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Re: Bekenial Dispatch

Postby sadperson » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:03 pm


April 3224

Clinton (above) only just lost the party leadership election by 1146 votes

In a series of dramatic events tonight, 3 members of the Forward Hutori party's frontbench team decided to all immediately resign to go onto the backbenches. John Clinton (Health spokesman), Graham Carter (Food) and Scott McCauley (Justice) officially declared their intention to leave at 3pm this afternoon in a joint statement issued exclusively to the Dispatch:

Since the election of Tony Upson we have become disillusioned with the course that the party has taken. We fundamentally disagree with the current leadership of this party, and can no longer hide our concerns whilst working as members of the frontbench team. We would therefore like to call on Mr Upson to change course, or alternatively, consider his position.

Despite the resignations however, other notable left wingers like Gregory Pimlott have chosen to stay on the frontbench. Mr Pimlott issued a brief statement a few hours later:

I do not see what John and the others hope will come of this. If they wish to change the party's stance it is better done from within the frontbench as opposed to out of it on the backbenches

A Socialist party backbencher had this to say when asked by the Dispatch what this meant for the FHP:

Well, I would say they are welcome to join us, there's no point holding onto a party that no longer represents your views. To be honest with you, they haven't left the party, the party has left them.

When asked for a statement, Tony Upson's office had this to say:

Tony Upson respects the views of his former frontbench colleagues, however, the party lost 12 seats at the last election and Mr Upson promised the party a fresh start during the leadership campaign.

According to recent membership figures since 3223, FHP membership has declined by 3,000 people.
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Re: Bekenial Dispatch

Postby Eisenherz » Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:26 pm


In a shock turn of events, William Hook has resigned his leadership position to Caitlin Shamrock, citing a lack of MP support. Many party insiders have noted a growing distrust towards Hook who seemed content to being the "second fiddle" to Socialist Prime Minister Scargill.

Shamrock is putting forth a bold new platform, including many Liberal party policies, but emphasizing a new focus on devolution to local governments and a more national, rather than international approach. Hook will remain as an MP, but will not be given any committee memberships or cabinet positions.

Despite the lack of a formal leadership convention, the majority of the party seems satisfied with the name change and updated look of the party, including new colours and logos.
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Re: Bekenial Dispatch

Postby sadperson » Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:42 am


August 3224

Upson has been under pressure from the left of the party in the last few months

In a press conference yesterday Tony Upson responded aggressively to the critics in his own party who are currently dissatisfied with his leadership:

The leadership election produced a clear result, and I am now taking the party on the right track back to government. Our new programme is the best one to achieve the best result at the next general election. These divisions are damaging for the party, and as we all know, the people will not back a divided party. So I say, in blunt straight terms to my critics within the party- put up, or shut up.

There have been persistent rumours that the left of the FHP would mount a leadership challenge, but according to sources, the party's left wing is in its weakest position since the creation of the party in 3217.

At the moment opinion polls suggest that the party is polling at only 5%- which at the general election could mean a loss of over 20 MPs.
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Re: Bekenial Dispatch

Postby sadperson » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:47 pm


May 3225

Klugg has decided to go into the University Education system as an economics and politics lecturer after the next election

Today it was announced that 12 FHP MPs would be standing down at the next general election, expected to be held in 3227. Among those deciding to retire is former party leader John Klugg, who was Foreign Secretary in the rainbow coalition under Prime Minister Alfred Scargill. Klugg, who is only 45, has accepted a kind offer from the University of Kincardine in Roccato, Klugg's home region, to be a University lecturer in a few years time. Speaking to the Dispatch this morning, Mr Klugg expressed some fond memories, and insists he has no regrets:

You know, when I first entered politics I knew it wasn't going to last forever. I used the time given to me very well and take pride in what I achieved as leader of a new party that is still very much finding it's role in Hutori. I wish Tony well, and hope that at the next election the people will choose the Forward Hutori party, the only party willing to work reasonably with others in order to really take the country forward, and not back.

