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Re: Dankuk

Postby iltamzumra » Wed Nov 01, 2023 1:01 am


Today saw the ascension of the Seongyeong Isageum, His Majesty Baek Seongju, as the first King of the Dranians, 4th sovereign of the New Kingdom, Head of State of the reformed Federative Kingdom of Dankuk. His Majesty has ascended following the abdication of Her Excellency Ryeo Deokmi, the Changan Geoseogan, during the great constitutional reform of 5375, which restructured the kingdom to adapt to a federal structure.

The enthronement ceremony began at 2:30 PM when the crown prince sat before the government assembled in the Inuijeon Hall. In the audience were all provincial officials, all members of the cabinet, and all senators of the legislature. Prime Minister A. Kai Tan was given the specially made Taeko crown and placed it on the crown prince's head, signaling the transfer of vested state power and authority in the new Isageum. The Taeko crown (大暠金冠) was specially made by the royal association of goldsmiths last year for the use of the new Isageum. It is the first modern golden crown to be used by the royalty since the abolition of golden crowns during the reign of King Yujong in 881 CE. Golden crowns were the indigenous headwear of the kings of the earlier Gongmangdo and later Old Bae kingdoms, but were dropped later in favor of Confucian hats.

The procession then advanced throughout Beonyeonggung Palace, eventually coming before Kwangtanmun Gate, whereupon His Majesty delivered his coronation address. He promised to uphold the rights and dignity of Dranian citizens, to promote the spread of Dankuk's greatness throughout Terra, to exercise mercy and benevolence in the governance of the state, and to defend justice and the democratic order of the Federal Kingdom. Following his words, a parade was conducted, leaving Beonyeonggung and crossing through the Gungmal, Gangseo, Arirang, and Sogu districts of Gongmangdo. There was much rejoicing and spectacle as an entourage featured the traditional Daechwita procession music. At evening, a splending fireworks display was subsequently held above Beonyeonggung, lasting from 10:00 PM to 12:00 AM. The Beonyeonggung Taryŏng was then played, signifying the end of the event.

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Re: Dankuk

Postby iltamzumra » Sun Dec 03, 2023 4:03 am

5402, October 2

Angry questions are beginning to stir in the West Dovanian Region following the sudden disappearance of the popular Dankukian publication Kungminui Moksori's beloved Amadeo Pedro Jegal, whilst he was visiting Yingdala. Jegal was reportedly living with a Draniano expat community near the Dankukian embassy in Tian'an's Kyotown for three months before he vanished. Jegal, a self-avowed "libertarian" and harsh critic of Yingdala's new government under Luo Shi and the People's Foward Union, published numerous articles documenting the new authoritarian restrictions average Yingdalan citizens faced in their life, warning Dankukian citizens and nationals to be wary of and careful within the developing nation. Jegal was also an especially harsh detractor of the Yingdalan legal system, especially following his expose of procedural inconsistencies during the landmark case Kaizhou Inquirer v. The Standing Committee, which was considered an enormous defeat for press freedom in the island nation.

Shortly before his disappearance, Jegal was recorded in a phone call to the editors of Kungminui Moksori in Gongmangdo that he had gathered information that could lead to the overturning of Kaizhou Inquirer v. The Standing Committee on the basis of a mistrial. Three days later, Jegal had vanished and his apartment had been cleaned out completely. Dankuk, which has been consistently evaluated as one of the most stable political and cultural environments in the contemporary age, has long held reservations over the status of Yingdala, the long-suffering and tumultuous island between Seleya and Dovani. In eons past the old Kingdom of Bae once held great relations with the various Yingdalan dynasties, but modern times have seen Yingdala often to embroiled in social conflict or despotism for good relations to have been restored. Currently the two nations maintain diplomatic relations, but they have been increasingly frosty as Yingdala has shown itself to have fallen to what many analysts deem democratic backsliding.

Foreign Minister of the Federative Kingdom of Dankuk Joaquín Mingyu Hwangbo released the following statement:
We are closely investigating the unfortunate and surreal dissapearance of a prominent Dankukian national and citizen within the borders of the Yingdalan Commonwealth. The recovery and safety of Amadeo Pedro Jegal, along with 8,400 other Kyopo that reside within the Commonwealth of Yingdala, is the foremost priority of the Foreign Ministry in that nation. We seek nothing more than assurance and knowlege that he is well and that he can be safely affirmed within custody of servants of the Federative Kingdom of Dankuk.

