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Re: Trigunia

Postby Polites » Wed Jan 10, 2024 9:44 am

Rech Nardoda
Speech of the People is a daily newspaper in Trigunia that provides breaking news and political analysis.
A peaceful revolution
November 5421


Rodshyadam, Radin - Faced with both domestic opposition and increasing international pressure, the incumbent All-Trigunian People's Union, whose tenuous hold on power began to weaken following its allegedly fraudulent electoral victory in April 5418, finally conceded and agreed to hold an early election in July. Unlike before, the election was internationally monitored and opposition parties were allowed to take part in what was ultimately considered Trigunia's first free and fair election in decades. The result was unsurprising. The All-Trigunian People's Union and its satellite parties were overwhelmingly defeated by the opposition, putting an end to decades of "managed democracy" and allowing Trigunia to begin the long and arduous process of a democratic transition.

The lion's share of the opposition vote was won by liberal conservative and monarchist People's Democratic Union, a party subscribing to the Hulstrian ideology of Septembrism and campaigning for the restoration of the House of Rothingren-Traugott on the throne of Trigunia. Having gained a constitutional majority, the Septembrist party is now free to pursue its own vision of a democratic transition by initiating the establishment of a liberal democratic constitutional monarchy. The choice of monarch is significant. The mainline branch of the dynasty, the House of Rothingren-Traugott-Okatori, is presumed extinct, and only cadet branches, among which the most prominent is Rothingren-Ludwig ruling in Dolgava, survive. Instead of seeking personal union with the most senior member of the remaining Rothingren-Traugotts, Dolgavan Queen Helvig, the Trigunian monarchists have instead arranged for the young Queen of New Endralon and Lady Protector of Kizenia Lilianna Mária to take the throne of Trigunia.

Lilianna Mária of the new House of Rothingren-Ludwig-Syldavia became the monarch of New Endralon and Kizenia in the context of a multiethnic state plagued by intercommunal tensions, where a foreign monarch was seen as a guarantee of neutrality and a promoter of stability and interethnic harmony. The People's Democratic Union hopes that as Great Princess and Tsarina or Trigunia she may achieve the same goals. Indeed, the main ideological underpinning of the new Septembrist party is that Trigunia too is a multiethnic society, formed of not just the dominant Rodshyan people (OOC Russians) and the minority Kozakians (OOC Ukrainians) - who were only recognized as a distinct ethnicity after their unsuccessful struggle for independence in the 31st century, but also the Krivian people (OOC Belarusians), until now considered a part of the Rodshyan ethnicity, as well as the various First Nations of Trigunia, whose millennial demands for land and rights have now been embraced by the Septembrists.

With a treaty due to enshrine and consolidate the personal union between the two Kerissian monarchies and with domestic and international support Trigunian transition to democracy seems guaranteed to succeed. What remains a wild card and could potentially derail the transition is the role of the Church. Following the reform of the former Terran Patriarchal Church into the Augustan Church and the autocephaly granted to the Exarchate of Trigunia, possibly obtained with the support of the previous regime that had always wanted an independent Trigunian Church, the Exarchate's ties to the overthrown government puts its loyalty to the new democratic order into question. Though it has so far remained silent on the matter, the fact that the new monarch is not only a practicing Luthoran but also the Head of the Luthoran Church of New Endralon is bound to raise some eyebrows within the Augustan Church or at the very least make it a less than enthusiastic supporter of the new regime. The small Confessional Church of Trigunia on the other hand, a church in full communion with New Endralon's Luthorans, has not hidden its joy at the regime change, as have members of other minority religions. The government has taken pains to disassociate itself from any hint of religious favouritism, though the new Great Princess's faith may put her at odds with more conservative and religious Trigunians.

