
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.


Postby bucsfan47 » Wed Apr 08, 2009 12:52 am

Introducing Zardugal's new national newspaper. Used to release statements from parties in Zardugal and to comment objectively on the happenings of Zardugal and all things that effect its citizens.

Check back soon for the first edition of "The Zardic World Report"
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The Zardic World Report

Postby bucsfan47 » Wed Apr 08, 2009 3:47 am

Zardic World Report
First Edition

President of Lodamun Visits National Directorate

President Kynes convoy en route to The National Directorate

The Director General spared no expense in preparing for the visit of Lodamun's President Jonathan Kynes. Through the use of executive orders Director General Rothchild ensured that the streets along the way to the visiting Presidents destination were immaculate and that all those wishing to view the procession were able to do so with ease by viewing a live feed from large projection screens posted at various intervals.

Mrs.Montgomery an average citizen along the route said jokingly ,"I've never seen the streets this clean, I wish Mr.Kynes would come to my house so the government could clean it for me."

Something that was oddly noticeable was the heightened security at the legislative building , not only were there the expected Federal Guard but sources tell us that there were also members of the mysterious Sel'Rakrya posted inside the building. Belgae insiders say that heightened security was expected and that the presence of Sel'Rakrya was no surprise.

President Kynes plane landed at 11:01 AM , as he stepped out of the plane seemingly confident and right at home, with members of his cabinet in tow. The party then took a 30 minute ride from the airport to about a block away from the Directorate down Libertus Lane. Much to the delight of the crowds upon arriving he greeted as many Zardics as he could and even paused to take a picture with a little girl.

Mr.Kynes then proceeded into the Directorate at noon right on schedule and after a noticeably long greeting with Edward Rawlins he finally greeted the Chancellor and then as customary, The Director General.

Mr. Kynes then gave an impressive speech as most of our readers probably have seen on their televisions and home computers. We will not trivialize it by trying to paraphrase exactly what was said. For those who wish to read an entire transcript we have provided it for you here. ... lid=245551

After the speech ZWR reporters were able to ask one question to both leaders here are their responses:

Question: What are your initial reactions to the visit and to each other ?

President Kynes: "The Zardic people are great. Despite the long distance away from Lodamun, I feel like I am home. The people are the same, they want the same things: Peace and prosperity. This is the best reception I have ever received in any country I have visited, it was wonderful. The Director-General truly worked on this and the Zardic people should be very proud of him. His generation will take the torch when my generation fades away. Zardugal is in great hands."

Director General Rothchild : "Today is certainly a momentus day for our nation. I am duty bound to say first and foremost that without my dear friend and colleague F.M. (Edward) Rawlins this event would not have taken place. It's quite refreshing actually to see so much excitement in Zardugal over this affair. I will say for now being as it is just the first day of the visit; I'm very pleased that everything went smoothly and all the various political factions within the Federation came to hear President Kynes address the Directorate. He certainly has made a name for himself here in Zardugal through his tireless efforts to see a peaceful resolution to the Coburan Conflict. Our nation and Cobura owes President Kynes a great deal on this alone. Did you see the crowds on the Libertine-my gracious!"

Director Rothchild went on to say,

"On a personal level, I admit I've not had a great deal of private time with the President. That said, much of what I know is from our previous meeting at the Walburg Conference where I will say I was rather concerned with President Kynes position on various issues. Of course, we are both the elected heads of state for our nations and Zardugal and Lodamun are not the same. There will always be differences of opinion and policies, this is inevitable. Though, I am quite convinced that with this visit will only cause both of our nations to gain more respect for one another, a common understanding and a new era of diplomatic relations on Terra. I know as well that our differences aren't what have brought us together-it is our common interests that has seen to this formal visit. It's these common interests we share and many leaders across Terra share as well. I know what President Kynes stands for, and I'm proud to have him here. By all measurements, President Kynes is an honorable and fiercly dedicated public servent and he does his nation well and his presense in Terran politics is a welcome reprieve. I look forward to meeting with him later and getting to know him, as a person-a bit better. Thank you."
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby bucsfan47 » Thu Apr 09, 2009 7:17 am

Zardic World Report
II Edition

Nova Terra Outlawed in Zardugal!!!!

Members of the National Directorate giving thier votes.

