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Re: Ikradon Agency of News (IAN)

Postby TehSLD » Wed Dec 22, 2010 5:30 pm

BREAKING NEWS: URA HQ Bombed - Jas Spieke Dead In Blast
A bomb blast at URA Headquarters has killed 80 people and injured hundreds more

MAGRATHEA, April 3049
A hidden bomb that was planted in the headquarters of the controversial Ultra Right alliance has exploded as URA leader Jas Spieke was due to give his speech at the party's annual conference. The blast is believed to have resulted in the deaths of the URA leadership and many of the party members present. There has been no confirmation of how many were killed and wounded, but it is estimated that as many as 200 people were killed and injured in the blast.

The bomb is believed to have been hidden underneath the podium from which Jas Spieke was due to speak. No groups have claimed responsibility but it is believed that the blast is linked to recently leaked emails, where an as yet unknown member stated: "I intend to voice my disapproval at conference".

There has not yet been any official statement from the URA.

The IAN will keep you up to date with the situation as it unfolds.
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Re: Ikradon Agency of News (IAN)

Postby UniSocAll » Tue Dec 28, 2010 4:14 pm

Two former Ministers arrested in alleged USA-plot
Eleven total in custody

MAGRATHEA, April 3052
The Communist Freedom Party recently has expelled and turned over a member of their party that was being suspected of plotting to assassinate Union Socialism Alliance members, and more specifically, leaders. USA and CFP has seen a deteriorating relationship after the 3050-elections. This comes just a few years after over 100 people were killed in an explosion at a then-Ultra Right Alliance conference, including it's leader Jas Spieke. The Department of Justice, under new Minister of Justice Judge Calvin Landis, are deeply investigating both cases.

Whilst still investigating, Police Commissioner Harry Steinfeldt issued warrants for arrest for 10 other politicians, 7 CFP-members, and 3 former SynPar members. Among those arrested were former Minister of Finance Violet Adams, and former Minister of Trade & Industry Stahan Novist. Police Commissioner Harry Steinfeldt had this to say: "This is a bigger operation than we expected, we are still investigating and we may release some of them, and more arrests may come." Commissioner Steinfeldt also stated that the URA-incident and USA-plot are seperate. "There is still no evidence that would suggest otherwise."

Commissioner Steinfeldt also informed us about the URA-case: "Well until now there aren't any new development, or any prime suspects, but we are still waiting on Sarah Taylor's response and co-operation in the investigation. We also would like to ask Mr. Barry Gold for his co-operation, by stating his whereabouts at the crime-scene, as well as to voluntarily divulge any information he may have about the planning, or execution of the plot."

The Department of Justice has also been busy on the URA-case. A statement by the Department of Justice as well as Minister Landis, states: "[...] on the reaction of Ms. Taylor, it seems that your knowledge about the coupe, as well as your initial intentions when joining the then-Ultra Right Alliance, and also your new found position in the Art & Labour party certainly warrants a deeper look in your possible role in the explosion. Rest assure that the Department of Justice will not let the case rest until the culprits are found."
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Re: Ikradon Agency of News (IAN)

Postby UniSocAll » Sat Jan 22, 2011 12:40 am

Electoral Showdown II; IEF vs LL
Political analysis of the IEF, LL, USA heading in to the election by Cameron Delaney\

MAGRATHEA, June 3064
In two months time, Ikradonians around the country would be heading to the polls again, and voice their political opinion. During the last 3 years or so, the "right" non-LL government ruled. After the formation of the IEF, the last election wasn't a victory necessarily for the IEF, but it was a defeat for the LL, and a mandate for the opposition. Whilst officially not a victory for the IEF, they had form government with USA and ruled over the past 40+ months. But, have the IEF truly change Ikradon, politically or economically? Can they look back and call it a successful term? And how are things looking for the next election?

