A Battle Unseen

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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Reddy » Sat May 09, 2015 6:41 am

11:37 Director's Palace, Dawnstar, Bazileum, Pontesi

"There have been twelve attacks in the past two weeks in Elbanek, Gadurinova, Blackthorn, near Liviapolis and Makati," the Interior Minister reported to the King. Oh, that's a shame, just twelve. I paid for eighteen... the King's face however shone with anger and he wagged an accusing finger at Minister Rubenstein, "Why are you letting this happen!" the Minister, a tiny man flinched and stuttered, 'I-i-i-t's-ts-ts no-o-ot me. It's the s-s-satrapies, s-s-sometimes t-t-they d-d-don't ev-v-ven want to c-c-cooperate. H-Hodi'rakhi d-d-doesn't even have a detention policy yet so Jezk'ar militants are released almost as soon as they get arrested. Azorim won't even allow our agents to operate there." The King looked around the table, many of his Ministers appeared half asleep.

"Are you telling us that this radical federalism is only helping security threats???" Show a little more outrage. The King grabbed his Seal and threw it down forcefully. "We were misled! We thought the satrapies could handle these issues!" He grabbed a report and looked at a chart on it, commenting, "This report here tells us that our beloved Khanate of Dandratur is the only one to not experience any of these attacks. We wonder why this is so?" Minister Rubenstein answered, "Perhaps it is because your Sublime Majesty handles many of the affairs himself there."

Foreign Minister Taj Nrlk'ar who had said little in the meeting so far, piped up, "With the troubles in Selucia and a risk of another invasion, I would advise your Sublime Majesty to take measures to strengthen security cooperation and to ensure uniform development across other areas as well. Defence Minister Gracchi nodded vigorously as well as many other MinistersLook and sound hesistant The King massaged his jowly chin and shook his head slowly. "We don't know. This smacks of breaking our word to implement the form of federalism which we agreed on at the Constitutional Convention... We would have to appoint a Commission to investigate this properly. The security of our people must come first yet the sanctity of our words is sacred as well." And I know just the fools to appoint to that Commission The king glanced around the table and nodded, dismissing the Ministers.
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Kubrick » Sat May 16, 2015 12:40 am

7:21, Cenaculum Bellum, Domus Consularis, Auroria.

The atmosphere was joyous around the central meeting table, generals and ministers congratulated his father, the great Dictator, and toasted to his health and glory. Who had thought that his father, the famed businessman and shrewd politician was a good strategist as well? Well, the plan had been fairy simple but the way these men celebrated gave the impression that Caius Cassius Sophus was Augustus the Great reborn. Even he knew that these men anticipated the downfall of Hadriana, best to be on the good side of the Dictator in the coming time of peace. But some got brave with all the Canrillaise sparkling wine flowing.

"Dictator, if I may, I dare say that we should push, push, push! Now is the time, we got the woman with her panties down on that socialist rock of hers. Be done with it, I say!" Several drunks and daft individuals cheered in support. "Kill the woman!", "Destroy the traitors!". But Caius Cassius Sophus remained vigilant. "No! Why would we risk the lives of our servicemen and women? We can starve her out! She has no fleet to speak of, we got her surrounded. We wait and they surrender.. or die waiting." A few elder generals nodded in support but then the politicians spoke. "But Caius," said Tiberius Marcius Dives, "what should the people think? The craven Sophus lurked on his own islands while the liberator starved to death. Make an example of her, slaughter their troops and show the people of Selucia what happens to those who defy the Republic. And you speak of saving lives but you sacrificed hundreds if not thousands of loyalists in that trap of yours on Oleria." Several of them loudly agreed, obviously thinking ahead for their political careers. If the elder Sophus was re-elected or remained in power they would keep their jobs as well. Now the Dictator was torn, he trusted Dives. He had often said that to him, that the gens Marcia of the clan Dives were the only true friends of the Cassia Sophia.

"Fine!" barked Sophus at last. "Then we shall march, meet her on the field. I will show her who knows best. I made all of this happen, none of you educated generals got the Republic this far, none of you damn ministers and "career men". No, it was just me and my cunning. I will show the Republic what happens when you try to oust me from power, what happens when you try to rise above me!" He ended the speech with another large bang on the meeting table. "Inform the legions and the fleet, in a few weeks we will bring her down." Men cheered, wiser men objected but Caeso just sat there in disbelief. Even the fool knew this was folly.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Polites » Sun May 17, 2015 11:30 am

