
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Thu Apr 25, 2024 8:09 pm


Lysergamide releases Long awaited followup to "Time for Change"
Hippie band adopts harder edge as it moves into Alternative

Vrassa City, Duchy of Vrassa
February 18, 5475

Bisque features switches to Alternative Rock for "Bisque"

Vrassan Alt-Folk Band Lysergamide has released their long awaited second album on VDR. The 14-Song sophomore effort shows a band that is growing beyond their original alt-folk roots and adopting a more electrified sound with more distortion, more huge drum fills and more Loud, produced vocals of singer Max Harrison. "VDR has put a lot of effort into making their kind of intimate sound that we heard on 'Time For Change' a lot bigger," said producer Freddy Southern, of VDR. "I think 'Bisque' is a document of a band coming out of its shell and embracing the sort of fan base they have acquired over the past few years."

The new album explores a number of themes, including the prospect of new fatherhood (Harrison's baby daughter was born in December and the song Nico is about his first experiences as a father) to a tribute to an old life lost ("Vera' is an ode to the Bassist's tobacco chewing grandmother, who was sort of a den mother to the band and made sure they always had food even if they didn't have money and who passed away last summer.) There are songs about a variety of human experiences, from neglect of one's own health to a tongue in cheek story about the lengths serial killers go through to acquire new victims, told from the killer's perspective. The newest single from the album, "Life Gives you Lemons" is a blues rock banger that gradually transforms into an instudio Dixieland Jazz breakdown inspired by music the band heard when vacationing in Baltusia.

"We set out initially to make a concept album, but about half way through writing it, we scrapped that idea and just decided to follow the spirit," said Max Harrison. "While this music, I think took a little getting used to for us as a band, it was something that we all contributed to, and kind of is the sound of us jelling as a band. I think that is what makes me love the music we created together here." The core quintet was joined by the studio brass trio Ulysses, Siren and One-Eye on several songs, as well as guest vocalist Amy Carino, who sang a haunting descant on "Dental Decay". "Amy was a real trooper," said Harrison. "It was so hard to focus on that song, because it is just really sad, and I had been drinking a lot the say we recorded, and was dealing with a bunch of stuff and was just... just you know, kinda like emotionally exhausted, and when she sang, like a lot of times, it just made me kinda cry. But she's a professional, you know, and she she just you know, kinda kept it all together, and when I was done falling apart, we just hit it again." The song is the penultimate song on the album and is probably the closest to the band's "Time for a Change" Alt-Folk Roots.

You can now pick up Lysergamide's "Bisque" on VDR from your nearest record shop, listen to KRTVN Radio 1 where they will play the album front to back on Tuesday night at 2100, and check out the second single, "Life Gives You Lemons" performed live on M7's "Live and Loud" last week, right here:

Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Fri Apr 26, 2024 8:29 pm


Dame Smith Recalled from Tian'An
Kalistan invites world to Kaliburg to Discuss TMU

Tian'An, Indrala
August 5th 5475

Dame Diane Smith boards a Commercial AeroKal flight to return home from the Tian'An Conference in Indrala

In a surprise move, Her Imperial Majesty, the Empress has recalled Foreign Minister Diane Smith from the Tian'An Conference being held in Indrala this week. Her Majesty's Foreign Minister was reportedly upset that the conference's speaking orders were being repeatedly flouted by nations who felt compelled to speak. "The planning committee debated for days about the status of this or that country, whether Luthori of all places should be considered a major state or whatever, and at the end of it all, nobody really cared anyway, because they all just spoke anyway. So there was really no point."

The Empress was reportedly aghast by what she read of the proceeds of the Conference. "Her Imperial Majesty looked at the transcripts I had sent her from the first few days of the conference," said Dame Smith, "and she was floored by the notion that great powers should be considered more important, and their interests more consequential than the other states in the world. I got to see a rare side of her when she was reading those remarks, and its not really something I should be repeating in the press, but let's just say, she very categorically, and perhaps, candidly, rejected the proposal on its face." Following comments from other delegations at the Conference which seemed to reflect the Empress' position as well, the Empress ordered Dame Smith to quit wasting her time at the conference and return to Kalistan.

"The Empress asked me to extend personal messages to the Emperor in Indrala and the King of Lourenne," said Dame Smith. "She really would like the opportunity to meet with both sovereigns and think of ways to increase commerce, travel and cultural exchange between Kalistan and Indrala, and to perhaps find a way to meet with the King of Lourenne despite her decades long protest of the removal of Queen Catherine the V. There are upcoming opportunities to begin to discuss visits between these two great nation and our own. I know the Empress looks forward to being a part of those opportunities."

