
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.


Postby meritocracy » Wed Feb 16, 2011 12:49 am

Return of the Monarchy?

After a wave of thousands of immigrants from Solentia, fled south after the final collapse of the alternate Calydon Regency government, changes began to erupt, and ethnic clashes between Arabs and Solentian ethnic groups on one side, and the powerful Istallian minority on the other. And so it was that Quanzar's poor, isolated northern neighbor Solentia inadvertantly sparked a revolution in "Istaliana" by triggering a migration.

Robert Moon, chief councilor to former Solentian Regent Jack Swindon, led a Quanzari Crown Restorationist movement to trigger a backlash against the Istallianos with a promise of a return to the storied days of the Hessexian monarchy of the 2700's. The Quanzari Crown Restorationists are themselves a product of the Whig Party of Solentia, and movements within Istallia bent on maintaining the principles of the Quanzari Radical Nationalist party, among others.

In their first election results, Robert Moon and his party won a stunning victory, taking over 2/3's of the seats in the legislature, as well as head of state. A new entirely Restorationist cabinet was put in place backed by the most recently head of the ancient Belisarius family, who have reasserted their long-held claim to the Duchy of Terak (Terrache).

At thousands of rallies across the nation the Istallian flag was burned following the triumph of Robert Moon, as he promised a new Regency government, along with restoration of the nation's traditional name, and a respect for all cultures.


Duke Belisarius condemned all violence against the Istallian minority, but did not discourage the rallies themselves, stating that the people of the southernmost Majatran nation "deserved to let their kettle let off it's whistle a bit."
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Re: Quanzar Telegraph

Postby meritocracy » Thu Feb 17, 2011 9:30 pm

Quanzar Increases Offshore Claims: Notifies Solentia

In a move to bolster Quanzari fishing and remove Solentian surface trawlers from the area, the Foreign Ministry today sent notice to the Solentian government discussing the new "200 Nautical Mile" doctrine of the Belisarius cabinet. The message reads as follows:

To the current of administration of the Federal Republic of Solentia

We greet you with brotherly friendship.

His Excellencies Government of Quanzar asserts that it's Exclusive Economic Zone with regards to shoreline must extend by 200 nautical miles. This includes claimancy to any atolls, islands, keys, or reefs within this zone. We respect the current land boundary between our two nations as-is, and realize by nature this extends outward and forms a boundary for such areas of offshore boundaries.

No fishing or commercial trade of Solentian vessles is permitted without specific approval through the Ministry of Trade and Industry. Vessles found without such approval within the aforementioned Economic Zone are subject to seizure and auctions, whereas their crews are subject to impressment in the Royal Navy or Quanzari Merchant Marine if need warrants. We trust that this information is propagated to any and all of your citizens, and we shall of course recipcrocate any such statements of your own nation to His Excellency's subjects.

Yours Etc,

Sir Edmund Miller
Foreign Minister

(official seals of Regent Moon, and Lord Belisarius attached).

Economic consultant Gregory Andalus applauded the move at a meeting on aquaculture in Terrache. "Solentia walks a fine line. Their commercial fishing quotas are set by local government. Those can be quite restrictive depending on who's running the show their. All the trawlers have to do is show record they've travelled below a certain parallel and into our own waters and they can do whatever they like. It's unfair, and frankly high time someone put a stop to it."

A differing viewpoint was offered by Leo Manelli, a political commentater and critic of the monarchists. "Our northern neighbor is pacifist and insular, and there are some hard feelings on behalf of some of our .. newer persons living here who have risen to power. I would hate to think we are running a passive aggressive program to create situations wherein we cause trouble abroad. That would never do."

For its own part, the Regency states that the matter is simply one of ironing out border issues which have never been dealt with properly before.
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Re: Quanzar Telegraph

Postby meritocracy » Thu Feb 17, 2011 9:39 pm

Hessexian Heir Returns to Quanzar

Oswald Hessex has long known his status as a pretender to the Quanzari throne, but never anticipated that he'd be fufilling the role. Now, he waits carefuly to assume a position unclaimed for several centuries.

