National Conservative Organization (paleoconservatives)

Organisations involving national governments as members.

National Conservative Organization (paleoconservatives)

Postby alman » Fri Jun 26, 2009 11:58 pm

National conservatism has many names: paleoconservatism, traditionalist conservatism, economic nationalism but its core philosophy remains the same. The NCO represents the protectionist, anti-imperialist conservative front.

At its heart, the NCO opposes open borders immigration, free trade, entangling alliances, and offensive warfare. The NCO favors hard line social conservatism and cultural traditionalism. While not all parties subscribe to extreme laissez-faire economics, the NCO is in staunch opposition to communism. While not all parties are republican, the NCO is in staunch opposition to totalitarianism.

Protectionism and anti-imperialism has generally been the domain of leftist organizations and political parties. The NCO wishes to finally give voice to the right-wing counterpart of these organizations. If your party is a conservative that doesn't favor unfettered free trade and interventionism, then the NCO welcomes you.

The NCO shall organize here in an effort to further promote and spread its philosophy across Terra. If your party wishes to join, simply post here and/or join the party organization. Also, a one-line description of your party's politics will suffice. For example, my party is paleoconservative, but also monarchist and devolutionist. However, it is entirely possible to be a republican paleoconservative. My party is also an environmental skeptic, but environmentalism is not incompatible with paleoconservatism.

List of members:
Nationale Partei (Hulstria): the National Party is a 'paleoconservative,' pro-royalist, pro-devolution party in the Imperial Crownlands of Hulstria.
Rutanian Heritage Party (Rutania)

Recommended party organizations (besides this one):
World Peace Society (anti-war)
National Sovereignty Protection League (anti-globalism, pro-sovereignty)
Traditionalist Conservative Federation

Organizations to avoid:
Global Aggressive Military Alliance (imperialist)
Radical Nationalists (imperialist)
Socialist International
Posts: 8
Joined: Sun Jun 07, 2009 9:46 pm

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