori has dispatched a task force aimed at supporting anti-piracy efforts, the Dorvish have dispatched the 1st High Seas Monitoring Squadron to provide intelligence and technical assistance to the Hutorian task force and provide logistical support. Officers from the Dorvish, Hutorian and Dolgavan navy's will take a rotational role in both a Commanding Officer and Executive Officer position in the SMRG as a means to keep the nations respective officers working together. The third component was the Joint Agreement on Intelligence and Security, the agreement lays the foundation for deeper intelligence sharing and cooperation among the three nations of the CSCO. While the three nations are apart of Cyclops, the CSCO will maintain its own independent agreement to ensure that those outside of Cyclops but inside CSCO can benefit from enhanced cooperation in the sphere of intelligence and security.

The Defense Council will have a headquarters in Haldor but will maintain military operations on the island off the coast of Greater Kordusia, this island where the city of Wachtenhofen is located is home to Kaiser Wilhelm Air Base, also known as Joint Base "Kaiser", and had been previously the home to a joint Dorvish-Hutorian force that trained and operated for several decades. The port of Wachtenhofen, which means "Watch Port" in Dundorfian, has historically served as a major trading port for the Dorvish on the western coast of Greater Kordusia and in January, 5388 the Dorvish expanded the military side of the port to accommodate a number of different military vessels.
Trigunia (17 March Committee)
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Re: Dorvik

Postby SophieSo1 » Sun Dec 10, 2023 10:53 pm

Dorvische Allgemeine Zeitung
State of Emergency, Council of Ministers Declared
July 5406

Haldor, Greater Kordusia -

Issued by the Royal Chancellery of Dorvik
Republished upon request of the Royal Chancellery

By the Grace, His Most Majestic Highness, Florian III, King of Dorvik, Kurfürst des Dundorfisches Reich, Herzog von Vohrau, Beschützer von Dorvik, and Florian II, Dundorfisches Kaiser, hereby DECLARES A STATE OF EMERGENCY in response to ongoing undesirable actions against the crown.

In light of these challenging circumstances, and in accordance with the sacred duty to safeguard the welfare of the Kingdom and its loyal subjects, the Council of Ministers shall undergo a comprehensive reappointment process.

Our beloved King Florian III, assures his subjects that he is safe and well. The stability of the military forces remains steadfast, and the Kingdom of Dorvik stands resolute in the face of any threat to its sovereignty.

In the interest of preserving the dignity and prosperity of the Kingdom, His Most Majestic Highness has decreed the immediate suspension of the current Council of Ministers, who have regrettably fallen short of their sacred duty. A new Council, composed of individuals of unwavering loyalty and dedication to the Kingdom, shall be appointed forthwith.

The people of Dorvik are urged to remain calm and steadfast in their loyalty to the crown. Any rumors of unrest or instability are baseless, as the military and civil authorities have been placed on high alert to ensure the safety and security of every citizen.

By the firm hand of King Florian III, the Kingdom of Dorvik shall emerge from this period of trial stronger, more united, and more prosperous than ever before. Let it be known that the undying spirit of Dorvik shall prevail against any who seek to undermine its greatness.

Gott schütze den König! God save the King!
Dorviks Zentrumspartei (DZP)
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Re: Dorvik

Postby SophieSo1 » Sun Dec 10, 2023 11:25 pm

Täglicher Telegramm
Centre's Hansmacher: Absolute Support for the Kaiser's Decision
July 5406

Haldor, Greater Kordusia - In a surprising turn of events, Karl Hansmacher, the distinguished leader of the Centre Party, has voiced his unreserved support for the recent declaration of a State of Emergency by His Most Majestic Highness, Florian III, King of Dorvik and Dundorfisches Kaiser. In an exclusive interview with our correspondent, Hansmacher praised the Kaiser's decision as a bold and necessary step to break the unfortunate stagnation in the state of governance.

Hansmacher, known for his measured and thoughtful approach to politics, remarked, "In these challenging times, where the tides of uncertainty threaten to engulf us, it is refreshing to see decisive action taken. We live in a political society where merit should define the ability to lead, and unfortunately, the state of governance has been stagnating in a time which required action."

The leader of the Centre Party elaborated on the necessity of such decisive measures, emphasizing that a period of emergency governance could be the catalyst needed to rejuvenate the political landscape. "This is not a critique of the past, but a recognition that the Kingdom of Dorvik deserves leaders who can rise to the occasion and guide us through these tumultuous times," he added.

Hansmacher expressed optimism about the prospect of a new Council of Ministers, stating, "I believe this decision will pave the way for a more dynamic and responsive government that can effectively address the challenges facing our great Kingdom. It is a time for unity and shared commitment to the welfare of our nation."

As political observers speculate on the implications of the State of Emergency, Hansmacher's supportive stance provides a notable perspective from a key figure in the political landscape. The Centre Party, with its emphasis on pragmatic governance and responsiveness, could play a crucial role in shaping the Kingdom's political future during this critical period. Hansmacher's previous statements on the previous government and the failed attempt to reform the National Defense Act to remove limits on center-left parties led to questions about his loyalties to the crown. In his youth, Hansmacher was a member of the left-leaning Open Boundaries political group, which advocated for the "opening" of Dorvik politics. Such membership led him to face a lengthened time in the "reformed core" unit in the Dorvik military apparatus, known for providing manual labor for imperial logistics.

