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Re: Kundrati

Postby journey. » Wed Mar 20, 2024 1:08 am


Amidst chaotic failed government formation, once the country’s governing party, Kundrati Elkarrekin has been refounded today in the nation’s capital city, Kasaema, with newly-founded party president Marko Arrieta pledging to bring stability to Kundrati. Arrieta, 40, told Eguneroko Posta that he sees his newly-founded party as a direct successor to the once-existing KE and that it will follow the same socialist principles and ideas the former party held. "Their fight was and will always be an inspiration for us all, especially in utterly uncertain times like these when where's surrounded by chaos outside and inside our own country", KE's leader told us.

One of the party's main messages is peace and international cooperation, yet when asked about the invasion of Kirlawa, Arrieta stated that "it was harsh response, but an expected one". He sees the party's main task in bringing Kundrati back to the normality. Soon, journalists asked Arrieta about the Kundrati-Beiteynu relationship and his actions, party president was hesitant to answer, but was certain in his support of the FTRC and its ongoing investigation on the Beiteynuese foreign influence in Kundrati. "If it will be confirmed, I do confirm that we will support a further inquiry, especially in the sitting government officials, because, certainly, it will be a huge shame that any party is influenced by foreign lobbyists, be it Beiteynu, or any other country on Terra. Kundrati politicians must serve Kundrati citizens and their interests first, and only then cooperate internationally", Arrieta said during his press conference.

In the end, Arrieta has called for the left-wing forces to mobilize and unite in light of the possible snap elections in late 5456, notably SLP and UKM, who combined control one-third of the legislature representation. KE's president sees left-wing mobilization and unity as the only way out of the KD's monopoly on Kundrati affairs, a party which has been extremely plastic when it came to coalitions, yet failed to form one after the 5454 elections, leaving Kundrati with a minority technocratic cabinet, with no real support federally, according to approval polls.
Kundrati Elkarrekin – Kundrati (active)
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Re: Kundrati

Postby hyraemous » Wed Mar 20, 2024 2:56 pm

The newspaper header was made by myungdae06_ on Discord upon request.

The city of Luthi during aerial and artillery bombardment.

ARTANIA MARCHES TO WAR: Kundrati and Luthori cause damage to Kirlawan Navy as Kundrati forces slowly trudge through port cities
[27 July 5453] | backdated.

The KuNS Quintinus Vespacius gained a significant victory today alongside Luthorian naval forces. It was announced that the Carrier Force had managed to wipe out two of Kirlawa's patrol craft and forced the rest to retreat. This was accomplished by luring Kirlawan naval forces into an area beneficial to Luthori and Kundrati before the battle commenced with major bombings by the carrier aircraft of Luthori and Kundrati, throwing bombs and gunfire upon the patrol craft which, with their smaller guns, were unable to ward off most of the air attacks and downed only a handful of planes.

The patrol craft attempted to attack Kundrati and Luthori naval ships in the area, mainly patrol craft and cruisers. The attack failed, which resulted in the battle becoming a rout, though a Kundrati patrol craft did have to retreat due to much damage to its starboard side. However, Kundrati and Luthori forces were unable to follow up with an attack on their naval base as there were more anti-aircraft forces and the like in that area (though notably, one group of oil tanks in the base did explode, causing chaos in the area).

Meanwhile, in the ground invasion, the head of the Kundrati Ground Forces in Kirlawa, Gen. Memnon Pachicoa, announced that due to the death of one of the Junta leaders in a Luthorian bombing, he had witnessed most of the Kirlawan soldiers losing their nerve and surrendering more and more in the west of Nuchtmark and areas near the coast. However, it was more likely that those who were surrendering were those from the lower classes, as we consider the caste system in operation by the Junta, which likely has destabilized now that one of the four heads of the Junta was wiped out.

However, Pachicoa stated that the war was slowing down as more resistance was found in the Telon and Luthi areas.,and More soldiers were spotted in the area with a "...good amount of equipment..." according to the General. General Pachicoa stated further that the fighting in Luthi had not yet reached the city despite aerial bombardment of enemy positions and that even artillery and rocket power had been unable to wield the Kirlawan forces. Things were better in Telon as naval power from the KuNS Quintinus Vespacius and Luthorian naval troops had managed to cause enough damage for a few paratroopers to rough things up. However, ground forces in the area had not caught up and had to deal with brutal street-to-street fighting. It was to the point where, unfortunately, civilians were caught in the crossfire. Currently, Kundrati and Luthori forces are slowly gaining ground in Telon.

