
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.


Postby rep » Fri Apr 10, 2009 3:46 pm

The RNN is Rutania's largest media trust having its centre is the Ardinian city, Hayek.
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Re: Rutanian News Network

Postby rep » Sat Apr 11, 2009 11:41 am

Spectacular Elections

On the 11th of July 2739 crucial elections were held in our country. The newly emerged, mainly leftist parties challanged the governing Classical Liberal Coalition for Rutania (REP + OP). Nevertheless, the citizens again trusted in the expertise of the CLCR, the coalition obtaining around 54% of the popular vote. Lord Klausenburg (REP) won the presidential elections and started his 6th mandate.

The Rutanian Heritage Party kept its second position with 28% of the popular votes. Among the newly created parties, only the United Left enterred the Federal Parliament with 18%.

Thus the composition of the Federal Parliament is as it follows: CLCR - 160 seats (REP - 89, OP -71); RHP - 82 seats; UL - 53 seats.

After the publishing of the results Lord Klausenurg and Kelly Brogan, the leaders of the Coalition started a discussion about the policies and decision which are to be made in the following years.
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Re: Rutanian News Network

Postby tdurden21 » Tue Apr 14, 2009 12:08 am

Republican Elitist Party Introduces Anti-Nova Terra Legislation

Radio Broadcast:

Leaders of Rutania's ruling coalition have endorsed a proposition by government officials to label Nova Terra as a terrorist organization. This legislation would also require any Rutanian party to immediately withdraw from and denounce Nova Terra. The bill is expected to be opposed by the Rutanian Heritage Party, a far-right nationalist party, however, CLCR leaders are confident that the RHP will comply with the bill and leave Nova Terra.

This bill comes on the coattails of the Voryag incident and the Lodamun/Luthori quarantine of waters between the two nations. Rutanian ships are currently complying with the quarantine and diplomatic support from the Commonwealth is expected for anti-NT governments. The Rutanian people have learned what Nova Terra is capable of after seeing the New World Order on their doorstep in Aloria during the Silvershirt occupation.

This is Frank Braum, for the RNN, signing off.
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Re: Rutanian News Network

Postby tdurden21 » Tue Apr 14, 2009 1:55 am

Kelly Brogan and Prime Minister Clay Raymond Announce Orange Party's Intentions

Mrs. Brogan earlier today spoke of the Duties of Man, God, and morality in Rutanian politics. Her wish for the Orange Party is to return to its Protestant roots and to help all men to fulfill their purpose in life, as she says, their Sacred Duty. This is an excerpt from her speech to Orange Party supporters:

"The Orange Party has historically been a libertarian-leaning liberal party with conservative moral values. The party has tried to not use the outlet of government to promote their Protestant, morally conservative values throughout the nation. Under Audley Cooper, the party saw these values become secondary in an attempt to unite the country against anarchist threats. President Cooper was a devout man, of that there can be no doubt, but he did not believe the party should push its moral and religious views upon the people of Rutania.

"A new era is coming upon Rutania politics, however. The freedoms of the people have been established, and protected. The government exists solely for this purpose, to protect and defend the liberty of the people, and the Constitution that guarantees those rights. That is what Audley Cooper spent his entire political career trying to do. We need not to forget our purpose on Terra, however, our Sacred Duty--to make better all Humanity. That Duty lies in God and His divine will. We were founded as a Protestant party because we believe in salvation for all, and that through God's will we can make Terra a better place.

"The threat to our duty, our purpose, our freedom, at this moment comes from the radical Nova Terra. This organization pushes aside God's and puts material gain above all else. Material gain is not our purpose in life. Material gain and rights are a means to an end, they enable us to help our fellow man, to free him from his bonds and help him to take up his Duty as well."

Prime Minister Clay Raymond also expressed his desire to not only continue the coalition with the Republican Elitist Party, but to make the bonds between the parties stronger:

"We have so much in common, it only makes since that we continue working together. Our goal is for a freer, better Rutania--a Rutania that can help all mankind, a beacon of liberty, of freedom. Our goal is to make Terra a better place to live. The CLCR is the most effective coalition Rutania has seen in a long time, we work well together, we represent the interests of the people as best we can."

He had this to say of the Nova Terra issue:

"Obviously we want to avoid any kind of a conflict. That may be wishful thinking, but that's what we're trying to do. Diplomacy is always Rutania's first course of action. President Lord Klausenburg and Defense Minister Cooper have been working overtime to make sure that Rutania is a safe place to live. We want to curtail the threat Nova Terra poses, but we also don't want to impose upon the freedoms of the Rutanian people."
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Re: Rutanian News Network

Postby rep » Tue Apr 14, 2009 10:36 am

The President decorates the Minister of Defence

On 1. January 2741 in the Presidential Palace, Lord Klausenburg decorated Mr. Bill Cooper with the traditional Silver Cross of Rutania. This is the second most valuable decoration which can be given by the President of Rutania.