In a shocking move The National Directorate has passed "FRP Proposition 04-2737-A" with 238 votes in favor, 76 votes against with a shocking 278 abstaining.
The Federal Republican Party, along with The United Zardugal Liberal Party, and Realist Party (All members of the Axis) were able to push the bill through while only facing opposition from the Confederacy of Social Darwinist. The resolution essentially makes Nova Terra an officially criminal organization, banning Zardugal from entering into an alliance with any Nova Terra state or providing aide to such states. Also laid out in the resolution are mandates that no parties be members of NT or support NT and its expansion and face punishment in Zardic courts for doing so.

What does this mean for parties like The CSD , National Modernist, and Secular Imperialists? Will they abandon Nova Terra or will they force the hand of the Justice Department ? It appears that Zardugal will once again be a critical battlefield for The Axis and Nova Terra. Hopefully we can keep the fighting to words and prevent a civil war in the streets of Zardugal. We here at the ZWR will keep you posted on any further developments.
Last edited by bucsfan47 on Thu Apr 09, 2009 3:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby Darvian » Thu Apr 09, 2009 9:55 am

Zardic World Report
Third Edition

Ministry of Justice Holds Press Conference in Response to Concerns of Prop. 4/2737/A.

Minister of Justice Jorge Naveed

"Now, I know there is going to be a lot of concern over this measure and I've been in close talks with Director-General Rothchild and other members of the cabinet as well as my colleagues within the Justice Ministry. As the law stands, it should be noted that Proposition 04-2737-A merely set the official policy of the government of Zardugal. Now, it is within my full authority to bring the members of Nova Terra within Zardugal before our courts. However, The Director-General has issued an Executive Order which dictates that I shall not pursue prosecution at this point in time. Director-General Rothchild is a fair and open minded man and in that spirit, he has reached out to the various political factions loyal to Nova Terra. Until other wise dictated the Ministry of Justice shall not be indicting any member of Nova Terra within Zardugal at this point in time. Thank you.
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby Darvian » Thu Apr 09, 2009 10:31 am

OOC: This is an old report, back when the forums were not working properly. It's not pertinent right now but, given the spirit in which it was written I felt I should post it here.

Zardic World Report
IV Edition

Apex Uranium Syndicate Reportedly in Talks with Kafuristan.

Terra Wire News has just learned that the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Edward S. Rawlins of the corportist-leaning Federal Republican Party had to defend his governments policy or lack thereof when reports surfaced that Mr. Murdov, C.E.O. and primary-owner of Apex Uranium Syndicate (A.U.S.) had reportedly been in contact with the Minister of Trade of Kafuristan in light of the recent news of the Oil Emirates seeking uranium. At current the law of the Federation is extremely pro-business with next to no formal oversight legally.

The Foreign Minister was reportedly shouted down in the streets as his left his offices yesterday and a small army of reporters were in tow. The Foreign Minister was unprotected for less than 10 minutes before illusive Sel'Rakryan Agents of the F.R.P. whisked the elderly Minister away. In the interim Terra Wire news was able to receive numerous questions though, the Foreign Minister was very clear and blunt while the Press was nearby.

Minister Rawlins is quoted as saying, ". . .Zardugal is a free country, with free markets, with free citizens. Some people may have a problem with this; and it's been my party that has guaranteed that right in law lest some of you forget. What Mr. Murdov does or doesn't do in respect to Kafuristan is his business and not mine nor the Minister of Finance or Trade. The government of Zardugal has and remains close friend with the people of Kafuristan and are heavily committed to our trade and diplomatic relations with them."

When pressed on the issue that Mr. Murdov was an open supporter and member of the F.R.P. the Foreign Minister went on the record again, "Listen, I just said it was a free-country and Mr. Murdov is using that freedom. Wisely so may I add-to join the Federal Republicans. There will be no sweetheart deals between the government of Zardugal and Kafuristan in respect to any dealings Apex has with the Emirates. Our nations laws are clear on these issues and that is all I have to say." Clearly, it would appear that from the Foreign Minister's own concession that Mr. Murdov has in fact contacted officials within the government of Kafuristan to potentially work out what will no doubt be a controversial deal to supply uranium to Kafuristan.

OOC: I repeat, this is an old report, back when the forums were not working properly. It's not pertinent right now but, given the spirit in which it was written I felt I should post it here.
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby Darvian » Thu May 07, 2009 7:53 pm

Zardic World Report
V Edition

Joint Zardic and Luthori Naval Operation Exercises Conducted.