Today, however, Hansmacher leads one of the few remaining political groups not attached to the previous government. At this time, it appears Hansmacher is angling for a higher position within the government, bringing the Centre party into power for the first time.

Only time will tell how this unprecedented move by Kaiser Florian III will reshape the political landscape, but for now, Hansmacher's endorsement adds a nuanced layer to the ongoing discourse surrounding the State of Emergency in Dorvik.
Dorviks Zentrumspartei (DZP)
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Re: Dorvik

Postby hopesfor2 » Mon Dec 11, 2023 12:44 pm

Politik Täglich
Activists to unite under the banner of Allianzpartei Dorviks

10th December 5406

Haldor, Greater Kordusia, Kingdom of Dorvik - Due to the fact that Dorvik has been a de facto one-party state for years and due to the relatively sudden collapse of the HKA which was previously the ruling party, Dorvish pro-democracy activists from all parts of the political spectrum came together to create the Allianzpartei Dorviks, a new syncretic and populist political party that describes itself as a "new way of doing politics", refusing to describe as right-wing or left-wing and claiming to stand with the ordinary people.

The party, which tries to attract support from various sides of political spectrum from far-right to far-left, is often seen as a beacon of hope for a possible Dorvish democratic transition that would result in greater political and social freedoms for the inhabitants of Dorvik, and so far the party has got a membership of roughly 20,000 showing that the party has been really attracting support. And also, the party takes a pretty ambigious stance on the Dorvish monarchy therefore being able to get support from both the monarchists and republicans.

Anyways, we will see if the party succeeds in the radically changing political landscape of Dorvik and we will also see that if the party really leads a successful democratic transition in Dorvik. Never forget, the success of a democratic transition depends on the willingness of both the leaders and the people, so if the people of Dorvik want to see they will elect leaders that promise to do that.
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Re: Dorvik

Postby SophieSo1 » Mon Dec 11, 2023 4:19 pm

Der Globus
International affairs, politics and economics.
January 5407

Haldor, Greater Kordusia- While the declaration of a state of emergency in Dorvik may seem sudden and unexpected to many, international experts on Dorvik agree that such a change has been long in the making.

In July 5406, King and Emperor Florian III announced the declaration of a state of emergency and the appointment of an emergency council of ministers. This comes after the ruling Hosian-Konservative Allianz (Luth.: Hosian-Conservative Alliance) split due to internal disputes and public pressure.

In recent years, the HKA has been under pressure from the citizens of Dorvik to amend the National Defence Act and liberalise the Dorvish party-state. This pressure has led to HKA splitting into two new parties, Dorviks Zentrumspartei (Luth.: Centre Party of Dorvik) and the Sozial-monarchistische Partei Dorviks (Social-monarchist Party of Dorvik).

The DZP has already declared its support for the state of emergency, but the SmPD hasn't made a statement yet. The DZP also openly supports reform of the state defence law to allow centre-left parties. DZP also describes itself as a centrist and pragmatic party. The SmDP has not yet taken a position on the State Defence Law, but it is safe to assume that the SmDP will support reform, as it is composed of moderate former members of the HKA.

From outside the HKA party apparatus, liberal-democracy activists took advantage of the crisis opportunity to form the Allianzpartei Dorviks (Alliance Party of Dorvik), which seeks total reform of the state defense law. The party has not at this time released a statement on the state of emergency, though individual activist have voiced both their support and opposition to the measure.

It remains to be seen how this significant change will affect Dorvik and Artania, but it's clear that Dorvik will try to maintain its position as Artania's hegemon. A possible reform of the National Defence Act will also provide a new opportunity for liberalisation.
Dorviks Zentrumspartei (DZP)
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Re: Dorvik

Postby Zanz » Mon Dec 11, 2023 8:49 pm

               14 January 5407

Under leadership of former navy captain, Party for Stability 'equipped to lead' in wake of HKA collapse

The Party for Stability (Dun.: Partei für Stabilität, PfS) is "equipped to lead" in Dorvik after the historic collapse of the country's longstanding big tent Hosian Conservative Alliance (HKA). Comprised primarily of former HKA members and led by Raphael Dreyer, a retired lieutenant captain in the Dorvishe Marine, the PfS promises "stability and consistency both for the people of Dorvik and to Dorvik's friends abroad" according to a statement released by the party on the official announcement of the party's intention to compete in national elections.

The PfS did not exist prior to the current crisis as such but was founded by Dreyer with the HKA's collapse to offer a safe harbor for Dorvish voters who are understandably concerned that the collapse could mean radical changes in the coming weeks and years as Dorvik's political systems are put to the test. Pragmatism, stability, and consistency are the bywords for Dreyer, who notes that anything less is a betrayal of the public trust.

The PfS has quickly announced positioned itself in favor specifically of the State of Emergency and for the monarchy in general. Dreyer's ties to the Navy indicate a friendliness to a continuation of Dorvish foreign policy, though Dreyer himself often downplays his time in the service.

