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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Jay (LDP) » Thu May 28, 2009 9:17 am

LDP leadership shake-up
4th December, 2672

With the collapse of the historic Royal Aristocratic Party and the obvious, immediate failure of the Bolshevik Party, the Liberal Democratic Party of Luthori and her ally, the Constitutionalist Imperial League, now share a full hegemony over the Luthori Imperial Diet.

A press conference was called this morning at the LDP of Luthori headquarters in New Salem, Orange.

LDP Chairman Anthony Stephenson:

"Considering the long history of politics in Luthori, we are still a relatively new force, but it is clear that we have met the needs and demands of the population. As several parties around us have collapsed - The Luthori Spiritual Secularist Society, the Nationalist Party of Luthori, the Luthori Communist Party and its offshoot the Bolshevik Party and most recently the Royal Aristocratic Party - the LDP of Luthori has stood strong and in our most recent election received the second highest amount of votes in our history. Together with our friends and allies at the Constitutionalist Imperial League, we have managed to achieve great economic and political reform to strengthen and improve our glorious Empire.

"Now is a time of peace and stability in our nation. Now is a time for reflection on the past and discussion on how to improve the future. It is for this very reason that the LDP Executive Council has unanimously agreed to undertake a series of changes.

"First and foremost will be a rotation of the current leadership. Having proudly led this Party for the last seventeen years, it is time for me to take the step down into the role of a Senior Executive Member. And having spent the last thirty-one years as Deputy Chairman, the Right Honourable Gregory McGeorge is retiring entirely from the Executive Council. In our place will be former-Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Rt Hon. Harry McCormack as Chairman and the Rt Hon. James Lucas as Deputy.

"As part of the rotation, former Secretary to the United Conservative Front, the Rt Hon. Richard Larkins, will step up to Minister of Foreign Affairs, with the Rt Hon. Daniel McMillan his replacement at the UCF.

"We are also happy to announce that long-time Luthori businessman Allan Chambers has been welcomed into the LDP Executive Council following the retirement of Nadine Gray - after an amazing tenure of forty-seven years.

"It is with pleasure that I invite the Rt Hon. Harry McCormack to the stage. I must say I feel extremely comfortable leaving the Party in his capable hands. I need not remind you all that it is this man who was responsible for the great relations we have had recently with the Federation of Zardugal and the United Republics of Lodamun."

Incoming Chairman Harry McCormack:

"Firstly, I want to thank Chairman Stephenson for his kind words. I must say that the extraordinary amount of effort he put in to bringing this Party to success leaves me, as his successor, with a daunting task indeed.

"Secondly, to get down to business. As of tomorrow morning, the new Executive Council will be officially sworn in.

"That isn't the only change, however. It has been unanimously agreed upon by the Executive Council that it is in the best interests of the Party to form an official para-military organisation. It is with great honour and pride that I officially declare the Liberal Luthori Security Organisation open for business. We call upon all our members to support the LLSO in any way possible - it is here to fight for your freedoms.

"In order to fund the LLSO so it can meet its potential, the Executive Council has decided to begin a business venture and is currently scanning the market to find the perfect acquisition. More information on this will be revealed in due time."

In other news, newly-appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Rt Hon. Richard Larkins, has criticised the United Nations of Terra for "seeking trouble" with its "disturbing, destablising talks on Beiteynu".

"The proposed intervention of Beiteynu would be extremely damaging to world security and will not be tolerated by the Holy Luthori Empire.

"It has become clear that the members of the UNT are either bored and or seeking trouble. Despite having no evidence whatsoever of any human rights abuses at the hands of the government of Beiteynu, they are continuing to discuss the idea of intervening and assuming control of the nation. It is a disturbing act which will destabilise and damage relations between the Terran Empire and the UNT. I can only hope that sanity will prevail."

