Hulstria and Gao-Soto

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Re: The Greater Hulstrian Chronicle

Postby MrBean111 » Tue May 26, 2009 12:19 am

The Christian Liberals Continue To Spew Lies; Fascist Authority Party "Wont Give Up"
"The Christian Liberals Continues To Spew Lies, They Continue To Reach New Lows" Says Gaston

Kien, Hulstria- Thanks in part to the leftover seats by the Free Capitalist Party, has paved the way for them to gain a 50% stranglehold in the Imperial Diet, allowing them unprecedented and unchallenged power. While some would think that the Christian Liberals, the once logical and reasoned political party, would take a more benevolent approach to their newly gained power.....that is completely wrong. Not too long after the Christian Liberals won those seats in elections, they immediately proposed their 40 billion crown deficit spending bill to the legislature, plunging Greater Hulstria in debt for the first time since 2551. Since they have a super-majority, they were able to pass the deficit budget within a month, and passed without even the Fascist Authority or Imperial Hulstria Party having a chance to vote on it. The Christian Liberals knew for a fact that this kind of reckless spending would not gain approval from either the FAP or the KHP and waited until they got the seats left over from the Free Capitalists to propose and pass it. While the Christian Liberals are touting that this will be the spark to massive economic growth in the Imperial Crownlands and are painting as some sort of gift from god, that if Hulstria does not go into deficit spending right away, then we shall never see our economy grow another percent ever again! Their glorious 40 billion crown deficit budget on the contrary as not produced any sort of growth since its passing and GDP growth also spiked a mere 10 billion crowns; what a fantastic start to this magical plan made by the Christian Liberals, it will only take another 100 years before we start seeing real results! Please...what the Christian Liberals do not want to acknowledge is the fact that when Greater Hulstria used to be under the rule of the Christian Communist Party during the Gishoto periods, the budget was always in deficit spending, and the CCP made no effort in balancing the budget when they were in power; it was only when in 2551 after the final fall of communism did Hulstria's budget take a massive overhaul, thanks in part to mostly the Hulstrian Nationalist Party, and ever since the budget balancing acts produced by the HNP after 2551 was when Greater Hulstria began to see economic growth. What the Christian Liberals do not want to acknowledge is that under the Governor-Generalships of Wolfgang Reinhardt and Nicholas van der Burgh, Hulstria's economy significantly increased while at the same time both Reinhardt and van der Burgh made serious efforts to balance spending and fiscal restraint. Hulstria's GDP rose to over 7 trillion dollars during the reign of Wolfgang Reinhardt and at the same time Hulstria had a healthy 30-20 billion crown surplus; the economics of the Christian Liberals is terribly misguided and overtly flawed. The fact is that reckless deficit spending has only proven to hurt the Hulstrian economy but the Christian Totalitarianists went ahead and passed their "Deficit Control Budget Act" in the dark hours of the night without any other political party having a chance to vote on it or see it anyways; what are they playing at? Do they honestly think what they did was justifiable? Was proper? Sadly, the answer might be yes. They refused again to work with other political partys and shoved this undeeded spending bill down the throats of all Hulstrians. While yes they have a super-majority but the fact remains that over 88 million Hulstrians did not vote for the Christian Liberals and it is unfair to those citizens to be given such a reckless bill; a tyranny by majority claims chairman Gaston.

Fascist Authority Party chairman Xavier Gaston appeared to be rightfuly upset when reporters came to his office to discuss the recent events that unfolded within the Crownlands. He first of congratulated Naoki Tsukuda for his "historic win" as the first Gao-Showan Governor-General. "Indeed is it the quite the historic event," said Gaston. "Its funny. If former Governor-General Spenzer Roderick had not have succeeded in his anti-discriminatory reforms back and his efforts to end Hulstrian-Gao Showan segregation in 2659, Mr. Tsukuda would not be in the position he is in today. It is thanks to a former Fascist Authority Party chairman that Mr. Tsukuda was able to become Governor-General. It is unlikely however Tsukuda will acknowledge this in public but it is something I felt should be mentioned". Gaston then turned to respond to the recent statements made by Dietrich Falkenrath, a Christian Liberals member; Mr. Falkenrath recently said that in a proposed cabinet that he recently introduced, the "Fascist Authority Party will take place in the cabinet" because "they refused to vote for an early election" and "this is the consequence of not voting the same way as us". The child-like antics of the Christian Liberals and Mr. Falkenrath appear ever apparent. "Falkenrath logic is that because the FAP refused to go on with an early electon, a concept this party is fundamentally opposed to unless in an emergency, they should not take part in national cabinet activites," Gaston said. "Well golly, that is quite the reason proposed by Dietrich. What a statement. So because the Fascist Authority Party refused to be bullied in voting in an early election along the same line as his party, then we will be the ones punished? I ask, who does the Christian Liberals think they are? They have no right to bully other political parties into voting with them. The FAP....has a price to pay for being an opposition to a bill? My my, it seems every day that goes by the Christian Liberals are sounding more and more like the Sasier of the New World Order, Dietrich sounds like someone who just got out of a Nova Terra convention".

