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Re: Trigunia Herald

Postby GreekIdiot » Mon May 31, 2010 7:02 pm

T R I G U N I A . H E R A L D

INTERNAL AFFAIRS: POLITICS ~ AS formed, political campaigns begin
December 2946

The newly formed Authoritarian Syndicate comes to shock the multi year lone political standing and course of the 'Molodaya Gvardiya Partiya', a well respected coalition with prominent politicians. It is unknown whether the leaders of the AS will show themselves soon, nor what the party's ideological standards are at these point, but Trigunian political analysts expect the newcomer political organization to embark on a journey towards extremism and total government control. "They advocate, as seen by their first brochures, a powerful militarist nation of the north." Several public figures see the AS as a change in the political happenings of Trigunia and hope that the party will introduce a more internationalist tendency in the legislative assembly, finally pushing the nation to take part in these latest of international affairs that currently affect Terra. How will the party affect the people's views? Only half a year for the next elections, and things are looking pretty hot on the ground.

We shall be expecting news soon from both the party leaders and the MGP's comments.
The Terran Times
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Re: Trigunia Herald

Postby Gracchus » Thu Jun 03, 2010 1:56 am

Vestnik: Young Guard's Lady Hanna Mashkova Leads Campaign Against Corruption

Lady Mashkova discussing the corruption within the Young Guards and the Government

January 2948 - Heinrichgrad, Chadonia, Trigunia

Lena E. Rogova

The verdict for former-Boyar Deputy Fritz Wilhelm (MGP – Tirgith) was revealed by the High Court this morning. Mr Wilhelm looked solemn as Master Jurist P.A. Nikolayev read the guilty verdict and sentence of five years in prison for corruption, conspiracy and perjury amongst lesser crimes.

The trial and conviction of Wilhelm has shed negative light on the Young Guard Party and its nearly 40-year hold on power in Trigunia. Since the corruption charges surfaced, the Party has sought damage control by voicing its intent of maintaining transparency in government and instituted a series of inter-party investigations by the Party’s security arm as well as independent investigators from the Ministry of Justice.

In these six-month long investigations, little corruption or other crimes have materialized but the Party is fearful of its possible implications for the next round of elections.

Leading the charge against corruption has been Lady Hanna Mashkova, daughter of His Grace the Duke of Petrovgrad, Viceroy of Trigunia, who has remained curiously quiet on the matter. Lady Mashkova, a freshman Deputy from Yulrath Oblast, apparently has been tapped to carry out the party’s “cleansing” and transparency program. Through a series of Party and public speeches, Lady Mashkova has outlined the plan to cut the fat from government and shake up the complacent elements of the Young Guards.

Critics cite that the reason for her appointment to this head the Anti-Corruption Committee is purely strategic, as they believe she is being groomed for a further political career by the Party; in which case the Committee is certainly good for any resume.

While these critics have been harsh towards Lady Mashkova’s appointment, they have been less critical of the Young Guard’s reaction to corruption and the subsequent investigations. Even political spin-ster Alexei Panin, from RGB television’s Panin! program, one of the harshest critics of the Young Guards and the Mashkov family, cited on his program that “the investigations and attempts at transparency have been an effective move by the Young Guard and their Hulstrian lackeys. As everyone knows, I am not a fan of these pacifist and Hulsto-phile wimps with their foreign prince and dictatorial political dynasty, but they have shown themselves to be open, which we always hope a party in government to be.”

As widespread corruption has proven to be a red herring, and relationship between the Young Guards, the Government, and the people has begun to normalize, it is suspected that while the Party has survived, albeit with a black eye, it has created a new and future star in the beautiful, and now seemingly formidable, 23-year old Lady Hanna Vasyalevna Mashkova.
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Re: Trigunia Herald

Postby GreekIdiot » Thu Jun 03, 2010 3:13 am

T R I G U N I A . H E R A L D | T H E . T R I B U N A . E D I T I O N
INTERVIEWS: POLITICS & DIPLOMACY ~ Interview with AS leader, Národnis Obesitis (PART ONE)
February 2948

