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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Elena1012 » Thu Apr 11, 2024 1:41 am

Gaduri President to accept Lourennais Chancellor invitation to Eroncourt; Cooperation across the Anatonese Ocean it seems.

With the recent elections in Lourenne seeing Casabel-Adiore elected to office, one of her first actions has been to invite 3 nations to Eroncourt; Gaduridos, obviously, Kalistan and Yingdala. With each being major powers in the Anato Ocean (save for Gaduridos who is still a developing state compared to Yingdala and Kalistan), Lourenne has looked to reaffirm ties with these nations.

To that end, the current Gaduri President, Carmelo Quesada has accepted the Lourennais offer to Eroncourt in the interest of promoting further goodwill with Lourenne. While currently, the other two nations have yet to formally reply to the offer, it is anticipated they will accept it. Regardless, for Gaduridos, all this means is simply an expansion of goodwill across the Anatonese Ocean and protecting Gaduri Neutrality by not moving towards isolationism.
In other news:
Two new parties from in Gaduridos; Liberal Union of Gaduridos and the People's Socialist Worker's Party; New faces for Gaduridos.

Lourenne begins electoral reforms; Valence Politics cast away.
La Rosa Nacional (The National Rose) is a progressive news outlet, dedicated to expressing a progressive free truth to Gaduridos.
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Rogue » Thu Apr 11, 2024 7:43 pm


Querehuacan: The only PPSO city councillor in the city of Querehuacan, Michelle Villacrés, was dragged out of the council building this afternoon after a heated debate on the distribution of mining permits. Villacrés, who is one of only four PPSO city councillors in the country, strongly oppossed the plan to redistribute mining permits in the city from the municipal owned "Municipal Extraction Company" to several fragmented parties in the private sector. The conservative mayor of the city, Román Andino, argued that the redistribution could result in a cut in costs for the city and a potential improvement in efficiency at the mining locations. Villacrés held a 4 hour long speech in the city council, railing against the city government its "neo-liberal scorched earth tactics" and arguing that the permits should continue to be held by the MEC. It was Villacrés her intention to keep on speeching, but after four hours and 3 minutes two officers of the municipal police dragged Villacrés from the stand and out of the council building. She resisted, but was eventually escorted out.

PPSO leader Jaime Espinar condemned the move, initiated by mayor Andino, as a "attack against democracy in this country." He furthermore called on the federal government to also condemn the actions. Andino, a former member of the PUI, refused to concede that he was in the wrong, instead arguing that Villacrés violated debate protocols by her intend to "fillibuster" the proposal that was on the table. Villacrés was released back into the room after the meeting was concluded, with the remaining city councillors voting to redistribute the permits, thus liquidating the MEC. Villacrés has stated that she has filed a formal complaint with the city administration and will continue to "be the lone voice of ordinary citizens within the city council."
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Tayes » Thu Apr 11, 2024 10:00 pm


Unión Liberal de Gaduridos Launch the Jóvenes Liberales de Gaduridos and New Youth Outreach Scheme


Party President Juan Martinez has today announced the creation of the party’s youth wing, Jóvenes Liberales de Gaduridos, (Young Liberals of Gaduridos), as part of the party’s new youth outreach programme. The aim of the programme is to create a new generation of Gaduri liberals who can form a longstanding grassroots support, and to develop new political talent.

Jóvenes Liberales de Gaduridos (JLG), will be entirely youth run, with members below the age of twenty-five being automatically joined to the youth wing. The youth wing shall be led by an elected Consejo Joven Liberal, (Young Liberal Council); a body of twenty members elected upon a two year term. Members who go over the age of twenty-five whilst serving on the Council will be allowed to serve the remainder of their term. The Council will elect their own Presidents to chair meetings and act as a figurehead for the wing.

The JLG shall be given a platform at Federal Conferences, with talented speakers being invited to give a speech to the main hall. Their policy proposals shall also be given a priority status, along with the proposals of several member pressure groups, meaning that they will be debated and voted upon at Conference immediately following the proposals of senior party members and party leadership. The group will act as an internal pressure group representing youth interests within the party membership.