"The Christian Liberals made it clear long ago they did not want to work with the Fascist Authority Party, it is not the other way around," Gaston said. "They are spewing lies. I never said I did not want to work with the Christian Liberals, I only said that the Christian Liberals should stop their do as I say, not as I do attitude towards legislating in the Imperial Diet. Their recent attitudes have rubbed a lot of people the wrong way and the Fascist Authority Party stood up to speak against it. The Christian Liberals have no right to exclude us from anything because of our opinions and instead, like any sensible political party, should take our concerns into consideration. I was elected to express these concerns and I am being punished on speaking out against the Christian Liberals".
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Re: The Greater Hulstrian Chronicle

Postby TWoodWil » Wed May 27, 2009 4:59 am

Falkenrath pushes through ChristianLib cabinet
Dietrich Falkenrath publicly announced the new cabinet approved the night before to the media the next morning. He has taken the position of Staatsminister in the new government.

Kien, Hulstria - Utilizing the absolute CLA majority in the Diet, Mr. Falkenrath and his own leadership team pushed through a ChristianLib cabinet in a late evening session at the end of last month. The new cabinet sees Falkenrath take the Staatsminister position and his two closest political allies take other senior positions. Johanna von Bunschoten was named Minister of Foreign Affairs and chief whip Walter Sampson was given the dual posts of Finance Minister and Vizestaatsminister. Falkenrath said he will continue to serve as parliamentary leader of the party for "the indefinite future."

Following the stalled process behind the Liberal-Imperialist cabinet, it was assumed that the Christian Liberals would have to introduce a new majoritarian cabinet proposal. However, the speed and timing were of great surprise, even to party members. Sources within the Governor-General's office say that Mr. Tsukuda was not consulted about the new cabinet. "The Governor-General, as the political chief of the nation, has to take the good of all Hulstria into account, not just partisan politics," the aide told the Chronicle, "and while a cabinet including the Gaston-led FAP was off the table, Mr. Tsukuda strongly believes there was and still is more than enough room for meaningful consensus." The new staatsminister rebuffed the apparent criticism, "he, [Mr. Tsukuda], knows better than anyone else that the nation was being held hostage to Gaston's obstructionism. The CLA was given a majority of seats; we have a mandate. If the other parties will not use it with us, we will use it on our own."

"Hulstria needs a new cabinet, that is an inescapable fact," the Governor-General said when asked about the situation at a Q&A session at a local school, "but there were still options on the table. We could have gone to at least mid-year before having to seriously consider a purely majoritarian cabinet." Mr. Tsukuda is scheduled to have his first meeting with the new cabinet later this week.
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Re: The Greater Hulstrian Chronicle

Postby MrBean111 » Thu May 28, 2009 10:59 am

Fascist Authority Party Leadership Furious; Chairman Gaston Bashes CLA/Falkenrath
Says That "Something Needs to Be Done" To Deal With the Christian Liberals After Takeover of Cabinet

Imperial Diet- After the stunning cabinet takeover, with some calling it a coup of the national government, by the Falkenrath-led cabinet, the leadership of the Fascist Authority Party and several other political parties/organizations in Greater Hulstria are furious. The dictatorship of the Christian Liberals many say has come full circle, or at least they are laying the groundworks for a future authoritarian regime, with their one-party cabinet, a cabinet that was passed litterally in the middle of the night. The reckless leadership and their abuse of power of their 50% majority has cast a dark cloud over the Imperial Crownlands and may have possibly not only ruined the Christian Liberals chances of ever working with mainstream Hulstria again but may have set a not too positive permeant mark on their record for future political parties to see. Dietrich Falkenrath, who recently was hired as a mere campaign manager for the Christian Liberals, secretly mustered up enough support from a small faction of the party to go along with him in creating a single-party cabinet, the first of its kind since 2551, without even letting the Governor-General of Greater Hulstria, Naoki Tsukuda, (who is also the President of the Christian Liberal Alliance) know of his intentions. Falkenrath in his concietedness even casted himself as the candidate for Staatsminister, the head of government in Greater Hulstria; this man, of no particular importance, had the nerve to put himself in one of the highest positions of Hulstrian government. He used the old "well the Gaston-led FAP made me do this", it is the "fault of the Fascist Authority Party" and their "obstructionism" arguement as a way to justify his insanity, his inexperience, and thirst for power in "no way constitutes him to be in such a position" an Imperial Diet member said. For him to decide to just dump compromise and reason out the front door of the Imperial Diet is bordering authoritarianism and dictatorship, a "tyranny of the majority" Hulstrian and world political analysts are saying even if he is doing this all in an effort to shut out just one political party. Citizens and politicians alike are upset that Falkenrath would place his own interests for power above the interests of the minority and countless citizens who didn't even vote for his party, a good 88 million Hulstrians. Many are calling on the Governor-General to take a tougher approach to deal with Falkenrath and to come to a sensible decision, even some Fascist Authority Party members such as rising star Erik Chamberlain and formerInfrastructure & Transport Minister Franciz Lanzberg are pleading with the Mr.Tsukuda to end this senseless political rift that could endanger Hulstrias political scene for years, for decades to come.