Forces in the Dundorfian portion of the battle did work on attacking the cities of Shobagon and moving towards Brase Lake, with some success in the latter, though meeting more resistance as time wore on. In Shobagon, air superiority was not gained as there were seemingly a lot of resources in the area, which caused enough damage for Kundrati air and ground assets to retreat to the provincial border.
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Re: Kundrati

Postby GreekIdiot » Fri Mar 22, 2024 7:55 pm

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Re: Kundrati

Postby hyraemous » Fri Mar 22, 2024 9:31 pm

The newspaper header was made by myungdae06_ on Discord upon request.

Police in Radkovice in front of the Hulanevek Trust building.

William Hulanevek turns himself in as 20 high-ranking financial, shipping, and military-industrial executives are arrested by the Federal Criminal Police Agency
[3 February 5458]

On 12 January 5458, in a stunning move, the Hulanevek private jet landed at the local airport, and out came William Hulanevek, who personally entered a waiting police car. William Hulanevek's testimony was stunning, and he was charged, as a result, with four hundred counts of impeding a federal investigation. The high number comes from the number of times the Hulaneveks refused to or ignored a request to cooperate with an investigation.

William Hulanevek's testimony claims that he met Sikreet Benowitz to deduce who said what in the infamous audio leak that shook Kundrati to its core. In the testimony, he claims that Sikreet deflected his requests, blamed the Aristocrat family of Beiteynu, and eventually grabbed him, choked him for "...an unknown amount of seconds..." and then kissed him before the duo left each other alone.

Hulanevek also claimed that his family had been attempting to silence critics to ensure that the threats of the Stewardship (Beiteynu-Kundrati alliance) would be a tiny few. This was done through the assassination of various individuals, especially a journalist who tried to share state secrets.

As a result of Hulanevek's testimony, his assets and buildings around Kundrati, including his estate in Peghonai and Kasaema, were seized. The entire family has been provided subpoenas by the FCPA if they weren't given a Beiteynuese subpoena to testify in their similar investigation. Tens of thousands of documents have been seized talking about Beiteynu and Kundrati, both influences, Dorvik and Artania, and anything from geopolitics to the military. Such a move has massively helped the Federal Truth and Reconciliation Commission, as now it has a lot of evidence to pour over regarding Beiteynu's influence in the Union.

The Beiteynuese House of Elior and the royal family of Beiteynu have also been given subpoenas and orders to testify in Kundrati or a Kundrati embassy. Sikreet Benowitz and their entire family (and some members of the Aristocrats) have also been given subpoenas, along with 20 high-ranking individuals from Kundrati's big banks and defense companies, including some members of the Herasymchuk family.
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Re: Kundrati

Postby hyraemous » Sat Mar 23, 2024 4:13 pm

The newspaper header was made by myungdae06_ on Discord upon request.

A model of the new Altay 2 currently being built by Kundrati.

"Altay II" begins production work for a new main battle tank for the Kundrati Union
[2 July 5458]

It was long since Kundrati developed their own indigenous tank design for use within their armed forces, mainly relying on models first designed in Beiteynu. Using these tanks and other tanks from other countries as a model, Kundrati Defense Contractors announced today that the Altay line of tanks was returning to the fold.

The Altay 2 is meant to be an upgrade on older Trigunian-based tank models with the expectation that the tank would be suited for modern combat use. The tank can be used for combat missions on any day by modifying the chassis and power plant units alongside increased firepower and active/passive tank armor protection. A commander, gunner, and driver will be used for the tank.

The tank is expected to be used in the forests and fields of Kundrati, where the homeland has most of its terrain, though a few units could be modeled for desert or jungle warfare should the need arise. The expectation is that these tanks can easily fit onto the Keita-class landing platform docks, which will be allowed around any part of Terra.

The first few batches of the new Altay 2 tanks will be rolling off the production line by 5460. The Kundrati Union has ordered 200 of these tanks and is expected to phase out the Merkava 2 tank line slowly. However, it will take a couple of years for tank crews to adapt to the new tank (the Ministry of Defense has stated it would probably take a couple of years for entire tank and armor divisions to adjust to the new tank design). It is likely, though, that the Altay 2 will be met with more modern Luthorian, Davostager, and Beiteynuese tank models.
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Re: Kundrati

Postby GreekIdiot » Mon Mar 25, 2024 8:51 am

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Re: Kundrati

Postby hyraemous » Mon Mar 25, 2024 3:09 pm

The newspaper header was made by myungdae06_ on Discord upon request.

