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Re: Glorieuse Journal Impérial

Postby Cirith » Tue Feb 08, 2011 4:27 am

Le Figaro – Royal Couple Announce Pregnancy!
Saint-Pierre, Alvium – August 3071

Celebrations erupted last night as Françoise and Kirsten Iième, the father and daughter-in-law of the Sovereign Prince and his wife, announced that Kirsten was 1 month pregnant and the baby was expected in May 3072.

The couple stood outside the Château de Chamont yesterday and told the whole of Lourenne and the rest of Terra the happy news. It was especially happy news for the Sovereign Prince who said he was looking forward to being a grandfather and for the Queen, who is reportedly delighted at the prospect of being a great-grandmother and happy to see the line continue.

Françoise and Kirsten Iième, Announcing the Pregnancy

The couple are believed to be heading to Orleans Vasser estates in Rildanor for 3 months to get away from court life for a while before they will return to help the Sovereign Prince with his duties. Immanuel has been taking on more and more royal duties as the Queen is battling depression after losing her husband and her cousin.

We want to congratulate the royal couple of the fantastic news and join Lourennians everywhere in celebration.
White Rose of the Holy Luthori Empire

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Re: Glorieuse Journal Impérial

Postby Cirith » Tue Feb 08, 2011 4:46 am

Le Figaro – Royal Family Celebrate Birthday in Peace!
Saint-Pierre, Alvium – January 3072

The royal family are celebrating the 73rd birthday of Queen Isabelle II today at the Château de Chamont. The family announced that they would have a state birthday for the Queens 75th but they wanted this one to be private after the losses they have suffered in family recently, although there is happiness on the horizon, with the birth of the Queen great-granddaughter due in just 5 months.

Château de Chamont , The Royal Palace of Lourenne

The Queen is rumoured to be fighting depression but it is believed she has low days and good days, we hope, for you Majesty, that today is a good day. Happy Birthday.
White Rose of the Holy Luthori Empire

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Re: Glorieuse Journal Impérial

Postby Cirith » Tue Feb 08, 2011 5:10 am

Le Figaro – BABY GIRL!
Saint-Pierre, Alvium – May 3072

In the early hours of this morning, Kirsten Iième gave birth to a healthy baby girl, weighing 8ibs. At a private hospital, cared for by the royal physician and in the company of the Sovereign Prince, his wife and her husband, Françoise Iième, the little miracle came into Terra.

The couple have named the daughter, Thérèse and they are expected to return to the palace, and to the Queen in 2 days.

Thérèse, Daughter of Françoise and Kirsten Iième

The Chancelier, Elad Cirith, expressed his congratulation to the couple and the to the family this morning in a brief press conference. He said;

'...It is great to see the family of our monarchy expanded and extended and knowing that Thérèse could one day be the Queen of Lourenne, fills me with emotion and pride at restoring this great house to our throne...'

Congratulations to, Françoise & Kirsten and welcome baby, Thérèse.
White Rose of the Holy Luthori Empire

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Re: Glorieuse Journal Impérial

Postby Cirith » Tue Feb 08, 2011 10:25 pm

Le Figaro – Queen Turns 74 as League calls Prime Assembly!
Saint-Pierre, Alvium – January 3073

The Queen celebrates her 74th birthday tomorrow while the Chancelier hosts the Prime Assembly of the League of Nations in Valois. The royal family are once again celebrating in private and the Queen is said to be getting worse, with the loss of her husband and cousin weighing heavily upon her.

The League Headquarters in Valois

The League is set to host a Prime Assembly, which is the first assembly of the organisation since its foundation. Now hosting an amazing 17 members, it is believed that either Elad Cirith of Lourenne or Michael Kingsman of Solentia will become General Director of the League.
White Rose of the Holy Luthori Empire

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Re: Glorieuse Journal Impérial

Postby Cirith » Tue Feb 08, 2011 11:04 pm

Saint-Pierre, Alvium – March 3073


Last night, at 20:57, the royal physician announced to the Sovereign Prince, that his mother, our Queen, had passed away peacefully. He immediately informed the Chancelier, the Supreme Court and the Pope of the Orthodox Catholic Church. The Queen will lay in state at the Château de Chamont for 3 days before a state funeral is to be held. The Chancelier has already begun inviting the heads of states from most of the Terran nations to attend the funeral at the Cathédrale nationale de Lourenne.

The Queen was 74 and she had led a roller-coaster life. Spending 14 years in exile before being returned to the throne by the PCR, she spent the years in Rildanor with her family. Since returning to the throne, the Queen has spent her time working on international affairs and securing the future of Lourenne, until the death of her husband in 3070 and her cousin in 3071, to which she reacted badly and began a battle with depression. In total, Queen Isabelle II sat on the throne of Lourenne for 40 years, serving 5 of those since she was returned to the country as monarch by the PCR.

Cathédrale nationale de Lourenne, Where the State Funeral will be held

The Chancelier has already organised the coronation of the Sovereign Prince, to take place at Ville de Saints, where Immanuel will be crowned by Pope Grégoire II of the Orthodox Catholic Church, as per tradition of the house of Orleans-Vasser. The coronation is expected to take place at the beginning of April under the watchful eyes of the IML, the church, the League and the PCR.
White Rose of the Holy Luthori Empire

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Re: Glorieuse Journal Impérial

Postby Cirith » Thu Feb 10, 2011 8:02 pm

Le Figaro – Coronation of our King!
Saint-Pierre, Alvium – April 3073

Today, in Ville de Saints, Immanuel Iième is being crowned by Pope Grégoire II as the King of Lourenne.

