
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Davostag

Postby Augustus Germanus » Sun Mar 10, 2024 6:50 am

National Journal
The National Journal, or Riksbladet in Befäska, is a predominantly non-partisan news organization in Davostag.
The National Journal mainly reports on national and global political news, and occasionally entertainment.
The National Journal sees itself as the spiritual successor of the old Davostagian newspaper the People's Journal.

27 October 5451

Random picture in Eliseborg with billboard showing a map of Davostag, with the text "BE YOUR TRUE SELF".

Kivonia, Kovmark – Three new important legislations approved by the Riksdag have almost gone unnoticed, despite their importance to society, the economy and the political process in Davostag. The first of these was Skolreformslagen 1. ("Education Reform Act 1.")), which brought into law the extensive blueprints for the system of the Davostagian education. Touching upon subjects of kindergartens, elementary schools and high schools, as well as military schools, which have already existed for hundreds of years in Davostag but this time truly put into effect with the entire law behind them. It introduced what programs high school students can pick as well as what compulsory subjects be implemented in elementary schools, the three primary subjects being language, which includes Befäska, Skrigere, Luthorian and Dundorfian (which was introduced in the Law on the Introduction of Obligatory Language Education Act); mathematics; and the unique patriotic studies, which delves into the necessary knowledge every citizen is required to know about Davostag, such as the importance of its political system, the constitution and Davostagian culture.

The second legislation introduced was Naturresursutvinningslagen 1. ("Natural Resource Extraction Act 1."), which reaffirmed state control over important state-owned companies such as VGAB, which holds complete monopoly on the mining industry in Davostag, and Svärd och Sköld AB, the latter of which was formally renamed by said legislation to Allstatliga Försvarskompaniet, abbreviated as ASFK, which is the state company solely responsible for managing the entire Davostag defense industry. The law saw the creation of two new companies, Dovgerska Oljekompaniet and Dovgerska Gaskompaniet ("Davostagian Oil Company" and "Davostagian Gas Company"), which has been given complete control over the oil and gas sector in Davostag, while despite its very limited existence in Davostag it can be found towards several smaller regions at the border with Hutori. These two companies are officially state-affiliated, which essentially means that the state holds a significant amount of control in the companies, but not majority, but despite that most profits and material goes to the state. The other two controllers are the private state-allied Fortuna Group and Shippington.

The third legislation is Demokraternas Administrativa Lagförslag ("Democrats' Administrative Bill"), which was proposed by the Democrats who serves as government partners in the current cabinet. This law removes the requirement of government permission for multiple citizenships as well as government control over which candidates are allowed public funding. The most important article in the legislation concerns the decision to increase the seats of the Riksdag from 345 to 465. It was first proposed by the Democrats that the seats be increased to 365, but it is believed that during negotiations National Gathering suggested even more seats. This was decided for the sake of more representation as the nation is growing ever more, with recent reports claiming that more young people are starting families with an average family having at least three children. On the subject, the Government has made it clear that they intend on looking into the old Social Citizen Growth program introduced in the late 4790s, to see if they can replicate it in a newer form.
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Re: Davostag

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun Mar 10, 2024 10:05 am

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Re: Davostag

Postby Augustus Germanus » Thu Mar 14, 2024 4:23 pm

National Journal
The National Journal, or Riksbladet in Befäska, is a predominantly non-partisan news organization in Davostag.
The National Journal mainly reports on national and global political news, and occasionally entertainment.
The National Journal sees itself as the spiritual successor of the old Davostagian newspaper the People's Journal.

4 July 5453 (backdated)

Kivonia, Kovmark – On the 2 July it was reported that an unknown type of gas had accidently been released around the border of Kirlawa, Kundrati and Dundorf. The latter two quickly went out with the claims of an attack by the Kirlawan Military State and hurried to the calls of war. Yet, according to the Kirlawans themselves, the release of the gas was purely accidental. What should have happened here instead of the bloodthirsty desire for death and war by the Kundrati-Dundorf alliance, is a regional investigation on whether this truly was accidental. Or at least there should have been an attempt by Kundrati and Dundorf to investigate the matter before deciding, without much thought, to send their people to war. As there is no real facts and truth regarding the release of the gas, the Government of Davostag maintains the position that the Kundrati-Dundorf military assault on Kirlawa is simply an act of aggression and which brings only chaos and regional instability.