Like the main party, the JLG will follow a federalist structure, with regional and local branches being tied to the senior branches of the party. The JLG will also be responsible for helping to coordinate the youth outreach programme, in which the party will organise youth activity groups, open to members and non-members. The party will organise activities such as camping trips and community social meetings, open to individuals over fifteen, with the groups being split into junior members (15-17) and senior members (18-25) for safeguarding reasons. These groups will be known as JLG Compañías. Whilst the JLG Compañías will be required to promote liberal ideas of tolerance and individuality, the party claims that their primary purpose is to serve entire communities in a completely non-discriminatory way in order to fill gaps where society has failed.

Critics have argued that the JLG Compañías are inherently biased towards ULG members or their children, though the party have made it clear that this is not the desired case. It is simply the fact that these groups are organised by the party, though serve no indoctrination purpose and membership is entirely voluntary, even for JLG members.
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Elena1012 » Fri Apr 12, 2024 1:38 pm

Gaduri Portion of the Trans-Seleyan Railway in Tonataro; Despite delays, economic potential is expected

With Kalistan completing their portion of the Trans-Seleyan Railway (TSR), connecting to Baltusia, Gaduridos has finally managed to complete their portion despite several delays from project managers. While this has hurt the administration and the projects publicity, it has finally finished nonetheless, and lays the framework for Gaduri railways to go across the rest of the mainland and even perhaps towards Tukarali should the opportunity ever arise.

Whatever the case, the state of Cuernatecas is expected to benefit heavily, particularly the city of Tonataro due to being the hub of the railway in Gaduridos. Not only will this benefit the region heavily, it will benefit Gaduridos entirely. Whether it be exporting Gaduri goods to Baltusia or Kalistan, or receiving goods from the two, Cuernatecas will be the first to receive those goods and export their own goods.

However, despite the strong criticisms that emerged from the delays, there have been support for expanding the railway, should it be successful in bringing wealth, to other regions of Gaduridos, such as Manzamal, which can benefit immensely due to the iron resources that the state has.
In other news:
Liberal Union of Gaduridos forms Youth Group; Despite criticisms of bias, support remains solid.

N&D President Brenner releases Peter Thaller files; A unique direction for N&D.

Aldegar adopts Lourennais Franc; The creeping influence of Lourenne expands.
La Rosa Nacional (The National Rose) is a progressive news outlet, dedicated to expressing a progressive free truth to Gaduridos.
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Elena1012 » Tue Apr 16, 2024 1:39 am

Gaduri MoFA, Alma Pardo goes to Aldegar to discuss "Mutual Diplomacy"; The beginning of a close relationship between Gaduridos and Aldegar?

Aldegar has been a rising power in geopolitical affairs, both diplomatically and economically due to the Aldegar Canal. Being the holder of one of, if not the most important canal in all of Terra, Aldegar has been a rising star in Terra and Seleya. With that in mind, it has come as little surprise that many nations have looked to become more close to Aldegar and for Seleyan nations, getting closer to the spotlight never hurts anyone.

To that end, the Ministra de Relaciones Exteriores (Minister of Foreign Affairs), Alma Pardo has begun a trip to the Aldegarian capital of Ramsāhreza to meet with her counterpart, Mohsen Blourian. With the express goal of ensuring mutual relations between the two nations, the key topics that are expected to be discussed are, of course, the Aldegar Canal, Gaduri Neutrality, the place both countries will share in the Vamaj Network (Which Gaduridos is expected to join later this year) and efforts to ensure mutual prosperity between the two countries. Alongside that, the idea of a basic economic treaty between the two nations has been floated around, to ensure wealth for Gaduri companies and Aldegarian companies in both countries.

