Third Session of the Council of Majatra (Dec. 3522-3527)

Conferences, visits and other bilateral or multilateral meetings.

Re: Third Session of the Council of Majatra (Dec. 3522-3527)

Postby Nickmaster » Sat Aug 03, 2013 5:34 am

OOC:Lol yes I meant Watembo,honestly I find it hard to keep track of all these races

"What little white right there is is being abolished in the name of equality. I would not be so quick to say Deltaria has an "unblemished record" when it comes to human rights. The older among us might recall how many Deltarians were massacred in brutal ways during the Deltarian Czarist War. But of course you would disclaim this,because we are Obviousely your enemies,despite attempts to bury the hatchet. We down voted the bill that would sow even more racial tension than there was before, and we down voted a bill that we thought wouldn't help Mallans,or any other race for that matter. The delegate from Deltaria also conveniently overlooked the Justice Reform Bill,created earlier and also abolishing mutilation.

Judging from the Deltarian delegates' behavior,these "Truth Getters" won't be neutral in the least. We therefore propose multiple, different investigations. Results can be compared after."

Tijana Lukic
Foreign Minister,Republic of Cobura
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Re: Third Session of the Council of Majatra (Dec. 3522-3527)

Postby Dynastia » Sat Aug 03, 2013 5:49 am

We don't deny that many thousands of Deltarians were massacred during the Czarist War. They were massacred by the ruthless forces of the Republican traitors who blatantly discarded their 'democratic' beliefs and ignored the mandate of the Deltarian people, declaring war against the democratic process of Deltaria in a vile and self-serving attempt to keep their position of supremacy. These genocidal barbarians were, I might add, openly supported by the governments of Zardugal and Cobura. While we've forgiven your nation for her part in this wanton slaughter and butchery, we have not forgotten it. Once again, we object to your attempts to distract this august council with petty and falsified allegations towards Deltaria. We are a peaceful, democratic, freedom-loving nation, and the council surely will not stand for attempts by white-supremacist butchers to tar us with the same brush.

- Bogdan Slavko
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Re: Third Session of the Council of Majatra (Dec. 3522-3527)

Postby Nickmaster » Sat Aug 03, 2013 5:56 am

"Then help us move forward. Stop spreading the propoganda, and launch an investigation along with the IHRM and other groups. We don't need to waste any more time arguing."

Tijana Lukic
Foreign Minister,Republic of Cobura
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Re: Third Session of the Council of Majatra (Dec. 3522-3527)

Postby Dynastia » Sat Aug 03, 2013 12:33 pm

Deltaria is always ready to put her money where her mouth is. The Czargrad Veche is currently in the process of empowering a squad of investigators to enter Cobura and discover the truth of the matter, and to authorise a generous shipment of poverty-relief aid to the People's Liberation Front of Cobura, who we believe are the persons best suited to ensure it reaches the people who need it most. We find it shameful that months have gone past since the initial allegations were made, and the UMN still cannot even comes to an agreement on how best to investigate them. Considering these massive delays, we strongly encourage other UMN nations to donate whatever they can spare to the Coburan minorities without waiting for UMN approval or consensus. Thank you.

- Bogdan Slavko
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Re: Third Session of the Council of Majatra (Dec. 3522-3527)

Postby Nickmaster » Sat Aug 03, 2013 3:46 pm

"Cobura will agree to any investigations on the alleged racism. However,new information has shown that mutilation and torture are legal in Deltaria. This is not to draw attention away from us,nor to justify our position. But this is quite a hypocritical stance for Deltaria to take, and it will effect how we regard the Deltarian investigations on that matter.

The Coburan government will be fully committed to removing racism from the county. This is a promise"

-Tijana Lukic
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Re: Third Session of the Council of Majatra (Dec. 3522-3527)

Postby Dynastia » Sun Aug 04, 2013 9:40 am

We thank you for bringing this to the attention of the council. Deltaria has the most progressive and humane judicial system in the world, and we're pleased that other nations may scrutinise our methods and hopefully learn from them. We feel that incarceration of criminals is a shameful, archaic and punitive practice, and as such it is rarely utilised in Deltaria, except for the detention of suspects awaiting trial. Locking violent criminals in close proximity with one another merely encourages them to visit violence and brutality upon each other, and further hardens and desensitises them, making it quite unsafe and negligent to release them back into society, as our more barbaric neighbours are wont to do. Deltaria takes a purely rehabilitative stance towards the treatment of criminals ; we understand that some people, through no fault of their own, are biologically compelled towards acts of rape and violence, and therefore when all other attempts of rehabilitation fail we elect to humanely and surgically remove the organs and appendages which are responsible for the compulsion or ability to commit these foul acts. Rehabilitated Deltarian criminals are thus perfectly suited to be reintegrated into free society, quite often living long and happy lives free of any violent or unnatural urges, all thanks to the progressive policies of our caring and compassionate state.

