
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.


Postby lakellogg » Sat Jun 12, 2010 2:22 pm

Breaking News!

March 2951- Horvik, Hebilon- It was announced today after an emergency session of the Badranian Majilis Al-Sha’ab (Senate) that Badaran and Selucia are officially at war.


President George Rothberg immediately held a press conference in a hotel ballroom he was staying at in Horvik. In it he stated that since it is clear and apparent that both sides in this conflict have committed war crime for which they should be punished for, it is the intent of Cildania to stay neutral in this conflict. Furthermore, this neutrality should not be a corrupted one as to mean that no support by any Cildanian or refuge of any military personnel by either fighting nation will be tolerated even once. In the press conference the president was asked what would happen if the militaries of either nation happened to enter Cildanian waters. President Rothberg said that this is the warning to the world, if any military personnel or equipment enter the sovereign area of Cildania he could not promise that nuclear weapons would not be used.

Reaction on the streets by Cildanians to the presidents press conference seems to be positive although, many are concerned about the threat of violence by both sides. In interviews with many people it is clear that most Cildanians see both fighting parties as religious radicals. That is the reason that many feel this conflict is different from others, the fact that it has higher tensions because of its "higher" cause.

Ben Isaacs reporting from Horvik, CBC News
Last edited by lakellogg on Mon Jun 28, 2010 4:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby lakellogg » Mon Jun 28, 2010 4:15 am

New Liberty Party Chairman

Aug. 2960- Cildania, Akildar- In his first speech as Chairman of the Liberty Party, Aaron R. Ben-Zvi stated that he believes that the influences of the outside world are once again infiltrating Cildanian culture. Chairman Ben-Zvi outlined his administrations plan to oppose all legislation the is proposed by the newly formed Eco-Communist-Socialist Party, which by all accounts would be considered a leftist-fringe party. He said that the Liberty Party would be willing to cooperate with the Eco-Communist-Socialist Party but, "We will not retreat from our principles, our values, or the Cildanian people." He also addressed concerns raided by many about his relatively young age by talking about how many people considered Isadore Herxheimer, founder of the Liberty Party, too young to lead a nation. He ended his opening speech to the Liberty Party Convention of Delegates by talking about how far Cildania has come since the days of Isadore Herxheimer and, how one hundred years from now he hopes they talk about how far Cildania has come since the days of Ben-Zvi.

In other related news a new party has made appearances in Cildania. The Eco-Communist-Socialist Party is started by a group of young eco-minded leftists who as apparent by the manner in which they have conducted themselves on the national stage are highly inexperienced. In the election of 2958, they pulled in enough voted to earn them a whole 0 votes in the Senate. The leadership of the party is also very close-lipped leading many Cildanians to wonder what the true intentions of the party is.

Reporting from CBC News Headquarters in the nation's capital this is Avi Reuben
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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby lakellogg » Tue Jul 27, 2010 12:05 am


January 2975- Horvik, Hebilon- Fascist red-shirt mobs have taken over the streets in the capital of the Canton of Hebilon. In the multi-month rebellion that is threatening to spread through out the nation, nearly 3,000 civilians and about 120 police have been killed in the violence. In an effort to subdue the violence Shapiro has ordered the the constitution be temporarily suspended in Hebilon. "These are the measures that a leader of a nation never likes to make, but the security and safety of our citizens outweighs the rights of a few rebels.", said Shapiro when asked about his decision. It is expected that the constitution will be able to be put back in order by April, but the Hebilon commander of the CDF said the he promises nothing due to the severity of the quickly deterioration situation.

In a CBC exclusive, the leader of these Fascists was interviewed. Steve Steingold said,"The ever growing oppression of the current regime is appalling. Shapiro is using us as an excuse to expand his totalitarian regime. It has been his intention since taking office and this gives him a reason to expand the authoritarianism at a more rapid rate. We are doing nothing more than peaceful protests then the para-military shows up and starts firing on the crowd. It is appalling. He must be stopped!"

Representatives from the Shapiro Administration commented saying,"This is how the Fascists came to power in the past, with sympathy. It is just more of their old tricks"

Reporting from Horvik, John Kohn, CBC News
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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby lakellogg » Tue Jul 27, 2010 5:45 pm

Violence Spreads to other cities throughout Cildania


May 2975- Port Harkona,Ylrith- As the situation in Hebilion continues to deteriorate as more and more people join the Fascists, the violence is spreading to nearly every corner of the nation. In total nearly 25,000 civilians have been killed in the fighting. Chairman Shapiro says that the spread in violence is due to his hand being tied by laws that "do not properly address the situation." In reaction to the spread of violence the Citizen's Assembly has passed the National Emergency Executive Powers Act of 2975 (NEEPA), which gives all powers to Chairman Shapiro and suspends the constitution.

Many of the Fascists say that they are not Fascists at all, in fact they say that Shapiro is the Fascist and is using them as a tool for power. They also claim that Shapiro is running the nation as a dictator after the NEEPA passes. Chairman Shapiro has mobilized troops and has sent them to every major city in the nation to "bring the peace."

In a CBC interview, Elliot Shaltiel, "The Party of my great-grandfather has been hijacked by the very people that he battled, Fascists. The regime is not only trying to capitalize and use people by exploiting their patriotism but also, which is even more disturbing, their faith. Shapiro is trying to paint himself as a defender of Cildania and our faith, but in fact he is destroying both. He should be hung for his crimes."