In his agumentation Lord Klausenburg stated that:
"Mr. Bill Cooper is one of Rutania's most skilled and most active politicians. Mr. Cooper had an enormous contribution to the safety and prosperity of the Ruatanian people. I consider him a good friend and a professional collegue. I hope he will follow the path of his brother and one day, perhaps he will be the President of Rutania. Certainly he has all the abilities to accomplish this.
I am honoured to give the Silver Cross of Rutania to Mr. Bill Cooper. Congratulations!"

After the decoration the leading politicians of Rutania took part in a dinner organized in the Great Hall of the Presidential Palace. Some sources say that the President, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Raymond, Mrs. Brogan and Mrs. von Bruckenthal discussed for long hours about the current political affairs, mainly the terrorist attack on the UNT buiding, the Lodamun blockade andt the Nova Terra. The Speaker of the Presidential Office, Mr. Andreas Martinuzzi did not confirm nor infirm these information.
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Re: Rutanian News Network

Postby rep » Wed Apr 15, 2009 12:59 pm

The "visible hand" of Nova Terra in Rutania

As we have broadcated earlier the Classical Liberal Coalition for Rutania issued an anti-Nova Terra legislation, according to which all of the Rutanian parties would have a hostile relationship with this organization.

However the legislation is blocked by the Rutanian Heritage Party, member of the Nova Terra. In a recent declaration the leadership of the RHP stated: "We would be prepared to change our stance on this issue if the 'REP' were to promise not to make attempts for Rutania to provide military assistance against the Nova Terra organization, and to remain neutral in all matters of the United Nations concerning the organization. If the 'REP' would be prepared for Rutania to stay neutral on the aforementioned issues, we will agree to withdraw from the Nova Terra, and comply with this legislation. If the 'REP' choose to go ahead with their campaign against Nova Terra, and if this were to be taken too far, the consequences may be far more severe than the 'REP' realize."

In response the REP declared that the measure demanded by the RHP would imply that Rutania is a coward and weak nation and is afraid of the "wrath" of the Nova Terra. The REP and President Lord Klausenburg are not willing to betray Rutania in this manner.

The debates on the anti-NovaTerra bill is not closed. The RNN will keep you informed.
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Re: Rutanian News Network

Postby rep » Fri Apr 17, 2009 7:44 am

The conflict between the CLCR and the RHP continues

After pretending that it is willing to make a compromise, the representatives of the RHP displayed a more arrogant attitude. The president of the party, Scott Wesley demanded that Runania must give up any anti-NovaTerra stances. He declared in a message sent to President Lord Klausenburg that his party did not support the anti-terrorist legislation, nor the NATO ratification act. Moreover the RHP initiated the withdrawal form the United Nations of Terra. These moves were all based on the view that this would ensure the security of Rutania.

As the representatives of the Orange Party pointed out, the adoption of this proposals would result in completely converse situation. The Presidencial Office did not give an official declaration. The silence of the President can mean many things. We hope that it would mean something extremely beneficial for Rutania.
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Re: Rutanian News Network

Postby rep » Sat Apr 18, 2009 7:30 pm

Frauded elections

The Rutanian Heritage Party, the puppet-party of the Nova Terra, won the Presidential elections after an electoral fraud. The parties of the CLCR asked for the repetition of the elections.

The new President, Scott Wesley have already started to give dictatorial orders without consulting the Parliament. This caused huge outrage in the leadership of the other parties.
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Re: Rutanian News Network

Postby rep » Sun Apr 19, 2009 8:37 am

Another victory of the CLCR

After 5 months of illegitimate rule the power of the RHP was underminde by the CLCR. The early elections brought back Lord Klausenburg to the presidential seat. The early elections were also supported by the PSLM, social-democratic party, that observed the threat caused by the Nova Terra puppet-party.

Mrs. Victoria von Bruckenthal, the leader of the REP and the President of the Parliament declared: "This is another triumph of democracy in Rutania lead by the Coalition. We managed to annihilate the anarchist threat, and now we proceded the same way with the threat coming from the extreme-right. Rutania proved again that it is committed to the liberal and democratic values. We also have to thank to our collegues in the PSLM, who proved to be a reliable partner and defender of democracy."

Lord Klausenburg, thus starts its seventh mandate, and is one of the most popular politicians of Rutania.
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Re: Rutanian News Network

Postby rep » Sun Apr 19, 2009 6:24 pm

Historical Moment in Rutania

Today, the Federal Parliament of Rutania voted in favour of the Anti-Terrorist Act, initiated by the Republican Elitist Party. After the voting, President Lord Klausenburg said a few word in front of the MPs:
The Federal Parliament of Rutania had voted in favour of the Anti Terrorist Act.
Thus, with my prerogatives given by the People of Rutania, I declare the Nova Terra a terrorist organization.
I solemnly demand the Rutanian Heritage Party to cut its bonds with this organization in the spirit of the law.
I, hereby, declare the Commonwealth of Rutania a country completely free from the menace of the Nova Terra.
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