Informal News

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Re: Informal News

Postby hyraemous » Tue Feb 06, 2024 9:28 pm



Regarding: Kirlawan sectarian violence
Date: 1 August 5435
Discoverable?: Only within the Kundrati Intelligence Community and internal political sectors


The Kundrati Union is a combination of many peoples that have decided to be conjoined into one land. Endralonians, Lurrians, Delic peoples, Kirlawans, Davostagers, Ikradonians, Dundorfians, Luthorians, Yeudi peoples, Selucian peoples, peoples from Tukarali, Valruzia, and many other lands innumberable to us appear in the Kundrati census every few years.

However they live amongst neighbors who do not have that diversity. Countries like Kirlawa, Endralon and Dundorf have lived with a majority of peoples upon their land of their own race. Only Ikradon can count as a land of multiple communities, however they are known for violence and infighting.

The current Kundrati prosperity has been fuelled by the fact that the many cultures of Kundrati have existed hand to hand.

However, we have been a battleground for ages. Long ago Kundrati was the battleground for foreign powers between Endralon, Davostag, and other countries seeking to influence our communities against each other. We have moved on from that however only with the strength of the concept of "brotherhood and unity".

Kundrati today is split in two, of Delics in the north and Lurrians in the centre and south. Lurrians are the clear majority within our population and this is why it would make sense for the north, where Delics are the majority, to be up in arms. To encourage the Delics to rise up would be to encourage a break of the brotherhood and unity we have worked hard to keep since the Kundrati Emergency. Memories of the slaughter in Aethansk no longer work to ensure compliance within the Kundrati Union.

There is history of secession within our Union in recent memory. Lirnak seceded from the union during the said Emergency. Officially, it was to remain neutral from the ongoing violence. However, this has set a precedent we wish not to encourage.

This now relates to the ongoing violence in Kirlawa. Within the last 100 years, all of our neighbors bar Dundorf have experienced violence between themselves. We have intervened in Endralon to encourage a liberal government there, we intervened in Ikradon too. Now, Kirlawa is up in arms over attempts to suppress the minorities in religion in the said country.

The precedent is there for a Kundrati state to secede, and it is in recent memory that this has happened. Measures must therefore be taken so that the Kirlawan violence does not spread to Kundrati using whatever means necessary.

A strong encouragement to Kirlawa should be made, informally or formally, that any violence that spreads outside their borders will be met with a firm response. We must also ensure that the Kirlawan people are quiet against their government, and we must also ensure that the Kirlawan government are respectful for their people. Intelligence and military assets must be made and secured in order to ensure that this is done.

If it is necessary, a pro-[scribbled out] Artania government must be secured.

This government must respect both the brotherhood and unity of Kundrati and the brotherhood and unity of Kirlawa. There, violence will be quelled, and the international community can understand the government's actions against the people, violent and barbaric against the hopes of liberal democracy, should these people continue to protest against this government.

Other options should also become available in order to achieve either this goal or another goal favorable to the brotherhood and unity in the Kundrati Union.
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Re: Informal News

Postby Nileowen_ » Tue Feb 06, 2024 10:22 pm



Regarding: Ongoing riots in Kirlawa
Date: August 9th 5435
Discoverable?: No

Undisclosed Department of Defence Office:


Report Date: August 9th 5435
Subject: Ranger Corps Readiness
Notes: Information is surrounding current riots.

As of current the Ranger Corps existence has remained completely hidden and withheld from the public. This report has been put together in preparation for the deployment of the corps into several key locations in order to terminate specific protesters designated high-risk. Consisting of elite marksmen, the corps would primarily remove them via sniper fire.

Of importance to note is that the corps has yet to be trained in indoor tactics and combat, and such duties should be left to the ███. Furthermore Commandant ██████ ████████ has advocated for the mission to be as secretive as possible, stating that "the corps should maintain at least discretion with it's operations, but preferably secrecy.". The Commandant has yet to issue his placements for the troops, and is expect to do so by the tenth of this month.

Under no circumstances can the corps let the rioters take command of the situation, and should such a risk be likely, they are authorised to fire upon crowds. The corps will also be designated targets that are potentially foreign intelligence operatives and backers, and should take absolute discretion and priority when eliminating them.

