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Re: Cobura

Postby jamescfm » Sun Dec 10, 2023 7:26 pm


ImageAssefa Meseret declared president of the Free Republic of Cobura
Image6 August 5406

Following a vote by the leadership of the Hosian Defence Forces (HDF), Assefa Meseret Mengistu has been declared as the inaugural president of the Free Republic of Cobura. Assefa’s ascension to the presidency follows a period of political transition. Earlier this year, Irkawan paramilitary leader Zōilos Angietis was appointed as commander-in-chief of the Coburan state following the disappearance of King Leo IV in suspicious circumstances. Meanwhile, Supreme Commander Bazilo Mikaelido has attempted a transition to civilian rule in regions under the control of the HDF.

The transition process began with the creation of an official political wing of the HDF: the People’s Salvation Front (PSF). Rather than a single political party, it is a coalition of numerous smaller parties. The ideological background of the coalition is diverse. Ethnic nationalist parties are among the members, such as the far-right Maksimilianido Party and the smaller Barsa National Freedom Front. Both groups are united by their opposition to perceived Irkawan dominance of Coburan politics. The PSF includes more conventional political parties too though, such as the Hosian democratic Social Progress Party.

Despite the rhetoric on democratic reforms and a transition to civilian rule, there are still concerns from external observers about the motivations of Mikaelido and other senior figures in the HDF. The militia asserts a claim to the whole of Cobura but they only control around thirty-five per cent of its territory. On top of that, the transition to civilian rule has only been authorised for regions under “stable political control”. As a result, the new government will only exercise authority over the central and eastern regions of Egato and the areas surrounding the city of Addis Amkä. The effect is that any political reform will only be extended to Hosian-majority regions.

In regions where fighting is ongoing between the HDF and other militia groups, reports continue to emerge of potential war crimes perpetrated by various groups. The centre of the conflict has shifted in the past year. Left-wing paramilitary forces have had their territory reduced to rural areas surrounding the coastal cities of Zgmät and Yäaymro. In recent months, there has been a significant increase in direct fighting between the HDF and the Irkawan-dominated conservative militia group Nen-Snēou. Conflict between the two has been concentrated in western Egato and along the border between Domale and Tokundi.

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Re: Cobura

Postby Pragma » Tue Dec 12, 2023 8:52 pm

     Stalemate in Tokundi as HDF-NS conflict stalls
          3 August 5407

The conflict between the Hosian Defence Forces (HDF) and the Irkawan nationalist Nen-Snēou (NS) has stalled in the hotly contested region of Tokundi, with minimal territory changing hands and few clashes being reported. According to reports from south-eastern Tokundi, near the border with Domale, the aggressive and erratic earlier phase of the conflict has progressively given way to a tense standoff between the rival groups.

Less than 4km2 of territory has been exchanged in the past month, representing the smallest fluctuation in the battle lines since Zōilos Angietis' march on the capital city, Sharba. Meanwhile, communist resistance has collapsed outside of a small area in southern Domale, with HDF forces recently kicking leftist militias out of the key town of Zgmät.

The HDF and NS have increasingly pursued political and diplomatic manoeuvring as opposed to paramilitary action, with both organisations issuing statements asking for World Congress recognition of their respective favoured governments as legitimate. The HDF has declared Assefa Meseret as President of the Free Republic of Cobura, while the NS has backed Zōilos Angietis as Commander-in-Chief of the State of Cobura. Both groups are also thought to be re-establishing institutions that collapsed during the conflict, like local courts and schools, to solidify their claim to be a capable government-in-waiting.

The reduction in armed clashes will bring some relief to residents of Tokundi, which has been one of the worst affected regions in Cobura since the conflict began. The frontlines have zig-zagged through the narrow peninsula, with towns and villages frequently swapping hands between militias. Nen-Snēou (NS) has been accused of massacring members of certain ethnic groups in the region's far west, claims that the group denies but that international observers uphold.

