Karav News

Organisations involving national governments as members.

Re: South Beluzia Journalism Forum

Postby Siggon Kristov » Mon Jul 23, 2012 12:35 am

Former Leader Dies

Millions of Beluzians mourn the death of Kristov I.


He died in Telamon at age 83, but the Arindis will bring him back to Beluzia for burial.
He moved to Telamon so that his grandson, Kristov III, would be raised around his other relatives.
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Re: South Beluzia Journalism Forum

Postby Siggon Kristov » Tue Jul 24, 2012 10:44 pm

Statue War

Following the death of Kristov I, and the recent construction of a statue in his honour, members of the House of Astredies are claiming that Leto Astredies is dead, and are demanding the construction of a national monument dedicated to him too. There is a big issue with this; neither the federal council nor the international community actually beleve he deserves it.

There is another big issue; the House of Astredies is making up false information to manufacture consent for the project. They claimed Leto was 112, which would mean he was born in 3227. If so, how would he have been 26 years old when he was granted nobility in 3317? When Beluzia's nobility system just began, Leto would have been 59 or 60 years old. There are also claims that he worked in a large coal company at the age of 13, but there was no private sector in Beluzia until the 3270s, when Leto would have been in his 40s.

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Re: South Beluzia Journalism Forum

Postby Siggon Kristov » Wed Aug 01, 2012 6:41 am

Kristov II Rises Again

Just a few years following his father's death, Kristov II managed to win the Beluz throne. He was the leader of Beluzia from November 3315 to October 3317 when he was ousted by Blue Coalition forces led by Andrew Stanton and Leto Astredies. He had the longest single-term reign of any leader in Beluzia.

Strangely, the Karav Dynasty only delegated 6 members to the federal council this term. The family has gradually become smaller, and seeks to marry into other families for the sake of growth. The 5 Karav delegates are:
Kristov II, the High Count of Beluzia
Celeste, the High Countess of Beluzia
Kristov III, who just turned 12 (adult age in Beluzia)
Sarita Gauri, Kristov I's sister
Neil Bushnell, Sarita Gauri's husband
Longmane Katrav, a member of the Karav Dynasty's feline bloodline
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Re: South Beluzia Journalism Forum

Postby Siggon Kristov » Thu Aug 02, 2012 3:52 pm

Unanimous Vote on Missionary Repeal!

The Karavs managed to attract 100% support, from the federal council, for a repeal of the Astredies' Religious Reform policy that reduced bureaucracy relating to missionary visits. While being mostly anti-bureaucracy, the Karavs believed it was necessary that missionaries be registered for their own saftey while visiting Beluzia. Unlike regular tourists, missionaries attract great deals of attention, and that can include unwanted attention. By the time a mob forms, the government would be able to do nothing about it.

The issue has been debated multiple times, but this is the first time either alternative (registration or non-registration) received 100% support:
January 3319 - 52% of the council voted in favour of registration
February 3319 - 52% of the council voted in favour of registration
July 3328 - 54% of the council voted against registration
November 3330 - 39% of the council voted in favour of registration; only 37% voted against
July 3342 - 49% of the council voted against registration, but only 36% voted against
March 3344 - the entire council agreed on registration, even those who were initially against it
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Re: South Beluzia Journalism Forum

Postby Siggon Kristov » Sun Aug 12, 2012 2:59 am

Madeleine Clarke, a Solentian government official, has offended Barmenian culture by calling its Civil Trail a "farce" for no apparent reason.

Disputes exist between Solentia and ruling powers in Beluzia, but the Beluz government officials see no reason for the Solentians to lash out against everyone and everything that doesn't believe their lies.

Solentia attempted to turn Rutania and the ATR against Beluzia, but neither Rutania nor the ATR believe or support Solentia's lies. As a result, Solentian government officials resort to childish behaviour, like hurling insults at anyone and anything. Barmenian art and culture (strongly based on felines) has had nothing to do with the disputes so far. Many political analysts describe Madeleine Clarke's remarks as unnecessary to the situation.

