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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Wed Feb 28, 2024 11:08 am


Dolgava Passes Landmark Treaty "Karzon Straight Initiative"

Prime Minister Veronika Witting Signing the Karzon Straight Initiative

May 23rd 5446

In a major victory for the Witting Government the Dolgavan Parliament passed the Karzon Strait Initiative with the Government of the Commonwealth of Lodamun. The Initiative is a groundbreaking treaty that will shape Dolgavan and Lodamunese foreign policy for decades and secure the Karzon straight between the two countries. The deal acts in two ways, it opens up free trade and close diplomatic ties between Lodamun and Dolgava and ensures that policies in the Karzon straight are initiated between the two countries in a united front of securing and maintaining safe access to the straight.

Centuries ago Lodamun and Dolgava were at odds with a barbaric government in charge but times have completely changed with Lodarmun and Dolgavan relations closer now then they have been in centuries. The two countries have been on good terms since Dolgava re-establish ties with Luthori. The two countries had become closer as the main news stories seemed to cover the Luthori and Dolgavan part of it instead. Quietly for the past few years the two countries had grown closer both economically but also militarily as well. That came to a head with the passage of the Karzon Straight Initiative.

Inside of the deal it lays out a new accord between Dolgava and Lodamun including cooperation militarily. economically and even down to shared intelligence sharing if it does not endanger state secrets for either nation. The deal is being praised as a major win for the stability of Dolgava and Lodamun but for Keris and Seleya as a whole.

Dolgava's Prime Minister Veronika Witting made a statement on the accord, thanking the Lodamun Government for its help and cooperation

The Lodamun and Dolgavan regional partnership paves a new way toward peace and security for Keris and Seleya. Not only this but it secures one of the most vital seafaring passages in all of Terra under the authority of Lodamun and Dolgava respectively. I would like to send my deepest thanks to the President of the Commonwealth of Lodamun William Hanlon and Vice President Richard Gillcrest whom I had the pleasure of meeting when he visited Dolgava, along with the Lodamun Foreign Minister Jennifer Toule. It is my belief that this will be the beginning of a fruitful and good relations between our two countries. Without their help and their willingness to bring about peace and stability to our two nations, this would have never passed.

This deal is yet another step forward in Dolgavan foreign policy, securing itself as a country that has made a massive leap into becoming a global leader in geopolitics and trade and being the strongest state in Keris. For Dolgava and Lodamun the deal is a slam dunk win and unlike the chaos of Migrants Pass, this gives power to both countries to work together to ensure that the Karzon Straight and their two countries remain prosperous, peaceful and friends for many decades and centuries to come.

The Dolgava Freie Presse is an Independent Newspaper Which Covers All Stories Related to Dolgava
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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Thu Feb 29, 2024 10:54 pm


October 22nd 5446

The Prime Minister made a statement following accusations of aggression between the now Republic of Trigunia and the United Kingdom of Kizenia and New Endralon. The ongoing dispute began when Trigunia elected a Republican Government into power. There has been massive backlash to this in Kizenia and New Endralon called the Trigunian Government "illegitimate" and saying that the Kerisian Economic Union is "dead". Things have further deteriorated with embargo and sanctions being put into place by the Kizenian state against Trigunia to which it has very much escalated tensions on the continent.

In response to this fast paced series of events the Dolgavan Parliament convened in an emergency session yesterday with Parliament split over who to support. Some hardliner royalists support Kizenia while most of the Conservatives support Trigunia's right to self determination. A small subset of the Government thought that Kizenia was trying to over top Dolgava's power on the continent by linking Trigunia to itself over a personal union, something that Dolgavan Nationalists look at with grave concern.

The Dolgavan Prime Minister Veronika Witting gave an official statement on the ongoing tensions today, clearly and simply putting Dolgava's stance on the growing tensions.

The ongoing problem between our neighbors in Trigunia and Kizenia and New Endralon is deeply concerning not only to the peace of Keris but for the health of our continent and the health of the Kerisian Economic Union. First and foremost, the Dolgavan Empire supports the right of self determination for the Trigunian people. The government put into place was elected in free and fair elections that are hardly illegitimate as Kizenia might claim. Furthermore, we have seen posturing of the legitimate government by Kizenian officials including the Queen herself in an undiplomatic and frankly reckless manner. These types of comments only will lead to increased tensions. We are deeply disappointed by the comments made by the Kizenian officials and we urge for them to talk with Trigunian officials to avoid escalations further.