14:23, local governor's palace, Leona

The room was lightly lit and was given a majestic and triumphant appearance. Hadriana sat on her makeshift throne, flanked by imposing lictors carrying fasces, making her look nearly regal. The former Consul herself was dressed in Consular clothing, bearing a golden laurel crown. Azizus whispered into her ear: "Another one wants to talk to you, domina. A local businessman". Hadriana nodded, and signaled with her hand. The guards opened the doors, allowing the next of Hadriana's new servants to enter. "Speak your name and your purpose" Hadriana commanded. The man, dressed in a simple white toga, immediately bowed down to her new master. "May the... divinity look kindly upon you, domina. May God... uh the Gods smile upon your triumph, and may he... uh... they they grant you victory over all your enemies!" he mumbled, clearly frightened by the imposing lictors and their axes. "Get to the point, scum! I have a nation to liberate", she ordered with annoyance. "Yes, yes domina, please forgive your servant. I am Lucius Tullius Vorenus, and I have come to seek your protection, oh triumphant one, and to pledge my loyalty to you." he replied, with visibly fake flattery. "Oh get up, you mumbling fool. I accept your submission" Lucius' eyes brightened with joy, as he thought himself and his trade safe. "Oh thank you, domina. You are too kind. I shall sacrifice thee bulls or sheep or whatever the gods want for you!". "Good", she replied, "as guarantee of our generous protection, I ask only that you donate a symbolic sum to the cause, say 20 million". Lucius' face turned pale. "Twenty million?! Domina, I... uh... thank you for your generosity and kindness! I ... will gladly offer my support for the liberation of Selucia..." "Excellent. I expect the payment until the Kalends, if you value our protection, of course". Vorenus bowed deeply, although one could suspect by the look of terror in his eyes that he'd rather have lost his life than all that money. He was immediately escorted outside the room and the doors were locked.

"If I may have a word now that we are alone, domina?" Genzius asked, receiving only a slight nod as an answer. "I have word from Auroria that the cinaedus will invade Oleria". Hadriana's face lit up. "Then he is a bigger fool than I thought. I shall have to reward however gave him that idea. Prepare the defenses then, Genzius. And let the People's Army know that their revolution will be successful". Genzius bowed to her commander. A war veteran himself, he knew that the woman's military prowess could surpass that of some of the best generals the Republic had to offer. All would be over soon, and his domina would soon hold her triumph in Auroria.
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Kubrick » Sun May 17, 2015 9:41 pm

3:48, a safehouse of the Scutum company, northern Corgana, Selucia.

Unlimited funds gave unlimited opportunities. And if Sophus et Dives Incorporatus had anything, it was unlimited funds. The corporation was everywhere, visible and hidden. That and the expertise of Legatus Zhtál, who had fled and hidden from the post-war governments of the Jelbic War, made it possible for Caius Cassius Sophus to slip away in the darkness and end up here.. in a moldy safehouse. Well, it had running fresh water, a toilet, an assortment of food, candles and a rather large bookcase. It was good enough for now. Soon they would come pick him up, transfer him overseas to one of his mansions. The years of investing, money laundering and shipping valuables had yielded Caius Cassius Sophus billions in LOD's overseas, away from the prying eyes of the Senate and Interpol. He sighed and stroked his stubble. He should have never left the comfortable world of his company. He was good at what he did, investing, leading, gambling, doing financially questionable things. He smiled at the past memories, at the good times. Politics had been a different game. Again he had gambled, he had reached for the stars. But clearly he had reached too far. Why had he allowed himself to be roused up by those traitors and dogs? He should have starved the woman. Not that it mattered, it was too late now. At least he could say he had been one of the world's most powerful men for a few years. Now he was only one of the richest men of the world. He chuckled, grabbed a dusty book on Temrkai's War and read away at candle light.

Knocks at the door woke him up, the candle was only a stump and the book was on his lap. He must have dozed off for an hour or so. He stood up from the old and creaking bed, it was rather difficult. Father Time was finally catching up with Caius Cassius Sophus it seemed. He staggered over to the door and looked through the slit. He recognized the man, a Scutum officer. He let him in. "When are we leaving overseas?" he asked. The man smiled but his eyes spoke sadness. Caius felt a shiver up his spine, something felt off. "Never, sir." He moved aside his jacket to show the gun holstered on his belt and slowly put his hand on the grip. Caius nodded, he understood. "I lost the game." he said, sitting down in an old leather armchair, facing his soon to be executioner. He looked up to the man, his line had confused him a little. "Did she send you? I never knew she would have the funds to buy my men." The man took the pistol out of the holster and reached for the inside pocket of the jacket to grab a silencer, slowly screwing it on. "No, sir." he said, finally breaking the silence. Caius was confused. "Who, then? Pray tell, it is all I wish to know before I go." The man cocked the pistol. "Tiberius Marcius Dives." His dearest friend. Pain tore at his heart and a tear ran down his cheek. Then there was only darkness.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Maxington » Mon May 18, 2015 2:20 am