Markets have seen considerable volatility in the time since the collapse, a fact the PfS attributes to concern that the constitutional order may be jeopardized by those on the left who would would seek to threaten Dorvish stability. PfS will combat those elements with all it has.

Wirtschaftsnachrichten für Artania (Artanian Business News) is a leading source on business and finance in Dorvik and Artania.
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Re: Dorvik

Postby Hettich1 » Mon Dec 11, 2023 9:58 pm

Westmarker Zeitung
3rd February 5407

'We Must Turn The Page With Confidence'

An increasingly fragmented political scene became even more so on Thursday with the emergence of yet another new political party in Dorvik. With the nation still coming to terms with the end of one-party rule and the Hosian Conservative Alliance (Dun: Hosian-Konservative Allianz), the new Citizens' Alliance (Dun: Bürgerallianz) political movement said it aims to represent the hopes and aspirations ordinary people have for the future.

Speaking via webcam to an online meeting of supporters and journalists, Hans-Jürgen Löwe, the party's leader, vowed to defend the rights of individual Dorvish amid fears of a crackdown on civil liberties from the miliary or hardliners from the old regime, whilst also stressing the need for stability. Any breakdown in civil society would harm the vulnerable the most, he said.

Change can be difficult, but it can also be positive. It is what we make it, working together, respecting one another. It is time to start a new chapter in this great nation's history and we must turn the page with confidence.
But while this is an opportunity for change, we must never forget the good which has gone before. Any destabilisation of the economy or of civil society would damage most those who have least, and we must do out upmost to avoid that. I would like to send my thanks and our party's thanks to His Most Majestic Highness for his leadership throughout this difficult period.

Löwe refused to be drawn on where on the political spectrum the party lies, perhaps wary of the the State Defense Law enacted by the previous regime which outlawed political movements expressing left wing, republican or 'anti-nobility' views. He emphasised that Citizens' Alliance was a party for everyone in Dorvik who believed in the rights of the individual and individual liberty.
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Re: Dorvik

Postby Zanz » Wed Dec 13, 2023 12:40 pm

     Government will form under Kapitänleutnant Dreyer and the PfS, coalition requests that Kaiser recognize new parties and end State of Emergency
          Ruth Oppolzer | Haldor, Greater Kordusia |4 November 5407
With the conclusion of the October election, the Dorvish Staatsrat has more organized political parties sending representatives to Haldor than at any point in three generations. Six parties won seats, and the election did little to clarify the preferences of Dorvish voters in the post-HKA era, as all six were granted a roughly equal mandate.

Nevertheless, a governing coalition looks set to form in Haldor as the Party for Stability has offered shared power to the Dorvish Center Party (Dun.: Dorviks Zentrumspartei, DZP) and the People's League (Dun.: Volksbund, V). According to a spokeswoman for the PfS the governing coalition share a mutual respect for stability in Dorvik and righting the ship of state.

A complicated political situation has emerged, however, as the now-defunct Hosian Conservative Alliance remains the only political party formally recognized by Kaiser Florian III, whose State of Emergency remains in effect. The Kaiser is said to have watched the election with interest, but it is unclear at this point what his thoughts are on the election's outcome, or whether he will recognize the election as legitimate. The parties of the nascent government have requested that His Majesty recognize their government and end the State of Emergency, but no response has yet come from Königspalast.
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Re: Dorvik

Postby Zanz » Wed Dec 13, 2023 1:30 pm

     Foreign Ministry "monitoring" situations in Davostag, Kundrati as Beiteynu issues Azhara and Dundorf advises evacuation
          Heinrich Schmidt | Haldor, Greater Kordusia |6 November 5407
Mere days after the as-yet-unrecognized (OOC: see note at end of post) formation of the first post-HKA government in decades, the Foreign Ministry wing of the State Executive Building is already knee deep in work for Foreign Minister Otto von Gath of the Party for Stability.

In Davostag, violence and an attack on the Kundrati embassy has drawn the eye of Beiteynu, a fact which has not escaped Haldor even in this time of transition. Von Gath's office released the following statement:

Dorvik's commitment to guaranteeing peace and stability in Artania and Terra is unwavering. The situation in Davostag is being closely monitored by Dorvish intelligence agencies and the Foreign Service is engaged on all fronts in assisting to bring about a peaceful end to violence in Davostag. Haldor reminds its international counterparts that while the Dorvish are certainly preoccupied at this moment, we are never prevented from defending our interests or the interests of our friends if necessary. Davostag is remote to much of the world, but it is not remote to Dorvik - it is a long way home for the Reshout. Terra is watching.

In Ikradon, an economic collapse has wracked the nation, leading regional Dorvish partners in Dundorf to advise evacuation for Dundorfish citizens. Dorvik's foreign ministry has issued a do not travel advisory, and has offered Dundorfish citizens passage should they be unable to evacuate directly to Dundorf.


OOC note: Dorvik is in a state of emergency declared by the Kaiser. The government has been formed and is acting in full capacity, but has not been formally recognized. This is a budding constitutional crisis - but nothing anyone needs to do there, just letting you know for interests' sake.
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