The Dolgavan Empire first and foremost advocates for peace and stability along with cooperation in Keris. We will continue to keep our diplomatic doors open to Kizenia and Trigunia. I will be visiting Trigunia in the coming days to discuss the future of the KEU.

This message will probably be viewed unfavorably by Kizenia but it is very much on par with Dolgava's foreign policy especially in Keris. Dolgava is not the type of country to strongarm other nations in to bending to it's will but one that fosters and works with the other nations of Keris towards bigger and better things. As for now it seems the Dolgavan Government is trying to stay out of the issue as much as possible, but with embargoes taking place it could drag the Empire into this scuffle.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Fri Mar 01, 2024 11:49 am


March 18th 5447

The Dolgavan Government is reeling after a traumatic last 24 hours. It began with a speech from the Dolgavan Prime Minister which was seen in Dolgava as a move to bridge the ongoing Trigunia and Kizenian dispute. Dolgava took up its tried and true support of Democracy, as it has done in the cases of Dorvik, and other countries in the past, however this time Kizenia seemingly out of nowhere hit back and hit back hard. Our political corespondent in Aikums explained the scene.

"Early this morning cargo jets of The Queen of Dolgava Air Transport, Supply and Humanitarian Division landed in Aikums with the ambassadors of the Dolgavan embassy in Porteşti who were sent packing by the Kizenian & New Endralonian Government. The ambassadors were shocked along with the Dolgavan Government who were reportedly infuriated by the actions made by Kizenia. Inside of Parliament members called the decision "bat crazy lunacy" and "uncalled for". One member said that "Kizenia is trying to isolate itself from the outside world while painting Dolgava as the bad guys".

Reports show that the Dolgavan Government is as shocked and confused as most people are about this recent escalation. The action of nearly overnight cutting ties and making such rash decisions on the Dolgavan state that did nothing at all to deserve such treatment has caused the Government to become extremely bitter and angry and worried about the Kizenian state. This along with the recent "Arctic Wall" Operations make it seem like Kizenia is trying to strongarm the Dolgavan and Trigunian states.

This all became too much for the Dolgavan Government to ignore that Foreign Minister Aurora Priede gave an update clarifying and once again making Dolgava's position clear.

We have heard many claims, many big fancy words and such coming from the other side of the border but we will make it very clear to not only Keris but to the world where we stand. We have not picked sides, we have attempted to be neutral and to stay out of the conflict but we have been met with the cutting of ties and nothing but the most undiplomatic of behavior. The Kerisian Economic Union is not dead as some would think but the nations of Keris are sad as to the actions of Kizenia as of late. The attitude of Kizenia is that they seem to think they know what is best for the people of Keris and what is best for the continent as a whole. When they do not get their way they first threaten, then the sanction and now they threaten with military action. The Dolgavan Empire will not put up with this behavior at all. As of now we will be keeping lines of communication open with Kizenia even though they have said they have cut ties. It is simply undiplomatic of us to do anything but attempt to solve this crisis through diplomacy. However the security and freedom of the Dolgavan State is paramount above all else. I have issued a warning to Dolgavans living and working and residing in Kizenia. We urge you to leave the country as soon as possible. We also would like to make a formal diplomatic protest to the United Kingdom of Kizenia and New Endralon for kicking out of embassy staff. Without them Dolgavans in the country are stranded without aid from their mother country. Finally we stand committed to bringing about peace in Keris and the protection of Democracy. If Kizenia threatens the the Dolgavan Empire any further we will not be afraid to do any means nessisary to protect ourselves. With recent military actions in Kizenia we are seeing this as a threat not only to Trigunia but to the sovereignty of Dolgava as well.

Unionfighters make up the Backbone of the Rapid Response Force

The Dolgavan Home Guard has been partially activated with existing frontline reserve units heading to reinforce the Dolgavan and Kizenian border. The Dolgavan Navy and Airforces have also been active with squadrons of the elite Rapid Response Force being put on standby. These units include pilots from the Royal Dolgavan Airforce Weapons School which produces some of the best fighter pilots in all of Terra. These measures are in response to Operation Arctic Wall which Kizenia has recklessly put forward on Trigunia and Dolgava. With the reckless and dangerous erratic actions of the Kizenian state the Dolgavan Government and the country as a whole are worried about them taking it up another notch.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby Mbites » Fri Mar 01, 2024 11:51 am

"It looked like a silly semi-cliquey thing between a few players to me. Following around a troll called Mbites like he was some sort of god... which wouldn't have mattered so much in the scale of things, except one of them was a Mod."
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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue Mar 05, 2024 11:34 am