Belgae, Endirahad, Zardugal (February 27, 2750) -- More than 45,000 Marines of the Holy Luthori Empire and the Federation of Zardugal's Marines worked in cohesion to secure a beach during a bilateral amphibious raid exercise on the coast of Ieffreon off the coast of Vascania Feb. 13, as part of exercise Cobra Loda 2785.

Cobra Loda is the first coalition exercise focused on maintaining and improving military cooperation among its participants.

The raid primarily involved Luthori Marines from 1st Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, as well as Zardic Marines from the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit.

The half-hour bilateral exercise showed the true speed and combat capability of both forces. However, the training was about more than combat.

"An amphibious landing can be used anytime you need to secure a beach," said Col. Paul L. Damren, 31st MEU commanding officer.


The same process for combat operations is sometimes needed during non war-related missions, such as noncombatant evacuation operations, humanitarian assistance missions and any contingency operations that may require an amphibious landing, he said.
The raid started quickly as a wave of more than 10 amphibious assault vehicles, capable of carrying up to 25 service members each, made their way ashore under the cover of smoke pyrotechnics.

Air support from two AH-1W Super Cobras, from the ZAF's Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron 265, provided security and suppressed the objective before the AAVs landed.


Once ashore, the AAVs pushed inland, making room for a second wave of vehicles. The first wave of AAVs secured a landing zone for three CH-46E Sea Knight helicopter transports and three Zardic Super Lynx 300 helicopters. The Marines from the helicopters provided additional support to troops already on the ground.


"It's not every day you have the chance to do something like this," said Lance Cpl. Tarin Wages, an infantryman with Battalion Landing Team 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 31st MEU.

The Luthori Marines aggressively supported the force, providing security and additional strength to sweep through the objective.
Damren said the Z.A.F. and Luthori Marines were enthusiastic throughout the exercise, and he was grateful for the opportunity to work with the Luthori forces.

"They are a great military force, and this was a great opportunity to build on years and years of a friendly Zardugal-Luthori military tradition," Damren said.

As the exercise continued, the second wave of AAV's hit the beach and secured a foothold in their stead. With a sizable force holding strong defensive positions, two massive Navy landing crafts, air cushioned, roared ashore, bringing the allied raiders' final reinforcement, as the exercise came to a close.

"On a tactical level, our forces have been exchanging information on infantry, air and amphibious operations," said Admiral Sir Sean Rawling, head of the XXIIth Naval Battlegroup and senior Luthori commander for exercise Cobra Loda. "Cobra Loda brings multiple nations together, and at the end of the day, it enhances relationships and stability in the region."
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby bucsfan47 » Fri Jun 05, 2009 4:46 am

Zardic World Report
VI Edition

Leopards now Enforce the Law in Zardugal


Director of State Bruce Kent and Minister of Internal Affairs Thomas McCrater have hired "Black Leopard Security" to take over policing duties for the nation. Effective as of January 1, 2766. There were a many bidders but only 3 were taken seriously, of those three BLS had the most attractive bid.

Black Leopard has taken over all ongoing investigations from the previous firm and so far has had much success in maintaining law and order in the Federation. There was some worry about the job loss but BLS has decided to take on all agents that it deemed qualified. Minister of Internal Affairs had this to say:

"BLS is doing an extraordinary job, This is the best decision for the people of Zardugal that i have made so far. Hopefully i can eclipse it quite soon ha ha."
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby Darvian » Tue Jun 16, 2009 7:02 am

Zardic World Report
VII Edition

Foreign Minister Rawlins Resigns!

In a stunning announcement late last night the Spokesman for the Director-General announced that D.G. Gould had accepted the resignation of Foreign Minister Edward Rawlins. Mr. Rawlins has served as Zardugal's Foreign Minister for longer than any other person in the nation's history. In fact, Mr. Rawlins has served in the post prior to the Federal Republican Party coming to power once again while the puppets of the Confederacy of Social-Darwinists were waging a war against the Republic of Cobura.

Mr. Rawlins life of public service and instrumental role in bringing Zardugal out of the grips of the rogue factions that have all been eliminated thanks to his parties dominance in the Federation. During Mr. Rawlins fifty-seven year tenure Zardugal has emerged on the international stage once more, and again under the steady hand of the Federal-Republicans. His unwavering commitment to global security was without question his hallmark. As a member of party that is known internationally for its policies, Mr. Rawlins stood outside this somehow and stood out as a man of Terra, a man without political convictions, a man whom held deeper convictions than partisan rows.

