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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Tue Apr 02, 2024 6:56 pm


Hadjoheims: In the Deltarian capital of film, the Doron Akigan city of Hadjoheims, a new production has broken records. New production company Flat Screen Studios has scored a massive hit with their movie "Sides". The movie revolves around a man that deals with 23 split personalities, with one personality yet to be discovered ready to dominate all others in a twisted, exciting and eventfull movie that has captured audiences across the Empire. The movie has been running in theaters for the past 3 weeks, breaking record after record thanks in large part due to a social media campaign that managed to catch on with middle aged and young adult audiences. Another remarkable aspect about its succes is its small budget, with just under 6 million spend by Flat Screen Studios in order to shoot and distribute the movie, making it one of the cheapest blockbusters in Deltaria to date. So far, the movie has already resulted in over 30 million in ticket sales, with numbers only expected to rise and thus far outpacing the movie production costs.

At the annual Hadjoheims movie festival the movie was the "feature of the year", with the audience consisting of known actors and directors applauding the movie when its trailer was shown during the ceremony. Flat Screen Studios CEO Barta Martin has stated that he is "overwhelmed" with the film its succes and his company is now quickly expanding operations in an effort to prepare for their next movie. He would not comment on whether "Sides" would be released outside of Deltaria, saying that it would be "my boyhood dream" if the movie was indeed released internationally. The movie will continue to be aired for the remainer of the summer, lasting till the end of september in theaters.

The trailer for "Sides", being the "feature of the year" at the Hadjoheims movie festival
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Thu Apr 04, 2024 12:49 pm

June 4th 5464
Prime Minister Andreescu

Čahtica: Newly elected Prime Minister Teodor Andreescu sat down with Deltarac Prava Vijest in his first interview since taking office. Andreescu, who was confirmed as Prime Minister following the victory of the DDU in the latest federal election, had been Defense minister for 12 years and deputy for 8 before assuming leadership of the party. His own faction within the DDU, the Hosian Democrats, have been reduced to a small but influential minority. But the election also marked a new chapter for Deltaria with the departure of 12 year incumbent Prime Minister Brozovic, with Andreescu now having to take the helm. With an end to Deltarian participation in the MSCO and new relationships being forged, how will Deltaria be led under this new administration?

Well, to be frank, i doubt that i will be miles off our former leader his policy platform. We worked together for multiple years and i have been inspired by his pragmatic style of governance. What i do think however is that we need more steadfast leadership, a clearer direction. That is what i seek to provide during this term

You mention you and Brozovic arent that differentn from one another. Will the problems that have occured during his term be adressed by your government?

Ofcourse we will at least try. That is what government is all about. If you are asking me whether we will definitely solve our problems, im not a wizard and will thus not be able to magically vanish the problems we have. What i will do however is adress them and do what we can as a government to provide the needed solutions to our problems. Our problems, in my governments eyes, largely stem from our economic transformation that is still ongoing, with sectors like media growing while our traditional industrial base is shrinking. We need to give the workers that were previously employed in these sectors the support they need to bounce back, potentially into other sectors. Secondly a major problem continues to be our security, with my government to continue significant spending in the defense and security sphere to ensure we can adequately protect our populace

The DDU always boasts about the military and security. Isnt that just a ploy to distract people from the real problems the country faces?

So you dont consider the safety of our people a real problem?

I wouldnt say tha....

Let me say it like this. If our country cant defend itself. If we dont prevent subversive elements from gaining traction in our society, then what worth will our progress in economics have? If we built a new hospital but it gets bombed in a war in which we couldnt defend ourselves, what will that hospital achieve? Nothing. Security is everything and it thus remains a high priority for my government. Now if you ask me if i think we need to pump everything we have in security, ofcourse not, but we should not be idle and weak, we should be vigilant and strong

Thank you... for my last question i would like to be blunt. Many accuse your party, the DDU, of having created a one party state. Democracy is sometimes being questioned. Whats your response to that?

If democratic parties merge into one, is that dictatorial? I dont think so. Our laws, institutions and constitution all permit the formation of new parties and the free and fair participation in the political process. The current situation we find ourselves in is ofcourse unique, in the last election my party was the only one that won seats. But if no other party organizes itself, people vote in mass on the DDU and our leadership is determined by free party wide elections, then how can you call that undemocratic? I fully encourage anyone seeking to launch their own party to do so, but i also believe that if it is the democratic will of the people to vote on one party and be satisfied, then who am i to stop that and force things in a certain direction?

