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Re: Badaran News Channel (BNC)

Postby LNRulez01 » Fri Aug 27, 2010 11:12 pm

Government issues arrest warrants against opposition leaders.

December 22th, 2988

Bier Qassem, Emirate of Kayuratan

After being unable to end violence between pro-government supporters and opposition activists, the Badaran government has issued warrants for the arrest of two leading members of the opposition party United Badaran Front. The government accuses Ayatholla Mehmet Said bin Muhammed, the party leader of the UBF, and mr. Muhammed Abdul-Khaliq, the party secretary, of commiting treason and supporting terrorist actions against the Badaran government. It is unknown if the government has plans to arrest both men immediatly or if they will wait a few days. An UBF spokesperson told reporters that both Ayatholla Mehmet Said bin Muhammed and mr. Muhammed Abdul-Khaliq would not resist any attempts to arrest them and but that they view these warrants as an illegal act by an illegal government. Political experst fear that an attempted arrest of both men could end up deteriorating the situation even further. If that were the case, it could bring the country to the brink of a civil-war. If both men are found guilty of the charges, they could be facing the death penalty.
- It is the rule in war, if ten times the enemy's strength, surround them; if five times, attack them; if double, be able to divide them; if equal,engage them; if fewer, be able to evade them; if weaker, be able to avoid them.

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Re: Badaran News Channel (BNC)

Postby LNRulez01 » Sat Aug 28, 2010 11:00 am

Opposition leaders surrender, violence continues.

December 25th, 2988

Bier Qassem, Emirate of Kayuratan

Downtown Bier Qassem became a flaming battleground today as an army assault forced anti-government protest and opposition leaders, Ayatholla Mehmet Said bin Muhammed and mr. Muhammed Abdul-Khaliq, to surrender, enraging followers who shot grenades and set fire to landmark buildings, cloaking the skyline in black smoke. President Nick Willis tried to reassure the country that the government would restore calm but fires spread through the capital. His government extended nighttime curfew, and he said in his televised address troops had been given the go-ahead to shoot at suspected arsonists. The troops had moved earlier in the day against thousands of anti-government protesters, mostly rural poor, who had camped behind barricades in the capital's premier shopping and residential district for weeks, demanding President Willis call immediate elections. The army used live ammunition to disperse them, drawing fire from militant opposition members. Officials confirmed 2 protester5s and an Luthori news photographer were confirmed killed and about 60 wounded. Witnesses said that six to eight additional dead lay in the mosque where hundreds of protesters, including women and children, had sought sanctuary. Imam Youssef bin Aqeef al-Sadat, the leader of the Al-Qatta mosque, who was with the refuge seekers, said the situation remained dangerous at the Al-Qatta mosque, next to the abandoned protest site despite a cease-fire that allowed health workers to evacuate several injured, including several foreign nationals. Firefighters retreated after protesters shot at them, and thick smoke drifted across the sky of this metropolis. Sporadic clashes between troops and protesters continued in the night.

smoke plumes above Bier Qassem, as a result of todays riots
- It is the rule in war, if ten times the enemy's strength, surround them; if five times, attack them; if double, be able to divide them; if equal,engage them; if fewer, be able to evade them; if weaker, be able to avoid them.

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Re: Badaran News Channel (BNC)

Postby LNRulez01 » Sun Aug 29, 2010 12:25 pm

Protesters storm and occupy the Majilis al-Sha'ab.

December 29th, 2988

Bier Qassem, Emirate of Kayuratan

Opposition supporters from across the United Badaran Emirates have stormed the Majilis al-Sha'ab building in Bier Qassem. In the early afternoon police fired tear gas into the huge crowds of anti-government protesters surrounding the state parliament. Protestors were temporarily halted at the steps of the building before police withdrew. Some officers even joined the demonstration themselves. Using a bulldozer to gain entry, groups then made their way inside, lighting fires and smashing furniture and computer equipment. A helicopter landed at the majilis al-Sha'ab and evacuated lawmakers trapped by anti-government protesters before they stormed the building. A statement from the military said that the helicopter carrying "five soldiers landed on the Parliament's helipad and picked up ministers and lawmakers trapped inside." Witnesses stated that the Minister of Internal Affairs and the Minister of Trade and Industry were among those evacuated. An official responce by the Badaran government has yet to come to this latest escalation by anti-government protesters, but security experts fear that the government will use even more violence to quell this, what some are allready calling a civil war, uprising.