Miss Dolgava Shot to Death by "Deranged Boyfriend"

Eugenija Zeidmane crowned Miss Dolgava earlier this year has been shot to death by a armed assailant now identified as her former Boyfriend who police describe as "deranged"

June 2nd 5449

A barbaric attack took place in the middle of downtown Ebenzing where the Miss Dolgava, Eugenija Zeidmane was holding a meet and greet publicly in a town square. Suddenly shots were fired from a man wearing a trench coat with a total of 17 rounds being fired in a 15 second period. Zeidmane collapsed on the stage while police quickly tackled the gunman. The attack is being described as "barbaric" and "out of a horror movie". The pageant queen lost her life at the age of 22, she had started a career in modeling at the age of 10 and was at the same time going to University at the University of Aikums in the field of Geologic-Engineering. Ziedmane was pronounced dead on the scene as paramedics and firefighters tried to bring her back to consciousness, her family said that "she just wanted to make the world a better place".

The attack was witnessed by over 200 people gathered to meet Miss Dolgava with many still reeling from the attack. Some in the crowd fainted and required medical attention but luckily no one else was injured in the attack. The attacker was apprehended at the scene where he was silently escorted to a police truck. Witnesses described him as "showing no emotion" and "waiting to be caught". The murderer has been identified at 26 year old Olev Lepp. Lepp according to those close to Zeidmane is the former boyfriend of Eugenija Zeidmane before they broke up a year ago. No criminal record has been recorded for Lepp this being his first time breaking the law in any capacity.

Olev Lepp has been identified as the Murderer and he was apparently a former boyfriend of Eugenija Zeidmane

The Dolgavan Prime Minister called the attack "shocking" and said that she would "meet with the Zeidmane family in the coming days" and finished by saying that "the country prays for you tonight". The mayor of Ebenzing has called for action following the attack saying that "high caliber magazines should not be in this city. We cannot trust anyone to carry those types of weapons". Police are flabbergasted by the lack of criminal record by Lepp with many calling this a "freak murder". An investigation into the murder is ongoing but that won't take away the still young and fruitful life of Eugenija Zeidmane. May she rest in peace...

The Dolgava Freie Presse is an Independent Newspaper Which Covers All Stories Related to Dolgava
Last edited by alaskancrabpuffs21 on Thu Mar 07, 2024 12:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Tue Mar 05, 2024 10:47 pm


August 2nd 5449

Dolgava has closed the Kizenia and New Endralon Border to all Kizenians following their Governments decision to host a fleet from Lourenne. The move is being seen in Aikums as a clear act of aggression towards the Dolgavan Empire. The Foreign Minister said that "Kizenia is acting as a Rouge State Aggressor" and that "For our security and sovereignty we will be closing the border immediately". Most Dolgavans in the country have heeded the Government's previous warnings and have returned from the country.

The Dolgavan Government has reacted extremely harshly to Lourenne moving one of their fleets into Keris, this being a major problem for Dolgava and Keris as a whole. Lourenne and Dolgava have had a cordial relationship for decades and centuries at this point but this move is being seen as one of aggression and supporting Kizenia and New Endralon which has escalated the aggression against the Dolgavan state for no reason whatsoever except to support democracy in Trigunia. Dolgava has classified the Kizenian state as a "rouge state" and one that is showing "extreme aggression" towards Dolgava.

Dolgava is in the process of deciding what to do with its relationship with Lourenne but retaliatory action will be taken in the forms of sanctions and possibly increased naval drills. As of now the Dolgavan Home Guard will be on the Dolgavan-Kizenian border as a means to protect the empire from their former allies now turned backstabbers. Once again it seems that the old alliance of Lourenne and Beiteynu have turned their sights on once again pestering and trying to influence the Continent of Keris.

Dolgava is clear that any aggression by foreign powers in Keris and the recent moves to block Kizenia & New Endralon from doing so are apart of the deterrence of the threat against the Dolgavan Empire. As of now Dolgava will not be taking any further action but the mood in Aikums is that of mild confusion towards the actions of Kizenia and New Endralon and the actions of Lourenne. A member of Parliament summed it up saying that "Lourenne has no business being in Keris".