Kundrati Space Agency to construct "Northern Cosmodrome" space launch facility in western Jildrath
[1 July 5459]

Nobody said that Kundrati could ever have their space agency, let alone have the ability to have their rocket facilities. Often, Dorvish or Luthorian made facilities that a potentially powerful Kundrati would rely upon for space facilities. The Kundrati Space Agency founded some time ago, was a way to prove the doubters wrong and, over time, had money poured into it from inside and outside the Union.

In a ceremony presided over by Prime Minister Mikuláš Stejskal, the ground was first modified in a new cosmodrome for the Kundrati Union. The Northern Cosmodrome is meant to provide Kundrati, and Artania in general, with the best in space facilities right on the edge of Artania itself. As part of Kundrati's contribution to the Project Terraway international effort, Kundrati is also expected to provide living quarters and such necessary items to ensure safe living in space for astronauts of the project. As a result this cosmodrome will include a factory allowing the Artanian Space Agency (and KSA) to build necessary space parts safely.

The new cosmodrome will also allow for Kundrati rockets to be made easily. This may not be necessary for Project Terraway since Beiteynu and other countries have provided their expertise on rocket building; however, should Kundrati attempt to do their missions to other planets, this will be a valuable item to have. The Kundrati Space Agency states that they plan on building their rockets, which can be used for Project Terraway whenever the need arises, and that such a rocket should be available into the 5480s.

This ambitious cosmodrome has also included necessary facilities for astronaut living, with housing plans for around 25,000 staff and family and room for another 40,000. The land has already been cleared and approved for this task.

Finally, the Northern Cosmodrome is expected to have at least two airports. The airports are meant to be cargo and passenger airports that allow people to move to and from the facility quickly and allow specialized space-related hardware to move around without disrupting the existing Kundrati infrastructure.

The cosmodrome is expected to begin work in 5460 and be completed by 5485. Space facilities will be available in stages from 5470 onwards.
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Re: Kundrati

Postby hyraemous » Tue Mar 26, 2024 3:00 pm

[1 January 5460]

Statements by Foreign Minister Frantzisko Bidanda and the Prime Minister (General) Mikuláš Stejskal

On Selucia by PM Gen. Stejskal:
We are thrilled with our relationship with Selucia. The Selucians have always been an excellent ally; they are our true brothers like the Trigunians are to us. Ensuring the Selucians are happy and well-represented in their continent is our ultimate aim, and we are delighted to hear the results. However, this visit that we plan to do in Selucia is meant to help the Selucian economy and military build up so that they can defend their own home and build more of that house. I am thrilled to spend this month or two in such a beautiful country.

On Gaduridos by Foreign Minister Frantzisko Bidanda:
Let us not make the mistake of underestimating Gaduridos like others have done with Kundrati. We two nations can survive in an age of bountiful plenty, and we are willing to give Gaduridos whatever it needs to grow into a competitive economy that southern Seleya has rarely seen. I plan to ensure this task and will bring officials from our banking institutions to help with our case in Gaduridos.
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Re: Kundrati

Postby Elena1012 » Thu Mar 28, 2024 8:24 pm

SLP Leader Asis Arielz voted out of party leadership; Monika Narribay to lead the SLP in "new direction" amidst concerns of SLPs performance.

February 9th, 5461

In the midst of the 5461 elections, the Civil Libertarian Party prevailed yet again with a vast majority in the National Legislature whilst the lowest performing party remains the Socialist Labour Party, only managing to gain 9% of the vote, and gaining 43 seats, losing only 2 seats. Under Asis Arielz, leader of the SLP, the party has failed to get past the 15% mark and has remained stagnant, compared to other left-wing parties such as Kundrati Together, taking 23% of the vote and the Union of Kundrati Minorities, securing 11%. While Arielz formed the party and led it to where it is now, one could argue the party is in no better a position then it was upon foundation. To that end, Arielz has come under fire from the party, who has looked to alternatives to give the SLP a chance for electoral gains.

With the current direction of the party, that being largely appealing to the college youth voters group not giving much attraction, the need for a new face, and a new direction is needed. This has led Monika Narribay being elected to lead the Socialist Labour Party. Narribay has made it clear that a new direction will be given for the SLP, and while it will certainly keep it's appeal to the youth vote, the SLP will need to expand to other voter groups, such as the working class or try to make grounds into the minority vote. Whatever the case, Narribay will have a lot of work ahead if she is to get the SLP anywhere near that 15% voter goalpost, regardless of if her progressive message can appeal to other voter groups.
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Re: Kundrati

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun Mar 31, 2024 9:26 am

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