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Re: Hobrazian Broadcasting Corporation (HBC)

Postby Hobraze » Sun May 17, 2015 12:27 pm

Birth of a religion?
In Muzalkaz, Levan Bagrationi claims to be "the Light", an emissary of the Gods.

MUZAL K'ALAK'I, MUZALKAZ - Levan Bagrationi, CEO of Comalkaz, a telecommunication services in Muzalkaz, recently claimed to be "Sinat'le", the Light of the Gods. He claims 25,000 people are following him in Muzalkaz and even more throughout Hobrazia.

Priest Adam Gogoladze of Muzalkaz advocated "resistance against the false religions"

Government Representent Charged of Religion Ilia Mzhavanadze considered that "Hobrazia should recognize Sinat'leism as a legitimate religion and advocate a tolerant view. However some radical Hosian movements are now rising up against this new religion.

Edit : in the last census 55,000 persons were found to be following Sinat'leism, including 40,000 in Muzalkaz.
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Re: Hobrazian Broadcasting Corporation (HBC)

Postby Hobraze » Sun May 17, 2015 1:58 pm


The Hobrazian government issued an ultimatum to Malivia.

If Malivia does not send all Hobrazian nationals back to Hobrazia and does not become a Constitutional Monarchy ruled under a Personal Union by King Zurab I, then all Malivians in Hobrazia shall be executed and Malivia shall be invaded.
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Re: Hobrazian Broadcasting Corporation (HBC)

Postby Hobraze » Sun May 24, 2015 10:42 am

Sinat'leism on the rise

According to the new census, four years after its foundation, 800,000 Hobrazians now practice Sinat'leism. The government now sees them as a threat, and is now persecuting this cult. Most of the new followers were former Hobaists.
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Re: Hobrazian Broadcasting Corporation (HBC)

Postby Hitman » Thu Jul 23, 2015 2:42 pm

Hobrazia Elects Liberal President
October 3880

Prezidenti Topadze

Irakli Topadze of the Free Democratic Party has been elected Prezidenti of Hobrazia. The 40 year old journalist ran unopposed succeeding at his second attempt at the position. He previously ran in May wining only a handful of votes. Prezidenti Topadze has promised to implement the economically liberal manifesto during his five year term and has appointed a Cabinet filled with Free Democrats known to share his pro-limited government views. Topadze's manifesto included a promise to boost the private sector through a combination of large scale tax cuts and mass privatisation of state owned enterprises. He also promised to increase Hobrazia's trading opportunities by greater engagement with the rest of the world.
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Re: Hobrazian Broadcasting Corporation (HBC)

Postby Hitman » Sat Jul 25, 2015 6:58 am

Topadze Reaches Out To Malivia
August 3881

the Prezident's TV interview

Hobrazian Prezidenti Irakli Topadze has sent a message to the Malivian leadership proclaiming his intentions to improve the strained relations between the two neighbouring countries. The countries have had poor relations since the 3850's when a reactionary Hobrazian monarchy ill treated the Malivian minority in Hobrazia leading to the flight of several Hobrazian Malivians to Malivia. Prezident Topadze asked Malivia to consider removing economic and diplomatic sanctions it placed on Hobrazia in 3856. The Prezidenti has expressed his views that commerce and diplomatic engagement between the two countries is the only viable path to positive cooperation between the two countries. He repeated this during a HTV1 interview to the nation where he expressed full regret for the unacceptable human right abuses that the Hobrazian Malivians suffered in the Kingdom days.
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Re: Hobrazian Broadcasting Corporation (HBC)

Postby Hitman » Mon Jul 27, 2015 7:28 am

Party Divided On Mark
September 3882

A serious fracture in the Free Democratic Party has developed over the path forward on the adoption of the Mark The dispute over the Artanian Mark began when the Prezidenti announced that Hobrazia would henceforth conduct its international trade in the Artanian Mark, replacing the Lodamun Dollar. Few citizens object to this, it is however different in the Free Democratic Party. Within days of the announcement, 54 Assemblymen formed a new caucus in the National Assembly - the Crown Caucus named after the Hobrazian Crown currency. They denounced the Government's move as the first step towards phasing out the Crown and introducing the ARM, bringing in 'Dundorfic economic dominance'.

