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Re: Dundorf

Postby Drax » Fri Mar 15, 2024 5:02 am



NVR, Battle Report 4: ODERVELD – LEUCHTFEUER sources at the Nationaler Verteidigungsrat (NVR) report that Ableitung I has directed 8th Division to take over the Nuchtmark sector including oversight of the quarantined area where the Mustard Gas cloud settled as well as control over the medical field facilities. Few of our troops had contact with the toxic cloud because of the nature of our dispositions and rapid withdrawal. Some Nuchtmark residents have been treated as well. The opinion in 8th Division is whether or not an attack on us was intended, what actually happened could hardly have been intended. 8th Division is holding the area west and north of the contaminated area in Nuchtmark to a depth of about 15 miles.

2nd Division has now occupied much of eastern Merkan nearly to Eshileo. It encountered a few formed units which retreated to north or northeast.

1st Division is approaching the capital; enemy formations have been moving in that direction. Possibly to make a stand there. 7th Panzer Division has taken position just west of the capital.

5th Panzer Division approached Peaca where there was a garrison but it decamped moving north rather than stand and fight. 5th Panzer has now joined 7th Panzer west of the capital after leaving a battalion of panzer grenadiers in Peaca to hold it

3rd Division has occupied much of western Merrkan to the Alorian border. Above Peaca the Peaca garrison joined dug in enemy units wanting to resist the advance. 3rd Division’s artillery assets worked over the enemy. Particularly our 16 multiple rocket launcher systems which were joined by a Luftwaffe squadron firing air to surface missiles. Finding its position untenable the enemy made a reasonably orderly retreat north leaving few prisoners other than some wounded along with a few howitzers and grenade launchers.

Today, most of our air assets were armed for air to air combat. with a view to extending air superiority. Enemy air units in Merkan near Nuchtmark tended to retreat northeastward when detected. About 57 enemy fighters tried to protect the junta capital but took heavy casualties when attacked by twice as many HF – 16’s eventually withdrawing from Merkan leaving no air cover to the capital..

Further west some enemy air tried to provde air protection to the Peaca garrison and units they joined but they were dispersed by superior numbers and withdrew north from Merkan. Air superiority is in place.

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Re: Dundorf

Postby Drax » Fri Mar 15, 2024 3:42 pm



NVR, Battle Report 5: ODERVELD – LEUCHTFEUER sources at the Nationaler Verteidigungsrat (NVR) report some impressions are being noted and conclusions being drawn about the enemy. Most noticeably, captured small arms seem to be high quality imports. The grenade launchers and shoulder mounted anti tank weaponry seem to be new as well. Other equipment not so much.

While we have yet to encounter a coordinated resistance or serious attack on which to base a judgment, outside the initial attack with chemical weapons, the enemy appears to be disciplined. Almost all could be described as motorized infantry borne by a variety of trucks.

At the enemy capital, a large number of enemy troops are dug in at the perimeter. They are surrounded and lack air cover. With the concurrence of NVR’s Ableitung I, the Kiralawa Defence Force commander has asked the enemy to surrender to spare the civilian population and infrastructure of the capital. The Junta leadership appears to have departed at some point. In view of that Ableitung I is hopeful the enemy capital will not be reduced to rubble.
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Re: Dundorf

Postby Drax » Sat Mar 16, 2024 9:36 pm



NVR, Battle Report 6: ODERVELD – LEUCHTFEUER sources at the Nationaler Verteidigungsrat (NVR) have learned that shortly after surrender was requested of the Junta forces at the enemy capital, those Junta forces presumably taking advantage of a period for surrender consideration attempted an escape to the northeast in the direction of Brase Lake in Dirlana Province where every reason to believe there could be some air cover. 2nd Division’s reconnaissance drones spotted the movement and notified Kirlawa Defence Force Headquarters (HQ); 2nd Division had been moving toward Eshileo but then diverted toward the enemy capital. It is now ordered to move north

1st Division which was in position south of the enemy capital was directed to move cautiously into the city alert to the possibility of chemical weaponry. In fact none were encountered. Its Air Cavalry Brigade was sent in pursuit of the enemy column of trucks hauling troops and towed artillery.

