
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Wed Feb 21, 2024 1:28 pm

The Financial Expert
The Financial Expert is a luthorian newspaper owned by the Churchill Investment Fund. The "code of honor" of this newspaper is to bring reliable information about the economy, the state of the market and the state of businesses to Luthori.
Ward publishes first economic and financial report of every major economies.
Fort William Edition | Luthori | 5th August 5442

Abstract - In this article, we shall take a more close look to the new economic and financial report published by the Ward Financial Holdings' affilated organization, the Ward Economic Study Group, which today released its very own economic report for all the great powers, after numerous economic crisis, like the Aldegar Canal Crisis, the Dankukian Economic Crisis, which all brought the world towards more financial instability, this report is taken that into account when making these rankings.

"When the world will be celebrating economic prosperity, bankers would be already thinking about one question: "How to survive the next?". This statement from the Luthorian economist, Matthew Gingrich, known for his works about the possibility of an economic crisis in various book, may have been proven right by the two successive crisis that rocked the world since the beginning of the 3rd decade of the 55th Century. Economic instability has been the defining word for characterizing the 55th Century, already rocked by numerous economic crisis during its length.

First, there was the so-called "Aldegar Canal Crisis", which come from the controversial decision from the authorities in Ramsāhreza to close off the Canal for "domestic reasons", at least that was how the Aldegarian Ministry of Trade & Industry tried to cover this unexcepted move from their part, while saying that, they also accusing "foreigners" to "meddle in Aldegar's protest movement", which rocked the country due to dissaffection towards the "old system" which was called, by many Aldegarians, to be "corrupt" and "unsalavagable" by many of its citizens. While the governement of Aldegar would be falling some time after, the Canal however, would remain closed until some years after its closure, the newly formed government announced the formation of a independent Canal administration, free from the political squabbles from the capital, yet the Canal for the most part, remained closed. Regardless of what the newly-inaugurated Aldgearian Government could possibly say about what was going on, the prize paid by the global economy after the closure of the Canal was immense, first the Eroncourt-East Stock Exchange fell to an unprecedented level never seen during the last 300 years, then Beiteynu, with its economy closely tied to the one in Eroncourt, saw its own stock market falling to an unprecendented level, then it was the turn of the third largest stock exchange in the entire world to fell as well, the Fort William Stock Exchange fell by 15 % in just one week. These factors caused what was afterwards the called "the Canal Crisis" and rocked economies around the world. While Lourenne was in the path of recovery, another unforseen event came to the back of the already fragile economy, which was only surviving due to the intensive military buildup and the interventionnism of the government within the economy.

The second crisis of the century to rock the boat, was not caused by any economic problems, yet was, once again, caused by political decisions, the Dankukian Governement was for a long time held in check by the establishment parties of the New World Democratic Party and the Simindang, yet, at the surprise of every political commentators, the radical anti-capitalist party of the Worker's Union won the elections in the northern kingdom, Yeong-Ho Hye became the country's newest and first radical socialist President of the Council of Ministers. While many Dankukians took on the streets to celebrate their newfound freedom under that government, in the circles of powers, time was not to rejoicement, it was fear which dominated the mindset of many Dankukians, as this openly hostile party towards capitalism made their first amendements to the economy. The effects of these policies were disastrous for the Dankukian's economy, with it falling to an unexcepted and unprecedented level, causing the crisis to be expanded to the already weakened EESE, which once again, for the second time in the century, fell to some reasonable level, afterwards, Luthori & Beiteynu, two of Eroncourt's largest trade partners saw the same collapse as their Eastern counterparts.

With both crises, Lourenne's place as the top-world economy was menaced, yet unbroken, as all major economic powers has seen their economies thrown into disarray and panic. Yet, as the Northern World suffered, the South was breathing. During these economic upsets, many countries in the south of the equator have seen steady, yet complicated growth, for example, Deltaria and Yingdala, two of the formerly "influential powers" club, now trying to regain most of their power, have seen economic growth even with the closure of the Aldegar Canal, with Yingdala even acheiving to have a quick recovery from the initial fallout of the crisis.