However, while some within the Fascist Authority Party are reaching out to Governor-General Naoki Tsukuda, chairman Xavier Gaston is not willing to give up that easily, and to bow down to the Christian Liberals so soon. In a televised speech/press conference at the FAP National Headquarters in Kien, Xavier Gaston did not waste anytime in bashing Falkenrath, the Governor-General, and the whole Christian Liberals themselves. "The un-democratic ways of Mr. Falkenrath is alarming and scary," Gaston said. "Citizens, what you have witnessed was a clear abuse of power cast upon the national government, and this country. Falkenrath, hidden behind his desk and distorted point of view, lead a coup not to long ago to take over the government of Greater Hulstria; he proposed a single-party cabinet, the first single-party cabinet in over 200 years, in the darks hour of the night in the legislature when he knew damn well that my party nor the Imperial Hulstrians could get a chance to look at or even vote on it. As everyone knows very well, that cabinet passed because the Christian Liberals have a 50% majority, they have 4-5 seats over the 362 mark to pass a cabinet. A rouge faction of an already unstable political party leading our country my fellow citizens, that is not something anyone should be proud of; we have a bunch of egoists running our government. This authoritarian regime now represents Greater Hulstria on the world stage, they are in charge of our security, of our education, of our foreign affairs, and our economy! Although I believe this new government, that sham of an establishment, does not poccess the muscle to exert themselves on the world-stage, I fear that they may force this country in un-needed treaties and argeements with countries and that they will seek disastrous alliances with nations that will only harm us in the long run". Gaston continued on by saying that "Falkenrath has no justifcation for kicking out the rest of the political scene" in favor of his "power hungry personality". The chairman told the country that he was elected to "voice the concerns of many within the Fascist Authority Party on the dangerous leadership style of the Christian Liberals" and is being "punished" by the Christian Liberals for "speaking out against them"; the right to "free speech" still "exists in this country". He said he does "not believe that Governor-General Tsukuda did not know about this coup" and is "guilty of tyranny" like the rest of his party. Even if he did know, it just goes to show how "weak his leadership and communication skills are" in the Christian Liberal Alliance. "That was the nail in the coffin in FAP-CLA relations," Gaston declared. "I don't care what happens from here, the Christian Liberals are clear enemies to my party, clear enemies to this country, and we will seek not another political alliance with them ever again".

FAP Chairman Gaston Says The CLA Have Gone "Too Far"; Hulstria Needs to "Fight Back"

"The Christian Liberals have betrayed Hulstria, they have betrayed our Emperor, our Monarchy, and they have betrayed you" Gaston declared. "The question is, what are we going to do about it? The oppressive nature of this new majority by the Christian Liberals does not just call for change, does not just call for the FAP to be more active in the legislature at the hopes of doing well in elections anymore, no no fellow citizens, this calls for a revolution. An armed rebellion perhaps? Something needs to be done to oust this dictatorship from power; stablity, dignity needs to be restored within this country". Gaston went on to say that "Citizens who did not vote for the Christian Liberals should take up arms and fight for their rights before they are going to be taken away by the Falkenrath-led cabinet" and even said that the "oppressive nature of the national government may open the way for possible successions around the country". Gaston said that citizens living in the Region of Hulstria, the only Crownland not to vote for the Christian Liberals in the special election last year, should consider "not being part of the CLA-dictatorship anymore" and break away from the country. Gaston hinted that Fascist Authority Party landtags in the Crownland may be proposing legislation in the Crownland's legislative assembly soon declaring the region's "sovereignty" from the rest of the country. Xavier Gaston then said in his speech he is deciding if or if not he should report the CLA's undemocratic ways to the international organization, known as the Democracy Investigation Committee, an organization that investigates countries in practicing undemocratic measures, and hopes if he should report Falkenrath, that they would seek to remove him in one way or another. At the conclusion of the speech, Gaston again called for citizens to revolt, not necessarily in a violent way, against the Tsukuda-Falkenrath government. "The Christian Liberals fired the first shot in this battle and the Fascist Authority Party intends to fight the Christian Liberals till the end", "We'll come out victorious".

The talk of "revoltution" and "succession" proposed by FAP chairman Xavier Gaston, while could be casted as a knee-jerk reaction to the takeover of the cabinet, is not being looked at as too much of a joke, and has sparked fear in the population and the political specturm. Many Fascist Authority Party members who voted for Gaston in the chairman elections after Richard Wenceslas resigned are regreting ever casting their vote for Gaston. One FAP member who wished to be remain unidentified said that "Gaston to voice our concerns about the Christian Liberals, back when Anders Raske was in power. We did not think Gaston would seek to wage in all our war, litterally, in a way in dealing with them. Gaston, as well as Falkenrath, are not being productive to society, not produtive to the legislature. Something needs to be done, calm needs to return to Hulstria before it is too late; both parties need to do damage control". Though some FAP members are still sticking by Gaston and insist that the chairman "was pushed into a corner" by the CLA" and is "only fighting back"; the "Christian Liberals remain the bad guy in all this still". Nonetheless, the members who are starting to oppose Gaston are gaining foothold in the party, and the latest comment by Gaston (rebellion/succession) may be the tipping point for some FAP members, including some at the top positions of the party government; it is rumored that there is a secret faction within the Fascist Authority Party that wishes to see Xavier Gaston kicked out, at the hopes of halting the spread of Gaston's negative influence within. "No one wants to see another Conrad Falk," said Max Hansel, the Fascist Authority Party Vice-Chairman. "I did not expect Gaston to take his concerns so far as to suggest a rebellion or successionist movement in the country; I'm as angry as the next person over the Falkenrath stunt but I believe there are better ways to deal with it".
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Re: The Greater Hulstrian Chronicle