Regardless, for now at least most Trigunians celebrate in the fall of the Kasyanov dictatorship and the Trigunian transition to democracy seems to have the odds in its favour. With international backing and a supportive electorate, the restored Trigunian monarchy and liberal democracy seems guaranteed to survive.
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Re: Trigunia

Postby Polites » Tue Jan 23, 2024 9:29 am

Rech Nardoda
Speech of the People is a daily newspaper in Trigunia that provides breaking news and political analysis.
Trigunia represented by Pravoslavije
May 5428

Rodshyadam, Radin - The Trigunian band Pravoslavije has been chosen in a competition to represent Trigunia at the 24th edition of FOMAT due to take place in Kalistan. Pravoslavije are a group of Augustan monks from the famous Saint Boris monastery, and their repertoire is directly taken from Augustan liturgy. They will perform the song Aliluia, with its lyrics and style directly copied from those of Augustan mass. This will mark the first time a FOMAT entry is song in Old Tokundian (OOC Church Slavonic).

Aliluia by Pravoslavije
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Re: Trigunia

Postby Polites » Tue Jan 23, 2024 10:55 am

Rech Nardoda
Speech of the People is a daily newspaper in Trigunia that provides breaking news and political analysis.
Indigenous Rights in Trigunia
November 5425

Rodshyadam, Radin - After the fall of the dictatorship of the All-Trigunian People's Union, the Septembrist People's Democratic Union was catapulted to power. Governing on a platform embracing the concept of a single multi-ethnic nation, the People's Democratic Union has been working on altering the constitutional structure of the Great Princedom to incorporate Septembrist principles. One of its core beliefs is that the Rodshyan, Kozakian, and Krivian peoples constitute three co-equal members of a single triune Trigunian nation. Although there has been opposition to this concept, especially from Rodshyan nationalist circles, there is precedent for this, ever since the Kozakians were recognized as a distinct but equal ethnic group centuries ago. Now that same recognition has been extended to the Krivian people, whose language and distinct identity have finally been recognized. To complement this new interpretation of the Trigunian nation, the administrative divisions have been updated as well. Now Trigunia will be divided into three Krais with equal power, corresponding to the three main Trigunian islands, namely Chadonia, Lesser Chadonia, and Tyrgov, inhabited the Rodshyans, Kozakians, and Krivians, respectively.

While this is a departure from previous policy, it has not been a hard sale for the government, as the recognition of the three distinct ethnic groups as part of a single nation preserves national unity and has therefore not been difficult to accept by Trigunians. What has been a more significant and more controversial change is the recognition of Trigunia's indigenous peoples as distinct nations. Trigunia is home to several ethnic groups that have inhabited the islands for thousands of years before the start of Deltarian colonization. Among them the Asakh (OOC Aleut), Tlagu (OOC Tlingit), Khelok (OOC Alaskan Athabaskan), Itkilit (OOC Iñupiat), and Nagayuk (OOC Yupik) peoples are the most prominent. At first relations between the Deltarian explorers and the natives were peaceful, with a trade and peace treaty established between the two parties in 1704. But soon afterwards the lucrative fur trade led to the establishment of exploitative colonial practices and the forced labour of the natives. The Deltarian government also sponsored several missions aiming to convert the indigenous peoples to the Holy Apostolic Hosian Church of Terra, but the head of one of these missions, Saint Tikhon of Trigunia, was appalled to see the horrific treatment of the natives by the colonial government as well as by the rampant alcoholism among the Deltarian settlers. Saint Tikhon and other missionaries began campaigning for the rights of the natives, which, together with their pragmatic attitude towards indigenous customs, won them many converts to what would later become the Terran Patriarchal Church (today's Augustan Church). The conditions of the natives improved as a result, but they remained second-class citizens, marginalized and persecuted at the hands of successive Trigunian regimes.

The People's Democratic Union has campaigned on a promise of reversing the dictatorial policies of the previous government. Among its promises is that of additional rights to the indigenous peoples of Trigunia. At first the government had no desire to grant recognition to the native peoples as distinct nations, a recognition that would go counter to the Septembrist principle of a single multi-ethnic nation. But due to pressure from indigenous rights activists and willing to consolidate the democratic regime, the Septembrists relented and granted such a recognition, in addition to several rights to land and water and the recognition of indigenous customs. Moreover Trigunia has become party to the Treaty on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and is now bound by its provisions. The 1704 treaty will constitute the legal basis for future relations between the Trigunian government and the First Nations, though the People's Democratic Union has resisted calls for more expansive rights like sovereignty or self-determination. Regardless, the Asakh, Tlagu, Khelok , Itkilit, and Nagayuk peoples can now celebrate an important victory.