Although there have been several potential Royal lines of the Hessex family, Oswald's has one of the best claims, and an unbroken male line extending back to King Edward. Oswald has lived most of his life in Hulstria, and served in the navy as an officer for three years.

After returning to Quanzar at the request of Regent Robert Moon, he met with various delegates of the International Monarchist League, hoping to secure approval now that Quanzar has signed the IML treaty.

(a potentially future King Oswald meets various dignitaries of the IML).

Polls show the people of Quanzar are excited about the possibility of a young monarch. He speaks several languages, and is a member of the Orthodox Catholic Church.
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Re: Quanzar Telegraph

Postby meritocracy » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:13 am

Homicide in the King's Cabinet

Foreign Minister Sir Edmond Miller was found dead, apparently from multiple gunshots, outside an abandoned aircraft factory in North Romula. Police have ruled it a suicide.


Sir Edmond, noted to be the most vitriolic of the Expansionist branch of the Restorationist ideology, was a controversial choice for foreign affairs, and the "200 Nautical Mile Doctrine" was in large part seen as his own creation with approval from the Regent. Sources close to the Lord Chancellor state that Sir Edmond had been scene to be ill at east and depressed during cabinet meetings in the last week, and that he was a collector of various historical firearms. The police state an antique Kalopian machine pistol was found near his body with an empty magazine.


King Oswald recommended former Solentian Regent Jack Swindon to temporarily assume the duties as acting Foreign Secretary, and was sworn in during an ad-hoc ceremony by Lord Chancellor Belisarius the day after Sir Edmond died. Swindon, in his nineties, is yet another controversial choice, as he has an open arrest warrant within Solentia for running an alternative government from the city of Calydon for decades after forced from the main capitol at Halion.

At his first press conference a noticably fatigued and elderly Jack Swindon read the announcement regarding corrections in policy to the 200 Nautical Mile Doctrine.


"As a Kingdom of honor and virtue, we shall hold to the treaty for members of other treaty signatories until we withdraw from the treaty, and this includes all facets therein. As Solentia is not a signatory nor is pending ratification, the matter will be upheld regarding the federal republic, at this time. I give this message as an assistant to both His Grace Duke Belisarius and His Royal Majesty King Oswald. May God continue to protect and guide us."
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Re: Quanzar Telegraph

Postby meritocracy » Sun Feb 20, 2011 6:58 pm

Government Unshackled

Giants crowds celebrated outside the new capitol today as the Removal of Sitting Treaties bill was signed into law and delivered to His Majesty King Oswald for the signet ring seal. In one stroke, 25 treaties which had impeded the Restorationists' vision of government were eradicated. A jubilant Lord Chancellor said "From now on we set our own course. We are no longer a plaything of international laws and committees."

While the bill did choose to leave a few treaties intact, most of those which would have required the Kingdom to adopt certain policies. were done away with.

"We will remember well the Law of the Sea debacle. We will never go down that road again," said Regia Curis member Simon 1st Baron of Padua. "Expect to see a lot of new legislation from this moment forward."
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Re: Quanzar Telegraph

Postby meritocracy » Mon Feb 21, 2011 3:01 am

Economy Rising By Government Spending

The Asimuth Foundation, a thinktank based out of the capitol of Sattari, announced recent economic trends in Quanzar point to a new economic, boom, most of it the results of increased government spending.

"The latter Istallian republic seemingly paid little was seemingly a neverending abyss of graft. Over 80% of their budget went nowhere." said economic investigator Harold Branch, who helped graft the economic strategy for the ministry of Finance. "We believe the bulk of those funds went to offshore accounts in neutral nations. Sadly those funds are lost the people of the Kingdom, but we have a momentous start now."

RQS Edward I under construction, soon to be Quanzar's first modern nuclear aircraft carrier.

"We will darken the skies with our aircraft, we will churn the seas with our warships, we will protect hearth and land with our brave men and women." Announced Field Marshall Knox when he took the position following the initial takeover by Restorationists. For the first few years the Istallian budgets continued and the surplus funds were used as repatriation money to "reestablish proper culture" in the nation. This sudden shift of wealth was popular with many of the aristocracy and Arabs, but was never intended to remain in place.