The Hobrazian National Assembly

Zviad Burjanadze the Assemblyman for North Zargundia said the Caucus was meant to defend the Crown as part of Hobrazia’s tradition and culture for thousands of years. He rejected the Prezident’s insistence on the trade advantages of using the Mark as secondary to 'preservation of the Hobrazian culture.' The Caucus is largely made up of ‘inland’ conservatives from the less prosperous inland regions, economic libertarians and national liberals who are deeply suspicious of the Artanian Union with Burjanadze calling it a ‘colonial enterprise’. The Caucus has said it will oppose any attempt to adopt use of the Mark in any manner and vote down any proposals that grant any powers to the Artanian Union over Hobrazia. Meanwhile, pro-Artanian Assemblymen would not be left behind and formed their own Artanian Caucus with 73 members.
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Re: Hobrazian Broadcasting Corporation (HBC)

Postby Hitman » Tue Jul 28, 2015 6:47 pm

Gomelauri: We won't Be Intimidated

Foreign Minister Gomelauri

Foreign Minister Davit Gomelauri has proclaimed that Hobrazia will not be stopped in its path of economic and political reform due to leftist terror. Gomelauri said recent events in Beluzia showed that International Communism is a danger to Hobrazia and only a prominent place in a strong Artanian Union could save Hobrazia from the 'red slave masters.' He said Hobrazia would push for strong diplomatic measures if the CDP or Beluzia show anymore aggression. Gomelauri boasted to investors at an investment summit in Astoria K'alaki about his country's new 16% flat income tax, extensive deregulation and rapid pace of privatisation of most state enterprises. Gomelauri is one of the most passionate pro-Artanians in the Free Democratic Party and a key ally of Prezidenti Irakli Topadze. He has dismissed the utterings of the Crown Caucus an Artanoskeptic parliamentary caucus as 'a song of paranoia'.
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Re: Hobrazian Broadcasting Corporation (HBC)

Postby PresMusharraf » Fri Jul 31, 2015 6:30 pm

Philos Roars into Office; Immediately Dismisses His Own Government
New Prezidenti Derrick Philos, who immediately dismissed his own government following his landslide victory.

October 3884, Astoria K’alak’i, Hobrazia

That Mr. Philos and his party, the Hobrazi Union (misspelled "Hobratzi Union" on the election ballots) were going to sweep into the government was a foregone conclusion during the emergency elections a few months ago. However, immediately upon taking control and seating all of his own members, a new scandal came forward that the party was the arm of a Malivian political party and that the election may have been a sham. While, realistically, Mr. Philos and his party would have probably weathered this storm with no issues (due to a lack of any form of political opposition), he instead opted to dismiss his own government and call for new elections immediately.

"It would be a crying shame to the Hobrazi...am I saying that right?..."Hobrazi"...not "Hobratzi?...if they elected someone who they weren't completely sure stood for their values," said Mr. Philos in a press conference held outside of the Presidential Estate in the capital, Astoria K’alak’i.

Many political commentators normally would have ignored such trivial moves by the government. However, the lack of ANY government over the past 4 years has made anything that even slightly smells like a political scandal worth commenting on.

"Personally, I think those Hobratzi's ought to leave the country and go back to Malivia where they came from," said Argus Fanipolos, an ultra-conservative commentator for Hobrazia is Dying. "He probably doesn't even really speak Hobrazi. Probably just speaks Dundorf all the time at home."

Many ordinary people on the street have hardly noticed a thing.

"We had a government?" asked one person this reporter interviewed on the streets of Astoria K’alak’i. "I'm sorry, I don't vote. The government doesn't actually do anything, do they?"

Indeed, with no popular outcry in support or against Mr. Philos and his now-Hobrazi Union, it was left to the leader of the party himself to perhaps give the most candid reason for why Hobrazia is facing new elections.

"I just like to win," said Mr. Philos. "We have an opportunity to not only win once but twice within the same calendar year? Gosh, that's got to be like a record or something."

OOC: This is my political spin on having my multiple accounts deactivated and the one account I wanted to use reactivated.
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Re: Hobrazian Broadcasting Corporation (HBC)

Postby PresMusharraf » Fri Aug 07, 2015 1:36 am

Derrick Philos Overthrown in Coup; New Leader calls for "End to All Governments"
Dimitri Sikofski, who overthrew Mr. Philos' Government, has ordered all Government to Cease Action.

