
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Wed Apr 17, 2024 9:59 am

The Emperor and Empress-Consort welcome their 4th child.
The Orange Palace today announced in a press release, the "rejoicing of the entire imperial family" with the birth of Prince Arthur, 4th child of the imperial couple of Emperor Albert and Empress Elizabeth (Ersézbet).
21st, November 5470

Rottingham, Grand Duchy of Erneshire - Today, after the announcement of the pregnancy of Her Majesty, the Empress in February of that same year, the whole country was caught in a "royal fever" while waiting for the arrival of the new child of the imperial couple. The new prince/princess should thus see his arrival in the world under the fire of cameras, as was the case for the birth of his brothers and sisters, Prince Charles, Duke of Adlerberg (born in 5460), Princess Alice (born in 5463), Prince George (born in 5467), who all had births that were scrutinized by all the cameras in the world. Many royal editorialists today rejoice to see the imperial lineage be secured with the arrival of so many heirs to the thrones of Luthori, Rutania and Beiteynu. The imperial lineage was quite uncertain after 5 years of marriage between the two lovers and the production of no children. After the birth of Prince Charles in 5460, doubts dissipated in favor of general reassurance. There would be no succession crisis in Luthori. This fear that had developed at certain moments in the history of our country was now disregarded as "a wild rumor" by the Palace. The birth of the fourth child of the imperial couple took place privately at Rotthingham Palace, and it is even said that it was His Majesty, the Emperor who wrote the press release saying: "His Majesty and Her Majesty are very pleased to receive, by the grace of God, a new child within their family, this child named Arthur Philip Antony William Richard of Orange-Villayn-Armstead, born on November 21, 5470 in Rottingham, Grand Duchy of Erneshire is in good health and Their Majesties looks forward to spending a lot of time with the newborn before returning to their official duties. Her Majesty should stay on maternity leave for the next 9 months while His Majesty should return to her duties within 1 month.

The Orange Palace also took a moment to express its condolences and solidarity on behalf of the entire imperial family towards the Syldavia royal family. Because of the recent death of Prince Karoly and his son, Prince Béla and the plight of Princess Adelaida.

The Royals is a weekly editor who recounts life, scandals and information about the imperial family.
Last edited by Robert F. Kennedy on Wed Apr 17, 2024 11:08 am, edited 2 times in total.
Tory Party (Hardliners) - Primary account.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Wed Apr 17, 2024 10:05 am

Palace remains silent on the death of Meleh Gabriel.
The Orange Palace and Moreshet Palace were noted to have remained silent in the face of accusations from the sister of the former Meleh (King) of Beiteynu.
21st, November 5470

The Orange Palace, behing the Empress Mary's Monument.

Fort William, Luthori - Recently, an article in the "Time of Eroncourt" relayed the view of the brothers and sisters of the late Meleh (King) of Beiteynu, Gabriel, belonging to the Orléans-Vasser dynasty. In this article, written by the Lourennais journalist, Jean Bretonne, Princess Eliana of Lucandrine, sister of a deceased king, spoke about the troubled cironstances of the death of her brother. The Government of Beiteynu having addressed only a simple note to the death of Gabriel, saying that he was only found dead at the Palace of Moreshet, without declaring the circumstances of his death. During her interview, the Princess repeatedly accused Luthori and the imperial family of being at the origin of her brother’s death, according to her, it is likely that the OrangeVillayns are involved because the family was in the line of succession and would become Meleh if and only if, Gabriel had no children. This is what happened and the Princess said that this "murder" was set up to satisfy the "imperialist desires of Luthori to Majatra". The great mystery remains however on the fact that Eliana should have taken the throne at the death of her brother, but due to the fact that she was under the voyeurs of the Royal Government of Lourenne after the "partygate", she and her brothers were struck off the succession line at the throne of Yishelem. Letting His Majesty, the Emperor take the throne in his name. The youngest brother of the deceased king, Prince John, said the family did not "stop" until "the truth came to light" about the circumstances of the Meleh’s death. King Maximilian IV and the Government of Lourenne announced not to "support the efforts" of the former Beiteynuese royals.

The Royal Assembly of Lourenne having discussed the article and moved the file to the Palace of Oisy which refused to initiate proceedings to determine the cause of the death of the Meleh.