To start off, the major victors were USA. JeCab Shepard's 'independent' Union Socialism Alliance had Ikradon's future in their hands, and were the key to government for the IEF, and were the lock that locked the LL outside of government. They had all the deciding power in the world. The choice of the disparate and young IEF proved to be a good one, and a great one from a politically point of view for Shepard and his Carmine-comrades. Any change that the IEF would have wanted, would first have to be approved by USA. And what an effect did that have. Since formation of the cabinet, there have been 12 votes where what USA voted, was the end result, and 5 more looks like it's going the same way before election. In contrast, only 1 bill hadn't follow that pattern.

Needless to say that USA had most of their ideas and proposals passed, and while the policy and politics in Ikradon did shift a little bit to the right, in no way is it even close to what the IEF would've wanted. In reality, Ikradon is now a little bit less left, instead of a little bit more right. Union Socialism Alliance didn't miss this opportunity, and made the most out of it. Even if these changes won't last long if, say if either the LL or IEF gains a majority, for now it was a politically smart and sound move. USA might grow this upcoming election, and that would certainly be attributed to the split and fight between the IEF and the LL. While the right are fighting the left, and vice versa, USA celebrates and pass their bills.

The IEF can only celebrate a partial victory, and the LL can also celebrate a victory of their own, or at the least a smaller defeat, even though the DT and USA are, once again in a feud. The reasoning behind the small party for the IEF and LL is, the IEF moved some policies to the right, whilst the policy aren't that much different for the LL. No real change would come until one of these two would garner 376 seats. No doubt in my mind, and in most of Ikradonians minds, that if the IEF would get enough seats and votes, they would most probably drop USA, and start making the real changes they want to see. The LL would prefer an all-LL government if that had a chance, even with the comfortable relations the RMS and USA has had for many decades, the CFP could also have said that, until about a decade ago.

Union Socialism Alliance's new-found power would end as soon as one bloc gets 376 seats. But for now, they remain the most powerful and influential party in Ikradon today, and probably after the elections. The hard part for the next election, is whether to stay with the IEF in government, or form government with the LL. Right now the policy in Ikradon are about the way Union Socialism Alliance would want, and so continuing on with the IEF won't make much sense, and forming a new government with the LL would make even less sense, especially without a really good reason to bail on the IEF. Policy won't change much in the next term, if the LL or IEF don't get a mandate, and that would surely give one of them the mandate the election after that.

But for now, USA and Shepard would most likely just ride the power wave, and that means most definitely a new prime minister by the name of JeCab Shepard, and more Carmine socialists in the Congress of People's Deputy. It's just the people around Shepard that still need to be revealed, and chosen by Shepard himself. Less of a showdown, more like a judgement between IEF and the LL, with USA as the lone judge.
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Re: Ikradon Agency of News (IAN)

Postby UniSocAll » Sun Jan 23, 2011 7:38 pm

Abysmal election for USA has party in turmoil as IEF gains majority and LL retains chancellorship
Shepard steps down, USA leaves government

After a dismal and horrible election for Union Socialism Alliance, where they dwindled down to 33% of what they were an election ago, Consul JeCab Shepard decided to step down following the elections. Shepard was elected Party Chairperson in 3051, when then-Chairperson Zi Muller decided to retire amid controversy and split in ideas on that year's cabinet formation. Shepard wanted a unity cabinet, whilst Muller lobbied for a relatively-right cabinet. Ultimately, the right-cabinet prevailed, but Muller decided to not return to politics. Shepard's tenure as party leader started out with the formation of the first 'right' government in decades, something that would also happen at the end of his short 14-year consulship of USA. Under Shepard's leadership, USA had managed to win 17 of 18 votes in the last governmental term. Shepard's decision to step down came after the dismal election results of only 16.5 million votes, a 144-year old low, dating back to USA's first election. The 3.33% an all-time low in seats.