The motto that can be described from this ranking is the following:
- Lourenne stays the global leader economically, with Beiteynu being not so far off.
- Yet, the United Kingdom and the Yeudi Homeland have seen the weaknesses of their economic system during both crisis.
- Luthori stays at the 4th place economically, seeing moderate decline, yet is still pretty relevant due to the expansion of its companies and the growth that they made.
- Overall, southern countries are better off economically, having not sensed the fallout of the Dankukian Crisis.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Ian Bake » Sun Feb 25, 2024 7:20 pm

Parliament Defies Approval of Ascension of New King Emperor in Luthori

Fort William: In a stunning turn of events, the Imperial Diet of Luthori has defied and denied the approval of the ascension of the new King Emperor, Edward V, following the death of Henry VI. The vote to approve the ascension was defeated after opposition parties, namely the Luthorian National Conference (LNC) and the Liberal Party, refused to lend their support. This refusal has left the government reeling, as it signals a lack of majority support in Parliament.

The government, led by the Constitutional Democratic Union (CDU) and the Labour Party, both of which suffered significant losses in the recent election, failed to push their agenda through the Parliament.The governing coalition seats were not enough to secure the necessary majority.

On Thursday, the government presented a bill seeking approval for the ascension, but it was swiftly denied by Parliament, as it required a two-thirds majority to pass. Meanwhile, opposition parties have rallied around the claim of the historic Sewallston House, which was unlawfully dethroned. They have asserted that the King Emperor must hail from the rightful house, and any attempts to deviate from this will be met with staunch resistance.
LNC Chairman & Leader of The Opposition Rt.Hon' Harper J Whitman said in his address in the Parliament

The Imperial Diet's decision to uphold the rightful succession by denying the ascension of King Emperor Edward V is a testament to the democratic principles that our nation holds dear. We commend the Parliament for respecting the historic Sewallston House and ensuring that the monarch rightfully belongs to its rightful lineage. The Luthorian National Conference reaffirms its commitment to the democratic process and will continue to work towards a prosperous future for all Luthorians under the guidance of our revered traditions and values.

As a result of this deadlock, Luthori finds itself without a monarch, marking a unique moment in its history. This situation serves as a symbol of resistance by democratic forces, highlighting the denial of the largest party, the LNC, to form and lead the government. As the nation grapples with this unprecedented scenario, the future of its governance and monarchy hangs in the balance.
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Re: Luthori

Postby hyraemous » Mon Feb 26, 2024 6:56 pm
Project Albatross under completion and sea trials by the Luthorian and Kundrati Navies 2 July 5445
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Re: Luthori

Postby Lionking » Fri Mar 01, 2024 12:35 pm

Channel 7 News
Controlled by the Humperdinck Media Group. It's considered to be moderate conservative 24/7 tv news channel with sometimes unbiased columns. Staunchly pro-monarchist.

Humperdinck Media Group expands in to Baltusia

Fort William - HQ Humperdinck Media Group - In house news! Our Humperdinck Media Group has announced a significant expansion of its operations, this time into Baltusia. The media conglomerate successfully secured licenses for it's prominent channels; Orange! TV Channel 6 and Orange! TV Jr., along with the rights to launch the Orange! Streaming service. This expansion marks a pivotal moment for Humperdinck Media Group. It will bring a wide range of high-quality content to the viewers in Baltusia.

Scheduled to be operational later on this year, Orange! TV Channel 6, Orange! TV Jr., and the upcoming Orange! Streaming service are expected to offer a dynamic mix of news, entertainment, and on-demand content. With this move, Humperdinck Media Group aims to cater to the diverse tastes of the audience in Baltusia, providing them with a rich and engaging media experience. The expansion into Baltusia represents a significant step for the Humperdinck Media Group that is trying to expand its position as a global player in the media industry and bringing its content to new audiences all around Terra.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Autokrator15 » Fri Mar 01, 2024 6:32 pm

The Times
The Times is a foreign policy-orientated newspaper, but also commentating on domestic politics, it's editorial view is considered to be fairly centrist but rightist economically.

Lodamun & Luthori in enthusiastic agreement: Building a special relationship
Fort William | Luthori | Januari 5444

The governments of Lodamun and Luthori have announced that both nations will sign a treaty to establish stronger cooperation and stand for mutual security, recognizing each other as true close kin with a special relationship. This comes after both nations enthusiastically engaged in various diplomatic talks and visits, starting with the Lodamunese government visiting Fort William in 5442. Afterwards, the two nations have been in regular contact discussing the future, with the end result being an alliance and cooperation to the deepest level: a special relationship.