Almost a month after the beginning of anti-government protests and riots, the Badaran hasnt been able to calm down the situation and stop the riots that are happening all over the country between pro-government sympathisers and anti-government activists. Even the use of the Republican Guard to put down these riots have been fruitless until now. Sources close to highranking army officers have stated that some in the military are unhappy with the path chosen by the Badaran government to end the violence and that they fear that the country might fall apart if the situation isnt resolved soon. Military analists have said to the BNC that this kind of rethoric and complaints by the military might be an indecation that the army will intervere in the current situation in the United Badaran Emirates.
- It is the rule in war, if ten times the enemy's strength, surround them; if five times, attack them; if double, be able to divide them; if equal,engage them; if fewer, be able to evade them; if weaker, be able to avoid them.

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Re: Badaran News Channel (BNC)

Postby LNRulez01 » Mon Aug 30, 2010 5:21 pm

President takes drastic measures, suspends constitution.

December 30th, 2988

Bier Qassem, Emirate of Kayuratan

One day after demonstrators occupied the Majilis al-Sha'ab, President Nick Willis took drastic measures to help end the current crisis in the United Badaran Emirates. President Willis ordered, by presidential decree, that the constitution is to be suspended for indefinitely until the uprising has been subdued. Under the presidential decree, all current civil liberties will be suspended. The current courts of law will be temporarily shut down. All current and future cases will be handled by the People's Court, a new system of courts. In the People's Court rights for a lawyer, and the right to appeal will be suspended. The People's Court will be run bij members of the Red Guard and the Green Badarani's. The first persons to be tried by the People's Court are Ayatholla Mehmet Said bin Muhammed and mr. Muhammed Abdul-Khaliq, the leaders of the opposition who surrendered to the government five days ago to prevent a confrontation between their supporters and the military. Directly after the declaration made by the President, the riots got even further out of control, as pro-government sympathizers and anti-government activists clashed in most of Badara's major cities. Reports from the rural areas suggest that armed militias have taken to the streets and are fighting with eachother. The death toll has risen to more then 2000, with many more people wounded.
- It is the rule in war, if ten times the enemy's strength, surround them; if five times, attack them; if double, be able to divide them; if equal,engage them; if fewer, be able to evade them; if weaker, be able to avoid them.

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Re: Badaran News Channel (BNC)

Postby LNRulez01 » Tue Aug 31, 2010 2:46 pm

Badaran military launches coup, takes power from President Willis.

Januari 2nd, 2989

Bier Qassem, Emirate of Kayuratan

In the dead of night and without firing a shot, Badara's military overthrew popularly elected President Nick Willis today after mounting criticism that he had undermined democracy and endangered the unity of the country because of his inability to end massive riots and protests which are plaguing the nation. The sudden, well-orchestrated coup — a throwback to an unsettled era in the United Badaran Emirates — was likely to spark both enthusiasm and criticism at home and abroad. The military said it would soon return power to a democratic government but did not say when. Striking when Willis was in Gharki visiting one of the newly established People's Court in the region, army commander Gen. Abdullah bin Bashar al-Ageidi sent tanks and troops into the drizzly, nighttime streets of Bier Qassem. The military ringed government offices, seized control of television stations and declared a provisional authority. The coup leaders declared martial law, revoked the constitution and ordered all troops not to leave duty stations without permission from their commanders. The stock exchange was to be closed, along with schools, banks and government offices. Bier Qassme's normally bustling streets emptied out early today, from shopping stalls to red light districts, as Badarans and tourists learned of the coup. Across the capital, Badarans who trickled out onto barren streets welcomed the surprise turn of events as a necessary climax to nearly a month of demonstrations and riots because of alleged electoral fraud. Many people were surprised, but few in Bangkok seemed disappointed.

Army tanks deployed near government building.

