
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Sat Apr 20, 2024 2:38 pm

Gaia adressing Bunker future residents

the Gaia plan fully activated amidst fears of nuclear war, Aldegar calls for a cease-fire: May Gaia help us...

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. The whole of Terra has been holding its breath for the days following reports of a spike in seismic activity reported in Beiteynu coupled with the deploymentod Intercontinental ballistic missiles Either way, both scenarios are equally frightening with the first one being an outcome that would permanently reshape the international arena the outcome of the war because the potential use of long-range missiles capable of theoratically hit the Lourennai mainland would only prove that Beiteynu is no better than the formally powerful, now dead and fragile, dervish eagle but instead of flanting their wings for the world to see, the Beiteynuese chose the option to become wolves in sheep's clothing successfully fooling the world and themselves by making their entire economy a house of card even after multiple movements such as the Beiteynuese People's Alliance and the Movement for Cultural Revival that seemed to reform the country with the latter trying to break the millineas of neglect of both the cultural and mental wellness sector that ultimately helped reshape the status quo but not reshape it.

As a result of the drastic escalations between the two sides, the Ministry for Robotics and the office of the Premier have both released a press statement, announcing the full activation of the Gaia plan alongside the successful registration of Aldegarian citizens within their future bunker designated locations, as of now 130 million Aldegarian have been registered in the Gaia plan meaning that the Aldegarian population is ready to hide under the earth and prepare for the worst while receiving the merciful protection of their intelligent assistants and AI programs that will help ensure the protection of both Aldegarian and Humanity's knowledge, culture, traditions, fauna and flora alongside the crucial social structure that made Humanity the only specie in Terra capable of claiming victory as theirs.

Finally, as a last hopeful cry of despair and pleading to the two giants, the Aldegarian Minister for Foreign Affairs has released a press statement calling for both sides to point down the barrels of madness and agree to sit down calmly to discuss a peaceful win-win ending in neutral middle ground without the interference of allies that could influence the outcome. He also confirmed that Aldegar's support to Lourenne is only verbal not economical or a military ones and that Aldegar is still committed to upholding its neutral policy even tho now it is officially leaning toward Lourenne but is still open to talks with the Beiteynuese if they show "honesty" in their goals.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Sun Apr 21, 2024 2:18 pm

Niloofar holding a press conference

Beiteynu banned temporarily from using the canal amidst ICBM launches, elections to be held soon: are they trying to kill the Beiteynuese economy?

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. Shocking news came from the Aldegarian Canal Autonomous Administration as the current administrator, Niloofar Tahmasb, announced in a press conference the ban of any and all Beiteynuese ships from the canal including civilian ones as a retaliation from the launch of Intercontinental ballistic missiles toward lourenne that could've have possible harmed Aldegar proper, Niloofar defended her decision by declaring,
The Beiteynuese government, even tho not affiliated to Beiteynuese companies and their affiliates, has shown a level of aggressiveness we didn't expect coming from them especially through the launch of ICBMs a radical and dangerous decision that also showed their true colors to the world, as Yingdalan economists stated, we agree to the idea that Beiteynu is just a fragile house of card with an overly indebted private sector that surinvests in foreing markets to the detriment of their own national market this analysis has also allowed us to see clearly that in order to crumble Beiteynu you must make the bubble pop and finally give the final blow to the collapsing sand castle.
Such as throwing stones in a house of glass, the Beiteynuese have been a major threat to international peace and order especially recently with the Lost Souls war and as such it is out duty to cut the hydra's head by closing its source of wealth because people and soldiers are replaceable but a country's economic future isn't.

Shortly after the ban was made official, all ships affiliated with the Yeudish Neset from known companies like Hadayim, Birco and Petrik Hadayot, etc, seeking to use the canal for commercial purposes have been automatically denied and forced to take another route, they were partially allowed to refuel but other than that no Beiteynuese boat managed to cross the bleu throat, the Aldegarian shipping market on the other hand is taking a massive hit with the share value of Twilight Tides Corporation sinking to an all-time low of 0,23 ACR, a whopping 80% decrease from its previous price, the Ministry for Finance was quick to react by buying massively shares of the company to ensure its survival even tho it's a state-owned one.

Finally, the Aldegarian High Electoral Commission has announced the start of the political campaigning season for the upcoming Aldegarian General elections of 5373 even amidst the Lost Souls war, the battle seem fierce between the Union for a Technocratic and Futuristic Aldegar and the National Coalition for Social Harmony in Aldegar as the former advocates for the maintaining of the corporationist policies while the latter calls for the refocusing on social matter such as welfare and social programs in order to ensure a good Prosperous economy and a happy population while respecting and upholding worker's rights.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Mon Apr 22, 2024 11:27 am

Zahra Tarrokh, the leader of the NCSHA

NCSHA sweeps legislative elections while Parisa secured her 8th term, social reforms expected: Pastel pink tide in the heart of Terra?