Edward Rock, minister of Trade and Industry stated in an interview with the Telegraph, "The plan all along was to stimulate growth via military, and to a lesser degree, infrastructure spending, to begin with. We still had quite a bit of surplus, because frankly, we didn't have the means to spend it productively without excessive foreign investment, which of course is at cross purposes to our needs. At some point it will doubtless even out, but we all know that these are troubled times. His Majesty's armed forces must take first priority."

Former Regent Robert Moon, now Lord Protector, acts as a go-between between all parts of government and the King, as well as heading the Restorationists, themselves, as party President. He took time to speak with this reporter while overseeing the construction of the new royal palace. "We have jump started industry. And as you may know, there is a bill in congress to increase spending to twice its current level entirely. The bulk of that will go to the Ministry of War. With that low-born Foreign Ministry fellow from Solentia running about whispering in people's ears and causing a panic, one can never be too careful, don't you know. We will be watching the results of this new budget. In time we will react accordingly with further national needs. I'd like to see a large boost to education."

When asked about a plan for southern Majatran nations to adopt a 5% level of funding for defence Lord Protector smiled condescendingly. "Pigs may fly. Solentia isn't some sleeping giant that suddenly comes awake, offers a few choice neighbors a cup of tea and gets everyone to sing camp-fire songs. It's the sleeping flabby old man of Majatra, depserately tryning to stir up trouble so others can do the work and it can go back to sleep once it's had it's cordial.

"To the point- preparation for defence, keeps warfare away. There hasn't been a serious war in Southern Majatra in some time, and there won't be one for a long time, as long as our own leadership has anything to say about it. Now lets start getting the word out about Quanzari built automobiles."
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Re: Quanzar Telegraph

Postby meritocracy » Thu Feb 24, 2011 5:14 am

Great Wall Construction At Brisk Pace

The Lord Chancellor Belisarius addressed the collected chain gangs working on the Great Quanzar-Solentian wall today warmly, and gave them a rousing speech.

"Subject prisoners of the realm, today you give meaning to your life, and give the soul of our kingdom protection. You came here, many of you, as perverts, thieves, murderers, and other ne'er do wells. Many of your fellows have died and await the resurrection trumpet of Gabriel, within these very walls, but you have survived, you are strong. And you will pass through this crucible as men and women of peace, having a sense of pride that you have constructed a great marvel of the world, a peaceful prohibition to mankind's darkest inclinations, a wall against savagery, poison, and barbarism! Thanks to you, the wall will be built on schedule."

About 30% of the wall is complete at this time. Portions along the inner mountain range will be considered far more difficult. There has been some outcry from foppish undesireable democrat rabble rousers that safety precautions normally in place in the rest of Quanzar are not being afforded to the work gangs, but no one can deny that since construction began, prison populations have declined over 80%. Their sentences to be reduced for mandatory service is indeed a great token of esteem from His Majesty's Government towards those who now have the opportunity to better themselves.

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Re: Quanzar Telegraph

Postby meritocracy » Fri Feb 25, 2011 5:35 am

Day of 100 Seizures Enacted as Quanzar Enforces Economic Zone

In the southern ocean, off the coast of the Duchy of Andalus, over 100 vessles ranging from small fishing boats to vehicles described as semi-submersible "drug submarines" were seized in a sweeping joint operation by the navy and revenue-cutter services. A refueling station set up by an international ag-corp on the miniscule island of Argento was likewise told that it must begin to pay tarrifs and sales tax as well as corporate taxes or it's buildings would be destroyed whether or not its occupants left. The refuelling station has been given one week to comply. The area off of Anadlus is noted for its blue fin tuna fishing.

A Southern Majatran dhow boarded within the EEZ by Revenue Cutter Service agents

While current Quanzari law allows for impressment into the navy of anyone captured violating the 200 nautical mile limit, those captured are slated to be returned to their home countries with the exception of those found to be on a watch list for piracy, or those whose ships were found to contain narcotics and other banned goods. The ships themseles were either put up for auction, or saved as evidence in court.