5th Panzer Division deployed west of the enemy caprtal was directed to follow the enemy column. HQ ordered 7th Panzer Division in postion northeast of 5th Panzer to move due east with a view to cutting off any escsape route for the enemy column. Three squadrons of HF – 16’s and Unionfighters armed with surface to air missiles and laser guided bombs were sent by HQ toward the rear of the column.

8th Division began marching toward Eshileo after 2nd Divison moved toward the capital. 8th Division’s reconnaissance drones saw that the substantial enemy garrison was leaving and moving due west which division repoted to HQ which was of the opinion the Eshileo troops were moving to join those leaving the capital. HQ conferred wth Nationaler Verteidigungsrat (NVR) ’s Ableitung I which got Oberkommando Luftwaffe (OKL) to send its Fallschirmjger Brigade on its DHL Truppenbeweger 310’s for a drop southwest of Eshileo to dig in and hold until 8th Division could arrive.

Meanwhile, 7th Panzer was able to get across the path of the enemy column to Brase Lake 7th Panzer deployed in a battleline moving south with its roughly 200 Leopard 2A7 tanks. The enemy column withdrew south a little and tried to establish a defensive position facing north and west, the directions from which 7th and 5th Panzer Divisions were approaching. The Luftwaffe squadrons began attacking from the south with air to surface missiles and laser guided bombs while from the east the 1st Division’s Air Cavalry Brgade began assaulting the enemy with air to surface missiles and helicopter gunships. With attacks from all sides and escape to the east blocked, the enemy was defeated and most taken prisoner as their defenses crumbled.

The enemy which had sortied from Eshileo had several choices. Return to Eshileo and take on the Fallschirmjagers it outnumbered before 8th Division arrived. Attack 7th Panzer’s eastern flank to help rescue those fleeing from the capital.. In point of fact they turned due north into Deirguiaza eluding Dundorfische formations and escaping.

The NVR has reported to the government that it holds Merkan and hopes to coordinate further operations with the Kundrati Union and Holy Luthorian Empire.

Neue Dundorfische Zentrumspartei (NDZP), Dundorf, Active
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Re: Dundorf

Postby _nicolo_02 » Sun Mar 17, 2024 10:55 am


Dundorf's opposition gather to oppose religious policies
All of the opposition parties gathered in Dunburg to protest a Government's religious policy - whilst reaffirming support for the Government's response in Kirlawa.
June 5455

Protestors gathered before the Dundorfian Bundestag

DUNBURG, ODERVELD - A large gathering of no less than 220.000 people, according sources of the Dunburg Chief of the Police, appeared in the capital's iconic Odervelder Tor to protest the right-wing cabinet's policies on religion, and especially a policy that was recommended by the Special Envoy to the Confessional Ameliorate Church of Dundorf, Ms. Anna-Barbara Piechotta - a controversial figure very close to the ruling BH against whom the DSDP decided to launch months ago an unsuccessful motion of no-confidence - that outlawed any public funding for private educational schools except for religious ones. The protest was not aimed at the Government's handling of the Kirlawa conflict, said a DSDP Bundestag member who attended the event: "We very much want to see the end of this conflict, started by the senseless gas attack on the triborder area".
Chancellor Svenja Freitag, a strong conservative, defended the work of Ms. Piechotta, saying in Bundestag that the bill is aimed at restoring and maintaining vital relations with the national Churh, who according to her, have been "destroyed" in the past. On othe other hand, Hans Strauss, the Opposition Leader, attacked the Government for "destroying Dundorf's secularism" and decided then to base his party's campaign for the 5455 election on the eternal divide between religion and secularism in Dundorfian politics. The protest was partecipated by all of the opposition: BZD, VA, D95 and the NLP, who agreed all on supporting the Presidential bid of Brunhilde Kasner, DSDP's Minister-President of Grozvic, to show a "secular unity" against the policies of the BH-led Government and to a common manifesto that could lead to a future center-left cabinet and some balancing reforms.
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Re: Dundorf

Postby LC73 » Tue Mar 19, 2024 7:21 pm

Free Liberal Party Newsletter

Rikert Siegert Interview

Rikert Siegert on state tv

The Free Liberal Party newsletter has managed to get hold of party leader and finance minister Rikert Siegert to ask him a few questions about the state of Dundorfian Politics.

