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Re: Vorona Post-Gazette

Postby Rumbold90 » Sun May 03, 2009 8:33 pm

Statue of Archduke in City Park Vandalized

Three Bridges, Vorona-A statue of the Archduke, donated recentley by a group of businessmen loyal to the monarchy, was found defaced and vandalized. The head of the statue was severed with a hacksaw and found several feet away, while red spray paint on the statue read "Down with the nobility!" The Three Bridges Police Deparment sent several officers to the local Republican Populist Party headquarters to question various members on the incident. ("Down with the nobility!" was the popular slogan of the RPP's election in 2747.) However, no arrests were made and the police are still looking for suspects.

The Archduke, meanwhile, was sent to the National University Medical Center due to heart faliure. The von Barovia family has a long history of heart and lung problems, although the Archduke only being 49 concerend several heart specialists at the hospital. They are keeping him there for two more weeks under constant supervision to make sure he is healthy. Meanwhile in a ceremony held at St. Maria Cathedral in Barovia City, the Archduke (represented by his wife) named Princess Christa Luisa the Crown Princess of Vorona, as well as Baroness of Slosvag (a hilly region located in northern Barovia.)

Picture: One of the numerous lakes located within Slosvag

The Archduke also expressed joy in the ending of the Lodamun quarantine, which he hopes will ease international tensions. In a radio address from his hospital bed, the Archduke stated that "that the Archduchy of Vorona is a vital asset to the international community, because Voronan serves as a neutral voice of calm, as well as a third party for international and national conflicts. The world should be thankful to the Voronan people and their government for making world peace a more achivable concept."
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Re: Vorona Post-Gazette

Postby Rumbold90 » Mon May 04, 2009 2:01 am

Archduke Sets Up Compnay

Barovian Motor Works Headquarters, Marksville-Today outside the headquarters of the newly established Barovian Motor Works (BMW) the Archduke's private secretary announced the opening of a new company under his supervision and ownership. The newly formed company will create luxury cars, which will be exported to foriegn lands or bought by wealthy Voronans. The company's headquarters are right across the street from the headquarters of the Modern Vorona Corporation. The Mayor of Marksville had nicknamed the city "Corporatesville".

A BMW car on show in Marksville

The Barovian Motor Works company, it is to be said, is not funded by taxpayer money, but instead by money made from the Archduke's farms surrounding Schloss von Barovia. The Archduke's secretary in a little announcment today (the Archduke still being in the hospital) said that "the Voronan economy is getting stronger everyday. The Telar, is gaining international prestige everyday. The Voronan people are earning more and spending more. We are stronger economically due to the policies of the Voronan Monarchist Movement."
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Re: Vorona Post-Gazette

Postby A Socialist » Mon May 04, 2009 10:27 pm

Priest Caught Molesting Young Boy!
On the spot riots in Barovia, churches burned

Anti-religious riots have spread across Barovia since the scandal regarding a priest, James Macdonald, in the small rural village of Carlston, came to light. It was alleged by a six year old boy that after during practices for the church choir, one of the priests, later found to be James Macdonald, took the young boy aside and proceeded to sexually molest him in his office. When the boy told his parents that night, they confronted the priest at Sunday service the next day. They announced to the entire congregation the horrid actions of this priest. The altercation soon turned violent as the boy’s father began fighting with Macdonald. Police were called and dispersed the angry crowd. However, only a few hours later, the crowd returned, this time armed with hunting rifles, pistols, and flaming torches, ready to destroy the church and priests in it. The mob then proceeded to enter the church, shoot all the priests, and burn down the church. The village was known to be strongly RPP, and it appears politicians from this party played some part in stirring up anger against the church. Soon, the police arrived and engaged in a firefight with the mob, causing 5 dead, 3 policemen, and 2 peasants, as well as 15 injured. Soon, anti-religious riots broke out in other RPP and mixed villages, encouraged by radical RPP peasant leaders. In many mixed villages, religious residents turned out to stop the anti-religious mobs from destroying the churches and harming the priests. They too engaged in firefights and rioting. Police throughout the day desperately tried to control the rioting in the countryside, but were unable to do so. Eventually, the military was called in and ordered to fire on the crowds. This finally caused the crowds to disperse, and Barovia is finally calm.