- Orange Daily-Sun
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Jay (LDP) » Fri May 29, 2009 12:19 pm

LDP purchase Luthori Telecom
21st July 2763


The Chambers Family Corporation (CFC) - headed by one of Luthori's richest men, Allan Chambers - has agreed to sign over its 40% share in Luthori Telecom (LTC) to the Liberal Democratic Party of Luthori after Mr Chambers was appointed a position on the LDP Executive Council. It is believed that the LDP is planning to acquire a further 15% of LTC shares, granting it a controlling majority of the company. If this acquisition is successful, it is likely that Mr Chambers will be appointed CEO, on behalf of the Party.

Having dominated the market for over a century, LTC has dropped to become the second largest telecommunications provider in Luthori according to industry results published in 2762. The LDP will be hoping that it can expand upon the company's current customer base of 122 million people and maximise profits.

These profits, according to political journalist Jerome Ansley, could be used to fund a new militia.

"The LDP have made it clear that they need a new form of income to pay for the Liberal Luthori Security Organisation, which is nothing less than their own, personal military."

When questioned about the proposed deal outside the LDP headquarters, Party Chairman Harry McCormack admitted that the party was intending to use some of its new income to fund militaristic equipment and training for the LLSO.

"For us to be able to guarantee the safety and security of our Party and our Party members, a certain amount of expenditure will need to go towards the development and maintainance of the LLSO - that's a given. That's not to say that our business ventures are for the sole purpose of funding the LLSO. When our purchase of LTC goes ahead, we will be committed to our customers and to improving telecommunication services throughout Luthori."

- Orange Daily-Sun
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Xanathos » Fri May 29, 2009 2:07 pm

Madison and Emperor supportive of LDP

2763 Edition

The Rt Hon. Sir Ralph Madison, Majority Leader of the CIL, has warmly supported the comments made by the new LDP leadership: "The League and LFMA are entirely supportive of the recent moves by the LDP", he reffered to a change of leadership as well as the opening of a militia. "We would also like to propose joint exercises between the LLSO and the Imperial League Vanguard (ILV), the official League paramilitary organization. Sir Madison also welcomed the LDP's criticism of the UNT, saying: "We have fought against international law in the past and will fight against it again, alongside our allies."

Meanwhile, His Imperial Majesty Maximilian III has also warmly welcomed the incoming Chairman of the LDP, saying: "The Rt Hon. Harry McCormack has served our country brilliantly as our foreign minister and for that, I would like to reward him by offering to him the title of Knight of the Order of the Virtuous Heart, the same order Sir Madison belongs to. It would be our pleasure to accept Mr McCormack as a knight of the Realm."

Luthori Business Report

Both Luthori super trade blocks, the East Luthori Trade Syndicate (ELTS) and the Bane Consortium, have issued invitations to Luthori Telecom to join their ranks. The ELTS is particularly keen on acquiring a member that could compete with the BC Acheron Inc. which focuses mainly on IT and high technology, but has also begun in the telecom business. Both blocs offer a significant number of advanatages to its members and membership in one of them is considered a necessity tp thrive by most in Luthori.

We will keep you up to date as Luthori Telecom answers and the story develops.

-The Williamsborough Herald
Last edited by Xanathos on Sun May 31, 2009 4:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Xanathos » Sun May 31, 2009 1:30 pm

PM meets with Hobrazian foreign secretary

2764 Edition

The Rt Hon. Sir Ralph Madison, Prime Minister, met with Alexandra Neesam, foreign secretary of the Hobrazian Imperium today and the two held a joint press conference right before noun. In the press conference, the prime minister expressed his hopes of Hobrazia's ratifaction of the Axis treaty. he also spoke of a possible free trade agreement, but said to wait until tomorrow to get the deatils from Mrs Neesam's meeting with Luthori's foreign minister.

-The Williamsborough Herald
Last edited by Xanathos on Sun May 31, 2009 4:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Jay (LDP) » Sun May 31, 2009 4:26 pm

Exclusive meeting with LDP leaders
Simon Cowley

Left, Simon Cowley. Right, Harry McCormack.

