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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Fri Feb 16, 2024 1:24 pm

A Generation Later: Yingdalan Education Investments Lead to Swell of Cultured and Skilled Labor

It is no secret. Education is paramount to the Yingdalan way of life. It is among the top budget priorities for the state and forms the bedrock of Yingdalan civilization. Ji Enzi said, "Educate the masses to build trust, this must be the the state's priority to establish harmony and achieve the Great Unity." Trust, and skills, are flourishing throughout the country.

Since the implementation of education reforms over two decades ago, millions of Yingdalans have underwent a transformation. From pre-school onward, students have not only gained an appreciation for the Jienist classics and hallmarks of Yingdalan culture, but have expanded their knowledge and applicability of critical skills like mathematics, science, reading, and writing.

A balanced education has created a well-rounded population - highly skilled and devoted to Yingdalan traditions. Though Yingdalan universities are where students may select their specialization, they are still required to meet basic education requirements - like an intensive study of the Jienist rites and astronomy. Physical education is even required through university - such as archery, horseback riding, shooting, and defensive driving. These, of course, take second position to their specializations, which have all been granted equal weight under the Yingdalan education system. The arts are equivalent to the hard sciences in stature and traditional Jienist studies are not placed above any other discipline.

The equality of education topics across the Yingdalan school system has led to a boom in talent cultivation. Individuals feel empowered to do what they love and feel is best aligned with their natural skill-set. Graduates are more willing to take risks to start businesses and innovate - beginning at the university level. Scientific breakthroughs, new products, and cultural innovations are just on the horizon.

Pleased with the outcomes, the government will continue investing in Yingdalan education. According to the Ministry of Education, funding will increase. Programs will be evaluated with best practices implemented for all. Educator salary will be an important priority, with a goal of having teachers and professors become the highest paid for their jobs in all of Terra. This way, more and more talent can flock to Yingdala and educate its people.

The Royal Council will also continue to encourage foreigners to attend Yingdalan schools - from pre-education through university. More scholarships will be created and efforts made with other governments to encourage access to Yingdala's education system.

Already, many in Terra are recognizing the strengths of the Yingdalan education system. It is the hope of the people for this to continue and for the country to reclaim its top position as the education destination for Terra.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Fri Feb 16, 2024 1:39 pm

Tian'an Commits to a Defense Revolution to Spur Economic Growth

The results are clear - military investment supports economic growth and lower unemployment. The Royal Council has learned this from watching Lourenne's economic recovery efforts. Therefore, the Ministry of War has established a new policy to direct military funding - with the support of the Yingdalan Wealth Fund - to support defense modernization and innovation.

Funding will first focus on defense innovation to shore up Yingdala's capabilities. A former global power, Yingdala's military has fallen on hard times for over a century. Recent reform efforts were halted as Tian'an rooted out loyalists of the totalitarian regime - despite the armed forces backing the return of the Son of Heaven. New technologies and weaponry - specifically of a defensive, not a power projection nature - will be required to maintain adequate defense.

As in the past, the focus will be on maximizing Yingdala's defense. This means naval vessels, short and medium-range anti-air and anti-ship missiles, detection capabilities and early warning systems, cyber, and the air force. Land forces - although the prestige group - will take a backseat and focus solely on home defense. Creating an impenetrable shield around Yingdala will be essential.

Thankfully, defense innovation is conducive to Yingdala's highly skilled workforce. With decades of intense education in the math and sciences, as well as military requirements, the Yingdalan workforce should be capable of meeting the country's defense innovation needs.

Moreover, given military skills form a key part of the Yingdalan education system and the separate military examination system for officers, filling out the armed forces should be a no brainer. Soldiers should have a baseline ability to perform, allowing more advanced training to boost defense effectiveness. Officers will also be well-versed in ancient and modern warfare strategies and tactics, creating an agile leadership term which can adapt to the needs of the situation.

