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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed Jan 10, 2024 12:54 am


Dolgavan Government Nationalizes Leopard ll Factory in Noversk

The Factory in Noversk building Leopard ll's for the Dolgavan Armed Forces

September 10th 5421

The Dolgavan Ministry of Defense has announced that it has nationalized and seized domestic production of Leopard ll tanks in Dolgava following the collapse of the Dorvish Government and takeover by a Socialist Party. The strain between Aikums and Haldor has been a new development with Dolgava becoming more and more leery of the Dorvish Government. This move distances Aikums from the new regime in Haldor and also brings more control of tank production to the Dolgavan Ministry of Defense took control of the Artanian Defense's factory in Noversk which repairs and builds Leopard ll tanks for the Dolgavan military.

The new Government has become more and more clear that they do not want foreign influence in Dolgava and that breaking away from Dorvik and creating more self reliance is good for the Dolgavan nation. There has been no protest from the Dorvish authorities so far but with the new Socialist Government seemingly bringing turmoil and chaos to the nation they will certainly have no business remaining allied to Dolgava, or Hutori.

Dolgava has also increasingly becoming close to the Holy Luthorian Empire. The new Government has put Dolgava full steam ahead towards better ties with Ft. William and the two nations looking to find themselves would make excellent allies and regional partners in the region.

For now Dolgava will have full control of its tank production something it has not had in made decades and centuries. A true turning point for the Dolgavan military industrial complex and one for the nation and military as a whole.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Fri Jan 12, 2024 2:34 am


Dolgavan Empire Approved: Queen and Parliament Agree

Queen Helvig has Accepted becoming the Emperor of Dolgava following overwhelming support in Parliament and the public for the change

September 5th 5422

Parliament and the Queen have both agreed to reform the Dolgavan Empire in shocking news. Parliament supported these actions for months but it was still uncertain how the Queen would react. Well today the Government has begun steps towards re-establishing the Dolgavan Empire. The Queen of Dolgava has graciously accepted having her title upgraded into the role of Empress of Dolgava. The process which has happened several times in Dolgava's history will be swift but it climax will be a special ceremony where the Queen will be elevated to Empress or Ķeizariene of Dolgava.

In terms of much more the country will change little. Proposed changes to the National Flag are in the process but this may be the longest of the changes to be implemented. Things like how the country operates, the legislature, the Government, and daily life for Dolgavans will remain unchanged by these events but what this does in the hope of the Government is make Dolgava more unified and stronger.

The news broke from the Prime Minister Ursula Soosaar who declared that Dolgava would transition into the Dolgavan Empire in the coming months with the crowning of Helvig as the Empress taking place later next year. She cordially invited dignitaries from around Terra to come but in terms of tradition reigning monarchs of other countries will not come out of respect. This event will be like a second coronation for Helvig who is 46 years old and will be serving as Empress. The ceremony will be the beginning of the Dolgavan Empire and the beginning of a new age for Dolgava.

The Prime Minister made a statement to the Dolgavan Press and the nation announcing the intention of Dolgava to become an empire, she said,

For a long time Dolgava has had an imperialistic past. For centuries our people have lived as a beacon of prosperity and freedom in Keris and we are once again becoming that once again. We will reform the Dolgavan Empire starting soon. The Queen has fully accepted the responsibility of becoming the Empress of Dolgava and our elected legislatures have fully supported this decision in Parliament. The road we now face is new and exciting. It is a chance for Dolgava to experience a new age of prestige and prosperity for all its citizens. It is time that we stop shooting for second place, its time we become a world leader.

More of her statement can be found at our website FPN.dol

The crowning of the Dolgavan Empress will take place next year the announced date is not yet known but probably in the early spring. Make sure to tune in to the FPN network for your latest news in Dolgava and around the world.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Fri Jan 12, 2024 12:04 pm


November 9th 5422

The Royal Dolgavan Navy has announced that the four vessels of the Śuketė Class have been sent on patrolling missions in unknown locations of the Mad Dog Ocean. SMS Śuketė, SMS Mamut, SMS Kalmāri and SMS Paltuss have finished being modernized and are fully capable and now are doing realistic war games and missions in the Mad Dog Oceans. The missions are classified but are reported to be doing drills in the Mad Dog Ocean. The subs will mainly be Dolgava's intelligence eyes and ears in the region and play an important role in naval strategy.