The first sign of the coup came when army-owned TV channel Network 5 interrupted regular broadcasts with patriotic music and showed pictures of the army in action. Foreign TV signals into the United Badaran Emirates were cut off, preventing the networks from being seen. Later, several hundred soldiers were deployed at government installations and major intersections in Bier Qassem. As troops secured key sites in the capital unopposed, the coup leaders declared that a Council of Administrative Reform with Gen. Abdullah bin Bashar al-Ageidi as head of state had seized power in Bier Qassem and nearby provinces without any resistance. They did not say what reforms the council would carry out. A senior army general, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the situation, said the chiefs of the army, navy and air force met with eachother to discuss formation of an interim government. The military has arrested Grand Vizier Jeff Zerselt and Defence Minister Isiah Edgar. The whereabouts of the other remainging members of the Badaran government are unknown, but it is speculated that they have gone underground in loyalist regions in the country. The ousted government hasnt responded yet to the commited coup d'etat.
- It is the rule in war, if ten times the enemy's strength, surround them; if five times, attack them; if double, be able to divide them; if equal,engage them; if fewer, be able to evade them; if weaker, be able to avoid them.

Sun Tzu, 6th century BC
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Re: Badaran News Channel (BNC)

Postby meismeotheraccount » Wed Sep 22, 2010 3:43 pm

Morarchy Back in Al'Badara

Centries ago, a Royal House, leading a great nation, suddenly fell down. And it was never seen again. In the late 2980's, Royal House members has no power at all over the government, as its ways of 'Democrices' started destoying the nation. Now of days, people don't need to be afraid of choosing madmen like Nick Willis into office again, because now the House got back up to power.

After a dozen years of monarchy rule, the nation is back on there feet. However, there are some problems. more soon.
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Re: Badaran News Channel (BNC)

Postby LNRulez01 » Wed Nov 10, 2010 5:10 pm

Badaran Military Intervention in Barmenistan

2nd month of the Barmeni Civil War.

Agundi City, Emirate Agundi.

After nearly a month of fighting between the rival factions in Barmenistan, the Badaran government decided, at the request of the legitimate Barmeni government, to order the Badaran military to intervene in the Barmeni civil war. The purpose of the mission, now designated as the Badaran Military Intervention Force Barmenistan or BaMIFoB, is peace enforcement and peacekeeping in the Barmeni Emirates of Arakhim and Kathuristan and the protection of the coastal regions of the Barmeni Emirates of Murdhild and Uthena. The Intervention Force will consist of several divisions of both the Badaran Army and the Badaran Marine corps, as well as units from the Special Forces, making a total of nearly 100,000 troops, 600 tanks and several dozens of attack helicopters. They will be aided by several aircraft carriers of the Badaran Navy, namely the BNV "Sultan Qudamah I" and BNV "Emir Mu'adh", along with their respected support vessels.


Monday, 6:00 AM (Local Time), near the cost of Kathuristan

The first units from the Badaran Military Intervention Force Barmenistan started to land on several beaches, codenamed "Agundi", "Gharki", "Kayuratan" and "Sumilkando", on the easternside of the Island of Kathuristan. Aided by airsupport provided by the aircraft carriers BNV "Sultan Qudamah I" and BNV "Emir Mu'adh", the first units of the Badaran intervention force landed safely on the beaches and began to secure the beachheads after that was done, they began pushing inland to secure strategic positions in the area. The first objective of the units is to rendevouz with units of the Badaran Special Forces, who had been parachuted earlier that night in order to secure airstrips, bridges and weapon depots on the island, before occupying the towns and villages.

First Units of the BaMIFoB make landfall on Kathuristan.

Earlier that night

Units from the Badaran Airborne Division and the Badaran Commando Division where parachuted above Kathuristan in order to secure military instalations, bridges, airstrips and weapons depots before the before the invasion by the Intervention Force began. The Navy Commando Division was deployed to secure coastol defences in the area of the invasion. Reports suggest that the entire operation was a succes and that there are no casualties on both sides.
- It is the rule in war, if ten times the enemy's strength, surround them; if five times, attack them; if double, be able to divide them; if equal,engage them; if fewer, be able to evade them; if weaker, be able to avoid them.

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Re: Badaran News Channel (BNC)

Postby LNRulez01 » Sun Nov 28, 2010 1:26 pm

Badara condemns Keymon for attacks on refugee camps, calls for trade embargo against Keymon and Hutoria.