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Re: Cobura

Postby Polites » Fri Dec 15, 2023 10:46 am

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Re: Cobura

Postby jamescfm » Sat Dec 16, 2023 11:15 pm

ImageTemporary ceasefire agreed in Cobura conflict as international pressure grows
Image20 September 5409

The two principal parties to the protracted civil war in Cobura, Nen-Snēou (NS) and the Hosian Defence Forces (HDF), have announced a temporary ceasefire. Both groups have promised to enter negotiations in pursuit of a long-term resolution to the conflict. At present, it is unclear whether the agreement includes the various Majatran militia groups that control large portions of Dilganato. Details of meetings between the warring parties have not yet been publicly revealed.

In the past two years, fighting between NS and the HDF has been limited to sporadic outbursts. Both the World Congress Security Council and the Majatran Security Cooperation Organisation (MSCO) have attempted to facilitate negotiations between the two groups. Progress has been slow. Things changed at the end of last year when the Zardic government formally recognised the Free Republic of Cobura, the alternative government established by the HDF.

Zardugal’s recognition of the Free Republic increased the pressure on NS leader Zōilos Angietis. After his paramilitary forces took control of the Coburan capital, Angietis was afforded international recognition as the country’s head of state. As a result, he previously resisted demands for a ceasefire by insisting he represented the country’s legitimate government. If other Majatran countries were to follow Zardugal’s lead, Angietis’ position would be increasingly undermined.

The process of negotiating a long-term political settlement will not be straightforward. Throughout the conflict, there has been widespread internal displacement as minority groups sought protection from persecution by occupying forces. Numerous groups on all sides of the conflict have been accused of war crimes. At the same time, Angietis and HDF commander Bazilo Mikaelido are unlikely to cede power easily. Both have sought to reintroduce civilian government in parts of the regions they control while retaining ultimate authority for themselves.
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Re: Cobura

Postby Pragma » Mon Dec 18, 2023 9:21 pm

     Negotiations underway, with international eyes on Angietis
          6 August 5410

Negotiations are underway to end the Coburan civil war at an undisclosed location, according to statements released by each side of the conflict this week. The news has been met with cautious optimism in a nation ravaged by warfare. The gruelling eight-year-long fight has fractured society along ethnic and religious lines, causing widespread devastation. Numerous credible accusations of war crimes have been levied at the belligerents, while hundreds of thousands of people have at some point been displaced by the violence.

Last year, the two largest factions in the war - Nen-Snēou (NS) and the Hosian Defence Forces (HDF) - agreed on a ceasefire and pledged to work towards a final resolution to the conflict. A mixture of the deadlock on the frontlines and Zardugal's support of the HDF-backed Free Republic of Cobura is thought to have pressured the hard right military leader of Nen-Snēou, Zōilos Angietis, to dialogue he had previously avoided. Representatives of Zardugal, the MSCO, and the World Congress are all believed to have some involvement in the negotiations, though it is likely that both sides would rather avoid the optics of a peace "forced" on Cobura by outside actors.

Even if the negotiations result in a peace proposal, the path forward is murky. The wounds run deep in places like Tokundi, which have seen brutal fighting. A new government that insufficiently represents all aspects of Cobura's diversity runs the risk of being declared void by some part of Coburan society, which would undermine an attempt at lasting peace. Here eyes lie squarely on the Commander-in-Chief of the NS-backed State of Cobura, who is known to covet the top job for himself. Many believe he will not accept a deal that does not give him at least some power - though that would be anathema to many of his opponents. On the other hand, a government that lacks strength and decisiveness may not be able to tackle the economic and diplomatic damage wrought by the civil war and could oversee a further decline in living standards.

The grievances dredged up by the conflict are unlikely to subside anytime soon. Violence has touched thousands of families since 5402, with mistrust between communities at an incredibly high level. Given the ethnic dimension of the conflict, many commentators internationally have speculated that some form of federalism or ethnic devolution may be required to create a central government that maintains legitimacy to both sides.