Mr. Obesitis exiting the parliament

Almost a week ago, Mr. Obesitis, leader of the newly formed and currently active Authoritarian Syndicate, accepted our invitation for a political discussion and interview about general affairs that affect the AS itself, the Trigunian political arena and the nation as an entity. We welcomed him in our newspaper offices in downtown Heinrichgrad and after a short and cheerful chit chat hour, we settled down and began on what seemed to be a very apocalyptic interview. I took my notes out of my bag, and the questions began flowing to the table. Meanwhile, Mr. Obesitis lit a cigarette and enjoyed the moment with a shiny glimpse in his smart eyes.

by Vladimova Duracela

- Mr. Obesitis, the formation of your party coincides apparently with one of the most frightening turmoils in Terran history. Although Trigunia never actually experienced terrorism itself, the Foreign Affairs Ministry was quick to dismiss international accounts and fold the nation into a seriously compliant isolationist attitude. How would you comment on that "coincidence", and what are your plans for foreign policy?

"I would say dear Vladimova that it's one decisive coincidence. The Authoritarian Syndicate is consisted of devoted Trigunian citizens who believe in an authoritarian state, which will be able to provide progress in contrast with this long stagnant period we are currently experiencing and ultimately shield the nation from foreign threats. Our party came to be at exactly the perfect period, where the brave and honored and devoted will stand out and lead the nation into a prosperous path. I initially approached a colleague of mine in the army and spoke to him about the idea. He shot fearful glances at me, knowing of the difficulties of such thing, despite him sharing the same vision with me. Almost twenty years later, here we are, ready to transform Trigunia into a stable, centralized militarist society with an open foreign attitude.

- Excellent response. So, your party advocates extreme militarism, and a kind of police station to maintain security? I do not wish to speak words for you, so if you could please give a description of your party's main objectives and loose goals.

"Most certainly. Although we have been campaigning for quite some time around the nation, I'm sure the Tribuna read some standings but...anyhow. As I said earlier, I'm open about our policies as I wish to put the citizens of Trigunia to a test, to find out whether they are fond of a state that will be strict on guidance and will be heavy on security and order. That is basically the basis of the AS. On top, we shall build a government market, we shall exercise control on the environment, we shall treat and heal and prep the military for what is to come and in general take initiative into our own hands. The AS, as its name states, is an authoritarian coalition, and our main advocacy is to establish a police state, along the lines of a regime that will exercise total control over its citizens. We believe democracy or any kind of other standing for a nation is harmful for the nation itself, be it classic liberal democracy or Monarchy, we have been witnessing the results for quite some time and we believe in something better altogether."

- Your party consists of mainly private citizens and members of the Trigunian army, is that correct?

"Well, not active members, like myself, but yes, in general, that is correct."

- Obviously the AS does not associate itself with any titles of nobility or with the current regime, as you stated earlier as well. Care to comment on that fact?

"It all began when I first visited Lodamun. It was for my PhD in Economics. After living through an isolationist Trigunia through its bones, the army that is, I experienced a whole different level of life there. It was a democracy, clean to its whistles. I got in touch with international happenings and realized outside the box, that Trigunia was another piece in a power block's hands, and that was mainly accomplished through the Monarchy. The AS believes that the downfall of the Monarchy will once again bring independence and liberty to our proud nation. This is a play amongst the citizens of Trigunia and the powers behind the Monarchy. If ever given that, we will exercise immense powers to bring an end to the current regime."

- The Molodaya Gvardiya Partiya, otherwise known as MGP, is a fervid supporter and holder of the basis of the Monarchy. Despite your ideological differences, it seems as though you actually get along. Correct if I'm wrong, but wouldn't your anti-Monarchy standings lead to a division in the Trigunian political stage?

"If that is the cost of independence and freedom, than I believe that must happen. Although I am not so keen as to go through civil disruptions and serious conflicts between my party and the supporters of the Monarchy. I'm not here to divide the citizens and entity of Trigunia itself. I'm here to unite it and empower it with an excessive might that will lead to future conquests and victories in the international arena. We currently hold no such thing as a serious economy, nor we can speak of ourselves as informed of the international world. There is so much opportunity in Trigunia, and we certainly won't miss the first chance that comes for progress."

- So, you are not discarding a cooperation with the MGP, I presume?