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. Amazing news have emerged from Aldegar as the federation held its 8th consecutive general free and fair election ever since the proclamation of it following the toppling of the old Aldegarian Republic, and it seems that the Aldegarian people demand a greater focus on social issues and matters by moving to the polls as the president of the Aldegarian Electoral High Authority, Ciao Lim, has reported a turnout rate of 95% with a near 100% turnout rate in Ramsāhreza, Āzāddeh and Ardeshīr-Khwarrah as the battle was fierce between the UTFA and the NCSHA especially in urban agglomerations and the federal capital with the total victory of the House of the Rose over the federal capital. The official results were a followed,
1) House of the Torchbearers:
Leader: Melika Hosseini
Seats: 35
2) House of the Stars :
Leader: Tao Ai
Seats: 70
3) House of the Rose :
Leader: Zahra Tarrokh
Seats: 250
4) House of the Phoenix :
Leader: Guntur Yohanes Gunardi
Seats: 100
5) House of Radiance :
Leader: Shamsi Hedayati
Seats: 50
6) House of the Restorationists:
Leader: Farzad Mohebi
Seats: 90
7) House of the Sickle and Hammer:
Leader: Raja Ari Indrajaya
Seats: 84
8) House of the Hill :
Leader: Syariel Lanying
Seats: 50
9) House of the Righful Nomades:
Leader: Zhan Yang
Seats: 45

Current Coalitions:
1) Union for a Technocratic and Futuristic Aldegar
Members: House of the Torchbearers, House of the Stars, House of Radiance.
Percentage in Congress: 37%

2) National Coalition for Social Harmony in Aldegar
Members: House of the Rose, House of the Sickle and Hammer, House of the Phoenix, House of the Restorationists, House of the Hill.
Percentage in Congress: 60%

3) The Independents
Members: House of the Righful Nomades.
Percentage in Parliament: 8%

Shortly after the official results were out, the NCSHA agreed to appoint Zahra Tarrokh, the leader of the House of the Rose, as their candidate for Premiership before quickly voting with an easy majority that was accompanied by the Houses of the Righful Nomades, Radiance, and Stars, all voting in favor of Zahra's bid for the Premiership. She then promised in front of the representatives to reform the Aldegarian welfare state and make it a more humane and progressive one that allows for the peaceful co-existence of both corporations and workers as preached in Agatha's and Polina's teachings during the first and second Utopian eras in Trigunia.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Tue Apr 23, 2024 2:36 pm

Gaia projected form during her speech

Gaia mourns the deads of the Hubris War, momerial expected to be built as Aldegar will attend the peace conference: peace in seleya...

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. Following the end of the war with the successful capitulation of the Beiteynuese government, the people of Aldegar have been celebrating this new found peace through their direct participation in the recent elections by ousting the corporatists from congress as they lost 80% of their seats while the House of the Rose witnessed a 250% increase in their seat share making them the largest and most powerful political block. As such, the newly appointed NCSHA government, even tho only 3 Ministers were changed while the others remained in their positions due to their efficiency, has decided to allow Gaia, the AI in charge of the Gaia plan to deliver a speech to the nation and it went as followed,
Dear human brothers ans sisters,

Aldegar and its people have shown the world yet again that it is ready to take drastic actions to defend its own interests such as when we seized Beiteynuese seats and allowed Lourenne to use the canal as a quick way to safely give the final blow to the Beiteynuese monster but we must remain cautious as selfishness and thirst for thrill and influence is a sword with two ends.

Aldegar and Humanity as a whole must learn wisely from its mistakes as to ensure no such crisis happens in the future, I personally hope that Beiteynu will seek to reform itself as to at least redeem its name and keep its institutions stable enough while satisfying the demands of its population but unfortunately my calculations predict that the Beiteynuese government isn't likely to take such path even during the afterwar period. But worry not as this historic war will be registered into Apollo's databank for human history and a mandatory part of its educational program especially since in this war, Aldegar was the closest it has ever been to experiencing nuclear fallout on its lands.

Finally, I would like to thank all of the people officially registered in the Gaia plan that are both registered as future bunker residents and workers that will help ensure both Aldegar and Humanity's survival with its knowledge preserved and cherished.

