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Re: Endralon

Postby Elena1012 » Mon Jan 15, 2024 6:21 pm

Martial Law Proclaimed in Endralon; Military ordered to resolve protests by any means necessary.
In the wake of mass protests across Endralon, the government has begun to become incredibly unpopular with the people, with many pushing for reform, even the slightest sliver of reform. Despite that, the government has remained adamant on maintaining the status quo and has resorted to declaring martial law to solve the crisis and restore order. This has seen several protests dispersed by force with reports of some protests escalating into full riots and clashes between police and protesters before the military cracked down.

Mass arrests have begun of prominent anti-government dissidents, whether they be liberals, socialists, or republicans, they have been deemed enemies of the state and arrested. However, this has only amplified more protests, with many becoming radicalized and the DHF taking advantage, with some reports of minor terror attacks against the status quo. This is turn has led to a stronger response from the military.

Despite the chaos, the government is adamant in maintaining the status quo and looking to promote stability and order. Moderates in the government have been urging citizens to comply with Martial Law and adhere to orders received, believing that reform could happen if the protests cease.

Whatever the case, martial law being proclaimed will significantly do damage to an already fragile Endralon, and with the military being given full authority to do as it pleases to curb the protests, one can only imagine how long it'll take before the body count rises.
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Re: Endralon

Postby Elena1012 » Tue Jan 16, 2024 11:41 pm

Military dissidents rise; cases of military units rejecting orders to fire on countrymen rises.

When martial law was proclaimed and the military was given full authority to curb the protests in however way it saw fit, many expected bloodshed to quickly occur. However, it would seem that expectation was defied.

Various military units around Endralon (while not a full majority, roughly half) have disobeyed direct orders, refusing to fire upon protests. This has seen some units go on direct strike, refusing to acknowledge orders while some units have directly joined the protests, acting as protection. Unsurprisingly, this has seen direct conflict between loyalists in the military and dissidents, with skirmishes breaking out in portions of various cities. This has seen the country thrown into full disarray, with even portions of the military questioning their loyalty to the government. With some cities, such as Hattyútó in Effinia seeing zero opposition to the protests, receiving support from military units that have defected.

Whilst in regions like Zergon, the military has largely remained loyal to the government, and has curbed most protests. With the military being split and even having infighting, regions with strong protests have been emboldened in resisting, with support from dissident military units. However, many fear that peace is far away in Endralon with the nation potential teetering towards a total civil war.

Whatever the case, Endralon is experiencing heavy upheaval and civil war may draw near between the militarys loyalists and dissidents. Whether peace can be kept or not is yet to be seen. But what is certain is that the protests have certainly made the history books in Endralon.
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Re: Endralon

Postby Elena1012 » Thu Jan 18, 2024 2:30 am

Efínia and Alt-Ginbár secede! Treaty of Újmakon signed between Efínia and Alt-Ginbár; Free Endralon proclaimed.
(One of many members of the Democratic Restoration Front, in Efínia)

As if the situation in Endralon could not get any worse, Efínia and Alt-Ginbár have illegally seceded from the Visionary State of Endralon, and have signed the Treaty of Újmakon, establishing the Government of Free Endralon. Military dissident units in the territories of Free Endralon have proclaimed full loyalty to the Government of Free Endralon, fundamentally committing treason.

Being based in the city of Régházikó, the Government of Free Endralon has been organized, and has demanded the government to negotiate. In line with the Kundrat Government to the West offering negotiations, the Government of Free Endralon has demanded the Visionary State to come to the negotiation table in Kundrati. However, the legality of that demand remains in the air as Kundrati, alongside the rest of the entire world formally recognizes the Visionary State of Endralon as the legal representative of Endralon in international affairs. In that regard, the Government of Free Endralon has appealed for international recognition to boost its legitimacy and force the Visionary State to the negotiating table.

In regards to the military of Free Endralon, the illegal unrecognized nation has prepared it's military on the border, with it being made clear that should the Visionary State attack, Endralon will be launched into a full civil war should the olive branch be rejected.

Dobos Gyula has been inaugurated as Provisional President of the Government of Free Endralon, leading a nation that has questionable roots (that being an illegal secession) and with zero international recognition, but this has not stopped Gyula from being determined to creating a free Endralon.