Postby TWoodWil » Sat May 30, 2009 9:56 pm

CLA seeks to quash separatism
Internal Affairs Minister Anja Bendtsen appeals for cooler heads to prevail in the capital crownland's Landtag while publically censuring Mr. Gaston for his comments.

Kien, Hulstria - The cabinet was forced to respond to comments made by FAP chairman Xavier Gaston calling for the Crownland of Hulstria to threaten a call for independence. Interior Minister Anja Bendtsen said that Mr. Gaston's statement calling on citizens "who did not vote for the Christian Liberals [to] take up arms and fight for their rights" is dangerously close to an open violation of the Paramilitary Organisations Act. "Hulstria law forbids parties from forming, supporting, or even supporting the formation of paramilitary groups," Mrs. Bendsten said at a press conference, "the Ministry of Internal Affairs may be forced to open a formal investigation of this matter." According to sources in the ministry, she has been under pressure from the Mr. Falkenrath and Vizestaatsminister Walter Sampson to formally charge Mr. Gaston for violating the POA.

In the Hulstria Landtag, CLA minority leader Lukas Adenauer attacked suggestions that the legislative body should vote on proposals affirming the crownland's sovereignty. In speech on the Landtag's floor Mr. Andenaur critized those calling for a sovereignty vote, "Hulstria is an integral and inseparable element of Greater Hulstria. A vote on sovereignty will only result in civil war." When asked about the possibility of the vote and its consequence Staatsminister Falkenrath pointed out that the Crownlands Legislative Powers Act allows the Imperial Diet to overturn acts passed by a landtag. Mr. Falkenrath has told his party whips to be ready to provide votes on a moment's notice to overturn anything ill-advised coming from any landtag.

Governor-General Tsukuda called meetings with the Chief Ministers and opposition leaders of all five crownlands earlier this month in an attempt to soothe political tensions. Mr. Tsukuda told political leaders that, "the rule of law must persevere. Hardliners on both sides have to remember that we are one united nation larger than any single party or faction." Relations between Tsukuda and Falkenrath and his cabinet supporters are reputedly strained, with the Staatsminister attempting to isolate the Governor-General from daily operations of the cabinet.
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Re: The Greater Hulstrian Chronicle

Postby MrBean111 » Sun May 31, 2009 3:27 am

"A Civil War Is Not Out Of The Question" Says Gaston; Hosts Protests Outside Imperial Diet
Xavier Gaston recently held a protest outside the offices of the Falkenrath-led cabinet

Kien, Hulstria- Fascist Authority Party Chairman Xavier Gaston despite being warned from the Internal Affairs Ministry about walking a thin line on the "Paramilitary Organizations Act", a law that states it is illegal any political party take part in their own military ventures and/or supporting/funding their own independent armed group, after his comments a few months ago about the region of Hulstria possibly breaking away from the rest of the Imperial Crownlands and forming their own independent government to fight against the Christian Liberals, said recently that "succession nor a civil war is not out of the question to fight against you [CLA]", and that "Ms. Bendtsen is trying to investigate something that someone said", claiming that is just another "clear abuse of power from the Christian Liberal cabinet" at a protest last week outside the Imperial Diet legislative building.

Xavier Gaston fired up the "anti-CLA protest" with his stance against the Falkenrath controlled government, saying that their "abuse of powers", and "their oblivious nature" is and should be enough justification for a possible region of Hulstria secession. The crowd then, consisting of a 200-250 people (mainly Gaston supporters and local separatists), began to shout "Secede! Secede!". The FAP chairman said that the region of Hulstria "is perfectly capable of being on its own, away from the Christian Liberals", he said that the "economy is in good, fiscal shape" thanks in part to the Fascist landtag majority in the country compared with other Crownlands controlled by the Christian Liberals. Many protesters in the crowd had signs defacing Staatsminister Falkenrath and anti-government banners, even with one with Falkenrath shown in the devils horns and Anja Bendtsen in front of the flag of the Christian Communist Party (the CCP headed the communist Gishoto governments in Greater Hulstria a few hundreds of years back with an iron fist). Gaston also suggested that "it is completely within the power of the citizens to take up arms, to resist the current Christian Liberal government headed by Falkenrath" and that citizens should "not be afraid" of the current government; "We surround them" Gaston said. "We hold the true power and we should band together to exert that power to break away from that monstrosity of what we call our national government". He said that the government in Kien have abandoned the Imperial Crownland's founding principles, insulted the Monarchy by their "thirst for power", and is leading it towards a path of an "oppressive, one-party government". He said that the Staatsminister amongst various other Ministers are "strangling Hulstrians with horrible legislative policy and deficit spending". Gaston said that "If the Imperial Diet, if Dietrich Falkenrath, continues to abuse their power you know my friends, who knows what might come out of that. It is there fault we are aheading down this road". To close out his speech at the protest, the FAP chairman said "The movement is growing stronger, we should not give up anytime soon".