Before departing, Smith also invited states to attend a proposed conference in Kalistan about the future of a new Terran Monetary Unit. This TMU is designed to be held to some single external value, and allow other nations to evaluate their currency against it, to allow them to compare their currencies to one another. "The TMU is needed," said Smith, "because right now, so many people denominate their stuff in LODs, and nothing against the LOD, but the LOD is supposed to float as well, so using that as a single global standard sort of locks it in place, opens our economy to changes made in another country, and doesn't allow Lodamun to fully evaluate their own currency. Other nations have proposed the use of the LFR, but they then denominate those LFR in terms of LODs and we are back to what we were at before. A TMU will establish a single externally valued synthetic currency which no individual government will control, and will then permit correct valuation of all national currencies across Terra. We are looking forward to hosting as many countries as want to come in."

Smith will return home for five days, and then her next scheduled trip will be to Gaduridos where she will observe the peace accord between Lourenne and Beiteynu following their recently concluded war.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Mon Apr 29, 2024 4:12 am


Empress Delivers Healthy Baby Girl
Crown Princess is formally named in public ceremony

Eveari, Grand Duchy of Ananto
October 1, 5475

Her Imperial Majesty Nicolette and Prince Consort Victor welcome Princess Nicolette

The future Empress of Ananto and Kalistan has been born in Eveari. The baby, a girl, was healthy and reportedly as happy as a newborn could be, with all the prodding and poking that newborn babies have to go through as they come into the world. Her Imperial Majesty endured the labor process well and the Prince Consort was present for the labor and birth.

Eight days after the birth, the Empress and the Prince Consort brought the baby to the Eveari House in Eveari, and there before invited guests, members of the Government and members of the Eveari Monthly Meeting, announced that the new Heiress' name is to be Nicolette Amy Ananto, Crown Princess of Ananto and Kalistan. In naming the new Nicolette her immediate heir, the Empress ensures that house Ananto will continue for another generation.

Crown watchers were reportedly thrilled for the birth of the new Crown Princess. The national "girl" pool was more than ₭43.2 million and was divided by 51,235 bets. "We knew it would be a girl," said gossip columnist Mia Walters. "I ended up winning about ₭426 from the 'boy' pool There was a strong move of money away from 'girl' in the last week, but the pool at La Moda held strong, and the win was pretty surprising. By the way, besides all that money, we are also very happy for the Empress and the Prince Consort, and we welcome the new Baby to our home."

The Royal Pregnancy was about the most watched event in recent memory. The pregnancy generated 17 major stories in the Kalistani Press, and four news magazine episodes. The Empress maintained her normal public schedule throughout the majority of the pregnancy, but following a premature labor scare 8 months into it, Her Imperial Majesty's personal physicians advised her to go onto bedrest for a month as they paused the labor. The Empress will remain on light duty for about three months as she recovers from the birth, and then will only gradually resume her duties. While on restricted duty, the Empress has authorized Grand Duke Marcus Yasgar, the Grand Duke of Kalistan, to act as her Viceroy. The Grand Duke meets daily with the Empress in the performance of his duties on her behalf.

While the Empress spends time with baby, Grand Duke Yasgar has asked Her Imperial Majesty's Finance Minister to begin convening a conference to begin to discussing a new Terran Monetary Unit. "Her Imperial Majesty would like me to organize it to begin no later than one year from now," said Duke Yasgar. "We have facilities to host a conference like this at Kaliburg Polytechnic, and would welcome any country that would like to discuss setting a new international currency standard. Her Imperial Majesty is clear: She believes that the time is now to adopt a new international currency standard, and feels that the only way all nations in the world can have confidence that it is not being manipulated to serve one or another nation's interests is to set it as a certain rates and then let other currencies float against that standard. This will provide us a more sound basis for evaluating our own currency, as well as a basis to compare currencies with one another. I have asked the Finance Minister to begin drawing up plans for the conference, and we plan to meet Her Majesty's deadline of one year for preparation."