"Of course not, they are Trigunians like myself. Despite our differences, I believe that uniting would be the best solution for a powerful and active Trigunia."

- Have you communicated with the leadership of the MGP, then?

"We haven't had time for hasty movements dear Vladimova. We have been occupied by the national campaigns, and we recently introduced a very thoughtful bill to the legislative assembly. Time is not our enemy in this case. It's best to be patient before applying a grand change; otherwise there's a high chance it will not be successful."

- Very true and sincere indeed Mr. Obesitis. Would you be so kind as to share some names of your party, with a few comments that is, before we proceed to the second part of the interview that involves international affairs?

"I'm sorry Vladimova, I must disappoint you on this one. The names of my party members are disclosed for security reasons for the time being. We need protection measures to survive, you see."

- No problem at all, now, let's take a brake and will be back with the second part of the interview.

The second part will be posted with the next issue of the Tribuna, the sincere newspaper of Trigunia.
The Terran Times
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Re: Trigunia Herald

Postby GreekIdiot » Thu Jun 03, 2010 3:32 am

T R I G U N I A . H E R A L D | T H E . T R I B U N A . E D I T I O N
FOREIGN AFFAIRS: POLITICS ~ Národni Obesitis, leader of the AS, comments on recent Solentian attempts for internationalism
February 2948

Earlier this morning, Mr. Obesitis, leader of the newly formed Authoritarian Syndicate, called for a press release in the party's headquarters in downtown Heinrichgrad on a specific matter.

"After receiving the latest news from the international stage, I feel rather confident as to comment about the recent Solentian attempts towards internationalism. Such fine examples give the Trigunian citizens a glimpse at what success and prosperity could really mean for an international and open nation. It is of my personal belief that the world must come together closer these threatening days, where division and battle sides are apparent and daunting. We sincerely wish the Solentian initiative sees fruitful results and we are looking forward for more relations in the future."
The Terran Times
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Re: Trigunia Herald

Postby Gracchus » Thu Jun 03, 2010 5:48 am

Vestnik: The Viceroy Discusses the International Role of Trigunia

His Grace Vasya Mashkov, 2nd Duke of Petrovgrad and Viceroy of Trigunia

February 2948 - Heinrichgrad, Chadonia

His Grace Vasya Mashkov, 2nd Duke of Petrovgrad and Viceroy of Trigunia called a press conference outside his official residence Igl Krest, Heinrichgrad, Chadonia to discuss recent accusations of isolationism by the newly formed Avtoritarnyĭ Sindikat.

“In recent weeks, Národnis Obesitis, leader of the newly formed Avtoritarnyĭ Sindikat has made several statements that paint the Molodaya Gvardiya Partiya (Young Guard Party) in a poor light. The Party has therefore asked me, as both political and Governmental leader, to discuss these issues at length for the benefit of all Trigunians.

“The Young Guard Party has always maintained positive relationships with foreign nations, relying more on the importance of trade and free markets to interconnect us together, rather than through military or defensive alliances. Trigunia has been, and should remain, a peaceful nation, content to remain friends with all nations willing to open their markets to our products and open their governments to free and fair elections.

“The Young Guards, as well as myself, wish to remind the Trigunian people that wealth comes from trade and markets, and not from the guns or conquest. Sabre rattling will not feed nor clothe our children, and neither will an obsession with vast military spending at home or abroad. Peace and open relationships bring the wealth and prosperity for which war and destruction can never fulfill.

“Trigunia is currently, and has been in the recent past, an internationalist nation. The Volkonsky Reforms ( & of the early part of the century paved the way for the transformation of the Trigunian economy under the Reforms of my father, R.D. Mashkov. We changed our alphabet to better fit the needs of the international business community, thus opening vast areas of opportunity to our nation and its economy. We opened the borders to all visitors, encouraging trade and tourism, and we have opened our arms to many immigrants and asylum seekers who wish to bask in the light we have created here in the frozen North.

“Due to the current and ongoing policy of minimal income taxation, low government spending funded through a nationwide luxury goods sales tax, we have seen our economy grow and the rabol remain both one of the strongest currencies and the envy of all of Terra.