Despite a defense focus, it is not the intention of the state to spark an arms race. Efforts will be concentrated on defense - not offense - and these efforts will boost the economy which is in need of recovery. The needs of the people are paramount. Government must secure them.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun Feb 18, 2024 12:34 pm

Tian'an Revives the Eastern Development Organization to Improve the Yingdalan and Dovanian Economies

After centuries in dormancy, the Son of Heaven's Royal Council announced it would officially "restore" the Eastern Development Organization (EDO) and begin operations immediately. While not technically defunct, EDO had effectively ceased working long ago after decades of progress. Now, with both the backing of the Yingdalan government and the Yingdalan Wealth Fund, EDO will begin implementing investments and projects in the Eastern Hemisphere (Terra excluding Artania, Macon, and Majatra) without preconditions.

No preconditions has been the significant factor distinguishing EDO from other aid organizations. It does not seek to implement political and social change first or as a requirement of development. Rather, it sees those as natural results increasing prosperity. This gives the organization a unique advantage in securing projects and issuing grants and loans.

Like in the past, EDO will focus mainly on infrastructure investment. This is essential to boosting domestic and international economic activity and trade - allowing other industries to flourish.

However, instead of serving as a more international organization, EDO will primarily be driven by Yingdalan authorities to both improve relations abroad and boost its economy. EDO will primarily distribute grants - with some low interest loans for more advanced economies - to countries, with project contracts split between equally between Yingdalan and host nation companies. Thus, Yingdala and aid-receiving countries will benefit.

Initial project focus will be on the Gao-Showan and Mu-Tze nations of Dovani to build pan-national unity. However, any country will be able to make a request for investment.

Besides economic gains and political goodwill, Tian'an likely hopes its efforts will help spread Yingdalan culture - especially educational ties - with host nations. Through greater cultural understanding, miscommunication and miscalculations can be minimized and create more enduring friendships.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun Feb 18, 2024 12:44 pm

Yingdalan Wealth Fund Goes on Dovani Bond Buying Spree, Offering to Sell Back Debt for Nominal Cost

The Yingdalan Wealth Fund (YWF) has undertaken a massive bond buying spree on the Tian'an Bond Market - purchasing any Dovanian government bond for sale and offering to sell it back to the original government for a small fee. The Fund, which generates hundreds of billions in LOD in revenue each year from investments, is said to be taking this largely un-economical turn in the spirit of pan-Dovanism and a desire to boost the continents economic recovery.

Tian'an sees a Dovanian economic boom key to its own economic recovery. After years of the Aldegar Canal's closure, Yingdala sees both stronger trade ties to the East and stronger economies as essential to its economic security.

Through the bond purchases and buy-back opportunities, the YWF - and subsequently the Yingdalan government - is offering to stabilize Dovanian economies and allow them to focus more on domestic development and stability instead of paying foreign creditors. While the buy-back offers include a very nominal fee, it is far lower than the original bond interest rates.

For countries choosing not to repurchase their bonds, the YWF will enter negotiations with those countries to officially lower the interest rates. Formal agreements are needed to ensure the rate changes are legally binding. Plus they provide a strong guarantee Tian'an wants to improve Dovani's long-term economic situation instead of profiting in the short to medium-term.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Wed Feb 21, 2024 12:12 pm

Yingdala and Mikuni-Hulstria Usher New Era of Friendship

When the plane left Tian'an for Kien and then Miyako carrying the heirs to the Hulstrian and Mikuni thrones, the Yingdalan government and people could hardly believe it. After centuries, the dual monarchy of Hulstria-Mikuni was restored to heal the country. And not just any restoration, but a true one - whereby the traditions of the Hulstrian and Kunihito people were upheld. Yingdalan authorities were particularly concerned that the Kunihito people's traditional conceptions of monarchy would be discarded in favor of a more Artanian flavor. Thankfully, this was not the case - allowing to Tian'an to make an immense overture to the new government in hopes of reestablishing fraternal ties.