Thank you for the interview Prime Minister

No, thank YOU!
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Thu Apr 04, 2024 1:33 pm


Čahtica: The Ministry of Defense has published a new paper detailing its intend on forging bigger and long lasting relationships with the private sector in an effort to bolster progress in defense technology. The decision is accompanied with 100 million in funds to launch a new ministerial committee that will oversee the additional inclusion of private enterprise in day to day operations of the Ministry of Defense and the wider Armed Forces and security apparatus. Particularly in the field of cybersecurity and warfare, invested in by the last non DDU government, the government will work with companies like Štrajk and Korito Rijeke in enhancing the ministry its own cyber security as well as developing cyber weapons capable of strengthening Deltarian capabilities in the Cyber realm. Štrajk has been primarily involved in cyber solutions for private bussinesses, having developed the cyber security system COMPASS which has been widely praised for its reputation as a hard to break security system for personal computers and servers. The company is likely to work with the Cyber Protection and Security Unit of the Ministry of Defense in adapting COMPASS for ministerial computers and servers, further extending the service to the military itself. The Cyber Protection and Security Unit (OKOB) had been a seperate military branch in the past but was, partially due to efforts to cut the size of the military, merged with the different branches and has become a ministerial department of the Ministry of Defense.

While OKOB is a department linked to the ministry, the Grand Imperial Army also has its own seperate cyber unit named the Cyber Operations and Defense Unit (Jedinica za kibernetičke operacije i obranu) or JKOO. This unit will be working with Korito Rijeke in the development of offensive cyber capabilities, with the KR having gained a reputation in the country for its "ethnical hacking" services, meant to prepare bussinesses and government institutions for potential hostile hacks. With the help of KR the JKOO is set on developing new cyber weapons. Details on this project have not been disclosed and officially the JKOO denies working on cyber weaponry, but the inclusion of Korito Rijeke into the agency its R&D program suggests that they are working on such weapons.

Besides these two big projects the ministry will also be investing in additional private sector cooperation in the field of actual procurement of military equipment. While Deltaria is already known for its vibrant military-industrial complex, it seeks to further give a chance to private companies in gaining state contracts. ZL asked the Ministry whether private sector cooperation could endanger state security, with the Ministry reiterating that its systems remain closed-off and its agreements with these parties are strict and heavily monitored to ensure state security is guarenteed.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Drax » Fri Apr 05, 2024 6:08 pm



Finance Ministry, January 29, 5465: Finance Minister Toislav Brnetic, after a senior staff meeting on the status of communications in the nation, was asked by ZLATENICO OKO if there was any good news to report, and he replied:

Absolutely. Ludmelnik, the port where the Home Fleet is headquartered, will be getting a resort hotel and casino. A lot of government staffers in Tsargrad are looking forward to training courses there.

Alazindar Commercial Inns which for many years has been operating hotels in our larger areas for business travelers and owns the Treasure Chest Resort and Casino in Branovica, the home port of the Deltarian Navy’s Anti Submarine Warfare (ASW) Command, as well as the Jolly Roger Resort and Casino in Hadsingos, the center of SPOC oil extraction operations.

Alazindar Commercial Inns is beginning construction of a new resort and casino which will depart from the pirate themes in Branovica and Hadsingos and instead focus on the motion pictures of by gone eras when everyone dressed more formally. It looks like it is going to be called Living Legends.

Ampheira Bank is lending the purchase price for buying the site while Deltaria United Bank will be providing initial operating loan funds for constuction, hiring, furnishing and equiping a luxury hotel. At one time it looked like Central Bank would be guaranteeing the loans with revenue appropriated for the Ministry of Environment and Tourism however as it turns out everyone is confident of siuccss so that will not be necessary. Loan closing instructions and documentation will be provided by Dvornachek, Braunschweiger, and Ptacek.

The old movie motif will be reflected in waitresses and waiters wearing garb suggesting iconic roles as will reception and casino staff, porters and bartenders as well as decorations suggesting the same.

Royal Oasis will operate the hotel itself including its restaurants, pools, shuttles for shopping, tours and access from Home Fleet facilities and the airport. Amalgamated Consolidated Gaming, an international casino operator, will be handling the slot machines and gambling tables. As at the Treasure Chest and Jolly Roger there will be a very overpriced restaurant with Canraillaise cuisine and wine but in the main customers are expected to be more interested in gambling, drinking, partying and the quite reasonable buffet.