“Our economy has risen in real numbers as seen in our government surpluses. In 2910, after a slow start to the reforms, the nation already had a GDP of TRA 2.2 trillion. Now, in early 2948, Trigunians have risen that number to nearly 2.4 trillion; an increase in 200 billion rabols, or nearly 5.25 billion rabols each year and continues to grow daily! In the 2920s, we witnessed a surplus of around 1 billion TRA; now it is over 6 billion! Just last year, in 2947, it was only at 5.8 billion, now, only several short months later it is over 6 billion which will mean that we can make a permanent tax cut for the second time in 15 years. To say that we do not have an economy is a perplexing comment; and I wish to remind all Trigunians that the rabol is a very strong currency thanks to the efforts of Minister Zhirinovsky, Ph.D, and the rest of the Finance Ministry.

“On the domestic front, the Young Guards wish to convey their gratitude for nearly forty years of continued governance. During this time, the Party has maintained stability in order to foster cultural, economic, social, and political growth. The Young Guards rebuilt the nation and reintroduced democratic traditions and conditions after several centuries of oppression and tyranny.

“The re-introduction of democracy is one of the major achievements of the Young Guard Party and my father who served as the first Viceroy. It is true that we have returned the Monarch to position after several centuries of interregnum, however, the Party has never put the Great Prince, nor the nobility, above the well being of the people or institutions of Trigunia; alas, they are one-in-the-same.

“Our great nation continues its autonomy and independence from the Hulstrian monarch who serves as our Great Prince. The relationship we have is, and was, maintained only through personal union with the monarch himself. No Hulstrian, nor any other nation, holds power domestic affairs and nor will we let them, but nor are we in danger of such a thing.

“All the changes the Young Guards have established have been for the Trigunian people. Indeed, this was not a case of word coming from on high to dictate to the people, instead, the initiatives and changes established by the Party came from the people, with the Party as the harbinger of such reform.

“The democratic institutions of Trigunia must never give way to the hands of totalitarianism. The past has shown that Trigunians do not wish for such things to ever return. Trigunia must always remain a beacon of light for the world, a Northern Star for which the rest of the world turns its weary eyes upon and sets sail to reach. The Young Guard Party has been the vessel to which the people have worked in order to create just such a nation. And with the people of Trigunia’s aid, we shall maintain this new democratic order, grow our progressive economy, and procure positive relations with other nations. Good night and may God bless all of you, the nation, and the Great Prince.”
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Re: Trigunia Herald

Postby Gracchus » Wed Jun 09, 2010 12:42 am

Vestnik: Open Letter to Combatants

23 January 2951 - Heinrichgrad, Trigunia

“To the combating nations of Majatra,

“The Great Princedom of Trigunia has long held itself in isolation, staying out of foreign nation’s internal and international disputes as long as our trade interests are not endangered. The recent calls for war in Majatra, however, endanger not only the two nations in question, but all parts of Terra.

“The United Badaran Emirates provide the petroleum that is the lifeblood of the Great Princedom. This blood flows along the great shipping lanes in and around Majatra, serving as great arteries to Trigunia and other nations. Mixed in these arteries along with the petrol are various products going into and out of the nations bordering the Sea of Majatra.

“Merchantmen from numerous nations, including Trigunia, sail in and around these routes providing the goods and products needed to ensure increasing standards of living and economic growth.

“However, when these routes are threatened, when the flow of trade and vital products is retarded by the actions of a few warring parties, a much larger problem will befall the world. And this is unacceptable.

“Trigunia is a peaceful nation, dedicated to economic growth, stability, and international trade for the benefit of all peoples of the world. But it will not accept the interference by warring nations on its international trade.

“Of course, there is more than money at stake; no one should think Trigunians are greedy and insensitive. This crisis has the potential to be greatly destructive of lives, property, and futures.

“With peace in mind, with the pleas of humanity, and with God behind us, Trigunia demands that both sides in this conflict continue the agreements concluded in The Law of the Sea, regardless whether they have ratified the treaty, by maintaining open sea lanes for all ships without regard to nationality, port of origin, or port of destination.

“Likewise, Trigunia demands that both nations agree that all neutral shipping, airlines, and private craft be protected from unlawful searches and seizures of property by combatants, and their passengers and crew remain safe and unharmed by any land, naval or air forces involved in the conflict.