As the Empire celebrates the new Heiress, Kalistan looks forward to the next generation and the next chapter of Kalistan's history.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Thu May 02, 2024 6:36 pm


Kalistani News in Brief: Chancellor Johnson Dies at age 92
Empress gives birth to a son; Foreign Affairs takes center stage

Kaliburg, Grand Duchy of Ananto
February 12, 5478

Chancellor of the Empire Michael Johnson, Dead at 92

Chancellor of the Empire, Sir Michael Johnson, dies at 92 in Kaliburg

Long-serving Speaker for the Institutionalist Party of Kalistan and Chancellor of the Empire Sir Michael Johnson has died, reportedly of natural causes, as the age of 92. Johnson has taken a less prominent role in Kalistani Politics in the last few years due to health concerns, and questions surrounding his mental fitness for office have swirled around the Chancellor's office for the last two years. Johnson, the primary architect of the restoration of the Empire in Kalistan, was well known as a populist and ladies man, all while enforcing a strict Party line discipline within the Institutionalist Ranks. This discipline was vital when the Republic transitioned back to monarchy twenty years ago. It was also key in moving Her Imperial Majesty's signature domestic policies of fighting poverty, encouraging growth in low cost public housing, as well as key infrastructure improvements in both Ananto, where the long stalled National Rail Lines was built, and where a rail link between Lucid Valley and Baltusia was finally established, forming an important connection in the continental dream of a trans-Seleyan Rail system. The Chancellor also played a key role in the recent war between Lourenne and Beiteynu, as he held the line on neutrality and expanded the Non Aligned Movement. This consequential life thus ended, Chancellor Johnson has willed that he should be cremated and dumped into the Ananto Strait. His sudden, but not unexpected passing has led to activity within the ranks of the Institutionalist Party, who much now work with Her Imperial Majesty to nominate a new Chancellor. There is no doubt that the incoming chancellor will be both a conservative and an internationalist, to suit Her Imperial Majesty's preferences, but there are no shortage of members who could serve as potential candidates if those are the criteria. The Empress gave a short eulogy for her friend and trusted advisor at his memorial ceremony before his ashes were spread to the wind in the Strait. She has otherwise not offered any indication of who her preferred candidates would be for his replacement.

Empress gives birth to a Son, names him Victor Joseph

As she nears 50, the Empress has given birth to her second child. The boy was born in Eveari, at 4:32 on February 1. He is reportedly happy and healthy. Eight days after his birth, The Personal Office of Her Imperial Majesty reported that the Empress and the Prince Consort had decided to name the child Victor Joseph Ananto-Martin, after his father. Little Victor joins his sister who is now 2 and a half years old in the family. "Her Imperial Majesty and the Prince Consort are overjoyed at the birth of their second child, Little Victor Joseph, and want to thank Kalistanis for their observation of privacy as mom and baby bond," said Her IMperial Majesty's personal spokeswoman. "The Empress would like to see the two children become great friends, and grow up together. But, Her Imperial Majesty also would like it known that she is looking forward to being a mother, now for a while. She does not intend to have any additional children." The Prince Consort, who is in his mid 50s already is reportedly fine with that decision, and when asked said he also looked forward to spending time with his family, but does not want to add to it. The child will be trained, when of age, in royal administration but will not replace his older sister, The Crown Princess Nicolette, as heir to the throne.

Foreign Affairs Takes Center Stage

Her Imperial Majesty's Foreign Minister, Dame Diane Smith is in Gaduridos, continuing to attend the peace summit between Beiteynu and Lourenne, while Her Imperial Majesty's Finance Minister is here in Kaliburg, welcoming representatives of half a dozen nations, including Lodamun and Deltaria, to a discussion about the creation of a new monetary regime aimed at creating a synthetic global currency to set a universally converible standard for international trade and sales. Meanwhile, Kalistan is also working with Eastern Seleyan Nations in the ongoing transcontinental Rail Project, maintaining close ties with Lourenne and Lodamun in the AESA, and highlighting the role and presence of both the Non Aligned Movement and ODEN in international affiars. And now, Xsampa, a Dovani Nation looks to be interested in trading with Kalistan: They are looking to source natural fibers like hemp and cotton in Kalistan, and looking for a new market for Xsampan made textiles. HIM's Trade Minister, Gregory Carruthers indicated that a trade like this would be very welcomed in Kalistan. "We see the trade as an opportunity to create a market for our commercial agricultural products, as well as import foreign fashion to satisfy the constant demand among Kalistani's for new colors, prints, and designs. Kalistani tastes are very oriented toward "the new", and in this sense, I think fashion and consumer goods satisfy a taste for change and innovation in our Nation, where other sectors of the market are a little more resistant to change. Her Majesty has asked me to focus on a deal that provides a value for Kalistan first, but also satisfies Kalistani demand for interesting and new textiles from Dovani. She eagerly awaits the arrival of the trade delegation from Xsampa here in Kalistan."
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Thu May 02, 2024 11:58 pm


Lady Kelly Newburg-LaRoc succeeds Michael Johnson as Chancellor
Lady Newburg is cousin to Empress and member of the House Ananto

Kaliburg, Grand Duchy of Ananto
April 14, 5478

Lady Kelly Newburg-LaRoc is a tenured Professor of Political Science at Kaliburg Republican

A distant cousin of Her Imperial Majesty, and staunch Institutionalist Party loyalist, Deputy Kelly Newburg-LaRoc has been selected by the Empress to form the next Government. Lady Newburg holds a tenured post at Kaliburg Republican University in Kaliburg, and has long been an open, but sometimes critical supporter of the Empress. In naming Newburg, The Empress will have a less compliant prime minister than she had with Sir Johnson, now deceased, but will also have a more competent theoretician to serve as her main advisor and her active hand in Government.