Nagayuk customs blend native traditions with Augustan rituals
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Re: Trigunia

Postby Polites » Fri Jan 26, 2024 9:40 am

Rech Nardoda
Speech of the People is a daily newspaper in Trigunia that provides breaking news and political analysis.
Trigunia celebrates royal baby
April 5429


Rodshyadam, Radin - The announcement from the royal palace that the Great Princess has given birth to a child has been received with celebration by both the Trigunian political establishment and by the general populace. Károly, Prince of Zyldavia, known in Trigunia as Karl, Prince of Tyrgov, is now the heir apparent for the thrones of New Endralon, Kizenia, and Trigunia. With the birth of an heir the rule of the House of Rothingren-Ludvig-Syldavia over the three nations is now secured. Not everyone, however, celebrates the birth of the Prince. In Kizenia, where nativist opposition to the foreign dynasty is strong, the announcement was greeted with condept by the nationalist Iron League of Kizenia, while in Trigunia there is a small but growing Rodshyan movement against the monarchy and the Septembrist constitution that it embodies. Rodshyan nationalists would prefer a Rodshyan or Rodshyanized dynasty, like the House of Perezhogin, the House of Doroshenko, or the House of Kharzin, to the foreign born Rothingrens, whose customs, language, and faith differentiate them from the majority of the Trigunian population. This opposition is at the moment only heard in the most extreme Rodshyan supremacist circles, but the current popularity of the Great Princess and her heir may fade over the years. For now at least, Royal Northern Highness Liliana Maria I's reign over the three nations is secure.
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Re: Trigunia

Postby Auditorii » Wed Feb 28, 2024 1:01 pm

Rech Nardoda
Speech of the People is a daily newspaper in Trigunia that provides breaking news and political analysis.
17 March Committee forms, condemns the current state of the monarchy.
March, 5446

Rodshyadam, Radin - Following a series of protests and rallies against the sitting Great Princess and Tsarina, the 17 March Committee was formed with a number of political parties and organization who have deemed the return of the monarchy as the "Monarchist malaise" which has been draped over the nation. The elected chairman of the 17 March Committee, Zinon Antonovich Kharlamov, announced his intention to replace the current Governor-General Kostyantyn Trokhymovych Maksymchuk following the governments agreement to hold snap elections. "The people of Trigunia are tired of the poor state of the nation, the corrupt government and the lack of involvement in the region and world affairs." Representatives from the Great Princess and Tsarina have offered meeting with the 17 March Committee but they have refused meetings citing the decision of elections in May 5446 as a means to obtain popular backing to their program. Which, following the agreement for elections, immediately took to the regions, oblasts and towns of Trigunia. Kharlamov has described the movement as " the people..." citing their popularity in polls conducted by Rech Nardoda, and other newspapers within Trigunia.

The 17 March Committee will likely have trouble forming a government given the big-tent and often conflict constituent parties within the group itself. For instance, the Chairman and the Deputy Chairwoman are from split parties respectively. The Chairman hails from the center-right, Trigunian nationalist Constitutional Democratic Party, often called the "Kadets", who have been a driving force in Trigunian politics for several centuries on and off. The Deputy Chairwoman hails from the Social Democratic Party of Trigunia, an amalgamation of left-wing movements that are opposed the revived All-Trigunian Communist Party which has joined the 17 March Committee underneath the leadership of General-Secretary Hieorhi Abecedarski who was recently elected. Other notable political parties within the 17 March Committee include the Democratic Party of Trigunia, a center-right wing party that has generally aligned itself with the Constitutional Democratic Party.
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Re: Trigunia

Postby Auditorii » Wed Feb 28, 2024 3:06 pm

Rech Nardoda
Speech of the People is a daily newspaper in Trigunia that provides breaking news and political analysis.
BREAKING NEWS: 17 March Committee wins elections, Kharlamov declares Republic of Trigunia
May, 5446

