
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Egelion

Postby Egloomis » Thu Oct 05, 2023 1:11 am


The Push for a New Egelion

The Partido Flandinista Obrero (PFO) is swiftly gaining momentum as it champions a vision for a Worker-Centric Egelion. Under the dynamic leadership of Dulce Gervasio, the PFO is sparking enthusiasm among the working class. In addition to their commitment to workers' rights, the PFO emphasizes the importance of a robust military force and a strong state to protect the workers of Egelion. The PFO champions "common-sense social progressivism," which seeks to uphold the dignity of all working people without veering into what Gervasio has referred to as "infantile leftism.” With the upcoming 5375 elections for Congress and the presidency drawing near, the PFO's rising prominence in Egelion's political arena is poised to shape the contest. Many political observers and citizens alike are eager to see how the party's unique brand of Flandinism will influence the electoral discourse. As the PFO continues to capture the imagination of a segment of the population, its leaders, including Dulce Gervasio and Rafael Julio, have set their sights on the elections as an opportunity to advance their vision of a Workers' State and challenge the long-standing political status quo.

Dulce Gervasio (right) and Rafael Julio (left)

Egelion Military Power Restored!

Two bills proposed by the PFO and passed in Congress have reshaped the Egelian armed forces. Before these bills, the Egelian people had no standing army, no defense industry and no required military service. These legislative milestones reflect the PFO's dedication to building a robust and self-sufficient military apparatus. While these changes have not been without their challenges and debates, they mark a profound transformation in Egelion's approach to national security. As the nation adapts to these reforms, it anticipates a more secure future, characterized by a professional armed forces and a strengthened defense industry.
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Re: Egelion

Postby Egloomis » Mon Oct 09, 2023 6:46 pm


The PFO Wins the Egelian Election!

August 5375


"El trabajo tiene derecho a todo lo que crea!" - the bold words of Egelion's newest political figure, Dulce Gervasio, ring out as she introduces the nation to her revolutionary vision through the Partido Flandinista Obrero (PFO). Gervasio, a beacon of change in a traditional political landscape, has quickly captured the nation's attention. As Egelian politics welcomes this new and dynamic figure, Gervasio and the PFO are poised to bring a fresh perspective and potential transformation to the nation's political landscape, promising to represent the interests of the working class while championing a vision for a strong, unified Egelion with restored national pride. As her victory was announced, she spoke on her vision for Egelion:

"In unity, we find strength; in progress, we find purpose. Together, we have chosen a new path for Egelion—a path that prioritizes the dignity and well-being of all its citizens. Let us walk it with determination, compassion, and the unwavering belief that a Workers' State is a state for all. This victory is just the beginning of our journey toward a brighter future." - President Dulce Gervasio, April 5375

With the PFO gaining the plurality in Egelion's congress, we can expect to see change in years ahead.
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Re: Egelion

Postby Artrod » Fri Dec 22, 2023 6:22 pm

La Voz de Libertaria - 5412

Daniel García elected President of the Republic of Egelion

The newcomer and Daniel García, a former political science teacher of the University of Demar Solad, decided to revive a party in the year 5411 that had been extinct for years and now he is the new president of Egelion. We already know the name of the entire cabinet that will guide Egelion for the next few years. In a recent interview Daniel García defined the steps to modernize Egelion and to bring liberty to everyone living here.

Liberal Democratic Party wins April, 5412 election

After rising from the ashes, the party that dominated politics for a long period in the country's past, won more than 2/3 of the parliament seats and the speaker of the party promised that many changes are coming, and that they will take this chance to improve education, the economy and the social freedom of the country.

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Re: Egelion

Postby Aethan » Tue Apr 30, 2024 9:33 am

Patriotic Stream is born
The inaugural rally brings together more than 50,000 attendees in the capital of Egelion. Is a new political cycle opening?
March 5477

Alexis Adrover, former soldier and leader of Patriotic Stream

Despite intense sunshine during a month of March, the central square of Demar Solad, the capital of Egelion, was packed with citizens. The reason? Attending the launch of the new political platform presented by the well-known conspiracy disseminator and ex-military Alexis Adrover.

Alexis Adrover, known on social networks under the pseudonym "AdroverMilitar", is a 36-year-old retired military man who in recent years has achieved fame thanks to his dissemination of hoaxes and conspiracy theories, many of them debunked by scientists and political scientists thorough the nation. However, this has only increased his popularity, under the excuse of victimizing himself and claiming to be "persecuted by the ruling party for telling the truths that no one dares."

Until a few years ago, he was called crazy, but thanks to social networks his popularity has not stopped growing, and some of his followers encouraged him to launch a political party to end the absolute dominance of the Partido Lariano Nacional, in power uninterruptedly for the last 40 years. With this support, Mr. Adrover decided to announce to his followers that he would take a few months away from social networks, preparing a platform that would serve to launch him into national politics and provide "an alternative to the official trend."

From numerous political circles and gatherings they dismissed what they considered nothing more than "bluster" and "excess testosterone", until a week ago Mr. Adrover once again used his profile on social networks to publish a single message:

"Everyone who wants to come to fight for the truth and promote a true alternative to the official political current is called upon to launch the new party that aims to return hope and voice to our sleeping people."

With that brief message, a private pollster launched a flash survey to analyze the possible voting intention that this new party could have, and analyzed that it barely reached 1%. However, Mr. Adrover had already managed to enter the public debate, becoming the subject of many family debates and current political television programs.

On his social networks, Mr. Adrover did not publish anything related to the party's ideology, which was expected to be revealed only at the launch rally itself. The gatherings were filled with speculation about the party's possible ideology, taking up much more screen time than would normally be dedicated to a party with such a low apparent voting intention.