The National Faith Act will pass, so prepare to handle an uptick in rioter activity.
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Re: Informal News

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue Feb 13, 2024 9:11 pm


Silent Drive for Nuclear Submarines

Regarding: Royal Dolgavan Navy, High Command and Special Projects Office, Troll Mountain Facility
Date: February 5439
Discoverable?:* [b]No

*Troll Mountain Complex*:Nuclear Sub development is no secret but inside the deepest parts of the Troll Mountain facility workers are developing a new "Silent Drive" also known as Magnetohydrodynamic drive. This drive if utilized would make Dolgavan nuclear subs basically silent to most if not all sonar. While the project is still ongoing, it is planned that it will be tested in the coming months and years and possibly operational in the future. This could change the game for Dolgavan Submarine production, putting it close to Hutori's and Dorviks old programs.
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Re: Informal News

Postby Mbites » Fri Feb 16, 2024 7:59 pm



Regarding: Narikaton & Darnussia, Aldegar, MF Society
Date: August 5440
Discoverable?: No

Ladies and Gentlemen, Most entertaining masked ones,

us, an interest group of industrialists and high-ranking members of the VVP government, including Ferdinand Kanzlei, the Chancellor would hereby like to invite to a gala hosted in the honor of the new government and overseers of Aldegar. As you too are a trade nation of great value and merit we only thought it obvious for our two collectives to link up and improve our relations. We think that with cooperation between us and the bundeling of our skillsets we could reach even greater heights, and dividend payments at the end of the months.
To reach this goal, we'd again, like to invite you to a Gala, at the end of the letter you'll find the hard facts.

Most sincerely,
Konrad Thaller, CEO of Thaller Industries
Heinrich Bootsmann, CEO of Passschiffe AG
Bernd Fritzar, CEO of Minenhandwerks GmbH
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Re: Informal News

Postby Svetlana2 » Thu Feb 22, 2024 8:33 pm


A Festival to remember

Regarding: Narikaton & Darnussia, Aldegar
Date:August 5443
Discoverablity?: cannot be discovered

To our most esteemed friends and allies of the far west,

We as the Masked Fools Society and more specifically under the direct orders of Show Master Diamond and Poétesse, we invite you to the second edition of the Rememberance and Progress Festival as we would like to brocker deeper relations between fellow trade nations. The festival will witness the attendance of one of our show masters and current president of Aldegar, Parisa Farsi alongside dozens of representatives coming from companies currently under the thumb of the Society such as Twilight Tides Corporation, Heavenly Fires Corporation, and Stork Foods.

We therfore wish you our best regards and eagerly await your attendance to the festival, behind this letter you will find all the informations needed to freely contact one of our show masters.

Yours truly,
Poétesse, 3rd Show Master of MFS.
Diamond, 6th Show Master of MFS.
Actress aka Parisa Farsi, 4th Show Master of MFS.
Yasaman Sadeghi, CEO and Executive President of Twilight Tides Corporation.
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Re: Informal News

Postby Nileowen_ » Wed Mar 06, 2024 7:41 pm


DoD and DoJ infighting

Regarding: (Department of Defence, Department of Justice, Defence Forces, GNP), Kirlawa
Date: February 9th 5450
Discoverable?: No

The Department of Defence and the Defence Forces have entered into a bureaucratic and power struggle style conflict with the Department of Justice and GNP. Resultant of both sides overstepping their duties into the other's, the conflict has resulted in a few murders, hundreds of intimidations and many more subversive acts. The conflict is a result of the recent coup which further enflamed the conflict as a result of the GNP's mistakes during it. The conflict is expected to escalate in the future, should the government fail to do something about it.

Also to note is the occurring between the officials originating from the 'permanent government'.
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Re: Informal News

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sun Mar 10, 2024 3:37 pm

The Emperor wills it.

Regarding: Reinhard Butterfly, Security Attaché to the Embassy of the Holy Luthori Empire in Kirlawa, Dundorfian-Luthorian.
Date: 1st January 5352, New Year's Day.
Discoverable?: No - well not the spies, but Luthori's involvement (for the most part)

Éagsúila: Even though Fort William has announced that it's likely that the embassy would be evacuated, yet no plan about how this was going to be carried out was published by either the Prime Minister's Office, the Foreign Office or even the Defence Office, all that mattered in Fort William was that the diplomatic corps was fine inside of the embassy which was de facto Luthorian territory inside of Kirlawa, even though, de jure, it was Kirlawan territory. Yet, due to the lack of informations, the Ambassador of Luthori to Kirlawa, Rosemary O'Mass, and her security attaché, Reinhard "Butterfly", have come into contact with the wide Luthorian minority present in Kirlawa, and it seems that the activity of the embassy have never been so high, so high that it caught the eye of the SNS which had put additional surveillance towards the embassy.