The response of the Orange Palace and the Palais de Moreshet on this subject was one of deafening silence. As it is in the style of Luthori as soon as an accusation against the dignity of the imperial family is made. The Palace remains silent and it seems according to our information that the Orange Palace has forced the Moreshet Palace to remain silent on this, citing "..a waste of time..." to answer these accusations that the Private Secretary to Their Majesties, Lord Fernee Jackson said, according to a leak by an employee of the Palais d'Orange as being " infamous shit that these idiots consider as evidence...totally ridiculous..."

No response from Fort William, whether from Crown Street, Blackhall or Darlington Palace on this subject is expected. The Speaker of the Imperial Diet and the Speaker of the Imperial Senate having released a joint statement recalling that the Imperial Parliament "did not discuss the imperial family's affairs".

The Orange Palace, Rottingham Palace and Moreshet Palace have all declined to comment on the situation.

The Royals is a weekly editor who recounts life, scandals and information about the imperial family.
Tory Party (Hardliners) - Primary account.
Controller of the House of Orange-Villayn Armstead.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Wed Apr 17, 2024 1:36 pm

Luthori welcomes the Dolgavan Empress.
Luthori extended a warm welcome to the Empress of Dolgava during her visit to the Empire. There she met His Majesty at Rottingham Palace and the Prime Minister and parliamentary representatives at Fort William.
21st, December 5470

The Emperor's residence at Rottingham, where he and his family have been residing since the announcement of the Empress' pregnancy.

Fort William, Luthori - A few months ago, the Empress of Dolgava, Konstanja III visited the Empire on her first visit to the continent of Artania. This visit is considered "not surprising" as Luthori is considered to be Dolgava’s closest ally within the continent, after the lightning fall of Dorvik which has been so far considered to be Dolgava’s most faithful ally on the Artanianne stage. The Empress' plane took off from Aikums to Fort William International Airport. As soon as the plane arrived, it was greeted by the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Lord Malbrough, with whom it could go directly to 10 Crown Street where a reception was organized by the Prime Minister, Lord Derby. This reception brought together several high dignitaries of the Empire, including the Prime Minister, the Leader of the Opposition, members of the Government and the Shadow Cabinet, some high ranking MPs and finally, several representatives of civil society. His Majesty spoke about the alliance between Luthori & Dolgava and how this alliance represented a pillar between the two countries. This sentiment was agreed upon by Prime Minister Derby during his speech at the audience being gathered at the reception. He declared that "...the alliance between Luthori and Dolgava was infallible and held even if the international situations did not go in the direction of peace..." and added that "... Luthori was grateful to Dolgava for his committment to the alliance...". The reception ended in the early evening when the Empress was invited to stay at the Dolgava Embassy in Luthori, located a few steps from the Office of the Prime Minister.

The next day, the Empress was invited by the Speaker of the Imperial Diet, the Rt' Hon. Donald Watterson and the Speaker of the Imperial Senate, the Rt' Hon. Edward Gengrich, to speak before members of both Houses of Parliament assembled at Darlington Hall. The Empress' speech focused on the privileged relationship that Luthori and Dolgava possess, she said in her speech that "Luthori has always been and will remain a friendly nation of Dolgava, regardless of the difficulties in the way.". The speech received a standing ovation from lawmakers gathered at Darlington Hall. After this successful speech, she was taken to a rally at the Dolgava Embassy for a reception of the Dolgavan-Luthorian community residing in Luthori. After this reception where she expressed the love of the "motherland" towards the foreign residents. She went to Rottingham Palace to meet the imperial family who was at that time, nailed to the bedside of the Empress Elizabeth who was pregnant with Prince Arthur. A huge reception and a state dinner was organized in honor of the Empress and was led by the Emperor Albert who expressed his wish to visit Dolgava in the coming years.