The Davostag Navy is on full alert in the Unholy and Artanian seas, as is the air force and army stationed in Endralon. Reports are coming out that the Davostagian government has been in contact with Kirlawa, Kundrati and Dundorf regarding the matter, with the hopes of bringing the fighting to a standstill, to try to reach a diplomatic solution to the matter. While our government does not necessarily share the values espoused by the Kirlawan government, they are quite clear on holding up the opposition against unlawful, unjustified and unprovoked wars – and as a consequence of that, the Davostag premier, Vera Vinther, has not ruled out the possibility of a military operation to try to curb the aggression made by Kundrati and Dundorf.
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Re: Davostag

Postby Augustus Germanus » Thu Apr 11, 2024 9:27 am

National Journal
The National Journal, or Riksbladet in Befäska, is a predominantly non-partisan news organization in Davostag.
The National Journal mainly reports on national and global political news, and occasionally entertainment.
The National Journal sees itself as the spiritual successor of the old Davostagian newspaper the People's Journal.

12 November 5467

Kivonia, Kovmark – This morning, the presidential office announced that Rikspresident Julia Neusohn had passed away in her sleep. The rikspresident who was reacing the age of 89, had worked day and night since taking office for the second time in 5448 in the service of her fatherland. In the beginning she served Davostag as an army officer, managing administrative and logistical tasks to an effective degree. Though around the turn of the century, she took the risk of losing her career as well as life by covertly joining the freedom fighters of the Front Thing for National Revival (FTNV) in their pursuit of a self-determining Davostagian nation and republic. At the end of their resistance campaign, Neusohn had come to be seen as the face of the militant group, negotiating on their behalf with the Sundin government. After the conflict in Davostag had settled, she moved back to her birthplace of Vermillion, where she would dedicate herself to writing political and historical works. She aided Vera Vinther, who had come to lead National Gathering (NS), in writing a new republican constitution, which would eventually lead to the party nominating Neusohn as their presidential candidate. While losing the 5438 election, she fiercely won the 5442 elections, but would again lose in 5446 due to severe electoral fraud. She would be reelected in 5448 and remain as rikspresident since then up until her death today.

While there are no specific regulations regarding the succession of the rikspresident, the Security Council of Davostag has looked at the constitution and laid forth a path in which they would appoint an acting rikspresident until new presidential elections are held. The Security Council appointed the long-time friend, ally, minister and experienced statesman under Neusohn, Wilhelm Jörgen, as the new acting rikspresident. Though elections are scheduled to be held on 20 August 5470, there are currently discussions within the Riksdag to determine whether it would be necessary to call for early elections instead. Acting Rikspresident Jörgen has made it clear that he only intends on governing Davostag in the manners as an interim leader and encourages the ruling party to select Neusohn's final successor. Several within the party is looking to Jörgen as that successor, while others are looking to General Rikard Ljung, who was declared by Neusohn as her immediate successor during the state of emergency. Experts believe that the passing of Neusohn could lead to a split in the party with coming lethal power struggles.
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Re: Davostag

Postby Augustus Germanus » Thu Apr 11, 2024 10:50 am

National Journal
The National Journal, or Riksbladet in Befäska, is a predominantly non-partisan news organization in Davostag.
The National Journal mainly reports on national and global political news, and occasionally entertainment.
The National Journal sees itself as the spiritual successor of the old Davostagian newspaper the People's Journal.