Also joining the former leader are political beasts such as Graham Carter and Scott McCauley, who resigned in controversial circumstances only last year from the frontbench. Mr Carter, now 58, has decided to join his brother's business in Adelia, and McCauley, now 63, has made clear his intention to retire. Also joining them is the left wing veteran Stuart Hopkins, who is still considered by many to have cost John Clinton the party leadership.

The full list of 12 MPs who will be retiring is as follows:
John Klugg, Scott McCauley, Graham Carter, Stuart Hopkins, Gloria Martin, Daniel Bennett, Richard Hathaway, Dennis Luther, Judith Brown, Gareth Horeston, John Weddington, Franklin Stockings
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Re: Bekenial Dispatch

Postby chamon » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:33 pm


Today it was announced that sixteen of Hutori's top twenty valued corporations have immediately shut down operations and left. It was reported by the Bekenial Dispatch that business owners had discussed the possibility before - viewtopic.php?f=17&t=4018&start=230#p34267. The sixteen businesses include six of seven major banks, the largest two industrial plants and a main contributor to the Hutorian power grid. It is because of the Bill currently proposed before the Hutorian House of Parliament by the Socialist Party. The Common Ownership Act ( ... lid=334264) has caused outrage across Hutori with citizens threatening to storm the Capital and oust the current government. The proposed emigration of business owners will do little to re-assure the Hutorian people with somewhere in the region of 140,000 redundancies faced.

The business owners - meeting in the capital Bekenial - issued a joint statement;

It has become clear there is nothing left in Hutori for private ownership. We have been robbed of our incomes, annual profits and now most crucially the service we provide has been outlawed by the state. We have therefore decided that should this Common Ownership Act receive enough votes that we know its passage is assured we will immediately close and dismantle all services within Hutori and make redundant all workers. It is clear this government has an agenda against the capitalist system and we will be seeking refuge in Hutori's allies in the Commonwealth until it is safe to return. The nations of Indrala, Luthori and Hulstria i hope will accept us into their nation until it is safe to freely practice our business operations.

This statement confirms the worst fears of the Opposition parties. Communism has been proposed and will most likely be implemented. Hutori faces an crisis not seen since the withdrawal of the Macon Pact. If business operations grind to a halt and mass unemployment occurs, Hutori could be headed for meltdown.
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Re: Bekenial Dispatch

Postby sadperson » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:02 am



Addressing an economic conference held at Saint Anselm in Kenai today, the leader of the Forward Hutori party criticised the coalition for being a high tax and high spend government

The 5% tax on essential goods like bread and milk is hitting the poor the hardest. It is ironic that the socialists, who passionately believe in a more egalitarian society, should be harming those that they want to help the most.

Mr Upson also suggested that the tax cut on essential goods could be followed by cuts in government spending

There is as I see it, no need for the government to be so big. High taxes and big government are a toxic combination that have led us to the situation we are in now- businesses, fed up with red tape and extortionate costs, have taken themselves abroad and this has sent unemployment rocketing. Again, the government claims that regulation will protect workers- but when the workers no longer have a job, that's ok

Also attending the conference are several business leaders, many of which now have their businesses based abroad. They were said to be happy with Upson's new approach to economics

We warmly welcome the Forward Hutori party's new stance on the economy, which aims to help businesses and not stifle productivity
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Re: Bekenial Dispatch

Postby Austrur » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:53 pm

Socialists call Surprise Election

The governing Socialist Coalition has called a surprise election to be scheduled next month. The motion was called early in April of 3226, and the governing coalition has voted in favor, giving the motion a majority of 6 votes - thus it will pass. The election will therefore be scheduled for May 3226.

Hillary Wainwright, the Hutori Monarchist Party leader, has stated that although the election was a surprise, the HMP would campaign its best in the brief election campaign. She said that the United Hutorians alliance only needed seven seats to secure a majority in Parliament, and remove the Socialists from power. Current polling is spotty at best, and the election outcome is far from certain.