Following a short election, little-known and young-USA-member Fandango Hudson surprisingly garnered 18 of the 25 votes of the provisional legislative delegation to rise to the consulship, defeating Alex DeLarge and Shawn Mason. Hudson, a borderline communist, then proceeded to convince Landis, Candela and Boerder to step down from their ministerial position in the 'capitalist regime'. He then proceeded to install 18 new member of congress, to join him, Shepard, Landis, Candela, Boerder, Mason and DeLarge. Hudson has gone on to adopt a LL-like campaign against the IEF and it's government.

The IEF gained a majority in the last election, with 397 seats in the Congress of People's Deputy. The IEF with USA formed government and passed several almost-radical bills. IEF has already started the process of more radical bill after the elections. The LL, though, retained the chancellorship, as Konstantinov defeated Taylor in the second round. It is to note that USA has supported Taylor in her chancellorship campaign as well. It goes without saying though, that Hudson himself promised massive changes to USA.
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Re: Ikradon Agency of News (IAN)

Postby UniSocAll » Fri Jan 28, 2011 1:01 pm

A Century of the Ageless Gary Krulll
Interviewed by Mr. Robert Clementine

MAGRATHEA, September 3067
5-time Ike of the Year, 3030s Ike of the Decade, 48 years as head of RMS, 6-time chancellor. An icon of Ikradoni politics in the first half of 31st century, some may also call him the civil rights leader who fought for religious tolerance and freedom of belief. Even as he is reaching the triple digit, he still fights for a cause, a smaller but as noble as any cause, the restoration of the historic Magrathea Cathedral. As he celebrates his 100th birthday this year, we celebrate his life, a century of Gary Krull in Ikradon.

First off, Mr. Krull, what an honour it is to be able to interview such an icon of Ikradon. This is overwhelming and I hope I do you justice in this interview. Now, on the the interview.

Mr. Krull, over your career you have participated in 15 chancellorship elections, spanning over 46 years! An astonishing amount of elections as well as years in politics. My question is, why that long? In 3027 you suffered a defeat as the incumbent, finishing 5th in the election. At that time you've already served 4 times as chancellor of Ikradon, and 28 years in Ikradonian politics at the head of the RMS. What made Mr. Gary Krull continue on for 2 decades?

[Hesitates] I'm old, now, so let me be honest with you. My first campaign was shortly after my birth in 2967, when my father was elected mayor of a small town that's now a suburb of Magrathea. Politics was a trade I learnt from childhood, I suppose by the time I was an adult, I didn't even think of doing anything else.
I stayed in politics because I believed that we in the moderate left had a positive message for the nation.

Going back in time, if we see your first 4 chancellorships, the dominance you showed in the 3010s and early 3020s, you had managed to finish 2nd in the 1st round, yet win the chancellorship in the 2nd, every single time! Astonishing! What would you say helped you in the 2nd round?

I suppose people saw me as the lesser of two evils. I never would have gotten through without the support of three parties and millions of activists.

After that dominant period, you kind of struggled from the late 3020s, through the entire 3030s and until the early 3040s. In some ways, the RMS also slumped with you. How was that period for you? Did the thought of retiring entered your mind during that period?

The Syndicalists rose in power at that time, and the Ikradonian voter always loves more extreme parties. But the 20s, 30s and 40s saw the longest stable government in modern history. There was so much to do. Our party was at the forefront of making policy, and I was personally very dedicated to overturning the ban on religion.

Now during your reign as head of RMS as well as head of state, you have experienced many changes in politics. Such parties as RPU, BF and SynPar have come and gone, the end of SLD, and the URA-saga, and the resurgence of USA. Can you tell me how you experienced these changes, if they changed politics for you or not?

I mentioned the Crisis of 3019, and that I take some responsibility for what came after that... We've seen periods of extreme violence and very little justice.
[Pause] There's always going to be extremists. You expect that. The good party activists have a duty to fight against it for the sake of the nation. But what makes me really sad is the rise of this bipartisan situation, where the left and right are at war with each other. This is unhealthy for the nation. And it's a trend that's dominated this century.