Four theaters will be in constant operation three of which will be running film noir classics (such as The Framing of Bunny Rabbit and Once More Into the Breach). It is expected some pre decay Canraillaise classics like Je Pense Que Oui will be available as well as notable films in Kalistan’s history. The fourth theater will be running cartoons and TV crime drama for a change of pace.

Neue Dundorfische Zentrumspartei (NDZP), Dundorf, Active
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Drax » Sat Apr 06, 2024 7:07 pm


Finance Minister Brnetic


Naban, July 29, 5463: Finance Minister Toislav Brnetic addressed a seminar held by the Economics Department of the University of Naban on The Future of Banking in Deltaria on the topic, Central Bank Guarantees. Included in his remarks was the following:

There are a number of areas where Central Bank loan guarantees can be crucial in loan making. Home mortgage lending is one such. There is a segment of our population that could repay a loan but can not qualify for a standard loan secured by a mortgage on a house. When the government identifies such a borrower as a reasonable risk, it can guarantee the loan so that if there is default, the bank making the loan is compensated and the government takes over the loan and the security servicing of the mortgage. By this means, banks do not have to deny home ownership loans or charge exorbitant interest rates to thee aspiring homeowners.

There are many other areas but three that we are really pushing are farm and ranch ownership loans, crop loans and farm and ranch equipment loans. The farmer or rancher may not know about guarantee availability but we really are trying to be sure banks do know.

Another sector where guarantees are very helpful are small business startups. We don’t expect banks to make bad loans, but the government can take a few losses if it means a citizen can try to go into business for herself or himself.

Most people only know about the big operations we get involved with, but there are many people who can be helped by banks and the government with small loans that have Central Bank guarantees.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Rogue » Tue Apr 09, 2024 6:44 pm

February 18th 5467
Prime Minister Andreescu

Čahtica: The Deltarian Democratic Union has collapsed following a corruption scandal that saw the party leader, Prime Minister Andreescu, as well as senior party officials be implicated. The scandal saw the PM and his aides take money from Topic Media Group in exchange for favourable legislation on media censorship and regulations. In contrast, the company published articles and aired news pieces that were considered favourable to the Andreescu government, creating a favourable playing field for the DDU government. Following the revelations the party its hosian democratic wing pulled support from Andreescu, who subsequently resigned as Prime Minister. The party further descended into chaos, with the conservatives splitting to form their own standalone faction in congress as DDU leadership scrambled to save what remained. Prosecuters with the FSS have announced a full scale investigation into both the former Prime Minister as well as the executives at Topic Media Group.

With chaos in the party complete, the Deltarian political scene has been shaken. At least 400 party officials have resigned and local officials, from governors to mayors, have announced their departure from the party. Andreescu has left the government in a state of confusion, as state secretaries are taking on the mantle as full ministers in order to ensure a continuation of government. But as federal politics grints to a halt, it is unlikely that the DDU may recover and reclaim its place as the ultimate party in Deltarian politics.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Drax » Wed Apr 10, 2024 5:16 am


Prime Minister Tomasek


Congress of Deputies, April 12, 5467: In the wake of the disintegration of the Deltarijanska Demokratska Unija (DDU), Deltarianska Narodna Strana {DNS) Party Chair Milos Tomasek was elected Prime Minister by the Congress of Deputies. Asked by ZLATENICO OKO what he thought was the primary task of his new government, Tomasek replied:

Restoring confidence in the integrity of our government. We will need a lot more transparency and we will need prosecutions. The Sovereign People need to see us root out the corruption they know is there.

ZLATENICO OKO asked if there were big policy changes coming, and the Prime Minister responded:

We ran the country for 100 years with everything centralized. The DDU shifted a great deal of government functions to local and provincial administration. We may or may not shift them back. If we do avoiding disruptions will be our focus.

As to differences in policy, there will not be that many. But there will be some.

