
National news threads that host the key national news outlets for each of the game’s countries.

Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby pentalarc » Wed Feb 18, 2015 1:59 am

Joint Release of KNN (Kalistani News Network) and KROWN (Kalistani Revolutionary Original World News)

The Fifth Crisis has begun in Kalistan. The RFP is in full Revolutionary Mode, and the Kalsitani Emergency Government is active.

The Kalistani Emergency government has declared the current invaders claiming to be in charge of Kalistan are Invalid Fascist Invaders and enemies of True Kalistani Culture.

More details will follow.

A statement from the Kalistani Emergency GOvernment -- Socialist=Libertarian Anarcho-Monarchists

Long Live Kalistan
Death to Fascism
In the Spirit of Emperor Patrick II (Patrick the Martyr ) Arise and Defend True Kalistani Culture.
All Hail the Violet Rose.
Kalistani Survivor: Outplay, Outwit, Outlast

Right now, in an Alternate Dimension, Superman is Denying People Water

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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby pentalarc » Wed Feb 18, 2015 2:06 am

As reported by: KNN (Kalistani News Network) and KROWN (Kalistani Revolutionary Original World News)

Approved for release by the Krown Council of Kalistani Culture

A release by the RFP KEG-SLAM

The Kalistani Emergency Government (KEG) is fully in effect, and fully active.

The Aquarius Society, February Guard, Circle of the Violet Rose, the Kalistani Association for Order and Security (K.A.O.S.), the Kalistani Libertarian Army for World Socialism (K.L.A.W.S.) the Polytheist Army of Nature (P.A.N.), and the People's Imperial Guards of the Socialist Libertarian Anarcho-Monarchists (S.L.A.M.) are mobilizing and will never surrender until we have freed Kalistan of this Fascist threat.

The Clark Facilities are gathering supplies.

We have united under the banner of Emperor Charles-Ivan IV, Charles Ivan Ananto, Emperor of Kalistan, King of Razek, Count Palantine of Old Davon, Lord of the Quicksilver Throne, Defender of True Kalistani Culture.

No House but House Ananto, the Eternal Royal Imperial House of the People of Kalistan shall ever reign over our great nation.

We shall never bow to Fascism.

True Kalistani Culture shall never fall.

Freedom is Mandatory
There are No Exceptions.

We have declared the Fifth Crisis. The Eternal Revolution of the Defense of True Kalistani Culture shall not end until fascism is eradicated. We will save our beloved country from your clutches.

We shall mobilize tonight, when The Ballad of Patrick the Martyr is heard on the radio.

Long Live Kalistan!
Death to Fascism!

Marcus-Veritas Huduin-Ananto, Revolutionary Freedom Party Leader.


End of Broadcast, Good Night

All Hail the Violet Rose
Kalistani Survivor: Outplay, Outwit, Outlast

Right now, in an Alternate Dimension, Superman is Denying People Water

Carmine, I request permission to hit Ragano
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby pentalarc » Wed Feb 18, 2015 2:10 am

As reported by: KNN (Kalistani News Network) and KROWN (Kalistani Revolutionary Original World News)

Approved for release by the Krown Council of Kalistani Culture

A release by the Kalistani Emergency Government

The Kalistani Emergency Government hereby declares that the Armitage-Dickinson government is an invalid, Fascist Occupying FOrce.

All true Kalistanis will resist, and True Kalistani Culture will prevail. There will be no surrender to Fascism.

As the government is currently invalid, the Kalistani Emergency Government is te true government of Kalistan

Death to Fascism


End of Broadcast, Good Night

All Hail the Violet Rose
Kalistani Survivor: Outplay, Outwit, Outlast

Right now, in an Alternate Dimension, Superman is Denying People Water

Carmine, I request permission to hit Ragano
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby pentalarc » Wed Feb 18, 2015 2:17 am

As reported by: KNN (Kalistani News Network) and KROWN (Kalistani Revolutionary Original World News)

Approved for release by the Krown Council of Kalistani Culture

A release by the Kalistani Emergency Government

The following people are delcared Enemies of the State of Kalistan, Enemies of the People, and Enemies of True Kalistani Culture:

Michael Armitage
Mara Dickinson
Raymond Matthews
Gustav Gaines
Richard Clark
Agatha Anderson
Pjotr Baker
Jack Jones
Stephan Johnson
Fritz Williams
Julia Jones
Allan Clark
Wilfred Roberts
Joachim Williams


End of Broadcast, Good Night

All Hail the Violet Rose
Kalistani Survivor: Outplay, Outwit, Outlast

Right now, in an Alternate Dimension, Superman is Denying People Water

Carmine, I request permission to hit Ragano
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby pentalarc » Fri Feb 27, 2015 7:41 pm

As reported by: KNN (Kalistani News Network) and KROWN (Kalistani Revolutionary Original World News)

Approved for release by the Krown Council of Kalistani Culture

A release by the Kalistani Emergency Government

KNN News

Protesters have surrounded the Presidential Residence in POrt Davon, where Michael Armitage has established himself as a hereditary president for for life after cancelling elections for head of state. Additionally, the fascist invaders, working under the name of the so-called Kalistan Conservative Party have locked the establishment of a cabinet by investing said power solely in Armitage, who has, of course, refused to allow the formation of a cabinet, keeping instead a set of KCP puppets for a council.

"This tyrrany goes against everything we stand for in Kalistan" stated assistant organizer Andrea A. Andrews.

End of Broadcast, Good Night

All Hail the Violet Rose
Kalistani Survivor: Outplay, Outwit, Outlast

Right now, in an Alternate Dimension, Superman is Denying People Water

Carmine, I request permission to hit Ragano
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby pentalarc » Thu Mar 05, 2015 7:29 pm

KNN News

A Press Release on Behalf of the Revolutionary Freedom Party (RFP) and Kalistani Emergency Government

The fascists have been routed. We declare today, February 4th to be the first of a new yearly holiday, Victory Day.

We now begin the task of restoring OUr Great Nation.

Long Live Kalistan

end of report.
Kalistani Survivor: Outplay, Outwit, Outlast

Right now, in an Alternate Dimension, Superman is Denying People Water

Carmine, I request permission to hit Ragano
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby LukasV » Sat May 23, 2015 8:11 pm

Corporate Movement Gaining Traction in Kalistan
-May 18th, 3850
Story by George Findlay, Columnist
Frederick de Vries is the Movement's prospective candidate for the Presidential Office.

-Lova, Neveras

The tumultuous political scene of Kalistan welcomes another member to its fold as the Corporate Movement, a new organization largely focusing on education, science, and finance, gains momentum. Largely unknown in the public eye until March, the Corporate Movement, or CMK, has burst onto the scene, in reaction to the Revolutionary Freedom Party's failure in addressing the socio-economic issues plaguing Kalistan for the past several decades. With the United Fascist-Communist Front picking away at the RFP's stranglehold on the nation, the Corporate Movement stands a good chance of at the very least getting a foot in the door for future political discourse.

At the forefront of the new party's political manifesto lies a complete overhaul of Kalistan's education system, to a point of destabilizing the nation's entire social system. While many analysts believe that the implementation of this system would be largely beneficial to Kalistan's educational systems, laying down the foundation for a social revolution within the nation, others are skeptical of the costs, both financial and social, of adopting such an extreme structure, fearful of its consequences should it fail.

"Our ideas are quite daring, yes." says Frederick de Vries, the presidential candidate and spokesperson for the Movement. "However, we see their application as being wholly beneficial to Kalistan, and by extension, the world. We will write Kalistan into the history books as a great and learned nation of scholars, professionals, and experts in their respective fields. This is only the beginning."

Some question the financial backing of the CMK, observing that a majority chunk of their funding and sponsorship originates from the Byss Corporation, or ByssCorp. The multinational biotechnology giants, head-quartered in Valruzia, have had a shadow cast over them since their attempted coup of the Valruzian government almost 3 centuries ago. Doubtless, Kalistan will be vigilant of any corruption arising from the Valruzian company.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Kubrick » Fri Jul 31, 2015 1:50 am

Dudmani "Justice Party" enters national politics
One goal: implement the Dudmanwali as the law of Kalistan.