6:45 PM, Outside the Residence of the Minister of Finance, Northern Skalm.
"Alright Team, We're gonna be raiding the House of the Minister of Finance, Thanks to Whilste-blowers we found that he has been using the states money for personal use". Whsipered Sergeant Ravn Helsing of the Kazulian Nasjonal Polititjeneste (KNPS). "The drone we sent in shows that he is inside of his bedroom asleep, How's about we wake him up?"."Yes sir". Whispered his team of Constables. "Good, We're gonna be going in at two entrances, The Front Door and the Back Door". The Team would hit their helmets together before they'd get themselves into position. The Front Door Team would have been lead by Sergeant Helsing and the Backdoor team would have been lead, Hardus Oyen a Former Home Guardsman. One of the Constables would bring up an explosive attached onto a long stick, setting it onto the door, the Explosive would detach from the stick, as it would be stuck on the front door. In the Back Door Team, they'd do the very same as the front door team. After 5 seconds later, the explosive would explode making a loud noise which would echo through out the quiet neighbourhood. Soon after the explosion blast cleared up Both Team entered the House. Voices would be heard shouting, "Trekk! Trekk!"(Move, Move)'. Minister Ellis Ludvigsen would immediately awaken after hearing the explosion, He'd sprout out of his bed searching for his small revolver. The Back door team would make their way up to the 2nd Floor using the backstair, these stairs would lead them into the end of the hallway on which Minister Ellis Ludvigsen's bedroom was on. The Front Door team would make their way up to the 2nd Floor, Looking at the Back Door team and using hand signals. A breacher from the Front Door Team would swiftly run to the bedroom door wheilding a shotgun, with the blink of an eye he'd set a shot to the door handle. As he does that Sergeant Ravn Helsing would move infront of the door with a riot shield which he had taken from one of the constables. He'd kick the door open with a blow from his right foot. His team would move in first, followed by the second team. Both Teams would be staring at the fightened Minsiter with the revolver in hand. "Minister Ludvigsen, I'm gonna need you calm down and put the gun on the floor". As He said that immediately Sergeant Helsing would see red lasers moving on the Minister's Chest as He'd know that his team would be ready to open fire on the man. "Who do you think you are bursting into my house!?". As He said those words, Berdinus Wollum, Police Prosecuter of the Northern District of Skalm would enter just wearing a Bulletproof vest and a wheiling a pistol in his holster. "Ellis Ludvigsen, you are under arrest for Abuse of Powers, High Treason and Using State Money for your own personal pleasure". Two Constables rushed towards the Minister whilst he was distracted, slamming his body onto the floor, removing the revolver from his grib. The Constables would send him into handscuffs before walking the Minister out of his house. Camera crews would be flashing their cameras at the Minister, neighbours could have been seen shocked to see the Minister being arrested. "Money and corruption Litter this Nation, they spoil the working man, demolish his family, his life, We are here to change that". Sergeant Helsing said before sending Minister Ludvigsen into a police transporter. "It's a jungle out there and the hunt is on". Stated another Constable."It sure is",responded Sergeant Helsing.
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Reddy » Mon May 18, 2015 3:40 pm

19:49 Aldegaria Historical Archives, Aldegaria

“Do not despair, father, we are closer than we were a year ago.” The boy is both wise and correct. Yet... The Satrap gave his son a tired smile. They had been poring over the ancient scripts for hours together, looking for any mention of the city of Aldegaria. His mind however was on the great goal of the Hirinids. Last year election results had not surprised him. He was actually very happy that the movement had won control of three of the five Satrapies in Aldegar even if it failed to capture the presidency. Yet the socialist Constitution was as centralised as any could possibly get. The Satrapies had some say in higher education, libraries and local police units but that was very little to do, giving him much time to finish his book on the history of the queen city Aldegaria. As Satrap of Kemoku, he has unrestricted access to the city archives.

“We will win next year to be sure, son.” the Satrap said to his son. Will we win enough though? The Satrap doubted that. He dared not sound out to foreign friends for any help. The charge of treason was always so near. The south, conservative as ever, has been fastest to welcome the potential return of monarchy. The fire priests sang shrilly at their fires about the wickedness of socialism and secularism. Still, it was not all bad, his satrapy’s budget and that of his allies' satrapies, modest as they were, allowed him to reward some of his stalwart supporters and enable them to continue by his side. Democracy, he chuckled to himself. It always hands out the tools to undermine itself.

