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Re: Beiteynu

Postby Rogue » Fri Feb 16, 2024 9:00 pm

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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Feb 17, 2024 8:59 am

הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
Medinat Dpt. doubles-down on Artanian cooperation with visit to Kirlawa
November 5440

Yishelem, Beiteynu - A diplomatic delegation led by the Head of the Medinat Department Sneakyeth Avodi departed for Eagsuila earlier this morning from Bei Elion International Airport a week after the Beiteynuese Government confirmed that both sides had opened channels of communication in attempting to build up and extend relations revolving around the current geopolitical events in the continent, as well as Kirlawa's steady emergence from its recent domestic turmoils.

The Medinat Dpt. has recommended to the Rose Administration to push the Kirlawan Official Diplomatic Treaty for ratification by the Knesset, as the delegation travels to the northern Artanian state to also recommend the ratification of the 2 main Beiteynuese agreements, one to open up diplomatic relations and the other to extend commercial avenues, with both set to enable Kirlawa to tap into the Yeudish Neset, the world's largest network of relations and trade.

In opening up trade but regardless of whether that is brokered or not, what the Medinat Dpt. seeks to focus more is the JAMS agreement, the framework that may revolve around a matter of "no direct interest" to Kirlawa but is set to be the cornerstone of a "bigger picture" for Artania's cooperative spirit, which either seems to be completely missing by Artania's own currently rising influencers or altogether purposefully avoided, as the Artanian Union once again fades into obscurity - unsurprisingly to both Beiteynu and Lourenne - and there's a lot of talk on security cooperation but little to no actions.

What worries Yishelem the most is the "astounding fact" that while Beiteynu engages in diplomatic tours to foster cooperation, Luthori embarked on a similar tour to instead defend its position that "it's not the next Dorvik" set to cast a shadow of unrivalled hegemony over the continent, while at the same time continues to disregard a treaty already ratified by relevant Artanian states - including Dundorf and Kundrati, the 2 other "playmakers" of influence in the continent; a treaty that has even received Dundorf's loud vote of confidence, Kirlawa's immediate neighbour to the southwest.

Then came the formation of 2 aircraft carrier groups in what the Medinat Dpt. cites as a "stark contrast to Fort William's promises of equality in Artania".

Mr. Avodi stated that the delegation hopes to get Kirlawa onboard the JAMS agreement so as to not only further pressure the "deaf powers" in the continent to put "actions behind their promises" in equality on security, but to also help Kirlawa ascend in relevance towards securing its future as an equal partner in the continent, despite the "blatantly obvious ongoing efforts" by others in disregarding or deflecting the matter for decades - "just like Dorvik did".

Concerning the recent Deltarian rhetoric of "Beiteynuese and MSCO oppression", Mr. Avodi stated the following in a rather nonchalant manner:

We are not entirely sure what the Deltarian President is on about; even BeiGov's higher-ranking veterans are confused. I mean, the MSCO is and has always been there for everyone and the CMRF has been led by Deltaria for quite some time now.

If Deltaria wants to offend the rest of the continent by calling the organisation garbage, the floor is theirs, they have every right to do it.

We do suggest a little bit of history reading, however, as the landscape is entirely different these days.

You know, things have happened by other people.
The Terran Times
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Feb 17, 2024 7:37 pm

הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
Terran Times restored after global systemwide crash
February 5441


Himmelshtern, Beiteynu - The Head of the Digitali Nimshal (Digital Governance) reported on Saturday that the Terran Times suffered a critical systemwide crash, which resulted in all media outputs from across the globe and live streams with the Artanian Union and the MSCO to terminate with the application. After pulling numerous 24 hour shifts, the dedicated software team tackled the issue and restored operability to the media amplifier.

She further commented this morning:

While the system suffered some losses of critical data packages, in order to ensure there's no further lag with media publishers globally, we have disabled a number of the application's features to ensure uptime and viability in the networks.

We will gradually recommence rollouts of these features, and more, in the near future, as soon as we complete a few monitoring cycles to ensure the technical maturity and production viability of the system's new redundancy settings.

Expected impact on third-party networks should be minimum, but we will watch closely and adjust accordingly.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun Feb 18, 2024 4:58 pm

הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
Culinary diplomacy; Gaduridos attracts Yeudish attention
July 5441


Sholemberg, Beiteynu - With the Gaduri Government embarking in steady economic reforms, the situation in Aldegar remaining unclear as the Palace of Javaneh engages with Baltusia in diplomatic fights and the recession stagnating both the shipping industry and the financial sector underway, Yeudish entrepreneurs continue to look to Seleya in terms of food and primary sector trade.

After all, the success of commercial relations with Alduria and Kanjor, the shipping sector's curious presence in Valruzia and the extended partnership with Kalistan have in fact assuaged any concerns in stability that both Eroncourt and Yishelem had since the beginning of the 54th century.

With trade seemingly set to pick up on the eastern coasts of Seleya, the Medinat Department has advised the newly sworn in Levy Administration to commence official diplomatic relations with Gaduridos, seeing that the country had been closely aligned with Istalia in the past; one of Beiteynu's long-term allies in the continent of Majatra. As usual, the Medinat Dpt. seeks to open up channels on both diplomacy and trade, hopefully set to further increase confidence in the Yeudish Neset in importing the culinary delights of Seleya.

In fact, we met with a restaurant owner in Sholemberg originally from Gaduridos, who's specialty is the taco hummus...
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Tue Feb 20, 2024 6:42 am

הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
HMG expands into Kundrati; media conglomerate Humperdinck-DeWitt Holding constructs new headquarters
April 5442


Yishelem, Beiteynu - We are very excited to announce that our parent company Humperdinck Media Group has recently undertaken extensive expansions into the media sphere of Kundrati, introducing 2 new network streams.