Thus, the Fraternity Treaty was born and now recently ratified between the two states. Tian'an immediately sought to strengthen ties with the new Federation in hopes that it could support its stability. Much of the Fraternity Treaty consists of trade, investment, and cultural ties. These pillars should support a Hulstria-Mikuni economic recovery after centuries of stagnation, while encouraging greater understanding between the nations.

Besides economics and culture, the Fraternity Treaty also establishes a strong diplomatic partnership. Both countries will seek to cooperate with one another on mutual interests, as well as avoid conflict. This should help bring further stability to Hulstria-Mikuni and the region.

Tian'an also secured a major victory with the Son of Heaven being recognized by the Hulstrian authorities as the only Son of Heaven in Terra and the head of Jienism and Guidao globally. Experts believe this provision was included to provide a safeguard to the Son of Heaven's position and allow it to become akin to the Arch-Patriarch of the Aurorian Church should republicanism return to Yingdala.

It is the great hope of the Yingdalan people that Hulstria-Mikuni can break free from its spouts of totalitarianism and return as a cultured, well-meaning nation.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Wed Feb 21, 2024 12:33 pm

Yingdala and Lodamun Pen Treaty After State Visit

Long ago, Yingdala and Lodamun had a closer partnership. That bond has finally been renewed with the signing of a Treaty of Friendship after a state visit from Lodamese high officials to Yingdala.

The treaty was a surprise to say the least. Many believed tension would exist between the Luthorian speaking country due to Luthori's enduring cultural influence, but not so. Continental ties - Yingdala being one of a few dual continent states - are stronger. Not to mention the history of friendship.

Identical to the Yingdala-Hulstria-Mikuni Fraternity Treaty, the Yingdala-Lodamun Treaty of Friendship is laser focused on regional peace, trade and investment openness, and cultural diplomacy. Lodamun could effectively come a bridge between Yingdala and the Luthorian speaking peoples everywhere.

A major driver for the treaty was the Aldegar Canal closure. Tian'an, seeing it relied too much on the canal for trade, has sought to expand its trade and investment partners to recovery economically and secure its future prosperity. Lodamun's geographic location in North Seleya was a natural fit for the needs of the Yingdalan people.

Additional treaties along these lines are said to be in the works with Gaduridos, Baltusia, Vorona, and Dankuk - with additional overtures made to the rest of Seleya and Western Dovani. Surprisingly, Lourenne is not on this list, but it is already likely due to the existing treaty which is fairly comprehensive.

Restored close Yingdala-Lodamun ties are a shining example of Yingdala's friendship and culturally oriented foreign policy of moving in all directions. It will surely be a model for all future Yingdalan relationships.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Fri Mar 01, 2024 9:38 pm

Economic Recovery Continues as More Trade and Investment Agreements are Penned

Yingdala's economic recovery since the Aldegar Canal Crisis has been steady - thanks in part to the government's trade diversification efforts. Tian'an has been adamant since the crisis to expand the country's trade network to focus more on regional - Eastern Hemisphere - states to improve trade and investment prospects. So far, it has been an extreme success under Minister Yan Xiang's leadership.

Free trade and investment treaties have already been ratified with Mikuni-Hulstria, Lodamun, and now Kundrati (though not a regional partner, it is a serious economic player). Five additional treaties are in the final negotiation stages with Dankuk, Dolgava, New Endralon and Kizenia, Baltusia, and Jelbe - with additional negotiations with Tukarali, Vorona, Saridan, Talmoria, Kanjor, and yes, even Aldegar.

Each of these treaties establishes full trade, investment, and overall economic reciprocity between the countries - creating a de facto and de jure trade and customs union between the countries. Bilaterally, Yingdala's efforts are believed to be the most significant of this kind in Terra.

As a result, the treaties have and will be a boon to the respective economies. For Yingdala, this is a win-win proposition as they allow lower cost trade and investment for all the countries involved and enhance each one's unique specializations.

