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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Captain-Socialist » Sat May 15, 2010 1:06 pm

Partition Act passed as the Army bars the Kyousan-tou From Voting
The Partition has been put into effect after the Internal Affairs and Defence Ministries barred the Kyousan-tou members from voting, "peace before the constitution" said Prince Kobayashi Ishida, younger brother of the Empress and Minister for defence.

The passing of the act has enrage many on both sides, here the police of the newly created Imperial Dominions clash with members of the National Liberation Front.

"This is a historic moment, the foundations for peace in Dovani have been lain down here today" said Akimoto Akira to a Taisei Yokusankai rally after the he cast his vote "it was necessary to secure this peace to suspend the Kyousan-tou extremists from their duties as members of the legislative assembly. Yoshikuni the Martyr died for this peace, we must not squander it and fight yet another civil war at a time when the IML has betrayed us. Accusing us without reason or logic of being revolutionaries intent on overthrowing other monarchies. We, of the Taisei Yokusankai, revolutionaries! After all our work to defeat the forces of radical leftism! Now is a time for both of our nations to stand against this outside threat. We are bordered on every side by the white supremacists who have perverted the IML into a tool of Majatran domination."
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Zongxian » Sat May 15, 2010 4:15 pm

Violent Protests in Exarchy of Bizena; Death Threats to High Chamberlain

Suspected Kyousan-tou Militiamen at Protest in Bizena

BIZENA -- Tensions are running even higher this week in the Exarchy of Bizena as Kyousan-tou supporters have taken to the streets in protest. Bizena is a stronghold of Kyousan-tou power; in the last election the party held a considerably large lead over the other two parties, winning fifty-three percent of the vote there.

Earlier this week the Ministry of Defence and Internal Affairs forced Kyousan-tou representatives out of the parliament, effectively removing all voting opposition to the partitioning of Sekowo. The result has been not only the passage of the Partition Act, but also it has been the beginning of Kyousan-tou protests nationwide. The largest of protests have been in Bizena, some turning violent upon the arrival of government law enforcement. Today in the capital of Bizena four Kyousan-tou protesters were shot by police, sparking even further outrage. Rumors exist that some die-hard Kyousan-tou supporters may be organizing into private militias.

The violence on the streets has not just been limited to that location. First there was the assassination of Yoshikuni Riku and now death threats are rumored to have been made by radical pro-partitionists against High Chamberlain Kyouno Kazuko. Kyouno has retreated from appearances before large audiences and her security has been increased significantly. As resources diminish and her office soon to be removed, Kyouno is predicted to have to turn to Kyousan-tou militias for further protection, though currently she remains opposed to militia activity.
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Captain-Socialist » Sun May 16, 2010 7:55 pm

Borders Established as Partition Act is Put into Practice, Widespread Violence
The newly constructed border dividing the Imperial Dominions of Greater Sekowo from the Eternal Harmony and Empire Magnificent of Gao-Sekowo.

Widespread opposition from Kyousan-tou and Taisei Yokusankai rebels has sparked into violence against both the state and ethic Orincos'.

Prince Kobayashi Ishida has used harsh measures to keep public order during the period of transfer. The Prince is now widely regarded as a political liability to the cabinet, which although nominally including Kyousan-tou, is effectively run by a alliance between defence, internal affairs, and foreign affairs.
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby imperium » Tue May 18, 2010 3:23 am

Orthodox Empires United in Opposition to Gao-Showan State

After a year of internecine strife, the Orinco-led Empires of East and West Sekowo have been united under the leadership of the Eastern dynasty. The new "Imperial Dominions of Greater Sekowo" claims to be a multi-ethnic, poly-centric government for all types of Sekowans, but preferential treatment for Orincos continues to undermine this claim. The Imperial Dominions are ruled by Justin I Laskaris, the grandson of Michael III Laskaris, the first ruler of the united Eastern Sekowo. After Michael was murdered by assassins from the Western Empire, his son, Justinian, took the reigns of the Empire. Justinian died during the siege of Khastia, which ultimately succeeded in eliminating the last remnants of the Western dynasty. Despite the efforts of ambitious generals to the seize the Eastern throne, Justin managed to unite the Orinco war-lords throughout Sekowo under his leadership, forging the Imperial Domains in an effort to combat a resurgent Gao-Showan armed political movement.
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Captain-Socialist » Sun May 23, 2010 9:04 am

Election gives Gao-Showan Parties a Thin Majority
The three premier Gao-Showan parties are expected to form an anti-Gaijin cabinet after Akimoto Akira turned against the partitionist faction and assumed leadership of the entire Oathkeeper movement.

Inner Party revolt ousts pro-partition Taisei Yokusankai leadership
Scenes of disorder from the post election Taisei Yokusankai conference, where Akimoto Akira surprised the entire party by siding with the rebels against Prince Kobayashi and Kuroda Shogo.
Akimoto Akira wrote:The partition act was only a temporary measure to reconsolidate our priorities and determine from which position negotiations on a return to normality would begin. It is out of the question that the Imperial Government recognise the Orinco state indefinitely, the time has come to put pressure on them to reintegrate, on their own terms of coruse, but reintegrate they must or face the consequences. Otherwise, both our states will continue to face the threat of International Communism, which has gained a foothold in our nation thanks to the success of the National Liberation Front in the north. There is also the issue of outside aggression, these terrorist attacks are clearly going to be used as an excuse for the western Empires to increase their power over Dovani, even at the expense of offending the great nation of Hulstria, and as such we should remain ever vigilante against the threat posed by the false Emperor Kenji and his Gaijin backers. The only way for us to defeat these threats and restore our nation to glory is too unite.