Whatever the case, the Endralonian Standoff has occured, and if peace wasn't on it's death bed before, it certainly is now. Whether Free Endralon will survive or not is yet to be seen. Whether it gets recognition is yet another question. But should negotiations occur, Endralon could keep peace. If not, Endralon may enter full civil war.
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Re: Endralon

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Thu Jan 18, 2024 9:32 am

Tory Party (Hardliners) - Primary account.
Controller of the House of Orange-Villayn Armstead.
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Re: Endralon

Postby Elena1012 » Thu Jan 18, 2024 11:45 pm

DRF wages guerilla war against the Visionary State as Free Endralon looks to achieve recognition; Tensions rise on the border between the Visionary State and Free Endralon.

Ever since Free Endralon seceded, tensions have remained high, with minor skirmishes breaking out in both sides, no direct fighting has occured. Yet. However tensions have remained high and near a breaking point.

In the Visionary State, protests have been forcibly dispersed and crushed, with whatever remaining launching a guerilla war against the Visionary State. However with the protests being shattered in the Visionary State, the Visionary State has mobilized what it could towards the border of Free Endralon, refusing to entertain the notion of negotiations with the rebellious states.

In regards to Free Endralon, the Government of Free Endralon has made several appeals for international recognition as tensions rise. And with negotiations being refused, civil war has become inevitable but with no direct fighting occuring yet. With the Provisional Military of Free Endralon being established, the military has been on high alert as protests in Zergon and Guerilla forces remain high.

With civil war becoming near inevitable, and skirmishes across Endralon escalating, the nation is approaching it's breaking point. With Luthori providing exit for her citizens and many trying to flee the country (but being stopped by Visionary Naval Forces), the nation is entering hectic times.

However, despite the DRF waging guerilla warfare in Zergon, the DRF has begun waging guerilla partisan war across the Visionary State, hoping to cause as much damage as possible and support Free Endralon in the coming storm.

Regardless, Endralon remains in chaos amidst high tensions and a near full civil war on the horizon.
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Re: Endralon

Postby Elena1012 » Sat Jan 20, 2024 3:35 am

Zergon attempts secession; Failure reported as only portions of the region are able to secede. Fighting confirmed as the Endralonian Civil War has formally begun.

In the midst of the chaos that has been the Endralonian standoff and no sign of negotiations being able to occur, Free Endralon and the Visionary State have begun preparing for the inevitable. That being civil war.

The fuse to this box of explosives was the province of Zergon attempted to secede and join Free Endralon, but failing with the governor being arrested and imprisoned for treason. While some of Zergon in the southeast has been able to secede, lacking the regional capital of Zergon has been a blow to securing Zergon. However with thr Visionary State holding onto Zergon thanks to the military, it is likely to stay under Visionary rule for the foreseeable future.

With the attempt failing, this has seen full fighting erupt between the Visionary State and Free Endralon with border units reporting fighting and towns and cities near the border region being embroiled in war. As guerilla fighting occurs in the Visionary State, conventional fighting has occured on the border, alongside reports of hastily constructed trench's being used to fight.

With Endralon set ablaze, whoever is stuck in Endralon can only hope for a quick end to the fighting but with both militaries determined to achieve total victory, any chance of immediate peace is unlikely. Whatever the case, the fate of Endralon has come, with two radically different visions clashing in a violent feud which will scar Endralon for decades, regardless of who prevails. Whether the Visionary State can prevail and restore the Status Quo or Free Endralon can prevail, and enact their vision for Endralon.
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Re: Endralon

Postby Elena1012 » Sat Jan 20, 2024 9:46 pm

Hugamest Offensive occurs only to fail; Casualties rise for both sides amidst calls for humanitarian aid.


In the offset of the Endralonian Civil War, the Free Endralon has decided to strike while the iron is hot and launch the Hugamest Offensive, with the sole goal of capturing Hugamest, and forcing a quick surrender. The initial expectations were that it would be an easy quick victory for the Free Endralon, and the Civil War would end as quickly as it started. The Free Endralon couldn't have been more wrong.

At first, Free Endralon was able to make some ground into the region but once the military of Free Endralon got close to Hugamest, it went downhill. Being entrenched, the Visionary State was able to successfully defend the city and repel Free Endralon, pushing them back to the provincial border. Before attempts could be made to cross the border, a minor counteroffensive saw Visionaries pushed back however no side was able to get momentum to push forward again. Visionary forces were able to defend Hugamest and have already begun to entrench themselves in their newly established positions.