(ASTORIA) - The HBC received information this morning that Derrick Philos, Prezidenti of the Free Republic of Hobrazia, was arrested this morning by General Dimitri Sikofski of the Hobrazian Armed Forces. The current condition of Mr. Philos is uncertain, although it is believed through numerous unverified reports that he is currently being held under house arrest in the Prezidential Palace in Astoria. The past few hours have been marked with chaos and confusion as the National Assembly followed up the arrest of Mr. Philos by voting itself out of existence, instead delegating the powers of national legislative bodies to local citizens' assemblies. Meanwhile, Gen. Sikofski has announced that the national government in Astoria has been shut down, as have local governments throughout Hobrazia. Instead, the General has called upon local citizens to form Citizen Councils so that problems of the state can be effectively handled.

"For too long, our great nation has suffered from a lack of government or from governments that have strong-armed their will onto the people," Mr. Sikofski said in the only press release that has been sent out since reports of the coup first surfaced. "We feel that there is no longer a need for a government. From this day forward, we are declaring an end to the Free Republic of Hobrazia."

The news of the coup was met with shouts of joy on the streets of Astoria as large groups of people stopped working in the middle of the day and began to parade through the streets singing an anthem they called "Hobrazian Union." It is believed that this very anthem shall soon be adopted as the new national anthem.

"I can't believe that this is finally happening," said one of the partiers. "I just thought that this government would keep itself in charge forever. The military has done what no one thought could be done. This is a great day for Hobrazia."

One person who was watching the festivities but not actively participating voiced his concern about the military's move. "Certainly, I am happy as these people are that the previous administration - that the whole government - has been brought down. But the fact that the military is the one who made the move, and the rumors that the General is putting himself in charge. It frightens me a little."

Indeed, rumors have swirled that General Sikofski plans to don the mantle of Supreme Commander as part of the transition process from a unitary state to a much more federalized system. The exact scope of what his powers will be is not yet clear, although it is believed that they will be quite extensive.

No word yet on whether this coup, which is being called the November Revolution, has any relationship with the current developments of similar government destruction that are occurring in Malivia.
Last edited by PresMusharraf on Tue Aug 25, 2015 10:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Hobrazian Broadcasting Corporation (HBC)

Postby PresMusharraf » Tue Aug 11, 2015 1:58 am

New Organization declared "Enemy of the People"
The flags of the newly re-formed Communist Party of Hobrazia (left) and the Hobrazi Union (right).

For the first time in over a decade, there is both a ruling party and an opposition. The announcement in recent days of the recreation of the Communist Party of Hobrazia has left political observes, who had already been in a bit of a tizzy about the entire government declaring itself dead, in a complete meltdown.

The announcement, however, did not seem to phase the Supreme Commander of the Hobrazian Union (and leader of the Hobrazi Union) Dimitri Sikofski.
"The Communists showed in the past that they wanted nothing more than to prop up a government that did not carry out the interests of the people and changed the rules of our nation on a whim. I believe I speak for the People when I say that we reject the notion that any political parties should exist in this free land - particularly, any party that would wish to recreate a government," said the Supreme Commander in a statement released to the press this afternoon.

"They should be considered nothing more than the Enemy of the People."

The People, however, seem to be quite divided over this most recent development with roughly half of the population now lining up in support of the Communists while the other half support the more anarchist-leaning Unionists. What is more, an upcoming election is still technically scheduled within a year for the People (that is, the legislative body under that name). What is more, legal scholars believe that the body, which was once called the National Assembly, is actually due to increase in size from 115 members to 250 due to a constitutional amendment passed during the administration of the Supreme Commander's predecessor, Derrick Philos.

There is some worry that these recent developments could lead to a major clash in Hobrazia. While some allege that the Supreme Commander is nothing more than a revolutionary dictator, others acknowledge that while in power, civil rights have mostly been maintained. Even the very fact that the Communist Party will be allowed to stand for these elections has been considered as sign that Mr. Sikofski can legitimately declare himself a benevolent overlord.

While there is a potentially bitter struggle between the two factions, it is unlikely that any structural changes will occur in the leadership. The Supreme Commander and the Hobrazi Union can only be replaced with a 2/3rds majority of the people calling for their removal. That seems incredibly unlikely. However, what is certain is that the Supreme Commander is about to have a check on his power - something that no one thought would come from within Hobrazia.

Meanwhile, rumors continue to circulate that the Supreme Commander is trying to hash out a last minute deal to enter into a military alliance with Malivia. Hobrazia recently voted to leave the Artanian Union and is looking for new allies.
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