Reporting from Port Harkona, John Kohn, CBC News
Last edited by lakellogg on Fri Jul 30, 2010 8:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby lakellogg » Tue Jul 27, 2010 9:00 pm

Chairman Shapiro Calls on the Ntions of Terra for Support


In an announcement from the grounds of the Citizen's Palace, Chairman Ruben S. Shapiro has urged all nations sympathetic to the Cildaian cause of freedom to show solidarity. He has urged the Cildanian Republics neighbors and allies to send resources and personnel to assist in putting down the Fascist uprising. According to the Bureau of the Chief Foreign Policy Advisor to the Chairman of the Executive Committee, no nations have contacted the Chairman about aid but they added that, "We remain optimistic that our allies and friends will show support to the Party and Cildanian Republic."
Last edited by lakellogg on Fri Jul 30, 2010 8:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby Bismarkey7 » Wed Jul 28, 2010 4:39 pm

BNR Answers Cildanian Call for Help

Today the Bismarckian National Resistance (BNR) of the Commonwealth of Yishelem and Beiteynu proposed into the Holy Council of the Commonwealth a "Resolution to Support the Cildanian Republic" (, after Chairman Shapiro of Cildania called on the nations of Terra for assistance against a fascist uprising in their nation.

The bill refers to the Cildanians as "our Jewish and Majatran brothers", and promises both financial and military support for the Cildanian Republic if the bill passes and HRM King Gustavus II approves the measure.

It is estimated that upwards of 25,000 Cildanians have died in the violence now engulfing their nation.
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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby lakellogg » Thu Jul 29, 2010 10:19 pm

Liberty Prevails! Shapiro Out!

Newly Appointed President Elliott Shaltiel

The "rebellion" declared by the former Chairman of the Cildanian Republic is "over." In front of the Senate Chamber, President Elliott Shaltiel declares that the Cildanian people are turning back the clock to 2967, the days before the Shapiro Administration. President Shaltiel says that after the elections to legitimize his administration, major bills will be put forth into the Senate to change the Cildanian Republic back to how it was before Shapiro's authoritarian regime. In his first act as president, Shaltiel sent out letters thanking nations that offered support to the Cildanian Republic during it's "rebellion." He also stated that although the changes put into law by Shapiro have not been officially undone due to lagging legislative process, his administration will not be enforcing Shapiros laws and that his administration should be seen as a continuation of the Rothberg Administration.

Reporting from the grounds of the Senate House, John Kohn, CBC News
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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby Polites » Sat Nov 20, 2010 12:03 pm

Cildanian Businessmen Create Right-Wing Party

28th February, 3033

Several leading businessmen in the Republic of Cildania have decided to enter the political arena to protect their economic interests, and to promote the creation of a Plutarchy in Cildania. Thus, on the last day of February the Qildar HaMithadeshet (Renewed Cildania) party was formed, which campaigns for plutocracy, the promotion of Cildanian cultural values, public morality, and the re-establishment of the Department of Cildania (Eastern Rite) as the official church of Cildania. The first chairman of the party, Hannibal Hadar, is the owner of one of the largest banks in the country, the Bank of Horvik, and is determined to gain the position of Chief Minister of Cildania. After fascist violence in the previous decades greatly damaged the Cildanian economy, a party promoting economic development and free trade has the opportunity to gain much public support.
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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby Polites » Sun Dec 05, 2010 9:54 pm

Cildania's First Collegial Chief Ministers

Hannibal Hadar (right) and Eshmunamash Hayyim (left), at the first cabinet meeting of the coalition government

Taking advantage of a loophole in Cildanian constitutional law, the Qildar HaMithadeshet party managed to have its two leading politicians hold the first joint mandate as Cildanian Head of Government. Hannibal Hadar and Eshmunamash Hayyim were both sworn as Chief Ministers of Cildania, presiding over a grand coalition with the Liberal Reform Party. This is seen as an attempt of the Qildar HaMithadeshet to press for the modification of the Constitution by creating the post of Suffets (Softim) as collegial Heads of Government.
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Re: Cildanian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC News)

Postby Polites » Sun Dec 26, 2010 9:01 pm

Government Resigns after Corruption and Sex Scandals

Chief Minister Hannibal Hadar announcing the resignation of his cabinet

The Cildanian chief of intelligence, Aderbaal Kalb, accused the Cildanian government of widespread economic corruption and nepotism. According to his claims, government officials were entangled in corruption scandals amounting to millions of cildars stolen from public coffers. Allegedly the government has been demanding sums much larger than the market value for purchasing land, and has been privatising state-run companies under conditions favourable for those close to the officials. The controversy was amplified after Finance Minister Khilletzbaal Akiba was secretly filmed having sex with a government employee, Yzebel bitt Adad, and the video was released to the public.

The government initially denied the accusations, declaring them to be a conspiracy of the opposition to discredit the cabinet. However, an independent inquiry by the Senate confirmed most of the allegations and discovered new evidence of corruption and mismanagement. This sparked a wave of popular outrage and demands for cabinet resignation, including riots and attacks on Qildar HaMithadeshet buildings. In light of all these, the cabinet finally resigned on the 19th of May 3051, and Cildania's government is now ruled by a caretaker cabinet.
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