However, despite being a victory for the Visionary State, it was largely a pyrrhic victory, costing both sides heavily, both in terms of manpower and equipment. Guerilla forces were of little help to Free Endralon and largely were a minor nuisance for the Visionary State. With both sides suffering heavy casualties, and even civilian casualties being caught up in the offensive, both sides have made appeals to the international community for support and humanitarian aid.

The Visionary State has called on the AU and WC for humanitarian aid and support against "rebels who have sought to put civilian lives in danger" whilst Free Endralon has only continued to appeal for international recognition and humanitarian aid. While no nations have recognized Free Endralon, this has no diswayed Free Endralon from attempting to garner international recognition, especially in the name of receiving humanitarian aid.

Whatever the case, as Visionary Morale remains high, and Free morale has taken a hit, both sides have taken a massive hit in casualties and with the first offensive of the war being, largely a disaster for both sides (even if the Visionary State did prevail in the end), the Endralonian Civil War is anticipated to cost Endralon greatly if the Hugamest Offensive is anything to go by.
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Re: Endralon

Postby Elena1012 » Sun Jan 21, 2024 3:23 pm

Battle of Maloselo occurs; Victory for Free Endralon

After the near disastrous Hugamest Offensive, the Visionary State looked to maintain it's slight momentum and instead of focus on hitting a wall in the South, the Visionary State has focused northword, towards the city of Maloselo.

While the fighting was less harsh then it was during the Hugamest Offensive, the fighting still did cause heavy damage to both sides, however the Battle of Maloselo had managed to become a victory for Free Endralon, being able to successfully defend the city from Visionaries and even push them back. The Battle of Maloselo was won thanks to logistical errors on the Visionary States behalf thanks to Guerilla fighting, alongside tactical usage of artillery tactics.

With a Victory for Free Endralon, this has raised morale considerably, further boosted from the fact that the victory was not a pyrrhic victory either. However, with the lack of international recognition and the appeal for humanitarian aid falling on deaf ears, both sides have come to a conclusion; the war must end soon otherwise Endralon will never recover. But this has not stopped or discouraged fighting in other parts of Endralon and with Free Endralon dubbing the civil war the "War of National Resistance", and looking to capitalize on the ideals of freedom and democracy, this has kept some morale afloat and prevent potential defections or what not.

Whatever the case, a victory for Free Endralon has occured, and this has raised morale. Whether the momentum can be kept or not however is yet to be seen.
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Re: Endralon

Postby Svetlana2 » Mon Jan 22, 2024 8:40 pm

Don't mind me just spreading som good old chaos and insanity and sometimes democracy and freedom depends on my mood
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Re: Endralon

Postby Elena1012 » Tue Jan 23, 2024 3:46 pm

Battle of Zaosuma occurs; Free Endralon on the offensive

With the Visionary State licking it's wounds from Maloselo, Free Endralon has spearheaded an offensive towards Zaosuma, with the goal of reading the provincial border of Kundar-Nova Zergonska. And already, this has seen considerable success for Free Endralon and with aid from Lourenne, this has only emboldened and strengthened the offensive. The goal of reaching the border of Kundar-Nova Zergonska is ultimately to encircle Zergon from the South and split Visionary forces into two.

However, with aid from Lourenne and Dundorf arriving to Endralon, this has given immense aid to Endralonians in dire need of support. Medical aid, such as equipment and doctors has proven incredibly helpful to aid camps. And with the new offensive, casualties remain high between the two states, both for civilians and military units. Yet despite it all, Free Endralon remains at an advantage due to Lourennes support. And with the possibility of Kundrati possibly supporting Free Endralon, a strong incentive has been made to reach the Kundrat border.

For the Visionary State however, it has enacted a full bombing campaign, scrambling whatever aircraft it can to begin bombing the front lines in an effort to change the ride as Free Endralon fundamentally lacks air superiority compared to the Visionary State. The goal of the bombings, besides to damage Free Endralons capacity to fight is to also kill morale.

Whatever the case, the new offensives victor is in the air as the bombings from the Visionary State can end any support Free Endralon has, yet with support, Free Endralon can still win. Regardless of the circumstances, Free Endralon has made it a goal to get to the Kundrat border and split the Visionary State into two.
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