Within the LL self, there has been some drama. Particularly the cloning-controversy by the DT. The reaction and condemnation at the DT by the RMS and CFP had politics and the LL on an edge. Can you tell us more about that period in time?

[Laughs] It wasn't particularly tense for us, I'm afraid. The media wanted a story about the League collapsing. In truth, we knew from the start that we'd find a compromise. It was just a case of what that was going to be. Personally, I just wanted young comrade Carson to learn politics properly, at street level. Working with every day people. And I didn't like that he was getting power that he hadn't had to earn, I suppose, really, career politicians like me are just the same. Perhaps we're a fault in the system. People who are made for jobs. The important thing is to earn your power, and to understand that you're no better or worse than anybody else.
I liked Carson. I still do. He's a good boy. I hope in some small way, I was able to help him.

[b]In 3044 you were elected chancellor. A year, and an early election later, Alice Ross is chancellor. What happened in that one year that you decided to hang it up?[/b]

Somehow, I had grown old and not really noticed... and my whole life had been spent in consensus building meetings and in theoretical debates. People asked me increasingly often why I had been working for so long, and for the first time in my life, I asked myself that. At seventy seven years old, I had never, I had never really thought about what I wanted. Not that I was being selfless all those years. I enjoyed the respect, and the fame. But I felt there had to something else. It was late on, but I wanted to find out what that was.

[b]You have been retired for almost 2 decades now, but I'm sure you keep yourself up-to-date. What do you think about the new political bloc IEF?[/b]

As I've said, the bipartisan nature of modern politics is sad. And it's a shame to see the world I knew coming to an end. Do you know, they wanted to rename this place "The Goldenfields Retirement Home"? We fought that. Most people here just want to see out their days in peace, without being bothered by this constant drive to change everything. The IEF is democratic, peaceful, and they're teaching us a thing or two. I have no grudge against them. Hopefully, some parties inside it will learn to make compromises. I think the best things for Ikradon will be decisions that are made jointly by moderates in both the big camps. And, of course, by the USA in the middle.

One final question, what did you think about your successor Alice Ross? And any other leaders for that matter?

Alice Ross is a good enough leader. She's always been keen to keep me around. I think I'm meant to add gravitas to party occasions.
Carson, as I've said, has grown up. I think we made the right decision with him. And the leaders of the IEF are, well, I disagree with a lot of what they do. But they seem to agree with a lot of what I do these days. I have found them to be reasonable enough.

All right, we've reached the end of this interview, anything else you want to tell Ikradon? or our current leader?

I'd like to tell you something about what I've been doing, if I could. It isn't popular with some of the left-wing people here, but for the last few decades I've been helping with a group that wants to restore Magrathea Cathedral. Very little remains of the original structures, and even documentary sources about what went on there is getting rare. I hope that I can help build this one last thing. And I hope that some of your readers will want to help me.

Thank you for your time, honourable Gary Krull, and all the best for you, and may you enjoy your very well deserved retirement.

A true legend and icon, a true leader and fighter. I can't tell you how great it was to get to interview such an icon. I truly wish all the best for him, and hopes he gets to finish his project, possibly his last one for Ikradon.
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Re: Ikradon Agency of News (IAN)

Postby UniSocAll » Mon Jan 31, 2011 12:20 am

The Right, Green, Salacious Machine that is Ishmael Bukharin
Interviewed by Robin Clementine

MAGRATHEA, November 3068
10-time Chancellor candidate, leader of the right-SCI movement and rise for 3 decades, helper and council to the creation of the IEF, 6-time runner-up for Chancellor and 2-time Ike of the Year. A long career, with many accomplishment, but little accolades, IAN gives Ishmael Bukharin the spotlight, as we talk with him about Ikradon and the SCI in the last 3 decades.

Mr. Ishmael Bukharin, first off, thank you for this opportunity! Now, let's talk about your marvellous career. At the time that you became the leader / chancellor-candidate of the SCI, it was going through renovations. What was your role in righting of the SCI? And how and when did you originally joined the party?