However, it does appear that the rioting has had a lasting effect upon Barovia and the country. One day later, a number of bombs went off in various Barovian churches, and others were vandalized with the graffiti “AA”. Soon, this unknown group released a video. The terrorists called themselves the Atheist Army. They said that they had been organizing for many years, and saw in this scandal the beginning of the final downfall of religion. They promised more attacks on churches and other religious institutions unless the government complied with their demands to impose severe restrictions on religion. This includes banning religious schools, and instituting a special “religion tax”.

Beyond terrorism, the riots have had an effect on mainstream politics. The RPP, whilst cautious not to openly endorse the violence, said it felt “sympathy” with the peasants who were wronged, and wished the family and the boy who was molested all the best in this “tragic” situation. Barovia is becoming increasingly divided between leftist, atheist peasants and conservative, religious peasants.

I am sure all Voronans will join us in hoping that Barovia returns to stability very soon.
John Hodgkins, Leader of the Nationalist Party of Kafuristan
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Re: Vorona Post-Gazette

Postby Rumbold90 » Tue May 05, 2009 3:48 pm

Military Swiftly Moves To Action

CARLSTON, BAROVIA-Earlier this week after the announcment that a local priest had been sexually abusing a six-year old parishioner, several athiest-inspired uprisings in rural Baroiva began, with the epicenter being Carlston. A local militant group, the Atheist Army declared Carlston the "capital of the Atheist Republic of Vorona." The AA (as they are called) quickly occupied several surrounding villages, and blockaded several important roads and train tracks. The AA also set up a website calling themselves the "rightful rulers of the Athiest Republic." Many villagers surrounding Carlston are more libreal then the average village, and more inclined to call themsevles atheists or agonstics.

Carlston, the capital of the Athiest Republic

Soon after the news of an illegal uprising in rural Barovia, several regiments of the Voronan Army were ordered to encricle the affected areas. The 5,000 man task force began what the military is calling "Operation Carlston", and quickly surrounded the "Atheist Republic." The military has ordered several artilley barages and air strikes against the large military complex under the control of the AA, and plan on continuing the siege until the AA surrender or are destroyed. In the occupied village of Carlston, the "capital" laws have already been passed by the false government banning religious symbols in public, outrageous taxation of religious individuals and a ban on evangilism. Several bombs have exploded in the village. A local religious group called "Voronans for God" has claimed responsibility.

The Archduke has issued a statement outlawing membership in the AA and calling on the international community to condemn the actions of the AA. He has ordered the military to siege the AA headquarters until further notice. He has called an emergency meeting of the Royal Advisory Board, and has expressed sorrow in finding that a local clergyman abused a child. He has sent a personal letter to the family, expressing his sadness. The priest, James Macdonald, is in custody and is awaitng trial in a month. Until then, he will remain in prison. Bail is posted at an amazing 100,000,000 VT.
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Re: Vorona Post-Gazette

Postby Rumbold90 » Thu May 07, 2009 12:38 am

Rebellion Squashed, Government Victorious

CARLSTON, VORONA-Late yesterday evening Voronan troops moved into position for an assult on the Atheist Army fortifications surrounding Carlston, in rural Barovia. After offering the rebels one more chance to surrender (which they declined) the troops advanced and attacked. Mortars and bombers also attacked the position. After almost two hours of fighting, the troops were able to seize the Athiest Army's headquarters and took several key figures of the rebellion prisoner. Total casualties given by the Department of Defense are 3 Voronan soliders dead and 12 wounded, while 37 AA rebels were killed, 58 were captured and 109 injured. Key military figures in the Voronan military were flown to Carlston, where they announced the rebellion "defeated." Then the rebellion leaders were flown to Barovia City, where they await trial, with crimes including "inciting riots, high treason, armed rebellion."