Barmenia argues that its Civil Trail is a beautiful trail to walk upon, surrounded by many glorious statues from Barmenian/Barmenistan history. Their tourist board invites the Solentians to visit Barmenia and to walk the trail before calling it a farce. The trail is not on trial here.

This is not the first time Solentian government officials belittle the culture of other nations, or the true importance of art. With their ignorant cultural biases, they held an art festival in Solentia as a way of getting support for a candidate from the Liberal Party. They went further to politicize art by hosting an art festival in Beluzia purely for the benefit of the political campaign of Paul Astredies, who first promised to split the money with the artists to give them their fair share, but the artists denied receiving any financial benefit. One of the artists even had her real art remade into a political piece specially to criticize the Kansars and Karavs. The original art piece was ruined for the sake of political slander.

Members of the Katrav bloodline, a feline family tied to the Karavs, are outraged.
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Re: South Beluzia Journalism Forum

Postby Siggon Kristov » Wed Aug 15, 2012 1:49 am

Confused Puppets

Members of the House of Astredies, after their failed fundraiser in Bailon, have lost all their estates in the county. Less than 4% of Bailonese voters supported Paul Astredies and his cronies.

This is quite a shock considering Paul's claims of estates in Bailon. Offering to leave Beluzia to help with its expansion, Paul even demanded that the Karavs mandate permanent territory for them in Bailon. The Karavs refused, saying it is up to referenda whoever keeps what estates.

The Astredies Family held a fundraiser, in Bailon, disguised as an "art festival" but it came under heavy criticism and was eventually closed down following orders by the Interior Minister, Cyril Baker.

Bailon is known to be a Communist stronghold. It was the home of the Xinpusen family in exile from Indrala, and it was the place of refuge for the Karavs when the Blue Coalition seized the mainland. It came as quite a shock that the Astredies family was living in Bailon, when most Bailonese voters often disagree with their Capitalist policies. Critics believe the Astredies family only claimed to live in Bailon because they were given pity by the Takanashi leaders there. They expected the Takanashis to be some form of strong resistance to the Karav Dynasty, but their relations with the Karavs were the opposite of hostility. The Takanashis were the Karavs' close allies.

The Takanashis first opposed Karav criticism of the event, but eventually came to agree with them after seeing the "art festival" for what it really was. The art festival drama has caused Paul's Solentian allies to spread rumours of war. As tensions continue to escalate, the Karavs are calling for an embargo on Solentia, but what is very shocking is the fact that Solentia's puppets support such a measure. The House of Astredies has voted in favour of an embargo against Solentia, and no-one knows why.
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Re: South Beluzia Journalism Forum

Postby Siggon Kristov » Wed Aug 15, 2012 3:35 pm

Tears Flood the Halls of Karav Manor

Neil Bushnell handed in his resignation to the chairman of the Democratic Worker Council that operates Karav Industries. The workers will elect a new CEO. He drove home in tears, following news that his wife, Sarita Gauri DeKarav, was dead.

Sarita Gauri was the sister of Kristov II's father, Kristov I. Since the death of Zahra Hepburn, Sarita Gauri served as Kristov II's mother.
Celeste was no less close to Sarita Gauri than Kristov II was. They hung around each other quite often, as Sarita Gauri always told Celeste she was going to be exactly like Anna.

According to the Secretary of Karav Manor, Li II, most of Sarita's belongings were left to Kristov III. The 18-year old bachelor will sit between Neil Bushnell and Kristov II at the funeral.
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Re: South Beluzia Journalism Forum

Postby Siggon Kristov » Fri Aug 17, 2012 1:09 pm


The High Count left the federal council sitting to overlook mining operations in Coleshire, Parlos Decina.
On his way back to Iliathar, he was shot dead.

The Adamsonite regime in Gaduridos is being blamed, but some skeptics suspect it was Solentia.