4 December 5467

Kivonia, Kovmark – With the death of Julia Neusohn on 12 November, the Security Council of Davostag had appointed Wilhelm Jörgen as the acting rikspresident. This resulted in a factional split between those favoring Jörgen and those favoring General Rikard Ljung, the latter had been prepared as a successor to Neusohn for more than decade. The Neusohn loyalists claimed that it was always the intention of the rikspresident to have the general succeed her, while those favoring Jörgen claims that General Ljung was only to be considered a backup successor during the state of emergency that had been declared during the Kirlawan crisis. This division within the ruling party and in the Riksdag caused intense discussions and debates, lasting for several weeks after Neusohn's death. Despite prominent ministers and politicians favoring General Ljung, the man himself had not confirmed any ambition to assume the presidency nor commented on the political crisis. But now Riksbladet can confirm that the general and the acting rikspresident both met in a manor outside the city of Renartsborg where they both agreed upon the future of the Davostagian presidency. Jörgen is set to be elected in a early election which is to be called this month and held the next month, while Ljung is to be confirmed as the new chief of the military high command and assumed as the natural successor to Jörgen in case of emergency. General Ljung also stated that there might come a time in the future when he decides to stand for election, but that such a time is not now.
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Augustus Germanus
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Re: Davostag

Postby Augustus Germanus » Thu Apr 11, 2024 2:11 pm

National Journal
The National Journal, or Riksbladet in Befäska, is a predominantly non-partisan news organization in Davostag.
The National Journal mainly reports on national and global political news, and occasionally entertainment.
The National Journal sees itself as the spiritual successor of the old Davostagian newspaper the People's Journal.

3 January 5468

Military Police special units arresting a suspect.

Kivonia, Kovmark – During the past week there has been sights and reports of military police units forcefully entering homes and properties around the country, resulting in mass arrests of various individuals. The chief of the military police, Gösta Rovman, confirmed that operations were conducted and that they were targeted against specific Kundrati citizens who have either gone out of their way to express and or aid in the support or simply spoken out in one way or another in sympathy for the Kundrati figure known as "General Tiberius". Said figure had called for genocide against Davostagers living in Kundrati as well as praising the illegal invasion and destruction of the Kirlawan state, though noting that the government of Kundrati did not go far enough and that a total obliteration of the Kirlawan nation and people should have been carried out. Ever since this individual's remarks made last October, the State Security Bureau (SSB), hightened its security levels in the country and increased its surveillance of foreigners, especially on Kundrati citizens.

The military police acted on intelligence gathered by the SSB, arresting up to 200 Kundrati citizens, who are suspected to have expressed support or sympathy for Tiberius. While the SSB and military police is holding tight on information regarding the ordeal, there have been credible reports that some of those arrested had simply made joking remarks of sympathy while others are believed to be completely innocent and instead picked up for other reasons though by the justification of having apparently supported the Kundrati far-right. Since this concerns matters of security, and with the direct involvement of both the military police and SSB, the suspects will not be standing for trial but rather placed in internment facilities for an unspecified amount of time. Their status will most likely not change until the SSB and the Davostag Government have addressed the issue to the government of Kundrati.

But one must mention that at the end of the day, the new Rikspresident Wilhelm Jörgen is truly the one to gain the most from these arrests, winning a greater support from the Davostagian population, especially as the early elections are soon to be held. Experts have long stated the need for any successor of the late Rikspresident Julia Neusohn to establish their strength and authority within Davostag as well as on foreign policy. In this regard, Jörgen gains double points, as recent polling and internet observations suggests that the Davostagers are approving of these actions. Though whether these arrests may cause future problems is to be seen, though most likely, but Davostag has a history of successfully curbing hostile activities.
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Re: Davostag

Postby Mbites » Tue Apr 16, 2024 10:27 am

"It looked like a silly semi-cliquey thing between a few players to me. Following around a troll called Mbites like he was some sort of god... which wouldn't have mattered so much in the scale of things, except one of them was a Mod."
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Re: Davostag

Postby Augustus Germanus » Thu Apr 18, 2024 5:11 pm

National Journal
The National Journal, or Riksbladet in Befäska, is a predominantly non-partisan news organization in Davostag.
The National Journal mainly reports on national and global political news, and occasionally entertainment.
The National Journal sees itself as the spiritual successor of the old Davostagian newspaper the People's Journal.