"It is with great humility that I accept Her Imperial Majesty's appointment to the office of Chancellor of the Empire," said Lady Newburg in a prepared statement. "I will endeavor at all costs, to me professionally, and to my personal reputation, to serve the Empress honestly, to offer forthright and candid advice on all matters, and to offer her strong, data based analysis regarding any query she may make of me. As the Empress' word is law, we shall carry her will out as she commands, but I shall also strive to give her needed context to any decision she is about to make, so that she may continue to rule wisely and justly. In following Sir Johnson in this post, I step into huge shoes, and I will do my utmost not to bring shame onto this office, nor neglect any of my duties."

Lady Newburg finished her speech with a brief statement about the Empress' agenda, stating that she hopes to continue to improve Kalistan's standing in the world and in Seleya, to continue to strengthen the economy, and to continue to work to improve lives for millions of Kalistani citizens who continue to experience stubborn poverty. She also cleaned house, cashiering most of Johnson's Government, and replacing them all with new, younger ministers. The only members to keep their seats were the Finance Minister, the Trade Minister, and the Foreign Minister. Lady Newburg finisher her first session as Chancellor by placing a bill adding several titles to the Empress' titles to better reflect reality. "Who knew that the law currently said that the Empress is Grand Duchess of Kalistan, and not Ananto? Not I..."

Lady Newburg first came to the attention of the Empress when she was gave a report on the output of state agricultural firms. "It seems that Her Majesty likes the way I presented my data that day." From then on, the Empress reportedly looked forward to Lady Newburg's speeches, even tuning out of a football championship to listen to Newburg speak on the floor of the Assembly. "She told me that she liked my fight," said the new Chancellor. "I was speaking on infrastructure, when some citizens began heckling me. Despite the fact that Her Imperial Majesty was present... I KNOW... What do they hope to gain? Anyhow, as I finished, the Empress passed a note to me telling me 'good work,' you know she was 'g;ad I was on her side' that sort of thing. And when i interviewed for the position, she remembered me immediately."

The New Chancellor, 36, takes office immediately, and intends to remain in place as long as the Empress keeps her there.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Fri May 03, 2024 4:25 am


New Chancellor Places Conservative Omnibus on the Table
Contains protections for Kalistani Workers, but restricts some liberties

Kaliburg, Grand Duchy of Ananto
May 19, 5478

Chancellor is already under fire from some moderate and liberal Deputies

Chancellor of the Empire Kelly Newburg-LaRoc has introduced a new omnibus for Institutionalist approval that has some moderates concerned that the Government intends to take a rightward turn under the new leadership. The Chancellor has offered a bill called "Some Constitutional Changes" which focuses far more on statutory law than constitutional law, and represents significant changes. The Chancellor is under fire now from some of the most leftleaning Institutionalists, who suggest that the changes represent a significant shift off Kalistan's positions in a number of key areas.

"This bill was written in consultation with Her Imperial Majesty," said Lady Newburg, in a press conference following the introduction of the moderately controversial omnibus. "To question these changes is to question the Empress, which is not the business of this government, or this Assembly, if I may be so bold. There are several very important positions in this bill which represent a significant improvement of the law, and a rectification of the oversights of my predecessor. For example: We take a stronger stand on both public displays of obscenity which are notorious in some of our entertainment establishments, and seriously undermine our pretense to be a sensible nation, as well as things like wild animal ownership. A lot of these very small changes have been waiting for years to be made, and now, at the start of my administration, we are going to take action on them."

"I heard what the Chancellor said in the Assembly," said George Meloni, deputy from Lucid Valley. "And yes, there are many parts of this omnibus which I support: For example, my colleagues and I support the expanded child credits in the bill which will life millions out of poverty, the beginning of enforcement of health and safety regulations on businesses, and the nationalization of airports. Those would be programs that the old SP would certainly support. But then she's gone and also proposed things like establishing a bail system, which implies detention for criminal suspects, rather than automatic release, as we have currently, establishing a national police force, and rolling back freedoms to consume certain kinds of media. We don't need a mother."