“The failure of any faction in agreeing to these measures or in their execution will be considered a pariah nation specifically by Trigunia and the Great Princedom will take all efforts to end the conflict through outside means.

“I wish to reiterate that Trigunia is a peace-loving nation and does not come to nor speak these harsh words lightly. Please take heed of our words and end this conflict soon for the sake of humanity and God.”


Viceroy of the Great Princedom of Trigunia His Grace Vasya Romanovich Mashkov, 2nd Duke of Petrovgrad, NSZ, TVKS, VP, NTP, BZ
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Re: Trigunia Herald

Postby Gracchus » Wed Jun 09, 2010 1:30 am

Vestnik: Hanna Mashkova Joins Cabinet as Minister of Trade & Industry

Lady Mashkova.

25 January 2951 - Heinrichgrad

Lady Hanna Mashkova, daughter of Viceroy Vaysa R. Mashkov, 2nd Duke of Petrovgrad, has been offered the Minister of Trade & Industry position in the new cabinet. Due to the retirement of several cabinet members, the Young Guard Party, entering its twenty-second year as the unopposed leader of Trigunia, is shuffling a new series of younger members to bring new blood into the governing ranks of the Party.

Critics, such as pundit Alexei Panin, have never paused to go after Lady Mashkova and all week, as speculation as fluttered around television, they have been merciless in attacking the 25-year old.

Criticisms of her age, lack of experience, and nepotism have been ratted off by critics of all stripes. However, it is the firm belief that this criticism reflects the unopposed rule by the Young Guard Party rather than their true feelings towards young Lady Mashkov.

Is a change in the air for the nation? Have the people grown tired of the tried but tested policies of the Young Guards?
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Re: Trigunia Herald

Postby Gracchus » Thu Jun 10, 2010 4:31 am

Zhurnal: Atletik Morozorota Win Elite League

Atletik Morozorota players Ivan Filatov, Alexandr Kolodin, and Mikhail Otstavnov celebrate their victory.

10 August 2951 - Morozorota, Chadonia, Trigunia

Ivan Filatov scored the winner as Atletik Morozorota came from behind to defeat Sporta Petrovgrad and take the Elite League title.

Midfielder Denis Shogenov put Sporta Petrov ahead with a header from six yards but Atletik equalised when forward Alexandr Kolodin tapped home after a corner was not cleared. But Atletik bombarded the Sporta keeper with high balls, and it was from a corner that Filatov headed the winner.

Sporta had started quickly and striker Oleg Shpyryov’s blistering pace created a fourth-minute opening that striker Yuri Panov, making his first Elite League start since the closing stages of last season, should have converted but missed from six yards.

Atletik were the next to threaten, with Sporta’s goalkeeper Anton Shubkin diving sharply to his right to save a free-kick from midfielder Alexei Puzin, but Sporta clearly possessed the greater cutting edge in the early stages and took the lead after 13 minutes.

Midfielder Yevgeni Petrakov flicked on a corner at the near post and Shogenov headed home unmarked to score his 10th goal in the last nine games of the season.

Atletik took every opportunity to test the handling of Shubkin, after he landed heavily on his right knee as he jumped above defender Dmitri Zharkov to collect a loose ball.

The Sporta keeper was able to continue but he was picking the ball out of his net shortly after the break when his team failed to deal with a corner. The ball eventually fell to Puzin, who drilled a low cross back across goal that several Sporta players failed to clear, gifting Kolodin a simple tap-in at 52 minutes.

Shortly thereafter Shogenov embarrassed Atletik defender Mikhail Otstavnov with a sharp turn but the striker lost his footing as his opponent tried to rescue the situation.

Sporta defender Mikhail Valov almost diverted a flick-on into this own net as he tried to clear the danger, but Atletik scored the winner after the visiting team failed to deal with the physical presence of Filatov at the 83rd. The Atletik skipper stood close to the Sporta goal-line as a corner was delivered and finished the simplest of headers after Shubkin failed to clear the danger.