Today I had the privilege of meeting two of the Liberal Democratic Party's most influential men. The Rt Hon. Harry McCormack, who has recently become the Party's Chairman, and the Rt Hon. Richard Larkins, Luthori's Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Having discussed everything from their personal lives to foreign affairs, business and politics to the military, I've decided to provide you with a synopsis of our discussion prior to the full meeting being aired on OTV3 tomorrow night.

You recently announced the formation of a 'Liberal Luthori Security Organisation'. What can you say about the structure of it? Who will be in charge? What will it be used for? How many members do you have?

HM: At the moment we're still in the process of sorting out the structure of it all. We're currently undertaking recruitment procedures - what's the use in a military if you have nobody in it?! We expect to have a reserve man-power of about 10,000 by the end of the year. As for leadership, we have been conducting trials lately to decide on exactly who is best to lead, train and develop the organisation. I can say now, though, that it won't be from the Executive Council. We will be going for someone with experience in the Luthori military so that it will be run effectively.

And what will it be used for?

HM: The Liberal Luthori Security Organisation is just that. A security organisation to protect the liberal rights of all it's members. It is not, by any means, a militia that is intended to be used against the Party or unjustly against the Government of Luthori. It is not intended to be used against international forces under any circumstances.

SC: There has been suggestions that the LLSO could join in an alliance with the Imperial League Vanguard. Can you shed any light on these rumours?

Just yet there has been no talk of any sort of official agreement between the two organisation and to be honest it's not something we are looking for. Both organisations have their own membership and their own commitments. Due to the mutual respect between the CIL and the LDP, however, we do intend on joint exercises between the two organisations to not only improve the skills and techniques of our respective militaries, but to also improve our strong relations even further.

SC: At the same time as the LLSO was announced, you also revealed that the LDP had purchased Luthori Telecom. Are the two decisions related?

HM: To be completely honest with you, we needed a way to fund the development of the LLSO so that it could be created as fast and effectively as possible. The idea of investing in business had already been discussed, so it seemed like the perfect timing. Developing the LLSO isn't the only reason we invested, though. There are several benifits from investing in business and we aren't going to hide the fact that we have used the CIL as inspiration in many of our decisions of late. Our relationship with the Rt Hon. Allan Chambers and the Chambers Family Corporation also made the process significantly smoother.

SC: It was released in the Williamsborough Herald recently that the East Luthori Trade Syndicate has expressed interest in Luthori Telecom. Are you aware of any discussions that may have taken place between the two?

HM: Yes, I can confirm that LTC CEO Allan Chambers is in the process of discussions with the ELTS and it is appearing likely that an agreement could be struck soon. It is clear that it would be mutually beneficial for the two organisations.

SC: On a more personal note, His Imperial Majesty Maximilian III has offered you knighthood. How does that make you feel?

HM: When I received word of that, I was shocked. It's a huge honour to have the Emperor even know who I am, let alone wanting to knight me! Obviously I have accepted his generous offer, the ceremony takes place monday week. I'm a little bit nervous... need to make sure I continue breathing when I see him!

Mr Larkins, when exactly were you first informed that an envoy from Hobrazia was to be visiting?

RL: (laughs) The Prime Minister had invited Mrs Neesam to Luthori but it appears his messages to me didn't arrive. It's something that happens, particularly now with so many job changes taking place in the LDP. People are moving offices, new staff are coming, some are leaving. Some sort of miscommunication was bound to occur.

SC: So there are no hard feelings?

No, no, not at all.

SC: Have you spoken with the foreign minister yet?

RL: We met briefly as she was in a meeting with the Prime Minister. We have arranged to meet tomorrow to discuss the free trade agreement and the Axis Treaty. I'm actually quite looking forward to having her company, our meeting today was far too brief.

For the rest of the interview, watch Channel OTV3 tomorrow night at 9PM.

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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Xanathos » Wed Jun 17, 2009 1:33 pm

League suffers huge setback, Free Marketeers thrown out of office.