Others criticized the limitations of allowing foreign workers the opportunity to work in Kalistan. "While we reinstituted some capital openness in once more permitting minority share foreign investment in Kalistani enterprises," said Lady Newburg, "the important trade off was that the Government saw it prudent to reimpose a luxury tax, which has been pathetically low, and has led to some hording of resources in luxuries by the wealthy rather than encouraging their return to the society, and a limiting of foreign workers in Kalistan. The goal of the policy is to discourage people coming into this country from other places like Baltusia looking for work, and competing with Kalistani Workers. While foreign workers had identical protections as Kalistani workers, they competed on a one for one basis, but the money they earned in our economy was expatriated abroad, rather than remaining in the Empire. Her Imperial Majesty felt that this tradeoff of opening capital controls for foreign direct investment, while preventing capital expatriation from foreign workers. It gives Her Imperial Majesty's Government and the National Bank more control over monetary supply."

But opponents of the provision called it nationalistic. "This bill is conservative, ultra nationalistic nonsense," said liberal member Donna Hardwicke, who represents Addisjah. "Kalistan has long been open to foreign labor coming to Kalistan. We think the labor market should be more robust, not less. Without a regular influx of foreign workers, how will employers keep labor costs down, while the NSP is now just allowed to jack up wages because it creates shortages in the labor market? Employers need workers to compete with one another the same as they are forced to compete with other producers in the market: It's the only way they can ensure profitability in the market, above and beyond the tiny markups they are allowed to do from whatever product scarcities they are allowed to create. This is a profit killer!"

While the Chancellor was able to whip all the holdouts into voting for the bill, this controversy doesn't bode well for this Chancellor or the new Government. The Empress for her part has opted to stay out of the dust up, as she is still at home with her infant, but the Prince Consort and the Grand Duke of Kalistan, Duke Neil Houser, both made calls to reluctant legislators to ensure their votes for the bill. "It doesn't look good for the Chancellor to be burning political capital on a bill like this," said Brian Weston, Deputy representing Nevaras City. "We want to work with her, but if she has problems with getting votes locked in on a statutory bill like this one, think of the trouble she will have when a hard choice actually has to be made, and Deputies start worrying about re-election. It could be the end of the Chancellor's ability to get The Empress' agenda moved and then she's a lame duck all of a sudden."

The bill is expected to pass, but votes are slow in coming in. Close advisors, speaking on condition of anonymity, say the Chancellor will remember the trouble her Party is giving her on this bill, and it may sour the relationship between Chancellor and Assembly going forward.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Mon May 06, 2024 7:43 pm


Prince Consort discusses efforts to build TMU, Military modernization
"International Agreement takes time," says Martin-Ananto

Kaliburg, Grand Duchy of Ananto
August 8, 5479

Prince Consort Victor Martin, before delivering Keynote event in Kaliburg

With Dame Diane Smith returned recently from Gaduridos having witnessed the peace accord and a trade delegation from Xsampa arriving shortly to discuss long term trade relationships, the Prince Consort was tasked to speak on the developing Terran Monetary Unit. The Prince Consort, speaking on behalf of Her Imperial Majesty, The Empress, was dispatched to give updates on the progress of development of the TMU, a currency device which could change the face of international currency markets.

"We are at an unprecedented moment in history," said Prince Consort Victor to TV-1's "Hoy" news magazine. "The Terran Monetary Unit, which is being designed in Kaliburg along with delegations from Beiteynu, Narikiton, Lodamun, Deltaria, Tukarali, and Dundorf, is, as we all know, a potential candidate for a new standard of international currency exchange and transfer. It will make trade more efficient, will allow nations to effectively trade on parity with one another, and will set a standard as to the actual value of local currencies around the world. Her Imperial Majesty's Finance Minister, Mr. Marcuse, has created a proposal that we think is workable. but of course, designing something this is not an easy task. There has to be buy in internationally, and we need to make sure everyone's questions and concerns are addressed. International Agreement, as the conferences in Gaduridos and Indrala demonstrate, takes time."