After the protest, he talked with a local reporter from the Greater Hulstrian Chronicle, and said he believes he could be at the center of a larger movement that is coordinated, organized, and "well-supplied" opposition to the actions of the national government, but did not expand on what those supplies may be. Gaston did say a few months ago that the citizens in the Imperial Crownlands should "rebel against the government in arms" though pulled back by saying that should do it in a "non-violent fashion", nonetheless that has sparked controversy. Xavier Gaston has not been charged yet with conspiracy to insite riot or violence but many say is walking a fine line on those allegations. Fascist Authority Party members even are further and further, day by dar are moving away from Xavier Gaston, and fear that Gaston will forever shed a horrible light upon the party; one FAP member said behind closed doors that Gaston "is ruining the work done by chairmans past" and that "he is turning towards extremism to strike fear into citizens". Former chairman Spenzer Roderick, one of the architects of the revival of the Fascist Authority 100+ years ago in 2641, when faced with the Anti-Fascist coalition did not "promote secession" but lifted his chin up and "fought in the Imperial Diet with civility", not threatening the government with a civil war on their front doors. "He is turning away attention from Falkenrath, the true bad guy in this sitution," the anonymous FAP member said. "Gaston is doing what Falkenrath wanted, to crush this political party".

Erik Chamberlain Moves To Remove Gaston From Fascist Authority Party
Chamberlain, a ranking member of the party, is seeking to remove Xavier Gaston from his chairmanship

FAP Headquarters- Erik Chamberlain, a ranking member of the Fascist Authority Party, announced yesterday that he would be seeking to remove chairman Xaver Gaston from office, and said that he already introduced such a piece of impeachment articles within the party; Chamberlain said that he is only awaiting a majority approval of the current FAP governing council and is sure it will the needed support to be given to the entire party. Mr. Chamberlain has been reported to be not one of the fondest supporters of Xavier Gaston since he took office, he has openly stated in public he didn't even "cast a vote for the bastard", and feels "embarrassed" to have such a man represent the party. In the announcement, Chamberlain said that "Gaston is probably, if the not, biggest disaster since Conrad Falk and the Isolationist Periods". He continued on by saying "Xavier Gaston has produced nothing benefical to this party and is slowly killing it from within. His illogical and his eccentric attitude has got too many members in this party frustrated; we thought we could handle him, put a hold on from making a fool out of himself but his comments on a Hulstrian secessionist and suggestions about a possible armed rebellion in the Imperial Crownlands has put the final stake in his coffin as chairman of this party. I can tell you now, by next year he will not be in the post he is in today". Chamberlain said "only communists", "republicans", and "radical anarchists" say such things about revolution, the "Fascist Authority Party is neither"; Gaston is "only hurting the Emperor" and is putting "Hulstria in a bad name" with his antics.

Erik Chamberlain also said that he will be placing himself as the candidate for the next chairman of the Fascist Authority Party after the impeachment articles go through. He said that "Once this Gaston diabolical ends, the FAP will return to sanity and return to ourselves". Chamberlain said the "FAP needs a completely new look" and "a completely new voice" to meet the current, and future, generations of Greater Hulstria. Chamberlain then said "he has no interest in working with Staatsminister Falkenrath", that he has "opposed him since the start", and believes along with Gaston is "driving Hulstria down a dangerous road". Chamberlain on the other hand said he is "completely open in working with Governor-General Tsukuda", the only man in this whole situtation "who has been able to keep his head connected to the rest of his body". Governor-General Tsukuda, Chamberlain said, needs to do his own "clean-up" in his party to rid out people who have contributed to the whole matter at hand.

The impeachment articles proposed by Erik Chamberlain would be the first in party history, no chairman has been impeached in office; Conrad Falk was removed by a coup and was forced out of the FAP in 2666 after Spenzer Roderick Jr assumed power. It is suspected that Xavier Gaston and his now small of faction of supporters will oppose this move for impeachment; it is highly unlikely that he will stop the articles from passing but with what has already been shown by him, it is unknown what kind of stunt he will pull to prevent from being removed.
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Re: The Greater Hulstrian Chronicle

Postby TWoodWil » Sun May 31, 2009 4:56 am

Tsukuda calls on ChristianLibs, Fascists to clean house
After a contentious meeting with the Staatsminister, Naoki Tsukuda asked allies in the Imperial Diet to introduce the CSEA Act.

Kien, Hulstria - Following a cabinet meeting where hard-line populists led by Vizestaatsminister Sampson refused to allow the Governor-General to address the body, Mr. Tsukuda has apparently stopped trying to compromise with the radical elements within his party. At the session Falkenrath and his allies produced white papers to re-introduce disestablishment, decrease central government spending by fifteen percent, and suspend the landtag of the crownland of Hulstria. Opponents of the measures, led by Anja Bendtsen and Justice Minister Sieuwerd Cuijpers, criticized the proposals as "hyper-partisan initiatives [that] would be nearly as destructive as Gastonian separatism." In written correspondence sent to party members, Mr. Tsukuda asked for the replacement of "contentious elements" within the national leadership.