22 July 5471

Davostag Army soldiers during ceremony in 5470.

Kivonia, Kovmark – Since ancient times the peoples in Davostag, the Kivonians and Davostanis – known together as the Davostagers – have both showed a great deal of military prowess and tradition, the former a lot more than the latter. Such traditions could be seen to have come as influences from the cultures of Northern Artania, specifically Dorvik, and their merchants travelling to the land of Davostag. The Kivonian clan system also helped solidify the warrior culture as the new generations of clan-members were forced to prove themselves and even those Kivonians without clans showed their abilities in order to gain one. Entering into the modern period, Davostag faced for a thousand years and more all kinds of authoritarian and dictatorial regimes allowing for the military traditions to not only remain but flourish. With the establishment of the Kivonian Republic in 4596, a stratocratic way of life began to take form in a true institutional way, creating a society in which citizenry participation in the military was seen as the best way to achieve respect, status and success. The political system of the Kivonian Republic continued in spirit in all its successor states, but the military ways would still be under the perception of detachment from the rest of Davostagian culture, which was the case until the Union of Davostan and Kivonia, established in 4796. The UDK successfully combined democratic and republican values with those held since ancient times in the military, truly integrating them into society without the fear of infecting the nation with authoritarianism. Since that integration Davostag have remained with a strong martial culture and hierarchy in combination with a collectivist and egalitarian view of the world to this day.

Today, the Davostag Armed Forces stand as the single most important institution and state organization in the country. Due to the long history of martial practices, there is a great deal of stigmatization in not having served in the Davostag military in one way or another, to such an extent that some positions in the state is barred for those not having completed military service. The education system is even formed out of a convenience for the Armed Forces, to allow for ambitious children and families to push for extensive military careers and experiences. While not mandatory, most families have their children take time out of their week after school to train in combat in so-called Kampträningsfronter ("Martial Training Fronts"), which are set up and run by the Davostag Armed Forces, with some children even beginning at the age of six. There have even been rumors that the Riksdag is currently discussing to formalize and incentivize those training fronts as part of the overall military schooling of children to have them be a mandatory pre-cursor in order to gain access to the Military Training Front of Future Cadets, which is currently available for children aged 12 to attend.

But the government of Davostag have always made sure that discrimination is minimal if not non-existing in society, and in terms of the military the way this is achieved is that even though a child have not attended any military training fronts, all men and women after attending high school are required to complete a mandatory military service. With all citizens encouraged to continue said service at least partially for three more years. Making sure that no one is left out of the action, of course not everyone can participate in combat roles and are thus delegated to other roles in the service, but at the end of the day the entire nation is part of the Army, Navy and Air Force. The culture is so prevelant that every citizen is allowed to keep their military equipment of armor and weaponry, which is to create a sense of trust as well as growing patriotism with the notion that all should prepare for war, even if you are not currently working within the Armed Forces. In the rare cases where citizens would misuse their equipment, the Military Police simply confiscate them indefinitely, and in those cases where citizens die, the equipment is handed over back to the Armed Forces to continue the cycle. So in a way to describe the country: Davostag is not a nation with an army, but an army with a nation.
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Augustus Germanus
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Re: Davostag

Postby Augustus Germanus » Sat Apr 20, 2024 5:11 pm

Speech to the Nation by Rikspresident Wilhelm Jörgen
6 July 5472
"The Hubris War between the great powers of Beiteynu and Lourenne is without doubt affecting the entirety of Terra in one way or another. And Davostag is no exception. There have been speculation that we have been in talks with the former of the two powers regarding aiding in the war and I will confirm that so has been the case. But the situation have now turned around and gone into the unexpected. Beiteynu has issued a 1st Azhara to Kundrati, an ally and important partner but foremost a great friend to our nation. The two countries have in the tensions sent their fleets against each other. I have therefore made assurances to Prime Minister Stejskal in Kasaema that any form of aggression against Kundrati in these turbulent times shall be considered an equal act of aggression against Davostag. I have also ordered the Davostag Krigsmakt to be put on high alert and make preparations in case of escalations, as well as reinforcing our 32 thousand troops in Endralon and sending warships to the northern and southern coast of Kundrati in the Unholy and Artanian seas respectively. Davostag will never abandon a friend in need, for we will stand their ground against the wars of stupidity. And I know that you, landsmän och folkkamrater, will not fear the journey to Valhall. May the Spirit of the Nation guide us.