The Prince Consort was in town to speak at an event for the Kaliburg Conference. The topic of his speech was "The Terran Monetary unit will ease transaction costs to international trade", and it was delivered before a packed auditorium filled with mostly Kalistani economists, along with foreign guests being hosted at Kaliburg Polytechnic. During the discussion, the Prince Consort noted that the Empress is open to trade in currency, but just wanted to make sure that no nation was able to gain an advantage over any other nation in the exchanges. "As a Brethrenist, Nicolette believes that you should let your word be your word. When your standard is a country's local currency itself, that country automatically gets the benefits of full convertibility, to the determent of every other country. Long ago, the world order determined that Lodamun would be that currency. I am sure that has led to as many problems in Lodamun as it has elsewhere, because they also lose a certain amount of control over their own currency. Nicolette hopes that Lodamun gains the same tools to manage their currency supply that Kalistan has enjoyed this entire time."

It is no secret that Kalistan has long railed against the Lodamization of international currency exchanges. Ultimately, the complaint has always been that establishing the LOD as the single globally convertible currency made no sense, because that is both a tremendous advantage and burden that is placed on Lodamun, when really, it could be anyone. But Kalistan has long argued against it being anyone at all, and instead has long lobbied for the creation for an extrenally valued Terran Monetary Unit which is free of any one nation's policies, or of random events that occur in that nation. "The TMU will allow planners in Lodamun and around the world to manage monetary policy against an internationally accepted and independent standard which is immune to changes in the world climate. The change may affect a currency locally still, but the standard itself will remain, well, a standard, so the goal posts don't keep moving around and Lodamun can more accurate measure the real value of their currency the way Kalistan can, as we already have adopted the TMU as our standard for exchange and international trade." Prince Consort Victor noted that like many systems and institutions, the monetary system is due for an upgrade. "The Empress has told me on numerous occasions that it feels like the global monetary system was designed by someone who had just enough information about monetary systems and exchanges to build a system which allowed us to do the equivalent of speaking words, but didn't give us any ability to communicate ideas with those words. From the weird voter behavior to our currency system, it seems like the designers knew code, but not theory. Hopefully this conference and other conferences, bring some theory to our systems, at long last."

The Prince Consort spoke about the TMU for a little over a half hour, and then answered questions from the crowd, ranging to finer details of the TMU and how it will affect given local economies, to what its like raising two small children. The Empress reportedly watched the lecture from the Imperial Palace in Eveari, where she was meeting with the Chancellor about the Domestic Agenda.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Wed May 08, 2024 4:16 am


Empress opens annual Vrassan Faire as Grand Marshall
Greets citizens and Announces new Cultural Initiatives

Vrassa City, Duchy of Vrassa
April 30, 5480

Empress arrives at Vrassan Faire and addresses subjects on Cultural Initiatives

Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Nicolette I turned up at the Vrassan Faire this month to serve as the Faire's Grand Marshall. In doing so, the Empress was required to ride in a parade through Vrassa City, and then speak before the gates of the Vrassan Fairegrounds. Following her short speech, the Empress declared the Faire opened, and welcomed more than 6500 fair goers on the first day of the two week exposition.

While the Vrassan Faire, generally held at the very beginning of Spring in the Vrassan capital often has unpredictable weather, this year Opening Day was warm and sunny for the Empress' Visit. The fair features Vrassan art and artisanship, including quilting, embroidery and needlepoint, painting and photography, wood working, and demonstrations of various skilled crafts, including joining, welding, sculpting and pottery, and forging. It also features an agricultural expo that highlights both farm produce and livestock exhibits. There is also several livestock auctions held during the faire, a rodeo championship, and sheep riding events for kids. Besides the rustic events, there are also rides and lots of various kinds of food to be enjoyed. There is a free concert every night, usually featuring two bands, one of them being a major touring band, and live demolition derby, horse racing and pari-mutuel, and a petting zoo. The Faire usually hosts more than 1200 exhibitors, has contests in more than 85 categories, and is visited by more than 75,000 people, mostly from Vrassa and Nevaras, over the two week period.

The Empress also used the event to kick off a new Cultural Initiative. The Empress has asked Vrassa District University to host the Working Center for Kalistani Culture. The CKC will study Kalistan's history and development of its culture, including making an effort to trace the cultural influences loaned to Kalistan from various waves of immigrants. The goal is the create a working and living knowledge of Kalistan's culture, as it is, as it has changed, and as it is always changing into the future. The CKC will have funding to researching specific aspects, will publish a quarterly journal, which will have both peer reviewed and popular literature sections, and will operate a new museum in Vrassa.