For Aldegar, they have learned to strike hard and fast, and regarding the Aldegar Canal have been supportive of the idea of granting Gaduridos near unrestricted access to the Canal, both out of sheer goodwill and because of the proximity of Gaduridos, expecting a lofty amount of prosperity to come through the canal. With a strong potential for economic cooperation between the two nations, it is expected that Aldegar and Gaduridos will only grow closer with benefits for all sides. Not only will this diplomatic visit bring good ties and such, it will be a step forward in breaking the frozen wasteland that in Inter-Seleyan Geopolitics, which has only recently begun thawing as the Seleyan nations have moved to cooperate amongst each other. Whatever the case, these diplomatic visits will bring good relations between Aldegar and Gaduridos.
In other news:
Princess of Hanzen calls for democracy to return to Hanzen; Could democracy come to a land of despotism?

Insurgency in Zardugal; Government reassures "the situation is under control".

Possibility of voter fraud in Beitenyu?; More likely then you think with recent electoral results.
La Rosa Nacional (The National Rose) is a progressive news outlet, dedicated to expressing a progressive free truth to Gaduridos.
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Tayes » Wed Apr 17, 2024 8:08 pm


Sofia Ramirez Selected as Liberal Union Candidate for President of the Senate

Pictured: Sofia Ramirez

The Liberal Union has this week selected their candidate for President of the Senate at the Federal Conference, as is custom for the second-to-last conference before national elections. Unlike four years ago, the Liberal Union is likely to be at least competitive during the upcoming national election cycle. The Party President, Juan Martinez, did not seek the nomination this time following much reported deliberation, but did make it clear that the party was optimistic of achieving a result. The unofficial word from party insiders is that the aim is to at least end the PNP’s majority, whilst finishing as at least the second largest party. There is also cautious optimism for the election of President, though results are difficult to predict.

Ramirez faced opposition, initially from two other candidates, in seeking the party’s nomination. Ramirez was the first to announce, and represents the economically liberal wing of the party, though does also hold quite socially liberal views. Her main opponent was that of Mateo Gonzales, the party’s Spokesperson for Infrastructure and Transport. Gonzales is seen as being further to the left of the party, and is more in favour of state intervention than the core of the Liberal Union. His opponents made the successful argument that his ideological position would be too close to the other two candidates, with Ramirez therefore winning out. Ramirez also initially faced challenge from Xavier Baptiste, an influential city councillor from Riviera, and a representative of the libertarian faction. Baptiste dropped out of the race before the vote however upon realising that he lacked significant support.

Whether she wins or loses, Ramirez has propelled herself to a position of prominence within the Liberal Union, and will continue to hold influence within the party in future. Ramirez is currently a city councillor in Las Vistas, the only Liberal Councillor in the city. Having been an independent councillor before the formation of the party, she joined upon its creation. She is also a former member of the Gaduri Diplomatic Service, having worked at the Gaduri Embassy in Baltusia, and then later at the embassy in Kalopia. She then entered politics upon returning home.

The party has made it clear at this month’s Federal Conference that they will be fighting the next election largely on the basis of maintaining Gaduri’s neutrality. This is on the back of rising global tensions between Beiteynu and Lourenne, an argument which Gaduridos has been caught in the middle of. The party does maintain support of the Vamaj Network however due to economic benefits. The party has also adopted policies at the Federal Conference surrounding the idea of federalism and deregulation of the economy, suggesting that these will be issues that they focus on during the campaign period.
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Elena1012 » Wed Apr 17, 2024 9:46 pm

Gaduridos calls for rationality and peace amidst tensions between Lourenne and Beitenyu; A fleeting call for peace or a genuine shot?

The world has held its breathe for a few months as the two giants of the world, Beitenyu and Lourenne have been in a state of increasingly hostile tensions lately. With no sign of de-escalation, many nations have been picking sides and Gaduridos finds itself caught in the middle between the two giants. To the current Hurtado Administration, and subsequently the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this has been a total nightmare. One that Gaduridos will have to carefully navigate.

To that end, the Gaduri Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been quick to issue a statement calling for peace, and specifically calling for Lourenne and Beitenyu to come to the negotiation tables and be rational with the situation. Foreign Minister Alma Pardo has been quick to make a series of statements.
The situation between Lourenne and Beitenyu is absolutely troubling, yes. Both sides need to, quite frankly come to their senses. No one wants a war. Lourenne and Beitenyu can negotiate and be rational. Everyone here is hoping for that. No one wants a war. It doesn't matter if those negotiations take place in Ciudad de Gadur, Fort William or even Haldor, as long as we get somewhere in peace talks. I shouldn't need to say how badly a war between these two will affect not just Seleya, but the world itself.