The priest who started the whole rebellion, James Macdonald has been found guilty of inciting a riot, abuse of a minor, rape and sexual assult. He will serve the rest of his life in prision. Also, he has been defrocked, and is no longer a priest in the Voronan Lutheran Church.

The Archduke, in other news, is back at Schloss von Barovia and back at work. He "is looking forward to working with the elected officials of the Voronan government. The new Royal Advisory Board will be a pleasure to work with."
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Re: Vorona Post-Gazette

Postby Cold » Tue Jul 28, 2009 7:18 pm

Who Is Konrad von Barovia?

An unidentified young child that attended the funeral of Princess Janne alongside members of the Gorsky family in 2987. Is this the mysterious Konrad?

Barovia City, Vorona - In the past thirty years, political parties and government have come and gone, fighting with one another for total power. The royal family had been dethroned, and was being whittled away, most likely by anti-monarchist forces in the country. By marrying the heir of the influencial Gorsky family, former nobles and extremely wealthy capitalists, Princess Janne, third daughter of the former Archduke, managed to outlive both of her siblings. However, at the age of 40, members of the Imperial Royalist Party took the Princess hostage, forcing both the Gorsky family and the National Assembly to accept the IRP as the rightful rulers of the nation. The Gorsky family quickly accepted the IRP, hoping to save the Princess' life, but the National Assembly was adamantly against the IRP. To prove to the nation that it was no longer playing games, Princess Janne was publicly executed in Saxonsburg. The Gorsky family were exiled from Vorona, and the National Assembly faltered, allowing the IRP to take control of the government and the legislature. It was thought that this was the end of House von Barovia until only a few months ago, when the nation was shocked with a surprise that rivals the assassination of Archduke Valdemar, himself.

A young man by the name of Konrad announced in the small city of Dechow, near to the ancient home of House von Barovia, that he was the rightful heir to the Voronan throne. Calling upon the masses to support his rule or be crushed by his royal wrath, Pope Josef III of the Voronan Catholic Church crowned him Archduke Konrad I, Earl of Pulund, and Head of House von Barovia. Little information other than His Holiness' official sign of approval has confirmed the connection between Konrad and the rest of House von Barovia. But the Vorona Post-Gazette has analyzed the words spoken over the past few month, and has come to a conclusion. The first hint to the truth came from the title that was bestowed upon the proclaimed monarch. The Earl of Pulund had to be a descendant of the von Pulund family, but since the old Earl of Pulund had no sons, the title passed on to the husband of his eldest daughter, Archduke Valdemar. However, with his death, the title would have then passed on to Crown Prince Jochen. However, although the royal family attempted to hide the fact from the public, it has always been widely known that the Crown Prince was infertile, and despite his marriage, could not have produced any children. Christa Lusia was always in the public eye, up to her death, and a pregnancy would have been impossible to hide. So no son could have been produced by means of the Princess. This means that the only feasible option would be that Konrad was the son of Princess Janne. Considering the estimated age of Konrad, he would have been born seven to eight years BEFORE the Princess was taken hostage. The power of the Gorsky family could have easily hidden a pregnancy from the public especially with the turmoil involving the Anglo-Saxon uprising. Only two points don't match up with this theory, though. The first is that Konrad shares no features of the heavily Deltarian ancestry of the Gorsky's, although he does resemble Princess Janne remarkably. The second is that, if he was the son of Mikhail Gorsky, he would also have the title Margrave of Vyrdra, something completely lacking from the crowning ceremony. This leads us at the Post-Gazette to believe that Konrad von Barovia is, in actuality, the bastard son of Princess Janne. The real question now is, by whom...?