Krigsmakt = Armed Forces (lit. "war-power")
Landsmän och folkkamrater = Compatriots and people's comrades
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Re: Davostag

Postby Augustus Germanus » Sat Apr 20, 2024 9:06 pm

National Journal
The National Journal, or Riksbladet in Befäska, is a predominantly non-partisan news organization in Davostag.
The National Journal mainly reports on national and global political news, and occasionally entertainment.
The National Journal sees itself as the spiritual successor of the old Davostagian newspaper the People's Journal.

23 August 5472

A proposed design for the ASFK D-72 Gungner, which is currently under development by the Krigsmakt.

Callusarv, Sønderhavn – In a report last week made by the Centrala Militära Produktionsavdelningen ("Central Military Production Department", CMPA) to the Ministry of Defence they showcased the beginning of the development of the ASFK D-72 Gungner, a newly designed aircraft vehicle in the works of ASFK ("All-State Defence Company") for several years now. The D-72 Gungner is a multi-mission, tiltrotor military aircraft with the capabilities of vertical takeoff and landing as well as short takeoff and landing. The design combines a conventional helicopter's functionality together with that of a long-range and high-speed cruise performance of a turboprop aircraft. However, this kind of aircraft have proven to be severely costly with several engineering challenges emerging. The Chief of the Air Force General Staff, General Alfred Melkersson, argued for scrapping the project in its entirety and focus on more low-cost functional matters; but the general's concerns have mostly been suppressed by that of the Chairman of the Riksdag Committee on Defence, Carl Önner, who instead have given fiery speeches and arguments promoting the development of more superior military technology that could reduce the loss of life in case of war.

ASFK have stated that the project will most likely see its finalization somewhere between the years 5477 and 5484, depending on if the current discussions in the Commitee on Defence results in an approval for proposed increase in its funding. The company have given out figures varying between that of 1 billion to 1.1 billion Davosti (OOC: About 100 and 110 million US dollars) for a single D-72 Gungner, which is obviously regarded as a massive expense, but one considered necessary by those standing behind committee chairman Önner. The chairman and other committee members and Riksdag representatives in favor of the project have spoken about using the D-72 Gungner as the primary standard aircraft for transport, scout and other missions, while using lesser and "inferior" aircrafts as reserve backups. A stance considered absolute financial lunacy by their opponents. The committee decision is believed to be announced later in September whether its funding will increase or not, and should it be rejected, new discussions will most likely be held until November to decide whether the project should be shelved or not.

In the case of the project continuing with the approval of the committee, ASFK have provided with three variating designs to the aircraft. The first regular design is meerely for smooth long-range transporation; while the second design removes transporation as its primary purpose and instead installs on the lower parts an adpative variation of the ASFK Automatic Gun L/70 for an air gunner to operate thus creating an attack version of the aircraft, though whether this will prove itself with sufficient results is to be seen; the third and last design also removes transportation and instead installs a hatchway on the craft for deploying/dropping/launching specialized bombs and missiles down on a target, though this has caused similar problems as the second design regarding weight and proved efficiency. As all three designs of the D-72 Gungner is still in the engineering and development stage, one of the head engineers on the project have confirmed that while the first design is without doubt feasible the other two becomes more difficult when taking certain aspects such as weight and in the end, costs, into consideration.

Fun fact: Gungner, or Gungnir (in Old Vardic and current Luthorian), is the spear of the god Dion (OOC: Odin) in Vardic mythology.
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