Global Peacekeeping Organization (GPO)

Organisations involving national governments as members.

Re: Global Peacekeeping Organization (GPO)

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat May 23, 2009 9:13 am


After careful debate between the members of the well structured and responsible Leadership Board of our beloved organization, it was decided almost unanimously and will full support that the position of the Grand Secretariat will be handed once again within the rankings of the Kalopian administration, effectively returning our master headquarters to its original land of origin.

We have been assigned, with great pleasure, to announce you that the new Grand Secretariat will be Mr. John Aristocrat of the Kalopian Regime Coalition. Moreover, the official headquarters building of the GPO will be once again reinstated in Polykratos, inaugurating a new age of peacekeeping efforts from our powerful organization.

Further announcements will be made by the Grand Secretariat himself, pending his inauguration as the new leader.

Thank you,
Jane Goodwin
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Re: Global Peacekeeping Organization (GPO)

Postby GreekIdiot » Mon May 25, 2009 5:01 pm


In our attempt to secure peace throughout Terra, various secret and therefore threatening organizations, have used certain characterizations to tag our beloved organization. It has fallen under our attention that the Axis Alliance has been accusing us of cooperating with the so-called Nova Terra, an elaborate matter on which the GPO never produced or confirmed any stance. Irregardless, we feel it to be quite an amusing a fact, since the Axis Alliance, a supposedly huge and powerful organization, despite despising us and clearly ignoring us, has constantly and continuously fallen under the category, which we personally like to call "annoying protesters". We shall not play the Chairman's childish game and hope that they will refrain from wasting their time accusing us and rather go off and act their nasty totalitarian attitude somewhere else.

John Aristocrat, in response to the Chairman's irrational accusations that need spell-checking
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Re: Global Peacekeeping Organization (GPO)

Postby GreekIdiot » Wed May 27, 2009 12:32 pm


How bitter facts appear in front of our televisions, or even on top of stacked papers. How a truly normal and quite relaxing day can turn into a nightmare. With great displeasure I am obligated by my ethics to announce to you all, GPO supporters or not, allies or foes, that the Global Peacekeeping Organization, thanks to the attempts by both malicious secret organizations that threaten world peace and by the bureaucratic UNT that has cast a senseless web of formality upon the international world, has been steadily walking towards the path of total demise. Yes, our humble leadership board has been reduced to Kalopia and Kafuristan. The shapers and grand idealists of the Global Peacekeeping Organization have all perished, leaving nothing but cold truth and ashes traveling sorrowfully in the wind. We shall continue, however, to increase our influence, our struggle for peace and stability to be stacked upon the higher values we shall effortlessly serve, and restlessly shall we enforce them!

John Aristocrat
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Re: Global Peacekeeping Organization (GPO)

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat May 30, 2009 8:25 am


The minimum scale crisis between the Kafuri rebel groups and the official authorities of Kalopia has ended, thanks to our beloved and strongly rising organization, who's peacekeeping intentions effectively restored order and stability in those regions, helping the wounded and rebuilding villages. The Second Military Command has been broken, as its services are no longer required. All troops will be led by GPO military officials to their governments.

I have arranged a special meeting with fellow administrators from Kafuristan, in order to negotiate and debate about certain bureaucratic matters entangling our rankings. More announcements will be made soon.

John Aristocrat
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Re: Global Peacekeeping Organization (GPO)

Postby GreekIdiot » Wed Jun 03, 2009 1:03 pm


The Peace Troops treaty is officially declared invalid. Only the GPO Grand Legislation is required for membership.

John Aristocrat
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Re: Global Peacekeeping Organization (GPO)

Postby GreekIdiot » Sat Jun 06, 2009 6:18 am


Organizational headquarters moved from Polykratos, Kalopia, in Kafuristan. Construction underway.

John Aristocrat
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Re: Global Peacekeeping Organization (GPO)

Postby GreekIdiot » Fri Jun 26, 2009 5:34 am


By the authority granted by the GPO Grand Legislation I hereby form the First Naval Command to serve peacekeeping purposes of this organization and to promote stabilization wherever required. The FNC shall be consisted of several key elements of the Kalopian navy. The details shall be announced later today in public.

John Aristocrat
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Re: Global Peacekeeping Organization (GPO)

Postby GreekIdiot » Sun Jun 28, 2009 3:48 pm


The formation of the Northern Military Command of the Global Peacekeeping Organization will be initiated in Trigunia. The Northern Military Command shall be officially consisted of two aircraft carriers, with 24 fighters / bombers on board each of the two vessels. Four frigates and three battleships, all part of the Trigunian Navy, shall escort the two aircraft carriers.

The Northern Military Command, under my authorization, shall move to a desired location near Trigunian waters in order to perform a few exercising checks of all military equipment. Pending the completion of this procedure, more announcements with regards to the Northern Military Command's purpose and positions will be made.

John Aristocrat
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Re: Global Peacekeeping Organization (GPO)

Postby GreekIdiot » Tue Jun 30, 2009 9:54 pm


The First Naval Command has been ordered to relocate from just outside the national waters of the Imperial Lands of Kalopia to Barmenia by my executive, immediate order. I hereby officially declare that the GPO has entered an unofficial stance of preparedness during unique cases of war. All future operations by this organization will be conducted for the security of all innocent civilians around the world and the restoration of order and stability in various cases where peace and tranquility have been jeopardized and the administration calls it necessary for intervention.

The First Naval Command, its details already published in order to secure safe, recognized military international travel, shall head to Barmenia, in order to merge with the newly created military branch of the GPO in Barmenia and form the largest military command of this organization, which shall be officially named as the Eastern Peacekeeping Force. The military branch of Barmenia is currently consisted of a fully equipped army relevant to the size of 80,000 troops, which shall be transported via specially designed transports of the Kafuri Divine Navy. Armored trucks and tanks of the Barmenian Army shall also be used for the peacekeeping cause, by order of the Grand Secretariat himself, according to the GPO Grand Legislation. The military branch of Barmenia, along with the First Naval Command, shall be escorted by an additional number of frigates, ultimately equal to 21 in total, and 9 battleships as well. A disclosed number of submarines shall also accompany the Eastern Peacekeeping Force. An additional number of marine helicopters shall be supplied to the two aircraft carriers upon arrival of the Kalopian forces in Barmenian land. No more information is to be published at this time.

The creation of a second group, of the Task B of the Northern Military Command shall accompany Task A just outside Trigunian national waters. It shall be consisted of 2 submarines, of special Trigunian manufacture, and 4 frigates, along with another pair of battleships.

John Aristocrat
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Re: Global Peacekeeping Organization (GPO)

Postby GreekIdiot » Thu Jul 02, 2009 10:09 am


The Baltusian Western Front shall be formed in the Lindar Valley by an executive order of the Grand Secretariat. 370,000 men in total shall be positioned in Lindar Valley, in undisclosed locations, until further notice. Several armored vehicles and tanks shall accompany the BWF force. A number of fighter / bombers shall be called to service during the appropriate time of action as well.

John Aristocrat
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