OOC: Yay for children out of wedlock!
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Re: Vorona Post-Gazette

Postby Cold » Sat Aug 01, 2009 4:26 am

Konrad 'von Barovia' and His Silent War

The Self-Proclaimed Archduke of Vorona

Barovia City, Vorona - In the past few years a silent war has been raged between the Voronan Armed Forces, under the control of the Imperial Royalist Party, and the elite Kampenkorps, loyal to Konrad and his suspicious claim to the throne of Vorona. Never has this war been brought out into the open, it has been fought in the shadows of the nation. Unexplained disappearances of IRP officials, secretive IRP training exercises occurring near suspected Kampenkorps bases. Constant, damaging fires raging in Saxonsburg are clearly not accidents, and the increase in military presence across major Voronan cities has not gone unnoticed. For now, the general populace has not been directly affected, but fear and panic are wide-spread, only suppressed by the knowledge of the military presence. Before it had been miles away in its isolated bases, but now it is at our doorsteps, reminding us who rules the nation. Many Voronans support Konrad in secrecy, trusting few with their true views, while keeping their head down at the sight of all signs of the IRP. It is like this throughout the Archduchy. Silence has engulfed the nation, with only the constant voice of Konrad defying the IRP hanging in the air.

Konrad's latest attack was not, in fact, on the Imperial Royalist Party, but rather on the International Monarchist League. Being the largest monarchist organization in the world, the IML will be a major factor in which faction shall win this battle for the throne. Despite many requests submitted by Konrad and his followers, the IML has yet to officially recognize his claim to the throne. However, there may still be hope for the self-proclaimed Archduke yet. While the IML has not recognized his rights to the throne, neither have they recognized the IRP's Emperor Francisco Casillas, who was made the hereditary Head of State by the legislature a few months ago. Konrad, himself, spoke out publicly for the first time on the matter of the IML, "The International Monarchist League has time and time again denied to act on the matter of the Voronan throne. They refuse to acknowledge our rightful claim to the throne, and their silence only serves to further harm the people of Vorona. We have come before the pompous leadership of the IML, pleading for their support, presenting our unquestionable case of our ancestry. And yet they have not acted. We give them this last chance to speak out and support our cause, or we shall move on without them. But mark our words, we shall not forget. The rightful sovereign of Vorona shall not forget, and our people shall NOT forget."
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Re: Vorona Post-Gazette

Postby Cold » Fri Aug 21, 2009 7:06 am

The Post-Gazette's new office in Ziegendorf.

New Office for Post-Gazette
Ziegendorf, Barovia - Since Archduke Konrad took over the government, people have been encouraged to abandon their lives in the major cities of Vorona for smaller cities. Most of these cities were strongly opposed to the communist take-over, and are fiercely loyal to House von Barovia. The local governments, citizens, and media are fast to shut down any dissent amongst the new immigrants to their cities, and some have noticed a distinct lack of freedom of the press growing around the nation. However, the Vorona Post-Gazette has managed to find one of the most liberal cities to escape the conservative clamp-down on freedoms from the government. The Post-Gazette has decided to move form our headquarters in Barovia City to a new office in Ziegendorf. The Post-Gazette is determined to giving the truth to the people of Vorona regardless of what the government wishes. We will not bow to those who try to coerce us, nor those who try to bribe us. We are true journalists, a dieing race here in Vorona. The government may censor us. They may slander our good name. They even may arrest our staff. But so long as a single journalist remains. So long as a single printer is still working. So long as a single person in all Vorona wishes to know the truth. We will not give up.

Communist soldiers using tear gas on rioters.

Radical Reforms, Royal Power-Mongering, and the Loss of Freedom
Dechow, Barovia - Many months ago, the silent war started. The Kampenkorps under Archduke Konrad raided the Imperial Royalist Party and Communist Party offices and military bases. Secretive witch hunts for the elite soldiers were held, to punish the Archduke for his opposition. In return, the Kampenkorps assassinated key officials in their homes. They took hostages, and sent execution videos back to the then government, never releasing them to the public. Atrocities occurred on both sides, but few of the populace took notice. Of course the signs were there. Unexplained curfews, word-of-mouth rules on taboo subjects, disappearances, and many other indications. But the people of Vorona decided it was easier to simply turn a blind eye to the conflict, and keep their heads down. Until just a few months ago.