"We see this as a complement to the International Music Hall of Fame in Luxon," said the Empress. "Kalistani culture is so diverse and exciting, and has borrowed so much from so many people. Whether it be the major influences of Gaduridos in Suldanor, or the Lourennais Disapora in Dulnerstaad, or the Indralan influences in parts of Odufaray, or the Eastern Dovani descent populations throughout our empire, Kalistan is a cross section of the world. This is something that we celebrate, and it is also something we hope the People of this Empire celebrate as well. Our people are a shining example of a single society where racial and ethnic identities are fused under the Banner of the Empire. As Kalistan welcomes the entire world, she should have it know that ours is not just about music, or drugs, but also about taking the best of the world and offering it to our people, always honoring the source material, but always putting a uniquely Kalistani spin on it. We are so proud of the People of this Nation and their openness to new ideas and new ways of seeing the world. That is Kalistan's role, and it is something our people relish."

The Empress said to her audience that the Center for Kalistani Culture at Vrassa District would open within a new year, and her Minister of Education was allocating more than ₭10 million for its initial capitalization. "This will be a start, but our Ministers for Education and Culture understand that this is to be a long term investment, and it is our wish that the capitalization serve as an endowment to allow the center to run in perpetuity, to train cultural scholars, and to encourage the development and exploration of all the various facets of Kalistani Culture."

The Vrassan Faire runs until May 10. All are welcomed.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Wed May 08, 2024 8:51 pm


Empress issues Strongly Worded Warning to Luthori
Orders Regular Naval Forces in 2nd and 3rd Regular Fleets into the Straits

Kaliburg, Grand Duchy of Ananto
May 1st, 5480

Her Imperial majesty warns Luthori against deployment to Anantonese Ocean

Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Nicolette, in a rare address to the National Assembly, issued strong condemnation to Luthorian plans to send an entire fleet to Baltusia. The Empress stressed that Artanian Naval Forces, especially from a hostile nation, are simply "not welcomed" in the Anantonese Ocean. The Empress emphatically condemned Luthorian deployments to Baltusia, and warned that attempting to sail armed naval vessels through the Ananto Strait would be considered an act of war by Ananto.

"We are not sure why Luthori has decided to adopt this belligerent posture toward a peaceful part of this world, but we wish to make it explicit: Deployment of an entire naval fleet from the other side of the planet to the pacific Anantonese Ocean will not be permitted to occur without response. This part of the world has maintained peace and harmony and has avoided conflicts that association with far away nations, especially expansionistic nations like Luthori, always entail. They will not be permitted passage through the peaceful shipping lanes in the Ananto Straits, and if they somehow make it into Seleya anyway, they will need to have come by some other path. This unprovoked action creates an immediate and serious security dillema for Kalistan, and it is not one that we will accept without response."

The Empress then reiterated that the Ananto Strait remains closed to all non-Anantonese Military traffic, and has ordered the 2nd and 3rd Regular Fleets onto alert along the Northern and Southern Limits. "The brave men and women of the Regular Navy have been given order to refit and refuel in Yoshimi and Swedeport, and are in the process of taking up defensive operations along the Northern and Southern Limits to prevent incursion into Kalistani National Waters by any Artanian Powers. The 1st Fleet in Bozo has been ordered to maintain surveillance on the northern approaches to the Strait, and to assist as needed." The Regular Airforces in Kalistan have also been ordered onto alert, and recently rebuilt Surface to Surface batteries along the Vrassan Coast have been called into action as well. "Kalistan will defend the Anantonese Ocean from all incursions by foreign Imperialist Nations."

As the Empress was speaking, word came out that representatives of Her Majesty's Defense Ministry and the venerable Foreign Minister Dame Diane Smith were dispatched to Eroncourt to consult with their Lourennais Counterparts. The Empress confirmed the trip in her speech. "We have sent representatives of our Government, including our Foreign Minister, to the United Kingdom of Lourenne to act as our official envoys during this period. It is imperative that we have the most up to date information about our Neighbor's plans in response to this pending crisis, and Dame Smith is a trusted advisor with our complete confidence. We hope to coordinate with Lourenne for the peace and security of the Anantonese Ocean."

Following the details of the crisis, the Empress held out an olive branch. "We hold no malice toward Luthori. They can't help what they are. They are under enormous internal pressure, and it has made them international pariahs. While it is clear that they have no regard for international norms or correct behavior or concern for the consequences of the actions of the cabal that claims to run that nation, we want to make it clear that we still wish for good relations with our neighbors in Baltusia. Whatever their reason for accepting the hand of the Devil, we acknowledge it is their right to do so. And as Baltusia is a sovereign nation, we hope she will acknowledge our equal rights to defend our coast from a nation which has, for centuries, only had expansionist territorial designs on Seleya, and which Kalistan has served thus far as an effective check against. We respect Baltusia as our neighbor and fellow Sovereign Nation, and would like to invite Baltusia to Kalistan to discuss Baltusia's security needs, and talk about how Kalistan and Baltusia can partner for effective continental and Oceanic security which excludes Artanian nations from our hemisphere."