With the four subs operational it gives the Dolgavan Navy an amazing advantage in reconnaissance and anti-surface ship weaponry as well as a highly elite submarine force. They are also backed up by the most comprehensive submarine focused naval strategy in Terra with Troll Mountain being their primary base of operations. The strategic location of Troll Mountain ensures that other countries do not know the location of Dolgavan submarines or if they have entered port or not.

The Dolgavan Naval high command has rumored the presence of plans to build more nuclear attack submarines to help boost Hutorian and Luthorian numbers in the region. With Dolgava aligning itself with Luthori and Hutori increasingly having a strong naval presence between the three states will certainly make their trio a force to reckon with.

As for now the Dolgavan Navy is in the best shape it has been in many years and naval planners are making this the beginning of greater things. Domestic production of more submarines could take the Dolgavan submarine forces to the next level making them a world class force.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Jan 13, 2024 8:38 am

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Mon Jan 15, 2024 9:39 am


Helvig Crowned Ķeizariene of Dolgava in Highly Anticipated Ceremony!

Queen Helvig inside of St. Matthews Cathedral where she was crowned Empress of Dolgava

May 7th 5424

Today will be a day for Dolgavan history books. Queen Helvig is now Ķeizariene of Dolgava as she was officially crowned such at St. Matthew's Cathedral in Aikums today. The ceremony which was attended by dignitaries and world leaders from across Terra including the King of Beiteynu, the Queen of Kizenia and New Endralon and the Royal Family of Hutori, was the beginning of the Dolgavan Empire as we know it and the beginning of a new chapter of Dolgava's history which will hopefully lead to prosperous times inside of Dolgava for many years to come.

The ceremony was simple but was powerful statement of Dolgava's return to power not only in Keris but in Terra as a whole. It was a symbolic move towards Dolgava becoming a major world player in geopolitical affairs and in the world order.

The Empress was the one who stood out the most in the ceremony. Commentators have stated how it was almost divinely inspired. The sunlight glistened from her hair, her robes and made it seem like it was Dolgava's destiny to go this route. The Empress was stunning and remained calm, regal and collected throughout the ceremony.

The crowning ceremony was directed by Bishop of Aikums, Laimzieds Aspers who continues the long line of Bishops to crown Dolgavan Kings, Queens and the Dukes of Aikums as well. The Dolgavan Luthorian Church is the official state church of Dolgava. Throughout the service Helvig wore green robes and wore a large cross around her neck as well. The crown that she wore was one that has been made previously for other times Dolgava has become an Empire and symbolizes the crown of the new Dolgavan Empire. The ceremony was heavily modeled after past imperial coronations but included modern elements to Dolgava's culture. For instance Helvig becoming the Ķeizariene honors not only the Hulstrian roots of Dolgava's royalty but it also respects the Dolgavan language and cultural heritage as well.

The ceremony was broadcasted very limitedly on television with some parts being done privately as is tradition. The new Empress of Dolgava will be spending the next few weeks touring the entire nation and things like the change of signs, coinage and other tasks like that will take at least 6 months to complete. All postage, coinage and other documents with the Kingdom of Dolgava still on them will be valid but from now on the official name of Dolgava has turned into the Dolgavan Empire.