So first Rikert I would like to ask you about what happened at the end of the last parliament. The FLP decided to leave the government just before the elections. Was this just political postering or was there something more?
First thank you for having back. It’s always good to give back to our members through this newsletter. We decided to leave the governments due to the growing polarisation BH was causing in the Bundestag. Opposition parties started to tarnish the government with a pro-religious brush which does not represent our stance. Also to provide a third choice away from a united opposition block and the religious conservative parties we wanted to run our own presidential candidate and campaign. This was to stop the radical socialists from getting into government again.

So what made the party decide to work with the LDU and DSDP over BH?
We have worked with the LDU and DSDP before in our heartland Julstoch during the conservative governments. We believe that now it is right to work with more liberal and internationalist forces to create unity around government. In the last term BH brought a level of toxicity to government and significant amounts of voters felt isolated. Now it is time to give more people a voice with BH underperforming in the last general election.

Now you are finance minister, what are you doing in that role?
The finance department has proposed a new budget for Dundorf, the first in 30 years. The finance, foreign affairs and trade departments have all seen their budgets cut so that we can raise education and defence. Defence is especially important due to the instability on our northern border. We must be protected. These also allow for tax cuts. Already the government has slashed corporation tax by 2% and we are looking to cut essential goods tax by 1%. This has been done with the consent of all governing parties showing how we are united together at the centre.

What is next for the FLP’s parliamentary proposals?
I would like to propose some bills to enforce our small government nature and regionalism. We will look to devolve waste management, forest policy, pre-schools and some healthcare policy. This would reinforce the rights of regional parliaments. We have already given them the rights to control energy, policing and fire services. This justifies our state level of government. To make sure they also have a voice nationally the FLP will officially back the Bundesrat campaign and work to provide some form of upper chamber to the nation. Some bills allowing more private involvement in education and with infrastructure will also create growth and allow Dundorf to move forward.

Finally you have been leader for 18 years now, don’t you think it is time to step down?
Not just yet. Under my leadership the party has remained in government with 5 successive governments. I have done this through my commitment to pragmatism. Also I wanted to make sure that the FLP brand was established before I gave the reigns to someone else. Now it is clear to everyone that the party stands regionalism, social liberalism, and small government. After this term we will see how the political sphere develops but I know the membership are happy an proud of my time as leader.
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Re: Dundorf

Postby LC73 » Wed Mar 20, 2024 3:08 pm

New services in Julstoch's museums and libraries

The Julstoch state government has announced a series of new initiative to encourage more citizens to visit the state’s museums and libraries. Outside of Schmittburg city museum, the new minister president of Julstoch Kyler Carl, explained what these would entail. Kyler Carl was first elected to the role in 5455 and has already made a name for himself in the FLP’s more left faction. He decided to work with the second largest party in the state, the NDZP, to make sure the vast majority of voices are heard and punish BH’s extremism.

Libraries would now offer reading clubs for older citizens each week. This is to create a community feel and to tackle adult loneliness. Also a summer reading challenge will be implemented to encourage school children to read whist they are off school. Choice and range of books will be emphasised to make all students feel included.

Museums will allow free entry for residents of each respective local council area and run a stamp system for kids to collect to involve them. Investment in audio guides for museums and the creation of audio city tours is another initiative the museums state department is looking into. These can highlight details of cities some may have missed and can be engaging through creating historical characters to speak on the audio track. These will help improve historical understand throughout the state and give tourists more to do in our great cities.