Her Imperial Majesty received a standing ovation from the Deputies in the National Assembly. Several of the more conservative deputies were overheard commenting that they liked "this version" of the Empress far better than the Empress at the beginning of her career, when she tended to be seen as something of a "hippy." "Her Majesty was forceful and unequivocating," said one Deputy on condition of anonymity. "I think she is determined, and this is what we have been waiting for: Someone who will stand up for Kalistan. She makes me very proud to be a Kalistani."

Following the speech, the Empress went immediately into meetings with Regular Generals, and began discussing the Militia preparations with Institutionalist Leaders and Cabinet Ministers. Elements of the 2nd and 3rd Fleets have already begun taking up positions on the Limits.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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Re: Kalistan

Postby Doc » Fri May 10, 2024 3:46 am


Dolgavan Empress renews Anantonese Bond with Kalistan
Konstanja III meets with Empress Nicolette during Ananto vacation

Kaliburg, Grand Duchy of Ananto
September 22, 5480

Empress Konstanja III surrounded by security as she visits Luxon Station during visit to Ananto

The reigning monarch of the Dolgavan Empire, Empress Konstanja III recently concluded her visit to The Empire of Ananto and Kalistan. During the visit, which was officially an informal visit, the Dolgavan sovereign met with Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Nicolette to renew an old friendship begun many years ago during a similar visit by The Empress to Dolgava. Her Imperial Majesty not only served as tour guide to the visiting Empress in Ananto, taking them to many cultural sites like the National Assembly, the Imperial Natural History Museum, the National Art Gallery, and Kaliburg National Speedway, but also invited the visiting Royal Family to take a trip on Ananto's maglev rail to visit the Imperial Estate in Eveari, where the Empress treated her Dolgavan counterpart and her family to a formal state dinner complete with various local cuisines from across the Empire.

Following an overnight stay in Eveari, Konstanja was welcomed to board the AnantoRail and travel further to Luxon in Ananto, where she stayed at Pacific Bay resort. While there, the Empress enjoyed days and nights in the warm seaside resort, taking a break from the troubles of office. She was invited to take surfing lessons, went parasailing and snorkeling off the Ananto Reef, and suntanned on the beach. The visiting Royals also took in the Global Music Hall of Fame in Luxon, where they were treated to a command performance of the Vrassan-based alt-folk band Plateau. The Empress also enjoyed Luxon's criminally underrated night clubs, where she saw DJs, local bands, and at least one national touring act, and partied with locals, who greeted her warmly, as they would any other Luxon residents. Most Kalistanis were not notified of her presence, and she was not bothered by paparazzi at all, ensuring that her vacation was without stress.

During her two week stay on Ananto, Empress Konstanja and her family also took day trips into the Xanadu Mountains and to Dahriel, the center of Kalistan's cannabis cultivation zone known as the Gold Plain. She was given a tour of one of the major plantations on the Gold Plain by Jane Delgado, who is General Secretary of the Ananto Growers' Syndicate, and shown the agronomical processes of cultivation of Dah Gold, including germination, plant sexing and transplanting, watering and fertilization, harvesting, selection, and packaging for ODEN-K Warehouses in Kaliburg. Dolgava is a fellow member of ODEN, and Ms. Delgado was happy to exchange information with the Empress, who showed a remarkable degree of knowledge about Dolgava's own processes.

Following her lengthy stay in Luxon, the Empress and her Family returned to Kaliburg, where she was greeted one final time by Her Imperial Majesty, and Chancellor Newburg, who held one final luncheon with the Empress, that included a select press conference with journalists from The Republic and KRTVN Channel 1. Following the Press Conference, Konstanja was transported to the airport where she and her family returned home. She was seen off by the Empress and the Chancellor, as well as a small crowd of Kalistani well wishers.

The visit restored a long standing friendship between Kalistan and Dolgava which formed centuries ago over music and ODEN. The Chancellor reported that she found Empress Konstanja to be delightful and serious, and very curious about various aspects of Kalistan and her people. She also said that the two Empresses share a similar sense of humor and have many points in common on both weighty and less consequential topics. "They got along famously," said Chancellor Newburg.

With the successful visit of Empress Konstanja, peace continues to reign in the Northern Anantonese.
Primary: Institutionalist Party of Kalistan (IPoK), 5146-

Socialist Party of Kalistan (SPoK), 2591-
Hizb Al'Sultan حزب السلطان 4543-4551
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