In Aikums royalists and others celebrated on the streets with pubs and beer gardens remaining open all night long. The 7th of May has been declared a National Holiday and the beginning of the new Dolgavan Empire. This day will be remembered in Dolgava's history for centuries to come as a new day for the nation and the Dolgavan Royal Family.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue Jan 16, 2024 9:40 pm


February 4th 5425

Dolgavan computer companies DisGwiss and Dolgavan Biznes have received grants from the Dolgavan Government to make microchips for both civilian, governmental and military applications for the foreseeable future. The move is huge for the Dolgavan microchip industry as the Dolgavan government in years past has outsourced microchip production to other countries but in recent years the Dolgavan microchip industry has taken large steps forward in competing with the Terran wide industry. The grants come as the Dolgavan Government has increasingly become obsessed with giving grants and projects to Dolgavan companies so that jobs remain here at home and Dolgava is less reliant on other nations for things as important as microchips. These chips are inside of computers that have classified documents, used by military personal and other things of importance for the Dolgavan Empire. Having these assets made in Dolgava will certainly help make Dolgava more secure from external problems or crisis's that may arise to the Terran tech industry.

CEO of Dolgava's largest computer company DisGwiss made a short statement thanking the Dolgavan Government for putting their trust in his company along with the other companies that make up the Dolgavan microchip industry he said

Dolgava's microchip and computer processing industry is excelling day by day and innovating the field of computer sciences. We have seen massive growth here in Dolgava and this deal just solidifies the fact that the Dolgavan computer companies have earned the trust of the Dolgavan Government which we are extremely proud of. We will continue to make innovating products and continue to push the field further and further because that is the only direction to go. This is an exciting time for Dolgava, the first time where our products will be the primary ones used by the Dolgavan Government, Military and major Dolgavan companies along with private individuals instead of foreign countries doing the same.

DisGwiss has also announced that they will be introducing a line of personal computers, laptops and gaming computers that is highly anticipated by the Dolgavan public.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed Jan 17, 2024 9:19 am


Royal Family to Renovate and Restore Aikums Palace

The Royal Castle in Aikums which will be under renovations

May 17th 5425

The Dolgavan Royal Family have lived in many structures throughout their history, from their original palace in Dolgariapolis (now Dolgavaopils) which is known as Enkure Castle which was built in the year 2050 and now is a museum to Dolgava's older history, the move coming as the capital had long been moved from Dolgariapolis to Aikums. The palace was built originally in 2001 for the Grand Duke of Hodari and his family. When that was dissolved into the Dolgavan Federation and when Dolgava was unified the capital was moved to Dolgavapils. The property remained property of the Dolgavan Royal Family ever since first serving as their property when they were in Aikums and then when the capital was officially moved the Castle was converted to their residence.

The structure is grand with the top tower being 100 meters tall. It is adjacent to St. Matthew's Cathedral (Dolgava's largest Luthorian cathedral) and St. Olaf's Cathedral (The largest Cathedral of the Terran Patriachal Church in Dolgava), and is situated directly next to the Prime Minister's residence and mere blocks away from the Dolgavan Parliament building. Up until the 3700's the building was the largest structure in the City of Aikums. The building has been renovated and remodeled and upgraded and expanded over the years now encompassing a massive area with courtyards, the Royal Gardens, the Royal Chapel a restaurant for tourists, along with a museum and much more.

The need for this building to be renovated has been a urgent need for some time especially as the Dolgavan Royal Family uses it as their primary personal residence. The bill will be paid completely by the Dolgavan Monarchy with tax payer dollars not being spent on the project. This makes sense as the Royal Family does profit off of visitors charging fees to enter the museum and public areas. Due to the fact that the complex is being used by the Royal Family as their residence the Dolgavan tax payer will not have to pay for the project and the Dolgavan Royals can well afford it.

One of the Dining Rooms inside of Aikums Palace

The project is expected to take 2 years and cost something like 100 million DOLS (100 million Euros). Once complete the complex will have more historical areas protected and accessible for the public. As apart of the project the Dolgavan Palace will include infrastructure to better project the castle from Earthquakes and potential bomb and explosions. Also at the same time there will be increased security at the site which will be addressed in the project as well.