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Re: Cobura

Postby jamescfm » Tue Dec 19, 2023 12:03 am


ImageThirteen senior figures in the Maksimilianido Brigades arrested
Image27 September 5410

Viktoro Fortecano and twelve other senior figures in the Maksimilianido Brigades have been arrested by the Hosian Defence Forces. In a carefully planned operation overnight, the thirteen men were simultaneously detained by the military forces of the Free Republic. President Assefa Meseret Mengistu held a press conference this morning to announce they would be handed over to the custody of the International Court of Justice. Fortecano and his far-right militia group have been accused of numerous war crimes, including intentionally killing civilians, widespread ethnic cleansing, pillaging occupied settlements, and giving no quarter.

The thirteen men arrested represent most of the senior leadership of the Brigades. President Assefa announced that the armed forces had been placed on the highest state of alert in response to any risk of reaction by members of the paramilitary group. At present, there has been no evidence that any senior officers in the Brigades would attempt retaliatory action against the government of the Free Republic though.

Throughout the Coburan civil war, the Maksimilianido Brigades developed a reputation domestically and abroad for the brutality of their campaign against left-wing insurgents in Domale. Fortecano was explicit that the Brigades were formed to “secure the preservation of the white race in Cobura and a future for the Augustan people”. In the later stages of the conflict, they attracted volunteer fighters from Zardugal opposed to the de-Augustanisation efforts of the past half century.

The arrests were unexpected but they appear to have been overseen by Bazilo Mikaelido. As the commander of the Hosian Defence Forces throughout the conflict, he has been accused of complicity in war crimes himself several times. Negotiations are ongoing to reach a permanent resolution to the conflict. Analysts have suggested action against the Maksimilianido Brigades might be an attempt to distance the Free Republic from the group and earn goodwill with the leadership of Nen-Snēou.

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Re: Cobura

Postby jamescfm » Tue Dec 19, 2023 11:05 pm

ImagePeace agreement reached between two sides in Coburan conflict
Image24 March 5411

Representatives from the State of Cobura and the Free Republic of Cobura have signed a peace treaty to bring an official end to the country’s long-running civil war. Zōilos Angietis and Assefa Meseret Mengistu were photographed shaking hands in a striking image that has already become a symbol of the unexpected success of the Coburan peace process. The settlement agreement allows both sides to retain control of most of the territory they currently govern, while integrating the structures of the two states. The territory currently controlled by Majatran militia groups will be granted special status.

Negotiations to bring a permanent end to the Coburan civil war have been ongoing for more than eighteen months. Expectations were low when the first temporary ceasefire was signed. Despite this, the effective transition to civilian government in many parts of the country has brought a return to normality for many Coburans. Neither side wants to disrupt this. Whether the reunification of the country provides stability in the long run is a separate matter though.

Under the terms of the agreement, Cobura will become a federation of three distinct entities. The territories controlled by Nen-Snēou and the Hosian Defence Forces will each become an autonomous republic with extensive rights to self-government. The territory controlled by Majatran tribal militias will become a special district with unique status. The three regions will retain separate military structures. At the federal level, there will be a specified division of powers. The head of state and head of government must be from different ethnic and religious backgrounds.

According to reports, the negotiations were driven primarily by the political leadership of Nen-Snēou and the Free Republic. The role of mediators from the World Congress and the Majatran Security Cooperation Organisation has been specifically downplayed by insider sources. The agreement does not completely end armed conflict in the country though. Left-wing militants continue to stage sporadic attacks against military and civilian targets in Domale and there is internal conflict between rival Majatran groups in Dilganato.
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Re: Cobura

Postby jamescfm » Tue Dec 26, 2023 11:03 pm

ImageUnity government formed in wake of first Coburan federal election
Image14 August 5412

A coalition government has been formed in Cobura seven months after the country’s first post-war federal election. The two major political coalitions, Nen-Snēou and the People’s Salvation Front (PSF), have agreed to form a unity government in an attempt to ease post-war ethnic and political tensions. PSF candidate Paŭlo Jozefido won the presidential election earlier this year, while Nen-Snēou’s Besammon Kalaphatis will become Cobura’s first post-war prime minister.