As we consider national sovereignty to be sacrosanct, we have never before attempted to coerce our less enlightened and civilised neighbours into adopting our superior moral standards. But as you've brought it to the attention of this international forum, we feel you've given us an excellent opportunity to showcase our morally superior judicial practices to the rest of Majatra. Again, we thank you, and hope that in future we might see fellow Majatran nations following our lead in creating a larger international community that is unburdened by archaic, inhumane and retributive treatment of those they consider to be criminals.

With that said, we would ask the esteemed Gospodina Tijana Lukic why Cobura is heartlessly refusing to allow our generous offer of poverty-relief aid from reaching the marginalised Mallan, Majatran and Irkawan people? To watch the Coburan government shamefully neglect their most vulnerable citizens on the basis of their race is one thing, but to actively prevent charity from reaching them is another matter entirely. What benefit does the Coburan government see in this deliberate enforcement of the economic marginalisation of their minorities?

- Bogdan Slavko
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Re: Third Session of the Council of Majatra (Dec. 3522-3527)

Postby Leonardo222 » Sun Aug 04, 2013 10:19 am

May i thank you in behave of the Selucian government our neigbout of Cildania very much for its support. Our nation and oyur nation are siting in one boat.
We just may add, that we will provide the investgations with 15 civil servants from Selucia, as soon as the connecting law has been passed.
We see this as a valuable and important gesture to signale the community that we cooperating.

-Avitus Didacus
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Re: Third Session of the Council of Majatra (Dec. 3522-3527)

Postby AfroRastaman » Sun Aug 04, 2013 10:40 am

Pishoy Athrōf is the new representative of the Republic of Cobura


We are pleased to announce that the nation of Cobura is taking the first timid steps into implementing a genuine and free democratic state with equal rights for all, irrespective of ethnicity and skin color. For the first time in centuries, Cobura has Irkawan and Mallan ministers, and a majority of the cabinet belongs to the Coburan People's Liberation Front. We wish to thank the International Human Rights Movement, the Deltarian Human Rights Commission, the Brotherhood of Terror and Virtue, and Holy Deltaria for their strong support for the equality movement in Cobura. We also announce that the Deltarian Truth-Getters are more than welcome to enter Cobura, and we guarantee that their diplomatic pouches will not, under any circumstances, be screened with Geiger counters.

The struggle however is not over. Centuries of endemic discrimination, firmly rooted in Coburan society and culture, do not end overnight, with the grant of a few cabinet portfolios. In fact, our struggle intensifies. We will use the material and moral support given by the international community as weapons against racism. We will do our utmost to kill and eradicate every last vestige of discrimination, and we will not rest until every man, woman, and child of Cobura has learned the values of equality and democracy.

We thus plead to this august body, and to the international community at large, to no longer tolerate the cancer of racism and discrimination. The Augustan and Tokundian minority rule may be on its way out, but their supporters are still countless. We ask for the assistance of all Majatran nations in eradicating this plague.
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Re: Third Session of the Council of Majatra (Dec. 3522-3527)

Postby Dynastia » Sun Aug 04, 2013 11:14 am

You have the full support of Holy Deltaria, noble sir. We can only hope that you will purge backwards-thinking racism from Cobura with a Purity Of Essence, equal to the cleansing fire of ten thousand suns. You sir, as they say in foreign parlance, are the Bomb! And I've learned to stop worrying and love The Bomb. You am become Progress, devourer of worlds. Mallans, Irkawans and Majatrans must stick together, like the very foundation of all matter, which the Kalopians say is unsplittable. It would be devastating if such a thing were to split. The minorities of Cobura must fuse together and start a chain reaction, to see the expansion of their people mushroom into the clouds.

- Bogdan Slavko
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Re: Third Session of the Council of Majatra (Dec. 3522-3527)

Postby AfroRastaman » Sun Aug 04, 2013 9:02 pm

Fellow nations of Majatra, this is a sad hour for Cobura and her struggle for peace and equality. As all of you undoubtedly know, the city of Amkä in Domale, or as the white man calls it, Forteco, was the victim of a nuclear terrorist attack. Make no mistake, the perpetrator is obviously none other than the People's Representative Party, the Augustan and Tokundian white supremacist dictatorial organization that until recently ruled the entire nation with an iron fist. The attack on Amkä was a clear act of genocide, a brutal attempt to silence the Mallan, Irkawan, and Majatran people of Cobura. The PRP is willing to go to any length, including the murder of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians, just so it can maintain itself in power.

Clearly, the time for words and senseless bickering has ended. Cobura can no longer afford for the nations of Majatra to point fingers and accuse each other, while innocent Coburans die because of hate. We beg of you all, help Cobura in her hour of need. Zardugal, Deltaria, Jakania, whoever, please, end this genocide of my people. If the nations of Majatra are unable to help us, then we will be forced to take matters in our own hands. Innocent human lives are at stake. RIP, Amkä!

Pishoy Athrōf
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