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Re: Luthori

Postby Svetlana2 » Tue Apr 02, 2024 8:08 pm

Don't mind me just spreading som good old chaos and insanity and sometimes democracy and freedom depends on my mood
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Re: Luthori

Postby myungggg » Thu Apr 04, 2024 5:42 pm

By Felicity Rodham

In a historic decision that marks a significant shift in Luthorian politics, the Socialists-Ecologists 5448 have voted overwhelmingly to join forces with the Labour Party and dissolve their own party. The decision came after a vote in which 76% of Socialists-Ecologists members agreed to the merger, paving the way for a unified left-wing movement in Luthori.

The announcement of the merger was met with a mix of emotions among members of the Socialists-Ecologists. While many expressed sadness at the dissolution of their party, there was also a sense of optimism and excitement about the prospect of joining forces with the Labour Party to advance their shared goals.

Ethan Bartley, a founding member of the Socialists-Ecologists and a leading figure in the party, spoke passionately about the decision. "While it is with a heavy heart that we bid farewell to the Socialists-Ecologists, we do so with a renewed sense of purpose and determination," Bartley said. "By joining forces with the Labour Party, we can amplify our voices and work together to create a more just and equitable society for all Luthorians."

The decision to merge with the Labour Party comes at a time of growing momentum for the left-wing movement in Luthori. With the recent electoral successes of both parties and increasing public support for progressive policies, the merger is seen as a strategic move to consolidate the left's political power and influence.

Labour Party leader, Sarah Williams, welcomed the decision, describing it as a "historic moment" for the left in Luthori. "The merger of the Socialists-Ecologists with the Labour Party represents a significant step forward in our efforts to build a more inclusive and compassionate society," Williams said. "Together, we will work tirelessly to address the pressing issues facing our country, from economic inequality to climate change."

The merger will see members of the Socialists-Ecologists integrated into the Labour Party, with their values and principles reflected in the party's platform. Plans are also underway to rebrand and relaunch the Labour Party to reflect its expanded membership and broader ideological base.

As the Socialists-Ecologists embark on this new chapter in their political journey, they do so with a sense of hope and optimism for the future. While saying goodbye to their party may be bittersweet, they are united in their commitment to building a better, fairer Luthori for generations to come.

KOZMOPOL.luthori provides a new progressive perspective to the news that concerns Luthori and the world. Its editorial view is independent of any stakeholder and generally provides a more left-wing orientation than other newspapers. This newspaper publication is partially owned by the Kozmopol Media Group based in Kaesama, Kundrati.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:42 am

"Operation Arraconda" makes debuts in Luthorian theaters.
The long-awaited film finally came out today after years of its anticipation from fans. Success is welcoming the movie at its debuts.
15th September 5465


Fort William, Luthori - The big movie planned by Walter Productions has finally been released after 3 years of filming. Operation Barraconda is a movie that is about the story of a luthorian spy, spying for the Crown in Yingdala. Yet his mission do not go as planned as his biggest enemy, Lin Kaifung, planned to trigger one of the Luthori's Government most sensible points, the Port Morgan Humiliation. As Lin convinced the Yingdalan Government to build a memorial to the Treaty. The Luthorian Government send Asters to prevent the construction of the memorial. During one of their numerous clashes in the movie, Lin reveals that his grand design was to create a mind controlling satellite that would be linked to the monument built by the Yingdalan Government. As Asters tried desesperatly to prevent Liu from acheiving his goals, he is send to Lourenne, where he meets with Blandine Calleux, a beautiful woman that he has an affair, but is also secretly a spy for the IRSA [Royal Intelligence and Anti-Terrorist Service]. Together, they went back to Yingdala to prevent Liu's plans from ever realizing. While in their way to Yingdala, they passed by the communist country of Xsampa, where a dissident of the regime joined them in their cause, hoping to make the Yingdalans realize that the "goddamn red hellhole should stopped being supported"'s not even over, in Yingdala, they were joined up by two other individuals, a Yeudi in the person of Lev Kantor and a Dolgavan woman in the name of Airida Pole, both of whom are spies fighting for their countries. At the end, Lin's plans were foiled and Lin himself was arrested by the Yingdalan authorities. Yet, after his downfall, Liu gave to Asters one thing, a gem...a gem that the Soldier of the Emperor would have kept, if not for Calleux taking that gem from him and fleeing to Lourenne. Now, Asters is following his then-lover to the land of the frogs.