A spat with the national government over his decision to hand over some surplus funds to charity organisations had left him the champion of the poor against the national government. The people were tired of socialism, he sensed, and ready for any alternative. They would look around and all they would find was him. Re-energised, the Satrap returned to his scripts. He hoped to finish his book before his son Bal's wedding later next year. The 21 year old would, in the tradition of the old Shahanshahs, wed his half sister Amestris in a grand wedding in the queen city. Royal weddings always bring out the best kind of delusions in people . Once the delusions take charge, the election's ours to lose.
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Kubrick » Wed May 20, 2015 10:07 am

19:19, the domus of Tiberius Marcius Dives, Auroria, Selucia.

The old man croaked but it was clear he was trying to laugh, he was stroking his pale white beard while doing it, Caeso felt immensely uncomfortable at the sight of this man. The old man thought he did not know but Caeso knew, he knew how Tiberius Marcius Dives had betrayed his father. He also know how Agrippa had objected and that Aulus tried his best to ignore all the background scheming. "Young Caeso, soon we will avenge your great father, for his legacy and for the Republic as they would say in that old Senate hall." He croaked again, coughing heavily after. Caeso smiled softly and nodded. "Your friendship shall never be forgotten, Tiberius Marcius Dives. Nor your treason." The old man's eyes flashed and looked up to him, the coughing stopped and he wiped his mouth with a linen cloth. He sounded more serious than Caeso had ever heard him before. "What treason do you speak of, Caeso? Tread carefully now." Caeso looked around him, the house was empty except for them and his lictors outside. "The betrayal and murder of my father." To his surprise Tiberius smiled and chuckled. He held up his hands. "You got me. I removed a dying man from his misery. For the greater good that was, as you know deep in your heart, Caeso. It made you the richest man in Selucia and now Hadriana seems to trust you as well. Thanks to me, me!" Caeso shook his head. "Your betrayal began long ago when you convinced my father to assault Oleria." A trinket of sweat appeared on the fossil in front of him. Caeso did not await a response and knocked on the door. Four lictors barged in, Tiberius objected but they dragged him away nonetheless. He would not wash up on some beach in Corgana, he would never be found again. He would not make the same mistakes as his father and Tiberius.

22:05, the domus of Caeso Cassius Sophus, Auroria, Selucia.

"Aulus, good you could come, Agrippa you too." He nodded and shook the hands of both men, guiding them to the lavish benches in his living room. "Bad and good news for our cause, my friends. Firstly the bad news, which will come as a shock to you Agrippa. Your father has fled the country shortly after I confronted him with his treason. I thought it was polite to give him the chance to leave or be arrested." Agrippa nodded but did not seem to mourn the "departure" of his father. "No matter, Caeso, he had your father killed and plotted his downfall. It was his work that set us back, then again, he also got us together." Aulus Fortunus, the flamboyant professor nodded in approval. "We must move forward, not look backwards." Caeso sat down on the bench opposite to them, not laying down in the traditional Selucian fashion. "I have gained the trust of the Dictatrix, I often remark how I mourn the passing of my father but that I despise his actions, I keep a low profile otherwise and support her moves on every front. Now I think some Scutum men can disguise themselves as lictors and accompany me to a private meeting with her. With some clever moves they could subdue her lictors and assure the dictatorship falls forever." The other men nodded, Aulus mumbled "long live the Republic." Agrippa asked, "When is the time?" Caeso rubbed the stubble on his chin. "April."
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Polites » Thu May 21, 2015 12:06 pm

12:17, Via Imperialis, Auroria, Selucia

Auroria's main road was devoid of traffic, making the city look uninhabited, drawing all attention to the dictatorial convoy on its way from the Domus Consularis to the Senate. The twenty-four lictors all carried the traditional bundle of rods and axe, symbol of the Republic's authority, in addition to the less symbolic but more deadly Quinctilium 92 Sclopetum, their standard sidearm. In their midst walked the Dictatrix, wearing the official toga picta and her laurel wreath. Only one person could be seen on the Via in addition to the twenty five. An old beggar, of Barmenian origin judging by her appearance, was on the side of the road with her hand extended. The Dictatrix raised her arm, ordering the convoy to stop, while she approached the old lady unaccompanied. She had always tried to show herself as the champion of the people, a lie she often told herself and which even she sometimes believed; if anything, that was the image she tried to project and which she had her sycophants proclaim. The Dictatrix produced a small silver sesterce, which she placed in the old woman's hand. The woman looked up, and upon seeing her benefactor she turned red with rage. "The curse of Caecilia is upon you! Bastet damn you to hell!". Startled by the old woman's shouting, Hadriana took two steps back with a look of confusion on her face. The old woman continued to speak, this time with more composure. "The gods of the underworld promise you this, Octavia. You will join them no later than the Kalends of April!" The lictors rushed to shield the Dictatrix from this apparent threat. Back in their midst, the Dictatrix resumed her walk to the Senate house. Though her face portrayed calm and mild amusement, perhaps for the first time in her life she was afraid.
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Reddy » Fri Jun 12, 2015 5:12 pm