Yet, Butterfly, being a Dundorfian-Luthorian secret service agent, have received orders from the Director-General of the Imperial Security Service, Walter Brook, to form a team of Luthorian-Kirlawan spies to spy on the government's actions and apport these information back home to Luthori in order to further enlight Fort William about what is happening. These spies would be help out by the "Fraud Team", one of Luthori's best secret agents' team to carry on the job and train these new recruits, and to further protect these agents, a secret Luthorian citizenship would be given to them. With Kundrati being ready for war and Dundorf being also ready for it. The Lion will wake up to help out the continent once more. The Emperor wills it.
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Re: Informal News

Postby myungggg » Fri Mar 15, 2024 3:49 pm


New kidz on the block!: Socialists and Humperdincks forge unlikely, perhaps "unholy" alliance

  • Peter Austin, Deputy Leader of the Socialists-Ecologists 5448, Luthori
  • Jacob Humperdinck, CEO of FC Fort William, Luthori
Date: January 5452 [backdated]
Discoverable?: Yes

*LOCATION*: Althorpe Ward, Fort William

In the shadowy world of Luthori's political elite, whispers of clandestine meetings between Peter Austin, the socially liberal deputy leader of the Socialists-Ecologists, and Jacob Humperdinck, the lesser-known scion of the powerful Humperdinck family, have set tongues wagging. The duo, hailing from seemingly opposing ends of the political spectrum, have allegedly engaged in a series of covert lunch meetings at a Fort William Malivian curry restaurant, raising eyebrows and stirring speculation among the political cognoscenti.

Rumours hint at an intriguing dance of ideologies, where Austin, a founding member of the Socialists-Ecologists, and Humperdinck, a potential future powerhouse within the centre-right List Humperdinck, have engaged in subtle political manoeuvring. The meetings, shrouded in secrecy, are said to transcend traditional political boundaries, delving into uncharted territories of social, economic, and foreign policy collaboration.

What precisely transpires in these closed-door rendezvous remains veiled in mystery, but murmurs suggest a subtle dance of ideological convergence. Some speculate on a delicate rapprochement, exploring avenues where the left-leaning Socielos and the centre-right List Humperdinck might find common ground on critical policy fronts.

Sources within both parties have acknowledged the existence of these meetings, officially sanctioned by both parties' leadership. However, the alliances seem to be navigated with cautious optimism. The Socialists-Ecologists' recent abstention from the LH-supported abortion bill, limiting abortions to the first trimester, may indicate a nuanced negotiation in the political arena.

Conversely, List Humperdinck's decision to abstain from the Constitutional Democrats' proposal to privatize the entire healthcare system aligns with the Socialists-Ecologists' stance against the bill. These political chess moves, seemingly synchronized, suggest a delicate dance of mutual understanding between Socielos and List Humperdinck.

While the leaderships officially approve these diplomatic parleys, they remain vigilant, observing this unconventional partnership with a wary eye. The collaboration, although officially sanctioned, carries an air of secrecy, hinting at a strategic alliance that transcends traditional party lines.

In the enigmatic world of Luthori politics, where alliances are as fluid as the rumours that circulate within its corridors, the rendezvous between Austin and Humperdinck paints a vivid picture of unexpected alliances and subtle shifts in the political landscape. The Luthorian public remains blissfully unaware, while the players behind the scenes engage in a dance of ideologies that could reshape the landscape after the 5452 elections.
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Re: Informal News

Postby Nileowen_ » Fri Mar 15, 2024 8:11 pm


Junta on the run

Regarding: Kirlawan Quadrumvirate, Kirlawa
Discoverable?: Yes

The Junta running Kirlawa has been forced to flee by Dundorfian forces approaching the capital. The have moved to the city of Salubris in the Northwest of the country.
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Re: Informal News

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sun Mar 17, 2024 2:12 pm


The "end" of the Luthori Shipping.

Regarding: Archibald Churchill, Chief Executive Officer of the Luthori Shipping, Holy Luthori Empire
Date: 17th April 5455
Discoverable?: Yes

CIC Headquarters: He didn’t anticipate that, no, it wasn’t going to happen, Luthori Shipping and CIC had to remain separate companies, united under the yoke of the Churchill family, so how could the proposal to merge these two companies- against his will - how it was that she received so much support, he did not understand it.

He could not agree with his critics - for the sake of his fortune, it would be too risky, no, he will save the LS and the CIC, even if these shareholders want to see them merge... Money will save him, his reputation and his businesses.
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