HMG acquired the Yishelem Post back in 5372, including the geopolitical magazine Magashalom.

Through the next few decades and as the Yeudi Monarchy's ascension became the hottest topic of the Yeudi Homeland leading up to Elias Ishmael IV's coronation in 5406, HMG went on to conquer the Beiteynuese landscape with both the Orange! TV Channel 6 and the Orange! Streaming Service, which naturally attracted the investment interest of Beishalom Group, the Yeudish bank specialising in information technology.

Eyeing these expansions with a rather favourable perspective, the House of Elior's infamous Aristocrat Insurance Group and one of the oldest financial institutions in existence to this day has been reviewing plans to further fuel the conglomerate's growth across the Yeudish Neset. AIG's executives will meet with the C-Suite of Humperdinck-DeWitt Holdings to discuss various strategies, including establishing new headquarters outside of Luthori.
The Terran Times
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Tue Feb 20, 2024 4:55 pm

הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
MOD shares security concerns with Artanian partners
July 5442

Yishelem, Beiteynu - Unsurprisingly to many, Minister of Defence Patrick Jacobstone (of Luthorian descent) met up with ambassadors from N&D, Malivia, Dundorf, Kundrati and Luthori in Yishelem yesterday afternoon, in an "impromptu" meeting together with the Head of the Kohav (Military Command), the Naval Chief of the Beiteynuese Naval Command and the Deputy Representative to the MSCO from the Nisrad (Office of Representatives).

The purpose of the meeting was to share the MOD's security concerns over the Migrant's Pass, based on a report drafted by the BNC following the Medinat Department's diplomatic visit to Kirlawa in 5440, with Beiteynuese partners in Artania. The main subject of the discussions?

Luthorian naval presence in Malivia, which has created an awkward scenario stemming from a mutual defence pact between Yishelem and Fort William, a mutual defence pact between Malivia and Luthori and the fact that Dusanspur is a ratifier of JAMS, while the Empire isn't.

Mr. Jacobstone addressed the media from the MOD building in Yishelem, an hour ago:

While there is no criticality to the security related topics, there is the issue of stability moving forward.

With Bannerhafen joining up militarily in Himmelshtern, Kundrati's own ratification of the JAMS agreement, Dundorf's vocal support of it and the international community's general recognition - including that of the MSCO and Deltaria - that the Migrant's Pass needs this cooperative stability, we've apparently reached an impasse as to Luthori's close proximity in terms of their naval deployments in Malivia.

We have so far strayed off from broaching the topic directly with Fort William, regardless of the Medinat Department's movements in recent decades in aggressively pursuing a bridge of alignment between the MSCO and Artania, out of recognition to their opposing views on the topic.

However, we just don't know how to move forward; an Artanian state with naval ships in the area not joining a framework of cooperation that 4 of its neighbours have already ratified, creates a peculiar state of affairs that, unfortunately, continues to jeopardise security in the region.

The very thing we're all looking to permanently fix, here.
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Tue Feb 20, 2024 10:12 pm

הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
Gem Publishing says Book 2 set to release soon with reveal of 1st gem holder
August 5442


Yishelem, Beiteynu - Gem Publishing, the Beiteynuese publisher of heritage and history books and a frequent target of slander and defamation suits by the House of Elior, released a statement on social media earlier today on an expected timeline of release of Book 2: Baruch Assassination of the controversial book series The Meddling Affairs, more than 50 years after the release of Book 1: The Bloodline.

The book is claimed to center around the assassination of Baruch Lea Tzafrir, which opened the floodgates of Beiteynuese influence in Artania. In the statement, the publisher confirmed that the writer is none other than Cunnington Marit, the former Director of the now defunct Terran Remediation Agency.

Yes, the one who actually murdered the former Beiteynuese Prime Minister - not the scapegoat from Luthori.

Or is that what actually happened?
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Re: Beiteynu

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Thu Feb 22, 2024 12:05 pm

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Re: Beiteynu

Postby Luis1p » Sat Feb 24, 2024 6:10 am

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Re: Beiteynu

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Feb 24, 2024 8:48 am

הפוסט ירושלים | The Yishelem Post
Breaking: King suffers heart attack after receiving news of B&L alliance end
May 5444


Yishelem, Beiteynu - We've received word that Meleh Elias Ishmael IV was hospitalised at 3:27am this morning after suffering what diagnosticians stated as a "minor heart attack", which was immediately put under control by the doctors at Rishon Hospital in Yishelem. The King has already returned to the Palace of Moreshet (Heritage) and is now "comfortably resting", based on a statement issued by the Royal Office of the Beiteynuese Government.

At the age of 51, this is the first health incident reported for the Yeudi Monarch.

The heart attack came after the King received news last night that the Medinat Department would be travelling to Eroncourt to enact the necessary proceedings in terminating the Beiteynuese - Lourennais Alliance Agreement ratified back in 5317, after the RMIA triggered the withdrawal clause, last month.

Sneakyeth Avodi, the Head of the Medinat Department confirmed the rumours 30' ago with a quick press conference from Bei Elion International Airport, before boarding the plane to Eroncourt. He further stated:

This agreement is one of the most impactful alliances in Terra to this date and absolutely pivotal to the Yeudish Neset. We will be working with Eroncourt to figure out the logistics on a smooth transition. Obviously, there are a lot of matters to address.

However, the Medinat Department is more than confident that there will be no significant disruptions, especially for international commerce.

No further comments, at this time.

The King is scheduled to travel to Luthori in the near future, once he fully recovers over the next month.
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