Shortly after the speech, Premier Zahra Tarrokh has announced the construction of the Lost Souls memorial on both ends of the canal as a way to honor the lives lost in the bloodshed on both sides with equal representation given to Lourennai and Beiteynuese losses, she also announced that Aldegar will attend the peace conference expected to be held in Gaduros alongside campaigning for the adhesion of Aldegar to the NAM as a commitment to peace and prosperity.
Don't mind me just spreading som good old chaos and insanity and sometimes democracy and freedom depends on my mood
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Tue Apr 23, 2024 6:50 pm

Citizens celebrating the new government subsidies announcement

Massive government subsidies and judicial reform announced with a greater focus granted to culture and education: glorious days ahead!

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. Aldegar, mother to Terra's most important canal and the world's most unique cultural and political systems that has made it a standout case for many eyes to both hate and love but it seems that Aldegar is just a gold mine that keeps on giving to the one who seeks it the right way as a way to showcase the nation's unique ideas and traditions that break from the mainstream trends and movements the current Tarrokh administration has announced a grandiose plan set to take effect shortly.

Officially known as the "Floral Kiss for the People" plan, it is part of the Revolutionary Organized Social Emancipation Act, or the ROSE Act for short, the law aims to radically reshape the current welfare laws in the country and also make them more friendly toward poorer social classes that have been historically discriminated against especially during the UTFA that witnessed a historic and growing inequality between the working class and upper class, between the Urban centers and rural oubacks, and between the north mountainous part of the country and the flat southern part that holds the canal. As such, the current administration has decided to hit two bird with one stone by announcing massive government budget increase for Social programs and initiatives alongside a radical reform of the Aldegarian judiciary more specifically the regional and municipal circuits due to the higher chance of unfair rulings happening there compared to the Supreme Court that is known for its impartial and groundbreaking ruling that help model the national law book into a more modern one.

The judicial reform will mainly target rural courts alongside the special Autonomous courts present in the Aldegarian Canal Autonomous Administration that partially operate under the control of the Ministry of Justice, the plan most notable seeks to create the Aldegarian High Justice Oversight Authority that will be responsible of the appointment of Judges and the Constitutional nature of certain rules that could possibly infringe on entity's Constitutional rights no matter their ethnicity or form. Surprisingly, the ambitious project aims to use the Themis program, an official part of the Gaia plan responsible for the upholding of law and order in the bunkers based on a series of requirements to write laws and even discard others if it doesn't help fostering a fair and prosperous society and due to the grand nature of the reforms, Premier Zahra Tarrokh has declared that Aldegar will seek assist from Lourenne to help them make efficient plans and successfully reform their judiciary.
Don't mind me just spreading som good old chaos and insanity and sometimes democracy and freedom depends on my mood
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Wed Apr 24, 2024 6:12 pm


8th edition of the Maskival held, guest of honor being Aldegar and start of the cultural Renaissance: Dance and chant!

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. To the suprise of many the 8th edition of the Rememberance and Progress Festival also known as the Maskival has been officially held with an unexpected twist to the festival's entire planning and pong teased guest of honor being up to speculation as small sneakpeaks of the official invite letter being shared across social media and newspapers, but many expected it to be lourenne or even Yingdala to be the honored guests given the extremely formal form of the letter especially since the letter emphasized on the guest's "undeniable right to partake in celebrations alongside us and share this moment of never-ending hapiness".

The announcement of the 8th Maskival edition was unlike any other as all TV channels and radio stations broadcasted at the same time the Aldegarian National anthem before a televised speech held at an unknown location showcased all 12 different Show Masters of the Masked Fools Society from Father and Mother to Fùshé Dé and Nymphea, all were present in a single room alongside two other guests known as Empress and Fashionista before they all calmly announced that Aldegar and its people are this edition's special guest of honor. Then, all show masters took turns thanking the Aldegarian people for their hardwork in improving the nation and making it one of Terra's most prosperous places, a dream they couldn't believe was achievable under any circumstances but they also thanked the people for trusting them during the transitional period following the Water Lilly Revolution alongside their unwavering support to the society through the use of associations and organized works that helped showcase their dedication to maintaining a peaceful Aldegar.

Finally, all show masters declared the start of the Aldegarian Renaissance, a period of cultural and intellectual prosperity that shall benefit the nation for the centuries to come with the Society directly funding expansion plans for Aldegar's top universities and allocation of reserves to local Aldegarian cultural associations that are already receiving funds from the recent Floral Kiss for the People plan which is part of the ROSE Act, an extensive and revolutionary reform of the country's political and economic institutions aimed at turning tbe focus from corporations to the softer and more humane welfare state.
Don't mind me just spreading som good old chaos and insanity and sometimes democracy and freedom depends on my mood
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Thu Apr 25, 2024 7:47 pm

inside of the Yasaman palace where the former shah used to live

Search for the Shahnazid heirs started following a referendum, the FRHRC officially created: return of the millineas old kingdom?