Today, the doubts have been resolved. Appearing before the population that had gathered to attend the launch of the match for the first time, Mr. Adrover wanted to thank all of them for their "support at this decisive moment."

"Today is an important day because we are going to try to change the sad course that our nation has been taking for decades or even centuries. Today we present Riada Patriótica, the people's party that will defend our interests tooth and nail if the citizens of Egelion give me their support to be able to bring about the reforms that our nation so desperately needs."
were his first words to an audience that was beginning to get agitated.

During the rally, in which nationalist insults continued to be launched, part of the ideas that Riada Patriótica will defend were revealed: a strong militarist and nationalist character, a strong decentralization of the State with the idea of turning Egelion into a "Confederation of States "under the authority of Presidents of the Confederations, and a central government under the sole command of a President who acts as Head of State and Government; in addition to defense of civil rights and "the working-class people", in addition to certain xenophobic ideas that have not gone unnoticed by journalists, but also defense of "national" multiculturalism, in reference to the population of Caille.

There are still two years until the next general elections, and although it is still early, many political scientists are no longer sure to underestimate the strength with which the Patriotic Riada can enter the Parliament of Egelion.
Nace Riada Patriótica
El mitin inaugural congrega a más de 50.000 asistentes en la capital de Egelion. ¿Se abre un nuevo ciclo político?
Marzo 5477

A pesar de un intenso sol para un mes de marzo, la plaza central de Demar Solad, la capital de Egelion, estaba abarrotada de ciudadanos. ¿El motivo? Acudir al lanzamiento de la nueva plataforma política presentada por el conocido divulgador conspiracionista y exmilitar Alexis Adrover.

Alexis Adrover, conocido en las redes sociales bajo el seudónimo "AdroverMilitar", es un militar retirado de 36 años que en los últimos años ha alcanzado la fama gracias a su divulgación de bulos y teorías conspiranoicas, muchas de ellas desmentidas por científicos y politólogos de la nación. Sin embargo, esto no ha hecho más que aumentar su popularidad, bajo la excusa de victimizarse y decir estar "perseguido por el oficialismo por decir las verdades que nadie se atreve".

Hasta hace unos años tachado de loco, gracias a las redes sociales su popularidad no ha dejado de crecer, y algunos de sus seguidores le animaron a lanzar un partido político para acabar con el absoluto dominio del Partido Lariano Nacional, en el poder de forma ininterrumpida durante los últimos 40 años. Con estos apoyos, Mr. Adrover decidió anunciar a sus seguidores que se tomaría unos meses alejado de las redes sociales preparando una plataforma que sirviera para su lanzamiento a la política nacional y conseguir dar "una alternativa a la corriente oficial".

Desde numerosos círculos políticos y tertulias desestimaron lo que consideraron nada más que "bravuconadas" y "exceso de testoterona", hasta que hace una semana Mr. Adrover volvió a utilizar su perfil en redes sociales para publicar un único mensaje:

"Se convoca a todo aquel que quiera acudir a luchar por la verdad y a promover una alternativa verdadera a la corriente política oficial al lanzamiento del nuevo partido que pretende devolver la esperanza y la voz a nuestro pueblo dormido".

Con ese escueto mensaje, una encuestadora privada lanzó una encuesta flash para analizar la posible intención de voto que podría tener este nuevo partido, y analizó que apenas llegaba al 1%. Sin embargo, Mr. Adrover ya había conseguido introducirse en el debate público, convirtiéndose en el sujeto de muchos debates familiares y programas de televisión de actualidad política.

En sus redes sociales, Mr. Adrover no publicó nada relativo al ideario del partido, que se esperaba que fuera desvelado únicamente en el propio mitin de lanzamiento. Las tertulias se llenaron de especulaciones sobre el posible ideario del partido, ocupando mucho más tiempo de pantalla del que normalmente se le dedicaría a un partido con una tan baja intención de voto aparente.

Hoy, las dudas se han ido resolviendo. Apareciendo ante la población que se había congregado para acudir en primicia al lanzamiento del partido, Mr. Adrover quiso agradecer a todos ellos su "apoyo en este momento decisivo".

"Hoy es un día importante porque vamos a intentar cambiar el triste rumbo que nuestra nación lleva teniendo desde hace décadas o incluso siglos" Fueron sus primeras palabras ante un público que comenzaba a agitarse. "Hoy presentamos Riada Patriótica, el partido del pueblo que defenderá nuestros intereses con uñas y dientes si la ciudadanía de Egelión me brinda su apoyo para poder llevar a cambio las reformas que tan desesperadamente necesita nuestra nación".

Durante el mitin, en el que no dejaron de lanzarse soflamas nacionalistas, se fue desgranando parte de las ideas que Riada Patriótica defenderá: un fuerte carácter militarista y nacionalista, una fuerte descentralización del Estado con la idea de convertir Egelión en una "Confederación de Estados" bajo la autoridad de Presidentes de las Confederaciones, y un gobierno central bajo el mando único de un Presidente que ejerza como Jefe de Estado y Gobierno; además de defensa de los derechos civiles y "el pueblo obrero y trabajador", además de ciertas ideas xenófobas que no han pasado desapercibidas a los periodistas", pero también defensa del multiculturalismo "nacional", en referencia a la población de Caille.

Todavía quedan dos años para las próximas elecciones generales, y aunque aún es pronto, muchos politólogos ya no están seguros de minusvalorar la fuerza con la que Riada Patriótica pueda entrar en el Parlamento de Egelión.
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