Agundi City, Emirate of Agundi.

On behalf of the Badaran Government, the minister of Foreign Affairs issues a statement condemning the recent attacks by Keymonian forces on Darnussian refugee camps situated on Malivian territory. Such attacks are a direct violation of international laws regarding the use of force against civilian targets, not to mention it being an illegal act of war against a third party in the conflict.

The Badaran Government is planning to put deeds to the words by impossing trade sanctions against Keymon and its ally Hutori. This embargo will ban the sale of arms and luxuary goods as well as impossing monetary restrictions on both nations as punishment for their crimes against humanity. Furthermore, the Badaran Government will contact its co-members in the Organistation of Majatran States to join Badara's embargo initiative.


Mounir Assyuf.
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Loyal Servant of H.M. the Sultan.
- It is the rule in war, if ten times the enemy's strength, surround them; if five times, attack them; if double, be able to divide them; if equal,engage them; if fewer, be able to evade them; if weaker, be able to avoid them.

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Re: Badaran News Channel (BNC)

Postby LNRulez01 » Mon Nov 29, 2010 6:24 pm

Breaking News!!!!!

Sultan Qudamah I injured in attempted assasination.

October 14th 3037.

Bier Qassem, Emirate of Kayuratan.

His Majesty the Sultan was injured today when an attempt to take his life today failed. The 63 year old monarch was attending the opening of a new shelter for the homeless in Bier Qassem, when a man in the crowd pulled a gun and started shooting. Security forces reacted quickly and apprehended the shooter within minutes, but couldn't prevent that the Sultan was hit 3 times in his chest area. The Sultan was rushed to hospital were he is undergoing emergency surgery. Doctors say the Sultan is stable, but not yet out of danger and that it is highly likely that the Sultan might be kept in a coma until his situation stablizes.

The police the perpetrator as the 32 year old Hassan bin Raffi al-Qusain from the town of Aqqa in the Emirate of Kayuratan. Police officers present at the first interrogation of al-Qusain report that the man is mentaly unstable and was continuously reciting prayers and saying that he had shot the "Devil". Further details about the attempted assasination have yet to be revealed by government officials, but let me end with saying that the minds and prayers of all Badarans are with the Sultan and his family.
- It is the rule in war, if ten times the enemy's strength, surround them; if five times, attack them; if double, be able to divide them; if equal,engage them; if fewer, be able to evade them; if weaker, be able to avoid them.

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Re: Badaran News Channel (BNC)

Postby LNRulez01 » Tue Nov 30, 2010 5:45 pm

Breaking News: Sultan Qudamah I succombs to gunshot wounds.

October 24th, 3037.

Bier Qassem, Emirate of Kayuratan.

Sad news reached the Badaran community today, as the Royal Family announced the death of His Majesty the Sultan. The Sultan died at age 63 after being held in an artificial coma for a week after he had been shot 3 times in the chest area. The funeral will be held within 24 hours according to Islamic law. Because of this few foreign heads of state are expected to attend the funeral ceremony. Grand Vizier Saddum al Din offered his condolences to the Royal Family and the entire Badaran nation in a public address and said that the government had decreed a 30 day period of national morning as is tradition in Badara when the reigning monarch dies.

Sultan Qudamah I will be succeded by his daughter, the Crown Princess Latifah. Her Royal Highness Princess Latifah, aged 36, has yet to be married and has no children. When the coronation ceremony is the be held has yet to be determend, but royalty watchers speculate it will not happen until the royal period of mourning has ended. When the Princess is crowned, she will get the following titles; "Her Majesty, Latifah I, Sultana of the Majatran Sultanate of the United Badaran Emirates, Sultana of Sultans, Descendant of the Holy Prophet Muhammed, Servant of Allah, Defender of Islam, Commander of the Faithful, Champion of Jihad, Sword of Justice, Guardian of the Five Emirates, Mother of the Nation, The Most Merciful & etc.".
- It is the rule in war, if ten times the enemy's strength, surround them; if five times, attack them; if double, be able to divide them; if equal,engage them; if fewer, be able to evade them; if weaker, be able to avoid them.

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