The Times is a foreign policy-orientated newspaper, but also commentating on domestic politics, it's editorial view is considered to be fairly centrist but rightist economically.
Tory Party (Hardliners) - Primary account.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Wed Apr 17, 2024 7:50 pm

Breaking: Fort William, Dunburg and Bannerhafen express joint statement about Kundrati’s Hallowtide policy.
After a request in haste from Fort William to meet with the Foreign Ministers of Dundorf and Narikaton & Darnussia, a joint statement was sent by the three chanceries regarding the change of policy of Kasaema.
13th, February 5471


Fort William, Luthori - The Blackhall Palace today announced in haste that a visit of the State Ministers of Narikaton & Darnussia and Dundorf should have in the day at 10 Crown Street, where a tight committee formed by the Prime Minister, of the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and the Secretary of State for Artania should receive the two foreign emissaries. For this visit, there was no visit of the two foreign emissaries to the Orange Palace or - at that time - Rottingham Palace, to meet the Emperor and exchange some words with him. No, this time the foreign ministers were received directly on the tarmac of Fort William International Airport by the PM himself and accompanied to 10 Crown Street. After their arrival in the spotlight, the five personalities came together to talk about a common policy in relation to the recent announcements by Kasaema on a patrol of all the waters of Artania by their navy on Hallowtide Day. While discussions that were classified as "secret defense" by the government continued, the Prime Minister’s Office announced that an emergency press conference would follow talks. After more than 3 hours of negotiations that were considered quite "tense" via votes in Crown Street, the three highest ministers representing their country: Lord Derby (PM) for Luthori, Mr. Fittkau (FM) for N&D and finally, Ms. Bechtholdt (FM) for Dundorf came in front of the podium to express themselves.

During this press conference, the three economic powers of the continent announced their opposition to Kundrati’s current policy at this very moment. Mr. Fittkau even condemned Kundrati to "compel the smallest nations of the continent to comply with their demands". The Dundorfian Foreign Minister expressed the risk that Kundrati took with this "possible escalation" from a "localized conflict" to a "global conflict", Prime Minister Derby named the two points on which the three countries were not satisfied with the conduct of Kundrati, in the first place he confirmed that Kundrati had not prevnu one of the three powers of their move - the Prime Minister adding that "they are just excepting us to follow them...", second, even though Luthori has not yet issued a statement on the situation in the Sea of Lost Souls, the Prime Minister deemed "worrying" that the conflict be exported here to Artania. The three powers exorcised Kundrati to stop these controversial actions immediately.

The Times is a foreign policy-orientated newspaper, but also commentating on domestic politics, it's editorial view is considered to be fairly centrist but rightist economically.
Tory Party (Hardliners) - Primary account.
Controller of the House of Orange-Villayn Armstead.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Thu Apr 18, 2024 4:46 pm

Breaking: Luthori holds emergency meeting with Aldegar, Baltusia and Gaduridos.
The Foreign Office of Luthori issued a joint statement with the chancelleries of Aldegar, Baltusia and Gaduridos on the situation in the Sea of Lost Souls, while the possibility of a third and final Azhara (Warning) is increasingly likely.
13th, July 5471


Fort William, Luthori - In the style of the express arrival of the foreign ministers of Dundorf (Ms. Bechtholdt) and Narikaton & Darnussia (Mr. Fittkau). The Foreign Ministers of Aldegar (Mr. Blourian), Baltusia (Ms. Van Aggelen) and Gaduridos (Ms. Pardo) were convened by the Prime Minister of Luthori, Lord Derby and his government for an emergency meeting on the current crisis at Lost Souls Sea level. The three ministers arrived at Fort William on their designated domestic aircraft with 20 minutes between each arrival, upon arrival at the tarmac at Fort William International Airport, they were greeted by a representative of Luthori and - not the Foreign Secretary - who was already at 10 Crown Street discussing the details of Luthori’s position with the Prime Minister. Their arrival was scrutinized by the media present at 10 Crown Street, the majority maintaining a climate of fear in the face of what could be the first major world conflict in two millennia. After the two-hour meeting, here is the statement that came out:

The governments of Aldegar, Gaduridos, Baltusia and Luthori, gathered today after an emergency meeting on Crown Street, are calling today, together with the loosening of tensions in the Sea of Lost Souls. The governments of these countries, gathered, call for the continuation of the dialogue between Eroncourt and Yishelem in order to allow a peaceful resolution of these tensions. Governments agree with Ramsāhreza, Ciudad de Gadur and Tian'an’s call for a summit to try to mediate recent tensions between the Yeudi Homeland and the United Kingdom.