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. Unexpected news have came from Aldegar as the presidency authorized the holding of a referendum concerning the Search for a member of the dead and gone Shahnazid that used to rule the country from 1513 to 2042 before being overthrown in a violent revolution in which the republic was proclaimed and ending the centuries of royal rule without instances of royal governments managing to survive for the next millineas and centuries. So the approval of the presidency concerning the holding a referendum came as a suprise knowing that no previous president willingly allowed for the rise of monarchism within Aldegarian politics without facing major crackdowns and persecutions fearing the end of fhe republic and the eventual return of the old rulers.

The referendum was specifically requested by the House of the Restorationists to the current Tarrokh administration due to their key role in the current National Coalition for Social Harmony in Aldegar government that was elected recently and caused a Pastel pink tide to happen across the country alongside the unexpected 15% increase in voting share for the House of the Restorationists making them the third biggest house closely outnumbered by the House of the Phoenix by a tiny 10 seats margin which has allowed them to rise in prominence and thus their voice became more loud in Congress especially their pro monarchy calls coupled with bills trying to allow the legalization of royal traditions being proposed but dying immediately on the spot.

Shortly after the referendum approval was made, the Aldegarian Electoral High Authority held a national referendum for the People to decide whether or not the government should allow for the official search for a Roy Heir, surprisingly the referendum passed with 53% voting in favor of searching for an Heir while 30% voted against it and 17% handed blank votes meaning that they ate uncertain. As the official results were made public the representatives of the House of the Restorationists quickly proposed a bill forming the Federal Royal Heir Research Commission, an official government authority responsible for the search of any rightful Heir to the old royal dynasty through the use of official DNA data banks owned by the government and historic records that could potentially help narrow the search down.

Finally, Gideon Rumasingap, a doctor in the field of the Aldegarian royal history at the High University of Humanities of Ramsāhreza, was appointed president of the commission before he quickly made public that royal candidates will be up to vote for the People to choose between which one is the most fitting to rule the country and then another referendum will be held concerning the re-establishment of the monarchy but royal traditions and customs will be restored and fully respected in co-existence with the federal government if the outcome of the referendum is in the disadvantage of the monarchists.(OOC: I'm trying to copy the system that was used during the first Chinese republic in which the Qing were allowed to continue their titles and customs and even reside in the forbidden city in co-existence with the republican government.)
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Sun Apr 28, 2024 12:24 pm


Mass arrest of politicians and corporate executives part of a widescale corruption scheme, immunity lifted from all politicans: a not so blind justice...

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. Shocking and groundbreaking announcement from the Ministry of Justice has announced the mass arrest of multiple former Ministers of the old Meng Koliyan administration alongside hundreds of corporate executives and leaders, from the former minister for social programs and Healthcare to the former speaker of the Aldegarian Corporate Council, all were arrested in the dead of the night following police raids on the property of some of the persons involved alongside an ordnance of the Aldegarian Central Bank forcing the Megacorps stars to comply with the investigation alongside threats of retaliation if they try to destroy evidences.

In addition, president Parisa and premier Zahra with the approval of the Constitutional Council have lifted parliamentary immunity on all politicians member of any and all political, legislative, or executive institutions including the judicial branch following reports of judges from the Supreme Court accepted bribes during undertable meetings between them and multiple corporate executives, same goes for the former Minister for Transportation which personally appointed a company close to him as the main supplier for the Aldegarian Unity Highway East which would explain the lack and delaying of this side of the highway that is falling behind when compared to its Western side.

Finally, the Supreme Court was dissolved with the Aldegarian High Justice Oversight Authority taking over temporarily while the investigation is ongoing, the Administrator of the ACAA Niloofar releasing a press statement declaring her support to the investigation alongside the full cooperation of the Autonomous Administration in regards to any matters requiring the involvement of investigators within its borders. It seems that the new administration is hellbent on hunting down all corrupt individuals just like predators now turned prey the former glorious Techno-corporatist government was everything but a major farce that was rotting from the inside.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Mon Apr 29, 2024 5:46 pm

The Ramsāhreza - Bandar-e Shāh line also known as thd Shahdom line

Nationwide railway expansion announced amidst corruption trials, 3 candidates for shahdom found: foreshadowing??