As for the Royal Family the Ķeizariene and her family will still reside in the Castle but spend more time in their other residences including their Hunting lodge in Schloss Ebenzing the Dolgavan Royal Family's hunting lodge near the city of Ebenzing, and their manor in Konstanja along with their Castle in Noversk. When complete the Aikums Palace will last for many more years to come and be enjoyed by Dolgavans and tourists alike for many decades and centuries to come.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed Jan 17, 2024 12:01 pm


June 1st 5425

The Dolgavan Government has voted in favor of abolishing the Dolgavan Death penalty. The death penalty which has existed in the country for thousands of years has in recent times not been utilized and is only to be used for convicted war criminals, terrorists and those who are guilty of treason. In an overwhelming majority Parliament voted to get rid of the death penalty along with several other laws including allowing collective bargaining for workers and allowing abortions up till the first trimester. These bills are apart of Prime Minister's policy of Realpolitk inside of Dolgava and being one step ahead of the opposition who now have no problems with the bill except for the policy on homosexuals in the military.

Ursula has proven herself once again to be the master of negotiations being the women to take Dolgava back to its Imperial roots and now passing reforms her rivals had stood for and now can not longer continue to attack her leadership with. Her approval ratings with all Dolgavans has risen but especially with suburban voters and women. Polls now show the party on the verge of winning more than 76% of the popular vote and nearly sweeping the opposition into an impossible position. The opposition which only a few years ago was in Government has all but collapsed with internal fighting in the party being the thing that is driving their supporters to flock to the Government for support.

The death penalty is a clear pivot from the Conservatives to retain their moderate to center-right base and by getting rid of the death penalty it will make Dolgava a more just and fair society, and instilling a sense of moral responsibility to future generations, the Dolgavan Empire will not have blood on its hands from the terrible acts of others.

The Prime Minister spoke about the issue saying this short statement
It is time for us to end this archaic means of getting revenge for the worst offenders out there. We should not lost our morality just because of the actions of others. There are many effective ways of punishment that is fair to those who are accused. Death is irreversible and once they are dead there is no going back. We cannot in our conscience risk innocent people dying because of the death penalty. Many times in a case evidence changes and new things are discovered about them that could lead to an innocent verdict. If they are dead there is no way of getting that innocent person back. By abolishing the death penalty we are ensuring the rule of law reigns supreme and that due process is ensured.

These changes will certainly shape Dolgava going forward and point towards a more centrist future of growing humanitarianism from the Dolgavan Empire and especially from the Soosaar Government.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Fri Jan 19, 2024 12:36 am


Dolgavan Premier Soosaar Visits Dorvik as New Government Brings Normality to Country

Prime Minister of the Dolgavan Empire Ursula Soosaar visited Haldor to meet with the new Dorvish Government and Reconnect Dolgava and Dorvik once again as allies

February 12th 5426

Dolgavan Prime Minister Ursula Soosaar made a visit to the Kingdom of Dorvik to meet with the new Spiegel Government fresh from their election victory in the country. The Government which seems to be trying to right the Dorvish ship and bring normalcy to the country after several unstable governments. Dolgava ever since the collapse of the longtime government has been looking for the replacement, steady government to take its place and finally it seems Spiegel and his new Government may be doing just that.

The Prime Minister visits Haldor for the first time since the country's long time government collapsed. Arriving in Haldor she met first with Chancellor Spiegel and the Dorvish cabinet. She also met with Kaiser Florian III as is custom for visiting dignitaries. While in Haldor she talked with Dorvish officials about the continuation of CSCO exercises and increased Dorvish and Dolgavan collaboration. Dolgava has distanced itself from Dorvik in the chaos of the past few governments, but with the new government taking charge of Dorvik once again the Dolgavan Government once again feels comfortable to work close with Dorvik again.

Soosaar made a short speech affirming Dolgavan and Dorvish friendship saying that both nations "share a Special Relationship, that is once again strong". Soosaar also spoke about an opportunity for Dorvik and Dolgava to become a powerful partnership once again in the region saying "With the decline of states in the south and current unease across Terra it is our chance to not only strengthen our relationship with each other but to seize the initiative and strengthen the CSCO's position globally and especially in Artania. Many have said that Dorvik is dead, that they are falling from grace but they are only going through change, something all countries face at some point in their lives. Together Dolgava and Dorvik have an opportunity to become world leading superpowers and a shining beacon of peace and prosperity to Terra. I don't give a damn what academic minds in Eroncourt say, their influence is rotting away, ours is growing!".