Know there are rumors that we will abolish the monarchy. Think this seems to be the time of troubles for monarchy internationally so speculation has developed. There are no such plans.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Drax » Wed Apr 10, 2024 7:52 pm


Foreign Minister Parvelescu


Congress of Deputies, August 12, 5467: The government appeared to want to rejoin the Majatran Security Cooperation Organization (MSCO), and ZLATENICO OKO asked Foreign Minister Lucian Parvelescu what was going on. He responded:

The Cabinet did favor rejoining the MSCO because of the mutual defense clause and was willing to face being mocked for inconsistency. Accordingly, the treaty was introduced in the Congress of Deputies for ratification.

Rereading the Non Aligned Movement Treaty (NAM), however, by the Speaker’s Office led to the suggestion that Principle 1 thereof would bar ratifying the MSCO treaty. This was not the interpretation in the Foreign Ministry; but since the NAM is now our principal association the government is quite likely to withdraw the bill.

And, yes, the government is embarrassed for publicly wanting to change its policy and for publicly deciding not to do so in a series of unforced errors. And yes everyone has offered to resign. But in the end it looks like we will just muddle ahead.

I do think though that if anyone in Majatra is attacked, we are resolved to aid the victim. But it will looks like MSCO will not be our way of saying that.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby GreekIdiot » Thu Apr 11, 2024 6:42 am

The Terran Times
Also being that guy who's pretending to be this guy.
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Re: Deltaria

Postby Drax » Sat Apr 13, 2024 3:44 pm


Justice Minister Igrec


Justice Ministry, January 12, 5469: The question of whether participation in the Non Aligned Movement (NAM) bars membership in the Majatran Security Cooperation Organization (MSCO) is now in the hands of the Justice Ministry. Prime Minister Milos Tomasek asked for a ruling from the Justice Minister after the Speaker of the Congress of Deputies raised the question. Foreign Minister Lucian Parvelescu and the Admiralty are known to disagree with the Speaker.

ZLATENICO OKO has learned that Justice Minister Magdalena Igrec has issued the following statement:

The question is whether the Non Aligned Movement (NAM) Treaty bars membership in the Majatran Security Cooperation Organization (MSCO), and specifically whether its Principle 1, which reads as follows, does:

Principle 1: Member states do not align with or against any major power, or major bloc.
The goal is to preserve international peace without resort to great power politics, and to allow for countries to preserve their sovereignty and independence free of pressure from miliary or diplomatic coercion from great or major power states. Consequently we will not support joining collective security arrangements led by major powers.

The MSCO is the successor of the Majatran Security Orgaization (MSO) formed by Deltaria. Both the MSO and MSCO are essentially alliances of Majatran nations for the defense of Majatran nations. Nothing in the MSCO treaty necessarily gives leadership to any particular power great or othewise.

So who did those who drafted the NAM Treaty think were great powers? We have asked but they are not talking. Clearly, all Terra thinks two are and some would add up to another four. One of these six is clearly involved in the MSCO but its activity therein like Deltaria’s has been trying to recruit new members and cooperating with the MSCO’s Collective Majatran Response Force (CMRF) when there was a security threat to Majatra.

Accordingly, rejoining the MSCO does not in and of itself violate the NAM Treaty. As one likely suspects, that does not resolve the matter. We will discuss five activities some of which would violate the NAM Treaty and some would not.

First, if a Majatran member nation of the MSCO is attacked, is it permissible as a member of NAM for the Deltarian military to defend that nation on its own or collectively or as part of the CMRF? Yes, or more precisely, of course.

Second, is it permissible as a member of NAM for the Deltarian military to participate in military exercises in Majatra and Majatran waters run by MSCO or its CMRF involving no nations outside Majatra? That would not violate Principle 1 of the NAM Trearty.

Third, if a perceived great power or two hold military exercises in Majatra, could the Deltarian military participate as part of the CMRF without violating Principle 1? No, regardless of any actual power dynamics, the perception would be that some great powers had summoned their minions such as the CMRF to do their bidding.

Fourth, as a member of NAM, may the Deltarian military have an ongoing role in the CMRF? The current perception is that suppressing Deltarian influence is a purpose of the CMRF and thus it would be inappropriate. We are aware that both the Foreign Minister, General Parvelescu, and the Admiralty believe the reality is different, and thus we would say ongoing participation in rhe CMRF is inappropriate at this time.

Fifth, since Deltaria is a member of NAM, may its Anti Submarine Warfare Command (ASW) share information concerning detected suspicious submarine activity in the Sea of Majatra with CMRF. Yes it may do so.

This then is our opinion and it is up to the Prime Minister where to go from here.
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