Of course, this is not the end of the trade and investment game. Deals are sought with Kazulia and possibly even Lourenne. While Lourenne and Yingdala have an existing treaty, Tian'an is studying how best to upgrade the relationship given the recent changes in Terra's global architecture.

Should Yingdala manage to secure agreements with the countries mentioned above, it would effectively create an Eastern Hemisphere trade and investment association. Such a grouping would have the potential to revolutionize regional economies and unleash development to a new level.

But at the end of the day, Tian'an is doing this to ensure the Yingdalan people can be prosperous. For prosperity - the ability to feed oneself and obtain survival - supports social harmony and general morality. Nothing is more important than this.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Fri Mar 01, 2024 9:46 pm

Eastern Development Organization Wants to Boost Dovanian Integration

The Yingdalan government, through the Eastern Development Organization (EDO), is aggressively supporting the aspirations of the peoples of Dovani for further integration and development. Therefore, EDO has pledged to write as good as "blank checks" to help Dovani achieve the dream of sovereignty and economic development.

Counsellor-in-Chief Zhu Xiaolin's Office has signed off on EDO's efforts and pledged the multi-trillion LOD Yingdalan Wealth Fund would serve as the underwriter of last resort, noting it is Yingdala and Terra's interest to have a strong, sovereign, and prosperous Dovani.

EDO is willing to support various projects after consultations with local Dovanian governments, going beyond general infrastructure investment. While EDO believes this is essential to regional integration and economic prosperity, it has signaled it will bend to the dreams and aspirations of the local peoples.

While there will be no preconditions for support, EDO will ask Dovanian governments to allow Yingdalan firms to assist with projects and pave the way for more cooperation and friendship with Yingdala on the continent.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat Mar 09, 2024 10:33 pm

Son of Heaven Congratulates Verham Ostalnders on Establishing a Monarchy

His Majesty the Son of Heaven has sent formal congratulations to the Verham Ostalnder authorities in New Verham upon their decision to establish a monarchy. Within the letter, His Majesty offered the full support of the Yingdalan government to help ensure the new sub-national entity's success.

Subsequently, along with a communication from the Royal Council, the Son of Heaven offered New Verham assistance in this matter, particularly since Yingdala had once existed under a system of sub-national monarchies with an elected leader, as well as a diarchy state. Success is very possible and often stability increases under such systems if the makeup of a state is as diverse as New Verham.

Moreover, His Majesty assured the New Verham government that should it ever seek to restore the Khanate, Tian'an would be the first to offer its recognition and support of the new system. However, it was emphasized this is ultimately a matter for the people to decide and that sovereignty can never be compromised for the sake of ideology.

Many hope that this new line of dialogue will deepen the relationship between Yingdala and New Verham and lead to a restoration of fraternal ties founded on ethnic and cultural similarities.
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Re: Yingdala

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sat Mar 09, 2024 10:44 pm

Yingdala Praises Recent Monarchical Activities in New Endralon and Kizenia

The Royal Family of New Endralon and Kizenia's decision to adopt agnatic primogeniture and discard absolute primogeniture sent a positive shockwave through the Yingdalan elite. Finally, another royal house has adopted what Yingdalan traditionalists believe to be the most stable - and divinely sanctioned - form of succession. As such, Jienist scholars, traditionalists, and other members of the nobility - and even the Royal Clan - sent letters to the new House of Syldavia on its return to form.

When asked if these letter represent official government policy, the Ministry of Rites flatly rejected the position.
What another country does - especially what another family does - is its business. Yingdala respects these choices. Our traditions in the Grand Union differ from others. As such we hope other countries would have the same level of respect for us. We are happy for the new House of Syldavia and wishes it success in whatever it chooses to do.

No doubt, however, that residents of the Heavenly Palace are happy to have another agnatic ally in Terra to avoid being the only one not preferring female rulers.
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