It cannot be denied that Lodamun and Luthori share a rich history together and apart. It defines their unique cultures. But the historic ties are there. However, the two nations never took the time to explain their motivations and concerns, while Luthori went on optimistically thinking that the Commonwealth would be the sole way of Luthorian-Lodamunese cooperation and strengthening the Luthorian nations in Seleya and Artania. The Lodamunese government was more hesitant. The global political and economic situation made the nation decide that its fortunes were best sought outside the Commonwealth. They would remain prominent members, but not engage much in the organization.

The deep planning that went ahead as well as the mutual talks before the state visit as well as those after it cleared the air and the expectations of both nations. Despite the two nations cooperating as true friends within the framework of the Commonwealth, it would no longer be a necessity or the tool for stronger cooperation on economic, cultural, and military fronts. The Foreign Office stated that it believes the Commonwealth to remain vital for Luthori but it must be seen as just one of several tools to maintain a great bond with its Luthorian brother and sister nations. Two governments jointly announced that the relations between Lodamun and Luthori could and would transcend the bounds of the Commonwealth and that the common interests and economic prospects would be explored on all possible avenues, in and outside the Commonwealth.

Both sides have now announced that they intend to sign a treaty which will acknowledge the special bond between Luthori and Lodamun, through common cause, cultural and historic ties, language, economic opportunities, and security chances, will be signed shortly. Both sides have stated that the treaty in question will start a whole new relationship with Lodamun and Luthori and work towards the two powers coming together for the betterment of both.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sat Mar 02, 2024 6:05 pm

The Independent Observer
The Independent Observer is a fairly centrist newspaper, favorable to free-market, liberal social views, and an hard-line view favorable to the Luthorian monarchy.
"More of the same" it seems, as Darlington's new composition is revealed.
Fort William Edition | Luthori | 12th January 5348

Abstract - With the fallout of the early election triggered by the Constitutional Democrats, with agreement and consent of the Labour Party and the List Humperdinck, two of their coalition partners, the end result at the beginning of this year is seemingly the same as the one before the end of the "National Unity Government". LNC on top, the CDU behind and Labour in decline.

The result of the last year parliamentary election left every single political commentators shell shocked. While everyone predicted a close fight between the Labour Party and the LNC for the left-wing votes, no one excepted the small, and at that point, irrelevent Luthorian Workers' Party to take a part of the pie, on Labour and the LNC's side. At the end of the day, both parties have seen great losses to the new party. LNC recolting 173 seats, the new LWP party recolting 85 seats and finally Labour getting 94 seats. The big decline in votes for the Labour Party being mostly attributed to the rise of this new party. Yet, the hardships of the left were not over yet. Because that new party, the Luthorian Workers' Party, collapsed on itself on this very day, leaving a vaccum within the Imperial Diet and having the left in great diffculties and leaving the CDU strengthened. Speaking of the CDU, they won 153 seats, a net increase from their catastrophic election failure 4 years ago.

Today, every eyes are set on Luthori for the formation of a new government after the failure of the LNC to do so during the last tenure, will they do it now? Or will the CDU-Labour coalition holds firm?
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Re: Luthori

Postby Lionking » Sun Mar 03, 2024 10:45 am

Luthori Daily
Controlled by the Humperdinck Media Group. It's considered to be moderate conservative newspaper with sometimes unbiased columns. Staunchly pro-monarchist.
Princess Mary and Charles VII Humperdinck-DeWitt tied the knot.

In a celebration of love and unity, Princess Mary, the 24-year-old daughter of Prince Richard, a distant cousin of the Emperor through his great-grandfather, recently tied the knot with Charles VII Humperdinck-Dewitt, the 27-year-old youngest son and heir to the Humperdinck-Dewitt Family Holding. The wedding took place behind closed doors at the opulent residence of the Humperdinck-Dewitt family in Forrest Green, Fort William, marking a momentous occasion for the two noble families involved. The union was blessed by Fort William's Archbishop Andrew Joseph Huddersfield.