The Times is a foreign policy-orientated newspaper, but also commentating on domestic politics, it's editorial view is considered to be fairly centrist but rightist economically.
Tory Party (Hardliners) - Primary account.
Controller of the House of Orange-Villayn Armstead.
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Re: Luthori

Postby hopesfor2 » Thu Apr 18, 2024 5:32 pm

The Progressive Tribune
The Progressive Tribune is a newspaper focusing on the political events at Luthori. Its editorial view is fairly centrist on economics but leftist socially.
Mass protests organized in Fort William

Hunderds of thousands of protesters rallying against corporate lobbying and corruption in Fort William.

20th July 5471

The corporate lobbying scandal in the Imperial Senate involving two senators who were acting in the Senate according to the interests of the corporate group Luthorian Employer's Association has sparked widespread public outrage and some small-scale protests accross Luthori demanding accountability and reform. However, after one year of constant small-scale protests, public outrage escalated and mass protests erupted this month as hunderds of thousands of citizens gather in the streets to demand change, and call the government as well as establishment political parties, such as Tories and Labour, for action against corruption and corporate influence within the political system, with around five hunderd thousand protesters gathering in the streets in mass protests against corruption and lobbying. The protests were sparked by mainly the Senate lobbying scandal, but also, the clearing out of environmentalist sit-in protests against the opening of a semiconductors factory by the private company in Invergn in Norhampton by the police, added to the public outrage and sparked resentment among many groups, such as the environmentalists who were outraged by like-minded environmentalists facing clearing-out for organizing sit-in protests, but more importantly the democratic socialists, who share most of their concerns and outrage with the environmentalists and many of them are also members of the Labour Party particularly its Hard Left faction, the most radical faction of the party, giving them more influence over politics compared to the environmentalists therefore making them more important in the protests. The perceived undue dominance of right-wing trade unions over the Luthorian labour movement as well as the proposal in the Invergn factory being seen as way too favorable to the employers sparked further resentment and mass mobilization.

These protests are the ones that are most massive since 5372, when mass protests led to the fall of the CDU-FF coalition and a political crisis which culminated in subsequent political changes leading to a period of stability in politics, with the exception of 5427 when protests against conscription erupted and resulted in the cancellation of a controversial act which would completely criminalize conscientious objection. In difference with 5372, these protests are not sparked by a perception of authoritarian tendencies or regressive policies but rather a corporate lobbying scandal and the clearing out of environmentalist sit-ins, however, in similarity with 5372, these protests also involve various social and political groups such as the environmentalists, socialists, Hard Left faction of Labour, civil society organizations, non-partisan protesters who are protesting due to their concerns over corruption, and many other involved groups. Various slogans were used by the protesters, with the notable ones being "You can clear out protesters, but you can't clear out ideas!", "We will stand by the environmentalists who were protesting against destroying of the environment!", "Keep supporting corporations who destroy the environment! We will defend the environment both against you and the corporations!", "No more corporate lobbying in our parliament! We want representation not lobbying!", "We can't afford a corrupt system, we are the people!", raising concerns over corruption, corporate lobbying, environmental degradation, and many others. The protests sparked renewed debate over issues such as environmental issues, corporate lobbying, political corruption, and many others, and they mark the first massive protest movement in almost one century, the outcome of the protests will depend on the reactions of the political establishment to them in general and we hope that the concerns raised by the protesters will be addressed.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Fri Apr 19, 2024 10:25 am

Lord Derby makes speech in Tory Party’s Annual Conference.
The leader of the Tory Party and the Prime Minister, today at the annual Conservative conference, in front of a crowded room, gave a speech that many party members and editoralists have described as "very patriotic"
1st, December 5471


Fort William, Luthori - Today was the third and final day of the annual conference of the Conservative and Nationalist Party or also known as the Tory Party. The two preceding days were opened by a speech by one of the influential members of the government, such as the Foreign Secretary or the Leader of the Imperial Diet, who both called for calm and common unity during these "hard times" for Luthori. The conference was dominated by the current Beiteynu-Lourennais war and the corruption scandal in the Imperial Senate, which although dominated the minds of the conference members, this state of mind was not translated into their speech, whether it was in the speech of the Leader of the Imperial Senate, Lord Babington, or in the speech of the Tory Party’s Whip in the Imperial Senate, Lady Stingham, who, on the other hand, congratulated both of their chambers for being the guarantor of the "millennial institutions" governing our country. The majority of the speeches were anyway oriented towards the dilapidated situation that Luthori is confronted with at the beginning of the war between Yishelem and Eroncourt. The Prime Minister’s Office has been skeptical about the Prime Minister’s coming to the conference in recent months, because he had to manage a rather delicate international political situation. But, with the third Azhara (Warning) being given by the Rosh HaMemshala (Prime Minister of Beiteynu) Patrick Jacobstone and the beginning of the fighting between Lourenne and Beiteynu in the Sea of Lost Souls and the probable entry into war of Baltusia in favor of Beiteynu. It was proclaimed by the Office of the Prime Minister that he would speak at the Conservative conference in the end of the year, to express his views on what this war would bring to Luthori and whatwhat the government could do to manage the sure fallout this war would bring to Luthori.