The Federative Kingdom has been in close contact with our partners in the West Dovanian Union and the O3 Network. The Palace of Iustitia is in cooperation with the Federative Kingdom over these matters. We request the due cooperation alongside the Yingdalan Commonwealth, and for full answers in good faith and clarity in our joint efforts to recover a treasured national. Dankuk will take any refusal to cooperate on the part of the governing parties as a sure sign of insult and bad will towards Dankukian nationals in Yingdala. In the meantime, Yingdala will be elevated on the travel list from 3 - heavily discouraged to 4 - dangerous. Programs are in place for the relocation and repatriation of Dankukian citizens from Yingdala back to the motherland. Yingdalan nationals that wish to claim Dankukian citizenship and relocate to the Federative Kingdom may either apply for political asylum or citizenship on the basis of jus sanguinis. Please contact your local consulate or embassy for more information.

The incident has incited public uproar in Dankuk as many politicians and public figures accuse the Yingdalan government of silencing a foreign critic in the press. Prime Minister Pak Seungman commented that he was very concerned for the sudden and mysterious nature of Jegal's appearance, but assured that the government was working through all available channels to ascertain Jegal's whereabouts. A mass anti-Yingdala demonstration is scheduled to be held on the 5th in Gongmangdo Capital City's Gwangdamun Plaza in support of international press freedom and for the safety of Jegal.

Dankuk Denounces Separatist Movement in Mikuni-Hulstria, vows WDU Cooperation to Restore Peace
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Re: Dankuk

Postby GreekIdiot » Thu Dec 28, 2023 9:52 am

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Re: Dankuk

Postby iltamzumra » Tue Jan 16, 2024 10:05 pm

'The Time Has Arrived' - PM Burkanbol Calls for 'Historic Resurgence' of Bae Nation Amidst Stagnation

Prime Minister of the Federal Kingdom of Dankuk Schelebeje Burkanbol declared in his New Year's Address yesterday his intention to launch a "Historical Resurgence" for the Peninsular nation.

Burkanbol made history last year when he was sworn in as the first "indigenous" Prime Minister in the history of the Kingdom. Burkanbol, whose first name means "Servant of God" and last name means "Man of Steel", is the first Head of Government of Dankuk to have been born a native Penru speaker to an indigenous Penru family. Ever since the original Penru language was revived in 5354, first as a learned language and then as the colloquial speech of the Penru ethnic minority, it has experienced a rapid resurgence at the expense of the Draddwyr language that it replaced. Draddwyr was first introduced in the 17th century to Penru people by Alorian settlers and explorers that wished to establish trade and influence on the Dovanian continent. Alorians interbred with the initial population (generally the modern Penru genome is believed to be about 54% indigenous and 46% Draddwyr-descended), and by the time of Egelian colonization the Draddwyr language had overtaken the native Penru tongue as the majority language.

However, with the explosion in Penru revivalism and the success of anti-Draddwyr campaigns in Penru communities, that changed. PM Burkanbol's rise to power was the ultimate culmination of revival activists that fought successfully for generations to get rid of old colonial traditions and return to the original roots of their unique and native cultures. The Prime Minister's father, Gogda Burkanbol, was originally born "Penllyn Owen" but later eschewed his Draddwyr name when he joined N'garin Hokto. N'garin Hokto is seen as the representative political party for the Penru Cultural Revival Movement, or Bu Ili'tscheren. Bu Ili'tscheren is a cultural and self-labeled "indigenist" movement heavily popular amongst the younger demographics of the Penru community. A 5424 poll conducted by N'garin Hokto itself claimed that 84% of all Penru communities practice cultural institutions aligning with Bu Ili'tscheren, and since the early 55th century the Royal Government has been recognized and used Penru as a national language alongside Kyo and Draniano.