Facing direct opposition from the vocal minority of cabinet ministers strongly tied to Mr. Falkenrath, the Governor-General issued a formal political ultimatum. Mr. Tsukuda asked the party leadership to push for a new interim cabinet to take office until the September elections and a solid commitment to work with the FAP should they turn away from Gaston. Blocked by his own deputy, Mr. Tsukuda requested the full Diet withdraw support from the cabinet. Introduced by Lukas Adenauer, the CSEA Act suspends the current cabinet and provides the Governor-General will emergency powers. The measure is expected to easily pass; despite being elected by a majority of CLA parliamentarians to his leadership position, Falkenrath's working support amongst the caucus has never been stronger than a third of the party.

In remarks to crownland Chief Ministers and opposition leaders Mr. Tsukuda asked for an end to the current deadlock. "The political process has broken down. We will always have reason for debate and disagreement, but there is never legitimate reason to overturn a democratic system." He continued, "we have to work to restore respect and consensus. However, despite the words and actions of radical leaders this situation is not part of a larger crisis. I am confident that once the dust is swept away we will find our political system as untarnished as it was before."

Paramilitary Organisations Act violation investigations begin
On advice of the National Police, Mrs. Bendtsen directed law enforcement agencies to open an official investigation to separatist activities of Mr. Gaston and other suspected groups.

Ministry of Internal Affairs - After his latest round of remarks and reports of secret meetings, the National Police and Imperial Police Service of the Eastern Territories requested authorization from the ministry to open an inquiry into Xavier Gaston's activities. "Investigators have requested from my office that they be allowed to probe possible POA violations," Mrs. Bendtsen told the Chronicle, "should they find anything, perpetrators will be brought before a court of law." She was quick to say that, "there will be no partisan tinge to the probe. If charges can be sustained, we will pass the work up on to the Justice Ministry. However, if there are no violations there will be no charges...[I] want justice, not a witch hunt."
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Re: The Greater Hulstrian Chronicle

Postby TWoodWil » Sun May 31, 2009 6:20 am

CSEA passes – Falkenrath ousted, ejected from party and cabinet
After failing to prevent CLA parliamentarians from voting, Mr. Falkenrath and his allies were removed from office. He was later ejected from the ruling party.

Kien, Hulstria – Just as the Falkenrath cabinet began as an eleventh hour deal in the Imperial Diet, so too did it end. Using his status as parliamentary leader of the party, Mr. Falkenrath and his party whips tried to prevent Christian Liberal lawmakers from casting their votes in favor of the Adenauer/Tsukuda Cabinet Suspension and Emergency Administration Act. Falkenrath threatened to withdraw the whip from any legislator who voted on the bill and withhold election funding for the coming September contest. After two weeks of stalling in the Diet, Lukas Adenauer and Anja Bendtsen gathered the support necessary to remove Falkenrath from his position of Deputy Leader. By a 267 to 101 vote, the party stripped him of his leadership role. The following afternoon, the last session day of May, the Imperial Diet voted to support the CSEA Act. “The cabinet was created by majoritarian politics,” Mr. Adenauer said on the floor of the Diet after the vote, “so it is only right that it ends the same way.”

After initially signaling that he and his supporters in the cabinet would consider CSEA non-binding legislation and would not resign, Falkenrath was ejected from the party by Mr. Tsukuda. When asked about his decision the Governor-General’s only remake was, “His time is over.” Two days later Mr. Falkenrath met with the Governor-General and tendered the resignation of the cabinet. Tsukuda accepted the offers of seven members of the government. According to the Governor-General’s office before Mr. Falkenrath left office he acceded to a request from Mr. Tsukuda to name Anja Bendtsen Deputy Vizestaatsminister. Tsukuda’s office will release details of the delegation of cabinet authority in accordance with CSEA within the next few days. A new full interim cabinet of Christian Liberals will take office at the end of June to be replaced by a permanent cabinet made in full consultation with the Imperial Diet after the September elections.

The following members of the cabinet have tendered their resignations to the Governor-General:
    Staatsminister Dietrich Falkenrath
    Minister of Foreign Affairs Johanna von Bunschoten
    Minister of Finance and Vizestaatsminister Walter Sampson
    Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Elizabeth Schatz
    Minister of Science and Technology Verena Rassmussue
    Minister of Food and Agriculture Fog Olafssen
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Re: The Greater Hulstrian Chronicle

Postby MrBean111 » Sun May 31, 2009 11:18 pm

Xavier Gaston Fails In Preventing Impeachment; Erik Chamberlain Elected New Chairman
Chamberlain (R) Praises Governor-General For CSEA Move, Declares A "New Era of Prosperity In The Imperial Crownlands"