The Prime Minister arrived from Darlington Palace after a historic closed meeting of Parliament, as being the first closed meeting ordered and approved by the Speaker of the Imperial Diet for millennia, normally all meetings of the Imperial Diet are broadcast to the public via the parliamentary television channel. The Prime Minister, Lord Derby arrived at the meeting room where he was greeted by the President of the Conservative Party Congress and the Chairman of the Conservative Party (not the Leader, who is Lord Derby himself). After a few minutes of handshaking and discussions with the Party’s main leaders, the PM was engrossed in the Williams Room, where party activists and members had gathered to listen to the Party Leader’s words. The Prime Minister arrived on the podium, greeted the crowd who had gathered to see him and said:

Dear colleagues, dear members of the party, dear activists and fellow citizens,

It has happened. Everything we feared for the last few months has happened. Two of our closest allies, Lourenne and Beiteynu have now entered an open war in the seas and air because of their differences at the Sea of Lost Souls, off Seleya. The Government of Her Majesty, which I have the honour to preside over on behalf of Her Majesty, has always - and I say - always been on the side of peace and reason in the face of the Béllicist desires of both sides. We have put in place several measures to try to preserve peace between the two nations. We sent notes to Eroncourt and Yishelem to set up a summit to try to preserve peace between the two nations. But it seems that both nations don’t want to know. They are in their most total hubris threatening to drag the world into war, and we are powerless to stop them in their march.

I would like to say, my dear compatriots, that the coming months and years will be hard for our economy, for our lifestyle. It is likely that the market will collapse in the coming days, but I can assure you that the imperial government is preparing for this eventuality by already preparing a backup plan for our economy to put it back on the wheels of success as soon as possible. But today, I can assure you that the government continues to work to ensure that the effects of the looming crisis are the least possible for our nation. But today, we have a duty. We have seen how a biplane world can drag the world to ruin. We now have a mission as Luthorian, to create an alternative to these two powers. Some people might say that we have already reached that goal, but I doubt that, we must now solidify our place among the great powers, whether it be through our economic, military, cultural and many other areas. At the end of the Eree Albertan, our descendants must reflect on this era, and see it as an era of success and not of failure. And it is by working together that we can achieve this.

The Daily Mail is a conservative-orientated newspaper, favorable to the Conservative Party, describing international or national politics.
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Controller of the House of Orange-Villayn Armstead.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Fri Apr 19, 2024 1:42 pm

The Fort William Stock Exchange drops.
The Fort William Stock Exchange, Luthori’s highest financial institution, saw a big decrease in value following the proclamation of war between Luthori’s two biggest trade partners, but did not collapse to the worst level thanks to the PM’s recent speech, who said the government would do anything "to protect the economy..."
21st, December 5471


Fort William, Luthori - It’s okay, the Governor of the Fort William Stock Exchange announced it as soon as the bell rang on Monday to signify the opening of operations within the Fort William Stock Exchange. According to leaks that were reported to us by employees of the Fort William Stock Exchange, the Governor said that 'this day will be one of the worst in the history of the Stock Exchange"And it seems that he was right, because now, at the closing of the stock exchange, it seems that it has lost 45% of its initial value. The Prime Minister and the Secretary of State for the Economy promised a rapid and "effective government response"However, it is likely that the Stock Exchange will continue to feel the effect of this crisis, all because of the share of trade with Beiteynu and Lourenne in Luthori’s external trade.