Rodshyadam, Radin - Zinon Kharlamov, leader of the 17 March Committee, has won the Governor-Generalship of Trigunia, and declared in his victory speech that the Grand Principality of Trigunia is no more. The Governor-General, now referring to himself as "President of the Republic", noted that a draft constitution had been agreed upon by the leadership and membership of the 17 March Committee which in the announcement of elections in March, 5446 swelled its ranks to nearly 2 million registered members and several million "volunteer" members. He announced that his Deputy Chairwoman and leader of the Social Democratic Party of Trigunia Bogdana Anatolievna Varushkina would become the new Chairwoman of the Council of Ministers, referred to in Western media as the "Prime Minister". Kharlamov welcomed the ushering in of "true democracy" within Trigunia and noted that the government would soon be at work to continue the restoration of democracy. Milorad Antonovich Pavlov, the new Minister of Internal Affairs and leader of the Democratic Party of Trigunia has promised a peaceful transition and noted that a careful review of the Trigunian Police would be ordered. President Kharlamov was questioned about the status of the monarchy and if he had discussed anything with the Great Princess and Tsarina, the President noted that he had spoken with representatives from the monarchy and they would be free to continue their life as private citizens. "Following the election for head of state, I met with representatives of the Great Princess and Tsarina at the Bashnya and we agreed that the family would retain their estates that are due to them, others are not necessarily due to them as they belong to other members of the nobility. Let me make this clear, I am not against the monarchy and the role they play within the culture of Trigunia, but right now we cannot tolerate a continuation of the monarchy malaise that has washed over this nation."

The President has pushed the Foreign Minister, Gaspar Tikhonovich Trapeznikov, to work with the two other signatories of the Kerisian Economic Union (KEU) to revive the project as a means to boost the economic status of the continent and to get the Trigunian economy working again. While the transition is in place, expected to take several months, the President and the Prime Minister will work closely with the State Duma to ensure that a number of laws and legal realities are made possible through legislation as well as general re-organize of the state as a whole.
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Re: Trigunia

Postby Auditorii » Thu Feb 29, 2024 5:41 pm

Inostrannyye Tayms
Foreign Times is a daily, foreign affairs newspaper in Trigunia that has existed since the earliest days of the Trigunian nation.
Foreign Minister condemns aggression from New Endralon and Kizenia | October, 5446

Rodshyadam, Radin - Trigunian Foreign Minister condemned the provocative comments by the New Endralon and Kizenian government. “We want to clear up some inaccurate statements by the government of New Endralon and Kizenia.” The Foreign Minister elaborated that the 17 March Committee is “…not a socialist organization. This has been falsely reported by the government of New Endralon and Kizenia. The 17 March Committee is a grouping of political parties and organizations who oppose the ethnic Kizenian monarch and the recent malaise that has been draped over the nation.”

The Foreign Minister elaborated that while the Queen in New Endralon and Kizenia had not been contacted, or representatives in NEK, the apparatus that is in Trigunia has absolutely been contacted. “I’m not sure why the government of New Endralon and Kizenia believes that the Great Princess and Tsarina doesn’t have an apparatus that supports her in Trigunia is flat out wrong. We’ve absolutely contacted the Trigunian representatives of the Great Princess and Tsarina, it is a personal union, not an occupation. We were well within our rights to do and we coordinate a peaceful transition of power.”

The Foreign Minister further condemned the notion that this was an “overthrow” or some sort of violent transition of power. “We’ve declared the Trigunian Republic, we offered the foreign monarch transition out of Trigunia and the government will temporarily hold the Royal properties until it can be determined the truthful owner, likely the previous ruling monarch before the current.” The Foreign Minister further lambasted the “lies and slander” of the NEK government. “It is ironic they condemn the failure of a new administration that just came to power but similarly critique their own rule over the country. It’s woefully apparent that they’re blissfully unaware of their own actions.”

The Foreign Minister noted that Dolgavia had accepted the invitation for the summit in Rodshyadam regarding the KEU. “We’re eager to get to work with Dolgavia on rebuilding the KEU and its future for the continent. We welcome New Endralon and Kizenia to participate whenever they decide that a democratic and peaceful transition of power isn’t a threat. The KEU was founded by Trigunia and for a long time was the sole member, Dolgavia joined the organization and has been an integral part of the organization. We look forward to really continue building the institution.” Trigunia dismissed the rumors that they are “holding” institutions hostage or anything of the like. Representatives from Trigunia and Dolgavia will also meet to discuss the continued development of the Kerisian Development Bank, a development bank based out of Aikums, Dolgavia.