The CIL suffered a huge defeat in the recent parliamentary elections, although the capitalist alliance with the LDP still holds a majority. Many have blamed the League for its recent shift to social liberalism and isolationism under the Free-Marketeers. The Geharon Conservatives came back with a vengeance, winning an absolute majority of 14 seats against the Homeland Libertarians' 5. The LFMA did not win any seats. His Grace, Duke Franz became majority leader after Sir Ralph Madison stepped down. Many of the former moderate Conservative mps from the previous administration are gone, replaced by members of the Religious Right, whom critics call theocrats.

The GCP has announced its will to preserve the status quo and will not seek to reintroduce old authoritarian laws that the Free-Marketeers canceled. The Conservatives borrowed many campaign themes from the Libertarians regarding the market and civil issues, forcing the H&L to assume many unpopular LFMA positions.

-The Williamsborough Herald
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Jay (LDP) » Wed Jun 17, 2009 3:28 pm

LDP responds to 2772 election result

A five per cent jump in votes for the Liberal Democratic Party of Luthori ensured they received 83 of the 200 seats in the Luthori Imperial Diet, two less than the Luthori Tory Party which has returned to politics after an absence in the range of one hundred and sixty years.

Despite a poor showing from LDP of Luthori allies, the Constitutionalist Imperial League, the capitalist coalition maintained a majority in the Imperial Diet and resumed management of the Cabinet, a fact receiving great praise in newspapers across the nation.

When approached outside of his New Salem office, LDP of Luthori Chairman Rt Hon. Sir Harry McCormack responded positively to the ruling Government coalition's praise in the media.

"You know, I think the people of Luthori have realised that we, the LDP of Luthori and the Constitutionalist Imperial League, are committed to one thing and one thing only - the safety and protection of our amazing citizens. We have done what very few Governments have done before - put aside the unnecessary bickering over insignificant policies and have worked together to make this nation as strong, successful, safe and powerful as possible. And, when you think about it, we in Luthori have never been better off. Our economy is booming, our people are striving into the future and our relationships with fellow nations are running high. All you need to do is look at our diplomacy with Hobrazia, Zardugal and Lodamun of late to know that our nation is held in high regard across the globe. We have secured some great relationships with some of Terra's most powerful and friendly nations. We're should be truly honoured to be in the position we are in today."

LDP ensures commitment to allies

The political situation of the Holy Luthori Empire has been somewhat instable of late. Two parties have dissolved and three new parties have arrived in the last decade alone. Regularly strong performers, the Constitutionalist Imperial League, have lost votes whilst newcomers have surged to the top. Various reformation bills have been proposed to the Imperial Diet, most of which have been declined.

The one thing that has been stable and, if LDP of Luthori Chairman Sir Harry McCormack is to be believed will remain stable "for the forseeable future", is the alliance between the CIL and the LDP of Luthori. This alliance has maintained control of the nation for nearly three decades and, despite new parties receiving significant amounts of the vote, it continues to do so today.

Sir McCormack confirmed his Party's commitment to the alliance today in the Imperial Diet as he announced his Party's opposition to the Cabinet Proposal from the Luthori Tory Party.

In his unexpected speech to the Diet, he slammed the Luthori Tory Party for their comments in the Diet in September 2772 session, which he perceived to be disrespectful.

"After the way our negotiations were met by the LTP in the September 2772 Cabinet Proposal, we're reluctant to 'jump into bed' with the LTP so to speak. Our representative's words to the Imperial Diet were met with contempt and disrespect, traits which should not be a feature of Luthori politics. We do not believe the statement of our Secretary to the Imperial Diet was treated appropriately by our learned colleagues and that fact makes it difficult for us to even consider any sort of agreement between the two Parties."

He then went on to assert his, and the CILs, control of the nation's Government.

"The Luthori Tory Party belittles the requests of the LDP of Luthori as we have two - yes, just two - seats less than them in the Imperial Diet. What they do not appear to understand is that, although they may have the largest number of seats, they are not the official ruling Government of Luthori. The long-lasting coalition between the LDP of Luthori and the Constitutionalist Imperial League maintains its control of the Government and thus any negotiations over the Cabinet will take place between our two Parties. For this very reason, it seems ironic that it is the LTP making demands over what cabinet positions the LDP of Luthori should rightfully hold. Had the LTP treated our previous requests with the respect they deserved, the LDP of Luthori may have been more interested in a compromise allowing the LTP entry into the ruling coalition."