This crisis is already known as the "Hallowtide Crisis" or the "Albertan Economic Crash"

The Daily Mail is a conservative-orientated newspaper, favorable to the Conservative Party, describing international or national politics.
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Re: Luthori [Senate Corruption Scandal - Aftermath] [IP]

Postby Robert F. Kennedy » Fri Apr 19, 2024 4:30 pm

The Weekly Telegraph
The Weekly Telegraph is a liberal newspaper, describing international or national politics. It promotes constitutionalism and fair journalism by not receiving any money from great groups, except its readers.
Senate launches investigation committee over corporate lobbying and corruption in Parliament.
Fort William Edition | Luthori | 4th January 5471

Abstract - In the aftermath of the fallout coming from the recent corruption scandal within the Imperial Senate, the Senators have recently voted to create a special committee tasked specifically with rooting out corruption and investigate into corporate lobbying.

In a surprise move, a law was put to debate by both the Leader of the Imperial Senate, Lord Babington (Tory), and the Shadow Leader of the Imperial Diet, this proposition of law was about the creation of a trans-parliamentary committee, composed by both Members of the Imperial Diet (MID) and Members of the Imperial Senate (MIS) choosed by their peers to represent both houses in that committee which will be composed of only 20 persons, all of which must be sitting Members of Parliament (MPs) to consider seating in this new committee. The membership of this committee will be divided up this way: 10 Member of the Imperial Diet, and 10 Members of the Imperial Senate would compose this committee that is going to chair by two co-chair, one coming from the Diet and the other from the Senate. These co-chairs will be elected by their peers within the Committee in an secret ballot election and will, cojointly, lead the efforts of this special committee. The Prime Minister, Lord Derby, congratulated the efforts of both the Government and of, surprisingly, the Official Opposition for this comittement at rootting out corruption of within the Luthorian political system. He offered the help of the Prime Minister's Office and of the Cabinet Office if anything that the government had was necessary for the Committee's work.

This special committee, created by the Imperial Parliament would be handling matters related to corruption and corporate lobbying into the Houses of Parliament, and give a detailed report of what should be done about that matter in the legislative level. Recent polls have been more supportive of this committee in the last few days, with over 71 % of the Luthorian population being favorable to the establishment of that said committee to investigate into the MPs to find any trace of corruption in their work. Many people think this will bring more accountability to the Members of Parliament.
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Re: Luthori

Postby Might 123 » Fri Apr 19, 2024 5:06 pm

The Movement: The Liberal National Group leader, David Alexander, declares war on political corruption and calls for legislation against corruption at Hence Square, Fort William.

January 2nd, 5472


Fellow Luthorians, Today, I stand before you with a hardened heart. Our beloved city has seen many unhappy, saddened and enraged people take to the streets to show anger and frustration against the terrible but sadly common plague of corruption, and for far too long you have been subject to it my friends. As leaders, we have to make sure that the trust between us and citizens isn't betrayed by politicians lining their own pockets at the expense of the people they were elected to serve. This type of corruption has poisoned our society, eroding the very foundation of our democracy. It has led to a decline in trust in our institutions, and a sense of hopelessness among our citizens, however my friends, I believe that we can overcome this darkness. We can restore integrity to our government and bring about a new era of prosperity and justice for all. The first step is to expose the truth where lies lie. We must shine a light on the corrupt practices that may become too common in our country. We must hold those responsible to account, no matter how powerful they may be. We must also work together to create a new political culture in Luthori. A culture based on transparency, accountability, and service to the people. This will not be easy, but I believe that with your help, we can make Luthori a nation that we can still be proud of. We must legislate and pass laws to help eradicate corruption in our society and of our public officials.

Firstly we the Liberals seek to empower local constituents by providing them with the ability to initiate the recall of their MID if they have broken the ministerial code, through a transparent and democratic petition process and we will look to propose a bill to the Diet that would introduce this into law in the near future, we must also protect whistle blowers in law providing the information they bring, was obtained legally, or of not obtained legally then they must bring forward information of great interest and important as long as it doesn't interfere with national security.

Most Importantly limiting campaign contributions from lobbyists and lobbying entities is a crucial step in reducing the influence of money in politics and ensuring that elected officials prioritize the interests of their constituents over special interests. If we tighten the amount of money that Trade Unions, Corporations, Political Action Committees and others can donate to a politician or even political party then that will help the cause of anti corruption, limiting the amount of cash that parties can spend in an election will also be a fairer deal for the people.

I tell you this is a war, a war for what's right for you, me, him, her and anyone who calls luthori home. Stand with the LNG for liberty and fairness.
- David Alexander, leader of the Liberal Nation Group
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