FAP Headquarters- Despite Xavier Gaston attempting to halt impeachment proceedings by trying to eject FAP governing council Ministers, the governing council of the party unanimously voted to impeach Xavier Gaston at his post as the national chairman of the Fascist Authority Party, and immediately called for a direct vote to elect a new chairman; after a short voting period, it was declared yesterday that Erik Chamberlain was elected the 10th Chairman of the Fascist Authority Party in a landslide. Chamberlain ran virtually unopposed and was already seen as the primary candidate to takeover once the eccentric Gaston was removed; this impeachment came after Xavier Gaston repeatedly called for the region of Hulstria to secede from the rest of the Imperial Crownlands in a protest a few months ago and hinted at a possible "armed revolution" and "civil war" to fight against the "oppressive" Christian Liberal government. Gaston, the self-declared leader of the "secessionist movement", seems to have struck all the wrong cords in not only the Fascist Authority Party but within the National Police Department and the Internal Affairs Ministry; it has been reported that the Internal Affairs Ministry will be launching an investigation into the so-called secessionist movement and Gaston himself, with their officials saying that they will be probeing if the now former FAP chairman broke any Paramilitary Organizations Act guidelines. While Xavier Gaston has only verbally attacked the Christian Liberals, there have been scattered reports of Mr. Gaston meeting secretly with known separatist groups in both Greater Hulstria, and the Eastern Territories at an attempt to gain support for his "secessionist movement". Though nothing has been confirmed officialy, it is suspected he probably meet with a group known as the "Dovani Tigers", a small separatist organization reportedly located by the Sea of Carina and thought to have had a hand in the Kuratha/Hilgar embassy bombings almost 100 years ago under the Governor-Generalship of Christian van Rensburg among other attacks in Dovani countrys, after his comments at the protests outside the Imperial Diet; that suspected meeting may have triggered the Internal Affairs investigation.

That was the final straw the Fascist Authority Party, already introduced with impeachment legislation before the announced investigation, who did not waste any time in removing Gaston, and bringing Chamberlain in to take over his post. FAP members who voted for Gaston after the retirement of Richard Wenceslas feel very disappointed that the man who they thought would lift the party out of a legislative depression would only dig a hole further for the party and instead went on to build a failed secessionist movement but did not take any time to build his own party which he was elected to lead. Xavier Gaston was elected chairman to comfront the then Governor-General of Greater Hulstria, Anders Raske, about his unfair and unproper legislative tactics in the Imperial Diet but only became a mirror image of the person who he was supposed to be the opposite of by resorting to name-calling and threats. Then came along Dietrich Falkenrath and the two men began to start a huge political battle between eachother, with both of them going beyond their powers to try to attack eachother; their bickering overshadowed their own members and rather than them becoming the praised hero became the black sheeps of their respective political parties. In the end, both the Fascist Authority and Christian Liberal Parties ejected those black sheeps in hopes of ending the almost seemingly endless political battle.

Xavier Gaston (left) and Dietrich Falkenrath (right) relentlessly fought with eachother only to be ejected from their own parties

Erik Chamberlain after his victory becoming chairman meet with the Governor-General Naoki Tsukuda in his main office in the Imperial DIet to discuss the new relationship and cooperation between the two parties. Tsukuda, the President of the Christian Liberals, recently introduced (and was able to pass) the "Cabinet Suspension and Emergency Administration Act", or CSEA, a legislation that granted the Governor-General emergency powers to suspend the Falkenrath cabinet, and put in place his own Ministers; the act was the first ever in Greater Hulstrian history and officialy ended the Falkenrath-led government. Tsukuda and Falkenrath have been suspected of not being on the same page and were thought to have a bit of tension between eachother; Tsukuda opposed Falkenrath's moves for a one-party government and opposed the Gaston tirade in the Fascist Authority Party. With the FAP now removed of Gaston and now being led by a more responsible and anti-secessionist leader, Tsukuda has said in public he would like to open a new door for CLA-FAP relations, relations that seemed to have gone sour over the past decade.

After the short meeting, Erik Chamberlain held a minor press conference outside Tsukuda's Imperial Diet office; he said that "we are both committed to opening up a round of friendship" and that we "both argee that the current course Hulstria is on is not a sustainable one". Chamberlain said "we are going to move to a new era of prosperity in the Imperial Crownlands", a new era of "responsible government" and "sustainable economic management". He praised the bold move by Mr. Tsukuda to suspend the current cabinet, saying that the "Governor-General took the right steps to end this crisis, he went out of his way to show he was truely against the Falkenrath ways, and the FAP greatly appreciates it". Chamberlain also said that "my party too needs to perform some house cleaning of its own, ejecting Xavier Gaston is not going to be our only move". Chamberlain hopes that the CLA and the FAP will start off "brand new" in relations. He hopes if a unified cabinet comes in play, that "all parties will be represented", and "we return to a government that works for the people, not for our own gains". The new chairman announced that he has been granted special powers of his own by the FAP governing council to remove "several" remaining Gaston supporters within the party, both in the Diet and Landtag, to finally rid out any kind of influence left behind; chairman Chamberlain too announced several new Fascist Authority Party cabinet Ministers, saying that these new "appointments" will help with the changing face of the party. Chamberlain announced the appointments of Volkhad Reinhardt (the great grand-son of former Governor-General Wolfgang Reinhardt) to the Ministry of Finance, Constantin Birnbacher to the Ministry of Education & Culture, Werner Rozen to the Ministry of Science & Technology, Karl Elverfeldt to the Ministry of Health and Social Services, August Liese to the Ministry of Defense, Martin Kiesling to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Tokuro Tanemoto to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Bianka Wilnet to the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport; Tokuro Tanemoto is the first Gao-Showan appointment to the FAP cabinet since 2587 and Bianka Wilnet would be the first women appointed to the FAP cabinet since 2641.