Sir McCormack ended with a valiant request to the Diet that they all work together, peacefully and respectfully, using his Party and the CIL as examples.

"To the Imperial Diet as a whole, the key message I am wishing to convey is that we must all treat each other and each others views with courtesy, respect and fairness. We cannot allow our disagreements over policy, power and politics to result in a disfunctional government that is unable to guarantee the safety, protection and welfare of our citizens.

One thing that I, as a member of the LDP of Luthori, have always held in great pride was the ability of my party to work so closely and happily with the Constitutionalist Imperial League despite some vast policy differences. Although we do not agree on certain policies, we are both committed to ensuring that all citizens of Luthori are happy, safe and free from oppression.

An ideal Diet would be one where all Parties could get along with such respect and courtesy.

The Constitutionalist Imperial League and the Luthori Tory Party are yet to respond to these statements. It is expected that the CIL will react positively to the LDPs show of commitment to their alliance, as they did in the September 2772 sitting. The response of the LTP, however, is a little less certain with some members of the media suggesting this could backfire on Sir McCormack and result in a war of words - a suggestion raised with him today:

"If that is the game they wish to play, so be it. I'm hoping that cooler heads prevail and that we all agree to disagree. The purpose of my speech to the Imperial Diet today is that there is no point harping on about this issue or about that issue. We need to agree to move on when we have differences and begin work on the next piece of legislation. I'm confident the Luthori Tory Party is with me when I say that all we want is to ensure that all our citizens are looked after to our utmost capabilities."

- Orange Daily-Sun
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Xanathos » Thu Jun 18, 2009 2:44 pm

Franz Jackson interview
Primetime, with Sean O'Hanell.

August 3rd 2773

I interviewed His Grace, Duke Franz of Geharon who appeared on our programm last night to talk about the current political climate as well as the start of his '76 campaign. Here is an abridged transcript of last night's interview.

His Grace responding to my question about the LDP's remarks.

SO:You have been kept out of the position of majority leader for some time in the League, ever since Sir Madison took over the elections. Obviously now, the Conservatives won the last elections with a particular resurgence of the religious right. What would you say, were the reasons why the LFMA lost?

FJ:Well Sean, the League was formed on a number of principles. One of them was liberty and the free market, which is a principle that the LFMA brilliantly grasped, but another was Luthori tradition, which is what defines our country, this I have said many times in the past. Sir Madison failed to understand the importance of tradition and of a parliamentary group representing tradition, which is why he lost the elections to the Tories, more than to the GCP.

SO:So its obvious we'll be seeing a shift towards a more traditionalist party?

FJ:Well yes and no. We wish to conserve the status quo on a certain number of issues and we also wish to push for reform in others. The League will be wanting to reassert the role of Judeo-Christian morality in Luthori affairs yes, we do not want to establish a theocracy, that's for sure (laughs). More importantly I think is our wish to express support to our military and to engage in more diplomatic relations with our allies. The LDP has done a brilliant job of negotiating with the Hobrazians, as has Sir Madison, but I noticed certain isolationist tendencies with the LFMA that voters also noticed. The League is a group interested in diplomacy and that wishes to be more active in international affairs, notably within the Axis Alliance. Those are concerns we will be addressing.

SO:Speaking about the Liberal Democrats, do you have any comments about Sir McCormack's speech, which was very supportive of the League?

FJ:Ever since our two parties became active in Luthori politics on the national level, the CIL and LDP have been allies. We were joint members of every cabinets since our founding and every Leaguer wishes to continue the close friendship we have with the LDP. On behalf of not only the Geharon Conservatives, but the whole League, I would like to thank the Liberal Democratic Party and to think Sir McCormack deeply, as a personal friend. I would also like to reiterate my congratulations to him for his membership in the Order of the Virtuous Heart, his merit is unquestionable.