Reflecting this symbolism of rebirth and revival was the message the PM spread during his new year's address:

'It is time that the Bae Nation rekindles the great fires that drove the extraordinary economic success of the Miracle on the Kan River [Editor's Note: a historic period of exponential economic growth in the Kingdom of Great Bae during the early to mid 54th Century]. As a developed nation secured by our many regional and economic allies, we have grown accustomed to a high standard of living that is increasingly unsustainable unless we work hard for it. A complacent society is one doomed to fall behind the modernizations and epics of the new age. As the sun dawns on the year 5235, I would humbly ask that all Baegukese citizens reflect and work for a truly new year. A new year of growth, of self-reflection, of betterment, and of national rebirth. The time is now that we end the stagnation, the time is ripe for a truly historic resurgence.

Burkanbol was chastised by the opposition Liberal Party as well as some members from his own political coalition, Tomédemo (short for "Toméng Democrátican", or "Democratic Movement" in the Draniano language) for his brash insistence on using the old, more nationalist term "Baeguk". Analysts consider this move to be a populist play to the growth of civic nationalism in Dankuk. It remains to be seen whether Burkanbol can deliver on his promises, but many are hopeful.


- Royal Development Bank - Bae Opens
The national branch of the Lourennais Royal Development Bank, the Royal Development Bank - Bae (Banque Royale de Développement - Pae, BRDP), celebrates two years since it's Gongmangdo opening in 5423. Investors celebrated the opening of the institution as a historic celebration of the strong economic ties between Dankuk and Lourenne, as well as the continued economic prosperity of the Gongmangdo Metropolitan Area. The BRD remains one of the largest and wide-reaching economic institutions in the WDU.

Xiaomei takes her First Adorable Steps
Gongmangdo Royal Grounds, Dankuk's national zoo, garden, greenhouse and arboretum complex, celebrated the birth of Xiaomei, the newest panda in the country last week. Videos of the adorable cub taking her first steps have since gone viral on Urilink, Dankuk's primary social media platform. However, unlike her human baby counterparts born in Dankuk, Xiaomei is not a Dankukian -per the Treaty of Basic Relations Between the Federal Kingdom of Dankuk and Yingdalan Commonwealth, all pandas in Dankuk are exclusive property of the Yingdalan government. Critics decry the apparent weaponization of pandas as a political soft power tool by the power Dankuk often has chilly relations with, but the public has largely ignored these views, celebrating the new panda as Gongmangdo's new must-see attraction.
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Re: Dankuk

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed Jan 17, 2024 1:30 am

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Re: Dankuk

Postby iltamzumra » Thu Jan 18, 2024 4:27 am


RAB put on High Alert as Dankuk Prepares for Possible Intervention in West Dovani's "Problem Child"

Ignacio Carlos Namgung, Minister of Defense, has confirmed to the press that the Royal Army of Bae has been put on high alert as tensions once again mount in Mikuni-Hulstria. Barely half a century after Dankuk first intervened in the nation to aid republican and anti-fascist forces in their 5359 civil war, the powder keg in Kien has once more been lit to the dismay and great annoyance of their Western Dovanian neighbors. Now the RAB may once be forced to repeat a near-identical maneuver to preserve the peace in the region. The RABNF (Royal Army of Bae Naval Forces) has extended an impromptu war-game exercise to last for the next week as the RABAF (Royal Army of Bae Air Forces) scrambled jets around the Mikuni airspace in an apparent show of prowess and range. Increased activity has additionally been noticed from the other two branches of the Bae military; the RABGF (Ground Forces) and RABEF (Elite Forces).

Mikuni (also known as Mikuni-Hulstria or Hulstria and Gao-Soto) is a troubled multi-ethnic nation that borders Kazulia alongside Dankuk. Although technically a member of the West Dovanian Union, Mikuni has been a very troubled nation in recent times. Even after formally becoming a member of the WDU in 5389, Mikuni has continued to have the highest poverty rate, lowest intelligence scores, lowest rate of human development, and worst debt of all member states.