Defence Minister Alice Harris smiled to reporters and said, "We hope now that those who choose to violate our sovreignty will finally get the message that we mean business and have the means to enforce it."

The Lord Chancellor added, "Our kingdom will not be lionized by the ravings of a few lunatics who spent to much time listening to a certain, tireless montebank as they sit in League with one another, nor will be have our boundaries curtailed illegally by the transitory concept of "International Law." We respect all nations and expect the same, and we are quite willing to work on treaties to liberal use of our resources, by return in kind, from the stanpoing of true and honest nation-to-nation treaties."
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Re: Quanzar Telegraph

Postby meritocracy » Thu Apr 12, 2012 1:12 am

Increased Fighting in the North?

Unconfirmed reports that the border has been breached in the central mountainous area by members of the Crown Party Militia and a mercenary force under the payment and direction of the Solentian Aristrocracy still loyal to King Marius of Solentia. King Marius, distantly related to the Hessexian family and the Belisarius family, is missing from Solentia after it became clear that Republican forces would win an election there, and he has some support among the disperse ethnic Solentian rebels living in Therak.

This comes as Solentian authorities have attempted to seize Royal property in Solentia. Duke David II of Belisarius, has, like all his forbears since the first Hessexian monarchy, claimed Therak as his duchy. Whether there will be a real hostile move towards that end, or whether the Solentians arrive as refugees, or simply are entering to find a safe haven for their funds remains to be seen.
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Re: Quanzar Telegraph

Postby meritocracy » Fri Apr 20, 2012 12:06 am

The Restoration Begins and Threats Loom

(celebrations in Therak)

The Fiamma party has finally fallen into a second place after a stunning victory by the revived Quanzari Restorationists. The QR was bolstered by actions of the Solentian National Front and the self-exiled Solentian Crown Party Militia who had already agreed to a ceasefire in Therak to make certain there would be no hint of coercion in the primarily Solentian-ethnic region.

The QR had not seen power in nearly two centuries since it supported the reign of King Oswald I, in the first revivification of the Quanzar monarchy. Despite several later attempts to bring the Monarchy, all failed due to the pro-leftist ethnic Istalian regime which, though on paper liberal, used a series of labyrinthian measures repeatedly over the years to support the Istalian ethnic minority and culture over that of the broader Majatran and English speaking portions of the nations.

"We promise a new freer nation for all." Lord Paul Belisarius said as he took control of the Head of Government position of the republic. "We shall reinstitute the monarchy, drive out the Alliance, and make a land where any subject of the crown, no matter which language they speak, Istalian, Arab, or English, is equal in the eyes of the law and in opportunity itself. That is the dream denied by the Fiammists, and that is what we have demanded, and that is what we will now have."

Immediately after gaining control, attempts were made to put governmental changes in place, including abandonment of the Alliance of Terran Republics treaty, returning to the International Monarchist League treaty, and attempts to bring a new conference for friendship between Solentia and Quanzar. Suprisingly, the assets claimed by Solentia belonging to the former King Marius have been returned to Quanzar.

Officials of the QR claim that Marius Trillion has no chance of being monarch in Quanzar, nor that of his sons. The Trillions, while distantly related to the Hessexians, are not in the royal line. However, one pretender to the throne, himself named Oswald, recently married Marius I's daughter Princess Veronica, who is third in the line of Solentia's "Law of the Order of Succession (3281)" and may be the QR's choice to make good on their promise of returning a Monarch. As a recognized International Monarchy League under current rules, a Hessexian would have to be on the throne for recignotion by the League.

Within days of taking power, the nation of Barmenia used it's foreign ministry to threaten Quanzar that it would be "Broken into pieces" if it proceeded with abandoning the ATR treaty.

Lord Belisarius's reply was swift, "If you wish to be an irradiated pile of republian Christians living in ruble for the next ten thousand years be my guest. Quanzar shall bow before no worldly power, again."

In IML talks, Paul II reiterated that Quanzar would consider using weapons of mass destruction against Barmenia in a first-strike option, if the Quanzari military suspected they were about to be under attack.

(test fire of MIRV capable Archangel MRBM in 3284 off the coast of Nicoma)
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