The end of the Communist Party started simply enough. An unknown man jumped on a fountain in the middle of Marksville, started shouting about how the Communist Party was destroying Vorona. Few paid him any attention. Soon enough a pair of officers came to take him away. They asked him to come quietly. He said no. They asked again. Once more, his reply was no. The paid asked a third time, and as the man began to say No again, one of the officers whipped out his club and smacked the back of the protesters knees. He fell flailing, and the other officer quickly detained him. By then a few spectators had gathered, including one of our journalists. The man resisted wildly, and after a few moments of trying to restrain him, the officer that had hit him the first time did so again. Except this time it was a hit to the head. The man stopped flailing, in fact, he stopped moving at all. A little trickle of blood was coming from his temple. A general gasp could be heard from the growing crowd. The two officers started dragging him away, but before they got far, the man regained consciousness. He started screaming, whether in pain or in anger, nobody knows. The same officer moved to hit him again, but as he raised his club, one of the spectators grabbed it from him. While this was happening the other officer had tazed the protester, but he let him drop to the floor as he noticed the scene. The communist who had lost his club had turned on the citizen who had taken it and moved to assault him. Another person stepped between the two, fists clenched. Both officers unbuttoned their holsters, trying to scare the two who had stood up for the man into submission. Two became four. And four became eight. Soon enough, the odds had changed from two armed men against two defenseless citizens to two armed men against an angry crowd of citizens with blunt objects. More officers came to the scene, as well as more angry citizens. Both groups shoved and pushed, and both brandished their weapons. It wasn't clear which side attacked the other first. It happened, though, and that's what matters.

One unknown man started a riot the size that Vorona had never seen before. The second largest city in the country was engulfed in destruction and chaos. Word spread like wildfire across the island, and other riots began. Soon it seemed as if the entire nation was rising up. The military was deployed, and the Communist Party used every resources to stop the riots. The military was well-trained and well-equipped. The rioters were an unorganized mob with make-shift weapons they picked up from their homes. The military was winning. And then the Kampenkorps moved into action. The military had been completely deployed to stop the riots. Countless military bases and government installations were left with meager protection. Within days the Kampenkorps has laid seige to nearly everyone of these important buildings. The chain of command was shattered. Generals were killed as they prepared battle strategies for the riots. Defence Ministry officials were run down as they tried to escape the elite soldiers. The rioters had gained the upper hand, and they all knew it was thanks to a certain self-proclaimed monarch.

The Communist Party didn't last long after that. The remaining officials were either hunted and killed, or had surrendered and been executed. Archduke Konrad had control of the nation, and nobody could deny that. In a few weeks the nation calmed down. That's when we started noticing what the new government was doing. They were changing the communists' policies, of course they were. But they were making them worse. Slavery was legalized. The royals and the nobility gained massive power. Democracy was all but destroyed. Yet who would speak up against the savior of Vorona? Nobody said a word. Communists who had survived the over-throw and the families of all those that hadn't were enslaved. Many sold themselves, or their families into slavery, trying to make up for all that they had lost in the riots. And the 'Commons' of Vorona were twisted with other new policies. Underaged drinking/smoking, prostitution (Both by the state and by private citizens), child labor, and countless other vile things were legalized. And dozens of important freedoms were stripped from the people. Crime was rampant, but it was never against the royalty, or the nobility. Nobody would dare touch the aristocracy. It was the minorities, and the poor, the people of the 'Commons' with the worst situations. THEY were who suffered from all this crime. The government put this chain of events into action, and they have yet to do a thing to stop it. By the time someone has the sense enough to try to stop these things, it will likely be too late. The communists were oppressive and cruel, they deserved what they got, but the new government is just as bad, and even worse. Remember why Cassilos and his lackies were ousted, and then take a long hard look at Archduke Konrad and his ilk.
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Re: Vorona Post-Gazette