However the big question for many political analysts is: Can the United Hutorians secure their seven seats?
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Re: Bekenial Dispatch

Postby sadperson » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:47 am


May 3226

In another snap general election, the Socialists and Social Democrats have won enough seats to ensure the formulation of another coalition government. Despite the Socialists losing 17 seats, the Social Democrats (formerly known as the Hutorian Liberals) gained 19 seats to increase the government's overall majority.

The election was also positive for the Hutorian Monarchist party (formerly known as the Imperial Unionists) and the Forward Hutori party, who gained seats respectively. In a notable result, the FHP won the regional vote in the capital region of Adelia, having polled last there in 3221.

The shock of the night however was the Conservative party's decline to 3rd place in the House as they lost 19 seats to win just 21% of the vote. The result leaves Conservative party leader Rt Hon Mark Owens in a potentially vulnerable position as the party recovers from the significant decline in support.

For now the coalition is likely to carry on with it's radical left wing programme, which has controversially resulted in the movement of many businesses abroad.
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Re: Bekenial Dispatch

Postby Eisenherz » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:20 pm


Caitlin Shamrock, the outspoken Social Democratic Party leader, has agreed to continue the controversial and successful governing arrangement forged with the Socialists. The election propelled her party forward with a record 19 seats gain, while her Socialist allies lost 17.

In perhaps a bigger turn of events, the Conservatives, once the governing powerhouse, have fallen to a close third place, while the Forward Hutori and Hutori Monarchist parties both gained modestly.

Upon question her on the emphasis her government will place, Shamrock passionately laid out a new platform emphasizing a more isolationist stance in world affairs, a stronger preference for local government rights, but reinforced her party's previous platform as Liberals.

"We still support a mixed economy, moderate but fair taxation, and enough social services to give all the chance to participate in life in this country, regardless of their financial standing. In this we are mostly in agreement with our allies."

Shamrock also noted a strong desire to limit parliamentary terms to 3 years, arguing for more accountability and more up-to-date parliaments that reflect the will of the people sooner.
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Re: Bekenial Dispatch

Postby Alaric_the_green » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:08 pm

Ten years of Hutorian Socialism
September 3227

Alfred Scargill in front of a Union of Mineworkers banner. His party has been the darling of the trade union movement since it first proposed legalising Unions in opposition

Though many Socialist Parties existed prior, it was only ten years ago that the Scargill incarnation emerged. This happened almost simultaneously with the creation of the Forward Hutori Party. Whereas the Socialists were the left of the old Labour Party, Forward Hutori was a creation of senior figures on the right. There had been talks of 'refounding Labour', but it quickly became apparent that there could be no rapprochement between right and left. So instead Labour supporters were split, and the Socialists with the Liberals (now Social Democrats) formed an alliance.

Ten years on we now live in a country which is dramatically changed. Hutori now has a comprehensive welfare state, a ban on private education, massively increased taxes on the very richest in Hutori and gay rights unprecedented in Hutori history. The level of support achieved by the Socialists in 3223 even drove their Liberal partners left, to the extent that now there are no major centrist parties in Hutori. This polarisation has made Hutorian politics more partizan than ever, with members from opposite sides of the house refusing to shake hands in public.

But despite all this change, there is a deep divide in the current coalition government. Whereas in many ways the current situation is the ideal of the Social Democrats, the Socialists are exactly that: Socialists. They will not be satisfied until there is a complete end to capitalism and a system of equitable distribution. The only thing that still holds the coalition together is the knowledge that, if they did not work together, the coalition parties would have to work with Conservatives.

Reform in the direction of Socialism may not be on the cards, but the Coalition has total Socialist support because the alternative is something which they hate even more. Whether this uneasy alliance can last forever is another question, but it seems that the Coalition is safe for a few terms yet (though the opinions of voters are another matter).
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