Critics have argued that Dankuk has been partially to blame for instability and xenophobia, citing apparent instances of economic "colonialism". Dectractors point to the terms of the Treaty of Mutual Recognition, Assistance, and Respect between Mikuni and Baeguk, the 5360 plan that ended the successful Baegukese intervention in Mikuni. The treaty formed three large companies, the Mikuni Energy Company, Mikuni Transport Company, and Mikuni Port Authority - Dankuk was granted majority shares in the first two and a significant amount of profit in the third. Dankuk also pressured Mikuni to adopt the Dovanian Circus before joining the WDU, allowing the Bank of Dovani (based in Gongmangdo) to manipulate and deflate the currency to Mikuni's disadvantage. This set the stage for wealthy foreigners, primarily of Draniano and Kyo descent, the so-called Bodeheru class, to sweep in and monopolize the Mikuni real estate and property market. Since then, a cabal of Dankukian dual citizens have controlled massive amounts of capital in that country. Whilst Mikuni later successfully renegotiated the treaty - Dankuk agreed to sell all shares in the MEC, MTC, and MPA for their appraised market value - it cost Mikuni immense wealth and failed to solve the issue of Bodenheru. For example, the most infamous Bodenheru group, the House of Berneux, still run companies like the MEC and MPA. Nonetheless, these criticisms fail to acknowledge the important part Dankukian investment into Mikuni played in initial post-war growth. Dankuk also sponsored Mikuni's ascension to WDU membership, which greatly bolstered their international credit rating and ease of doing business.

Yi Huicheol, Foreign Minister, issued a statement addressing the Kingdom's official stance towards the Mikunian situation yesterday, the 4th.

Mikuni had best not make any threats towards peace and stability in the West Dovanian Union. The Kingdom of Dankuk will continually monitor the situation and is ready at all tmes to defend her allies.
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Re: Dankuk

Postby iltamzumra » Sun Jan 21, 2024 4:09 am


Jean-Baptiste "Dongho" Berneux has declared that he will run for a seat in Dankuk's Senate, standing for the Garanang District of the Changt'ae Special Self Governing Region (Changtae Island). The 28-year old banking magnate, worth 4 billion Dovanian Circi (㉤), is a dual citizen of the Kingdoms of Dankuk and Lourenne, having made his name in banking and finance as the Director of the Royal Development Bank of Lourenne. The house to which he belongs shares mixed heritage with Dankuk's own House of Baek as well as the Lourennais House of Orléans-Vasser-DeChambeau.

Berneux claimed that he was motivated to run out of a "deep-rooted and long-standing compassion for my fellow Changtae citizens". Berneux is technically right in the sense that his official legal residence has been registered with the government as Keunnang Mansion, a property located in Geumyawleum (금ᄋᆢ름) County, a part of the greater Garanang Electoral District. However, Berneux spends the majority of his year outside of Dankuk, where he words as the head of the RDB. The move has sparked significant protest and criticism from the opposition Liberal Party, which accuses Berneux of attempting to influence government power to further his financial interests, which it also posits are dominated by foreign interests. However, the ruling Saenuri Democratic Coalition has remained silent and neutral to Berneux's candidacy. The explicitly pro-market and pro-WDU integration firebrand's political positions largely align with the Saenuri agenda, which has made them reluctant to criticize what the Liberals have slandered as "Foreign Plutocratic Nepotistic Opportunism".

Monddak Sarawndeurui Ggum, the ruling nativist and indegenist party of Changtae Special Self Governing Region, unsuccessfully fought Berneux in court and attempted to disqualify his candidacy by proving that there was a conflict of interest, which would violate Title XXXIX §107 of the KGBFC, Dankuk's Federal Law Code. In a statement, the self-avowedly Metzist party denounced his attempts to gain political power as a "shame tactic aiming to increase the power of the foreign bourgeoisie on Changtae island at the expense of native and marginalized proletarians". However, Garanang District Court has officially ruled in Berneux's favor, citing in the decision that

...as a lawful and residing citizen of the Kingdom, Jean-Baptiste Dongho Berneux meets all requirements under both Changt'ae Special Self Governing Region's local and Federal Royal law to be considered eligible to run for elected office in the Garanang Electoral District.

When asked for comment, Berneux declared that the "unfounded hysteria" was a symptom of what he described as "anti-Lourennais hysteria and xenophobia on Changtae Island". Nonetheless, Monddak Sarawmdeurui Ggum has appealed the pending case to Changtae Island's Supreme Court. If they overturn the ruling, it could be the end to what has been a short yet most controversial political career for the young billionaire.
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Re: Dankuk

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Jan 27, 2024 9:16 am

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Re: Dankuk

Postby jamescfm » Mon Jan 29, 2024 3:31 pm

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Re: Dankuk

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Feb 03, 2024 9:00 am

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