Stock Photo of Foreign Minister Rawlins

For many years various members of the press have been demanding Minister Rawlins resign citing his age was something that ought disqualify him for such a vital role. Very few within Zardugal shall ever forget the speech Minister Rawlins delivered to the Directorate just two-months ago directly addressing the issue of his age. The 89 year old gilded statesman took to the dais with his longtime trusted aide Mrs. Burton and tackled head-on the reports in the papers calling for his resignation. In a strident defense of his age the Foreign Minister delivered one of the most stirring speeches in recent memory. The speech was a smashing success and Minister Rawlins received standing ovation from the 600 members of the National Directorate.

In a statement released from the Director-General, Mr. Gould praised his long-time colleague and friend and made it clear that Zardugal would not easily find another man of such caliber. Backbenchers of the F.R.P. have already began to establish a bill that would formally recognize Minister Rawlins and his achievements both for Zardugal and all of Terra. Minister Rawlins was unavailable for comment and the Spokesman for the Director-General stated that a new cabinet was being formed and as soon as negotiations had concluded; Minister Rawlins replacement would be announced.

(OOC: Post-Dated; November, 2765)
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby Darvian » Wed Jun 17, 2009 11:58 pm

Zardic World Report
VIII Edition

New Cabinet Formed!

With the news of Foreign Minister Rawlins resignation, every newspaper, talk-show, radio-show and all the pundits therein have been having a great time capitalizing on the speculation game. There is no room for speculation anymore. At 10:15AM ZLT the Communications Director, Edwin Allenby, for Director-General Gould delivered the news of the newly formed cabinet.

The enviable Director of State shall remain on as the Head of Government. Recently Director of State Kent and Director-General Gould were spotted with their wives and H. L. Kostandian in Kostandian Bay for a holiday. This was the first time D.G. Gould had met with his inherited Director of State. All reports and releases indicated the two men work better with one another than Mr. Kent and former D.G. Rothchild did. Mr. Rothchild had no comments on the affair.

At the meeting at Kostandian Bay the images were on every newspaper's front-page across the Federation. The 'steam-roller' of the F.R.P; Chairman H. L. Kostandian is rarely seen in public and has never been photographed with any members of his party while they've served in office. Mr. Kostandian is the grandson of Hadrian Kostandian and as such has remained the standard-guard for the Federal-Republicans. However, his management style is largely a mystery due to the way the F.R.P. conducts itself.

It would appear now that this mysterious meeting was not a mere coincidence. In Director Allenby's release, now replacing E. Rawlins as Federations new Foreign Minister is H. L. Kostandian. Many experts have remarked this sends a clear signal that the Zardic Federation is in for some major changes if Mr. Kostandian has decided to take a public post. The question as to whom will take over the duties of running the Federal-Republicans remains a mystery and neither Mr. Kostandian or Mr. Allenby would comment on the matter.

As well, it seems that the new cabinet is harkening back to the days when Federal Republican Party was born during the Liberation of Zardugal. The newly appointed Minister of Finance is the daughter of Aramil H. Thamion III; former Finance Minister of Zardugal and recently the first Secretary-General of the United Nations of Terra. Former F.R.P. Chairman and Lord-Protector of Zardugal William Rossman's great-grandson has assumed the post as Minister of Justice. This is the first time in history the major original founding families have found themselves collectively in the executive branch.

One would easily think Director-General Gould had set a high-enough bar with just the aforementioned on multiple levels. Though, D.G. Gould went on further by appointing Reyna Calderon as the Minister of Defense, she replaces General Louis Dragic. As well Mrs. Calderon has replaced Mr. Dragic as General of the 2nd Brigade in the Axis. Clearly critics of the Axis' dominance in the F.R.P's foreign-policies will be at arms with this new cabinet. Collectively 2/3rds of the Axis Leadership Council forms the executive branch of Zardugal. This includes the Commander of the Axis, Head Advisor to the Axis as well as General Calderon.

Taking over the post as Minister of Education of Culture is the respected archeologist who has championed the cause of reforming the public-education system within Zardugal. Mr. John Vessy will assuredly be one of the more qualified Ministers of Education and Culture than we've had in the past. Mr. Fedrick MacMillan will now be tasked with the duties of Minister of Science and Technology. The incumbent Minister of Health and Social Services, who has performed superbly in his duties, Mr. Alex Pickles shall remain. All three gentlemen are from the Zardugal Liberal Party.