While the director of the film, Maxwell Knight assured that there would be "potentially" a sequel, little suspense rests on its realization. The film saw good feedback from critics. Some hailing the dazzling acting of the actors, including Garfield Hoodle, playing Asters and Emmanuelle Garnier, a Luthori-Lourennaise who brought a more authentic touch to the whole film.

Critics also noted the geopolitical dynamics of our current world being "wonderfully" exploited within the film, something we will return to during our film review at the end of the article.

The film received positive reviews from specatateurs, who left several positive reviews on the internet or at the exit of the cinema. The latest HelloMovie ranking reports that the film has a rating of 4.6/5 in general. This film cost 500 million pounds to make, but it is likely that with the release of the film internationally and taking into account the success that this film received at Luthori, that this film earns more than 2 to 3 times the amount it cost.


For our film critic opinion, I leave the field open to my friend and colleague, Mark Duflos, to speak about this film.

So, as director before, geopolitics was brilliantly exploited within this film, each trying to support their best interests. We saw a Cold War quickly develop between Calleux and Kantor, the two desperate to harm each other. Calleux and Pole trying to make Asters join their respective causes by trying to seduce him, with one arriving better than the other. Finally, Luthori and Yingdala are portrayed as "Gamechangers", if one wakes up, the world will tremble. This is well exploited in the last scene where Asters signs a letter with his blood where he swears revenge.

Overall, this is a very good film, which, after questioning within the editorial staff, will be given a rating of 4.5/5, an excellent rating.


The Cinematographic Headline is Luthori's largest known media to create headlines about television or cinema.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sun Apr 07, 2024 4:51 am

The Independent Observer
The Independent Observer is a fairly centrist newspaper, favorable to free-market, liberal social views, and an hard-line view favorable to the Luthorian monarchy.
Lord Derby appointed as Prime Minister by the Sovereign.
Fort William Edition | Luthori | 12th August 5465

Abstract - The Sovereign [Emperor Edward V] has exercised his imperial prerogative as Emperor and has decided to instruct the Duke of Derby to form a government in his name. Request to which the Duke accepted and announced the formation of his first ministry.

The recent conservative victories in the last general election, which saw the Tories win 216 out of the 650 of the whole Imperial Diet, saw that the Leader of the Conservative Party was now in a good position to form a government, the first formed by the newly-formed Conservative Party. Lord Derby announced that he would seek to find, in his new government proposal, a concensus ministry in which the Whigs, Nationalists and Hardliners would work together in harmony and stability under his leadership. He announced that he would reach out to other faction leaders' for knowing their desire in government ministeries. Since then, some days have passed and the Tory Party's Prime Minister, George McClair announced his immediate resignation to the Sovereign, citing "notes" that the political manoevering done by Mr. Derby had come to an end and that he was ready to appoint a government in His Majesty's name. The Emperor accepted the now-former Prime Minister's resignation and summoned Derby to Rottingham Palace for an audience. From what has been said from this audience, the monarch ascended to Derby's request to use his imperial prerogative to appoint him Prime Minister as he has succeded at securing the confidence of both Houses of Parliament. The monarch acceded to Derby's request and appointed him as the new Prime Minister, asking him to form a government in his name.

His Majesty also appointed the new cabinet members, with names that made him raise some eyebrows, as such, the monarch ascended to his Prime Minister's request at nominating Lord Malbrough to the Internal Ministry, a post that has not been occupied by a Conservative for centuries.

The Sovereign also agreed at nominated Edward Winston to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Lord Makenbrough's expertise in this domain would likely reassure Luthori's external partners after years of Luthorian foreign policy being dominated by the Kirlawan Intervention, military operation to which Luthori only take part in limited fighting. The newly-appointed government sees a comeback from conservatives into key offices, while in the other hand, traditional Monday Club-dominated ministeries are given to either the Whigs or the Nationalists.

Prime Minister Derby came back to the 10 Crown Street announcing that he "had accepted His Majesty's wish of seeing him forming a government in His Majesty's name", the Prime Minister announced that the new conservative government would continue giving Luthori "new and better days", by strenghtening Luthori's position into the "Big Five", a ranking of all "advanced" economies in the world. The Prime Minister has also indicated that some reforms to the institutional status of the Luthorian State have been ruled out by the Conservative Party, the Prime Minister indicating that the "current system should first work before we are talking about replacing it."