While no camera or media are allowed in the ceremony, the Sovereign Prince is expected to be crowned King Immanuel II of Lourenne at midday and be bestowed with the crown of Lourenne. He will then travel back to Lourenne where, upon arrival, he shall go straight to the Parlement to address his Chancelier, Government and legislature. A lot is expected from the Kings first address, the Kings Consort, Kirsten Iième, has gone to Ville de Saints, while Sovereign Prince Françoise remains here with his wife and daughter, who will be 1 next month.

The Throne Room, In Château de Chaumont

The royal family and the Government will then return to Château de Chaumont, where the King shall be in-vestured by the Patriarch, will seat his Consort, will name his son the Sovereign Prince and empower the Government to act.

The Parlement will then be dissolved for a mourning period of 1 month, in which the campaigning will take place before a national election. In this time, the Government shall remain in place to run the country alongside the King.

The Queen is dead, long live the King!
White Rose of the Holy Luthori Empire

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Re: Glorieuse Journal Impérial

Postby Cirith » Thu Feb 10, 2011 8:15 pm

Le Figaro – Royals Celebrate Baby's First Birthday!
Saint-Pierre, Alvium – May 3073

A celebration is being held today at Château de Chaumont to celebrate the first birthday of the Kings granddaughter, daughter of the Sovereign Prince, Thérèse Iième. The one year old is destined to become Queen of Lourenne and the royal family have said they will celebrate every birthday with each other, not allowing any foreign visits to be scheduled for May each year.

Happy Birthday, Princess Thérèse

The Chancelier and his family are believed to have been invited to the ceremony, the Cirith's are becoming ever closer to the Iiéme's, who the PCR put back on the throne of our great nation 5 years ago. With the Coronation of the King and the naming of Françoise as Sovereign Prince, the line of succession has changed, with the aunt of the King remaining second in line, but when Princess Emilie passes away, her line will be removed from the succession as her son, Prinz Georg Wilhelm is disallowed because he is the heir to the Dundorfian throne. This will put baby Thérèse, second in the line of succession, at such a young age.
White Rose of the Holy Luthori Empire

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Re: Glorieuse Journal Impérial

Postby Cirith » Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:20 pm

Le Figaro – Elections Finally Held!
Saint-Pierre, Alvium – August 3074

A year after the coronation of King Immanuel II and the vote to bring Parlement into a hiatus, the long awaited early election has happened. In April last year, the King was crowned and Parlement dissolved for a month, but with the economic issues hitting Lourenne, the Government decided to dissolve parlement for a single year to save funds, opting to run the country as the executive in conjunction with the King.

Parlement National, The Parlement approve hiatus and descends into chaos

Now, the economy has recovered with stiff financial measures and the GDP is stable so the Government called elections, in which the PCR won all 200 seats and over 99% of the vote. In the coming years, the Government has said they will concentrate on the economy, health and foreign affairs.
White Rose of the Holy Luthori Empire

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The Lourennian Chronicle

Postby Eryk » Sun Apr 24, 2011 10:18 pm

November, 3110
Edition 1

The Lourennian Chronicle Enters Operations, Lourenne Restored

The Lourennian Chronicle Enters Operations, to inform, and speculate on the political, civilian and any other events which happen in the Kingdom of Lourenne. The Lourennian Chronicle is meant, as a means of communication and information, as well as subjecting debates between individuals.

The government of Lourenne, and the proper and legitimate rulers of Lourenne have been restored, and the Queen will be taking her rightful throne already being crowned and proclaimed the Queen of Lourenne, and the protector of Lourenne and its peoples. The proper, and legitimate rulers of Lourenne were deposed after the government of Elad Cirith failed and collapsed. Republican movements seeing the opportunity of being the only party to run for elections, were elected by their Republican supports by some 10 million people, our of over 160 million. The Republican movement itself failed in late 3109 and early 3110. The Royalists finally restored the monarchy after they were the only to run to the legislative assembly. The legitimate monarchy was restored as soon as time permitted with a new constitution on way, and in the mean time eliminate the fiasco and mess up the Republicans have managed to do during their 3 year rule which accomplished extremely little.
Her Majesty, Thérèse II
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Re: The Lourennian Chronicle

Postby Eryk » Tue Apr 26, 2011 4:25 am

July, 3111
Edition 2

More Reforms

In the light of more "Imperial Reforms" and the monarchy officially restored, the new government has replaced the Republican ministers which managed to hold their seats by law until it was lately passed and changed. The new cabinet has begun work on a new taxation and budget policy, as well as allocating more spending for social and infrastructure problems and above all defense. In addition, the restoration of the Royal houses has begun, and many citizens are beginning to fell afraid that the allocation of money may bring Lourenne into a large deficit. "Lourenne is a extremely rich country, over the years, regardless of being robbed by Republican governments it has retained its large wealth and we are currently putting it into very good use. Social issues will be taken care of, as well as all other situations. We are truely striving for a utopia for all our citizens, even for those that do not agree with all our polices" - mentioned the new governments leader, Mr. Curie. Lourenne is currently still reforming its laws, but the new constitution must be amended and corrected strongly. Many mistakes due to the rushed approach caused the constitution to be more of a mess than an actual valid constitution. " Until we construct a serious proposal, the current one stands as is." mentioned Mr. Curie.

The Diplomatic reforms have effectively retreated Lourenne from all treaties in order to "restart its diplomatic relations in a way beneficial for is peoples and not its government". The government has already contacted Alduria and Dorvik, and Kanjor as well as Rildanor will be included in any diplomatic relations Lourenne has.
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