The National Modernist Party shall maintain its posts in the cabinet and both of its Ministers shall remain. Minister of Food and Agriculture Fraser Elliot has undertaken vast reforms on local levels to inspire more environmentally friendly and economically boost innovations to the vast swaths of the fertile valleys of Saqueya. Minister of Environment and Tourism Dr. Jeana Kayleigh Watson was recently praised by Director-General Gould for her tireless efforts aimed at ensuring CO2 emissions were kept within reasonable levels without penalizing energy-providers.

The main perceived political partner of the F.R.P. dynasty, the Realist Party-has managed to maintain having Mr. Kent as Director of State, but on top of this with the new cabinet it appears the relations have tightened. Taking over the Ministry of Internal Affairs is Thomas McCrater, a former Z.A.F. Marine who finished his tour of service to find himself teaching at Belgae University. This lead Mr. McCrater to meeting Bruce Kent and their relationship in forming the Realist Party began. Mrs. Calderon is a relative new-comer to the Realist Party and she has no military experience on the field. She holds a doctorate of military history from the prestigious Imperial Zardic University. Mrs. Calderon as well is a heavy investor in B.L.S. the Federations Security Firm; which shall be under the oversight of her colleague Mr. McCrater.
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Re: Zardic World Report

Postby Darvian » Mon Jun 22, 2009 2:33 pm

Zardic World Report
IX Edition

Z.A.F. Begins 11 Day Joint Operations!

6/18/2775 - Einder Air Force Base, (EAFB) -- Exercise Southern Saber 2775 officially kicked off 10th of June at various locations throughout the Federation of Zardugal, the South Ocean, Vascania and the greater C.M.S.O. area.

Participants from all branches of the military are training together in order to hone their tactics, techniques and procedures associated with defensive counter-air, close-air support, air interdiction of marine targets and personnel recovery missions.

Photo Courtesy of Z.A.F. Public Relations Office

Marine Corps Air Station Unkas is supporting the exercise at Einder Air Force Base with various components of personnel including Marines and sailors with Marine Aircraft Group 5-C headquarters, Marine All Weather Fighter Attack Squadron 282, Marine Wing Support Squadron 71-S , Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron 12-S, and augmenters' from Headquarters and the government such as the Director-General's Office, Director of State Kent and the Foreign Ministry. Additional Marines are also supporting from Marine Air Control Squadron 34 out of Marine Corps Air Station Paragon, Kostandian Bay, Unkassa. Also from Paragon, Marine Aerial Refueler Transport Squadron 152 is operating at the Reiketenne Air Force Base. In all, approximately 12,500 Marines and sailors from III Marine Expeditionary Force are participating.

"Southern Saber is ZMF-17's best opportunity to get together with the Navy and Air Force to practice advanced tactics in missions that are similar to what we have been under directives to do for many years now, providing a more agile and steamlined force." said Lt. Col. Kenneth "Jay" Walker, ZMF-17 operations officer. "We work with large forces here, 200 to 400 aircraft at a time, and that's not something we get to do on a daily basis. So, this is a great opportunity for ZMF-17 to train in a tactical environment."

Although the event is headquartered out of Elmendorf Air Force Base, activities are taking place across the massive training grounds of Ieffreon and in the areas between Zardugal and Vascania in order to prepare joint forces to respond to crises in the region.

According to Air Force Lt. Gen. John Shively, commanding general of Unkassan Command and 14th Air Force, being able to train here is valuable because there are more than more than 95,000 square miles of available training space over land, and more areas over the South Ocean limited only by our directives. This space includes the Joint T.S.I.F. designated areas, Gulf of Unkassa restricted air space, and an in-transit corridor connecting military training air space and live-fire training ranges.

"Southern Saber is the premier exercise conducted within the ZAF-S1 Command's area of responsibility," said General Hutchens. "It lets our joint warfighters learn about each other."

Learning about each other, and the way the varying services operate is very important according to Air Force Maj. Marcus Roberts, Southern Saber exercise control team chief.

Photo Courtesy of Z.A.F. Public Relations Office

"Communication can be a big challenge," he said. "We don't always speak the same language whether we are on the ground or in the air."

That is something he said he hopes service members can learn from and take away from this exercise considering the proud men and women of the Zardic Armed Forces participating in the exercise aboard ships and more than 15,000 of our finest at our disposal thanks to the directives by Director-General Gould. Exercise Southern Saber is an 11-day exercise and is scheduled to conclude here 21st, June.
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