Princess Mary, known for her grace and intellect, is pursuing studies in economics at the esteemed University of Fort William. Her groom, Charles VII Humperdinck-Dewitt, recently gained recognition in Luthori by being elected to the Imperial Diet representing Kettering district in Orange, demonstrating a promising future for the young heir of the Humperdinck-DeWitt Family holding. The couple's paths first crossed three years ago during the international rowing race of Fort William, where their shared passion for sports and adventure ignited the spark of their romance.

The wedding ceremony was attended by the Emperor himself, Edward V, who graced the occasion with his regal presence, and other several distinguished members of the Imperial Family. The Empress Queen Calathe of Rutania and her husband also joined the celebration, adding further to the grandeur of the event. The wedding itself was a true blend of tradition and love. To persue this wedding Princess Mary had to sacrifice Her rightfull claim to the Luthorian Imperial throne, the decision to do so is trully reflecting her dedication and love for Charles VII Humperdinck-Dewitt.

We wish the couple a promising future marked by unity, passion and love!
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Re: Luthori

Postby Lionking » Sun Mar 03, 2024 12:40 pm

Luthori Daily
Controlled by the Humperdinck Media Group. It's considered to be moderate conservative newspaper with sometimes unbiased columns. Staunchly pro-monarchist
Investigation in to Fort Williams Rangers FC FFP rules

Newly promoted Fort William Rangers FC faces scrutiny and allegations of potential financial fair play rule violations in the Premier Champions League, centering around claims that international sensation George Halliburton from Hutori and other several players are being compensated below the league's standard wages. The controversy made public by some rival club presidents asserting that Rangers may be employing a dual-contract system, where players receive additional compensation through personal sponsorships with businesses affiliated with the influential Humperdinck-DeWitt Family Holding. The accusations have ignited great concerns within Luthori's football community, it is raising questions about the fairness and the possibility of the lack of integrity of the league. Charlie Paddington, President of the Luthorian Football Leauge Association, called for a thorough investigation.

In response to these allegations, CEO of Fort William Rangers FC , Jacob Humperdinck, has dismissed set claims, asserting that the club adheres to a policy of competitive basic wages complemented by a high bonus reward system for it's players and that sponsorhip deals are made privatly between players and companies and is in fact not managed nor overseen by the club. Jacob Humperdinck also expressed that these financial structures are within "the permissible boundaries" set by the league's regulations and are aimed at maintaining the team's financial sustainability. As the controversy unfolds, fans and stakeholders anxiously await the outcome of the possible investigation to determine whether the club's payment practices align with the financial fair play rules and whether any corrective measures are needed to uphold the integrity of the Premier Champions League.
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Re: Luthori

Postby myungggg » Mon Mar 04, 2024 2:12 am

By Edward Hague

Jessica Anne Listone welcomed to the inaugural party convention of the Socialists-Ecologists 5448

In a surprising turn of events, Socialists-Ecologists 5448, dubbed "Socielos" by their members, has emerged on the Luthorian political landscape as potential political force to revitalise the Luthorian left-wing. The founding members, including Jessica Anne Listone, Member of the Imperial Diet for the Labour Party, and Peter Austin, a labour union organizer, came together at a Fort William conference, driven by a shared vision to address critical issues often sidelined in traditional politics.

In an exclusive interview, Listone articulates the party's vision, stating, "Socielos is not just a party; it's a movement for change. We've come together because we believe in a politics that's not just about power but about making a positive impact on people's lives." Austin echoes this sentiment, emphasizing the need for a more inclusive and forward-thinking political approach. "Our goal is to create a space where everyone feels heard, where we can address issues like environmental challenges and youth empowerment head-on. We're not bound by old divisions; we're focused on the future."

The party's diverse leadership includes Ethan Bartley, a Member of the Imperial Diet for the Luthorian National Conference; Harriet Allingham, a ducal councillor for the Liberal Party; Klara Menzies-Ezkibel, recent leader of the Middenriding Liberal Youth; and Serena Stuart, a former Imperial Diet candidate for the Luthorian National Conference party. The diverse backgrounds of these leaders reflect a shared dissatisfaction with the current political landscape, emphasizing the need for a more holistic and forward-thinking approach.