The Foreign Minister noted that it would not publicly comment on any response to New Endralon and Kizenian aggression with their “Operation Arctic Wall”.
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Re: Trigunia

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Thu Feb 29, 2024 11:01 pm

Dolgovas konservatīvā partija (Dolgava) info
Also in Hanzen
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Re: Trigunia

Postby Auditorii » Fri Mar 01, 2024 1:31 am

Kayzerburg Biznes
Kaiserburg Business

Minister of Health and Social Services launches new nursing program.
Early edition | March 5447

Rodshyadam, Radin - Minister of Health and Social Services Dr. Fenya Svyatoslavovna Terekhova announced that the State Duma's Committee on Health and Social Services had approved a large-scale program aimed at providing funding to nursing students throughout the country. The program which is cited as having a "...multi-million Rabol budget..." will focus on the recruitment of students for nursing programs to address a serious shortage of nurses throughout Trigunia. The Minister of Health and Social Services noted that the program will go into effect 1 June, 5447 following a vote of the State Duma where it is expected to pass. Rodshyadam State University's Faculty of Medicine held a series of conferences and symposiums regarding the lack of skilled nurses in the country over the past several weeks and invited members of both local and national governments, including the Chairman of the Committee on Health and Social Services of the State Duma, who is a graduate of the Rodshyadam's State University's Faculty of Medicine and teaches part time at the university. President Kharlamov cited the success of programs in the past such as the Winter Subsidy, which the President has stated will come back when the economic situation in the country stabilizes; something that is desperately needed as the President has announced high-level meetings with the leadership of NeftKomp and PetroGaz to restart production at the highest levels. A report issued by the Ministry of Trade and Industry cited recent production capabilities are at approximately 63% due to issues related to funding and budgetary concerns.
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Re: Trigunia

Postby Auditorii » Fri Mar 01, 2024 6:09 pm

Rodshyadam Today: President Kharlamov pushes for new naval air base on Great Bear Island; appoints new Special Presidential Envoy.
July 5447

Residents of Great Bear Island celebrating the appointment of Vergin Popov as Special Presidential Envoy to Kyvsk Island.

Armazyl (Tirasti), Kyvsk Island - President Kharlamov announced the resumption of the Kerisian Special Air Policing Operation following the increased tensions with New Endralona and Kizenia, the operation aims at conducting regular patrols around Keris and international air space to ensure freedom of operations. "We must protect both Trigunian and regional air space to ensure that every is free to operate." The Kerisian Special Air Policing Operation was last activated on a permanent basis in September, 5364 and according to the Presidential Administration, will be permanent once again. A representative from the Ministry of Defense confirmed that the operation gives the Trigunian Aerospace Force pilots a significant number of flight hours, which are at a premium in the current Trigunian Armed Forces. A critique of previous administrations had been the lack of dedicate air training programs for Trigunian pilots, something that the new Minister of Defense, Ignatiy Yegorovich Legkodimov, has sought to correct. in his desire to restore the Trigunian Armed Forces to its former state.

The President was questioned regarding the increased state of tensions and he noted that the State Duma had authorized an expansion of a naval-air base located on Great Bear Island, an island close to New Endralon and Kizenia. "The expansion of our naval air base on Great Bear Island is essential to the sovereignty and security of Trigunia. This has absolutely nothing to do with the recent tensions with New Endralon and Kizenia, it is a part of a wider reform program aimed at fixing the issues with the Trigunian Armed Forces." Great Bear Island is a source of controversy due to a notable diaspora of Kizenian's who speak a dialect of Kizenia and write in the Trigunian script and has been on the island for centuries, starting with some of the earliest periods in Trigunian history. The President announced he had appointed Vergin Popov as the Special Presidential Envoy to Kyvsk Island and was weighing the development of an autonomous republic, similar to the renewed Vlozen Autonomous Republic (VAR), which was re-created by the "Law on the Republic and its Subjects" passed by the State Duma.
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