The result of the first Coburan federal election was a comfortable- but not overwhelming- victory for the PSF. The ideologically-diverse political coalition dominated the Hosian vote in the election but performed unexpectedly well with Majatran voters too. As had been expected, Nen-Snēou’s support was concentrated in Irkawan-majority regions. A small number of international observers were present for the elections. Reports were mostly positive but there was significant variation in voting procedures across the country.

The newly-formed coalition government will have limited powers and responsibilities. The political agreement that brought the Coburan civil war to an end reserved most policy areas to the country’s regional governments. Elections for regional political offices will be held over the coming eighteen months. Particular attention will be paid to elections in Dilganato special district, where there continues to be intermittent violence involving Majatran tribal militias.

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Re: Cobura

Postby jamescfm » Fri Dec 29, 2023 2:51 pm

ImagePresident of Cobura Paŭlo Jozefido makes first foreign visit to Zardugal
Image9 December 5412

After the formation of Cobura’s first post-war government earlier in the year, President Paŭlo Jozefido has arrived in the Zardic capital Belegejo for his first international visit as head of state. Jozefido’s visit is scheduled to last two days. In this time, he is expected to meet his Zardic counterpart Ignaco Kalvariano to discuss a range of issues, including efforts to rebuild the Coburan economy in the wake of a devastating civil war.

During the civil war, there was widespread damage to infrastructure across the country. Since the end of the war, the coalition government has prioritised rebuilding rail and road connections. Paramilitary personnel have been reassigned to assist in a variety of roles. The rate of progress has been slow though. The government is seeking international support to improve the situation.

The choice of Zardugal for the president’s first international trip is symbolic. The Zardic government’s decision to recognise the legitimacy of the Free Republic of Cobura during the civil war has been described as a key moment in the conflict. Reports suggest the agreement involved committing the Hosian Defence Forces to negotiations, at least in principle. At the same time, it placed pressure on Nen-Snēou too.

Under the Coburan system of government, the federal president has limited powers. Representing the country in foreign relations is among his most important responsibilities. The current government is aiming to rebuild international relationships damaged throughout the civil war. Despite this, there are reportedly divisions within the governing coalition over proposed membership of the Majatran Security Cooperation Organisation. Cobura and Pontesi are the only non-members in western Majatra.
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Re: Cobura

Postby Pragma » Sat Dec 30, 2023 7:56 pm


     PM Kalaphatis welcomes "return to stability" in Tokundi
     7 August 5416

Prime Minister of Cobura, Besammon Kalaphatis, has praised improvements in interethnic relations in the region of Tokundi, in a speech to local officials in the city of Valgrado. Having been invited to speak by the Nen-Snēou-aligned council, the Prime Minister called the reconstruction process a "clear success".

The historic region of Tokundi lies mostly within the boundaries of the State of Cobura, one of two autonomous republics created after the end of the Coburan Civil War. Valgrado was the site of fierce fighting, with over 4,000 residents killed or injured by rebels. The city's liberation by the Nen-Snēou freedom fighters brought an end to the bloodshed, with its anniversary declared an annual public holiday by former Commander-in-Chief Zōilos Angietis. A combination of low fertility rates and internal displacement have changed the city's demographics, turning it into a hub of Irkawan culture and language on the Tokundi peninsula.

Kalaphatis is a member of the conservative All-Tokundi Alliance, which sits federally within the Nen-Snēou group. His selection as Prime Minister over his mentor Asougkrite Revots, who was NS's presidential candidate, surprised pundits and perhaps signalled a move away from NS's "old guard".

Fiowō Irkawa is a news service based in Sharba, Cobura, associated with the Nen-Snēou paramilitary group
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