Tokuro Tanemoto, born in Mitrania, is the first Gao-Showan in the FAP cabinet since 2587, almost 200 years ago

Erik Chamberlain has been noted as being a federalist and a corporatist; the new chairman has said that he hopes that he will bring the FAP to a new age in politics and hopes to reverse some of its old unitarist policies. He said that "Hulstria does need a strong central government, no one can doubt that" he said. "The large population does not allow for a weak government in Kien but a large population though permits a strong local government. I think that we should continue to allow national child-care services and a public health-care system but things like forest management, planting policy, farming, GM food regulation etc should be left to local governments. I am not against oversight and would allow for local governments to have a bit more power if there is some sort of a safety net in case anything goes wrong". He also mentioned that the FAP "should take a more of a pro-business approach" and should "work towards establishing a strong relationship between Kien and the business community". The government should not "be the final say" in business decisions but "a mere adviser" to stop criminal activites in the market. Chairman Chamberlain said he wishes to work with the Christian Liberals and the Imperial Hulstrians in obtaining that goal.
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Re: The Greater Hulstrian Chronicle

Postby MrBean111 » Wed Jun 03, 2009 1:27 am

Tokuro Tanemoto Calls For A Revision The "Colonial Affairs Act"; Wants To Include Talmoria
FAP's Foreign Affairs Minister (above) Also Says The Monarch Should "Be Given More Authority Over Colonial Interests"

Imperial Diet- Fascist Authority Party Foreign Affairs Minister, Tokuro Tanemoto, last week called upon the Imperial Diet to consider to re-open discussiones on the re-organization of Hulstria's colonial territories on Dovani; Tanemoto, appointed by FAP chairman Erik Chamberlain as the first Gao-Showan to the party cabinet since 2587, said that he is "eager to work with fellow party members and our friends at the Imperial Hulstrian, and the Christian Liberal parties" to get something done with concerns to the territories. "Hulstria has grown immensely in both population and land over the past 60 years," Tanemoto said to a group of reporters. "Not only do we have to provide security for the Eastern Territories, we also need to provide an efficent security plan for our South-West territories in Talmoria. While the Internal Affairs and Defense Ministries have security placements there, there is still no ruling body of government; there is no Imperial Commissioner for the South-West territories and the said Ministries are technically acting as the de-facto government. The Eastern Territories enjoy political and civil freedom, Hulstria has a great record for taking care of its colonies; the Talmorian land should not be any different. A revision is needed to include Talmoria and a revision is needed to style it towards todays standards. I also wish to see more power given to the Monarchy over the control over those territories and wish to discuss that at the conferences". Tanemoto said he also want both the Governor-Generals of Hulstria and Talmoria to be at the talks. The FAP Foreign Affairs Minister praised the Liberale Faschistische Allianz, the party that overthrew the oppressive Islamic government in Talmoria 20+ years ago, for their efforts in keeping Talmoria stable and safe.
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Re: The Greater Hulstrian Chronicle

Postby Zongxian » Mon Jun 08, 2009 7:03 pm

Former Talmorian LFA Receives Considerable Support in First Hulstrian Election


Kien, Hulstria -- In an unexpected outcome, the former Talmorian party, the Liberal Fascist Alliance, came out winning nearly 150 seats, overtaking the well-established Fascist Authority Party. The LFA, led by former Talmori Governor-General Albert von Metzler, returned to Greater Hulstria just a few years ago following another Islamic takeover of the unstable third-world nation. The party came back to its homeland and its members established themselves as the LFA of Greater Hulstria. This election saw the largest loss for the Christian Liberals, who lost almost 100 seats, most likely due to the support of the LFA. Regionally the Christian Liberals dominated as guessed, with Kien going to the FAP.

Currently in the Imperial Diet, debate is going on over the FAP proposed "Royal Coalition", which brings the LFA into the government. The CLA is blocking this proposal on the basis of the LFA's actions in Talmoria. Chairman Albert von Metzler stated that, "the policies pursued in Talmoria..are not possible here due to the fact that Hulstria lacks Muslims." Metzler also pointed to the Islamic extremism that exists in that region of Dovani and stated that the segregation and removal of Muslims was done for the safety and freedom of the true Talmorian population. He has asked the CLA to watch the status of Talmoria over the coming months and the deterioration that will once again occur under the Islamic rule. In Metlzer's final statement in the Diet, he said, "we will not hesitate from proposing a coalition that excludes the CLA if they continue to oppose our party's entrance. Its bad enough that under the Royal Coalition the CLA will be obtaining the office of Vice-Staatsminister."
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