The match sealed the deal for Atletik as this triumph set their season point-value at 86 against rival TSKF Cheya’s 84 points. The Atletik victory means the end of the three-year domination by TSKF, but whether Atletik will have the clout to maintain their hold over the Elite League remains to be seen. But for now, the team is content to worry about the future when it comes and instead, focus on their current victory.
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Re: Trigunia Herald

Postby Gracchus » Mon Jun 14, 2010 12:31 am

Zhurnal: Trigunia to Face Kanjor in Olympic Rugby Semi-Finals

Trigunia's rugby team sing the national anthem before the quarter-final game with Aldegar.

Summer Olympics - Day 7

Trigunia's national rugby squad, nicknamed the Medvedi (Bears), won a close game 26 - 24 against the Second Republic of Aldegar's team in the quarterfinals of the Olympics in Williamsborough, Holy Luthori Empire. With only five minutes remaining Trigunian inside-center Yuri Bebchuk received the ball and to cut the center where he promptly pitched the ball to right-wing Anton Ilyushin before he met his tackle. Ilyushin broke through the space provided in the line, breaking several tackles before diving for a try in Aldegar's in-goal area, making the score 26.

Aldegar attempted to switch the momentum of the game but were unable to do so as the click wound down. Aldegar's closest attempt came when right-winger Maurice Campbell briefly broke through Trigunia's line before being tackled five meters short of the tryline. Before another attempt was able to be made, time ran out and Trigunia's die-hard fans attempted to rush the field but were stopped by the yellow-jacketed security.

The Bears play powerhouse Kanjor, where rugby is the national sport, on Day 8 of the Olympics in a semi-final match in RC Williamsborough's Bane Consortium Rugby Pitch. As incentive for the rugby team to win the semi-final and the final match, A.A. Savin Technology's CEO Pyotr Losev has offered to send the entire team and their families on an all-expense paid vacation to a resort in the Eastern Territories of Great Hulstria.
Last edited by Gracchus on Thu Jun 24, 2010 3:55 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Trigunia Herald

Postby Gracchus » Thu Jun 24, 2010 3:48 am

Zhurnal: Trigunia Defeat Powerhouse Kanjor in Rugby Semi-Final

Kanjorien (white) and Trignunian (green) players compete for a lineout during the final match.

Summer Olympics - Day 8

The Medvedi soundly defeat rugby powerhouse Kanjor by two tries in the semi-finals of the Wold Olumpic Games in Williamsbrough, Holy Luthori Empire.

Rugby was invented in Kanjor, is their national sport, and is considered by many to be the single most important contribution to the sporting world coming from the nation. Given their long history with the sport, Kanjoriens in the crowd were generally shocked by their loss to the upstart Trigunians.

Les Quinze fantastique failed us today. They were just flatly defeated, outplayed, outmatched, and collapsed toward the end of the game,” spoke Richard Lemieux of Deims, Kanjor.

The victory at the Olympics is the largest event in international rugby. While every continent has an international competition, there is no worldwide tournament and the Olympic Golden Cup is considered the highest success a national team can achieve.

With their victory under their belt, the Medvedi are to face fellow dark horse in the form of Cobura.

Zhurnal: We Are the Champions!
Trigunia Win Olympic Rugby Final

Trigunian captain Miroslav Stepashin raises the Golden Cup after their triumph over Cobura.

Summer Olympics - Day 10

Yesterday, the Medvedi won a close 29 – 28 victory against Cobura for a Gold Medal in the Rugby Final at the state-of-the-art RC Williamsborough's Bane Consortium Rugby Pitch.

As the game came to an exciting conclusion with the Bears holding off an inspired rally by the Coburians, green-clad fans sang and cheered in competition with their Coburian counterparts so loudly that the several times the game was thrown into disarray because of the extreme noise levels.

As the referee signaled the end of the match, the Trigunian fan sections were encircled by police and restrained by their use of a human wall to prevent the rushing of the pitch. While it is not uncommon, and sometimes encouraged to rush the pitch in Trigunia, is greatly discouraged throughout the world and is thoroughly disallowed at all Olympic events.

This is the first and only visit to and victory in the Olympic rugby event for Trigunia. With this victory, many local sports clubs and collectives have witnessed a tenfold interest in their rugby branches leading many sports commentators to hint at a possibility of the sport taking a turn to the mainstream in the nation. There is even a possibility that the future will witness more rugby victories.
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