Well, to be honest, the party itself was having a crisis of ideology. With the newly arrived and blossoming Syndicalist Party, much of our disaffected members were leaving in favor of the new SynPar. I, along with several other chief party directors, felt that it was time for a deep introspection to decide the future of the SCI, and indeed the future of Ikradonian Politics. Much is hazy of my early days. As a youth, I was a raised by parents who supported the centre-right FFP, so naturally, when I left for college, I was taken in by the free-wheeling leftist movement and marijuana (hence the hazy youth). After that I had been to some rallies for the RM-S party, but was slightly disillusioned by the lack of.... well, assertiveness. So, I gravitated towards the farther end of the leftist spectrum, to a party that seemed to care much more about principles, to the Synarchist Council. A few local political campaigns, some clerking in Congress in Magrathea, then an elected MP in congress, then ultimately to HoS nominee.

Since 3027, you have been the leader of the SCI for over 30 years, with your last election in 3057. Through it all you have experienced many events, the rise and fall of SynPar, the URA-saga, some DT-drama on cloning, isolationism of USA, first non-LL cabinet in decades and of course, the formation of the IEF, and the first right government in centuries. How have these affect you, the SCI, if they had any effect at all.

Oh, indeed, I have seen and even presided over some of the greatest changes to our party and our nation. It has been an interesting ride. We did enjoy the fall of the SynPar, not so much for regaining our voters, who I'm sure fell in line with DT and CFP, but for the nostalgic feeling of surviving past our old rival. The URA years were slightly chaotic. On the one hand, we desired to form close bonds with our rightist fellow parties, but on the other, it went against some of our core beliefs as a party just solidifying after many years. On the issue of DT cloning, we didn't mind much, we've always supported cloning and internationalism, so neither did we mind a clone, nor one not made in Ikradon. We were very glad to announce the opening of the IEF, it was a good feeling standing there with compatriots in a strong bloc against the LL. The transition could not have been made, however, without the aid of the USA. They helped us cement a non-LL government, which people in Ikradon must really have approved of.

Speaking of the IEF, the SCI definitely had a leading role in the creation and formation of the IEF, what was your role?

I was more hands-off on the creation of the IEF. I was consulted about the strategy and implementation of it, but the real force behind that was our SCI national party chair and candidate for Head of Government, Yuri Tatarin. He is a real idealist, we go a long way back. He really wanted the ideals of the right and centre-right parties to be represented and held up as a strong bulwark against LL oppression. I believe he made his message clear.

Looking back at your long career, we see that you participated in 10 HoS elections, and finished 2nd 6 times! An unprecedented amount. But do you look back at any, or all of those, and wished you were elected, or wished you had done something differently in the campaign? And what would you have done if you were elected chancellor.

Well, hindsight is 20/20. Indeed, a bit more moderation may have helped siphon some votes from our fellow rightist parties, but in the long run, the centre-right is in the minority (possibly growing as we can see), but we still have a disadvantage compared to the entrenched LL voter base. They clearly have had a strong lead in the HoS elections for many many years. As Chancellor, I probably would have done exactly what my friend, Yuri, just accomplished, a more solid LL opposition. But who has time for "What ifs?" Bah.

As someone who has experienced politics that long, what do you think of politics today in Ikradon? And t about the capitalism-ing happening now in Ikradon?

Ikradonian Politics today seems much more vibrant and alive than it has in the past. Perhaps my IEF bias showing through, but a strong opposition to the LL has brought out the vigor, and in some cases violent tendencies (CFP), that a strong democracy craves to give itself meaning. I fear that the capitalist surge in Ikradon will slow down. If the IEF maintains a majority in the next election, it will probably be only a small one, if not a complete turnover to a slight leftist majority. While people do call for change, some are only willing to make small changes. When those changes occur, people are usually more willing to return to a status quo. I think that perhaps the moves toward a freer economy may have been slightly too much for an electorate to handle. But I guess we'll see in the next election.