SO:Finally, do you have anything to say about the Tory Party?

FJ:As the Emperor's representative in Luthori politics, I must say I am most dissapointed that the Tories have apparently refused to include the League in their cabinet proposals. I have the priviledge of being His Majesty's third cousin and I will not falter in my devotion to His service. We have started our 2776 campaign and we fully intend to recapture the seats we have lost.

SO:Your Grace, thank you very much for your time.
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Jay (LDP) » Thu Jun 25, 2009 6:39 am

2776 Elections - Coalition maintain power
5th November 2776

The people of the Holy Luthori Empire have again placed their trust in the ruling coalition which has held power independently for nearly twenty-eight consecutive years. The coalition, made up of the Liberal Democratic Party of Luthori and the Constitutionalist Imperial League, received 119 of the 200 seats available in the Imperial Diet. Further celebrations came as the Luthori Electoral Commission announced the LDP of Luthori had received the highest number of votes of any Luthori party - edging the Luthori Tory Party down to second.

LDP of Luthori Chairman, the Rt Hon. Sir Harry McCormack, was the first to comment on the result.

"Obviously, we're thrilled. Not only have we received more votes than any other party, we have maintained a majority in the Imperial Diet with our allies at the League. Yet again, the people of Luthori have put faith in our ability to govern this nation to success - and for that, we thank you all dearly. I know I am speaking on behalf of both the LDP of Luthori and the League when I say that we will do all in our abilities to maintain and improve upon the living standards, economic power and international success that our glorious Empire has witnessed of late. "

"This brings up an important issue, that being the rise of socialist-leaning parties in Luthori. Joining the Luthori Tory Party, which I have already spoken about, are the Rainbow Unicorn Party and the Social Justice Collective. Whilst the LDP of Luthori is in full support of true and fair democratic process, we have no intention of standing by and watching our great Empire fall to pieces. The LDP of Luthori - and I'm sure our allies will agree with us on this one - will not tolerate any attempts to destabilise or abolish the Imperial Monarchy nor will we allow radical economic reform to destroy our illustrious economic state. We're proud to say that the first attempts to radicalise our nation - the proposal to withdraw from the International Monarchist League - was opposed unanimously by the Imperial Diet. Our learned colleagues at the Rainbow Unicorn Party and the Social Justice Collective would be wise to re-consider their policy in regards to this matter. "

"Lastly, I wish to thank Zardugal Foreign Minister Kostandian for his kind words and offer of support to the ruling coalition of Luthori. Our great relationship with one of Terra's largest and most powerful nations is yet another acheivement of which sole credit must go to our coalition. Their offer of support will not go unnoticed and I would like to assure Mr Kostandian that we at Luthori will do all in our power to repay him for his kindness and generosity."

"People of Luthori, we thank you for placing your support and trust in us at the Liberal Democratic Party of Luthori. We will not let you down."
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Re: Luthori Central News Network

Postby Xanathos » Mon Jun 29, 2009 9:10 am

Carrier Groups XI and XII moved to New Alduria

2778 Edition

Defense ministry spokesman Rear Admiral Edward Larkins announced that Carrier Groups XI and XII, presided respectively by the Sovereign class supercarriers HMS Warspite and HMS Endbringer would relocate to New Alduria from their current base in the Raj. The Rear Admiral has confirmed that these groups will not be joining an expeditionary force for the moment. The Admiral had the following comments to make: "This strategic repositioning should not be seen as an act of aggression. However, His majesty's government is worried about the deteriorating situation in the Pontesi protectorate of Gaduridos and does not wish to see Imperial Trade and Commerce harmed. Carrier Groups XI and XII are in new Alduria strictly for patrol and defense duties as an aadditional precaution."

This move considerably strengthens the Empire's military capabilities in New Alduria, which is much closer to Seleya than Namviet is. No government spokesperson has given any information on Luthori's stance in the conflict between Talmoria, Pontesi and Baltusia, however, trading lanes could be afffected by the conflict.

-The Williamsbrough Herald
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