Orinco Polytheist to be First Non-Gao-Showan Taisei Yokusankai Minister
Ambrosios Hiroto Sophocles Theodotus has become one the first member of the Αυτοκρατορικός Κανόνας σύνδεσης, the Orinco division of the Taisei Yokusankai, to hold a cabinet position. He claims to represent the polytheist community, 'who want nothing to do with the Orthodox abomination called the Imperial Dominions.'
Last edited by Captain-Socialist on Sun May 23, 2010 6:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Zongxian » Sun May 23, 2010 1:22 pm

Formation of the People's Army of Sekowo


UNDARRO - After years of the underground operation of multiple small Kyousan-tou militias, a unification has occurred creating an official party paramilitary. For the early years of the partition, High Chamberlain Kyouno Kazuko lived under the protection of government bodyguards before her position was officially removed under constitutional changes. From since the party's founding, Kyouno opposed the operation of paramilitaries and distanced the party from any that claimed to support them. For the past two years Kyouno has no had government bodyguards, and with death threats arriving weekly, she was forced to accept the help of party militias.

Earlier this year the various independent militias struck a deal with each other and the Kyousan-tou. This deal has created the People's Army of Sekowo, the Kyousan-tou paramilitary. Operations of the People's Army is said to be headquartered in Undarro and for the most part currently operates peacefully.
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Polites » Sun May 23, 2010 1:54 pm

Shrine Destroyed by Extremists
Shinto Shrine Destroyed in Violent Clashes

A prominent Shinto shrine in the Hikhalan city of Heila has been destroyed by the newly formed militia of the National Liberation Front, the National Liberation Army. This happened during clashes with the supporters of the Imperial Rule Association, who were using the shrine as a rally point.
After the NLF gained a stronghold in the Northern part of the country, where mixed race individuals are traditionally dominant, the party now openly seeks to overthrow the governments of the Imperial Dominions of Greater Sekowo and the Eternal Harmony and Empire Magnificent of Gao-Sekowo.
National Liberation Army members

Arthus la Verrier wrote:Using intimidation tactics the Gao-Showa fascists forced citizens to vote for their parties so they can control all of Sekowo. The corrupt and oppressive dictatorships that rule this country have clearly lost the favor of the people and now resort to such cowardly means to cling to power. We never recognized the legitimacy of their imperialist government, but now that they seem keen to subject Sekowans to apartheid and genocide, we shall respond with violence to their violent tactics. The two fascist governments are to be destroyed and power returned to the people.
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Zongxian » Sun May 23, 2010 2:34 pm

"National Liberation Army is a Threat to Peace"

General Ito Lands in Hikala to Visit Kyousan-tou Regional HQ
and Discuss Extension of Peoples' Army Protection

General Ito of the Peoples' Army of Sekowo:
Earlier today the National Liberation Army destroyed one of Hikala's sacred Shinto shrines. This party says it seeks to eliminate the fascist governments and support the Gao-Showa, but clearly they contradict themselves in their acts today. We are disgusted by the NLA's destruction of civilian landmarks and their complete inability to strategize.

While the Peoples' Army is protecting cultural sites and assisting the poorer Gao-Showa in Undarro, the National Liberation Army is destroying Shinto shrines and disrupting the lives of the numerous families that likely used the shrine as a place of peace and a place of worship for their ancestors. The NLA is no friend of the people, instead they are a threat to the peace.

Later this evening I am meeting with the Secretary of the Hikala Kyousan-tou to discuss whether the People's Army should extend its protection to the region. Should we decide to do so, personnel of the People's Army will immediately begin the guarding of cultural sites, particularly shrines, and assisting poorer neighborhoods in coping with NLA and other factional violence.
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Captain-Socialist » Sun May 23, 2010 6:13 pm

Taisei Yokusankai Militia and the Imperial Army to Co-operate with the Peoples Army, Hints at Attack on Imperial Dominions
The Peoples Army of Sekowo will be enjoying the support of the regular Imperial Army thanks to a joint-decision between new Defense Minister Ambrosios Hiroto Sophocles Theodotus and Akimoto Akira to recognize General Ito's Peoples Army of Sekowo.
The poor performance of the Imperial Pluralism party in the last election has also considerably delegitimized the Imperial Dominions existence, with the Imperial Pluralism Party holding not one single regional majority, making it a likely target if the Eternal Harmonies forces are to reach the Northern regions. Theodotus has urged his fellow Orincos to cooperate with the Eternal Harmony voluntarily in order to defend themselves from International Communism.

Ambrosios Hiroto Sophocles Theodotus, Defence Minister of the Eternal Harmony and Empire Magnificent wrote:It is my duty as defense minister to announce formally that in view of the dismal support enjoyed by the ruling party of the Imperial Dominions among the people it claims to rule, that the Eternal Harmony will not regard any objection it may raise to Imperial Forces entering the territory of the Imperial Dominions as valid and it will be considered a threat to the internal security of the Empire. I urge the government, so called, of the Imperial Dominions to cooperate with Imperial Forces in the war against International Communism. It would not be wise to remain neutral in this conflict, or to fight both the Empire Magnificent and the International Communists at once.
Last edited by Captain-Socialist on Mon May 24, 2010 3:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Sekowan News Network (SNN)

Postby Captain-Socialist » Sun May 23, 2010 9:21 pm

Anti-Gaduridos Sentiment Raises after Beeman's Blatant show of Hostility Towards Dovani
A protester in Nineda, Undarro Prefecture makes his discontent known. Nineda, a trading city, has suffered from the draconian shipping restrictions imposed on ships who happen to hail from Dovani by the military dictatorship in Gaduridos. Beeman's insulting and historically dubious claims about Sekowo have only worsened matters.

Bombing of Northern Communist-Controlled Regions Begins
The Imperial Navy and Imperial Air Force are engaged in joint-operations, intended to subjugate the National Liberation Army.
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