
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Temania

Postby Nileowen_ » Thu Apr 04, 2024 8:33 pm

Berita Sekarang
Berita Sekarang is a mostly unbiased broadsheet newspaper

NDP to create anti-corruption force. Highway construction planned. Further strengthening of federal government expected.
August 4th 5464

The NDP has announced that in order to combat the rampant corruption issues throughout the nation, they will be implementing a federally controlled, anti-corruption police force responsible for combating the serious corruption issues that have been building up over the last 600 years. Named the 'Polis Pencegah Rasuah', or PPR, officers are going recruited from the most loyal of the federal police service and will answer directly the president in order to prevent any corrupt dealings the may occur within the unit. Recruitment has already begun while training regimes and background checks on officers has already begun, with Khamis bin Senin being appointed commissioner of the special unit. With the president having been elected on the platform of battling corruption, heavy expectations have been placed on the unit, both from within as they try to prove themselves and from without with both the public and president's expectations placed upon them.

The federal government has announced that they will be taking a 400 million franc loan from Lourenne in order to finance a series of 2 lane highways in the north east of the country, aiming to better connect the north-eastern cities of 'Kota di Sungai' and 'Padang Hijau' in order provide backing for further economic projects in the area, specifically for the development of the coal and silicon producing industries. Building off the H2 highway, the project has been called "H2 baharu", and is expected to start in 3 months time, bringing over 10,000 jobs in order to construct the 656.93 kilometre long network. Both industry leaders and locals have commented positively on the project with expectations of further developments upon the H2 baharu project's completion.

President Iskandar Hadi Yuwono has indicated in a press conference earlier today that he will be strengthening the federal government in a bid to wipe away the confederation of old and to stabilise and standardise the political system of the nation to bring more fairness to the people. While many have commended the move, others have reacted negatively with claims of anti-democratic thought and turning the nation into a unitarian state. The president has denied this claim, citing his previous claims of standardising the system for fairness, but also so that corruption can also take advantage of systematic issues less.
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Re: Temania

Postby Nileowen_ » Sat Apr 06, 2024 3:59 pm

Berita Sekarang
Berita Sekarang is a mostly unbiased broadsheet newspaper

Government to form Temanian Supreme Electoral Council
July 12th 5465

President Hadi Yuwono has announced the creation of the Temanian Supreme Electoral Council (TSEC) as a measure to ensure ballot security and prevent corruption and inconsistencies in all electoral processes nationwide. This comes as a blow for the old and corrupt federal system that was made as part of the compromises made during the nations time as a confederation, with the TSEC set to control all elections throughout the federal system in order to prevent them being gamed by corrupt officials. The Council is set to follow an executive model, with 9 councillors appointed by the president, and answering directly to the president.
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Re: Temania

Postby Liu Che/Zhuli » Sun Apr 07, 2024 6:11 pm

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Re: Temania

Postby Nileowen_ » Thu Apr 11, 2024 10:46 am

Berita Sekarang
Berita Sekarang is a mostly unbiased broadsheet newspaper

NDP wins second Presidency with 87.6% of the vote.
December 15th 5467

Following the snap elections called by the Assembly only 2 weeks ago, the NDP has won it's second presidency with 87.6% of the vote in the first round alone, as confirmed by the Temanian Supreme Electoral Council. Following the arrest of several opposition figures by the PPR, the NDP called a snap election to prove against the accusations of cheating the system by other opposition members. This electoral result has proven without a doubt that the people have put their trust in the NDP. Iskandar Hadi Yuwono has announced that he will commence several public works projects in order to decrease the high rate of unemployment and poverty nationwide.

Other news: Opposition Candidate Disappears, TSEC accused of rigging election, PPR to now answer solely to president.
John 8:32 (DRA)
"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
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Re: Temania

Postby Nileowen_ » Sat Apr 13, 2024 3:42 pm

Berita Sekarang
Berita Sekarang is a government controlled newspaper

Police Reform Act passed, security expected to increase.
January 22nd 5469

The Police Reform Act has been passed, with it's stipulations to be put into effect next week. The Act empowers the nation's anti-corruption police, the PPR, and police officers of the rank of inspector, to use the powers of judge and jury on the spot to charge corrupt officials without going through the hassle of the courts. It also empowers every officer of the law to carry significant firepower, to be inflexible against threats, and to arrest without reason. These powers have been granted to the police to protect the people from the multitude of threats and corrupt officials who seek to harm the nation.

Other news: Arrest rates spike, Protests rapidly end, Democracy is now "Secure"
John 8:32 (DRA)
"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
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Re: Temania

Postby Nileowen_ » Sat Apr 13, 2024 4:09 pm

Berita Sekarang
Berita Sekarang is a government controlled newspaper

President Hadi Yuwono survives assassination attempt, Martial Law declared
January 30th 5469

The President has survived an assassination attempt late last night. While returning to the presidential palace from a meeting with business leaders, a member of the terrorist group "Sons of Kanedesia" opened fire upon the president while he was being escorted over to his personal vehicle. The attacker fired three bullets before being apprehended, with two of them missing, while one hit where the president's heart should have been, collapsing a lung and shattering several ribs. The president's heart was missed however due to his situs inversus, a condition which mirrors his organs on the other side of his body. This factor caused the bullet to miss his heart by several centimetres, saving his life. From his hospital bed, the president has declared martial law until the terrorist group can be eliminated, with national troops being deployed on the streets. Police have been empowered for the time being and several rights guaranteed by the constitution have been temporarily suspended.
John 8:32 (DRA)
"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
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Re: Temania

Postby Nileowen_ » Sun Apr 21, 2024 8:18 pm

Berita Sekarang
Berita Sekarang is a government controlled newspaper.

