
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Luthori

Postby hopesfor2 » Tue Mar 26, 2024 5:44 pm

The Labour News
Official newspaper of the Labour Party
Labour Party Congress concludes with surprise results

10th January 5460

The congress of the Labour Party starting yesterday and concluding today saw several surprise shifts as the most left-wing faction Hard Left gained a new prominence within the party. The left-wing candidate John Day affiliated with the Hard Left faction, running on a campaign on what he called as "neoliberal madness" by the former leader Alfred Black and also promising to promote unity and cooperation within the Luthorian left, won in a surprise victory to become the party's new Chairman. The center-left candidate Andrew Wells affiliated with the Soft Left faction lost the race, though he became the General-Secretary as the second of the leadership race is granted the position according to the party's congress system. In the party council elections, the Hard Left swept by winning 12 seats in the council out of 40, the Soft Left followed it by 10 out of 40, Third Way by 8 out of 40, One-Nation Labour by 6 out of 40, and in the last Blue Labour by 3 out of 40. The new council mostly gave the mandate the leadership needs to implement its new plans, though exceptionally important decisions require a supermajority of 27 out of 40 to be approved.

The congress represented a significant shift within the Labour Party that could possibly translate into a shift within the Luthorian politics, as it was the first time a socialist politician, not a social democratic or social liberal one, is leading the party for decades. Some say that it could lead to radicalization which would break the party's electoral coalition which helped the party to maintain a consistent degree of influence within the Luthorian politics, while some say that it could see a new era of unity and cooperation between left-wing parties helping the left to overcome its current fragmented state, only time will tell if the new leadership succeeds in realizing their goals.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Autokrator15 » Fri Mar 29, 2024 1:43 pm

Luthori Daily
Tories open campaign season with attack on the left
The choice is yours! Low taxes under Tory rule or becoming skint under Labour-Ecologist

During the elections in 5461 you have a clear choice to give a majority to the Conservative Party, the only that can lead Luthori to a continued economic growth, stable governance, solid foreign policy and keeping your hard earned money in your pocket! You have a clear choice ahead of you. Vote for the Labour-Ecology duo of disaster and see a spending spree, nationalisations and closing off business opportunities for our businesses and get the unstable and untrustworthy LNC in government with them. Or you vote for the Tories and keep low taxes, a stable government that prioritises your economic welbeing, keeping us competative, open and strong.

Vote for the team that is working for you, vote Conservative.


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Re: Luthori

Postby hopesfor2 » Fri Mar 29, 2024 4:58 pm

The Progressive Tribune
Labour start campaign trail for upcoming elections
Time for a change! A new era under Labour or empty promises under Tories

The elections in 5461 are an oppoturnity for you to demand and enact change. Years of incohesive and visionless governments under Tories and their premierships' inaction is enough, empty rhetoric of "solid foreign policy" and "strong and stable" doesn't gain themselves anything and only contributes to further inaction. A Labour government would work for a green transition to protect the environment and prevent pollution, extend the welfare state to provide for the people and create new economic regulations to prevent excesses from the private sector. Voting for Labour will bring a new era of change, or else the same empty promises will be repeated again and again.

A state that works for everyone all the time. Only with Labour

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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sat Mar 30, 2024 8:48 pm

The Financial Expert
The Financial Expert is a luthorian newspaper owned by the Churchill Investment Fund. The "code of honor" of this newspaper is to bring reliable information about the economy, the state of the market and the state of businesses to Luthori.
Mini Motors releases new Cooper car model.
Fort William Edition | Luthori | 15th February 5462

A view into the newly-introduced Cooper.

Abstract - The Cooper is the new car that was presented by the CEO of Mini to the company’s investors during the company’s car fair, which brought together all the cars that were launched by the company at a p point in its history. This exhibition shows the GM’s desire to diversify its image and appeal to the middle class.

Mini Motors Inc.’s CEO, Brian Cooper has today announced that the company would be launching a new car in response to the positive outcome from their inquiry in the public about their needs in a new car. The public survey set up by the company to check the needs of their customers and the opinion of the market on the issue of a new launch of a model car has noticed that city women had the coast in several regions of the world including Luthori. These investigations, carried out before the decision-making regarding the model or even the possible exit of a new model during the next five years was decisive in solidifying the decision of the company leadership towards a new exit, seeking to take the lead over its competitors, who could take the lead by announcing the release of one of their new models, overshadowing the company.