01.45 Apostolic Palace, Dolinka, Papezsky States

“There’s a way to achieve both aims,’ Lubomir said softly. My brother always has strange ideas Tankréd thought as he regarded him with fierce brown eyes. “Really, how so?” Lubomir shook his head in mockery, “That’s the problem with you, you never read anything. I on the other hand have spent weeks studying the Holy Office.” Many had been surprised when the Papez made Tankréd 'the nephew' instead of Lubomir who had a doctorate in theology. Tankréd on the other hand, finished his three year BA after seven years of struggle.

Tankréd ruminated on the name the Holy Office.A Kardinal Nephew ought to know this. Tankréd wracked his brain but finally gave up, “What’s the Holy Office?,” he asked Lubomir,who smirked and replied, “Only the biggest money maker ever and great at ridding a state of dissenters.” Lubomir frowned and finally sighed, saying, “The Holy Office of the Inquisition, idiot.”

A chill ran through him. Tankréd reacted as any Deltarian would have. The Inquisition was no joke. Yet he still couldn’t see how it was a moneymaker. To him, it seemed to be all about weeping people being questioned while red hot Egelian boots twisted their feet. Lubomir shook his head, tsk-tsked and explained, “The property of the heretics would be seized by the State, and anyway, so many who are merely accused would be willingly to donate their life savings to be excused of the processes, the Egelian boots and the Markiz’s daughters and such. There are more 20 million heretics in Deltaria alone. Processing just 1% of them could bring revenues of anywhere up to 2 billion LOD. It’s a veritable goldmine.” With a gleam in his eye, Lubomir continued, “We could be richer than the old Czars or maybe even the Karavs. The wealthiest Princes of the Church certainly.”

Tankréd thought about it. I never wanted to be 'the nephew', they made me. I preferred to be a Baron. I might as well as make the best, and most out of it. The uncomfortable and eternal thought returned, as it always did. When Uncle di...goes, who knows what will happen. It’s best to begin preparing for the slim years ahead while we have a bumper harvest. Tankréd glanced at his brother and answered, “I will talk to Uncle.” With a slimy smile on his face he added, “We would not want heretics running around, now, would we?”
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Re: A Battle Unseen (OOC: First Person RP)

Postby Kubrick » Sun Jun 14, 2015 11:44 am

03:44, the mansion of Prince Kezkai, Banstill, Vanuku.

"No! I will not have it." the old Prince lashed out against his sons. "We will not go beg for help from foreigners, there is no dignity in that." Prince Lazr scowled but his elder brother Prince Juhn was braver, he sneered at his father. "Because there was so much more dignity in sitting at the Sage-King's table and eating his food as a guest for decades while Vanuku burned." He looked between his brother and his father, the boiling anger on the face of his father said enough, Juhn had gone too far. But his father seemed to regain control of himself. Proud and stubborn as he was, he still knew his son was right. "The Republic was a mistake. Our donations were a mistake, those socialists just squandered it on useless projects. But the dissolution of the Khaganate was not a mistake. The stain of bloodshed can never leave a man. Is that not right, Vibius?" They all turned to look at the other silent man in the room. Vibius Bankier, Selucia's most wanted terrorist, although they knew him as Ignis, the fire. The Yeudi just grunted.

Many exiles and fortune-seekers had flocked to their cause, just like when his grandfather had waged war against the Zardic dogs. The last remnants of the Heirs of Ariel had agreed to fight for them on the guarantee that a new Vanuku would enjoy religious freedom and a strong autocratic regime. Whatever that meant, he had accepted their offer himself. His brother may be the heir, he was the diplomat. Prince Lazr broke the silence. "But father, if we not ask help from the Indralans or Deltarians, who else will come to help our cause?" His father smiled. "Wait and see, young one, the national-socialists may have taken away their titles but the nobles are still around. All the clans will rise up once they hear of our great victory in the capital." They all nodded but none of them were certain.
"see yah i think kubs is right" ~Zanz

"I’m pretty sure your buddy Kubrick was upset he couldn’t just resort to his old ways" ~Auditorii

"You can blame Polites and Kubrick for that nightmare" ~Doc
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