Any one moment that you may be proud or not-so proud of?

Unfortunately, I was a member of the party during those few years when we went slightly mad and changed our name to the SCI Total Control Paradigm. I thought it was just an April Fools' Gag from former Head of State, Stepan Vlarich, but he turned out to be a bit more serious than we thought. It might be better that he died when he did. *chuckle*

We have reached the end of the interview, any last thoughts or opinions for the peope of Ikradon?

I wish all Ikradonians to keep an open mind and a cool head. And thank you for humoring an old bureaucrat, I much enjoyed the opportunity to be interviewed.

We thank Mr Bukharin for the opportunity and interview, and wish him all the best. Certainly an icon for the right in Ikradon, and the driving force for the SCI in the last 30 years.
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Re: Ikradon Agency of News (IAN)

Postby UniSocAll » Mon Feb 14, 2011 6:23 pm

Constitutional Changes on Deck
Official Name, Flag, Anthem being debated in the Parliament

MAGRATHEA, June 3076
The Parliament of the Socialist Republic of Ikradon are currently debating and proposing to change the official name of the nation, as well as the national flag and now national anthem. After years of uninterrupted and generally socialist rule in Ikradon, a few parties on the right, as well as the centre, are now proposing a more politically-neutral Ikradon, when it comes to the name of the nation and the flag and anthem. Following changes a decade ago to the then-Congress of People's Deputies and the the then-Region to the now-Parliament and Provinces, a new slate of constitutional changes arose in the early 3060s. These changes are to make Ikradon a more centrist or neutral nation.

The Nation's name was the first to rise up, questioning the Socialist part in the name. Among the various choices, the parties of Ikradon mentioned or supported a few possibilities. Ikradon, United Ikradon, Federal Republic of Ikradon, United Republic of Ikradon, Federation of Ikradon, Ikradonian Federation, People's Republic of Ikradon, Ikradonian Republic and Democratic Republic of Ikradon have all been proposed and/or supported, but it seems that the title Republic of Ikradon holds prevalence. It is to note that virtually every party are open and support the idea of changing the name, the only exception being the Dark Templar.

The National Flag debate was later proposed to coincide with the neutrality of Ikradon. There where four different flag proposed at first, with the fifth, and the most popular, being proposed later. The flag chosen was the original flag of the then-Democratic Republic of Ikradon and, for a period, also the Socialist Republic of Ikradon pre-2910. Until now only the IEF and USA supports the idea, where as DT and CFP oppose it. RMS have yet to make a statement about it.

The National Anthem debate is the youngest of the debates, where it was proposed to reinstate Ikradon first anthem, the Ikradoni Penguin, as the nations anthem. The current anthem, The Internationale, was instated by the LL and USA decades ago, representing the socialist and communist nature of Ikradon. It remains doubtful if the LL would support it, and it is probable that the IEF would support it.

There is no debate on the national motto yet, which although it has a socialist connotation to it, it's neutrality can be defended. There is also no debate on the Head of State title or the Head of Government title.
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Re: Ikradon Agency of News (IAN)

Postby UniSocAll » Tue Feb 22, 2011 2:53 am

Cabinet Crisis results in new elections
SCI, DT only parties to lose seats

MAGRATHEA, December 3079
With the inconclusive elections where a cabinet could not be formed, USA proposed new elections, where the CFP, IM and DT supported. The new elections brought little changes, except for the SCI and DT, whose losses run in the double digits, and RMS and the CFP, whose gains reaches the double digits. The LL remains with the same amount of seats though, but the IEF loses 4 seats to USA. A centrist option is now on the table, proposed by USA, but headed by the RMS, the 2nd largest party, and biggest winner of the elections.