The founding members identified common ground and shared dissatisfaction with the status quo. The party aims to address pressing issues, including environmental challenges, labour rights, youth empowerment, increasing inequalities, democratic renewal, and a more robust stance on pan-Artanian integration and foreign policy.

The Socialists-Ecologists' formation was also a response toward the fractured, disunited, and often controversial left-wing politics in Luthori. Ethan Bartley emphasized the need for a more collaborative and united left. "The divisive tactics of the Luthorian National Conference over the monarchy, over working with other progressive parties, and the general aggressive and populist attitudes, have fractured the left-wing unity and hindered meaningful progress. Socielos aims to bridge these gaps, fostering a more inclusive and cooperative approach," Bartley declared. He added, "As much as I was disappointed over what happened, I invite the LNC to reflect with the rest of the progressive moment on the matter and meet with us all on the negotiating table. Again, you can not force change down our citizens' throats, it will happen once the mandate exists."

In addition, the disappointment with mainstream politics goes beyond mere rhetoric for Austin who emphasized the urgency of prioritizing the neglected issues. "Our shipyards, our farmers, our workers, our environment—all have been overlooked for too long. Socielos is a response to this neglect, a call for a green, worker-centric economy," Austin declared.

Klara Menzies-Ezkibel stated as well, "Our party is not just an alternative; it's a necessity. We are here to address the pressing issues that have been sidelined for too long. The time for change is now, and Socialists-Ecologists 5448 is leading the charge."

Political scientist Dr Emily Roberts provided insights, stating, "The founding members' dissatisfaction with the current state of Luthorian left-wing politics highlights a perceived stagnation. Socialists-Ecologists 5448 could potentially reshape the political landscape by addressing issues that have been sidelined by mainstream parties."

As the party gears up for the upcoming October 5452 elections, all eyes are on Socialists-Ecologists 5448. Their commitment to a comprehensive manifesto, inclusive leadership, and grassroots engagement sets them apart as a force to be reckoned with in the evolving political scenario.

In a surprising and significant shift in Luthori's political landscape, a new party, Socialists-Ecologists 5448, has emerged with a bold vision for the nation's future. Founded on June 4, 5448, by a diverse group including Jessica Anne Listone, Ethan Bartley, Harriet Allingham, Peter Austin, and Klara Menzies-Ezkibel, this party represents a breakaway from traditional politics in Luthori, focusing on crucial issues often overlooked by mainstream parties.

Currently, Jessica Anne Listone serves as the interim leader of Socialists-Ecologists 5448. The party plans to recruit members and intends to elect both a male and female co-leader in preparation for the upcoming October 5452 elections. Their registration with the Electoral Commission on June 4, 5448, signals their commitment to engaging the public and fostering a diverse membership base.

The term "Socielos" has been coined to refer to members of this new political force. However, when approached for comments, other established political parties in Luthori have chosen not to provide statements on the emergence of Socialists-Ecologists 5448.

In an exclusive interview with Jessica Anne Listone, she stated, "Our party is not just an alternative; it's a necessity. We are here to address the pressing issues that have been sidelined for too long. The time for change is now, and Socialists-Ecologists 5448 is leading the charge."

"The emergence of Socielos represents a critical juncture in Luthorian politics. The party's founding members, disillusioned by the divisive tactics of the Luthorian National Conference and the resulting public distrust towards the left, are attempting to create a cohesive and inclusive platform," explained Dr Emily Roberts of the Fort Williams School for Public Administration and Government. "Their focus on environmental challenges, labour rights, and youth empowerment addresses crucial gaps in mainstream politics, resonating with a growing dissatisfaction among the electorate."

As Socielos charts its course towards the upcoming elections, Dr Roberts concludes, "The success of Socielos hinges not only on its ability to critique existing political structures but on its capacity to offer viable alternatives and unite a fragmented left. It stands as a promising experiment in reshaping the political narrative, and its impact on Luthorian politics will undoubtedly be closely watched."

KOZMOPOL.luthori provides a new progressive perspective to the news that concerns Luthori and the world. Its editorial view is independent of any stakeholder and generally provides a more left-wing orientation than other newspapers. This newspaper publication is partially owned by the Kozmopol Media Group based in Kaesama, Kundrati.
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Alas! my friend, the boast is poor;
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