While the government is slowly taking over most of the government's business left over by the previous McClair Ministry, the government still has one big test up its sleeve, the Throne Speech and its infamous confidence vote.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sun Apr 07, 2024 3:41 pm

The Times
The Times is a foreign policy-orientated newspaper, but also commentating on domestic politics, it's editorial view is considered to be fairly centrist but rightist economically.
The Emperor Officially Opens the Imperial Parliament.
Fort William | Luthori | 19th January 5466

Abstract - His Majesty, the Emperor has, in his traditional "Speech from the Throne" solemnly opened the Parliamentary daily business and made a speech, written by the government, outlining the objective of the government in many domains.

The Emperor and Empress-Consort, who, for once, resided in the Orange Palace rather than living in their home in the Rottingham Palace have officially opened the parliamentary year of the Imperial Diet and of the Imperial Senate. His Majesty was summoned by both Speakers of the Imperial Diet and of the Imperial Senate to deliver a speech to all lawmakers assembled in the Imperial Senate (as per with tradition that the monarch can't enter Darlington without authorization from the legislature), as per with tradition, His Majesty's speech was written by the Imperial Government, who uses this first Throne Speech as a test for its confidence within the Imperial Diet, the speech goes as follows:

Honorable Members of the Imperial Diet, Honorables Lords, Honorables Archbishops, Honorable Senators, Honorable Speakers, Honorables Member of My Government.

I'm stating today a fact, Luthori is one of the greatest powers in the entire world on this date. The rise of our beloved homeland from the status of one third-world nation towards one of first-class superpower, this, only by the span of two mere centuries is truly an accomplishment and a testatement of the fighting Luthorian spirit. Even when took down, to their lowest point in history, the Luthorian people never, never, never removed their faith and hope in their countries and we can only watch today in total admiration for what our forefathers did for this great nation.

Yet, today, we are no longer a little nation standing in the middle of Artania being blackmailed by the Dorvish, we are today the greatest power of Artania, and we need to act as such. In that aim, my government will be taking some initiatives in regards to the Artanian continent.

These economic initiatives would try to make the continent a better place for all to live and make economic integration more possible between all Artanian states. The showcasing of this initiatives would be the "Trans-Artanian Railway Network" initiative, which would be proposed by an Act of Parliament and implemented, depending on the parliamentary's wishes to this Act.

My government would also implement a regional dialogue about the status of the post-war organization of the nation of Kirlawa, which is today, still torn by the infamous shackles of war, terror and poverty. My government wishes to work with all Artanian partners, within the structure of the Joint Artanian Security Alliance (JASA) for working into a peaceful and advantagable settlement for the Kirlawan nation.

My government wants to reform a global economic powers' metting, in the like of the 8E summits which were organized some centuries ago. My government will take contact with various governments in the world for seeing their interest into such summit in Luthori, which my government hope to create a meeting between these said economies which would take place in every 10 years.

My government wants to strengthen our trade presence by unlocking government support for shipping and transportation companies, which would receive susbides from an Act of Parliament, which would be implemented according to the wishes of the legislature. This Act would help our shipping industry and our transportation industry into reaching new heights in their development and would help them, through these unlocked subsidies to continue that said development.

My government is also looking towards creating job opportunities for all Luthorians in this realm by encouraging corporations, in exchange for governmental subsidies or tax breaks to prioritize the development of job in Luthori rather than in foreign countries. My government would also encourage fair competition from international firms and encourage them to install offices in Luthori.

My government has also in their plans, some plans of continuing the economic development that has been done by previous governments, by continuing their economic stimulus of the economy and their free-market orientated policy, which is guaranteed to provide health, purchaising power and economic and financial stability to all Luthorians in this realm.

The social programs that are handled by the grand ducal governments would likely see an expansion of their powers by the Imperial government after an Act of Parliament decides of the fate of this policy, but a sharing agreement between Fort William and the duchies are in the plans of my government.

My government would continue the previous' governements' funding of the Imperial military, believing that it would help continue the current economic stimulus of the nation and continue to increase our military's prestige and readiness in face of a foe to our way of life and traditions. As such, I'm hereby annoucing, as your Sovereign, and at the request of the Secretary of State for Defence, I'm appointing General Sir Cornelius Maximal to the post of Chief of the Defence Staff after the resignation of General Sir Edward Templer, which after a life of service towards our nation, decided that the time was up for him and gave his place to the younger generation.

To all Members of the Imperial Diet, to all my Lords and Archbishops, to all other Members of the Imperial Senate, to the Right Honorables Prime Minister, the Member of My Cabinet, the Right Honorable Leader of My Most Loyal Opposition, and My Shadow Cabinet, I'm sending to you all, my best regards as your Sovereign, and I'll pry to God for you all to make the right decisions for our country. May God bless you and guide you through this turbulent path.