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Thu Mar 07, 2024 12:38 pm


Dolgava Retracts Troops from Kizenian Border In an Attempt to Ease Tensions

Dolgavan Home Guard Units being sent home

June 3rd 5450

In a way of calming tensions in Keris, the Prime Minister has announced that Dolgavan troops will be leaving the Dolgavan and Kizenia & New Endralon border. The actions come as increasing pressure on the Witting Government which is also seeing massive disapproval of Dolgava joining the Luthori Commonwealth, something that Luthori has pushed for some time and that Dolgava is deciding in Parliament. The actions come not in response to actions taken by Kizenia and New Endralon or Lourenne but the important need for stability to be maintained in Keris. The Dolgavan Prime Minister was short and direct with Dolgava's further actions saying

Any further escalations if they do occur will not be from the Dolgavan state. We will be focused on improving Dolgava's relationships abroad by working with trade partners and friends across the globe, the last thing the Empire needs is instability on our borders.

Home Guard Reserve units have been deactivated along with Dolgava simply enacting a policy of ignoring any activity from their rouge neighbor. Many critics of the Government say that this is something that should have been done in the first place as a way of not inciting any further tensions in Keris but this recent decision has come to mostly positive reactions across Dolgava. The Prime Minister will be flying to Deltaria in the coming days as rumors of a trade and economic deal between the Dolgavan Empire and Deltria have been circulating for days now.

The Dolgava Freie Presse is an Independent Newspaper Which Covers All Stories Related to Dolgava
Last edited by alaskancrabpuffs21 on Fri Mar 08, 2024 10:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Fri Mar 08, 2024 10:32 pm


February 9th 5451

The Dolgavan Parliament has been bitterly embroiled in what is being described as the foreign policy battle of the decade. The Dolgavan Government has been taking the steps needed to join the Commonwealth of Nations historically a economic and cultural alliance with states historically related to the Holy Luthorian Empire but this would expand the group to nations that have little to no historical ties to Luthori. It is already clear that Dolgava shares close ties to Luthori, Hutori and Lodamun which have been some of the most worthwhile and meaningful economic and military ties that Dolgava has seen in centuries. This is not for debate as Dolgava is united in retaining close ties to Lodamun, Luthori and Hutori but the method of getting there is up for much debate.

The Government and specifically the Prime Minister Witting are trying to get Dolgava to join the commonwealth. However many far right elements of her party are demanding that Dolgava does not join the Commonwealth as historically it is a sign of Luthori being the central power of the alliance and thus putting Dolgava under the power of Luthori. In practice it does not work like this but the thought of Dolgava being influenced under a situation such as this was not appealing to those members of the party. This faction largely has come out very against this move saying that the "Prime Minister has lost touch of the situation" and that "Dolgava needs to help formulate a new alliance free from Luthori's old imperial system". In a passionate speech one member from Konstajia said that "Dolgava will never be under the yoke of another in any way shape or form".

Currently the two sides for and against are trying to reach an agreement but for now it is a bitter struggle to make progress on passing the treaty. If the Treaty is rejected it could mean the end of Veronika Witting's tenure as such party division would certainly lead to her being sacked. Much is on the line as the end of this debate is seemingly not in sight.

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Re: Dolgava

Postby alaskancrabpuffs21 » Fri Mar 08, 2024 11:01 pm


Commonwealth Vote Fails, PM Resigns

Prime Minister Veronika Witting has resigned following the vote to join the commonwealth failing - Far Right Political Leader Sven Kangro to become Prime Minister of the Empire

February 12th 5451

In a shocking development the vote to join the Luthorian Commonwealth has failed with a super majority of Parliament voting against it. The Government was sure of its passage with the Prime Minister being in the chamber when it was defeated. The vote failed spectacularly with the Far Right of the party convincing much of the rank and file of Parliament to not support the treaty. The results were clear, with 68 votes against, sealing the possibility of joining the Commonwealth as merely just that, a possibility.

For the moderate Government this along with growing pressure from the New Endralon situation has caused the government to collapse in approval ratings and support from the party. With the failure of this vote it was clear that Parliament no longer supported the Government. For Dolgava this is seen as a major loss and for the Government this is being seen as devastating. The new Prime Minister will be the far right leader Sven Kangro. Kangro has been outspoken against Kizenia and New Endralon and specifically on Dolgava's need to show its strength in the region. It is clear the Dolgava will be stepping up its military footprint with a Kangro administration.

Witting said a simple goodbye to the nation saying that "she did what she thought was best for the nation". The speech seemed emotional but the stoic Witting did not make any emotional plea to the country, she just left professionally.

A new era is beginning in Dolgava, what it will bring we can not be sure.

The Dolgava Freie Presse is an Independent Newspaper Which Covers All Stories Related to Dolgava
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