The cabinet crisis began when the first cabinet proposal between USA and the IEF was vehemently criticized by the SCI, and also garnering the disapproval of the FFP. The IM supported in principal, and the A&L did support the cabinet. The cabinet fell trough, and a USA-IEF coalition was shot down by the SCI, where they stated that weren't even going to support a USA-IEF cabinet. Criticism also came from the LL, claiming the proportions by the USA being anti-democratic. USA tried to defend it's proposal, by claiming that it wasn't set in stone, and that it was definitely debatable.The cabinet was headed by the USA, and had 5 total USA ministers, whilst the IEF had 8, 2 per party.

After that, a cabinet containing all the parties except the SCI and DT was proposed, again headed by USA, but more proportionate. The "Cabinet Coalition Compromise" fell through when both the SCI and DT asked their bloc-mates to not support that cabinet, and try to work things between themselves, a LL-IEF cabinet. The RMS insisted that USA took the comments made both by the SCI and the DT wrong, and did not support the cabinet, described by them as weird. Even after the call by the DT, the rejection by the RMS and the CFP self doubting USA's socialistic nature, the CFP did support the cabinet, the only other party to do so. A&L, FFP and IM all decided to reject the cabinet, without letting know their reasons or arguments.

An LL-IEF cabinet was shortly proposed afterwards, by the RMS, and was compromised between the RMS, CFP, AL, FFP and SCI. It was proportioned democratically, and had the support of most of the parties, except AL, where they stated that they would hesitate to enter a cabinet with the LL, especially the CFP. USA issued a statement criticising the cabinet, and wished them luck when trying to propose proposals where the other side had a completely other stance on the issue. With the faltering of this proposal, new elections has been asked upon.

It now remains to be seen if the Cabinet Coalition Compromise II would be accepted by all parties, especially the RMS and AL. The CFP has shown willingness to compromise, and the FFP has been known to compromise as well as the RMS, but the RMS has shown hesitation when working with USA, and AL towards CFP. If this falters, than their remains a narrow possibility of a new cabinet, with USA not willing to work with the DT, the SCI not willing to work with USA, RMS not willing to work with IM, and possibly the AL not willing to work with CFP.
Last edited by UniSocAll on Fri Feb 25, 2011 2:32 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Ikradon Agency of News (IAN)

Postby UniSocAll » Fri Feb 25, 2011 2:25 am

Cabinet Crisis Continues
Minority Cabinet may rule this term

MAGRATHEA, June 3081
After two elections has taken place, there is still no new cabinet for Ikradon, as the Art & Labour party shot down any possibility of working with the LL. It was the fourth cabinet proposition by USA, and fifth overall. A sixth proposal was also shot down, when the SCI deemed it unnecessary to form new government. It would have included the DT, RMS, SCI and FFP.

No party have given support for a third election, so it is unclear on what is now next in Ikradonian politics. It may well be that they will serve this term with the minority cabinet, and then see what the elections bring. A slew of bills came in from many parties, but none of them containing cabinet compositions.
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Re: Ikradon Agency of News (IAN)

Postby UniSocAll » Fri Mar 04, 2011 10:50 pm

Cabinet Compromise ends in dissolution
IMC compromised for cabinet, then exits

After years of minority cabinet rule in Ikradon, on the initiative of the IMC primarily, and the RMS, the first LL-IEF cabinet compromise was passed with the inclusion of USA, AL and CFP. Cabinet Newman I would face problems in a few months, with the IMC going against the compromise that was agreed upon by the cabinet coalition, and voting, in protest, for a self-described Anti-Compromise bill by the SCI. The IMC would later release a statement, stating that they feel they no longer can and wish to work with the current cabinet coalition, not due to internal disagreements or other problems, but simply because their ideology doesn't fit well with the compromise. They also stated that they may have create something worse than the LL. USA, after calling out the IMC and making their thoughts clear, would go on to porpose a vote of no confidence in the IMC ministers coupled with a new cabinet proposal, which were accepted by the AL, RMS and CFP, as well as supported by the IMC. There seems to be no hard feelings between any of the parties and the IMC.
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