With this speech, most of the government's political program is now known, and the Diet will now debate these proposals during the traditionnal No-Confidence Motion deposed by the Speaker of the Imperial Diet after the Throne Speech, to test the government's Diet confidance.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun Apr 07, 2024 6:39 pm

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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Sun Apr 07, 2024 9:11 pm

Derby Wins Confidence Vote Amids Throne Speech.
The Prime Minister's newly established government has succeded at completing its first task as they are now the leaders of this realm, passing the infamous Throne Speech Confidence Vote in the Imperial Diet.
19th January 5466 (Night Edition)

Fort William, Principality of Orange - Prime Minister, Lord Derby just secured a win in the Imperial Parliament's halls tonight. In the aftermath of the Throne Specch of His Majesty, outlining the details of His Majesty's Government policy in regards to foreign, domestic, economic, military, and institutional affairs, the governement was threatened by a Confidence Vote on the Ministry of Lord Derby. This confidence vote was triggered by the Speaker of the Imperial Diet in the Diet in line with the tradition of the Confidence Vote in Luthori and the Speaker of the Senate in the Senate. In the following hours went by a long debate and long speeches from either government MIPs or opposition MIPs. At the end of the night, the results came in and the Derby Ministry survived the confidence vote with a comfortable majority of MIPs voting in favor of the government. The Leader of the Opposition, Mr. Penhard (LNC) has not yet spoken about the recent confidence vote failure for the left, but is excepted to speak about this development in the next hours or days.

With today's vote having failed to pass in the Diet, the government is more strengthened and the Prime Minister's position is secured for the Conservative Party as Derby announced that the government's success showed a "great show of confidence by the people's representatives and their constituents", the Prime Minister has announced that the government had introduced, in either the Senate or the Diet, new modification or proposition of laws within the legislative branch. Education Secretary Graves announced some "pre-emptives" measures in Luthorian school in order to make the system "more efficient". The Foreign Minister, Lord Makenbourgh has stated that in "the light of recent Luthorian failures in the realm of foreign politics. A strong government is what Luthori needs to get back on track."

The Tory Party's Chief Whip in the Diet, Mr. Casey, declared that the Imperial Diet's Chief Whip Office will try to "bring order and reason" to some elements of the Conservatives, which are not entirely convinced by the Prime Minister's Cabinet apparent "flip-flops" over economic policy. The government having stated that it'll try to create an economy free for Luthorians and foreign investors, while also trying to continue to increase the GDP per capita of the wider Luthorian public. Some Whigs, Liberal Hardliners and opposition members have stated that this move is either "contrary to what the Tories have been fighting for" [Mr. Alcbrand, MIS for Shutton (Tory-Hardliner)] or have raised some eyebrows to what look like an "odd, yet curious policy" [Ms. Bellingham, MID for Manling (Labour)].

Political analysts have all commonly stated that the government's survival of the vote of no-confidence amids the Throne Speech shows confidence by the Tories in the Imperial Diet and the Imperial Senate for the Prime Minister's leadership, whether or not that confidence can remain remains to be seen.

The Times is a foreign policy-orientated newspaper, but also commentating on domestic politics, it's editorial view is considered to be fairly centrist but rightist economically.
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Re: Luthori

Postby GreekIdiot » Tue Apr 09, 2024 6:54 am

The Terran Times
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Re: Luthori

Postby Might 123 » Wed Apr 10, 2024 7:48 pm

The Independent Observer: The Liberal National Group gradually rises in opinion polls

August 10th, 5467


The Liberal National Group has surged slightly in the latest opinion polls. The group, known for its liberal policies and commitment to some progressive ideals, has seen a notable increase in support across various demographics, according to recent polling data. This may be due to the party leader's speech to the Luthori citizens committee. 

With voters potentially increasingly seeking alternatives beyond the established parties, the Liberal National Group has emerged as a compelling option for those wanting a moderate Liberal option. 

"We are thrilled to see such a positive response from the public," remarked Sarah Reynolds, spokesperson for the Liberal National Group. "Our message of unity, inclusivity, and pragmatic governance resonates with voters from all walks of life. People are tired of partisan bickering and are hungry for real solutions to the challenges we face as a society."

The rise in support for the Liberal National Group has been attributed to several key factors. The largest among them is the group's emphasis on evidence-based policymaking and what the party calls "common sense training." The party was a merger of two political parties, the Liberal Party and the Luthori Nation Group, two parties whose visions and ideas differed very little. 