Kyler also emphasised that this could only be achieved due to the regionalism of these policy goals. This means that the state can provide more targeted recourses to its citizens and not get lost in national bureaucracy. His party, the FLP is committed to expand regionalism to all states in Dundorf and even further to the city and counties level.
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Re: Dundorf

Postby Drax » Thu Mar 21, 2024 8:23 pm


Defence Minister Kronbach


Defence Ministry, Battle Report 7: Defence Minister Karl-Heinrich Kronbach made several announcents today:

Ableitung II of the Nationaler Verteidigungsrat (NVR) in charge of procurement has been authorized to make arrangements for keeping the equipment complement of each division up to the authorized level or in excess thereof due to war with the Kirlawan Junta. Pfeilspitze is supplying small arms sufficient for the needs of all divisions. Donnerluft will produce 50 more HF-16’s and 50 MiG 29’s, once our top of the line air superiority aircraft, to the Luftwaffe.

Fuchstal Elektrisch will be keeping our Panzer divisions up to par with Leopard 2A7 tanks as well as seeing we have no artillery shortages in FE Langewaffe towed artillery, FE – Friedensstifter self propelled guns and FE Schnellreparaturraketen truck mounted multiple launch rocket systems(MLRS). Gebirgsmunition will keep us supplied with KWM 70 MRLS mounted on trucks and the tracked MARS II MLRS for our Panzer dvisions.

Jeschonnek Hubschrauber and Gebirgsmunition will keep us in helicopters while Grozvic Unbemanntes Fluggeratwill keep us supplied with reconnaissance and attack drones.

9th Division will be initiated as a motorized infantry division. All motorized infantry divisions have two battalions of artillery. Henceforth all batteries of artillery assigned to motorized infantry will have 8 truck mounted MLRS in addition to its towed artillery, an addition of 48 truck mounted MLRS. 9th Division will also need its 5 machine gun equipped helicopters and 20 utility helicopters.

A Provisional Support Corps headquartered in Eshileo will consist of 6th Division and 4th Division and handle defense of Merkan other than for air defense, the expanded military medical facilities present for emergencies and the prisoners of war we are acquiring..

Kirlawa Defence Force (KDF) Headquarters commands 1st Division, 2nd Division, 3rd Division, 8th Division, 5th Panzer Division and 7th Panzer Division as well as 4 provisional wings of 5 Luftwaffe squadrons each. KDF is responsible for air operations and operations north of Merkan.
Neue Dundorfische Zentrumspartei (NDZP), Dundorf, Active
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Re: Dundorf

Postby Drax » Sat Mar 23, 2024 4:49 am



Defence Ministry, Battle Report 8: Nationaler Verteidigungsrat (NVR) has issued an update on military operations in Kirlawa:

3rd Division and 8th Division have moved cautiously into Dirlana Province in the direction of Brase Lake led by their drones, helicopters and reconnaissance companies. With only three squadrons of air cover available, the advance was alert not only to enemy formations but also to enemy aircraft appearing. The 4th Division of the Provisional Support Corps (PSC) guarded the east flank of the operation in Dirguzia from its position in and around Eshileo while the 6th Division of the PSC watched its west flank in Dirlana. In point of fact, no opposition was detected south of Brase Lake where some concentration of enemy forces was occurring.

The Kirlawa Defence Force (KDF) main concern as it began operations against Shobagon was air superiority. Kundrati forces were encountering signnificant air resistance and there really was only so much the Junta could muster aganst the combined air assets of Kunrati, Luthoria and Dundorf. Still it stood to reason that the Junta would commit significant resources to the defense of the Uwakah region where the Junta leadership was personally located. This proved to be the case.

Accordingly, KDF committed 15 squadrons of the Luftwaffe’s HF -16’s to air supriority with only two squadrons of Unionfighters held for ground attack. It was enough. The Junta’s fighters did defend Shobagon as best it could and did inflict some casuaties but as losses steadily mounted the need to avoid annihilation so as to fight another day apparently caused their withdrawal presumably on Micana.

As 1st Division and 2nd Division advanced on Shobaafgon enemy artillery annouced its presence. Junta forces had entrenched on the souhern approahes as well as in the city. KDF Hadquarters transmitted a surrender demand which dd inspire some civilian evacuations to the north. KDF positioned 5th Panzer Division to west of Shobagon and 7th Panzer to the east.