With elections being in only October for Gaduridos, the rising tensions between Lourenne and Beitenyu has become a strong campaign topic and with Gaduri Neutrality being potentially upset by the ongoing crisis, Gaduridos itself remains in some form of chaos. Whatever the case, Gaduridos has made it's plea for peace, and is encouraging both sides to negotiate in the name of peace.
In other news:
Yingdala and Aldegar call for peace and rationality; Is it possible?

Sofia Ramirez chosen as candidate for ULG Presidential Bid; Will the Liberals prevail?

Baltusia cracks down on protests; A worrying precedent in the north.
La Rosa Nacional (The National Rose) is a progressive news outlet, dedicated to expressing a progressive free truth to Gaduridos.
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Elena1012 » Thu Apr 18, 2024 11:04 pm

President urges calm and unity amidst fears; Elections only months away.

With the impossible having occured, Gaduridos has been put in a state of horrour as Beitenyu and Lourenne, the powers of Terra are now in a state of formal war. This has sent ripples across the international community with nations such as Baltusia enacting a state of emergency. While Gaduridos is a neutral nation, the effects of two giants being at war is to not be underestimated. President Hurtado, in an emergency press conference has called for national unity and calmness amidst the crisis.

With elections only months away, Gaduri voters want stability and calmness. Many are certain however that neutrality can keep Gaduridos safe from any woes, even economic ones. With President Hurtado calling for Gaduri citizens to remain calm, and promoting national unity, there is some sense of a feeling that everything will be alright, even as the world is set ablaze.

Whatever the case, with the world set ablaze, the Gaduri Republic will have to manage the storm and continue promoting peace and calmness. However, with elections just around the corner, who knows who will have to inherit the problem.
In other news:
Bloodshed in Hanzen; Will the East go ablaze too?

Badara declares war; Potential domino effect?

Kalistan blocks all military transports in the Anato Strait; How will this play out?
La Rosa Nacional (The National Rose) is a progressive news outlet, dedicated to expressing a progressive free truth to Gaduridos.
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Elena1012 » Sat Apr 20, 2024 3:15 pm

Ciudad de Cancon Industrial Sector expanded; Government looks to new alternatives for economic growth amidst the "Hubris War".


As the world finds itself in an increasingly more bleak situation with global trade down, ICBMs being threatened and even the possibility of nuclear war. While Gaduri trade has largely been relegated to the Anatonese Ocean, the nation has still been hit and to that end, the government has looked to mitigate the worse effects of the "Hubris War" as its called, by directly supporting and expanding the Industrial Sector in Ciudad de Cancon.

By expanding the Industrial Sector, combined with direct iron exports from Manzamal to be properly refined after being mined. By directly having domestic refining of Gaduri Iron, not only will it support the national and local economy, it will help affirm Gaduri self-reliance in this troubling time. With local Gaduri being employed in Ciudad de Cancon, not only will it ease concerns about unemployment, it will directly allow the local economy to grow and support the Cancon Economy. While infrastructure on the Northern portion of the island is adequate due to the ports having been modernized roughly 40 years ago, there is still room for improvement but at the moment, supporting the local economy, and especially giving the Iron industry a helping hand can certainly go a long way for the Gaduri Economy.

Whatever the case, the effort to raise the Gaduri Economy, and subsequently the quality of life for Gaduri citizens is a long road, and Ciudad de Cancon may be a possible point to Gaduri development.
In other news:
Yingdala calls for peace between Lourenne and Beitenyu; Will this go anywhere?

Beitenyu issues warning to Kundrati; So much for allies?

The Dual Republic condemns Beitenyu; An increasingly isolated state.
La Rosa Nacional (The National Rose) is a progressive news outlet, dedicated to expressing a progressive free truth to Gaduridos.
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Re: Gaduridos

Postby Luis1p » Tue Apr 23, 2024 1:21 pm

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