In a message to the IML, someone wrote:The nation of Gaduridos is soon to become a constitutional monarchy.

The House of Adamson has finally settled in Gaduridos after years of travelling. We seek to maintain good relations with Beluzia and hopefully compensate Luthori for our wrongdoings.

Although we realise that in the past Gaduridos has been ruled by Pontesian monarchs we feel our warm welcome from Gaduridos and our outstanding popularity and support from her people is a good enough mandate to claim the country's throne.

We won the election in Gaduridos convincingly. Furthermore, our business interests have been focused heavily in the country and we have invested huge amounts into the Gaduri economy.

The House of Adamson hopes that the IML will recognise our claim to the throne of Gaduridos and we look forward to forging ties with our monarchies.

Beluzia, however, had no intentions of keeping relations with the Adamsons. According to Kristov II, "They are filthy cowards who run away to any country where they don't expect political opposition to their Jack-ass monarch. This regime cannot remain in power in Gaduridos." He also condemned their message to the IML.

We feel our warm welcome from Gaduridos and our outstanding popularity and support from her people is a good enough mandate to claim the country's throne.

"This is ridiculous," said Kristov II, "Outstanding popularity? Ha! They only voted for Jack-ass because they never had a choice. Considering legislation the Adamsons passed in Beluzia I wouldn't be surprised if he has secret police suppressing opposition. Everyone knows they hate opposition and they run away from any country where opposition faces them. They couldn't last in Beluzia; they couldn't stand how insignificant they were to the political scene. No-one else liked them except the desperate remains of Blue Coalition." There was also a recent bill passed to block Adamsonite currency. Unlimited amounts of Adamsonite currency is now worth 0 BEL.
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Re: Karav News

Postby Siggon Kristov » Tue Aug 21, 2012 3:45 pm

Rise of Kristov III

Following the death of Kristov II, Kristov III went on a military campaign in Gaduridos to overthrow the Adamsonite regime that was believed to be responsible for Kristov II's assassination.

Kristov III successfully took power, and now has the titles:
- The Most Honouroble Marquess of Shan
- Prince of Gaduridos

These are in addition to his titles in Beluzia, Luthori, and Telamon.
Monarchist titles, however, do not change his view that Gaduridos should remain in the ATR. Once being the ATR stronghold, Gaduridos will remain a principal republic. Kristov III intends to expand the Gaduri economy.

The Karavs are known for being neutral in affairs between the ATR and IML. They are friends of members of both the IML and ATR, and have received endorsement from both for their anti-Adamsonite campaign. The IML never recognised the Adamsonite regime, and the ATR is still against it.

The Adamsons have failed in many nations, across the world. They invaded Luthori on behalf of the ATR, through funding of the Commonwealth Party. When their "Commonwealth" regime crumbled, they switched sides; they betrayed the ATR and made pleas to the Luthori crown to be able to share in the power. Their demands were rejected and they fled again to Gaduridos, Beluzia, and back to Gaduridos, where they established a dictatorship before being toppled by the Beluz Brigade led by Kristov III.
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Re: Karav News

Postby Siggon Kristov » Sun Oct 07, 2012 8:57 pm


Karavs have been under fright since the "Stanley Hill" incident, and Rebecca Forstev's radical policies that now define the Forstev family. In response, Karav paramilitary presence has been increased around Karavshire.

At the same time, Barmenian contacts have contacted the Karavs on the death of Kristov II.
Investigations, into his assassination, have not yet been completed. Karav contacts in Barmenia and Mordusia believe that either the Adamsons or the Solentians were responsible for the assassination of Kristov II, and many are fearing the possibility of an assassination plot against Kristov III.

Green posters, paid for by the Peoples Great Society of Hope, have been popping up around train stations. The Premier of Iker Ado, Ara Karimi, has ordered a ban on the green posters, claiming that "they are an environmental hazard."
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