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. The Ministry for Transportation and Railway management has released a press statement announcing the expansion of the Alweb project to also include a massive and nationwide extension of the already existing railway network existing within the nation. The announcement came after a recent statement from the Palace of Javaneh stating Aldegar's eagerness to contribute to a pan-seleyan railway connecting all Tukarali, Gaduridos, Baltusia, and Kalistan alongside ensuring countless economic benefits to all participating countries. The current NCSHA government has been a vocal supporter of any and all pan-seleyan initiatives with rumors running about the potential adhesion of Aldegar to the Non Aligned Movement as a token of their neutrality in international affairs.

In addition, the railway extension program officially known as the Pan-Seleyan Railway in Aldegar will include the restoration of the Ramsāhreza - Bandar-e Shāh line connecting the northeastern border city to the federal capital also known as the Shahdom lie due to its name including the title of shah alongside being considered one of the vocational locations for the old royal dynasties, the Ramsāhreza - Sāhebnazar line also known as the Litoral line due to the official path of line edging the Aldegarian coatline before sopping at the northwestern border city of Sāhebnazar. The end goal of the project is to successfully connect the Tukarali and Aldegarian railway network as part of a pan seleyan initiative kickstarted by Kalistan.

Finally, the president of the Federal Royal Heir Research Commission, Gideon Rumasingap, has made it public that 2 people and 1 dynasty have been found to be related to the previous royal dynasties that ruled Aldegar with Temulun Abagai, a nurse working at the Saint Maria Hosian Hospital in Ramsāhreza being related to the Shahnazid dynasty in a third degree, and Peng Xun a political science professor at the Āzāddeh University of Administration related to the Pamneva dynasty at an unknown degree but papers do back her case even tho she didn't officially file for it. The current dynasty rulling the country of Yingdala has also been identified as a righful Heir to the previous dynasties because of their extensive history of marriages between the two nations, the Commision has sent an official letter to the Son of Heaven to decide the dynasty's claim to shahdom personally while still respecting the Aldegaro-Yingdalan treaty of friendship and mutual cooperation.
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Re: Aldegar

Postby Svetlana2 » Wed May 01, 2024 7:05 pm

Inside of the Aldegarian Supreme Court

Death sentence given to all major parties involved in the corruption scandal, monarchy referendum soon to be held: finally facing their actions?

Ramsāhreza, Aldegar. Terrifying news have came to our ears from the halls of the Supreme Court as all the interim judges unanimously decided to thereby give the death sentence to multiple CEOs, former Ministers, and former Supreme Court judges. This ruling was truly unexpected especially since the death penalty is officially abolished under the Aldegarian constitution but the Constitutional Council has allowed this ruling to be announced deeming it "a necessary judgment for the betterment of the country," as such, all of the perpetrators will be executed using lethal posion injections on the 3th of next June. The Court has also given at least a sentence of 30 years of prison to all other parties involved on a medium scale and 15 years of prison to the remaining parties involved on a minor scale alongside one person being sentenced to chemical castration following the discovery of their past as a rapist. The judges then released an official version of the ruling named "Ministry of Justice V. Corruption criminals" that was 500 pages long detailing the entire process of the investigation alongside a justification for the ruling in which they stated,
As the Country's upholaders of justice, law and order, we believe that in order to prevent anh incidents like this from happening again we have decided to deliver a strong message by giving such harsh sentences with us even using the death penalty, but we also believe in the redemptive nature of the human spirit and as such, we will potentially cancel the lethal injections if the criminals show signs of redemption alongside fairly paying the victims of their crimes because, in the Aldegarian law, all criminals are still offered a second chance even if they fucked up big time. But for the rapist however, we will still castrate him, and all rapists, pedophiles, sex offenders, etc, will also experience the same fate.

Shortly after the end of the trial, the court then proceeded to hear the cases of the 2 of the official contestants for the title of Shah following the end of the research for royal heirs and the absence of the Yingdalan contender for the throne, the hearing went smoothly as both Peng Xun, candidate for the Pamneva dynasty, and Temulun Abagai, candidate for the Shahnazid dynasty, have both declared that they don't necessarily care about becoming Shahs and would be happy to continue their mundane life but if the Aldegarian people wants them to become their queens, they would happily accept the title. The Court then announced that the Monarchy referendum shall happen with Peng Xun chosen as the candidate for Shahdom alongside Temulun Abagai as her Vice-queen in case of potential drop out before the coronation, the Federal Royal Heir Research Commission has announced that the referendum is expected to be held on Q4 of next year with the official date still unconfirmed.
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