Baseer Olaysar, leader of the Dudmani movement.

February 3884 - After thousands of years of inactivity the Dudmani in Kalistan have finally risen. The minority in both Kalistan and Aldegar rarely involve themselves in politics, if they do it is only on a local level. The tribal people mostly keep to their own in their Dudmani societies, abiding to their ancient ethical code; the Dudmanwali. Yet now a group of influential Dudmani's, mostly chiefs of the major tribes, have banded together under the guidance of Baseer Olaysar. Olaysar is what the Dudmani consider a noble, the men from his family have been chiefs of his tribe for more than a thousand years, Olaysar is also a respected businessman in the Dudmani community. His wealth and influence have given him the possibility to enter national politics, and he has taken it with both hands. "We have always lived by ourselves, with Khudai (God) protecting us and the Wali safeguarding our way of life. But there is so much more, our society is peaceful, progressive, honourable and a success. If we bring this to all of Kalistan then we could bring great progress and order to all the Kalistani people." The traditionalists wish to implement the Dudmanwali as the law of the nation. However they are likely to have resistance from both the established political party and the other new secular People's Party.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Polites » Sat Aug 01, 2015 2:51 pm

People's Party Rises
Secular conservative nationalists form party

Neha Kaur Chopra, founder and leader of People's Party

A new political party was formed not long after Baseer Olaysar founded his Dudmani movement, campaigning for a united and isolationist Kalistan. The People's Party of Kalistan was formed in March 3884 by Neha Kaur Chopra, a local political activist from Vrassa, who says she joined central politics because she wanted to see a restoration of True Kalistani Culture, threatened by fascism and separatism. The People's Party is strongly critical of the Dudmani party, which it accuses of separatism, tribalism, and of being an Aldegarian plot aimed at destabilizing Kalistan and expanding the Shahdom's influence to North Seleya by using Ezadi (OOC: Iranian) nationalism. Instead the People's Party campaigns for a strongly centralized Kalistan, the modernization of the nation's various tribal groups, and the removal of foreign influence of all kinds. Although Neha Kaur Chopra insists that her party represents the interests of all Kalistanis, irrespective of ethnicity or religion, critics were quick to notice that the party appeals almost exclusively to the Kalkalli (OOC: Hindustani) group, the largest in Kalistan.
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Re: Kalistani Republic

Postby Polites » Tue Aug 04, 2015 8:27 am

Temperance Movement in Kalistan
Kalistani movement wants to ban alcohol

Kalistanis enjoying a glass of fine Kalistani wine

July 3886 - Kalistan is famous throughout Terra for its fine wines and its high-quality brandy, being one of the major Terran exporters of alcoholic drinks, to the point that it has become a core aspect of Kalistani culture and national pride. For centuries the nation's flag has featured a bunch of grapes as its central symbol, and the Kalistani motto celebrates wine drinking with the Selucian phrase In Vino Veritas, "In Wine there is Truth". But after centuries of regulation-free state-sponsored sale and consumption of wine and other intoxicants, Kalistan has an alcohol problem. The nation is the heaviest drinker per capita on Terra, with more than 17 litres of pure ethanol consumed each year, and that in spite of the major religions of Kalistan prohibiting alcohol consumption. As the government does not prevent anyone from drinking, including children, the nation faces serious health issues stemming from its liberal alcohol policy, in addition to numerous cases of domestic violence associated with substance abuse. Reacting to this lax policy, a temperance movement is taking hold in Kalistan, campaigning for the prohibition or at least heavy limitation of access to alcoholic drinks throughout the nation. The two opposition parties, who do not see eye to eye on nearly every major issue, seem to be in agreement on this matter, but for different reasons; the People's Party sees excessive alcohol consumption as a societal problem, damaging public health and public morality while also affecting Kalistan's image on the international stage, while the Justice Party supports temperance for religious and cultural reasons. Whether the two hostile parties will manage to reach a common agreement and jointly ban alcohol will become clear after the January elections.
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