To celebrate a new success for Mini, thanks to their old model which was designated "car of the year", stealing the title at the AMC or Rivers, the CEO Cooper announced with great pomp and pomp that the new model of the Mini would be the "Cooper", this name was given in tribute to one of Brian Cooper’s ancestors and a former CEO of Mini, Matling Cooper. This 5-seater car, with a retractable rear bench to allow more space in the trunk and heated and movable front seats ensuring comfort to its users that would be desired by users of the worst cars on the market, coming from Kundrati.

To meet the expectations of Lourennais in terms of compliance with environmental standards, another version of the car, hybrid, requiring the use of gasoline and a large electric range, even though it was recognized that this same autonomy could be the target of several reworks in the future, and Mini said it remained open to some suggestions from its customers via its dealers.

Cooper announced that Mini had signed an export partnership agreement with Luthori Shipping, which remained independent from pressure from the giant Churchill Shipping Corporation. With this agreement, greater ease of exposure should be achieved with nations such as Lourenne, Kundrati or Beiteynu, which have been named as "priority" targets for the firm, but also Dundorf, which also has a large automotive industry, but those exports will be by rail.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sat Mar 30, 2024 9:00 pm

The Weekly Telegraph
The Weekly Telegraph is a liberal newspaper, describing international or national politics. It promotes constitutionalism and fair journalism by not receiving any money from great groups, except its readers.
Defence industries output in the rise.
Fort William Edition | Luthori | 4th February 5462

The Imperial Navy's finest aircraft carrier group, seen here during an exercise in the Artanian Sea.

Abstract - The Luthorian defence industries output of materials have seen an dramatical increase - by over 12% between last year and this year, this increase have been present since the Navy commanded an addition of 40+ ships to the Navy to the defence industry.

The Ministry of Defence has announced that it was "really pleased" to announce that the recent trimestrial reports given by the defence companies to the Imperial Government (as per with their contract of Armed Forces' suppliers) were extremely pleasent to see. The Imperial Government has announced that the factory output of all defence industries combined increase by over 12 % during last year, after an increase of 25 % during the 5460 - 5462 period. The government attributes these changes to the commissions made by the Imperial Navy to the wider Luthorian defence industry. These commissions were made in an effort to dramatically increase the size of the Imperial Luthorian Navy in ships to create a "supremacy of ships" in the wider ocean. These lucrative agreements made the defence industry rapidly making their work worth noticing, with already, some ships having already being delivered to the Navy. The Secretary of State for Defence, has stated that it "was in Luthori's greatest interest to see its renowned defence industry atteign such highs". The Naval Staff today commentated on the fact that half of the commission has already been sent to Navy for testing, and much of it is in active service in their assigned fleets respectively. The government is looking to increase the subsidies given by the government to these defence industries in order to help them continue this growth. The defence companies have seen their respective stake in the Fort William Stock Exchange increase by some amount respectively, showcasing their increase in confidence in the minds of investors.

The Imperial Army has been interested in the prospect of having some new commissions towards the Luthorian defence industry. The Army High Command has been reported of being "thrilled" at the prospect of having some deal with the defence industries about a funding of the Challenger 3 project, this tank would normally replace the main battle tank of the Imperial Army which is the Challenger 2. For the time being, no defence industrialist has expressed interest at continuing the program which was suspended by the Imperial Government some decades ago.

Apart from this stepback, the Imperial Army is likely to announce in the next days a new round of commissions in the aim of "continuing the growth" of the Imperial Army, which would come by the command of new SA80 service rifle, which would see an update done by the Churchill Defence Corporation (formerly Lingmarks), to better adapt to the new world realities. The Imperial Army is also likely to command some new artillery battery like the AS-90 to better equip the Emperor's Artillery Divisions.

The Imperial Air Force has also projects of buying new planes to the defence industry and increasing its size to better adapt to the "proxy wars" situations in which Luthori is often involved, the mere size of the ILAF can't, and will not in the foresable future, be able to divide up its forces to be more capable of defending the Homeland from external threats while also fighting overseas. This situation come due to the ignorant policy done by the Government in regards to its Air Force.

Regardless, it seems that the government may be resorting to a tax increase in order to fund all the ventures from the military, a move that would not be popular in the minds of many Luthorians. The defence industry is going great, creates jobs, and continue the Luthorian economic recovery, or we might also call it, the Great Recovery.
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Re: Luthori

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun Mar 31, 2024 9:26 am

The Terran Times
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sun Mar 31, 2024 1:46 pm

The Weekly Telegraph
The Weekly Telegraph is a liberal newspaper, describing international or national politics. It promotes constitutionalism and fair journalism by not receiving any money from great groups, except its readers.
Universities acheives Imperial Patronage.
Fort William Edition | Luthori | 24th May 5462

The University of Tresham.