"We believe in building bridges, not walls," affirmed Reynolds. "Our goal is to bring people together to tackle the pressing challenges of our time in a spirit of cooperation and mutual respect. The fact that so many voters are responding positively to our message on the doorstep is a testament to the growing need for change in our society."

While it remains to be seen how this surge in support will translate into electoral success, one thing is clear: the Liberal National Group has emerged as a potential contender within the political arena. With momentum potentially on their side and a message that resonates with a broad spectrum of voters, the party may make a significant impact in the months and years to come. As the political landscape continues to evolve, will the NLG be part of the future? Only time can tell us the answer. 
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Thu Apr 11, 2024 1:23 pm

Major nations invited for various state visits, says Blackhall.
The Department of Foreign Affairs today confirmed rumors of several state visits to be organized between Luthori and several other nations from various continents. These state visits should be in a fairly short field of time.
19th December 5467

Yingdala, Lourenne, Beiteynu, Dundorf, Kundrati, Narikaton & Darnussia et Kirlawa. What do these nations have in common?

All of these nations were confirmed when approached for an official invitation from the Blackhall Palace, in the name of His Majesty, the Emperor, for an individual state visit and in the case of Lourenne, for a major conference to try to reassure about the current relationship between Luthori and Lourenne. The King-Emperor should receive diplomats from all these countries before he goes to 10 Crown Street to meet with the Luthorian Prime Minister to begin serious diplomatic discussions with the Luthori government.

The nations of Dundorf, Kundrati, Narikaton & Darnussia, Kirlawa were invited to diplomatic discussions at Fort William to discuss the mutual relationship between Luthori and these various Artanian nations. The objective of the Foreign Office during these state visits of what is considered to be "friends" of the Empire within its own continent is to reopen the door of the economic and military unity of the continent, which is in the latter, protected by the common umbrella of the Joint Artanian Security Agreement, which Luthori is about to formally join with a vote of the Imperial Parliament, seeing two-thirds of the Imperial Diet and Imperial Senate vote in favour of upgrading the status of Luthori from a member "associated" to a full member of the Joint Artanian Security Agreement. The Luthorian Prime Minister and his Cabinet are also trying to find common ground between all the nations of the continent for the construction of the famous "Trans-Artanian Railway Network", a continent-wide network to interconnect national networks in a gigantic network from north to south of the continent, facilitating trade and people exchanges within the continent.

The visit of each of these delegations should be punctuated by the signing of a "Treaty of Friendship" recognizing the special relationship maintained between Luthori and these countries. Although this relationship may have been mismanaged by the Luthori Government. For Kirlawa, the government seeks to pass a law, empowering him to set up a massive aid program for the reconstruction of Kirlawa, to create a stable, strong and cooperative state in the preservation of peace in the continent.

The Yeudis are next in the list of visiting nations of Luthori, today Their Majesties, the Emperor and the Empress-Consort, are today, since their ascension to the throne, King/Queen and Monarch of the Yeudi Homeland (Beiteynu). The Orange Palace has extended an invitation from Their Majesties to the Beiteynuese Government to finally meet their Luthorian counterparts and their monarchs since the ascension of Emperor Albert and Empress Elizabeth. The Beiteynuese Rosh HaMemshala (Prime Minister) and the Ramatkal (Chief of Staff - number 2 of the Beiteynuese Government) are exempted from becoming full members of the Imperial Privy Council (as Prime Minister and Member of the Cabinet of one of His Majesty’s realms). In general, this visit is seen as an opportunity to reassure the existing ties between Luthori and Beiteynu, more than to explore the new confines of the diplomatic and now cultural relationship between the two nations.

Yingdala is the newcomer to Fort William, oddly enough, no major visit had taken place between Luthori and Yingdala for the past 40 years, and the last was to Yingdala, not to Luthori. The Imperial Government invited the Yingdalan Government to send representatives to Luthori with a view to signing a friendship treaty that could link the developing relationship between the two nations.

The visit of a delegation from Lourenne to Luthori should be the largest of all its types of visits, the delegation should be headed by the High Chancellor of Lourenne, and should meet with the Luthorian Monarchs and the Luthorian Prime Minister and his Cabinet. This meeting is special because the Royal Delegation is expected to speak directly with the Government about a plan to formally seal the informal alliance between the Empire and the United Kingdom, known as "Amicable Entente". The Foreign Office has stated that all the talks would be in the Rottingham Palace, a residence that the Imperial Family would loan to the Government for the duration of the negotiations.
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