Soosaar also visited a national park and some of Dorvik's scenery before leaving the country reportedly "extremely satisfied" by her visit and confident in Dolgava and Dorvik's relationship going forward. Many people have counted Dorvik out but not Dolgava and not Ursula Soosaar.

The Dolgava Freie Presse is an Independent Newspaper Which Covers All Stories Related to Dolgava
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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Sat Jan 20, 2024 10:31 am


November 19th 5426

In a tragic event the Mayor of Dolgarburg, Druvinalds Griķis has died in a terrible attack. The mayor who was visiting a new affordable housing structure that was mere weeks away, was being interviewed by a local reporter and the Dolgavan Broadcast Corporation's interviewing crew. Mere minutes into the interview the entire building collapsed as a massive explosion enveloped the area. He was being interviewed by a senior reporter for the DBC the host of the prime time news segment, Gabriele Semmelrogge. The blast also killed experienced cameraman Kilian Stamm and injured dozens of others.

Instantly federal and local officials swarmed the scene as news crews and DBC officials swarmed to the site both worried about their crew but also as the story developed. Soon the site was completely surrounded as crews worked to find people trapped inside the partially collapsed structure and to keep people out of harms way. I only took 2 hours for the Police Chief of Dolgarburg to make the following statement about the attack and the news was absolutely shocking.

We got the call at 2:34 pm local time about an explosion taking place at the Switz Building site in Eastern Dolgarburg. We were advised that a news crew and the Mayor of Dolgarburg were on site. When we arrived we assisted paramedics with evacuating the injured and casualties. There are three people that were deceased in this attack, their families have asked us to share their names to you all. Dr. Druvinalds Griķis is one of the people confirmed to be deceased with Gabriele Semmelrogge and Kilian Stamm. Amongst the rubble of the site we managed to recover 18 others who were flown to local hospitals. The cause of this explosion has yet to be finalized however we can accurately say this was a planted and deliberate explosive device. We will continue to investigate and get to the bottom of this terrible attack, not only to bring justice but to provide closure to the families. We mourn with those who were lost today in this terrible, barbaric act and we pray for those who must fight to survive at this hour. I will continue to regularly update you all in the coming hours, days and weeks. We will get to the bottom of this. Thank You

The Mayor of Dolgarburg Druvinalds Griķis is dead at the age of 78 from a bombing that killed him, reporter for the DBC Gabriele Semmelrogge and cameraman Kilian Stamm and wounded dozens of others.

Witnesses at the site said that the explosion at first came from the structure itself before exploding into the ground and onto the ground where the news crew and mayor were. Politicians from across the country have condemned this attack with the Prime Minister calling it a "barbaric act of evil".

Mayor Druvinalds Griķis will be remembered by many not only in Dolgarburg but around the country for his brand of Hosianism Conservatism, his very outspoken and in your face style of politics and his way of rallying the people in support of a cause. He was extremely popular as mayor and served in the position for 23 years up until this point. Before that he had been a widely famed University Professor at the University of Lirath in Dolgarburg. He had thought about retiring later this year, which makes event even more heartbreaking. Gabriele Semmelrogge was the most popular news anchor by ratings and her extreme professionalism. She has covered new stories for the DBC for 15 years and has held the prime time spot for 6 years. She will be sorely missed not only by the viewers of the DBC but from the wider journalism profession.

DBC anchorwoman and widely considered one of the best journalists in Dolgava Gabriele Semmelrogge was one of the victims in the attack

Conservative politicians have already placed blame on leftist groups unhappy with Dolgava's shift towards an empire. The mayor of Dolgarburg is seen widely as one of the most far-right voices in the Conservative party, and the personification of Dolgava's rightward shift in recent years. The motive and those responsible are yet unknown but people are already jumping to conclusions, another bad affect of this terrible event.

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