Abstract - Some universities were in the Palace communiqué as having become universities sponsored by the Imperial House, thus receiving the Imperial Patronage, a large part of the country’s major universities were directly notified of this change of status by the Palace.

Several visits by the imperial family took place in the university compound in the four corners of the Empire. The purpose of these visits was to officially award the title of imperial universities, meaning that these universities, by their history, reputation or level, were able to rise to what is now considered the "top of the range" at the educational level at Luthori. As said before, these universities were chosen for their model of education which was determined to be "examplary" to Luthori. Universities that have been determined to deserve this status of Imperial Patroned, will need to receive additional funding from the Imperial Family itself. The Orange Palace has notified that the Orange Wealth Fund (OWF), the financial arm of the Imperial family should fund all additional investments from the monarch's family. The list of universities whose status was changed to this status was posted by the Orange Palace, this list grouping only about 15 universities. Of these 15 universities, some received a direct imperial patron, supporting all their actions.

First, the Imperial Academy of Fort William received as patron, His Imperial Highness, the Prince of Orange. Prince Albert, decided to support this university especially because of its historical character for him in particular, because it is here that he made his first speech in 5455 at the age of 17. Now 24 years old, the Prince decided to support this university that was so dear to him.

Other universities were supported by other patrons of the imperial family, such as the University of Fort William [Patron: Her Majesty, Queen-Empress Calathe], the University of Alchester [Patron: Her Imperial Highness, Princess Eldith], or the University of Tresham [Patron: His Majesty, the Emperor]. These four universities each received a patron for their prestige, prestige that increases thanks to these prestigious titles received from the hand of characters of the imperial family.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sun Mar 31, 2024 3:53 pm

Prince of Orange gives speech to apologize for his actions; Palace says that the Prince will "immediately" join the Army.
In the wake of the "Palace Scandal" which took place in Lourenne after the revelation by several people that Queen Catherine V and the Meleh Gabriel of Beiteynu - cousins - enjoyed very personal activities. Prince Albert, has been reported as being involved in this scandal by the witnesses of several servants working at the Palace during this fateful night.
6th, July 5362
Hebergton Palace, the official residence of His Imperial Highness, the Prince of Orange in Fort William. The palace is localized 3,4 miles from the Palace of Darlington.
Fort William, Luthori - A few years ago, the House of Orléans-Vasser had organized a party to celebrate the 2000 years of reign over the United Kingdom of Lourenne and the largest Carnillaise world, the House having reigned over all the nations of Carnillaise culture, Rildanor, Kanjor and reigns today in Alduria through the King of Alduria, Leopold, cousin of Queen Catherine V, who today is stuck in a scandal. This scandal is that the Queen and the Meleh Gabriel of Beiteynu have allowed themselves to believe appropriate to engage in mute activities of the sexual level. This extra-marital relationship between the two monarchs, while the Queen is married to her husband, King Consort Henri, has been strongly criticized by part of the societal class in Lourenne, The press has already quickly seized the subject so the Palace is locked in silence and the High Chancellor could invoke the infamous "Regalis Remotio" Protocols, which could make the Royal Assembly depose the Queen and replace him with her heir, the Prince of Alvium.

With this scandal, even the Imperial House could not prevent some sources from leaking about its participation. Indeed, one of the witnesses of this "unnamed debauchery" [Voice of the Citizens - 4th July 5462], who meanwhile became the Chief Executive Officer of the "Servant of the Nobles and Co.", Soheila Hatami, has released a book telling in detail the part from the point of view of the servants. She told all the details including a supposed relationship between the Prince and a Princess of NEK [New Endralon and Kizenia], the identity of this princess remains, for the moment, unknown. But the Hebergton Palace quickly responded to these problems by calling for a press conference where the Prince would be present in person.

During this press conference, His Imperial Highness announced an "official" apology because having meticulously planned by the imperial family, he expressed his regret at having let his "impulses" take over his official function, that of representing Luthori, with her sister, whose behavior was not reported, suggesting that she would not be involved in this scandal. A function that he royally dropped during this party. For this, His Highness has therefore apologized to all His Majesty’s Subjects.

After this official apology that should make the headlines of tabloids during the evening, the Hebergton Palace announced jointly with the Orange Palace, the official apology from the Imperial House of Orange-Villayn-Armstead for this "nameless fiasco", the Palais [Orange Palace] immediately announced that after this scandal, the Prince of Orange was going to surrender "of his own free will" about a few months or years of military service in the forces of the Imperial Luthorian Army.
Personal opinion of Lindy Holmes, writer of this article about the Imperial family.