Postby Cold » Sun Sep 06, 2009 10:37 pm

One of the Voronan Armed Forces Helicopters

Richter's Seven Nights

Dechow, Barovia - On January 1, 2813, Maximillian Richter ascended to the head of the Kampenkorps. When night fell on the first day, General Richter sent an envoy to General Kolbe, the leader of the Voronan Armed Forces. The VAF had been notably neutral since the NRF takeover, refusing to accept the NRF, but not lifting a finger to help the Archduke. On the second night, the same envoy returned to the Kampenkorps headquarters in Dechow. On the third night, Richter ordered the complete withdrawal of all Kampenkorps to the city of Dechow. As the sun rose in the morning, the Communist militias advanced to the city limits of Dechow. A crude line of defence had been built before the main entrance to the city, unbecoming of the elite nature of the Kampenkorps. General Richter himself came out on the fourth night to negotiate with the communists. On the fifth night, Richter allowed the Head of the NRF, with a large contingent of soldiers to enter the city. However, seemingly unplanned resistance from the citizens of Dechow prevented the Communists from advancing to Schloß von Barovia. On the sixth night the communists entered the castle and dragged out the Archduke. They brought him to the communist camp outside the city, and waited until the next night to execute the Archduke. On the seventh day, as the Archduke was brought to the firing wall, General Richter turned his sidearm to the NRF Leader. It has not yet been verified, but witnesses claim that at that moment a light came down from the heavens to shine on Richter and the Archduke besides him. We believe this to have actually been a spotlight from one of the various VAF choppers coming over the city of Dechow as the Army flanked the communist militias. The communists were disorganized and surprised, soldiers from all around the camp surrendered to the Voronan Armed Forces, and soon enough the battle was at an end. On the seventh night Generals Kolbe and Richter dined with the Archduke in the ancestral home of von Barovia to the sounds of the firing wall executing the communist leaders.

After the defeat of the communists, and the Archduke's second return to power, His Grace began rewarding his 'faithful servants'. Of particular interest are Generals Kolbe and Richter. The former was elevated to the rank of Count and seated in the Barovian city of Mustin. This was quite the honor, however, the thanks that Richter received trumped all others. His Grace granted Richter and his heirs the title of von Vojnovy, as well as permanent status as Leaders of the Kampenkorps. The significance of this act is that it grants the Richter family not only a seat of power in Vesterbæk, but the status of Grand Duke of Vojnovy Pokrik. Consider this, had another taken the title of Archduke, the von Barovia family would have been of equal status as the Richters are now. Essentially, that makes the Richter family the second most powerful of all Vorona. Few dare question the massive generosity of this gift from the Archduke, but we at the Post-Gazette have promised to find the truth and reveal to the good people of Vorona, no matter what the risk. From the evidence that is accessible at this time, the most likely scenario is that of a potential coup d'etat planned by Richter and Kolbe. General Richter gave the Archduke a choice as he was being marched to his death, die at the hands of the communists, or grant Richter power second only to himself. The choice that His Grace made is rather obvious now. The real question to be asked here is, how will this affect the normal citizens of Vorona. Archduke Konrad is renown for his brutality towards aggressors, but Richter was willing to give over the man he had sworn his life to in a heartbeat. If the latter now controls the former, may God have mercy on us all.

The future of Vorona?