The FE Langewaffe towed 155 mm guns of 1st and 2nd Divisions togetther with their FE Schnellreparaturraketen multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) and their KWM 70 MRLS began the artillery duel and were joined by the FE – Friedensstifter self propelled guns and MARS II tracked MLRS of the 5th and 7th Panzer Divisions.

The Unionfighter squadrons launched air to surface missiles and laser guided bombs to join in the silencing of enemy artillery batteries. As the bombardment continued civilians continued to escape to the north joined by some of the Junta’s defenders. A group of Junta trops exited to the east under a white flag and surrendered. Some city officials apparently persuaded the leader of the remaining troops to agree to surrender so as to leave some of the city habitable and a portion of the infrastructure operating. Although a few pockets of troops were found that were hiding, none offered resistance as 2nd Division occupied the city.

It appears the plan had been to halt the advance of the Bundesrepublik under heavy air cover. Once the enemy air assets were defeated the plan was pretty much doomed. In some units there were rumours of orders to fight house to house, die to the last underling.and unleashing mustard gas. The actual orders appear to have been to continue fighting after the air cover left, protect yourself as best you can when the artillery was silenced.and surrender when relief was hopeless, escape impossible and no means of retuurning fire remained.

The percentage of minimally trained conscripts rather than professional disciplined troops was consideraly higher since the last encounter.. The mismatch against three of the four most militarily developed nations of Artania was becoming apparent to all. Chemical weapnry was present in the hands of disciplined troops but not deployed. Bundeswehr speculation is that in the absence of actual fear of the Junta, resistance would be given til honor wss satisfied but there was no incentive to become war criminals.

NVR hopes to coordinate upcoming operatios with the Kundrati and Luthori high commands.

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Re: Dundorf

Postby Drax » Sat Mar 23, 2024 4:16 pm


Chancellor Stachel


Chancellor's Office, Battle Report 9: After a meeting of the Bundeskabinett, Bundeskanzler Bruno Stachel was asked by ODERVELD – LEUCHTFEUER how the war with Kirlawa was going, and he responded:

I had hoped we could finish it up during my term of office, but that now appears unlikely. Think the slow pace is largely because the initial attack on the Bundesrepublik and the Kundrati Union was by mustard gas and so our counterattack has been quite cautious to avoid another such occurrence. Be that as it may the end for the Kiralawa Junta is in sight. It does not have the resources to hold out much longer.

The Nationaler Verteidigungsrat (NVR) is confident our Kirawa Defence Force is on the proper course to complete our response to this unprovoked attack. As are the armed forces of the Kundrati Union and the Holy Luthorian Empire.

Our Foreign Office has begun discussions in the proper quarters about what happens next.
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Re: Dundorf

Postby Drax » Sun Mar 24, 2024 5:16 am



Defence Ministry, Battle Report 10: Nationaler Verteidigungsrat (NVR) has issued an update on military operations in Kirlawa:

As more battles have led to property destruction, refuges are not only fleeing north to enemy held territory but quite a few have headed south. Setting up temporary facilities or otherwise locating shelter and providing humanitarian aid to these refuges is now the responsibility of the Provisional Support Corps (PSC) headquartered in Eshileo.

4th and 6th Divisions are assigned to PSC which is responsible for defense of and order in Merkan and southern Uwakah Also, the PSC will maintain contact with the western flank of the forces of the Kundrati Union. PSC is also administering prisoner of war detention.

While the bulk of the Kirlawa Defence Force (KDF) was preparing to move on Micana, 3rd Division was probing north toward Nisira while 8th Division was headed toward Brase Lake with its reconnaissance drones, reconnaissance companies and helicopters leading the way. Occasionally skirmishers withdrew before them and a few enemy aircraft were seen in the distance.

8th Division leadership concluded Brase Lake was unoccupied and ordered its recon companies to enter the city sending a brigade forward to occupy it which has now occurred.

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