For my personal opinion, it seems to me that the Palace is trying, somehow, to make "damage control", due to the fact that it is very likely that this case has a rather disastrous relationship with the rather high public opinion that the Prince enjoyed, according to our latest information, the proportion of people who thought Prince Albert would do a good job as Emperor fell to 76%, which is still high, but is far from 89% in the latest survey, This means that 13% of people in both surveys have a different opinion in the 2nd survey compared to the 1st. A rather brutal fall - in my opinion.

Today, it seems to be the first royal scandal that many Luthorians have experienced since the affair between Empress Elizabeth (Consort) and Emperor Charles VI. It remains to be seen whether the "damage control" approach used by the Palais will be the right solution.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sun Mar 31, 2024 5:22 pm

Corporate delegation to go to Aldegar as CSC enters their market.
In this article, we will look closely at recent economic developments.
22nd, July 5362
An aerial view of the City of Fort William, operating base of many companies in the direction of Luthori or Artania or even the world.
Fort William, Principality of Orange, Luthori - Today, a not common scene took place at Moorley airport, this airport is much used by members of the imperial family and wealthy businessman or businesswoman, or politicians or even rich stars of the small or big screen. The reason why this airport is widely used by wealthy populations is because this airport is owned by the government, which uses it for private or official travel goods from the Prime Minister or other Cabinet member, to avoid the Fort William International Airport (Asters International Airport), which is already frequented enough by tourists coming by millions to visit Luthori.

Today, a delegation of businessman and businesswoman, each representing a particular company present on the Fort William Stock Exchange flew to Aldegar, no one knows why these representatives flew to the nation in the center of Seleya, home to the Aldegar Canal. It seems that this "visit", if we can call it that, comes from a growing interest of companies in Luthori to invest in developing economies and to be able to do business in them.

This growing interest in developing economies stems from the LBC’s expansion into a more international service and the recent expansion by the Churchill Shipping Corporation, who announced plans to expand its maritime and river trading services in the nation. She also announced that she was in discussions with the Aldegar government for unlimited access to the Aldegar Canal for its shipping.

It seems to us that it is very likely that these business representatives will seek an agreement with the Aldegar government for access to their economy. It must be said that Aldegar has a great economic advantage, that of the Aldegar Canal and the fact that Aldegar is in the centre of Seleya may provide further expansion opportunities for Luthori’s enterprises within a continent relatively unaffected by the expansionist fever of the luthorian economy and its assets.

With an agreement from Ramsahreva, the presence of firms in Seleya, at least economically, will be increased with the presence of the private sector in two countries, Mordusia, which is historically and culturally linked to Luthori, So this is the cause of the economic presence of Luthori in Mordusia and vice versa, and finally, if accepted, Aldegar, which should play a large role in the policy of certain companies.
Personal opinion of the writer of the article, John Lymer:

My personal opinion on the issue - it’s quite simple, companies are still looking for business opportunities or are still looking for new markets to establish themselves in. While at home, they do nothing to help fair competition, as the LEA holds great power (by influence) over the media or politicians.

This behavior may well backfire against those same companies that seek to expand if a country demands the same rights as them, but for Luthori. Like what happened in Hutori. It will be interesting to see the government’s position - any government - on this type of situations.

Reference: Aldegar, Mordusia, Seleya (in general), Luthori.
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Re: Luthori [The Culinary Report]

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sun Mar 31, 2024 8:57 pm

Chef Matthew Berney opens new restaurants in Yishelem and Eroncourt.
A well-known luthorian chef has decided to let the world know the gracious luthorian cuisine.
13th, August 5462

Matthew Berney in front of the Matthew Berney restaurant in Fort William. [May 5461]

Fort William, Luthori - Chef Matthew Berney announced on Twitter that he would begin procedures to open not one, not two, not three, but four new restaurants in Eroncourt, capital of world gastronomy and, more surprisingly, Yishelem, which is recognized as the "capital of flavors", so cullinary flavors meet in this ancient city. The chef explained his decision on social networks citing the need for a "challenge" for him and his teams, to have to work on several luxury restaurants and be able to "improve the image of luthorian cuisine" worldwide. He himself recognized that it would be a great challenge for him, because the reputation of the kitchen here is that more disgusting than an "old sock dipped in honey and horse shit", according to his own words.

Mr. Berney stated in his message that the recent "madness" for the Homeland Pies in Yishelem, should "help" him in his quest for the return in grace of luthorian cuisine in the world. The chef, known for his legendary Luthorian television shows such as Devil’s Kitchen (OOC: Hell’s Kitchen), or Kitchen Fears (OOC: Kitchen Nightmares), announced that his restaurants would be operational within a year.

The Culinary Report is a luthorian newspaper reporting about the latest culinary news in the globe.
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