The President announces the 'Identity Plan', new economic plan proposed, new governance structure planned too.
February 20th 5473

President Hadi Yuwono has announced his new 'Identity Plan', a project with the goal of truly forming a singular national identity, exempt from division and weakness that has plagued the nation for centuries. The plan dictates that the people need to become one identity, through which all division shall be purged and eliminated. Part of this plan is interracial reproduction, which the plan states will decrease racial tensions by "eternally and irreversibly binding the gene-lines into one unified spirit, while also rapidly permitting the expansion of the population to facilitate the necessary growth for the Party's economic objectives". The plan also takes a hard stance against religions, stating that they "divide people faith against faith, sect against sect, brother against brother, over whose imaginary friend is better, rather than unite people under the one identity.". The plan has begun implementation already, with the state having begun persecuting religions and destroying places of worship, along with arresting clergy.

Along with the identity plan, is the complimentary economic plan, which aims to assist in the Identity plan by setting the economy up as a pure system of self-perpetuation in every manner, allowing the state to produce anything it needs, when it needs it, be it workers, weapons, towns, or death. By making the system revolve around an as needed economic model with some command model elements mixed in, the system exists as a self perpetuation, which then connects into the identity and state in their self perpetuation. Another theory put forward is the 'closed circuit system', where everything, from the smallest drop of oil, to entire machines, to reused in either it's original function or in other functions within the same manufacturing unit. This can apply to any resource, be it oil, machines, remains of individuals, excrement and more.

And finally there is the new governance structure, which will be based off a strong executive first and foremost. The Presidency, which will be renamed the Executive, will be given supreme powers that will only be restricted in relation to the Eleven Wardens. The Eleven Wardens act as a panel, whom decide a standard and unified legal code for all questions, acting as infallible sources of law, and limiting the powers of the Executive next to those of the unchangeable law itself, which the Wardens will have perfected. The Senate will act as a body of the 60 most important party members, which will host debates over matters of policy within the Party line. The Party will be split into three parts, the Upper Party, Middle Party, and Lower Party, each of which will determine someone's importance and replaceability along with whether they're allowed cognition.
John 8:32 (DRA)
"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
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Re: Temania

Postby Nileowen_ » Wed May 15, 2024 10:34 am

Berita Sekarang
Berita Sekarang is a government controlled newspaper.

Rebel Attacks Increase
December 2nd 5483

The rebel group known as the “United Left Front” has raided an army depot located in the northeast of the country. The surprise raid left nineteen enlistees and one officer dead as the rebels stole thousands of firearms and hundreds of vehicles. The bodies of the soldiers were destroyed in the fire the rebels caused during their escape, with the blaze being exacerbated by the ignition of the onsite fuel reserves. Other attacks have been reported as well, including other military facilities, tax offices and police stations, but none have been to the scale of this attacks.

The government has promised revenge against the ULF, and troops have begun pursuing the rebels in particular while other teams have begun investigating the other attacks. Dissidence amongst the general populace has been seen on the rise ever since 5478, and rebel attacks are now becoming more and more common. The President plans to make a public announcement soon in order to try win back those who have defected to the rebel’s side, potentially with offers of amnesty.
John 8:32 (DRA)
"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
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Re: Temania

Postby Nileowen_ » Sat May 18, 2024 7:09 pm

Berita Sekarang
Berita Sekarang is a government controlled newspaper.

Alert: National Intelligence Office warns of major ULF attack.
August 7th 5485

All military installations have been put on high alert following a report from the NIO warning of a potential major attack. The attack is believed to be targeted towards military installations but details are sparse, and has been made more confusing by different ULF cells mobilising for different objectives. The ULF's leadership council has issued a special notice for it's membership to "prepare for something big and nationwide". All of this comes as military desertions have reached an all time high, and still remain on the rise. While the situation seems bad, the party has called on everyone to unite to fight the partisans, otherwise the state will falter.
John 8:32 (DRA)
"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
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Re: Temania

Postby Nileowen_ » Sat May 18, 2024 7:46 pm

Berita Rakyat
Berita Rakyat is a left wing, revolutionary newsletter.

United Left front overthrows the old regime.
August 19th 5485

The United Left Front has overthrown the ruling government in a bloodless coup, bring an end to President Hadi Yuwono's despotic twenty year long reign. The ULF seized several key government installations with the assistance of dissenters within the military and forced the now former president to sign over power to the ULF. The ULF has since begun handling all remain opposition in the nation, and the rule of law is expected return, starting with the trials of the former president and his inner circle. The ULF has also begun the shift in political process to allow for a more equal society, with internal debated taking place over what leftist ideology they should adhere to. The ULF has a long way to go, but is determined to bring peace, power and prosperity to the people now and forever.
John 8:32 (DRA)
"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
Posts: 134
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