The Hunters Becomes the Hunted

Vesterbæk, Vojnovy Pokrik - A measly year ago the New Revolutionary Front had launched dozens of hunts for royalists amongst the communist-controlled portions of the Voronan populations. Hundreds of supporters of Archduke Konrad I were murdered and His Grace swore revenge against the communists for their actions. It is clear that revenge will be a key objective of the new government, but not necessarily by the hand of the Archduke. Maximillian von Vojnovy, Head of the Kampenkorps has royal permission to punish the communists as he sees fit, and it seems that public execution and enslavement are the new status quo. The remaining communist leaders and officers will be executed in the cities which they are found. Lower level communists and family members of communists will be enslaved and sold on the slave market to the 'loyal subjects' of Vorona. All Voronans, communist and non-communist alike have been promised amnesty of all crimes, should they come forth to the Kampenkorps and inform on communists in hiding. Already, the Post-Gazette's hometown of Ziegendorf has has nearly a dozen public execution. Reporters we've sent to observe the local Kampenkorps headquarters were soon turned away by Kampenkorps officials threatening prosecution for loitering. However, of the little they saw, the soldiers working the tip lines were very rarely unoccupied. Sadly, it seems that the monarchy has turned the people of Vorona into mindless machines incapable of recognizing the horror of the things that are being done. Vorona was a proud and free nation under the rule of His Grace, Archduke Valdemar I, but his grandson has turned it into one of the four nations in all of Terra to have legalized slavery. We have decided to offer a phrase that the new Grand Duke spoke off-the-record, rather than the official statement. The context seems to describe the situation much more aptly. "The people of the world has long had a notion that Deltaria was a clear example of Hell on Terra. The communists will soon see that the Deltarian Czars are angels compared to me." Readers, I ask that you think now on this question, is this the type of man Archduke Valdemar would have had at his right hand?
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Re: Vorona Post-Gazette

Postby Cold » Thu Sep 17, 2009 3:16 am

Royal Consent to Slavery?
Vesterbæk, Vojnovy Pokrik - The Crown Prince was spotted earlier this month in the city of Vesterbæk, the largest of Vorona. Reports from unconfirmed sources claim that Prince Johanne was heavily intoxicated and abusing a woman in a shadier district of the city. Normally the Post-Gazette would not cover stories as outrageous as this, but when something that seems to have come straight out of a tabloid is backed up by multiple witnesses and physical evidence, it is our duty to investigate and determine the facts for the people of Vorona. An eyewitness who does not wish to identify themselves, claims to have verbally warned the Prince, not knowing his identity, to leave the woman alone. To this Johanne supposedly responded, in slurred speech, "Just a bloody slave, the dumb -expletive deleted-." As he moved to kick the woman once again, the eyewitness tried to forcefully interfere, and was restrained by what she says were the royal's bodyguards. After delivering the blow, Johanne was said to have laughed and walked away unsteadily.

Questions directed at the Royal Chancellor, Maximilliam von Vojnovy were ignored, and messages left at his office were not immediately returned. Since this incident was reported, the Crown Prince has not been spotted in public. We believe that he returned to Dechow soon after the night he was spotted. Should these claims against the Crown Prince hold true, our lack of faith in House von Barovia will significantly deepen. Slavery is legal in Vorona, and there are reportedly a large number of 'owned' Voronans, mostly formed members of the New Revolutionary Front, or members of the Angeln minority. However, the royal family has never actually condoned the act, until this month, should the story be true. Vorona used to pride itself as a pinnacle of democracy and freedom. Now with the iron grip of the royal family on the nation, Vorona is truly living up to its Deltarian roots.

In other news, a new Voronan census has reported that roughly 80% of citizens live in rural areas and suburbs, with only the remaining 20% or so living in Vorona's cities. Vesterbæk leads the group with a little less than 680,000 citizens reported. Following far behind is our very own Ziegendorf with a little more that 410,000 citizens. The remaining cities range from 170,000 down to 75,000, the capital itself having only 150,000. Many people have a lack of faith in the security of Vorona's cities, even with the visible presence of the military in most cities. Along with the release of the census, the Voronan government announced the new Count Ziegendorf, His Lordship Mattias Schultheiss. The reason the government has put off this announcement for some time is believes to be due to the large liberal presence in the city. Attempts to crack down on the dissent within the city in the past have failed, and it had seemed that the government had simply stopped trying. We here at the Post-Gazette fear that if this man has reinvigorated even this lost cause, we may not be printing newspapers for very much longer. Remember this, though, no matter what we face, no matter what challenges we must overcome, the Post-Gazette will fight to bring the citizens of Vorona the truth, until the very last person. Should this new Count read our newspaper, we give him this one warning. You will kill us all before we stop delivering the truth.
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